Add a new 'btree' benchmark, that does a lot of object creation and recursive function calls.

* NEW: Add a new 'btree' benchmark, that does a lot of object creation and recursive function calls.
* NEW: Rename the 'string' benchmark as 'string1', to avoid name clashes in Python.
* BUG: Fix the HTML table generation.
This commit is contained in:
Benoît Minisini 2023-10-04 22:10:01 +02:00
parent c6ef469966
commit de200aac4c
10 changed files with 257 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env gbs3
Private $fCompileTime as Float
Private $fCompileTime As Float
Private Sub RunScript(sScript As String, sRun As String, bGambasOnly As Boolean) As Float
Dim aResult as String[]
Dim aResult As String[]
Dim sResult As String
Dim fTime As Float
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ Private Sub FormatResult(cResult As Collection, iCount As Integer, sLang As Stri
Dim sFormat As String
Dim sTest As String
If cResult[sLang] <= 0 Then Return "-"
If cResult[sLang] <= 0 Then Return Format("30", "0.00") & "+"
For Each sTest In ["python", "perl", "java","gambas"]
If cResult[sTest] < cResult[sLang] Then
For Each sTest In ["python", "perl", "java", "gambas"]
If cResult[sTest] > 0 And If cResult[sTest] < cResult[sLang] Then
bBetter = False
@ -66,15 +66,17 @@ Dim iCount As Integer = 1
Dim I As Integer
Dim fTime As Float
Shell "rm -rf " & Shell$(Application.Dir &/ " __pycache__") Wait
For I = 1 To Args.Max
If Args[I] = "-gambas" Then
bGambasOnly = True
Else If Args[I] = "-count" Then
If I < Args.Max And If Args[I + 1] Not Begins "-" Then
Try iCount = Max(1, CInt(Args[I + 1]))
inc I
Else If Args[I] = "-count" Then
If I < Args.Max And If Args[I + 1] Not Begins "-" Then
Try iCount = Max(1, CInt(Args[I + 1]))
Inc I
sBenchmarkOnly = Args[I]
@ -83,37 +85,40 @@ Next
For I = 1 To iCount
If iCount > 1 Then Print "-------- Run #"; I;" --------"
If iCount > 1 Then Print "-------- Run #"; I; " --------"
For Each sBenchmark In Dir(Application.Dir, "*.gbs").Sort()
For Each sBenchmark In Dir(Application.Dir, "*.gbs").Sort()
sBenchmark = File.BaseName(sBenchmark)
If sBenchmark = "benchmark" Then Continue
If sBenchmarkOnly And If sBenchmark <> sBenchmarkOnly Then Continue
sBenchmark = File.BaseName(sBenchmark)
If sBenchmark = "benchmark" Then Continue
If sBenchmarkOnly And If sBenchmark <> sBenchmarkOnly Then Continue
cResult = cAllResult[sBenchmark]
If Not cResult Then
cResult = New Collection
cResult.Default = 0.0
cResult!name = sBenchmark
cAllResult[sBenchmark] = cResult
If Not bGambasOnly Then
cResult!python += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".py", "python", bGambasOnly)
cResult!perl += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".pl", "perl", bGambasOnly)
If sBenchmark Not Begins "string" Then
cResult!java += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".jvs", "java -Xint --source 11", bGambasOnly)
cResult!javajit += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".jvs", "java --source 11", bGambasOnly)
fTime = RunScript(sBenchmark & ".gbs", "gbs3 -f -U -c", bGambasOnly)
cResult!gambasjit += fTime
cResult!gambasjitwct += fTime - $fCompileTime
cResult!gambas += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".gbs", "gbs3 -c", bGambasOnly)
cResult = cAllResult[sBenchmark]
If Not cResult Then
cResult = New Collection
cResult.Default = 0.0
cResult!name = sBenchmark
cAllResult[sBenchmark] = cResult
If Not bGambasOnly Then
If sBenchmark <> "string2" Then
cResult!python += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".py", "python", bGambasOnly)
cResult!perl += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".pl", "perl", bGambasOnly)
If sBenchmark Not Begins "string" Then
cResult!java += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".jvs", "java -Xint --source 11", bGambasOnly)
cResult!javajit += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".jvs", "java --source 11", bGambasOnly)
fTime = RunScript(sBenchmark & ".gbs", "gbs3 -f -U -c", bGambasOnly)
cResult!gambasjit += fTime
cResult!gambasjitwct += fTime - $fCompileTime
cResult!gambas += RunScript(sBenchmark & ".gbs", "gbs3 -c", bGambasOnly)
@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ Print
If bGambasOnly Then
For Each cResult In cAllResult
Print cResult!name; Space$(20 - Len(cResult!name)); ": "; Format(cResult!gambas / iCount, "0.00"); " / ";Format(cResult!gambasjit / iCount, "0.00");" (jit)"; " / ";Format(cResult!gambasjitwct / iCount, "0.00");" (jit without compilation time)"
Print cResult!name; Space$(20 - Len(cResult!name)); ": "; Format(cResult!gambas / iCount, "0.00"); " / "; Format(cResult!gambasjit / iCount, "0.00"); " (jit)"; " / "; Format(cResult!gambasjitwct / iCount, "0.00"); " (jit without compilation time)"

benchmark/btree.gbs Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#!/usr/bin/env gbs3
Class TreeNode
Public Left As TreeNode
Public Right As TreeNode
Static Public Sub Create(D As Integer) As TreeNode
Return ChildTreeNodes(D)
Static Public Sub ChildTreeNodes(D As Integer) As TreeNode
Dim hNode As TreeNode = new TreeNode
If D > 0 Then
hNode.Left = ChildTreeNodes(D - 1)
hNode.Right = ChildTreeNodes(D - 1)
Return hNode
Public Sub Check() As Integer
If Not Left Then Return 1
Return Left.Check() + Right.Check() + 1
End Class
Dim iMinDepth As Integer = 4
Dim iMaxDepth As Integer = 16
Dim iStretchDepth As Integer = iMaxDepth + 1
Dim iCheck As Integer
Dim hTree As TreeNode
Dim D, I As Integer
Dim iIterations As Integer
iCheck = TreeNode.Create(iStretchDepth).Check()
Print "stretch tree of depth "; iMaxDepth + 1; "\t check: "; iCheck
hTree = TreeNode.Create(iMaxDepth)
For D = iMinDepth To iMaxDepth Step 2
iCheck = 0
iIterations = Shl(1, iMaxDepth - D + iMinDepth)
For I = 1 To iIterations
iCheck += TreeNode.Create(D).Check()
Print iIterations;"\t trees of depth "; D; "\t check: ";iCheck
Print "long lived tree of depth "; iMaxDepth; "\t check: "; hTree.Check()
Error CStr(Jit.Time)

benchmark/btree.jvs Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/java --source 11
public class binarytrees {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int n = args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 0;
int minDepth = 4;
int maxDepth = 16;
int stretchDepth = maxDepth + 1;
int check = (TreeNode.create(stretchDepth)).check();
System.out.println("stretch tree of depth " + (maxDepth + 1) + "\t check: " + check);
TreeNode longLivedTree = TreeNode.create(maxDepth);
for (int depth = minDepth; depth <= maxDepth; depth += 2)
int iterations = 1 << (maxDepth - depth + minDepth);
check = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++)
check += (TreeNode.create(depth)).check();
System.out.println(iterations + "\t trees of depth " + depth + "\t check: " + check);
System.out.println("long lived tree of depth " + maxDepth + "\t check: " + longLivedTree.check());
static class TreeNode {
TreeNode left, right;
static TreeNode create(int depth)
return ChildTreeNodes(depth);
static TreeNode ChildTreeNodes(int depth)
TreeNode node = new TreeNode();
if (depth > 0)
node.left = ChildTreeNodes(depth - 1);
node.right = ChildTreeNodes(depth - 1);
return node;
int check() {
return left == null ? 1 : left.check() + right.check() + 1;

benchmark/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
run( @ARGV );
sub bottomup_tree {
my $depth = shift;
return 0 unless $depth;
[ bottomup_tree($depth), bottomup_tree($depth) ];
sub check_tree {
return 1 unless ref $_[0];
1 + check_tree($_[0][0]) + check_tree($_[0][1]);
sub stretch_tree {
my $stretch_depth = shift;
my $stretch_tree = bottomup_tree($stretch_depth);
print "stretch tree of depth $stretch_depth\t check: ",
check_tree($stretch_tree), "\n";
sub run {
my $max_depth = 16;
my $min_depth = 4;
$max_depth = $min_depth + 2 if $min_depth + 2 > $max_depth;
stretch_tree( $max_depth + 1 );
my $longlived_tree = bottomup_tree($max_depth);
for ( my $depth = $min_depth; $depth <= $max_depth; $depth += 2 ) {
my $iterations = 2**($max_depth - $depth + $min_depth);
my $check = 0;
foreach (1..$iterations) {
$check += check_tree( bottomup_tree($depth) );
print $iterations, "\t trees of depth $depth\t check: ", $check, "\n"
print "long lived tree of depth $max_depth\t check: ",
check_tree($longlived_tree), "\n"

benchmark/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import sys
class TreeNode:
left = None
right = None
def check(self):
if self.left == None:
return 1
return self.left.check() + self.right.check() + 1
def CreateTreeNode(depth):
return ChildTreeNodes(depth)
def ChildTreeNodes(depth):
node = TreeNode()
if depth > 0:
node.left = ChildTreeNodes(depth - 1)
node.right = ChildTreeNodes(depth - 1)
return node
min_depth = 4
max_depth = 16
stretch_depth = max_depth + 1
print("stretch tree of depth %d\t check:" %
stretch_depth, CreateTreeNode(stretch_depth).check())
long_lived_tree = CreateTreeNode(max_depth)
for depth in range(min_depth, stretch_depth, 2):
check = 0
iterations = 2**(max_depth - depth + min_depth)
for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
check += CreateTreeNode(depth).check()
print("%d\t trees of depth %d\t check:" % (iterations, depth), check)
print("long lived tree of depth %d\t check:" %
max_depth, long_lived_tree.check())

View file

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public final class mandelbrot

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import re
import time
import sys
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ i = 0
while (i < imax+1000):
i = i + 1
gstr += str
gstr = re.sub('efgh','____',gstr)
gstr = gstr.replace('efgh','____')
lngth = len(gstr)
if (lngth % (1024*64) == 0):