93 lines
2.5 KiB
93 lines
2.5 KiB
' Gambas module file
Public AppSettings As Settings
Public Sub InitDefaultPath()
AppSettings = New Settings
Public Sub StoreSerialSettings(Port As SerialPort, PIndex As Integer)
'Parameters are for example stored in home/.config/Gambas3/RS232.conf
Dim Headline As String
HeadLine = "SerialPort " & Format(PIndex, "0")
'Store all parameters
With Port
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Portname"] = .PortName
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Speed"] = .Speed
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/DataBits"] = .DataBits
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Stopbits"] = .StopBits
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Parity"] = .Parity
AppSettings[HeadLine & "/FlowControl"] = .FlowControl
End With
Public Sub RestoreSerialSettings(Port As SerialPort, Pindex As Integer)
'Parameters are for example stored in home/.config/Gambas3/RS232.conf
Dim i As Integer
Dim HeadLine As String
'Set parameter headline
HeadLine = "SerialPort " & Format(PIndex, "0")
'Retrieve all RS232 settings from config file
With Port
.PortName = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Portname", "/dev/ttyS0"]
.Speed = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Speed", "9600"]
.DataBits = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/DataBits", "8"]
.StopBits = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/StopBits", "1"]
.Parity = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/Parity", 0]
.FlowControl = AppSettings[HeadLine & "/FlowControl", 0]
End With
'Set the RS232 combos accordingly:
'Finding Serial Device in Combo for Displaying
i = FMain.ComboPortDeviceName.Find(FMain.SerialPort1.PortName)
FMain.ComboPortDeviceName.index = i
'Finding Speed in Combo for Displaying
i = FMain.ComboSpeed.find(FMain.SerialPort1.Speed)
FMain.ComboSpeed.Index = i
'Finding DataBits in Combo for Displaying
i = Fmain.ComboDataBits.find(FMain.Serialport1.DataBits)
Fmain.ComboDataBits.Index = i
'Finding StopBits in Combo for Displaying
i = Fmain.ComboStopBits.find(FMain.Serialport1.StopBits)
Fmain.ComboStopBits.Index = i
'Displaying Parity in Combo (0=NON, 1=EVEN, 2=ODD)
FMain.ComboParity.index = FMain.SerialPort1.Parity
'Displaying Flow-Control in Combo
FMain.ComboHandShake.index = FMain.SerialPort1.FlowControl
Public Sub StoreFormPosition(F As Form)
With F
AppSettings[.name & "/left"] = .left
AppSettings[.name & "/top"] = .top
End With
Public Sub RestoreFormPosition(F As Form)
With F
.left = AppSettings[.name & "/left", 0]
.top = AppSettings[.name & "/top", 0]
End With