/*************************************************************************** gbc.c (c) 2000-2017 BenoƮt Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __GBC_C #include "config.h" #include "trunk_version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gb_common.h" #include "gb_error.h" #include "gb_str.h" #include "gb_file.h" #include "gb_common_buffer.h" #include "gb_system.h" #include "gbc_compile.h" #include "gb_reserved.h" #include "gbc_read.h" #include "gbc_form.h" #include "gbc_trans.h" #include "gbc_header.h" #include "gbc_output.h" #include "gb_system_temp.h" typedef void (*BACKGROUND_TASK)(const char *); #if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG static struct option _long_options[] = { { "debug", 0, NULL, 'g' }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "jobs", 1, NULL, 'j' }, { "license", 0, NULL, 'L' }, { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { "translate", 0, NULL, 't' }, { "public-control", 0, NULL, 'p' }, { "public-module", 0, NULL, 'm' }, { "swap", 0, NULL, 's' }, { "class", 1, NULL, 'c' }, /*{ "dump", 0, NULL, 'd' },*/ { "root", 1, NULL, 'r' }, { "all", 0, NULL, 'a' }, { "translate-errors", 0, NULL, 'e' }, { "no-old-read-write-syntax", 0, NULL, 1 }, { 0 } }; #endif static bool main_debug = FALSE; static bool main_exec = FALSE; static bool main_compile_all = FALSE; static bool main_trans = FALSE; static bool main_warnings = FALSE; static bool main_public = FALSE; static bool main_public_module = FALSE; static bool main_swap = FALSE; static bool main_no_old_read_syntax = FALSE; //static char *main_class_file = NULL; static char **_files = NULL; static bool make_test = FALSE; static uint _ntask_max = 0; static uint _ntask = 0; static bool _child = FALSE; static void get_arguments(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dir; int opt; #if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int index = 0; #endif for(;;) { #if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "gxvaVhj:Lwtpmser:", _long_options, &index); #else opt = getopt(argc, argv, "gxvaVhj:Lwtpmser:"); #endif if (opt < 0) break; switch (opt) { case 'V': #ifdef TRUNK_VERSION #ifdef TRUNK_VERSION_GIT printf(VERSION " " TRUNK_VERSION "\n"); #else /* from svn */ printf(VERSION " r" TRUNK_VERSION "\n"); #endif #else /* no TRUNK_VERSION */ printf(VERSION "\n"); #endif exit(0); case 'g': main_debug = TRUE; break; case 'x': main_exec = TRUE; break; case 'v': COMP_verbose = TRUE; break; case 'a': main_compile_all = TRUE; break; case 't': main_trans = TRUE; break; case 'w': main_warnings = TRUE; break; case 'p': main_public = TRUE; break; case 'm': main_public_module = TRUE; break; case 's': main_swap = TRUE; break; //case 'c': // main_class_file = optarg; //: break; case 'r': if (COMP_root) ERROR_fail("option '-r' already specified."); COMP_root = STR_copy(optarg); break; case 'e': ERROR_translate = TRUE; break; case 1: main_no_old_read_syntax = TRUE; break; case 'L': printf( "\nGAMBAS Compiler version " VERSION "\n" COPYRIGHT ); exit(0); case 'h': case '?': printf( "\nCompile Gambas projects into architecture-independent bytecode.\n" "\nUsage: gbc" GAMBAS_VERSION_STRING " [options] []\n\n" "Options:" #if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG "\n" " -a --all compile all\n" " -e --translate-errors display translatable error messages\n" " -g --debug add debugging information\n" " -h --help display this help\n" " -j --jobs number of background jobs (default: %d)\n" " -L --license display license\n" " -m --public-module module symbols are public by default\n" " -p --public-control form controls are public\n" " -r --root gives the gambas installation directory\n" " -s --swap swap endianness\n" " -t --translate output translation files and compile them if needed\n" " -v --verbose verbose output\n" " -V --version display version\n" " -w --warnings display warnings\n" " -x --exec executable mode (define the 'Exec' preprocessor constant and remove assertions)\n" #else " (no long options on this system)\n" " -a compile all\n" " -e display translatable error messages\n" " -g add debugging information\n" " -h display this help\n" " -j number of background jobs (default: %d)\n" " -L display license\n" " -m module symbols are public by default\n" " -p form controls are public\n" " -r gives the gambas installation directory\n" " -s swap endianness\n" " -t output translation files and compile them if needed\n" " -v verbose output\n" " -V display version\n" " -w display warnings\n" " -x executable mode (define the 'Exec' preprocessor constant and remove assertions)\n" #endif "\n", SYSTEM_get_cpu_count()); exit(0); case 'j': _ntask_max = atoi(optarg); if (_ntask_max < 0 || _ntask_max > 16) ERROR_fail("Incorrect number of jobs."); break; default: exit(1); } } if (optind < (argc - 1)) ERROR_fail("too many arguments"); /*COMP_project = STR_copy(FILE_cat(argv[optind], "Gambas", NULL));*/ if (optind < argc) FILE_chdir(argv[optind]); dir = FILE_get_current_dir(); if (!dir) ERROR_fail("no current directory"); COMP_dir = STR_copy(dir); COMP_project = STR_copy(FILE_cat(COMP_dir, ".project", NULL)); if (!FILE_exist(COMP_project)) ERROR_fail("project file not found: %s", COMP_project); } static int lock_file(const char *name) { const char *path; int fd; path = FILE_cat(COMP_dir, name, NULL); fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC, 0666); if (fd < 0) goto __ERROR; if (lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) < 0) goto __ERROR; return fd; __ERROR: ERROR_fail("unable to lock file: %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); } static void unlock_file(int fd) { close(fd); } static void remove_lock(const char *name) { const char *path; path = FILE_cat(COMP_dir, name, NULL); if (FILE_exist(path)) FILE_unlink(path); } static void compile_file(const char *file) { int i, fd; time_t time_src, time_form, time_pot, time_output; char *source; COMPILE_begin(file, main_trans, main_debug); if (!main_compile_all) { if (FILE_exist(JOB->output)) { time_src = FILE_get_time(JOB->name); time_output = FILE_get_time(JOB->output); if (JOB->form) time_form = FILE_get_time(JOB->form); else time_form = time_src; if (main_trans) time_pot = FILE_get_time(JOB->tname); else time_pot = time_src; if (time_src <= time_output && time_src <= time_pot && time_form <= time_output) goto _FIN; } } COMPILE_alloc(); JOB->exec = main_exec; JOB->warnings = main_warnings; JOB->swap = main_swap; JOB->public_module = main_public_module; JOB->no_old_read_syntax = main_no_old_read_syntax; //JOB->class_file = main_class_file; if (COMP_verbose) { fputc('\n', stderr); for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) fprintf(stderr, "--------"); fprintf(stderr, "\nCompiling %s...\n", FILE_get_name(JOB->name)); } JOB->first_line = 1; if (JOB->form) { JOB->first_line = FORM_FIRST_LINE; BUFFER_add(&JOB->source, "#Line " FORM_FIRST_LINE_STRING "\n", -1); BUFFER_create(&source); BUFFER_load_file(&source, JOB->form); BUFFER_add(&source, "\n\0", 2); switch (JOB->family->type) { case FORM_WEBPAGE: FORM_webpage(source); break; case FORM_NORMAL: default: FORM_do(source, main_public); break; } BUFFER_delete(&source); BUFFER_add(&JOB->source, "#Line 1\n", -1); } COMPILE_load(); BUFFER_add(&JOB->source, "\n\0", 2); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n"); fputs(JOB->source, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "-----------------\n"); #endif JOB->step = JOB_STEP_READ; READ_do(); #ifdef DEBUG TABLE_print(JOB->class->table, TRUE); #endif JOB->step = JOB_STEP_CODE; HEADER_do(); TRANS_code(); #ifdef DEBUG TABLE_print(JOB->class->string, FALSE); #endif JOB->step = JOB_STEP_OUTPUT; OUTPUT_do(main_swap); fd = lock_file(".gbc.lock"); CLASS_export(); unlock_file(fd); COMPILE_free(); _FIN: COMPILE_end(); } static void wait_for_task(void) { int status; pid_t pid; if (COMP_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "gbc" GAMBAS_VERSION_STRING ": wait for tasks...\n"); pid = wait(&status); if (pid < 0) THROW("wait() fails: &1", strerror(errno)); if (!WIFEXITED(status)) THROW("A child process has failed"); if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) { while (_ntask > 0) { wait(&status); _ntask--; } exit(1); } if (COMP_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "gbc" GAMBAS_VERSION_STRING ": end task %d\n", pid); _ntask--; } static void wait_for_all_task(void) { if (_ntask_max > 1) { while (_ntask > 0) wait_for_task(); } } static void kill_tasks(void) { if (_ntask > 0) { if (COMP_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "gbc" GAMBAS_VERSION_STRING ": kill pending tasks\n"); kill(-getpid(), SIGKILL); } } static void run_task(BACKGROUND_TASK func, void *arg) { pid_t pid; if (_ntask_max <= 1) { (*func)(arg); return; } while (_ntask >= _ntask_max) wait_for_task(); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) THROW("Failed to run child process: &1", strerror(errno)); if (pid == 0) { _child = TRUE; _ntask = 0; if (setpgid(0, getppid()) < 0) ERROR_fail("[%d] setpgid to %d failed: %s", getpid(), getppid(), strerror(errno)); (*func)(arg); exit(0); } else { if (COMP_verbose) fprintf(stderr, "gbc" GAMBAS_VERSION_STRING ": start task: %d\n", pid); _ntask++; } } static int compare_path(char **a, char **b) { return strcmp(*a, *b); } /*static bool check_cvs_directory(const char *dir) { int len; char *buffer; struct stat info; len = strlen(dir); buffer = alloca(len + 32); strcpy(buffer, dir); strcpy(&buffer[len], "Root"); if (stat(buffer, &info)) return FALSE; strcpy(&buffer[len], "Entries"); if (stat(buffer, &info)) return FALSE; strcpy(&buffer[len], "Repository"); if (stat(buffer, &info)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }*/ static void fill_files(const char *root, bool recursive) { DIR *dir; char *path; struct dirent *dirent; char *file_name; const char *file; struct stat info; const char *ext; path = STR_copy(root); dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) ERROR_fail("cannot browse directory: %s", path); while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { file_name = dirent->d_name; if (*file_name == '.') continue; file = FILE_cat(path, file_name, NULL); if (stat(file, &info)) { ERROR_warning("cannot stat file: %s", file); continue; } if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) { if (recursive) { if (*file_name == 'C') { if (strcmp(file_name, "CVS") == 0) // && check_cvs_directory(file)) continue; if (strcmp(file_name, "CVSROOT") == 0) continue; } fill_files(file, TRUE); } } else { ext = FILE_get_ext(file); if ((strcmp(ext, "module") == 0) || (strcmp(ext, "class") == 0)) { *((char **)ARRAY_add(&_files)) = STR_copy(file); } else if (strcmp(ext, "test") == 0) { *((char **)ARRAY_add(&_files)) = STR_copy(file); make_test = TRUE; } } } closedir(dir); STR_free(path); } static void init_files(const char *first) { bool recursive; const char *name; const char *ext; int i, n; bool has_test; ARRAY_create(&_files); if (*first) FILE_chdir(first); recursive = chdir(".src") == 0; fill_files(FILE_get_current_dir(), recursive); if (recursive) FILE_chdir(".."); // Sort paths n = ARRAY_count(_files); qsort(_files, n, sizeof(*_files), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_path); // Add the classes to the list of classes has_test = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!has_test) { ext = FILE_get_ext(_files[i]); if (strcmp(ext, "test") == 0) { has_test = TRUE; COMPILE_add_component("gb.test"); } } name = FILE_get_basename(_files[i]); COMPILE_add_class(name, strlen(name)); } // End the list of classes COMPILE_end_class(); } static void exit_files(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_count(_files); i++) STR_free(_files[i]); ARRAY_delete(&_files); } static void compile_lang(const char *file_po) { const char *file_mo; time_t time_po, time_mo; char *cmd; int ret; time_po = FILE_get_time(file_po); if (time_po == ((time_t)-1)) return; file_mo = FILE_set_ext(file_po, "mo"); if (!main_compile_all) { time_mo = FILE_get_time(file_mo); if (time_mo >= time_po) return; } unlink(file_mo); // Shell "msgfmt -o " & Shell$(sPath) & " " & Shell(sTrans) Wait if (COMP_verbose) { cmd = STR_print("msgfmt -o %s %s 2>&1", file_mo, file_po); fprintf(stderr, "running: %s\n", cmd); } else cmd = STR_print("msgfmt -o %s %s >/dev/null 2>&1", file_mo, file_po); ret = system(cmd); if (!WIFEXITED(ret) || WEXITSTATUS(ret)) ERROR_warning("unable to compile translation file with 'msgfmt': %s", file_po); STR_free(cmd); } static void compile_all_lang(void) { DIR *dir; char *path; struct dirent *dirent; char *file_name; int i; char c; path = STR_copy(FILE_cat(COMP_dir, ".lang", NULL)); FILE_chdir(path); dir = opendir("."); if (!dir) { ERROR_warning("cannot browse directory: %s", path); return; } while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { file_name = dirent->d_name; if (*file_name == '.') continue; if (strcmp(FILE_get_ext(file_name), "po")) continue; for (i = 0; i < strlen(file_name); i++) { c = file_name[i]; if (c == '.') break; if (!isalnum(c)) continue; } run_task(compile_lang, file_name); } wait_for_all_task(); closedir(dir); STR_free(path); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; MEMORY_init(); COMMON_init(); TRY { get_arguments(argc, argv); if (_ntask_max == 0) _ntask_max = SYSTEM_get_cpu_count() + 1; if (_ntask_max >= 2) { if (setpgid(0, 0)) ERROR_fail("setpgid() fails: %s", strerror(errno)); } COMPILE_init(); // Remove information files if we are compiling everything if (main_compile_all) { if (COMP_verbose) fputs("Removing .info and .list files", stderr); FILE_chdir(COMP_dir); FILE_unlink(".info"); FILE_unlink(".list"); } init_files(COMP_dir); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_count(_files); i++) run_task(compile_file, _files[i]); wait_for_all_task(); remove_lock(".gbc.lock"); exit_files(); if (main_trans) compile_all_lang(); COMPILE_exit(); FILE_exit(); kill_tasks(); puts("OK"); } CATCH { kill_tasks(); fflush(NULL); COMPILE_print(MSG_ERROR, -1, NULL); ERROR_print(); exit(1); } END_TRY return 0; }