' Gambas test file ''' This test can be executed to test a summary. Will fail. '' Will succeed Public Sub DoSomeAsserts() Assert.Pass("Bla 1") Assert.Pass("Bla 2") Assert.Pass("Bla 3") End '' Will succeed Public Sub DoSkip() Test.Skip("I skip this test to test Test.Skip.") End '' Will succeed Public Sub DoTodo() Test.Todo("This fails but is todo.") Assert.Ok(False, "Must be ok.") Test.Todo("This todo seems not to be removed yet, it is a bonus.") Assert.Ok(True, "Must be ok.") End Public Sub TodoErrorCode() Dim r As Float Test.Plan(2) Try r = 2 / 1 Test.Todo("See automatic diagnostics 1/2") Assert.ErrorCode(26, "Division by zero?") Try r = 2 / 0 Test.Todo("See automatic diagnostics 2/2") Assert.ErrorCode(25, "Division by zero?") End '' Will fail Public Sub DoOneFailure() Test.IntendedFailure() Assert.Ok(False, "Intentional failure") End Public Sub DoBadPlan() Test._Subtest("Bad plan will appear in the summary", 2) Assert.Ok(True) Test._Finish() End