' Gambas class file Property HDir As Integer Property VDir As Integer Property X As Integer Property Y As Integer Property Read HitPaddle As Boolean Private $hWindow As Window ' Used in a simulation (of NPC)? Private $bSimulate As Boolean Private $iX As Integer Private $iY As Integer ' Horizontal and vertical movement deltas on screen Private $iHD As Integer Private $iVD As Integer ' Whether the last move hit a paddle Private $bHitPaddle As Boolean Public Sub _new(hWnd As Window, Optional bSim As Boolean = False) $hWindow = hWnd $bSimulate = bSim End Public Sub Reset() Undraw() $iX = $hWindow.Width / 2 + 1 $iY = Rnd(0, $hWindow.Height) $iHD = IIf(CInt(Rnd(0, 2)), 1, -1) $iVD = IIf(CInt(Rnd(0, 2)), 1, -1) End '' Returns the .Dir of the paddle that made the point Public Sub Move(hP1 As Paddle, hP2 As Paddle) As Integer Undraw() $bHitPaddle = False $iX += $iHD $iY += $iVD Return EvaluateCollisions(hP1, hP2) End Private Function EvaluateCollisions(hP1 As Paddle, hP2 As Paddle) As Integer ' On left/right paddle? If $iX = hP1.X And If $iY >= hP1.Y And If $iY < hP1.Y + hP1.Height Then GoSub _OnPaddle If hP2 And If $iX = hP2.X And If $iY >= hP2.Y And If $iY < hP2.Y + hP2.Height Then GoSub _OnPaddle ' Flip at top/bottom border? If $iY < 0 Or $iY >= $hWindow.Height Then GoSub _UndoMovement $iVD = - $iVD Move(hP1, hP2) Endif ' Made a point (left/right border)? If $iX < 0 Or $iX >= $hWindow.Width Then GoSub _UndoMovement Return $iHD Endif Return 0 _UndoMovement: $iX -= $iHD $iY -= $iVD Return _OnPaddle: GoSub _UndoMovement $iHD = - $iHD Move(hP1, hP2) $bHitPaddle = True End Public Sub Draw() If $bSimulate Then Return $hWindow.Print("o", $iX, $iY) End Public Sub Undraw() If $bSimulate Then Return $hWindow.Print(" ", $iX, $iY) End Private Sub HDir_Read() As Integer Return $iHD End Private Sub HDir_Write(Value As Integer) $iHD = Value End Private Sub VDir_Read() As Integer Return $iVD End Private Sub VDir_Write(Value As Integer) $iVD = Value End Private Function X_Read() As Integer Return $iX End Private Sub X_Write(Value As Integer) $iX = Value End Private Function Y_Read() As Integer Return $iY End Private Sub Y_Write(Value As Integer) $iY = Value End Private Sub HitPaddle_Read() As Boolean Return $bHitPaddle End