# Gambas Form File 3.0 { Form Form MoveScaled(38.1429,12.7143,95,85) Text = ("Internet Calculator") Resizable = False { Button1 Button MoveScaled(42,18,14.7143,4) Text = ("Post") } { TextArea1 TextArea MoveScaled(1,56,93,28) } { TextArea2 TextArea MoveScaled(1,35,93,16) } { Label1 Label MoveScaled(1,31,89.1429,4) Font = Font["Bold"] Text = ("HTTP Headers") } { Label2 Label MoveScaled(1,52,90.7143,4) Font = Font["Bold"] Text = ("HTTP Data") } { Label3 Label MoveScaled(4,8,38,4) Text = ("Write Here a Number :") } { Label4 Label MoveScaled(4,13,38,4) Text = ("Write Here Another Number :") } { TextBox1 TextBox MoveScaled(42,8,14.7143,4) Text = ("5") } { TextBox2 TextBox MoveScaled(42,13,14.7143,4) Text = ("5") } { Label5 Label MoveScaled(4,18,38,4) Text = ("Finally press the Post button >>>") } { TextLabel1 TextLabel MoveScaled(0,0,96,6) Font = Font["Bold"] Background = &H101A9E& Foreground = &HF7F02A& Text = ("Using the power of internet to have a minimal calculator machine!") Alignment = Align.Center } { Label6 Label MoveScaled(60,8,34,5) Font = Font["12,Bold"] Background = &H092773& Foreground = &HFFFFFF& Padding = 4 } { Label7 Label MoveScaled(60,14,34,5) Font = Font["12,Bold"] Background = &H092773& Foreground = &HFFFFFF& Padding = 4 } { LblInfo Label MoveScaled(60,20,34,4) Font = Font["Bold"] Background = &H003DB6& Foreground = &HFFFF00& Padding = 4 } { ChkProxy CheckBox MoveScaled(1,26,36,4) Text = ("Use Proxy") } { TxtProxy TextBox MoveScaled(28,26,67,4) Enabled = False Text = ("") } }