/*************************************************************************** eval_analyze.c Syntax highlighting (c) 2000-2007 Benoit Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __EVAL_ANALYZE_C #include "gambas.h" #include "gb_common.h" #include "eval_analyze.h" #include "CSystem.h" /*#define DEBUG*/ static EVAL_COLOR colors[EVAL_MAX_COLOR]; static int colors_len; static int get_type(PATTERN *pattern) { int type = PATTERN_type(*pattern); int index = PATTERN_index(*pattern); if (type == EVAL_TYPE_RESERVED) { if (index >= RS_COLON) { if (!((index == RS_AND || index == RS_OR) && PATTERN_is(pattern[1], RS_IF))) type = EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR; } else if (RES_is_type(index)) type = EVAL_TYPE_DATATYPE; } return type; } static int is_me_last(PATTERN pattern) { return PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_ME) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_SUPER) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_LAST) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_OPTIONAL) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_TRUE) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_FALSE) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_NULL) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_BYREF); } static void get_symbol(PATTERN pattern, const char **symbol, int *len) { static char keyword[16]; int i; SYMBOL *sym; int type = PATTERN_type(pattern); int index = PATTERN_index(pattern); switch(type) { case RT_RESERVED: sym = TABLE_get_symbol(COMP_res_table, index); break; case RT_NUMBER: case RT_IDENTIFIER: case RT_CLASS: sym = TABLE_get_symbol(EVAL->table, index); break; case RT_STRING: case RT_TSTRING: case RT_COMMENT: case EVAL_TYPE_ERROR: sym = TABLE_get_symbol(EVAL->string, index); break; case RT_SUBR: *symbol = COMP_subr_info[index].name; *len = strlen(*symbol); return; default: *symbol = NULL; *len = 0; return; } *symbol = sym->name; *len = sym->len; if (*len > EVAL_COLOR_MAX_LEN) *len = EVAL_COLOR_MAX_LEN; if (type == RT_RESERVED && !EVAL->rewrite) { memcpy(keyword, sym->name, sym->len); for (i = 0; i < sym->len; i++) keyword[i] = toupper(keyword[i]); *symbol = keyword; } } static void add_data(int state, int len) { EVAL_COLOR *color; if (colors_len >= EVAL_MAX_COLOR || len == 0) return; //printf("[%d] %d %d\n", colors_len, state, len); color = &colors[colors_len]; color->state = state; color->len = len; color->alternate = FALSE; colors_len++; } static int is_proc(void) { PATTERN pattern; int i; if (!EVAL->pattern) return FALSE; for (i = 0;; i++) { pattern = EVAL->pattern[i]; if (PATTERN_is_end(pattern)) return FALSE; if (PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_PRIVATE) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_PUBLIC) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_STATIC)) continue; return (PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_SUB) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_PROCEDURE) || PATTERN_is(pattern, RS_FUNCTION)); } } static int get_indent(bool *empty) { int i; unsigned char c; *empty = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < (int)EVAL->len; i++) { c = EVAL->source[i]; if (c > ' ') { *empty = FALSE; break; } } return i; } static int get_utf8_length(const char *s, int l) { int len; int i; for (i = 0, len = 0; i < l; i++) { if ((s[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80) len++; } return len; } static void analyze(EVAL_ANALYZE *result) { PATTERN *pattern; const char *src; int nspace; bool empty; int type, old_type, next_type; const char *symbol; bool space_before, space_after, in_quote; //bool me = FALSE; int len; pattern = EVAL->pattern; src = EVAL->source; colors_len = 0; if (EVAL->len <= 0) return; if (!EVAL->comment) { nspace = get_indent(&empty); add_data(EVAL_TYPE_END, nspace); } if (empty) return; if (!EVAL->pattern) return; if (nspace) GB.AddString(&result->str, EVAL->source, nspace); type = EVAL->comment ? EVAL_TYPE_COMMENT : EVAL_TYPE_END; next_type = EVAL_TYPE_END; space_after = FALSE; in_quote = FALSE; for(;;) { old_type = next_type; type = get_type(pattern); next_type = type; get_symbol(*pattern, &symbol, &len); space_before = space_after; space_after = FALSE; if (type == EVAL_TYPE_END) break; if (in_quote && (type == EVAL_TYPE_RESERVED || type == EVAL_TYPE_DATATYPE || type == EVAL_TYPE_SUBR)) type = EVAL_TYPE_IDENTIFIER; switch(type) { case EVAL_TYPE_RESERVED: //state = Keyword; //if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) //me = is_me_last(*pattern); if (!is_me_last(*pattern)) space_before = TRUE; else { next_type = EVAL_TYPE_IDENTIFIER; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; } /*if (PATTERN_index(*pattern) >= RS_COLON) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) usym[i] = GB.toupper(symbol[i]); usym[len] = 0; symbol = usym; }*/ break; case EVAL_TYPE_DATATYPE: //state = Datatype; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_IDENTIFIER: case EVAL_TYPE_CLASS: //state = Symbol; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_NUMBER: //state = Number; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_STRING: //state = String; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_SUBR: //state = Subr; if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_COMMENT: //state = Commentary; space_before = *symbol != ' '; break; case EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR: if (index("([)]@", *symbol)) { space_after = FALSE; } else if (index(":;,", *symbol)) { space_before = FALSE; space_after = TRUE; } else if (index("#{", *symbol)) { if (old_type != EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR) space_before = TRUE; space_after = FALSE; in_quote = *symbol == '{'; } else if (index("}", *symbol)) { space_before = FALSE; space_after = FALSE; in_quote = FALSE; } else if (index(".!", *symbol)) //symbol[0] == '.' && symbol[1] == 0) { //space_before = FALSE; space_after = FALSE; } else if (PATTERN_is(*pattern, RS_NOT)) { space_after = TRUE; } else if (*symbol == '-') { if (old_type == EVAL_TYPE_OPERATOR && (PATTERN_is(pattern[-1], RS_LBRA) || PATTERN_is(pattern[-1],RS_LSQR))) space_before = FALSE; else space_before = TRUE; space_after = TRUE; } else { space_before = TRUE; space_after = TRUE; } if (old_type == EVAL_TYPE_RESERVED) space_before = TRUE; break; case EVAL_TYPE_ERROR: space_before = TRUE; break; } if (space_before && old_type != EVAL_TYPE_END) { GB.AddString(&result->str, " ", 1); add_data(EVAL_TYPE_END, 1); } if (type == EVAL_TYPE_STRING) GB.AddString(&result->str, "\"", 1); //len = strlen(symbol); /*if (type == EVAL_TYPE_IDENTIFIER && len >= 2 && islower(symbol[0]) && islower(symbol[1])) { char c = toupper(symbol[0]); GB.AddString(&result->str, &c, 1); GB.AddString(&result->str, &symbol[1], len - 1); } else*/ if (len) { GB.AddString(&result->str, symbol, len); //printf("add: %.*s\n", len, symbol); len = get_utf8_length(symbol, len); } if (type == EVAL_TYPE_STRING) { GB.AddString(&result->str, "\"", 1); len += 2; } add_data(type, len); //printf("add_data: %.d (%d)\n", type, len); pattern++; } result->color = colors; result->len = colors_len; //fprintf(stderr, "analyze: %d %s\n", strlen(result->str), result->str); } #define add_pattern(_type, _index) EVAL->pattern[EVAL->pattern_count++] = PATTERN_make((_type), (_index)); static void add_end_pattern(void) { int index; int len; len = EVAL->len - (READ_source_ptr - EVAL->source); if (len > 0) { TABLE_add_symbol(EVAL->string, READ_source_ptr, len, NULL, &index); add_pattern(EVAL_TYPE_ERROR, index); } add_pattern(EVAL_TYPE_END, 0); //get_symbol(PATTERN_make(EVAL_TYPE_ERROR, index), &sym, &len); } PUBLIC void EVAL_analyze(const char *src, int len, int state, EVAL_ANALYZE *result, bool rewrite) { int nspace = 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf("EVAL: %*.s\n", expr->len, expr->source); #endif CLEAR(result); while (len > 0 && src[len - 1] == ' ') { len--; nspace++; } result->len = 0; result->str = NULL; if (len > 0) { EVAL = &EVAL_read_expr; EVAL_clear(EVAL); GB.NewString(&EVAL->source, src, len); GB.AddString(&EVAL->source, "\0\0", 2); EVAL->len = len; EVAL->analyze = TRUE; EVAL->rewrite = rewrite; EVAL->comment = state == EVAL_TYPE_COMMENT; //fprintf(stderr, "EVAL_analyze: [%d] %.*s\n", EVAL->comment, len, src); EVAL_start(EVAL); TRY { EVAL_read(); } CATCH { add_end_pattern(); } END_TRY analyze(result); result->proc = is_proc(); result->state = EVAL->comment ? EVAL_TYPE_COMMENT : EVAL_TYPE_END; //fprintf(stderr, "--> [%d]\n", EVAL->comment); GB.FreeString(&EVAL->source); } else { result->proc = FALSE; } while (nspace > 0) { GB.AddString(&result->str, " ", nspace > 8 ? 8 : nspace); nspace -= 8; } }