/*************************************************************************** main.c (c) 2000-2017 BenoƮt Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __MAIN_C #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gb_common.h" #include "c_subcollection.h" #include "CConnection.h" #include "CDatabase.h" #include "CUser.h" #include "CTable.h" #include "CField.h" #include "CIndex.h" #include "CResult.h" #include "CResultField.h" #include "sqlite.h" #include "main.h" GB_INTERFACE GB EXPORT; DB_DATABASE *DB_CurrentDatabase = NULL; static DB_DRIVER *_drivers[MAX_DRIVER]; static int _drivers_count = 0; static char *_query = NULL; #define TEMP_MAX 64 static char _temp[TEMP_MAX]; static int _temp_len; static bool _debug = FALSE; static const char *_try_another = NULL; static GB_COLLECTION _options; int DB_CheckNameWith(const char *name, const char *msg, const char *more) { unsigned char c; const char *p = name; if (!name || !*name) { GB.Error("Void &1 name", msg); return TRUE; } while ((c = *p++)) { if ((c >= 'A' && c <='Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <='z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_') continue; if (more && index(more, c)) continue; GB.Error("Bad &1 name: &2", msg, name); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void DB_FreeStringArray(char ***parray) { int i; char **array = *parray; if (!*parray) return; for (i = 0; i < GB.Count(array); i++) GB.FreeString(&array[i]); GB.FreeArray(parray); } GB_ARRAY DB_StringArrayToGambasArray(char **array) { GB_ARRAY garray; int i, n; char *str; n = GB.Count(array); GB.Array.New(&garray, GB_T_STRING, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { str = GB.NewZeroString(array[i]); *((char **)GB.Array.Get(garray, i)) = str; } return garray; } int DB_FindStringArray(char **array, const char *elt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GB.Count(array); i++) { if (!strcasecmp(elt, array[i])) return i; } return -1; } static void DB_Register(DB_DRIVER *driver) { if (_drivers_count >= MAX_DRIVER) return; _drivers[_drivers_count] = driver; _drivers_count++; } void DB_TryAnother(const char *driver) { _try_another = driver; } static DB_DRIVER *DB_GetDriver(const char *type) { int i; char comp[type ? strlen(type) + 8 : 1]; if (!type) { GB.Error("Driver name missing"); return NULL; } strcpy(comp, "gb.db."); strcat(comp, type); GB.Component.Load(comp); GB.Error(NULL); // reset the error flag; for (i = 0; i < _drivers_count; i++) { if (strcasecmp(_drivers[i]->name, type) == 0) return _drivers[i]; } GB.Error("Cannot find driver for database: &1", type); return NULL; } bool DB_Open(DB_DESC *desc, DB_DRIVER **driver, DB_DATABASE *db, GB_COLLECTION options) { DB_DRIVER *d; int res; int timeout; const char *type = desc->type; _options = options; timeout = db->timeout; CLEAR(db); db->timeout = timeout; for(;;) { d = DB_GetDriver(type); if (!d) return TRUE; *driver = d; _try_another = NULL; res = (*d->Open)(desc, db); if (!res) return FALSE; if (!_try_another) return TRUE; type = _try_another; } } void DB_GetOptions(DB_OPTIONS_CALLBACK cb) { GB_COLLECTION_ITER iter; GB_VALUE value; char *key; int len; GB.Collection.Enum(_options, &iter, NULL, NULL, NULL); for(;;) { if (GB.Collection.Enum(_options, &iter, (GB_VARIANT *)&value, &key, &len)) break; GB.BorrowValue(&value); (*cb)(GB.TempString(key, len), &value); GB.ReleaseValue(&value); } } void DB_Format(DB_DRIVER *driver, GB_VALUE *arg, DB_FORMAT_CALLBACK add) { static char buffer[32]; char *s; int l; int i; if (arg->type == GB_T_VARIANT) GB.Conv(arg, ((GB_VARIANT *)arg)->value.type); if (arg->type == (GB_TYPE)CLASS_Blob) { (*driver->FormatBlob)((DB_BLOB *)(((GB_OBJECT *)arg)->value), add); return; } if ((arg->type == GB_T_DATE && arg->_date.value.date == 0 && arg->_date.value.time == 0) || (arg->type == GB_T_STRING && arg->_string.value.len == 0) || (arg->type == GB_T_NULL)) { add("NULL", 4); return; } if (!(*driver->Format)(arg, add)) { switch (arg->type) { case GB_T_BOOLEAN: if (VALUE((GB_BOOLEAN *)arg)) add("TRUE", 4); else add("FALSE", 5); return; case GB_T_BYTE: case GB_T_SHORT: case GB_T_INTEGER: l = sprintf(buffer, "%d", VALUE((GB_INTEGER *)arg)); add(buffer, l); return; case GB_T_LONG: l = sprintf(buffer, "%" PRId64, VALUE((GB_LONG *)arg)); add(buffer, l); return; case GB_T_FLOAT: GB.NumberToString(FALSE, VALUE((GB_FLOAT *)arg), NULL, &s, &l); add(s, l); return; case GB_T_STRING: case GB_T_CSTRING: s = VALUE((GB_STRING *)arg).addr + VALUE((GB_STRING *)arg).start; l = VALUE((GB_STRING *)arg).len; add("'", 1); for (i = 0; i < l; i++, s++) { add(s, 1); if (*s == '\'' || *s == '\\') add(s, 1); } add("'", 1); return; default: fprintf(stderr, "gb.db: DB_Format: unsupported datatype: %d\n", (int)arg->type); return; } } } void DB_FormatVariant(DB_DRIVER *driver, GB_VARIANT_VALUE *arg, DB_FORMAT_CALLBACK add) { GB_VALUE value; value.type = arg->type; switch(arg->type) { case GB_T_NULL: break; case GB_T_STRING: case GB_T_CSTRING: { GB_STRING *val = (GB_STRING *)(void *)&value; val->value.addr = arg->value._string; val->value.start = 0; if (arg->type == GB_T_STRING) val->value.len = GB.StringLength(arg->value._string); else val->value.len = strlen(arg->value._string); } break; default: value.type = GB_T_VARIANT; value._variant.value = *arg; GB.Conv(&value, arg->type); break; } DB_Format(driver, &value, add); } static int query_narg; static GB_VALUE *query_arg; static DB_DRIVER *query_driver; static DB_DATABASE *query_db; static void mq_add_param(int index, char before, char after) { GB_VALUE *arg; if (index < 1 || index > query_narg) return; arg = &query_arg[index - 1]; //fprintf(stderr, "mq_add_param: %d %c %c\n", index, before, after); if (before == '[' && after == ']') { GB.SubstStringUnquote(); if (!GB.Conv(arg, GB_T_STRING)) GB.SubstAddCallback(DB_GetQuotedTable(query_driver, query_db, arg->_string.value.addr + arg->_string.value.start, arg->_string.value.len), -1); } else if ((before == '\'' || before == '`') && after == before) { GB.SubstStringUnquote(); if (!GB.Conv(arg, GB_T_STRING)) { GB.SubstAddCallback(query_driver->GetQuote(), -1); GB.SubstAddCallback(arg->_string.value.addr + arg->_string.value.start, arg->_string.value.len); GB.SubstAddCallback(query_driver->GetQuote(), -1); } } else DB_Format(query_driver, arg, (DB_FORMAT_CALLBACK)GB.SubstAddCallback); } char *DB_MakeQuery(DB_DRIVER *driver, DB_DATABASE *db, const char *pattern, int len, int narg, GB_VALUE *arg) { char *query; query_narg = narg; query_arg = arg; query_driver = driver; query_db = db; if (narg == 0) query = GB.TempString(pattern, len); else query = GB.SubstStringAdd(pattern, len, mq_add_param); if (!query || *query == 0) { GB.Error("Void query"); return NULL; } else return query; } void q_init(void) { GB.FreeString(&_query); _query = NULL; _temp_len = 0; } static void q_dump_temp(void) { if (!_temp_len) return; _query = GB.AddString(_query, _temp, _temp_len); _temp_len = 0; } void q_add_length(const char *str, int len) { if (!str) return; if ((_temp_len + len) > TEMP_MAX) q_dump_temp(); if (len > TEMP_MAX) _query = GB.AddString(_query, str, len); else { memcpy(&_temp[_temp_len], str, len); _temp_len += len; } } void q_add(const char *str) { if (str) q_add_length(str, strlen(str)); } void q_add_lower(const char *str) { int i, len; char *lstr; if (!str) return; len = strlen(str); if (len <= 0) return; lstr = GB.TempString(str, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) lstr[i] = GB.ToLower(lstr[i]); q_add_length(lstr, len); } char *q_get(void) { q_dump_temp(); return _query; } char *q_steal(void) { char *s; q_dump_temp(); s = _query; _query = NULL; return s; } int q_length(void) { return GB.StringLength(_query) + _temp_len; } void DB_SetDebug(int debug) { _debug = debug; } int DB_IsDebug(void) { return _debug; } void DB_Debug(const char *prefix, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; struct timeval tv; GB_DATE_SERIAL *date; GB_DATE val; if (!_debug) return; if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == 0) { GB.MakeDateFromTime((time_t)tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, &val); date = GB.SplitDate(&val); fprintf(stderr, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", date->year, date->month, date->day, date->hour, date->min, date->sec, date->msec); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", prefix); va_start(args, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, args); va_end(args); fputc('\n', stderr); fflush(stderr); } static char *_quote; DB_SUBST_CALLBACK _quote_cb; static void ss_get_param(int index, char **str, int *len) { (*_quote_cb)(index, str, len, _quote[index]); } char *DB_SubstString(const char *pattern, int len_pattern, DB_SUBST_CALLBACK add) { int i; unsigned char last_c, c; int n; char quote[20] = {0}; c = 0; len_pattern--; for (i = 0; i < len_pattern; i++) { last_c = c; c = pattern[i]; if (c == '&') { c = pattern[++i]; if (c == '&') continue; if (isdigit(c)) { n = c - '0'; c = pattern[++i]; if (isdigit(c)) { n = n * 10 + c - '0'; i++; } quote[n] = last_c; } } } _quote_cb = add; _quote = quote; return GB.SubstString(pattern, len_pattern, ss_get_param); } char *DB_QuoteString(const char *str, int len, char quote) { char *res, *p, c; int len_res; int i; len_res = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == quote) len_res++; } res = GB.TempString(NULL, len_res); p = res; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str[i]; *p++ = c; if (c == quote || c == '\\') *p++ = c; } *p = 0; return res; } char *DB_UnquoteString(const char *str, int len, char quote) { char *res, *p, c; int len_res; int i; if (len >= 2 && str[0] == quote && str[len - 1] == quote) { str++; len -= 2; } if (!len) return ""; len_res = len; for (i = 0; i < (len - 1); i++) { if ((str[i] == quote && str[i + 1] == quote) || str[i] == '\\') { len_res--; i++; } } res = GB.TempString(NULL, len_res); p = res; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = str[i]; if (c == quote && (i + 1) < len && str[i + 1] == quote) i++; else if (c == '\\' && (i + 1) < len) { c = str[i + 1]; i++; } *p++ = c; } *p = 0; return res; } DB_DATABASE *DB_GetCurrent() { return DB_CurrentDatabase; } char *DB_GetQuotedTable(DB_DRIVER *driver, DB_DATABASE *db, const char *table, int len) { char *point = NULL; char *res; const char *quote; if (!table) return ""; if (len < 0) len = strlen(table); if (len == 0) return ""; if (db->flags.schema) point = index(table, '.'); quote = (*driver->GetQuote)(); if (!point) { res = GB.TempString(NULL, len + 2); sprintf(res, "%s%.*s%s", quote, len, table, quote); } else { int len_schema = (int)(point - table); res = GB.TempString(NULL, len + 4); sprintf(res, "%s%.*s%s.%s%.*s%s", quote, len_schema, table, quote, quote, len - len_schema - 1, point + 1, quote); } return res; } GB_DESC *GB_CLASSES [] EXPORT = { SubCollectionDesc, CIndexDesc, CFieldDesc, CTableFieldsDesc, CTableIndexesDesc, CTableDesc, CUserDesc, CDatabaseDesc, CConnectionUsersDesc, CConnectionDatabasesDesc, CConnectionTablesDesc, CConnectionDesc, CDBDesc, CBlobDesc, CResultFieldDesc, CResultFieldsDesc, CResultDesc, NULL }; void *GB_DB_1[] EXPORT = { (void *)1, (void *)DB_Register, (void *)DB_Format, (void *)DB_FormatVariant, (void *)DB_IsDebug, (void *)DB_Debug, (void *)DB_TryAnother, (void *)DB_SubstString, (void *)DB_QuoteString, (void *)DB_UnquoteString, (void *)DB_GetCurrent, (void *)DB_GetOptions, (void *)q_init, (void *)q_add, (void *)q_add_lower, (void *)q_add_length, (void *)q_get, (void *)q_steal, (void *)q_length, (void *)DB_FindStringArray, NULL }; int EXPORT GB_INIT(void) { char *env = getenv("GB_DB_DEBUG"); if (env && strcmp(env, "0")) DB_SetDebug(TRUE); DB_Register(&DB_sqlite_pseudo_driver); return 0; } void EXPORT GB_EXIT() { GB.FreeString(&_query); }