' Gambas module file Export Class __Test ''' The class Test is the central class which orchestrates ''' the execution of tests and also gives a couple of tools to ''' manipulate running tests. '' Special value for unspecified test plan Public Const NO_PLAN As Integer = -1 Property Read _Printer As TapPrinter Property Read _Finished As Boolean Property _Next As TestAssertion Public _InSetup As Boolean Private $hPrinter As New TapPrinter Private $hNext As TestAssertion Private $Suite As TestSuite '' Used to trigger Test.Main to print all tests as comma separated string. Public Const _TRIGGER_GET_ALLTESTS As String = "#GetAllTests" '' The static procedure Test.Main() runs tests. By default it runs all tests (aka testmethods) in all '' testmodules of a project ordered by name and prints the result to stdout. '' '' A testmodule is a special class with the ending test. It must contain at minimum one test. '' '' A test is a public sub in a testmodule whose name does not contain an underscore. '' '' On the command line the interpreter is commanded with this line to execute Test.Main(): '' '' gbx3 -T "*" /path/to/project '' '' The optional argument ca be used to create a testsuite which chooses any '' combination of testmodule and test(s). The format of the string is like so: Testmodules '' are separated by a comma. If not all tests of a testmodule should be called then the '' name of the testmodule is followed by a dot and a string containing the tests separated '' by a semikolon. For example: '' '' gbx3 -T "testmodule1,testmodule2.test1;test2,testmodule3" /path/to/project '' '' In the Gambas IDE one is able to define testsuites and store them with a individual name '' in a file named ".test" in the project's path. '' '' A test suite stored like that can be called by it's name with a preceeding "@", for example: '' '' gbx3 -T "$My production testsuite1" /path/to/project '' '' Public methods called "_Setup", "_Teardown", "_SetupEach" or "_TeardownEach" inside a testmodule '' can be used to create a testfixture, which defines a special environment for the tests. Public Sub Main(Optional Tests As String) Dim sTestsuite As String If Not Tests Then 'prints the names of all testmodules PrintAllTestModules() Return Endif If Tests = _TRIGGER_GET_ALLTESTS Then Print AllTests() Return Endif If Tests = "*" Then 'triggers all tests Tests = "" Endif If Tests Begins "@" Then 'a test suite was called by name sTestsuite = Tests Tests = Helper.GetTestSuiteByName(Tests) Endif ' run tests Test._Reset() ' only if you run this Main multiple times per process, which you shouldn't If Tests Then FromString(Tests) Endif RunTests() If sTestsuite Then sTestsuite = Replace(sTestsuite, "@", "Testsuite: ") $hPrinter.Session.Summary.Description = sTestsuite Else $hPrinter.Session.Summary.Description = TestCommand.ToString(TestCommand.FromString(Tests)) Endif PrintSummary() Quit ExitCode() TheEnd: Catch Test.BailOut(Error.Text) End Private Sub PrintSummary() With $hPrinter.Session Test._Print(Null) ' better readability for humans ' even if the tests came in unsorted, print it sorted Test.Note(Subst$(("Ran '&1' "), TestCommand.ToString(TestCommand.FromString(.Summary.Description)))) If .TestsRun <> .Plan Then Test.Note(Subst$(("Planned &1 tests but ran &2"), .Plan, .TestsRun)) Test.Note(gb.Lf) ShowTestCollection(("&1 skipped:"), FindSkips(.Summary.Subtests, "")) ShowTestCollection(("&1 todo:"), FindTodos(.Summary.Subtests, "")) ShowTestCollection(("&1 bonus:"), FindBonus(.Summary.Subtests, "")) If Not .Summary.Success Then ShowTestCollection(("&1 test plans failed:"), FindBadPlans(.Summary.Subtests, "")) ShowTestCollection(("&1 tests failed:"), FindFailures(.Summary.Subtests, "")) Endif Test.Note(IIf(.Summary.Success, "PASSED", "FAILED")) End With End Private Function ExitCode() As Integer Return IIf($hPrinter.Session.Summary.Success, 0, 1) End '' Prints a Collection[] of tests as returned by FindFailures, FindSkips, FindTodos. '' _Description_ can contain '&1' which is substituted for _TestCollection_.Count. Private Sub ShowTestCollection(Description As String, TestCollection As Collection[]) Dim cTest As Collection If TestCollection.Count Then Test.Note(Subst$(Description, TestCollection.Count)) For Each cTest In TestCollection Dim hTest As TestAssertion = cTest!Assertion Dim sName, sNote As String sName = hTest.Description If cTest["Note"] Then sNote = Subst$((": &1"), cTest["Note"]) Else If hTest.Comment Then sNote = Subst$(("# &1"), hTest.Comment) Endif Test.Note(Subst$(("&2: &1 -- &3&4"), cTest["Path"], hTest.Id, sName, IIf(sNote, " " & sNote, ""))) Next Test.Note(gb.Lf) Endif End Private Function FindBadPlans(Tests As TestAssertion[], Prefix As String) As Collection[] Dim hTest As TestAssertion Dim sName As String Dim aRet As New Collection[] For Each hTest In Tests sName = Prefix &/ hTest.Description If hTest.Subtests.Count <> hTest.SubPlanned Then aRet.Add(["Path": Prefix, "Assertion": hTest, "Note": Subst$(("Planned &1 but ran &2"), hTest.SubPlanned, hTest.Subtests.Count)]) aRet.Insert(FindBadPlans(hTest.Subtests, sName)) Next Return aRet End Private Function FindFailures(Tests As TestAssertion[], Prefix As String) As Collection[] Dim hTest As TestAssertion Dim sName As String Dim aRet As New Collection[] For Each hTest In Tests sName = Prefix &/ hTest.Description ' Only show the deepest subtests that caused failures. If Not hTest.Success And If Not hTest.Subtests.Count Then aRet.Add(["Path": Prefix, "Assertion": hTest]) aRet.Insert(FindFailures(hTest.Subtests, sName)) Next Return aRet End Private Function FindSkips(Tests As TestAssertion[], Prefix As String) As Collection[] Dim hTest As TestAssertion Dim sName As String Dim aRet As New Collection[] For Each hTest In Tests sName = Prefix &/ hTest.Description If hTest.Directive = TestAssertion.SKIP Then aRet.Add(["Path": Prefix, "Assertion": hTest]) aRet.Insert(FindSkips(hTest.Subtests, sName)) Next Return aRet End Private Function FindTodos(Tests As TestAssertion[], Prefix As String) As Collection[] Dim hTest As TestAssertion Dim sName As String Dim aRet As New Collection[] For Each hTest In Tests sName = Prefix &/ hTest.Description If hTest.Directive = TestAssertion.TODO And If Not hTest.Ok Then aRet.Add(["Path": Prefix, "Assertion": hTest]) aRet.Insert(FindTodos(hTest.Subtests, sName)) Next Return aRet End Private Function FindBonus(Tests As TestAssertion[], Prefix As String) As Collection[] Dim hTest As TestAssertion Dim sName As String Dim aRet As New Collection[] For Each hTest In Tests sName = Prefix &/ hTest.Description If hTest.Directive = TestAssertion.TODO And If hTest.Ok Then aRet.Add(["Path": Prefix, "Assertion": hTest]) aRet.Insert(FindBonus(hTest.Subtests, sName)) Next Return aRet End '' Run all tests in $Suite. If $Suite is Null, run all tests. Private Function RunTests() Dim Testmodule As Class If Not $Suite Then ' create as Suite with all tests $Suite = New TestSuite For Each TestModule In GetAllTestModules() $Suite.AddAllTestCases(TestModule) Next Endif $Suite.Run() If Not Test._Finished Then Test._Finish() End Private Function GetAllTestModules() As Class[] Dim TestClass As Class Dim TestModules As New Class[] Dim aNames As New String[] Dim sName As String Component.Load("gb.util") For Each sName In Dir(".../.gambas") sName = Helper.CheckTestModule(sName) If sName Then aNames.Add(sName) Next Assert aNames aNames.Sort For Each sName In aNames TestClass = __Test.Load(sName) If Not TestClass Then Error.Raise(Subst$(("Could not load test module '&1'"), sName)) TestModules.Add(TestClass) Next Return TestModules Catch Test.BailOut("Error in " & Error.Where & ": " & Error.Text) End '' Returns an collection of all the testmodules and their tests of the project. '' Key is the name of the testmodule, Value is a string array with the names of the tests it contains Public Function AllTestsCollection() As Collection Dim aoTestModules As Class[] Dim cAlltests As New Collection Dim oTestModule As Class aoTestModules = GetAllTestModules() For Each oTestModule In aoTestModules cAlltests.Add(TestSuite.GetTestsFromTestModule(oTestModule), oTestModule.Name) Next Return cAlltests End '' Returns a comma separated string with all tests of the project in the same way Test.Main() wants it. Public Function AllTests() As String Dim tests As Collection Dim asTests As String[] Dim asLines As New String[] Dim sModule As String tests = AllTestsCollection() For Each tests sModule = tests.Key asTests = tests[tests.Key] asTests.Sort If asTests.Count > 0 Then asLines.Add(sModule & "." & asTests.Join(";")) Endif Next asLines.Sort() Return asLines.Join(",") End ' ------------------------------------------------- Test controls '' Prints "Bail out!" to Stdout and stops all testing immediately. Public Sub BailOut(Optional Comment As String) $hPrinter.BailOut(Comment) Quit 1 End '' Synonym for Note, prints Comment with leading # Public Sub Diagnostic(Comment As String) $hPrinter.Diagnostic(Comment) End '' If the next assertion is a failure it reports ok. '' In other words: Reverses the result of the following assertion. '' "not ok" will be "ok" and vice versa. Public Sub IntendedFailure() Assert._IntendedFailure = True End '' Synonym for Diagnostic, prints Comment with leading # Public Sub Note(Comment As String) $hPrinter.Note(Comment) End '' Tell the testing system that the next assertion is a TODO. '' Even if it fails it reports ok, but will be reported as Todo. '' If the next assertion does not fail, it will be reported as bonus. Public Sub Todo(Optional Comment As String) Test._Next.Directive = TestAssertion.TODO Test._Next.Comment = Comment End '' Tell the testing system that a test is skipped. Reports ok. Public Sub Skip(Optional Comment As String) Test._Next.Directive = TestAssertion.SKIP Test._Next.Comment = Comment Assert.Pass() End '' Prints Line to Stdout Public Sub _Print({Line} As String) $hPrinter.Print({Line}) End Private Function _Printer_Read() As TapPrinter Return $hPrinter End Private Function _Finished_Read() As Boolean Return $hPrinter.Session.Finished End Public Sub _Reset() $hPrinter = New TapPrinter As "Printer" End Private Function _Next_Read() As TestAssertion If $hNext = Null Then $hNext = New TestAssertion Endif Return $hNext End Private Sub _Next_Write(Value As TestAssertion) $hNext = Value End Public Sub _Subtest(Description As String, Optional Tests As Integer, Optional Comment As String) Test._Printer.Subtest(Description, Tests, Comment) End '' Plan the number of assertions within a test method. '' If the number is not correct, the test fails. Public Sub Plan(Tests As Integer, Optional Comment As String) Test._Printer.Plan(Tests, Comment) End '' Skip the current test. Public Sub SkipAll(Optional Comment As String) Test._Printer.SkipAll(Comment) End Public Sub _Finish() Test._Printer.Finish() End Private Sub PrintAllTestModules() Dim sName As String Dim aTest As New String[] Component.Load("gb.util") For Each sName In Dir(".../.gambas") sName = Helper.CheckTestModule(sName) If sName Then aTest.Add(sName) Next Print aTest.Join(); End 'Fill suite from String Private Sub FromString(Tests As String) Dim Commands As TestCommand[] Dim Command As TestCommand Dim TestModule As Class Dim sName As String Commands = TestCommand.FromString(Tests) $Suite = New TestSuite For Each Command In Commands With Command TestModule = __Test.Load(.ModuleName) If Command.Methods.Count = 0 Then Command.Methods = $Suite.GetTestsFromTestModule(TestModule) Endif For Each sName In Command.Methods $Suite.AddTestCase(sName, Testmodule) Next End With Next End