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' Gambas class file
' ' Gambas class file
' ' The UnitTrace control is used to trace the progress and status of the executing test cases.
' ' The control displays all trace messages associated with each executing test case and groups
' ' them in a tree. Test cases that execute successfully are identified with a green ball.
' ' Test cases that contain failures receive a yellow ball, and test cases with errors receive
' ' a red ball. The UnitTrace control is useful if detailed information on the running tests is
' ' required.
2016-09-22 16:47:43 +02:00
' Constants
Property Result As TestResult
' Member variables
Private $Result As TestResult
Private $oTestCase As ITestCase
Private $RootKey As String
Private $CurrentKey As String
Private $Obs As Observer
Private $Obs2 As Observer
Private $ErrPosition As Integer
Private $IsError As Boolean
Private $IsFailure As Boolean
Private $PictureOk As Picture
Private $PictureError As Picture
Private $PictureFail As Picture
Public Sub _new()
$PictureError = Picture.Load("error.png")
$PictureFail = Picture.Load("failure.png")
$PictureOk = Picture.Load("ok.png")
' Class destructor
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
$Result = Null
$oTestCase = Null
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
' tvTrace.Width = ScaleWidth
' tvTrace.Height = ScaleHeight
End Sub
' Resets the UnitTrace control clearing the results of the last test run.
Public Sub Reset()
tvTrace.Add("Root", "All Tests")
$RootKey = "Root"
tvTrace[$RootKey].Expanded = True
2016-09-22 17:20:20 +02:00
tvTrace["Root"].Picture = $PictureOk
2016-09-22 16:47:43 +02:00
$ErrPosition = 0
2016-09-22 17:20:20 +02:00
$CurrentKey = "Root"
2016-09-22 16:47:43 +02:00
End Sub
Public Sub ResultEvent_AfterStartTest(oTestCase As ITestCase)
'Set oKey = tvTrace.Keys.Add($CurrentKey.Index, tvwChild, TestName(oTestCase), TestName(oTestCase), cOkImage)
$CurrentKey = TestName(oTestCase)
tvTrace.Add($CurrentKey, TestName(oTestCase), $PictureOk, $RootKey)
tvTrace.Add(GetErrPosition(), "Test Started", $PictureOk, $CurrentKey)
$oTestCase = oTestCase
End Sub
Public Sub ResultEvent_AfterEndTest()
Dim Key As String, ChildKey As String, lImage As Long
tvTrace.Add(GetErrPosition(), "End Test Case", $PictureOk, $CurrentKey)
If tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Picture = $PictureOk Then
tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Expanded = False
tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Expanded = True
End Sub
Public Sub ResultEvent_AfterAddError(oError As TestError)
Dim err, key As String
key = GetErrPosition()
err = "Error: " & GetErrorMsg(oError)
tvTrace.Add(key, err, $PictureError, $CurrentKey)
tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Picture = $PictureError
tvTrace["Root"].Picture = $PictureError
End Sub
Public Sub ResultEvent_AfterAddFailure(oError As TestError)
Dim fail As String
fail = "Failure: " & oError.Description
tvTrace.Add(GetErrPosition(), fail, $PictureFail, $CurrentKey)
If tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Picture = $PictureOk Then
tvTrace[$CurrentKey].Picture = $PictureFail
2016-09-22 17:20:20 +02:00
If tvTrace["Root"].Picture = $PictureOk Then
'Debug "Root";; tvTrace["Root"].Picture
'Debug "Error";; $PictureError
'Debug "Fail";; $PictureFail
'Debug "Set Fail"
2016-09-22 16:47:43 +02:00
tvTrace["Root"].Picture = $PictureFail
End Sub
Public Sub ResultEvent_AfterAddTrace(sMessage As String)
Dim trace As String
trace = "Trace: " & sMessage
tvTrace.Add(GetErrPosition(), trace, Picture.Load("ok.png"), $CurrentKey)
End Sub
Public Function GetErrPosition() As String
Dim KeyName As String
KeyName = $CurrentKey & "-" & $ErrPosition
Inc $ErrPosition
Return KeyName
Private Function GetErrorMsg(oError As TestError) As String
Return oError.Source & " (" & oError.ErrNumber & "): " & oError.Description
End Function
Private Function TestName(oTestCase As TestCase) As String
If (oTestCase <> Null) Then
Return oTestCase.Container.Name & "." & oTestCase.Name
End If
End Function
Private Function Result_Read() As TestResult
Return $Result
Private Sub Result_Write(Value As TestResult)
$Result = Value
$Obs = New Observer($Result) As "ResultEvent"