# Gambas Form File 3.0 { Form Form MoveScaled(32.7143,25,84,60) Text = ("Desktop application embedder") Icon = Picture["embedder.png"] Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical { Panel1 Panel MoveScaled(0,0,82,6) Arrangement = Arrange.Horizontal Spacing = True Margin = True { Label1 Label MoveScaled(2,1,16,4) Font = Font["Bold"] AutoResize = True Text = ("Window title") } { txtTitle TextBox MoveScaled(19,1,17,4) ToolTip = ("Enter there the title of the window you want to embed.") Expand = True } { btnEmbed Button MoveScaled(37,1,14,4) ToolTip = ("Click on the Embed button to search the window whose title \nis specified in the left field, and to embed it in the \nblue rectangle below.") Text = ("&Embed") Default = True } { btnDiscard Button MoveScaled(52,1,14,4) Enabled = False ToolTip = ("Click on the Discard button to free the application window from its jail.") Text = ("&Discard") } { lblID Label MoveScaled(69,1,11,4) Visible = False Alignment = Align.Center Border = Border.Sunken } } { Panel2 Panel MoveScaled(3,8,67,43) Background = &H9FCFFF& Expand = True Arrangement = Arrange.Fill Padding = 4 { embEmbedder Embedder MoveScaled(8,8,35,25) Expand = True } } }