88 lines
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88 lines
1.9 KiB
' Gambas class file
' Copyright (C) 2004, Michael Isaac. All rights reserved.
Public ID As String
Public X As Float 'Center X
Public Y As Float 'Center Y
Public MX As Float 'Motion X
Public MY As Float 'Motion Y
Public Size As Float
Public Points As Integer[]
Public Distance As Float[]
Public Degree As Float[]
Public Direction As Float
Public Agility As Float
Public Acceleration As Float
Public Torque As Float
Public Hull As Integer
Public Shield As Integer
Public ShieldOn As Boolean
Public Thrust As Boolean
Public Attack As Boolean
Public TurnRight As Boolean
Public TurnLeft As Boolean
Public Sub _new()
Points = New Integer[]
Distance = New Float[]
Degree = New Float[]
Public Sub Load2DObject(sFilename As String, sID As String, X As Integer, Y As Integer)
'DIM F AS File
Dim I As Integer
Dim sData As String
Dim aLine As New String[]
sData = File.Load(Application.Path &/ "object.data/" &/ sFilename)
'OPEN Application.Path &/ "object.data/" &/ sFilename FOR READ AS #F
'READ #F, sData, Lof(F)
'Split this into an array and remove the CR character
aLine = Split(Replace(sData, Chr$(13), Null), "\n")
With Me
.X = X
.Y = Y
.ID = sID
If sID Like "Object*" Then
.Torque = -1
'.Attack = TRUE
.MX = Rnd(-4, +5)
.MY = Rnd(-4, +5)
End If
.Agility = 5
.Acceleration = 0.75
.Hull = 100
.Direction = Rad(180)
For I = 0 To aLine.Count - 1
If (Not (Left$(aLine[I], 1) = "'")) And (Not (aLine[I] = "")) Then
.Degree.Add(CFloat(Split(aLine[I], ",")[1]))
.Distance.Add(CFloat(Split(aLine[I], ",")[0]))
If .Distance[.Distance.Count - 1] > .Size Then
.Size = .Distance[.Distance.Count - 1]
End If
End If
End With