' Gambas class file Property Read Width As Integer Property Read Height As Integer Property Read Status As Integer Property Read FlagCount As Integer Event OnStart() Event OnEnd() Event OnRefresh() Public Enum BLOCK_COVERED, BLOCK_FLAGGED, BLOCK_REVEALED Public Enum GAME_READY, GAME_STARTED, GAME_WIN, GAME_LOSE Public Enum NUM_MINE = 9 Private $width As Integer Private $height As Integer Private $blocks As New Integer[] Private $status As New Integer[] Private $mine_count As Integer Private $flag_count As Integer Private $covered_block_count As Integer Private $game_state As Integer Public Sub _new(w As Integer, h As Integer, n As Integer) $width = w $height = h $mine_count = n $covered_block_count = 0 $blocks = New Integer[w, h] $status = New Integer[w, h] Reset() End Public Function Reset() Dim x, y As Integer For x = 0 To $width - 1 For y = 0 To $height - 1 $status[x, y] = BLOCK_COVERED $blocks[x, y] = 0 Next Next $game_state = GAME_READY $covered_block_count = $width * $height $flag_count = $mine_count Raise OnRefresh() End Public Function GetBlockNumber(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Return $blocks[x, y] End Public Function GetBlockStatus(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Return $status[x, y] End Public Sub OpenBlock(x As Integer, y As Integer) If $game_state = GAME_READY Then $game_state = GAME_STARTED GenerateRandomMines($mine_count, x, y) Raise OnStart() Endif If $game_state = GAME_STARTED And $status[x, y] = BLOCK_COVERED If $blocks[x, y] = NUM_MINE Then ' stepped on a mine $game_state = GAME_LOSE Raise OnEnd() Else RecursiveOpen(x, y) If AllMinesFound() Then FlagAllMines() $game_state = GAME_WIN Raise OnEnd() Endif Endif Endif Raise OnRefresh() End Public Sub ToggleFlag(x As Integer, y As Integer) If $game_state = GAME_STARTED Then If $status[x, y] = BLOCK_COVERED Then $status[x, y] = BLOCK_FLAGGED $flag_count -= 1 Else If $status[x, y] = BLOCK_FLAGGED Then $status[x, y] = BLOCK_COVERED $flag_count += 1 Else Return Endif Raise OnRefresh() Endif End Private Function Width_Read() As Integer Return $width End Private Function Height_Read() As Integer Return $height End Private Function Status_Read() As Integer Return $game_state End Private Function FlagCount_Read() As Integer Return $flag_count End ' Generate n mines in the field and guarantee that (nx, ny) does not contain a mine. Private Sub GenerateRandomMines(n As Integer, nx As Integer, ny As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim x, y As Integer Dim x2, y2 As Integer Dim count As Integer = $width * $height Dim index As Integer ' check if the range is correct ' note that the field should contain at most (w*h-1) mines, not w*h If n >= count Then Error.Raise(("Index out of bounds")) ' put n mines into the first blocks, and fill in zero in the rest For i = 0 To count - 1 x = i Mod $width y = i / $width $blocks[x, y] = IIf(i < n, NUM_MINE, 0) Next ' if a mine is located in (nx, ny), then move the mine to the last block If $blocks[nx, ny] = NUM_MINE Then Swap $blocks[nx, ny], $blocks[$width - 1, $height - 1] ' shuffle For i = 0 To count - 1 x = i Mod $width y = i / $width x2 = Int(Rnd(0, $width)) y2 = Int(Rnd(0, $height)) If (x = nx And y = ny) Or (x2 = nx And y2 = ny) Then Continue ' skip (nx, ny) Swap $blocks[x, y], $blocks[x2, y2] Next ' generate the numbers For x = 0 To $width - 1 For y = 0 To $height - 1 If $blocks[x, y] = NUM_MINE Then For x2 = x - 1 To x + 1 For y2 = y - 1 To y + 1 Try IncrementBlockMineCount(x2, y2) Next Next Endif Next Next End Private Sub IncrementBlockMineCount(x As Integer, y As Integer) If $blocks[x, y] <> NUM_MINE Then $blocks[x, y] += 1 End Private Sub RecursiveOpen(x As Integer, y As Integer) Dim x2, y2 As Integer If $status[x, y] = BLOCK_COVERED Then $status[x, y] = BLOCK_REVEALED $covered_block_count -= 1 If $blocks[x, y] = 0 Then For x2 = x - 1 To x + 1 For y2 = y - 1 To y + 1 RecursiveOpen(x2, y2) Next Next Endif Endif Catch End Private Function AllMinesFound() As Boolean Return $covered_block_count = $mine_count End ' Automatically mark all mines as flag Private Sub FlagAllMines() Dim x, y As Integer For x = 0 To $width - 1 For y = 0 To $height - 1 If $blocks[x, y] = NUM_MINE Then $status[x, y] = BLOCK_FLAGGED Endif Next Next End