/*************************************************************************** gb.form.arrangement.h (c) 2000-2017 BenoƮt Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __GB_FORM_ARRANGEMENT_H /*************************************************************************** #define WIDGET_TYPE Datatype of variables that points at a widget #define CONTAINER_TYPE Datatype of variables that points at a container widget #define ARRANGEMENT_TYPE Datatype of variables that points at the arrangement structure. This structure contains all the arrangement flags, and must have (at least) the following fields: - mode : the arrangement style. - spacing : if children must be separate by Desktop.Scale - padding : number of pixels around the arrangement area. - margin : if the arrangement area must have a margin of Desktop.Scale - indent: if the arrangement area must have an indentation of Desktop.Scale - autoresize : if the container must try to fit its contents. - locked : if the container is being arranged. #define IS_RIGHT_TO_LEFT(_object) If the control is right to left written #define GET_WIDGET(_object) Returns the widget associated with the gambas control #define GET_CONTAINER(_object) Returns the container widget inside the gambas control that contains the child widgets. It can be the same for a Panel, for example, or a sub widget for something more complex, like a TabStrip. #define GET_ARRANGEMENT(_object) Returns a pointer to the arrangement flags of a Gambas control. #define IS_EXPAND(_object) Returns if the Expand property of a control is set or not. #define IS_DESIGN(_object) Returns if the control is in design mode. #define IS_WIDGET_VISIBLE(_widget) Returns if a widget is visible to the screen. #define IS_USER(_object) Returns if the control is a UserControl or a UserContainer #define GET_WIDGET_CONTENTS(_widget, _x, _y, _w, _h) Sets the _x, _y, _w & _h variables with the dimensions of the area inside the container that must be arranged, in container coordinates. If the container has a border, for example, then _x > 0 & _y > 0. #define GET_WIDGET_X(_widget) Returns the x position of a widget inside its parent. #define GET_WIDGET_Y(_widget) Returns the y position of a widget inside its parent. #define GET_WIDGET_W(_widget) Returns the width of a widget. #define GET_WIDGET_H(_widget) Returns the height of a widget. #define MOVE_WIDGET(_object, _widget, _x, _y) Moves a widget inside its parent. #define RESIZE_WIDGET(_object, _widget, _w, _h) Resizes a widget. #define MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(_object, _widget, _x, _y, _w, _h) Move & resize a widget simultaneously. #define RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, _w, _h) Resizes the container object by resizing the widget itself. #define INIT_CHECK_CHILDREN_LIST(_widget) Initializes the list of children of _widget. Must return if there is no children. #define RESET_CHILDREN_LIST() Resets the children list so that its next enumeration starts from the first child. #define GET_NEXT_CHILD_WIDGET() Returns the next child to arrange, or NULL if there is no child anymore. Make a function, as this macro is called several times. #define GET_OBJECT_FROM_WIDGET(_widget) Returns the Gambas object associated with the specified widget, or NULL if there is no Gambas object. #define DESKTOP_SCALE Returns the value of Desktop.Scale #define RAISE_ARRANGE_EVENT(_object) Code to raise the Arrange event of containers. #define RAISE_BEFORE_ARRANGE_EVENT(_object) Code to raise the BeforeArrange event of containers. #define FUNCTION_NAME This is the name of the arrangement function ***************************************************************************/ #define ARRANGE_ROW ARRANGE_LEFT_RIGHT #define ARRANGE_COLUMN ARRANGE_TOP_BOTTOM void FUNCTION_NAME(void *_object) //(QFrame *cont) { CONTAINER_TYPE cont; ARRANGEMENT_TYPE arr; WIDGET_TYPE wid; int x, y, w, h, i; int xc, yc, wc, hc; #ifndef GET_MAX_SIZE int wf, hf; #endif int dmax = 0, d; int sexp, nexp; bool swap, autoresize, invert; #ifndef GET_MAX_SIZE bool has_expand_children = false; #endif bool redo; bool first; void *ob; bool rtl; int rtlm; int padding; int spacing; int indent; bool centered; arr = GET_ARRANGEMENT(_object); if (!CAN_ARRANGE(_object)) { arr->dirty = TRUE; return; } cont = (CONTAINER_TYPE)GET_CONTAINER(_object); //if (!IS_WIDGET_VISIBLE(cont) && !IS_WIDGET_VISIBLE(GET_WIDGET(_object))) // return; //fprintf(stderr, "CCONTAINER_arrange: %s: locked %d: mode %d: autoresize: %d\n", GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), arr->locked, arr->mode, arr->autoresize); if (arr->locked) return; // if (GET_WIDGET_W(cont) <= 1 || GET_WIDGET_H(cont) <= 1) // return; //if (qstrcmp(GB.GetClassName(THIS), "FOutput") == 0) // qDebug("CCONTAINER_arrange: do it!"); arr->locked = true; RAISE_BEFORE_ARRANGE_EVENT(_object); if (arr->mode != ARRANGE_NONE) { // g_debug("arrange: %s (%d %d) (%d %d)", ((gControl *)_object)->name(), ((gContainer *)_object)->width(), ((gContainer *)_object)->height(), ((gContainer *)_object)->clientWidth(), ((gContainer *)_object)->clientHeight()); //usleep(50000); if (IS_USER(_object)) cont = (CONTAINER_TYPE)GET_WIDGET(_object); // INIT_CHECK_CHILDREN_LIST() can return arr->locked = false; if (!cont) goto __RETURN; INIT_CHECK_CHILDREN_LIST(cont); //fprintf(stderr, "CCONTAINER_arrange: %s: children: %d\n", GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), list.count()); if (!HAS_CHILDREN()) goto __RETURN; arr->locked = true; //fprintf(stderr, "arrange: %s %d (%d %d) (%d %d)\n", ((gControl *)_object)->name(), arr->mode, ((gContainer *)_object)->width(), ((gContainer *)_object)->height(), ((gContainer *)_object)->clientWidth(), ((gContainer *)_object)->clientHeight()); invert = arr->invert; rtl = IS_RIGHT_TO_LEFT(_object); swap = (arr->mode & 1) == 0; // means "vertical" if (!swap && invert) { rtl = !rtl; invert = false; } rtlm = rtl ? -1 : 1; autoresize = arr->autoresize; // && !IS_EXPAND(_object); if (arr->margin) padding = arr->padding ? arr->padding : DESKTOP_SCALE; else if (!arr->spacing) padding = arr->padding; else padding = 0; if (arr->spacing) spacing = arr->padding ? arr->padding : DESKTOP_SCALE; else spacing = 0; indent = arr->indent * DESKTOP_SCALE; centered = arr->centered; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { redo = false; GET_WIDGET_CONTENTS(cont, xc, yc, wc, hc); #ifndef GET_MAX_SIZE wf = GET_WIDGET_W(cont) - wc; hf = GET_WIDGET_H(cont) - hc; #endif //fprintf(stderr, "cont: %s: %d %d %d %d (%d %d)\n", ((gControl *)_object)->name(), xc, yc, wc, hc, wf, hf); //if (hc > GET_WIDGET_H(cont)) // qDebug("hc = %d H = %d ?", hc, GET_WIDGET_H(cont)); xc += padding; yc += padding; wc -= padding * 2; hc -= padding * 2; //if (!strcmp(GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), "TabStrip1")) // fprintf(stderr, "#0: %d %d %d %d\n", xc, yc, wc, hc); if (indent) { if (swap) { if (!invert) yc += indent; hc -= indent; } else { if (!rtl) xc += indent; wc -= indent; } } // Beware! This is not the same test! if (autoresize) { if (wc <= 0 && hc <= 0) break; } else { if (wc <= 0 || hc <= 0) break; } //if (!strcmp(GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), "HBox1")) // fprintf(stderr, "#1\n"); x = xc; y = yc; w = h = 0; if (swap) { if (invert) y += hc; } else { if (rtl) x += wc; } wid = 0; RESET_CHILDREN_LIST(); switch (arr->mode) { case ARRANGE_HORIZONTAL: case ARRANGE_VERTICAL: sexp = 0; nexp = 0; dmax = 0; for(;;) { wid = GET_NEXT_CHILD_WIDGET(); if (!wid) break; ob = GET_OBJECT_FROM_WIDGET(wid); if (!ob || IS_IGNORE(ob)) continue; /*if (!::strcmp(GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), "panFont")) fprintf(stderr, "CCONTAINER_arrange: %s: child: %s\n", GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), GET_OBJECT_NAME(ob));*/ if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) nexp++; else sexp += (swap ? GET_WIDGET_H(wid) : GET_WIDGET_W(wid)); if (autoresize) { d = swap ? GET_WIDGET_W(wid) : GET_WIDGET_H(wid); if (d > dmax) { dmax = d; } //fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: d = %d dmax = %d\n", ((gControl *)_object)->name(), wid->name(), d, dmax); } sexp += spacing; } #ifndef GET_MAX_SIZE has_expand_children = nexp > 0; #endif if (autoresize) { // TODO: use rtl if (swap) wc = dmax + indent; else hc = dmax + indent; //fprintf(stderr, "%s: dmax = %d\n", ((CWIDGET *)_object)->name, dmax); } sexp -= spacing; sexp = (swap ? hc : wc) - sexp; if (sexp < 0) sexp = 0; if (centered && sexp && nexp == 0) { if (swap) { y += sexp / 2; hc -= sexp / 2; } else { x += sexp / 2; wc -= sexp / 2; } sexp = 0; } RESET_CHILDREN_LIST(); wid = 0; /*if (!::strcmp(GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), "panFont")) fprintf(stderr, "CCONTAINER_arrange: %s: %d %d / %d x %d / nexp = %d\n", GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), xc, yc, wc, hc, nexp);*/ for(;;) { first = wid == 0; wid = GET_NEXT_CHILD_WIDGET(); if (!wid) break; ob = GET_OBJECT_FROM_WIDGET(wid); if (!ob || IS_IGNORE(ob)) continue; if (!first) { if (swap) { if (invert) y -= spacing; else y += spacing; } else x += spacing * rtlm; } if (swap) { if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) // && !autoresize) { if (nexp == 0) // the list of expanded widget may change h = 0; else { h = sexp / nexp; sexp -= h; nexp--; } if (h <= 0) MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, -GET_WIDGET_W(wid), GET_WIDGET_Y(wid)); } else h = GET_WIDGET_H(wid); //w = autoresize ? GET_WIDGET_W(wid) : wc; w = wc; if (h >= 0 && w >= 0) { if (w != GET_WIDGET_W(wid) || h != GET_WIDGET_H(wid)) redo = true; if (invert) { y -= h; MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y, w, h); } else { MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y, w, h); y += h; } } } else { if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) // && !autoresize) { if (nexp == 0) // the list of expanded widget may change { w = 0; } else { w = sexp / nexp; sexp -= w; nexp--; } if (w <= 0) MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, GET_WIDGET_X(wid), -GET_WIDGET_H(wid)); } else w = GET_WIDGET_W(wid); //h = autoresize ? GET_WIDGET_H(wid) : hc; h = hc; if (w >= 0 && h >= 0) { if (w != GET_WIDGET_W(wid) || h != GET_WIDGET_H(wid)) redo = true; if (rtl) MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x - w, y, w, h); else MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y, w, h); x += w * rtlm; } } } break; case ARRANGE_ROW: case ARRANGE_COLUMN: wc += xc; hc += yc; for(;;) { wid = GET_NEXT_CHILD_WIDGET(); if (!wid) break; ob = GET_OBJECT_FROM_WIDGET(wid); if (!ob || IS_IGNORE(ob)) continue; if (swap) { if (invert) { if ((y < hc) && ((y - (IS_EXPAND(ob) ? DESKTOP_SCALE : GET_WIDGET_H(wid))) < yc)) { y = hc; x += w + spacing; w = 0; } if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) { if (rtl) MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, wc - (x - xc) - GET_WIDGET_W(wid), yc, GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y - yc); else MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, yc, GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y - yc); y = yc - spacing; } else { if (rtl) MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, wc - (x - xc) - GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y - GET_WIDGET_H(wid)); else MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y - GET_WIDGET_H(wid)); y -= GET_WIDGET_H(wid) + spacing; } if (GET_WIDGET_W(wid) > w) w = GET_WIDGET_W(wid); } else { if ((y > yc) && ((y + (IS_EXPAND(ob) ? DESKTOP_SCALE : GET_WIDGET_H(wid))) > hc)) { y = yc; x += w + spacing; w = 0; } if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) { if (rtl) MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, wc - (x - xc) - GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y, GET_WIDGET_W(wid), hc - y); else MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y, GET_WIDGET_W(wid), hc - y); y = hc + spacing; } else { if (rtl) MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, wc - (x - xc) - GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y); else MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y); y += GET_WIDGET_H(wid) + spacing; } if (GET_WIDGET_W(wid) > w) w = GET_WIDGET_W(wid); } } else { if (rtl) { if ((x < wc) && ((x - (IS_EXPAND(ob) ? DESKTOP_SCALE : GET_WIDGET_W(wid))) < xc)) { x = wc; y += h + spacing; h = 0; } if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) { MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, xc, y, x - xc, GET_WIDGET_H(wid)); x = xc - spacing; } else { MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x - GET_WIDGET_W(wid), y); x -= GET_WIDGET_W(wid) + spacing; } if (GET_WIDGET_H(wid) > h) h = GET_WIDGET_H(wid); } else { if ((x > xc) && ((x + (IS_EXPAND(ob) ? DESKTOP_SCALE : GET_WIDGET_W(wid))) > wc)) { x = xc; y += h + spacing; h = 0; } if (IS_EXPAND(ob)) { MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y, wc - x, GET_WIDGET_H(wid)); x = wc + spacing; } else { MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, x, y); x += GET_WIDGET_W(wid) + spacing; } if (GET_WIDGET_H(wid) > h) h = GET_WIDGET_H(wid); } } } break; case ARRANGE_FILL: for(;;) { wid = GET_NEXT_CHILD_WIDGET(); if (!wid) break; ob = GET_OBJECT_FROM_WIDGET(wid); if (!ob || IS_IGNORE(ob)) continue; if (centered) MOVE_WIDGET(ob, wid, xc + (wc - GET_WIDGET_W(wid)) / 2, yc + (hc - GET_WIDGET_H(wid)) / 2); else MOVE_RESIZE_WIDGET(ob, wid, xc, yc, wc, hc); /*if (GET_WIDGET_H(wid) > h) h = GET_WIDGET_H(wid); if (GET_WIDGET_W(wid) > w) w = GET_WIDGET_W(wid);*/ } w = wc; h = hc; break; } if (autoresize) { switch(arr->mode) { case ARRANGE_HORIZONTAL: // #ifndef QNAMESPACE_H // fprintf(stderr, "%s: HORIZONTAL: x = %d autoresize (%d, %d) pad %d spc %d [%d] rtl %d\n", // ((gControl *)_object)->name(), x, x + arr->padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont), arr->padding, spacing, i, rtl); // #else // fprintf(stderr, "%s: HORIZONTAL: x = %d autoresize (%d, %d) pad %d spc %d [%d] rtl %d hec %d\n", // ((CWIDGET *)_object)->name, x, has_expand_children ? GET_WIDGET_W(cont) : x + arr->padding + wf, // dmax + hf, arr->padding, spacing, i, rtl, has_expand_children); // #endif //cont->resize(x + cont->width() - wc - xc, cont->height()); if (dmax > 0) { if (rtl) //RESIZE_WIDGET(cont, xc - x + arr->padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont)); RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, has_expand_children ? GET_WIDGET_W(cont) : xc - x + padding + wf, dmax + hf + padding * 2); else //RESIZE_WIDGET(cont, x + arr->padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont)); RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, has_expand_children ? GET_WIDGET_W(cont) : x + padding + wf, dmax + hf + padding * 2); } break; case ARRANGE_VERTICAL: // #ifndef QNAMESPACE_H // fprintf(stderr, "%s: VERTICAL: x = %d autoresize (%d, %d) pad %d spc %d [%d] rtl %d\n", // ((gControl *)_object)->name(), x, x + arr->padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont), arr->padding, spacing, i, rtl); // #else // fprintf(stderr, "%s: VERTICAL: y = %d autoresize (%d, %d) pad %d spc %d [%d] rtl %d hec %d\n", // ((CWIDGET *)_object)->name, y, dmax + wf, has_expand_children ? GET_WIDGET_H(cont) : y + arr->padding + hf, // arr->padding, spacing, i, rtl, has_expand_children); // #endif //RESIZE_WIDGET(cont, GET_WIDGET_W(cont), y + arr->padding + hf); if (dmax > 0) RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, dmax + wf + padding * 2, has_expand_children ? GET_WIDGET_H(cont) : y + padding + hf); break; case ARRANGE_COLUMN: if (rtl) RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, (wc - x) + w + padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont)); else RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, x + w + padding + wf, GET_WIDGET_H(cont)); break; case ARRANGE_ROW: // #ifndef GET_MAX_SIZE // #ifndef QNAMESPACE_H // fprintf(stderr, "%s: ROW: autoresize (%d, %d)\n", ((gControl *)_object)->name(), GET_WIDGET_W(cont), y + h + padding + hf); // #else // fprintf(stderr, "%s: ROW: autoresize (%d, %d)\n", ((CWIDGET *)_object)->name, GET_WIDGET_W(cont), y + h + padding + hf); // #endif // #endif // RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, GET_WIDGET_W(cont), y + h + padding + hf); break; case ARRANGE_FILL: //fprintf(stderr, "%s: RESIZE_CONTAINER(%p, %p, %d, %d)\n", GET_OBJECT_NAME(_object), GET_WIDGET(_object), cont, w + padding * 2, h + padding * 2); RESIZE_CONTAINER(_object, cont, w + padding * 2, h + padding * 2); break; } } if (!redo) break; } } __RETURN: arr->dirty = false; RAISE_ARRANGE_EVENT(_object); arr->locked = false; //qDebug("%p: dirty = FALSE", THIS); //qDebug("CCONTAINER_arrange: END %p", THIS); //qDebug("CCONTAINER_arrange: %p: END", cont); }