/*************************************************************************** image_stat.c (c) 2000-2017 BenoƮt Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __IMAGE_STAT_C #include #include #include "image_stat.h" const char *IMAGE_error = NULL; static const char _sign_gif[3] = { 'G', 'I', 'F' }; static const char _sign_bmp[2] = { 'B', 'M' }; static const char _sign_jpg[3] = { 0xff, 0xd8, 0xff }; static const char _sign_png[8] = { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a }; static const char _sign_tif_ii[4] = { 'I', 'I', 0x2A, 0x00 }; static const char _sign_tif_mm[4] = { 'M', 'M', 0x00, 0x2A }; static int stream_seek(IMAGE_STREAM *stream, int pos, int whence) { switch (whence) { case SEEK_CUR: if ((stream->pos + pos) >= stream->len) return 1; if ((stream->pos + pos) < 0) return 1; stream->pos += pos; return 0; case SEEK_SET: if (pos < 0 || pos >= stream->len) return 1; stream->pos = pos; return 0; default: return 1; } } static int stream_read(IMAGE_STREAM *stream, void *addr, int len) { int lmax = stream->len - stream->pos; if (len > lmax) len = lmax; memcpy(addr, stream->addr + stream->pos, len); stream->pos += len; return len; } static int stream_getc(IMAGE_STREAM *stream) { if (stream->pos >= stream->len) return EOF; return (uchar)stream->addr[stream->pos++]; } static ushort read_ushort(IMAGE_STREAM * stream) { uchar a[2]; /* returns 0 if we hit the end-of-file */ if((stream_read(stream, a, 2)) < 2) return 0; //fprintf(stderr, "read_ushort -> %d\n", (int)(((ushort)a[0]) << 8) + ((ushort)a[1])); return (((ushort)a[0]) << 8) + ((ushort)a[1]); } static int get_ushort_at(void *pshort, int big_endian) { if (big_endian) return (((uchar *)pshort)[0] << 8) | ((uchar *)pshort)[1]; else return (((uchar *)pshort)[1] << 8) | ((uchar *)pshort)[0]; } static signed short get_short_at(void *pshort, int big_endian) { return (signed short)get_ushort_at(pshort, big_endian); } static int get_int_at(void *pint, int big_endian) { if (big_endian) return (((char*)pint)[0] << 24) | (((uchar *)pint)[1] << 16) | (((uchar *)pint)[2] << 8 ) | (((uchar *)pint)[3] << 0); else return (((char*)pint)[3] << 24) | (((uchar *)pint)[2] << 16) | (((uchar *)pint)[1] << 8 ) | (((uchar *)pint)[0] << 0); } static unsigned get_uint_at(void *pint, int big_endian) { return (uint)get_int_at(pint, big_endian) & 0xffffffff; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool handle_gif (IMAGE_STREAM * stream, IMAGE_INFO *result) { uchar dim[5]; if (stream_seek(stream, 3, SEEK_CUR)) return TRUE; if (stream_read(stream, dim, sizeof(dim)) != sizeof(dim)) return TRUE; result->width = (uint)dim[0] | (((uint)dim[1]) << 8); result->height = (uint)dim[2] | (((uint)dim[3]) << 8); result->depth = (dim[4] & 0x80) ? ((((uint)dim[4]) & 0x07) + 1) : 0; return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool handle_bmp (IMAGE_STREAM * stream, IMAGE_INFO *result) { uchar dim[16]; int size; if (stream_seek(stream, 11, SEEK_CUR)) return TRUE; if (stream_read(stream, dim, sizeof(dim)) != sizeof(dim)) return TRUE; size = (((uint)dim[3]) << 24) + (((uint)dim[2]) << 16) + (((uint)dim[1]) << 8) + ((uint) dim[0]); if (size == 12) { result->width = (((uint)dim[5]) << 8) + ((uint)dim[4]); result->height = (((uint)dim[7]) << 8) + ((uint) dim[6]); result->depth = ((uint)dim[11]); return FALSE; } else if (size > 12 && (size <= 64 || size == 108)) { result->width = (((uint)dim[7]) << 24) + (((uint)dim[6]) << 16) + (((uint)dim[5]) << 8) + ((uint) dim[4]); result->height = (((uint)dim[11]) << 24) + (((uint)dim[10]) << 16) + (((uint)dim[9]) << 8) + ((uint) dim[8]); result->depth = (((uint)dim[15]) << 8) + ((uint)dim[14]); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool handle_png (IMAGE_STREAM * stream, IMAGE_INFO *result) { uchar dim[13]; if (stream_seek(stream, 8, SEEK_CUR)) return TRUE; if((stream_read(stream, dim, sizeof(dim))) < sizeof(dim)) return TRUE; result->width = (((uint)dim[0]) << 24) + (((uint)dim[1]) << 16) + (((uint)dim[2]) << 8) + ((uint)dim[3]); result->height = (((uint)dim[4]) << 24) + (((uint)dim[5]) << 16) + (((uint)dim[6]) << 8) + ((uint)dim[7]); switch (dim[9]) { case 0: result->depth = 8; break; case 2: result->depth = 24; break; case 3: result->depth = 8; break; case 4: result->depth = 32; break; case 6: result->depth = 32; break; default: result->depth = 32; break; } return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* some defines for the different JPEG block types */ #define M_SOF0 0xC0 /* Start Of Frame N */ #define M_SOF1 0xC1 /* N indicates which compression process */ #define M_SOF2 0xC2 /* Only SOF0-SOF2 are now in common use */ #define M_SOF3 0xC3 #define M_SOF5 0xC5 /* NB: codes C4 and CC are NOT SOF markers */ #define M_SOF6 0xC6 #define M_SOF7 0xC7 #define M_SOF9 0xC9 #define M_SOF10 0xCA #define M_SOF11 0xCB #define M_SOF13 0xCD #define M_SOF14 0xCE #define M_SOF15 0xCF #define M_SOI 0xD8 #define M_EOI 0xD9 /* End Of Image (end of datastream) */ #define M_SOS 0xDA /* Start Of Scan (begins compressed data) */ #define M_APP0 0xE0 #define M_APP1 0xE1 #define M_APP2 0xE2 #define M_APP3 0xE3 #define M_APP4 0xE4 #define M_APP5 0xE5 #define M_APP6 0xE6 #define M_APP7 0xE7 #define M_APP8 0xE8 #define M_APP9 0xE9 #define M_APP10 0xEA #define M_APP11 0xEB #define M_APP12 0xEC #define M_APP13 0xED #define M_APP14 0xEE #define M_APP15 0xEF #define M_COM 0xFE /* COMment */ #define M_PSEUDO 0xFFD8 /* pseudo marker for start of image(byte 0) */ static uint next_marker(IMAGE_STREAM * stream, int last_marker, int comment_correction, int ff_read) { int a=0, marker; /* get marker byte, swallowing possible padding */ if (last_marker == M_COM && comment_correction) { /* some software does not count the length bytes of COM section */ /* one company doing so is very much envolved in JPEG... so we accept too */ /* by the way: some of those companies changed their code now... */ comment_correction = 2; } else { last_marker = 0; comment_correction = 0; } if (ff_read) a = 1; /* already read 0xff in filetype detection */ do { if ((marker = stream_getc(stream)) == EOF) return M_EOI;/* we hit EOF */ if (last_marker == M_COM && comment_correction > 0) { if (marker != 0xFF) { marker = 0xff; comment_correction--; } else { last_marker = M_PSEUDO; /* stop skipping non 0xff for M_COM */ } } if (++a > 25) { /* who knows the maxim amount of 0xff? though 7 */ /* but found other implementations */ return M_EOI; } } while (marker == 0xff); if (a < 2) return M_EOI; /* at least one 0xff is needed before marker code */ if (last_marker == M_COM && comment_correction) return M_EOI; /* ah illegal: char after COM section not 0xFF */ return (uint)marker; } /* skip over a variable-length block; assumes proper length marker */ static bool skip_variable(IMAGE_STREAM * stream) { int length = read_ushort(stream); if (length < 2) return 0; length -= 2; return stream_seek(stream, length, SEEK_CUR) == 0; } static bool handle_jpeg(IMAGE_STREAM * stream, IMAGE_INFO *result) { uint marker = M_PSEUDO; ushort ff_read = 1; bool ret = TRUE; for(;;) { marker = next_marker(stream, marker, 1, ff_read); ff_read = 0; //fprintf(stderr, "marker = 0x%02X\n", marker); switch (marker) { case M_SOF0: case M_SOF1: case M_SOF2: case M_SOF3: case M_SOF5: case M_SOF6: case M_SOF7: case M_SOF9: case M_SOF10: case M_SOF11: case M_SOF13: case M_SOF14: case M_SOF15: read_ushort(stream); stream_getc(stream); result->height = read_ushort(stream); result->width = read_ushort(stream); stream_getc(stream); result->depth = 24; return FALSE; case M_APP0: case M_APP1: case M_APP2: case M_APP3: case M_APP4: case M_APP5: case M_APP6: case M_APP7: case M_APP8: case M_APP9: case M_APP10: case M_APP11: case M_APP12: case M_APP13: case M_APP14: case M_APP15: if (!skip_variable(stream)) return ret; break; case M_SOS: case M_EOI: return ret; /* we're about to hit image data, or are at EOF. stop processing. */ default: if (!skip_variable(stream)) /* anything else isn't interesting */ return ret; break; } } return ret; /* perhaps image broken -> no info but size */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const int _tiff_bytes_per_format[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8}; /* uncompressed only */ #define TAG_IMAGEWIDTH 0x0100 #define TAG_IMAGEHEIGHT 0x0101 /* compressed images only */ #define TAG_COMP_IMAGEWIDTH 0xA002 #define TAG_COMP_IMAGEHEIGHT 0xA003 #define TAG_FMT_BYTE 1 #define TAG_FMT_STRING 2 #define TAG_FMT_USHORT 3 #define TAG_FMT_ULONG 4 #define TAG_FMT_URATIONAL 5 #define TAG_FMT_SBYTE 6 #define TAG_FMT_UNDEFINED 7 #define TAG_FMT_SSHORT 8 #define TAG_FMT_SLONG 9 #define TAG_FMT_SRATIONAL 10 #define TAG_FMT_SINGLE 11 #define TAG_FMT_DOUBLE 12 static bool handle_tiff(IMAGE_STREAM * stream, IMAGE_INFO *result, bool big_endian) { int i, num_entries; uchar *dir_entry; size_t ifd_size, dir_size, entry_value, ifd_addr; int entry_tag , entry_type; char *ifd_data, ifd_ptr[4]; int width = 0, height = 0; if (stream_read(stream, ifd_ptr, 4) != 4) return TRUE; ifd_addr = get_uint_at(ifd_ptr, big_endian); if (stream_seek(stream, ifd_addr - 8, SEEK_CUR)) return TRUE; ifd_size = 2; GB.Alloc(POINTER(&ifd_data), ifd_size); if (stream_read(stream, ifd_data, 2) != 2) { GB.Free(POINTER(&ifd_data)); return TRUE; } num_entries = get_ushort_at(ifd_data, big_endian); // dir_size = + * + dir_size = 2 + 12 * num_entries + 4; ifd_size = dir_size; GB.Realloc(POINTER(&ifd_data), ifd_size); if (stream_read(stream, ifd_data + 2, dir_size - 2) != dir_size - 2) { GB.Free(POINTER(&ifd_data)); return TRUE; } /* now we have the directory we can look how long it should be */ ifd_size = dir_size; for(i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) { dir_entry = (uchar *)(ifd_data + 2 + i * 12); entry_tag = get_ushort_at(dir_entry + 0, big_endian); entry_type = get_ushort_at(dir_entry + 2, big_endian); switch(entry_type) { case TAG_FMT_BYTE: case TAG_FMT_SBYTE: entry_value = (size_t)(dir_entry[8]); break; case TAG_FMT_USHORT: entry_value = get_ushort_at(dir_entry+8, big_endian); break; case TAG_FMT_SSHORT: entry_value = get_short_at(dir_entry+8, big_endian); break; case TAG_FMT_ULONG: entry_value = get_uint_at(dir_entry+8, big_endian); break; case TAG_FMT_SLONG: entry_value = get_int_at(dir_entry+8, big_endian); break; default: continue; } switch(entry_tag) { case TAG_IMAGEWIDTH: case TAG_COMP_IMAGEWIDTH: width = entry_value; break; case TAG_IMAGEHEIGHT: case TAG_COMP_IMAGEHEIGHT: height = entry_value; break; } } GB.Free(POINTER(&ifd_data)); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { result->height = height; result->width = width; result->depth = 24; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static char *image_type_to_mime_type(int type) { switch(type) { case IMAGE_TYPE_GIF: return "image/gif"; case IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG: return "image/jpeg"; case IMAGE_TYPE_PNG: return "image/png"; case IMAGE_TYPE_BMP: return "image/bmp"; case IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_INTEL: case IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_MOTOROLA: return "image/tiff"; default: case IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return "application/octet-stream"; } } static int get_image_type(IMAGE_STREAM * stream) { char buffer[12]; if((stream_read(stream, buffer, 3)) != 3) { IMAGE_error = "Read error"; return IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR; } if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_gif, 3) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_GIF; if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_jpg, 3) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG; if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_png, 3) == 0) { if (stream_read(stream, buffer + 3, 5) != 5) { IMAGE_error = "Read error"; return IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR; } if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_png, 8) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_PNG; IMAGE_error = "PNG file is corrupted"; return IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR; } if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_bmp, 2) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_BMP; if (stream_read(stream, buffer + 3, 1) != 1) { IMAGE_error = "Read error"; return IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR; } if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_tif_ii, 4) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_INTEL; if (memcmp(buffer, _sign_tif_mm, 4) == 0) return IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_MOTOROLA; return IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } bool IMAGE_get_info(IMAGE_STREAM *stream, IMAGE_INFO *result) { int type; bool err; type = get_image_type(stream); if (type == IMAGE_TYPE_ERROR) return TRUE; result->type = image_type_to_mime_type(type); switch(type) { case IMAGE_TYPE_GIF: err = handle_gif(stream, result); break; case IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG: err = handle_jpeg(stream, result); break; case IMAGE_TYPE_PNG: err = handle_png(stream, result); break; case IMAGE_TYPE_BMP: err = handle_bmp(stream, result); break; case IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_INTEL: err = handle_tiff(stream, result, FALSE); break; case IMAGE_TYPE_TIFF_MOTOROLA: err = handle_tiff(stream, result, TRUE); break; default: case IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: err = FALSE; break; } if (err) IMAGE_error = "Cannot read file"; return err; }