' Gambas module file Public Root As String Public Path As String Public Exist As Boolean Public Edit As Boolean Public Image As Boolean Public Sub GetPagePath(Optional bSuffix As Boolean) As String Dim sPath As String sPath = Root &/ "data" &/ Path &/ "~page" If bSuffix Then sPath &= "." & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhhnnssuu") & "." & Session["login"] Return sPath End Private Sub MakeDir(sDir As String) Dim sPath As String Dim sElt As String For Each sElt In Split(sDir, "/") sPath &/= sElt 'Shell "echo MKDIR: " & Shell$(sPath) & " >> /tmp/session.log" Wait Try Mkdir "/" & sPath Next 'If Not Exist(sDir) Or If Not IsDir(sDir) Then Return True End Private Sub InitWiki() Mkdir Root &/ "data" Copy "passwd" To Root &/ "passwd" Copy "page" To GetPagePath() Copy "page" To GetPagePath(True) End Private Sub LockPage() Dim sLock As String = File.Dir(GetPagePath()) &/ "~lock" Dim hLock As File Dim I As Integer For I = 1 To 20 Try hLock = Lock sLock If Not Error Then Return Sleep 0.1 Next Error.Raise("Unable to lock the current page") End Public Sub Main() Dim iSize As Long Dim sMsg As String Dim sIdent As String Dim iPos As Integer Dim sLogin As String Dim sPasswd As String Dim aPage As String[] Dim sDir As String ' The wiki is stored in the following root directory. Root = User.Home &/ "wiki" Try Mkdir Root ' All pages are stored in a "data" directory stored in the root directory. ' If the "data" directory does not exist, the wiki is initialized with a default root page. If Not Exist(Root &/ "data") Then InitWiki Response.Redirect(Application.Root) Return Endif ' The url path is directly converted to a relative directory path inside the "data" directory located in the root directory. ' The page contents is stored inside a "~page" file located in that directory. ' Consequently, no "~" character is allowed in the url path. ' Each page modification is archived in a "~page.." file, allowing changes to be undone. Path = Request.Path If Path = "/" Then Path = "" ' Handle resource files: images, style sheet... If Path And If Exist(".public" &/ Path) Then Response.SendFile(".public" &/ Path) Return Endif ' Reject pages whose url includes a "~" character. If InStr(Path, "~") Then Response.Status = "404 Not Found" Response.Begin Print "

404 Not Found

" Response.End Return Endif If Request.Exist("logout") Then Session.Abandon Else If Request["login"] And If Request["password"] Then Session.Abandon For Each sIdent In Split(File.Load(Root &/ "passwd"), "\n") iPos = InStr(sIdent, ": ") If iPos = 0 Then Continue sLogin = Trim(Left(sIdent, iPos - 1)) sPasswd = Trim(Mid$(sIdent, iPos + 2)) If sLogin = Request["login"] And If sPasswd = Request["password"] Then Session["login"] = sLogin Break Endif Next Endif Try iSize = Stat(GetPagePath()).Size {Exist} = iSize > 0 Image = IsImage(Path) If Session.Id Then If Request.Exist("save") Then If Request.Exist("page") Then MakeDir(File.Dir(GetPagePath())) LockPage File.Save(GetPagePath(), Request["page"]) Copy GetPagePath() To GetPagePath(True) Response.Redirect(Application.Root &/ Request.Path) Return Else If Request.Exist("file") And If Image Then MakeDir(File.Dir(GetPagePath())) LockPage Try Kill GetPagePath() Copy Request.Files["file"] To GetPagePath() Copy GetPagePath() To GetPagePath(True) Response.Redirect(Application.Root &/ Request.Path) Return Endif Else If Request.Exist("delete") Then If {Exist} Then LockPage File.Save(GetPagePath(), "") Copy GetPagePath() To GetPagePath(True) Endif Response.Redirect(Application.Root &/ Request.Path) Return Else If Request.Exist("undo") Then sDir = File.Dir(GetPagePath()) aPage = Dir(sDir, "~page.*").Sort(gb.Descent) If aPage.Count >= 2 Then LockPage Try Kill sDir &/ aPage[0] Try Kill GetPagePath() Try Copy sDir &/ aPage[1] To GetPagePath() Endif Response.Redirect(Application.Root &/ Request.Path) Return Else If Request.Exist("create") Or If Request.Exist("edit") Then Edit = True Endif Endif If Image Then If Not Session.Id Or If Request.Exist("show") Then Response.SendFile(GetPagePath(), GetContentTypeFrom(Path)) Return Endif Endif Wiki.Render Catch sMsg = Error.Where & ": " & Error.Text Response.Begin Response.ContentType = "text/plain;charset=utf-8" Print "
"; sMsg; "
" Response.End End Public Sub GetPageTitle(sPath As String) As String Dim sFile As String Dim iPos As Integer sPath = Root &/ "data" &/ sPath &/ "~page" If Not Exist(sPath) Then Return sFile = LTrim(File.Load(sPath)) If sFile Begins "# " Then iPos = InStr(sFile, "\n") If iPos = 0 Then iPos = Len(sFile) Return Trim(Mid$(sFile, 3, iPos - 3)) Endif End Public Sub IsImage(sPath As String) As Boolean Dim sExt As String sExt = File.Ext(sPath) Return ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"].Exist(sExt) End Private Sub GetContentTypeFrom(sPath As String) As String Select Case Lower(File.Ext(sPath)) Case "css" Return "text/css" Case "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "thumb" Return "image/jpeg" Case "png" Return "image/png" Case "gif" Return "image/gif" Case "tiff", "tif" Return "image/tiff" Case "odt" Return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" Case "doc" Return "application/msword" Case "ods" Return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" Case "xls" Return "application/msexcel" Case "pdf" Return "application/pdf" Case "zip" Return "application/zip" Case "html", "htm" Return "text/html" Case "txt" Return "text/plain" Case "avi" Return "video/x-msvideo" Case "mpg", "mpeg" Return "video/mpeg" Case "ps" Return "application/postscript" Case "dwg" Return "application/acad" Case "wav" Return "audio/x-wav" Case "ogg" Return "application/ogg" Case "jar" Return "application/x-jar" 'Case "xml", "kml" ' Return "text/plain" Case Else Return "application/octet-stream" End Select End