' Gambas class file ' Copyright(C)2010. Autor: Pablo Mileti 'This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And / Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option)any later version. 'This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS For A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License For more details. 'You should have received a Copy Of the GNU General Public License along With this program.IfNot, see < http: / / www.gnu.org / licenses / > . '****English documentation***** 'This class represents each box of the game (8) ' Public Var: ' Value ---> Contains the number that was put in a box ' isEmpty ---> Return true if value is 0, else return false ' isInvalid ---> Return true if Value there are a conflict with the value of another box ' Public Methods: 'setValue(nValue As Integer) ---> Put a value in a box 'validateWith(nBox As Casillero) ---> Return true if there are a conflict with a neighbor box '* * * * Documentación en español******* ' Esta clase corresponde a representar cada uno de los 8 casilleros del juego ' Variables públicas: ' Value ---> Contiene el numero que se ingreso en el casillero ' isEmpty ---> True si no hay valor, False si lo tiene ' isInvalid ---> True si hay un numero que esta en conflicto con otro casillero ' Metodos públicos: 'setValue(nValue As Integer) - - > Se encarga de almacenar el nro de un casillero 'validateWith(nBox As Casillero) ---> Devuelve true si hay conflicto con otro casillero Public Value As Integer Public isEmpty As Boolean Public isInvalid As Boolean Public Sub _new() Value = 0 isEmpty = True isInvalid = True End Public Sub setValue(nValue As Integer) Value = nvalue If nvalue = 0 Then isEmpty = True Else isEmpty = False End If End Public Function validateWith(nBox As Casillero) As Boolean If isEmpty Or nBox.isEmpty Then Return False If value + 1 = nBox.Value Then Return True If value - 1 = nBox.Value And Value > 1 Then Return True End