' Gambas class file ' Copyright(C)2010. Autor: Pablo Mileti 'This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And / Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option)any later version. 'This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS For A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License For more details. 'You should have received a Copy Of the GNU General Public License along With this program.IfNot, see < http: / / www.gnu.org / licenses / > . '****English documentation***** 'Public sub 'Winner() ---> Procedure to Finish the game and write a congratulation message! 'updateBoxes()---> Rewrite the values in each box to compare with the last value wrote. If it presents conflict, mark it with red color. '* * * * * DocumentaciĆ³n en espaƱol ****** 'Public sub 'Winner() ---> Ha ganado el juego, finalizarlo y felicitar! 'updateBoxes()---> Volver a escribir los valores en cada casillero para que se compare con el ultimo valor ingresado y se coloree si ha conflicto Public Game As Esquema Public Sub Form_Open() Game = New Esquema Me.Window.Center End Public Sub TXT_Change() Dim value As Integer If Last.text = "" Then value = 0 Else value = Val(Last.text) End If Game.Set(Last.tag, value) updateBoxes() If Game.isWin() Then Winner() End Public Sub TXT_KeyPress() If Not (Key.code = Key.BackSpace Or Key.code = Key.Delete Or Key.Code = Key.F10) Then If InStr("12345678", Key.Text) = 0 Then Stop Event End If End Public Sub MnuReiniciar_Click() Dim control As Object Game = New Esquema For Each control In Me.Children If Object.Type(control) = "TextBox" Then control.text = "" control.foreground = &H000000& control.background = &HFFFFFF& control.enabled = True End If Next Me.Title = ("Puzzle 1 to 8 - Locate the numbers!") End Public Sub MnuSalir_Click() Me.Close End Public Sub Form_Close() If Message.Question(("Are you sure?"), ("Yes"), ("No")) = 2 Then Stop Event End If End Public Sub MnuAutor_Click() FrmAbout.Showmodal() End Public Sub MnuComoJugar_Click() FrmAyuda.Show() End Public Sub Winner() Dim control As Object For Each control In Me.Children If Object.Type(control) = "TextBox" Then control.background = &FFFF9F& control.enabled = False End If Next Me.Title = ("Congratulations! You did it!") End Private Sub updateBoxes() Dim control As Object Dim value As Integer For Each control In Me.Children If Object.Type(control) = "TextBox" Then If control.text = "" Then value = 0 Else value = Val(control.text) End If If Game.Set(control.tag, value) Then control.foreground = &HFF0000& Else control.foreground = &000000& End If End If Next End