' Gambas class file Private $aSize As Float[] = [1 / 4, 1 / 3, 1 / 2, 2 / 3, 3 / 4, 1] Private btnApply As CButton Public Sub sldResize_Change() Dim W, H As Integer With FMain.GetCurrentImage() W = .W * $aSize[sldResize.Value] H = .H * $aSize[sldResize.Value] End With lblSize.Text = Format($aSize[sldResize.Value], "0%") & " - " & W & " x " & H End Public Sub _new() btnApply = New CButton(Me) As "btnApply" btnApply.Move(Me.W - 48 - Desktop.Scale * 2, Desktop.Scale * 2, 48, 48) btnApply.Image = Image.Load("ok.png") End Public Sub Form_Open() Me.Center sldResize.SetFocus sldResize_Change End Public Sub btnApply_Click() Dim W, H As Integer With FMain.GetCurrentImage() W = .W * $aSize[sldResize.Value] H = .H * $aSize[sldResize.Value] End With FMain.Stretch(W, H) End Public Sub Form_KeyPress() If Key.Code = Key.Enter Or If Key.Code = Key.Return Then btnApply_Click Stop Event Return Endif FMain.Form_KeyPress End