' Gambas class file Private $aModel As Md2Model[] Private $aObject As Md2Object[] Private $iFrames As Integer Private $fTime As Single Private $fFramerate As Float Private $iEndWidth As Integer Private $iEndZ As Integer Private $iDisk As Integer Private $hQuadric As GluQuadric Private $nDraw As Integer ' Private $fRotX As Float ' Private $fRotY As Float ' Private $fStartX As Float ' Private $fStartY As Float Public Sub glaScreen_Open() Init() Gl.ClearDepth(100.0) ' Enables clearing of the depth buffer Glu.ClearColor(&H3398C3) ' This will clear the background color to blue Gl.DepthFunc(Gl.LESS) ' The type of depth test to do Gl.Enable(Gl.DEPTH_TEST) ' Enables depth testing Gl.ShadeModel(Gl.SMOOTH) ' Enables smooth color shading $fTime = Timer timAnim.Enabled = True End Public Sub glaScreen_Resize() Gl.Viewport(0, 0, glaScreen.Width, glaScreen.Height) Gl.MatrixMode(Gl.PROJECTION) Gl.LoadIdentity() 'Reset The Projection Matrix Glu.Perspective(45.0, glaScreen.Width / glaScreen.Height, 0.1, 3000.0) 'Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window Glu.LookAt(0, 100, 120, 0, 0, -300, 0, 100, 0) Gl.MatrixMode(Gl.MODELVIEW) End Public Sub Init() Dim X, D, Z As Float Dim sModel As String Dim hModel As Md2Model Dim I As Integer Dim aModel As String[] = ["bauul", "goblin", "knight", "ogro", "rat", "rhino"] Dim hObject As Md2Object 'Randomize 1972 $aModel = New Md2Model[] $aObject = New Md2Object[] For Each sModel In aModel $aModel.Add(Md2Model.Load(sModel & ".md2")) $aModel[$aModel.Max].Texture = LoadTexture(sModel & ".jpg") Next D = 100 X = - D Z = -100 Do hModel = $aModel[Int(Rnd(0, aModel.Count))] hObject = New Md2Object(hModel) $aObject.Add(hObject) $aObject[$aObject.Max].Move(X, -10, Z) X += 50 If X > D Then D += 100 X = - D Z -= 100 Inc I If I = 10 Then Break Endif Loop Print $aObject.Count; " objects" $iEndWidth = D $iEndZ = Z sldFrame.MinValue = 0 sldFrame.MaxValue = $aModel[0].Count $iDisk = Gl.GenLists(1) $hQuadric = Glu.NewQuadric() Gl.NewList($iDisk, Gl.COMPILE) Gl.Rotatef(90, 1, 0, 0) Glu.Disk($hQuadric, 0, 20, 30, 1) Gl.EndList End Public Sub glaScreen_Draw() Dim fTime As Float = Timer Dim I, N As Integer Gl.Clear(Gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT Or Gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) ' Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer Gl.PushMatrix Gl.Disable(Gl.TEXTURE_2D) Glu.Color(&HD96800&) Gl.Begin(Gl.QUADS) Gl.Vertex3f(-100, -34.2, -100) Gl.Vertex3f(100, -34.2, -100) Gl.Vertex3f($iEndWidth, -34.2, $iEndZ) Gl.Vertex3f(- $iEndWidth, -34.2, $iEndZ) Gl.End Glu.Color(Color.Lighter(&HD96800&)) For I = 0 To $aObject.Max Gl.PushMatrix() Gl.Translatef($aObject[I].X, -34, $aObject[I].Z) Gl.CallList($iDisk) Gl.PopMatrix() Next Gl.Enable(Gl.TEXTURE_2D) Gl.Color3f(1, 1, 1) For I = 0 To $aObject.Max N += $aObject[I].Draw() Next ' You can use this code to get FPS printed in terminal Inc $iFrames If Timer >= ($fTime + 1) Then $fFrameRate = $iFrames / (Timer - $fTime) $iFrames = 0 Inc $fTime Endif lblInfo.Text = Format($aObject[0].Frame, "0.00") & " / " & $aObject[0].Model.Count & " ( " & CInt($fFramerate) & " FPS )" Gl.PopMatrix Inc $nDraw Print "\r"; Format($nDraw, "#####0"); ": "; N; " vertices in "; Format(Timer - fTime, "0.000000"); " seconds"; End Public Sub Form_KeyPress() If Key.code = Key.F1 Then Me.FullScreen = Not Me.FullScreen sldFrame.Visible = Not Me.FullScreen Else If Key.Code = Key.Esc Then Me.Close Else If Key.code = Key.Space Then timAnim.Enabled = Not timAnim.Enabled Else If LCase(Key.Text) = "w" Then Gl.PolygonMode(Gl.FRONT_AND_BACK, Gl.LINE) Else If LCase(Key.Text) = "f" Then Gl.PolygonMode(Gl.FRONT_AND_BACK, Gl.FILL) Endif End Public Sub timAnim_Timer() ' At every timer call we increase interpolation. It makes Frame number increase every 10 calls. ' You can control frame flow any way you want. The smaller incrementation, the smoother movement. Dim I As Integer For I = 0 To $aObject.Max With $aObject[I] .Frame += 0.1 If .Frame >= .Count Then .Frame = 0 End With Next Object.Lock(sldFrame) sldFrame.Value = CInt($aObject[0].Frame) Object.Unlock(sldFrame) glaScreen.Refresh End ' Just the subroutine to load textures for our models Private Sub LoadTexture(sPath As String) As Integer Dim iTex As Integer Dim hImage As Image iTex = Gl.GenTextures(1)[0] hImage = Image.Load(sPath) Gl.BindTexture(Gl.TEXTURE_2D, iTex) Gl.TexImage2D(hImage) Glu.Build2DMipmaps(hImage) Gl.Texparameteri(Gl.TEXTURE_2D, Gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, Gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) Gl.Texparameteri(Gl.TEXTURE_2D, Gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, Gl.LINEAR) Return iTex End Public Sub sldFrame_Change() $aObject[0].Frame = sldFrame.Value End ' Public Sub glaScreen_MouseMove() ' ' $fRotX = $fStartX + 180 * (Mouse.X - Mouse.StartX) / glaScreen.Width ' $fRotY = $fStartY + 180 * (Mouse.Y - Mouse.StartY) / glaScreen.Height ' glaScreen.Refresh ' ' End ' ' Public Sub glaScreen_MouseDown() ' ' $fStartX = $fRotX ' $fStartY = $fRotY ' ' End ' Public Sub Form_Activate() ' ' While $nDraw < 10 ' glaScreen.Refresh ' Wait 1 ' Wend ' Me.Close ' ' End