' Gambas test file Public Const ThisIsAnUnitTestSelfTest As Boolean = True Public Plan As Integer = 11 Public Sub Setup() Assert.Note("------------------ Intentional Failures ------------------") End Public Sub Teardown() Assert.Note("------------------ End Intentional Failures ------------------") Assert.Note("11 Tests, 11 Failures, then everything is ok.") End Public Sub TestStringFailure() Assert.EqualsString("Lisa", "Paul", "Intentional String failure. Ok if not ok.") End Public Sub TestLongFailure() Assert.EqualsLong(2, 3, "Intentional Long failure. Ok if not ok.") End Public Sub TestLongTypeMismatchFailure() Dim s As String = "3.0" Assert.EqualsLong(s, 3, "Intentional Long type mismatch failure. Ok if not ok.") End Public Sub TestEqualsFailure() Dim oOne, oTwo As Object Assert.Note("Equals failures") Assert.Equals(2, 3) Assert.Equals("3", 2.0) Assert.Equals("2", 2.1) oOne = New ITest oTwo = New ITest Assert.Equals(oOne, oTwo) End Public Sub TestDoACrash() Dim a As Long 'Me.AddTrace("This will be a crash, then its ok") 'This is a crash a = 3 / 0 End Public Sub TestError() Dim a As Long Try a = 3 / 0 Assert.ErrorWithCode(5, "Wanted error 5. Ok if not ok.") ' No Error, AssertError has to report a failure Assert.Error("No Error but error expected. Ok if not ok.") End Public Sub TestErrorTwo() Error.Raise("I shot the sheriff.") Assert.True(True) End '