' Gambas class file ' ' GNUBoxWorld ' This is another version of the popular game Box World. Contains 16 levels, all are possible to resolve. ' Level designs are taken From Box It game For mobile phones. ' ' Copyright (C) Pablo Mileti from Buenos Aires, Argentina. ' ' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ' the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ' (at your option) any later version. ' ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU General Public License for more details. ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ' along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses ' Public Game As GameBoard Public level As Integer Public PicturesBoxes As New PictureBox[10, 11] Public PictureBoxPlayer As PictureBox Public PictureBoxMover As PictureBox Public DesX As Integer Public DesY As Integer Public XPosMove As Integer Public YPosMove As Integer Public IgnoreKeys As Boolean Public Sub Form_Open() Dim iInd As Integer Dim hMenu As Menu For iInd = 1 To GameBoard.NUM_LEVELS hMenu = New Menu(mnuLevel) As "mnuLevel" hMenu.Text = Subst("Level &1", iInd) hMenu.Tag = iInd Next level = 1 ignorekeys = False newGame Me.h = 64 * 10 Me.w = 64 * 11 btnClear.X = (Me.W / 2) - (btnClear.W / 2) Me.Window.Center End Public Sub btnClear_KeyPress() If Key.code <> Key.up And Key.code <> Key.down And Key.code <> Key.left And Key.code <> Key.Right Then Return Select Case Key.code Case Key.Right PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["derecha.png"] Case Key.Left PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["izquierda.png"] Case Key.Up PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["arriba.png"] Case Key.Down PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["abajo.png"] End Select If Game.ValidateMover(Key.code) And Not IgnoreKeys Then Move(Key.code, Game.GetCell(Key.code, 1).Movable) End If If Game.isDone() Then Inc level If level > GameBoard.NUM_LEVELS Then btnClear.Visible = False MnuClear.Enabled = False PictureBoxPlayer.X = 64 PictureBoxPlayer.Y = 64 PictureBoxPlayer.W = 560 PictureBoxPlayer.H = 482 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = Picture["ganador.png"] PictureBoxPlayer.SetFocus Me.Title = ("GNUBoxWorld - Congratulation! You're very clever!") Else Message.Info(("Next level") & gb.NewLine & ("Good Luck!")) newGame End If End If End Public Sub btnClear_Click() newGame() End Private Sub Move(direction As Integer, desplace As Boolean) Dim i As Integer Select Case direction Case Key.Right DesX = 1 DesY = 0 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["derecha.png"] Case Key.Left DesX = -1 DesY = 0 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["izquierda.png"] Case Key.Up DesX = 0 DesY = -1 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["arriba.png"] Case Key.Down DesX = 0 DesY = 1 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["abajo.png"] End Select If desplace Then PictureBoxMover.Picture = WhoMove(direction) PictureBoxMover.X = XPosMove PictureBoxMover.Y = YPosMove PictureBoxMover.Raise 'here will walk on If Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer + DesY, Game.ColPlayer + DesX].Type = Cell.gbMovable Then PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer + DesY, Game.ColPlayer + DesX].picture = Picture["piso.png"] End If If Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer + DesY, Game.ColPlayer + DesX].Type = Cell.gbMovableOnTarget Then PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer + DesY, Game.ColPlayer + DesX].picture = Picture["destino.png"] End If End If IgnoreKeys = True For i = 1 To 64 PictureBoxPlayer.Move(PictureBoxPlayer.x + Desx, PictureBoxPlayer.y + DesY) If desplace Then PictureBoxmover.Move(PictureBoxmover.x + Desx, PictureBoxmover.y + DesY) Wait 0.003 Next IgnoreKeys = False 'here i was 'cambio el contenido de la celda donde deje de estar If Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].Target Then Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer] = New Cell(Cell.gbTarget) Else Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer] = New Cell(Cell.gbFloor) End If Game.RowPlayer = Game.RowPlayer + DesY Game.ColPlayer = Game.ColPlayer + DesX 'here i go 'donde termino parado If Not Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].Target Then Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer] = New Cell(Cell.gbFloor) Else Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer] = New Cell(Cell.gbTarget) End If If desplace Then 'here move obstacle If Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer + desy, Game.ColPlayer + desX].Target Then 'go on target Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer + desy, Game.ColPlayer + desX] = New Cell(Cell.gbMovableOnTarget) Else 'go on floor Game.cells[Game.RowPlayer + desy, Game.ColPlayer + desX] = New Cell(Cell.gbMovable) End If End If ShowGameBoard PictureBoxmover.Lower End Private Function WhoMove(direction As Integer) As Picture Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer Select Case direction Case Key.Up row = Game.RowPlayer - 1 col = Game.ColPlayer Case Key.Down row = Game.RowPlayer + 1 col = Game.ColPlayer Case Key.left row = Game.RowPlayer col = Game.ColPlayer - 1 Case Key.right row = Game.RowPlayer col = Game.ColPlayer + 1 End Select XPosMove = PicturesBoxes[row, col].X YPosMove = PicturesBoxes[row, col].Y Return PicturesBoxes[row, col].Picture.Copy() End Public Sub ShowGameBoard() Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer For row = 0 To 9 For col = 0 To 10 PicturesBoxes[row, col].Picture = Game.Cells[row, col].Pic Next Next End Public Sub MakePictureBoxes() Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer For row = 0 To 9 For col = 0 To 10 PicturesBoxes[row, col] = New PictureBox(Me) PicturesBoxes[row, col].h = 64 PicturesBoxes[row, col].w = 64 PicturesBoxes[row, col].Stretch = True PicturesBoxes[row, col].top = (row * 64) PicturesBoxes[row, col].left = (col * 64) PicturesBoxes[row, col].Lower Next Next PictureBoxPlayer = New PictureBox(Me) PictureBoxMover = New PictureBox(Me) PictureBoxmover.w = 64 PictureBoxmover.h = 64 PictureBoxPlayer.Picture = picture["derecha.png"] PictureBoxPlayer.h = 64 PictureBoxPlayer.w = 64 PictureBoxPlayer.left = PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].left PictureBoxPlayer.top = PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].top End Private Sub newGame() Dim hMenu As Menu Me.Title = ("GNUBoxWorld - Level ") & level Game = New GameBoard(level) destroyPicturesBoxes MakePictureBoxes PictureBoxPlayer.left = PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].left PictureBoxPlayer.top = PicturesBoxes[Game.RowPlayer, Game.ColPlayer].top ShowGameBoard For Each hMenu In mnuLevel.Children hMenu.Checked = hMenu.Tag = level Next End Public Sub destroyPicturesBoxes() Dim control As Object For Each control In Me.Children If Object.Type(control) = "PictureBox" Then control.delete End If Next End Public Sub MnuAbout_Click() FrmAbout.Show End Public Sub MnuQuit_Click() Me.close End Public Sub Form_Close() If Message.Question(("Are you sure?"), ("Yes"), ("No")) = 2 Then Stop Event End If End Public Sub MnuClear_Click() newGame() End Public Sub MnuHelpPlay_Click() FrmAbout.TabStrip1.index = 2 FrmAbout.Show End Public Sub mnuLevel_Click() level = Last.Tag newGame End