# Gambas Form File 3.0
{ Form Form
Text = ("The Game of Life")
Icon = Picture["glob2-icon-48x48.png"]
Resizable = False
{ Panel1 Panel
Border = Border.Plain
{ Label3 Label
Font = Font["Bold,+2"]
Text = ("GameOfLife")
{ Label7 Label
Text = ("The Game of Life")
Alignment = Align.Left
{ PictureBox1 PictureBox
Picture = Picture["glob2-icon-48x48.png"]
{ Label4 TextLabel
Font = Font["-1"]
Text = ("Written in Gambas
\nby Iman Karim
\nand BenoƮt Minisini\n
\nThanks to the Gambas team!") } } { dwgGame DrawingArea MoveScaled(31,1,93,93) Background = &HFFFFFF& Border = Border.Plain Cached = True } { Button1 Button MoveScaled(1,26,29,6) Text = ("Spawn First Generation") } { Slider1 Slider MoveScaled(1,44,29,4) MinValue = 20 MaxValue = 1000 Step = 10 PageStep = 50 Value = 20 } { tmrEvolution #Timer #MoveScaled(39,20) Delay = 300 } { togEvolution ToggleButton MoveScaled(1,33,29,6) Text = ("Start Evolution") } { lblDelay TextLabel MoveScaled(1,40,25,4) Text = ("Evolution Delay: 20ms") } { TabStrip1 TabStrip MoveScaled(1,49,29,45) Count = 2 Index = 0 Text = ("Survival") { chkEight CheckBox MoveScaled(2,36,20,3) Text = ("8 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkSeven CheckBox MoveScaled(2,33,20,3) Text = ("7 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkSix CheckBox MoveScaled(2,30,20,3) Text = ("6 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkFive CheckBox MoveScaled(2,27,20,3) Text = ("5 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkFour CheckBox MoveScaled(2,24,20,3) Text = ("4 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkThree CheckBox MoveScaled(2,21,20,3) Text = ("3 Neighbours") Tristate = True } { chkTwo CheckBox MoveScaled(2,18,20,3) Text = ("2 Neighbours") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.None } { chkOne CheckBox MoveScaled(2,15,20,3) Text = ("1 Neighbour") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { chkZero CheckBox MoveScaled(2,12,20,3) Text = ("0 Neighbour") Tristate = True Value = CheckBox.True } { TextLabel1 TextLabel MoveScaled(1,1,25,10) Text = ("Select the Count of Neighbours where a cell will die or keep its state.") Alignment = Align.Top } Index = 1 Text = ("Options") { TextLabel3 TextLabel MoveScaled(1,1,26,12) Text = ("Set here the probability that a Cell will be born or not when you spawn the first Generation.") Alignment = Align.Top } { Slider2 Slider MoveScaled(1,14,25,4) Value = 50 } { Label1 Label MoveScaled(1,18,7,3) Text = ("Alive") } { Label2 Label MoveScaled(19,18,7,3) Text = ("Dead") Alignment = Align.Right } { chkBorder CheckBox MoveScaled(1,36,24,4) Text = ("Draw cell borders") } { chkSmall CheckBox MoveScaled(1,24,24,4) Text = ("Small generation") } { chkSymetryV CheckBox MoveScaled(1,32,24,4) Text = ("Vertical symetry") } { chkSymetryH CheckBox MoveScaled(1,28,24,4) Text = ("Horizontal symmetry") } Index = 0 } }