/* * c_circular.c - Circular/Ring buffer type * * Copyright (C) 2012 Tobias Boege * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define __C_CIRCULAR_C #include "gambas.h" #include "c_circular.h" typedef struct { GB_BASE ob; GB_VARIANT_VALUE *elements; size_t size; /* Mirror of the array's size to speed things up */ int reader; int writer; int overwrite; int empty : 1; int full : 1; } CCIRCULAR; static int CCIRCULAR_size(CCIRCULAR *circ) { return circ->size; } static int CCIRCULAR_is_empty(CCIRCULAR *circ) { return circ->empty; } static int CCIRCULAR_is_full(CCIRCULAR *circ) { return circ->full; } /* * All movements go forward. This means that moving the writer could never * induce an 'empty' state and conversely moving the reader could never make * the circular 'full'. */ static void CCIRCULAR_move_index(CCIRCULAR *circ, int *idx, int pos) { size_t size = CCIRCULAR_size(circ); if (!size) pos = 0; else if (pos >= size) pos %= size; *idx = pos; /* Set empty/full flags */ if (circ->reader == circ->writer) { /* But only if we really operated on the given @circ */ if (idx == &circ->reader) circ->empty = 1; else if (idx == &circ->writer) circ->full = 1; } else { circ->empty = circ->full = 0; } } static void CCIRCULAR_inc_index(CCIRCULAR *circ, int *idx) { CCIRCULAR_move_index(circ, idx, *idx + 1); } static void CCIRCULAR_reset(CCIRCULAR *circ) { circ->reader = circ->writer = 0; circ->empty = 1; if (!circ->size) circ->full = 1; else circ->full = 0; } static void CCIRCULAR_init(CCIRCULAR *circ, size_t size, int overwrite) { circ->size = size; GB.NewArray(&circ->elements, sizeof(GB_VARIANT_VALUE), circ->size); CCIRCULAR_reset(circ); circ->overwrite = overwrite; } static void CCIRCULAR_destroy(CCIRCULAR *circ) { GB.FreeArray((void *) &circ->elements); } #define THIS ((CCIRCULAR *) _object) BEGIN_METHOD(Circular_new, GB_INTEGER size; GB_BOOLEAN overwrite) CCIRCULAR_init(THIS, VARG(size), VARGOPT(overwrite, 1)); END_METHOD static GB_VARIANT_VALUE *CCIRCULAR_read(CCIRCULAR *circ) { GB_VARIANT_VALUE *var; if (CCIRCULAR_is_empty(circ)) return NULL; var = &circ->elements[circ->reader]; CCIRCULAR_inc_index(circ, &circ->reader); return var; } static void CCIRCULAR_read_and_free_all(CCIRCULAR *circ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < circ->size; i++) GB.StoreVariant(NULL, &circ->elements[i]); CCIRCULAR_reset(circ); } BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(Circular_free) CCIRCULAR_read_and_free_all(THIS); CCIRCULAR_destroy(THIS); END_METHOD static void CCIRCULAR_write(CCIRCULAR *circ, GB_VARIANT *variant) { if (CCIRCULAR_is_full(circ)) { if (circ->overwrite) /* Consume oldest value and continue */ CCIRCULAR_read(circ); else /* Do nothing */ return; } GB.StoreVariant(variant, &circ->elements[circ->writer]); CCIRCULAR_inc_index(circ, &circ->writer); } BEGIN_METHOD(Circular_Write, GB_VARIANT value) CCIRCULAR_write(THIS, ARG(value)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(Circular_Read) if (CCIRCULAR_is_empty(THIS)) { GB.ReturnNull(); GB.ReturnConvVariant(); return; } GB.ReturnVariant(CCIRCULAR_read(THIS)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(Circular_Peek) if (CCIRCULAR_is_empty(THIS)) { GB.ReturnNull(); GB.ReturnConvVariant(); return; } GB.ReturnVariant(&THIS->elements[THIS->reader]); END_METHOD static void CCIRCULAR_resize(CCIRCULAR *circ, size_t new) { size_t old = CCIRCULAR_size(circ); if (old == new) return; if (old < new) { GB_VARIANT_VALUE *buf; int i; buf = GB.Insert(&circ->elements, old, new - old); for (i = 0; old < new; old++, i++) buf[i].type = GB_T_NULL; } else { int i; for (i = new; i < old; i++) GB.StoreVariant(NULL, &circ->elements[i]); GB.Remove(&circ->elements, new, old - new); /* Move the indices accordingly */ if (circ->reader > new) circ->reader = new; if (circ->writer > new) circ->writer = new; /* 0-length circular? */ if (!new) { circ->empty = circ->full = 1; } } circ->size = new; } BEGIN_METHOD(Circular_Resize, GB_INTEGER size) CCIRCULAR_resize(THIS, VARG(size)); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(Circular_Clear) CCIRCULAR_read_and_free_all(THIS); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(Circular_Reset) CCIRCULAR_reset(THIS); END_METHOD BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_IsEmpty) GB.ReturnBoolean(CCIRCULAR_is_empty(THIS)); END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_IsFull) GB.ReturnBoolean(CCIRCULAR_is_full(THIS)); END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_Reader) if (READ_PROPERTY) { GB.ReturnInteger(THIS->reader); return; } CCIRCULAR_move_index(THIS, &THIS->reader, VPROP(GB_INTEGER)); END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_Writer) if (READ_PROPERTY) { GB.ReturnInteger(THIS->writer); return; } CCIRCULAR_move_index(THIS, &THIS->writer, VPROP(GB_INTEGER)); END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_Size) if (READ_PROPERTY) { GB.ReturnInteger(CCIRCULAR_size(THIS)); return; } CCIRCULAR_resize(THIS, VPROP(GB_INTEGER)); END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(Circular_Overwrite) if (READ_PROPERTY) { GB.ReturnBoolean(THIS->overwrite); return; } THIS->overwrite = VPROP(GB_BOOLEAN); END_PROPERTY GB_DESC CCircularDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Circular", sizeof(CCIRCULAR)), GB_METHOD("_new", NULL, Circular_new, "(Size)i[(Overwrite)b]"), GB_METHOD("_free", NULL, Circular_free, NULL), GB_METHOD("Write", NULL, Circular_Write, "(Value)v"), GB_METHOD("Read", "v", Circular_Read, NULL), GB_METHOD("Peek", "v", Circular_Peek, NULL), GB_METHOD("Resize", NULL, Circular_Resize, "(Size)i"), GB_METHOD("Clear", NULL, Circular_Clear, NULL), GB_METHOD("Reset", NULL, Circular_Reset, NULL), GB_PROPERTY_READ("IsEmpty", "b", Circular_IsEmpty), GB_PROPERTY_READ("IsFull", "b", Circular_IsFull), GB_PROPERTY("Reader", "i", Circular_Reader), GB_PROPERTY("Writer", "i", Circular_Writer), GB_PROPERTY("Size", "i", Circular_Size), GB_PROPERTY("Overwrite", "b", Circular_Overwrite), GB_END_DECLARE };