
244 lines
8.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

' Gambas module file
' To set up opengl window in Gambas choose New Project -> SDL Application
' mark OpenGL Programming IN Settings, give it a name AND that 's it.
Const num_points As Integer = 486
Private xrot As Float
Private yrot As Float
Private zrot As Float 'X, Y & Z Rotation
Private xspeed As Float
Private yspeed As Float
Private zspeed As Float 'X, Y & Z Spin Speed
Private cx As Float
Private cy As Float
Private cz As Float = -15 'X, Y & Z Position
Private keey As Integer = 1 'Used TO Make Sure Same Morph Key IS Not Pressed
Private stepp As Integer = 0
Private steps As Integer = 200 'STEP Counter AND Maximum Number OF Steps
Private morphing As Boolean = False 'DEFAULT morph TO FALSE(NOT Morphing)
Private morph As New Float[6, 486, 3]
Public read_line As String
Public verts As String[]
Public coords As String
Public actual As Integer = 0
Public post As Integer = 0
Private screen As New Window(True) As "Screen"
Public Sub Main()
With screen
.Width = 640
.Height = 480
.Title = MMain.Title
End With
Public Sub load_objects()
Dim shape_file As File
Dim i, p As Integer
shape_file = Open "Sphere.txt" For Input
For p = 0 To num_points - 1
i = 0
Line Input #shape_file, read_line
verts = Split(read_line, ",")
For Each coords In verts
morph[0, p, i] = coords
morph[4, p, i] = coords
i = i + 1
Close shape_file
shape_file = Open "Torus.txt" For Input
For p = 0 To num_points - 1
i = 0
Line Input #shape_file, read_line
verts = Split(read_line, ",")
For Each coords In verts
morph[1, p, i] = coords
i = i + 1
Close shape_file
shape_file = Open "Tube.txt" For Input
For p = 0 To num_points - 1
i = 0
Line Input #shape_file, read_line
verts = Split(read_line, ",")
For Each coords In verts
morph[2, p, i] = coords
i = i + 1
Close shape_file
For p = 0 To num_points - 1
For i = 0 To 2
morph[3, p, i] = Rnd(12) - 7
Public Sub calculate(i As Integer, sourc As Integer, desti As Integer)
morph[5, i, 0] = (morph[sourc, i, 0] - morph[desti, i, 0]) / steps
morph[5, i, 1] = (morph[sourc, i, 1] - morph[desti, i, 1]) / steps
morph[5, i, 2] = (morph[sourc, i, 2] - morph[desti, i, 2]) / steps
Public Sub Screen_Open()
Gl.ClearDepth(100.0) 'Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 'This Will Clear The Background Color To Black
gl.DepthFunc(gl.LESS) 'The Type Of Depth Test To Do
gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) 'Enables Depth Testing
gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) 'Enables Smooth Color Shading
gl.LoadIdentity() 'Reset The Projection Matrix
glu.Perspective(45.0, screen.Width / screen.Height, 0.1, 100.0) 'Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
Public Sub Screen_resize()
Gl.Viewport(0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height)
Gl.LoadIdentity() 'Reset The Projection Matrix
glu.Perspective(45.0, screen.Width / screen.Height, 0.1, 100.0) 'Calculate The Aspect Ratio Of The Window
Public Sub Init() 'All Setup FOR OpenGL Goes Here
gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE) 'Set The Blending FUNCTION For Translucency
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 'This Will Clear The Background Color TO Black
gl.clearDepth(1.0) 'Enables Clearing OF The Depth Buffer
gl.DepthFunc(gl.LESS) 'The Type OF Depth Test TO DO
gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) 'Enables Depth Testing
gl.ShadeModel(gl.SMOOTH) 'Enables Smooth Color Shading
gl.Hint(gl.PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, gl.NICEST) 'Really Nice Perspective Calculations
Public Sub Screen_Draw()
Dim tx, ty, tz As Float '/ / Temp X, Y & Z Variables
Dim i, j, k, p As Integer
gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT Or gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) 'Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
gl.LoadIdentity() 'Reset The View
gl.Translatef(cx, cy, cz) 'Translate The The Current Position TO Start Drawing
gl.Rotatef(xrot, 1, 0, 0) 'Rotate On The X Axis By xrot
gl.Rotatef(yrot, 0, 1, 0) 'Rotate On The Y Axis By yrot
gl.Rotatef(zrot, 0, 0, 1) 'Rotate On The Z Axis By zrot
xrot += xspeed
yrot += yspeed
zrot += zspeed 'Increase xrot, yrot & zrot by xspeed, yspeed & zspeed
'VERTEX q; / / Holds Returned Calculated Values FOR One Vertex
gl.begin(gl.POINTS) 'Begin Drawing Points
For i = 0 To num_points - 1 'Loop Through All The Verts Of morph
If (morphing) Then
calculate(i, actual, post)
morph[5, i, 0] = 0
morph[5, i, 1] = 0
morph[5, i, 2] = 0
morph[4, i, 0] -= morph[5, i, 0] 'Subtract q.x Units FROM helper.points[i].x( MOVE On X Axis)
morph[4, i, 1] -= morph[5, i, 1] 'Subtract q.y Units FROM helper.points[i].y( MOVE On Y Axis)
morph[4, i, 2] -= morph[5, i, 2] 'Subtract q.z Units FROM helper.points[i].z( MOVE On Z Axis)
tx = morph[4, i, 0] 'Make Temp X Variable Equal TO Helper 's X Variable
ty = morph[4, i, 1] 'Make Temp Y Variable Equal TO Helper 's Y Variable
tz = morph[4, i, 2] 'Make Temp Z Variable Equal TO Helper 's Z Variable
gl.Color3f(0, 1, 1) 'Set Color TO A Bright Shade OF Off Blue
gl.Vertex3f(tx, ty, tz) 'Draw A Point At The Current Temp Values(Vertex)
gl.Color3f(0, 0.5, 1) 'Darken Color A Bit
tx -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0]
ty -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0]
ty -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0] 'Calculate Two Positions Ahead
gl.Vertex3f(tx, ty, tz) 'Draw A Second Point At The Newly Calculate Position
gl.Color3f(0, 0, 1) 'Set Color TO A Very Dark Blue
tx -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0]
ty -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0]
ty -= 2 * morph[5, i, 0] 'Calculate Two More Positions Ahead
gl.Vertex3f(tx, ty, tz) 'Draw A Third Point At The Second NEW Position
Next 'This Creates A Ghostly Tail AS Points MOVE
gl.End() 'Done Drawing Points
If (morphing And (stepp <= steps)) Then
stepp += 1
morphing = False
actual = post
stepp = 0
Public Sub Screen_KeyPress()
Debug Key.Code;; Key.Text
If (key.code = key.F1) Then screen.Fullscreen = Not screen.Fullscreen
If (key.Code = key.Esc) Then Screen.Close()
If (key.code = key.PageUp) Then zspeed += 0.01 'MOVE the cube into the distance.
If (key.code = key.Pagedown) Then zspeed -= 0.01 'MOVE the cube closer.
If (key.code = key.UP) Then xspeed -= 0.01 'decrease x rotation speed;
If (key.code = key.DOWN) Then xspeed += 0.01 'increase x rotation speed;
If (key.code = key.LEFT) Then yspeed -= 0.01 'decrease y rotation speed;
If (key.code = key.RIGHT) Then yspeed += 0.01 'increase y rotation speed;
If (key.text = "q") Then cz -= 0.01 'Is Q Key Being Pressed? Move Object Away From Viewer
If (key.text = "z") Then cz += 0.01 'Is Z Key Being Pressed? MOVE Object Towards Viewer
If (key.text = "w") Then cy += 0.01 'Is W Key Being Pressed? MOVE Object Up
If (key.text = "s") Then cy -= 0.01 'Is S Key Being Pressed? MOVE Object Down
If (key.text = "d") Then cx += 0.01 'Is D Key Being Pressed? MOVE Object Right
If (key.text = "a") Then cx -= 0.01 'Is A Key Being Pressed? MOVE Object Left
If (key.text = "1") Then
If ((keey <> 1) And morphing = False) Then
keey = 1 'Sets key TO 1( TO Prevent Pressing 1 2 x IN A Row)
morphing = True 'Set morph TO TRUE(Starts Morphing Process)
post = 0 'Destination Object TO Morph TO Becomes morph1
If (key.text = "2") Then
If ((keey <> 2) And morphing = False) Then
keey = 2 'Sets key TO 1( TO Prevent Pressing 1 2 x IN A Row)
morphing = True 'Set morph TO TRUE(Starts Morphing Process)
post = 1 'Destination Object TO Morph TO Becomes morph1
If (key.text = "3") Then
If ((keey <> 3) And morphing = False) Then
keey = 3 'Sets key TO 1( TO Prevent Pressing 1 2 x IN A Row)
morphing = True 'Set morph TO TRUE(Starts Morphing Process)
post = 2 'Destination Object TO Morph TO Becomes morph1
If (key.text = "4") Then
If ((keey <> 4) And morphing = False) Then
keey = 4 'Sets key TO 1( TO Prevent Pressing 1 2 x IN A Row)
morphing = True 'Set morph TO TRUE(Starts Morphing Process)
post = 3 'Destination Object TO Morph TO Becomes morph1