' Gambas class file ' Written by Iman Karim ' http://home.inf.fh-rhein-sieg.de/~ikarim2s/ ' 14.11.2006 Private Objects As New Collection Private world_Gravity As Float = 0.9 Private world_Bounce As Float = 0.7 Private world_SlideFloor As Float = 0.9 Private isDrawing As Boolean Private Sub AddBall(Optional x As Integer = -1, Optional y As Integer = -1) Dim cBall As New CBall If x = -1 Then cBall.x = Rnd(1, 100) cBall.y = Rnd(1, 100) Else cBall.x = x cBall.y = y End If cBall.ax = Rnd(-100, 100) cBall.col = Rnd(1, 90000000) objects.Add(cBall, Str(objects.Count + 1)) cB.Add(Str(objects.Count)) End Private Sub DoGravity() Dim myBall As CBall For Each myBall In Objects If togGrav.value Then myBall.ay = myBall.ay + world_Gravity '// Make Gravity myBall.x = myBall.x + myBall.ax '// Move Ball myBall.y = myBall.y + myBall.ay If myBall.x >= dW.width - 5 Or myBall.x <= 0 Then '// Ball collidated on wall (left/right) myBall.ax = (myBall.ax * world_Bounce) * -1 '// Reverse Ball direction and include world_Bounce End If If myBall.y > dW.Height - 10 Or myBall.y < 10 Then '// Ball collidated on Floor or Sky If myball.y < 10 And togSky.value = False Then myball.ay = (myball.ay * world_Bounce) * -1 '// If Sky is disabled no not bounce If myball.y > 10 Then myball.ay = (myball.ay * world_Bounce) * -1 '// On floor make bounce for sure End If If (((dW.Height - 10) - myBall.y) <= 1) And (Abs(myBall.ay) <= 2) And togGrav.Value Then '// If ball is n floor and to slow to jump up again stop the ball (y) myball.y = (dW.Height - 10) myball.ay = 0 End If If myball.ay = 0 And myball.y = (dW.Height - 10) Then '// If ball is already on floor decrease the roll speed depending on world_SlideFloor factor. If myball.ax < 0.1 Then myball.ax = Abs(myball.ax) * world_SlideFloor * -1 Else If myball.ax > 0.1 Then myball.ax = Abs(myball.ax) * world_SlideFloor Else myball.ax = 0 '// If ball is moving to slow stop it End If End If If myball.y > dW.Height - 10 Then '// Make sure befor painting that the ball is inside your viewport. (floor) myball.y = dW.Height - 10 Else If myball.y <= 10 And togSky.Value = False Then myball.y = 12 End If If myball.x > dW.width - 5 Then '// Make sure befor painting that the ball is inside your viewport. (left\right wall) myball.x = dW.Width - 5 Else If myball.x < 0 Then myball.x = 0 End If Next End Private Sub DrawWorld() Dim myBall As CBall Dim index As Integer If isDrawing = False Then isDrawing = True Try Draw.begin(dW) 'Draw.Rect(3, 12, dW.Width - 6, dW.Height - 17) Draw.FillStyle = 1 Draw.FillColor = Color.White For Each myBall In Objects index = index + 1 Draw.Foreground = myBall.col Draw.Ellipse(myBall.x, myBall.y, 5, 5) If Str(index) = cB.Text Then Draw.FillStyle = 0 Draw.Foreground = Color.Red If togFocus.value Then Draw.Ellipse(myBall.x - 3, myBall.y - 3, 11, 11) lblX.Caption = Str(Round(myBall.x)) lblY.Caption = Str(Round(myBall.y)) If myball.y <= 0 Then lblOutOfRange.Visible = True Else lblOutOfRange.Visible = False End If lblaX.Caption = Str(Round(myBall.ax)) lblaY.Caption = Str(Round(myBall.ay)) Draw.FillStyle = 1 End If Next Draw.End If cB.Text = "ALL" Then lblX.Caption = "%null%" lblY.Caption = "%null%" lblaX.Caption = "%null%" lblaY.Caption = "%null%" lblOutOfRange.Visible = False End If isDrawing = False End If End Private Sub Render() DoGravity If togClear.Value Then dW.Clear() Wait 0.001 DrawWorld End Public Sub Form_Open() cb.Add("ALL") End Public Sub Button1_Click() AddBall End Public Sub Timer1_Timer() Render End Public Sub Form_Resize() Timer1.Enabled = False 'DO ' WAIT 1 'LOOP WHILE modGravity.isDrawing dw.Width = Me.Width - dw.Left - 10 dw.Height = Me.Height - dw.top - 10 Timer1.Enabled = True End Public Sub Slider1_Change() lblGrav.Caption = "Gravity: " & Str(Slider1.Value / 100) world_Gravity = Slider1.Value / 100 End Public Sub togGrav_Click() If Not togGrav.Value Then lblGrav.Caption = "Gravity: off" lblSlide.Caption = "Floor Slide: off" Slider1.Enabled = False Slider2.Enabled = False world_SlideFloor = 1 Else Slider1.Enabled = True Slider2.Enabled = True lblGrav.Caption = "Gravity: " & Str(Slider1.Value / 100) lblSlide.Caption = "Floor Slide: " & Str(Slider2.Value / 100) world_SlideFloor = Slider2.Value / 100 End If End Public Sub cmdRandomize_Click() Dim myBall As CBall Dim index As Integer cmdRandomize.Enabled = False Draw.begin(dW) Draw.FillStyle = 1 For Each myBall In Objects index = index + 1 Draw.Foreground = myBall.col Draw.Ellipse(myBall.x, myBall.y, 5, 5) If Str(index) = cB.Text Or cB.Text = "ALL" Then myBall.ax = Rnd(1, 100) myBall.ay = Rnd(1, 100) End If Next Draw.End cmdRandomize.Enabled = True End Public Sub dW_MouseMove() If togAddMore.Value Then AddBall(Mouse.x, Mouse.Y) End If End Public Sub Slider2_Change() lblSlide.Caption = "Floor Slide: " & Str(Slider2.Value / 100) world_SlideFloor = Slider2.Value / 100 End Public Sub togAddMore_Click() If togAddMore.Value Then lbladdmore.visible = True Else lblAddMore.visible = False End If End Public Sub dW_MouseUp() togAddMore.Value = False lblAddMore.visible = False End Public Sub lblAbout_MouseDown() FAbout.ShowModal End