' Gambas class file Export ' The TestParameter class is used to hold parameter information that is to be used by the ' test cases. The TestParameter class enables the construction of a hierarchy of parameter ' data where each object holds a name/value data and an optional collection of child parameters. ' Member variables Private $sName As String Private $vValue As Variant Private $colParameters As TestParameters ' Get the name of the parameter Property Name As String Function Name_Read() As String Return $sName End ' Set the name for the parameter Sub Name_Write(sName As String) $sName = sName End ' Get the value of the parameter Property Value As Variant ' Get the child parameters associated with this parameter object Property Parameters As TestParameters Private Function Value_Read() As Variant Return $vValue End Private Sub Value_Write(Value As Variant) $vValue = Value End Private Function Parameters_Read() As TestParameters If Not $colParameters Then $colParameters = New TestParameters End If Return $colParameters End Private Sub Parameters_Write(Value As TestParameters) $colParameters = Value End