@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ Public Const {Point} As Integer = 1
Public Const MultiPoint As Integer = 8
Public Const Polyline As Integer = 3
Public Const Polygon As Integer = 5
Public Const Circle As Integer = 33
Private $aShapes As New _ShapeItem[]
Private $himgPoint As Image
'Property Points As Shapes
Property {Color} As Integer
Property FillColor As Integer
Private $icolor As Integer
Private $iFillColor As Integer
Property LineWidth As Integer
Private $iLineWidth As Integer = 2
Private $colKeyShape As New Collection
@ -37,10 +40,10 @@ Public Sub Load()
For i = 0 To $aShapes.Max
If Not $aShapes[i].Type = Me.Point Then
If Not ($aShapes[i].Type = Me.Point) Then
pt1 = Geo.MapPointToPixel($aShapes[i].Bounds.TopLeft, hMap.Zoom)
pt2 = Geo.MapPointToPixel($aShapes[i].Bounds.BottomRight, hMap.Zoom)
If pt2.x - pt1.x < 10 And If pt2.y - pt1.y < 10 Then Continue
If pt2.x - pt1.x < 2 And If pt2.y - pt1.y < 2 Then Continue
With $aShapes[i].Bounds
If .Lon2 > hMap.Bounds.Lon Then
@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ Public Sub Load()
Public Sub AddPoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint, Optional {Color} As Integer)
Public Sub AddPoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint, Optional {Color} As Integer) As _ShapeItem
Dim hItem As _ShapeItem
@ -74,9 +77,11 @@ Public Sub AddPoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint, Optional {Color} As Integ
$colKeyShape[Key] = $aShapes.Max
Return hItem
Public Sub AddMultipoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} As Integer)
Public Sub AddMultipoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} As Integer) As _ShapeItem
Dim hItem As _ShapeItem
@ -92,7 +97,7 @@ Public Sub AddMultipoint(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} A
Public Sub AddPolyLine(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} As Integer, Optional LineWidth As Integer)
Public Sub AddPolyLine(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} As Integer, Optional LineWidth As Integer) As _ShapeItem
Dim hItem As _ShapeItem
@ -107,9 +112,11 @@ Public Sub AddPolyLine(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[], Optional {Color} As
$colKeyShape[Key] = $aShapes.Max
Return hItem
Public Sub AddPolygon(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[][], Optional {Color} As Integer, Optional LineWidth As Integer)
Public Sub AddPolygon(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[][], Optional {Color} As Integer, Optional LineWidth As Integer) As _ShapeItem
Dim hItem As _ShapeItem
@ -124,39 +131,80 @@ Public Sub AddPolygon(Key As String, Points As MapPoint[][], Optional {Color} As
$colKeyShape[Key] = $aShapes.Max
Return hItem
Public Sub AddCircle(Key As String, Center As MapPoint, Radius As Float, Optional {Color} As Integer, Optional LineWidth As Integer) As _ShapeItem
Dim hItem As _ShapeItem
If $colKeyShape.Exist(Key) Then Error.Raise("This key already exist")
hItem = New _ShapeItem(Key) As "Item"
If Not IsMissing({Color}) Then hItem.Color = Color
If Not IsMissing(LineWidth) Then hItem.LineWidth = LineWidth
hItem.Type = Circle
hItem.Center = Center
hItem.Bounds.TopLeft = MapPoint.From(Center, -45, Radius)
hItem.Bounds.BottomRight = MapPoint.From(Center, 135, Radius)
$colKeyShape[Key] = $aShapes.Max
Return hItem
Public Sub _Draw()
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim pt As Point
Dim pt, pt2 As Point
Dim hMap As Map = GetMap()
Dim hPoly As Integer[]
Dim iColor As Integer
Dim iColor, iBack As Integer
Dim hShape As _ShapeItem
Dim iAlpha As Integer
If $aShapes.Count = 0 Then Return
'Paint.LineWidth = 2
For i = 0 To $aInView.Max
hShape = $aShapes[$aInView[i]]
iColor = Color.SetAlpha(IIf(hShape.Color < -1, $icolor, hShape.Color), 255 - 255 * Me.Opacity)
'Set ForeColor
iColor = IIf(hShape.Color = -1, $icolor, hShape.Color)
iAlpha = Color.GetAlpha(icolor)
iColor = Color.SetAlpha(icolor, Min(iAlpha + (255 - (255 * Me.Opacity)), 255))
iBack = IIf(hShape.FillColor = -1, $iFillColor, hShape.FillColor)
If iBack = -1 Then iBack = Color.transparent
'If hShape.Type = Circle Then Stop
iAlpha = Color.GetAlpha(iBack)
iBack = Color.SetAlpha(iBack, Min(iAlpha + (255 - (255 * Me.Opacity)), 255))
Paint.LineWidth = IIf(hShape.LineWidth > -1, hShape.LineWidth, $iLineWidth)
'TODO: Allow to define color for selected item
'Force Color for selected
If hShape.Selected Then icolor = Color.White
Select Case hShape.Type
Case Me.Point
pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Points, hMap.zoom)
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Green)
'Paint.Arc(pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y, 5)
If hShape.Image Then
Paint.DrawImage(hShape.Image, pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X - 16, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y - 32)
Paint.DrawImage($himgPoint, pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X - 16, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y - 32)
Case MultiPoint
For j = 0 To hShape.Points.Max
pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Points[j], hMap.zoom)
Paint.DrawImage($himgPoint, pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X - 16, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y - 32)
If hShape.Image Then
Paint.DrawImage(hShape.Image, pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X - 16, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y - 32)
Paint.DrawImage($himgPoint, pt.X - hMap.PixelBox.X - 16, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y - 32)
Case Polygon
@ -167,54 +215,48 @@ Public Sub _Draw()
hPoly.Add(pt.y - hMap.PixelBox.Y)
Paint.LineWidth = hShape.LineWidth
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.SetAlpha(icolor, 125))
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(iBack)
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(icolor)
' If hShape.Center Then
' pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Center, hMap.Zoom)
' 'Print hShape.Center.Lat
' Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.White)
' Paint.Fill
' Endif
Case Me.Polyline
'hPoly = New Integer[]
If hShape.Points.Count = 0 Then Continue
pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Points[0], hMap.zoom)
Paint.MoveTo(pt.x - hMap.PixelBox.X, pt.y - hMap.PixelBox.Y)
For j = 1 To hShape.Points.Max
pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Points[j], hMap.zoom)
Paint.LineTo(pt.x - hMap.PixelBox.X, pt.y - hMap.PixelBox.Y)
' hPoly.Add(pt.x - hMap.PixelBox.X)
' hPoly.Add(pt.y - hMap.PixelBox.Y)
'Paint.LineWidth = hShape.LineWidth
'Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.SetAlpha(Color.red, 125))
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(icolor)
Case Me.Circle
pt = hMap.MapPointToPixelRel(hShape.Bounds.TopLeft)
pt2 = hMap.MapPointToPixelRel(hShape.Bounds.BottomRight)
Paint.Ellipse(pt.x, pt.y, pt2.x - pt.x, pt2.y - pt.y)
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(iBack)
Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(icolor)
End Select
' Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.red)
' pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Bounds.TopLeft, hMap.Zoom)
' Paint.Rectangle(pt.x - hMap.PixelBox.x, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y, 5, 5)
' Paint.Fill()
' Paint.Brush = Paint.Color(Color.Blue)
' pt = Geo.MapPointToPixel(hShape.Bounds.BottomRight, hMap.Zoom)
' Paint.Rectangle(pt.x - hMap.PixelBox.x, pt.Y - hMap.PixelBox.Y, 5, 5)
' Paint.Fill()
Public Function _get(Key As String) As _ShapeItem
Dim iRet As Integer
If $colKeyShape[Key] = Null Then
@ -223,7 +265,6 @@ Public Function _get(Key As String) As _ShapeItem
iRet = $colKeyShape[Key]
Return $aShapes[iRet]
@ -247,12 +288,11 @@ Private Sub Color_Write(Value As Integer)
Static Public Function GetCenter(hPoints As MapPoint[]) As MapPoint
'Dim PCenter As New FPoint[]
Dim tmpA, A, Gx, Gy As Float
Dim j, k As Integer
'calcul du centre
'fp = New FPoint
A = 0
gx = 0
Gy = 0
@ -338,6 +378,7 @@ Public Sub Refresh()
Case Polygon
hItem.Center = GetCenter(hItem.Points[0])
hItem.Bounds = GetPointBounds(hItem.Points[0])
End Select
@ -399,7 +440,7 @@ Private Function Key_Read() As String
Public Function Find(hMp As MapPoint) As _ShapeItem
Dim i As Integer
Dim hShape As _ShapeItem
Dim hMap As Map = GetMap()
@ -435,13 +476,25 @@ Public Sub Clear()
Private Function LineWidth_Read() As Integer
Return $iLineWidth
Private Sub LineWidth_Write(Value As Integer)
$iLineWidth = Max(Value, 1)
Private Function FillColor_Read() As Integer
Return $iFillColor
Private Sub FillColor_Write(Value As Integer)
$iFillColor = Value