$cTr["<b><i>Gambas</i></b> is a free development environment based on a <i>Basic</i> interpreter with object extensions, a bit like <i>Visual Basic™</i> (but it is <i><b>NOT</b></i> a clone !)."] = ("<b><i>Gambas</i></b> is a free development environment based on a <i>Basic</i> interpreter with object extensions, a bit like <i>Visual Basic™</i> (but it is <i><b>NOT</b></i> a clone !).")
$cTr["Read the <a href=\"http://gambasdoc.org/help/doc/intro?view&$(LANG)\">introduction</a> for more information."] = ("Read the <a href=\"http://gambasdoc.org/help/doc/intro?view&$(LANG)\">introduction</a> for more information.")
$cTr["With <b><i>Gambas</i></b>, you can quickly design your program GUI with QT4 or GTK+, access MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC and SQLite databases, pilot applications with <i>D-Bus</i>, translate your program into any language, create network applications easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on..."] = ("With <b><i>Gambas</i></b>, you can quickly design your program GUI with QT4 or GTK+, access MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC and SQLite databases, pilot applications with <i>D-Bus</i>, translate your program into any language, create network applications easily, make 3D OpenGL applications, make CGI web applications, and so on...")
$cTr["You can support <b><i>Gambas</i></b> by making a small donation with"] = ("You can support <b><i>Gambas</i></b> by making a small donation with")
$cTr["or by using"] = ("or by using")
$cTr["The greatest formula of the world!"] = ("The greatest formula of the world!")
$cTr["Working or have worked on..."] = ("Working or have worked on...")
$cTr["If you are developing anything directly related to <b><i>Gambas</i></b> or its IDE, and not on the previous list, or if you find a mistake in this list, then write me! And explain me who you are and what you have done, so that I add you to the Hall Of Fame."] = ("If you are developing anything directly related to <b><i>Gambas</i></b> or its IDE, and not on the previous list, or if you find a mistake in this list, then write me! And explain me who you are and what you have done, so that I add you to the Hall Of Fame.")
$cTr["Translations"] = ("Translations")
$cTr["Language"] = ("Language")
$cTr["Translator(s)"] = ("Translator(s)")
$cTr["If you want to translate <b><i>Gambas</i></b>, write me so that I add you on the previous table, and read the <a href=\"http://gambasdoc.org/help/howto/translate?view&en\">How To</a> carefully."] = ("If you want to translate <b><i>Gambas</i></b>, write me so that I add you on the previous table, and read the <a href=\"http://gambasdoc.org/help/howto/translate?view&en\">How To</a> carefully.")
$cTr["If you want to work on an already existing translation, contact the translators."] = ("If you want to work on an already existing translation, contact the translators.")