* initial commit * turn on featureflag * additional fixes * update for using FullCalendar * update to allow both calendars * fix dnd, remove log messages * fix lint, unit tests * dates should use themselves for timezone offset * fix for tests * remove react-big-calendar * remove react-big-calendar * fix for handling feature flags changing * clean up * remove unit test * update tests * fix tests * lint fixes * add creating event, fixes * linter fixes * clean up * add unit tests * fixes * update snapshots * update test * update snapshot * disable test for now, timezone changes labels * remove test to get to build * remove snapshot * feedback updates * use getConfig instead * linter fix * more linter * revert changes * some fixes for issues * fix for displaying new calendar * fix for displaying new calendar * add properties to cards * add properties to cards * read only implementation * i18-extract * implement unit tests * implement unit tests * fix test * remove log statements * remove feature flag from config * updated icons * Updating icons for calendar mvp * Revert "Updating icons for calendar mvp" This reverts commite16e715e8a
. * Revert "updated icons" This reverts commit120b7b0b96
. * update for code reviews * fix linter * more feedback updates * fix some styling * fix lint errors * Updating css * Updating calendar css * update for lint errors Co-authored-by: Mattermod <mattermod@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Asaad Mahmood <asaadmahmood@users.noreply.github.com>
139 lines
4.7 KiB
139 lines
4.7 KiB
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