/*************************************************************************** CMessage.cpp The message box class (c) 2000-2007 Benoit Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __CMESSAGE_CPP #include "gambas.h" #include "main.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gb.qt.h" #include "CWindow.h" #include "CPicture.h" #include "CMessage.h" typedef struct { GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn[3]; } MSG_PARAM; static int _global_lock = 0; static int make_message(int type, int nbmax, void *_param) { MSG_PARAM *_p = (MSG_PARAM *)_param; QString msg = QSTRING_ARG(msg); QString btn[3]; QString swap; int mbtn[3]; int i, cancel, ret; QMessageBox::Icon icon; QPoint p; QWidget *parent; char *stock = 0; if (_global_lock) { GB.Error("Message box already displayed"); return 0; } _global_lock++; if (!MISSING(btn[0])) btn[0] = QSTRING_ARG(btn[0]); if (nbmax >= 2 && !MISSING(btn[1])) btn[1] = QSTRING_ARG(btn[1]); if (nbmax >= 3 && !MISSING(btn[2])) btn[2] = QSTRING_ARG(btn[2]); if (btn[0].isNull() && !btn[1].isNull()) swap = btn[0], btn[0] = btn[1], btn[1] = swap; if (btn[1].isNull() && !btn[2].isNull()) swap = btn[1], btn[1] = btn[2], btn[2] = swap; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) mbtn[i] = btn[i].isNull() ? QMessageBox::NoButton : (i + 1) ; mbtn[0] |= QMessageBox::Default; cancel = 0; for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (btn[i]) { cancel = i; break; } } mbtn[cancel] |= QMessageBox::Escape; switch (type) { case MSG_INFO: icon = QMessageBox::Information; stock = "icon:/32/info"; break; case MSG_WARNING: icon = QMessageBox::Warning; stock = "icon:/32/warning"; break; case MSG_ERROR: icon = QMessageBox::Critical; stock = "icon:/32/error"; break; case MSG_QUESTION: icon = QMessageBox::Information; stock = "icon:/32/question"; break; case MSG_DELETE: icon = QMessageBox::Information; stock = "icon:/32/trash"; break; default: icon = QMessageBox::Information; } parent = qApp->activeWindow(); if (!parent) { if (CWINDOW_Main) parent = CWINDOW_Main->widget.widget; } QMessageBox *mb = new QMessageBox( TO_QSTRING(GB.Application.Title()), msg, icon, mbtn[0], mbtn[1], mbtn[2], parent); //, 0, //qApp->activeWindow(), //0, true, 0); //CWINDOW_Current ? ((CWIDGET *)CWINDOW_Current)->widget : 0); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (btn[i]) mb->setButtonText(i + 1, btn[i]); } if (stock) { CPICTURE *pict = CPICTURE_get_picture(stock); if (pict) mb->setIconPixmap(*pict->pixmap); } #if 0 if (type == MSG_QUESTION) { if (_question_pixmap == 0) _question_pixmap = new QPixmap(_question_xpm); mb->setIconPixmap(*_question_pixmap); } else if (type == MSG_DELETE) { if (_trash_pixmap == 0) _trash_pixmap = new QPixmap(_trash_xpm); mb->setIconPixmap(*_trash_pixmap); } #endif mb->adjustSize(); if (mb->width() < 256) mb->resize(256, mb->height()); /*mb->setMinimumSize(mb->width(), mb->height()); mb->setMaximumSize(mb->width(), mb->height()); mb->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed));*/ mb->reparent(parent, Qt::WType_TopLevel | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder | Qt::WStyle_Title | Qt::WStyle_SysMenu, mb->pos()); // WShowModal mb->installEventFilter(&CMessage::manager); //qDebug("message-box: parent = %p", mb->parentWidget()); ret = mb->exec(); if (ret == 0) ret = cancel + 1; delete mb; _global_lock--; return ret; } BEGIN_METHOD(CMESSAGE_info, GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn) GB.ReturnInteger(make_message(MSG_INFO, 1, (void *)_p)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMESSAGE_warning, GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn1; GB_STRING btn2; GB_STRING btn3) GB.ReturnInteger(make_message(MSG_WARNING, 3, (void *)_p)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMESSAGE_question, GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn1; GB_STRING btn2; GB_STRING btn3) GB.ReturnInteger(make_message(MSG_QUESTION, 3, (void *)_p)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMESSAGE_delete, GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn1; GB_STRING btn2; GB_STRING btn3) GB.ReturnInteger(make_message(MSG_DELETE, 3, (void *)_p)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMESSAGE_error, GB_STRING msg; GB_STRING btn1; GB_STRING btn2; GB_STRING btn3) GB.ReturnInteger(make_message(MSG_ERROR, 3, (void *)_p)); END_METHOD GB_DESC CMessageDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Message", 0), GB_VIRTUAL_CLASS(), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_exit", NULL, CMESSAGE_exit, NULL), GB_STATIC_METHOD("_call", "i", CMESSAGE_info, "(Message)s[(Button)s]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Info", "i", CMESSAGE_info, "(Message)s[(Button)s]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Warning", "i", CMESSAGE_warning, "(Message)s[(Button1)s(Button2)s(Button3)s]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Question", "i", CMESSAGE_question, "(Message)s[(Button1)s(Button2)s(Button3)s]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Error", "i", CMESSAGE_error, "(Message)s[(Button1)s(Button2)s(Button3)s]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Delete", "i", CMESSAGE_delete, "(Message)s[(Button1)s(Button2)s(Button3)s]"), GB_END_DECLARE }; /*************************************************************************** MyMessageBox ***************************************************************************/ #if 0 MyMessageBox::MyMessageBox( const QString& caption, const QString &text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2) : QMessageBox(caption, text, icon, button0, button1, button2, qApp->activeWindow()) { center = true; adjustSize(); if (width() < 256) resize(256, height()); setMinimumSize(width(), height()); setMaximumSize(width(), height()); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); } void MyMessageBox::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { QMessageBox::showEvent(e); if (center) { QPoint p( (qApp->desktop()->width() - width()) / 2, (qApp->desktop()->height() - height()) / 2 ); //qDebug("%d x %d / %d x %d", qApp->desktop()->width(), qApp->desktop()->height(), mb.width(), mb.height()); //qDebug("(%d, %d) / (%d, %d)", p.x(), p.y(), mb.parentWidget()->x(), mb.parentWidget()->y()); //p = mb.parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(p); //qDebug("==> (%d, %d)", p.x(), p.y()); //mb.reparent(mb.parentWidget(), Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder | Qt::WStyle_Title | Qt::WStyle_SysMenu | Qt::WType_Dialog, p); //qDebug("move MessageBox to (%d %d)", mb.pos().x(), mb.pos().y()); move(64, 64); center = false; } } int MyMessageBox::run() { QPoint p(64, 64); clearWFlags(WDestructiveClose); clearWFlags(WShowModal); show(); reparent(qApp->activeWindow(), getWFlags() | WStyle_DialogBorder | WShowModal, p); // WShowModal move(p); show(); qApp->eventLoop()->enterLoop(); return result(); } #endif /*************************************************************************** CMessage ***************************************************************************/ CMessage CMessage::manager; bool CMessage::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Show) { QMessageBox *mb = (QMessageBox *)o; mb->move((qApp->desktop()->width() - mb->width()) / 2, (qApp->desktop()->height() - mb->height()) / 2); mb->removeEventFilter(this); } return QObject::eventFilter(o, e); // standard event processing }