' Gambas class file ' Copyright(C)2010. Autor: Pablo Mileti 'This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And / Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option)any later version. 'This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS For A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License For more details. 'You should have received a Copy Of the GNU General Public License along With this program.IfNot, see < http: / / www.gnu.org / licenses / > . Public Const gbFloor As Integer = 0 Public Const gbMovable As Integer = 1 Public Const gbMovableOnTarget As Integer = 2 Public Const gbTarget As Integer = 3 Public Const gbObstacle As Integer = 4 Public Busy As Boolean Public Movable As Boolean Public Target As Boolean Public Pic As Picture Public Type As Integer Public Sub _new(type As Integer) Select Case type Case 0 Me.Type = Me.gbFloor Me.Busy = False Me.Movable = False Me.Pic = Picture["piso.png"] Me.Target = False Case 1 Me.Type = Me.gbMovable Me.Busy = True Me.Movable = True Me.Pic = Picture["movible.png"] Me.Target = False Case 2 Me.Type = Me.gbMovableOnTarget Me.Busy = True Me.Movable = True Me.Pic = Picture["movibleendestino.png"] Me.Target = True Case 3 Me.Type = Me.gbTarget Me.Busy = False Me.Movable = False Me.Pic = Picture["destino.png"] Me.Target = True Case 4 Me.Type = Me.gbObstacle Me.Busy = True Me.Movable = False Me.Pic = Picture["obstaculo.png"] Me.Target = False End Select End Public Sub FixObstaculo(hLeft As Cell, hRight As Cell) Dim sSuffix As String If Me.Type <> gbObstacle Then Return If Not hLeft Or If hLeft.Type <> gbObstacle Then sSuffix &= "l" If Not hRight Or If hRight.Type <> gbObstacle Then sSuffix &= "r" If Not sSuffix Then Return Pic = Picture["obstaculo-" & sSuffix & ".png"] End