' Gambas class file Export Class Desktop Static Property Read Key As String Static Private $cConn As New Collection Static Private $aConn As String[] Static Private $sKey As String Static Public Sub Exist(Name As String) As Boolean If $cConn.Exist(Name) Or If Exist("../.connection" &/ Name & ".connection") Then Return True End Static Private Sub Init() Dim sFile As String If $aConn Then Return $aConn = New String[] For Each sFile In Dir("../.connection", "*.connection") $aConn.Add(File.BaseName(sFile)) Next End Static Public Sub _get(Name As String) As Connection Dim sPath As String Dim hFile As File Dim hConn As Connection Dim sLine As String Dim aLine As String[] Dim bPassword As Boolean Init() If $cConn.Exist(Name) Then Return $cConn[Name] sPath = "../.connection" &/ Name & ".connection" If Not Exist(sPath) Then Return hConn = New Connection hFile = Open sPath While Not Eof(hFile) Line Input #hFile, sLine If Left(sLine) = "#" Then Continue If Left(sLine) = "[" Then Continue aLine = Scan(sLine, "*=*") If aLine.Count < 2 Then Continue Select Case LCase(aLine[0]) Case "type" hConn.Type = UnQuote(aLine[1]) Case "path", "host" hConn.Host = UnQuote(aLine[1]) Case "port" hConn.Port = UnQuote(aLine[1]) Case "database" hConn.Name = UnQuote(aLine[1]) Case "ignorecharset" hConn.IgnoreCharset = LCase(aLine[1]) = "true" Case "user" hConn.User = UnQuote(aLine[1]) Case "rememberpassword" bPassword = LCase(aLine[1]) = "true" End Select Wend Close #hFile If bPassword Then If Not Component.IsLoaded("gb.desktop") Then Error "gb.db: warning: "; Application.Name &/ Name; ": unable to retrieve connection password: gb.desktop component Is required" Else Try hConn.Password = Desktop.Passwords[Application.Name &/ Name] If Error Then Error "gb.db: warning: "; Application.Name &/ Name; ": unable to retrieve connection password: "; Error.Text Endif Endif Endif $cConn[Name] = hConn Return hConn End Static Public Sub _next() As Connection Init() If Not Enum.Index Then Enum.Index = 0 If Enum.Index >= $aConn.Count Then $sKey = "" Enum.Stop Else Inc Enum.Index $sKey = $aConn[Enum.Index - 1] Return _get($sKey) Endif End Static Private Function Key_Read() As String Return $sKey End