/*************************************************************************** gb.form.picture.h (c) 2000-2007 Benoit Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __GB_FORM_PICTURE_H #define MAX_KEY 255 #define STOCK_PREFIX "icon:/" #define STOCK_PREFIX_LEN 6 /*************************************************************************** #define LOAD_IMAGE_FUNC Name of the global function that loads an image. #define IMAGE_TYPE Datatype of the internal image type. #define CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_MEMORY(_image, _addr, _len, _ok) Creates an image from data stored in memory. #define DELETE_IMAGE(_image) Deletes an image. #define CREATE_PICTURE_FROM_IMAGE(_cpicture, _image) How to create a CPICTURE object from the internal image type. #define GET_FROM_STOCK(_name, _len) Returns an image stored in the internal library stock. #define GET_FROM_CACHE(_key) Returns the CPICTURE object associated with the specified key in the cache. #define INSERT_INTO_CACHE(_key, _cpicture) Insert the CPICTURE object into the cache, under the specified key. #define APPLICATION_THEME The application theme string. ***************************************************************************/ static GB_FUNCTION _stock_get_func; static bool init_stock() { static bool init = false; static bool error = false; if (init) return error; if (!GB.ExistClass("Stock")) { error = true; } else { error = GB.GetFunction(&_stock_get_func, GB.FindClass("Stock"), "_get", "s", "Picture"); init = true; } return error; } bool LOAD_IMAGE_FUNC(IMAGE_TYPE **p, const char *path, int lenp) { char *addr; int len; bool ok; char *path_theme; int pos; *p = 0; if (APPLICATION_THEME && lenp > 0 && path[0] != '/') { pos = lenp - 1; while (pos >= 0) { if (path[pos] == '.') break; pos--; } GB.NewString(&path_theme, path, pos >= 0 ? pos : lenp); GB.AddString(&path_theme, "_", 1); GB.AddString(&path_theme, APPLICATION_THEME, GB.StringLength(APPLICATION_THEME)); if (pos >= 0) GB.AddString(&path_theme, &path[pos], lenp - pos); ok = !GB.LoadFile(path_theme, GB.StringLength(path_theme), &addr, &len); GB.Error(NULL); GB.FreeString(&path_theme); if (ok) goto __LOAD; } GB.Error(NULL); if (GB.LoadFile(path, lenp, &addr, &len)) { GB.Error(NULL); return FALSE; } __LOAD: CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_MEMORY(*p, addr, len, ok) GB.ReleaseFile(addr, len); return ok; } static CPICTURE *get_picture(const char *path, int len) { CPICTURE *pict = NULL; char key[MAX_KEY + 1]; GB_VALUE *value; IMAGE_TYPE *img; //fprintf(stderr, "get_picture: %.*s\n", len, path); snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s\n%.*s", GB.CurrentComponent(), len, path); pict = GET_FROM_CACHE(key); if (!pict) { #ifdef GET_FROM_STOCK img = GET_FROM_STOCK(path, len); if (img) { CREATE_PICTURE_FROM_IMAGE(pict, img); } else #endif if (len >= STOCK_PREFIX_LEN && strncmp(path, STOCK_PREFIX, STOCK_PREFIX_LEN) == 0) { if (len == STOCK_PREFIX_LEN) goto __RETURN; if (init_stock()) goto __RETURN; GB.Push(1, GB_T_STRING, &path[STOCK_PREFIX_LEN], len - STOCK_PREFIX_LEN); value = GB.Call(&_stock_get_func, 1, false); if (value->type >= GB_T_OBJECT) pict = (CPICTURE *)((GB_OBJECT *)value)->value; if (!pict) goto __RETURN; } else { LOAD_IMAGE_FUNC(&img, path, len); if (!img) goto __RETURN; CREATE_PICTURE_FROM_IMAGE(pict, img); DELETE_IMAGE(img); //if (img) // fprintf(stderr, "CREATE_PICTURE_FROM_IMAGE: %p (%d %d)\n", img, img->width(), img->height()); //if (pict) // fprintf(stderr, "CREATE_PICTURE_FROM_IMAGE: -> %p (%d %d)\n", pict, pict->pixmap->width(), pict->pixmap->height()); } INSERT_INTO_CACHE(key, pict); } __RETURN: //fprintf(stderr, "get_picture: -> %p\n\n", pict); return pict; } static void set_picture(const char *path, int len, CPICTURE *newpict) { char key[MAX_KEY + 1]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%s\n%.*s", GB.CurrentComponent(), len, path); INSERT_INTO_CACHE(key, newpict); }