Jesús Espino 46fdbf9048
Initial Boards+Channels implementation (#3110)
* Initial Boards+Channels implementation

* Adding draft code to list the boards in a channel

* Adding the hability to link/unlink channels (fake channel for now)

* Simplify slight the migrations


* More changes to improve the implementation

* Adding partial implementation of linking channel from board

* Allow linking in both directions

* Removing unused file

* More work on channel binding

* some refactoring

* Improving code quality and interface

* More improvements

* Changing the API to search channels

* Adding a limit of 10 channels in search

* Add confirmation on linking public channels

* Improve a bit the styling of the confirmation modal

* Showing the current linked channel

* Adding link board confirmation to channel interface

* Fixing tests and linter errors

* Fixing backend tests

* Adding permissions tests

* Fixing linter errors

* Fixing small things

* Fixing some typescript errors

* Adding new boardSelectorItem tests

* Improving a bit tests

* Adding jest unit tests

* Remove duplicated implementation (from merge, I guess)

* Adding missed files

* Addressing some of the PR review comments

* Removing unneeded new wrapIntl implementation

* Moving NotSupportedError to the store package to be share between all the store implementations or layers

* Fixing one of the pendings ToDo

* Creating a constructor for the NotSupportedError

* Fixing linter error
2022-07-07 16:46:53 +02:00

169 lines
7.3 KiB

//go:generate mockgen --build_flags=--mod=mod -destination=mockstore/mockstore.go -package mockstore . Store
//go:generate go run ./generators/main.go
package store
import (
mmModel ""
const CardLimitTimestampSystemKey = "card_limit_timestamp"
// Store represents the abstraction of the data storage.
type Store interface {
GetBlocksWithParentAndType(boardID, parentID string, blockType string) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlocksWithParent(boardID, parentID string) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlocksByIDs(ids []string) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlocksWithBoardID(boardID string) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlocksWithType(boardID, blockType string) ([]model.Block, error)
GetSubTree2(boardID, blockID string, opts model.QuerySubtreeOptions) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlocksForBoard(boardID string) ([]model.Block, error)
// @withTransaction
InsertBlock(block *model.Block, userID string) error
// @withTransaction
DeleteBlock(blockID string, modifiedBy string) error
// @withTransaction
InsertBlocks(blocks []model.Block, userID string) error
// @withTransaction
UndeleteBlock(blockID string, modifiedBy string) error
// @withTransaction
UndeleteBoard(boardID string, modifiedBy string) error
GetBlockCountsByType() (map[string]int64, error)
GetBlock(blockID string) (*model.Block, error)
// @withTransaction
PatchBlock(blockID string, blockPatch *model.BlockPatch, userID string) error
GetBlockHistory(blockID string, opts model.QueryBlockHistoryOptions) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBlockHistoryDescendants(boardID string, opts model.QueryBlockHistoryOptions) ([]model.Block, error)
GetBoardHistory(boardID string, opts model.QueryBoardHistoryOptions) ([]*model.Board, error)
GetBoardAndCardByID(blockID string) (board *model.Board, card *model.Block, err error)
GetBoardAndCard(block *model.Block) (board *model.Board, card *model.Block, err error)
// @withTransaction
DuplicateBoard(boardID string, userID string, toTeam string, asTemplate bool) (*model.BoardsAndBlocks, []*model.BoardMember, error)
// @withTransaction
DuplicateBlock(boardID string, blockID string, userID string, asTemplate bool) ([]model.Block, error)
// @withTransaction
PatchBlocks(blockPatches *model.BlockPatchBatch, userID string) error
Shutdown() error
GetSystemSetting(key string) (string, error)
GetSystemSettings() (map[string]string, error)
SetSystemSetting(key, value string) error
GetRegisteredUserCount() (int, error)
GetUserByID(userID string) (*model.User, error)
GetUserByEmail(email string) (*model.User, error)
GetUserByUsername(username string) (*model.User, error)
CreateUser(user *model.User) error
UpdateUser(user *model.User) error
UpdateUserPassword(username, password string) error
UpdateUserPasswordByID(userID, password string) error
GetUsersByTeam(teamID string) ([]*model.User, error)
SearchUsersByTeam(teamID string, searchQuery string) ([]*model.User, error)
PatchUserProps(userID string, patch model.UserPropPatch) error
GetActiveUserCount(updatedSecondsAgo int64) (int, error)
GetSession(token string, expireTime int64) (*model.Session, error)
CreateSession(session *model.Session) error
RefreshSession(session *model.Session) error
UpdateSession(session *model.Session) error
DeleteSession(sessionID string) error
CleanUpSessions(expireTime int64) error
UpsertSharing(sharing model.Sharing) error
GetSharing(rootID string) (*model.Sharing, error)
UpsertTeamSignupToken(team model.Team) error
UpsertTeamSettings(team model.Team) error
GetTeam(ID string) (*model.Team, error)
GetTeamsForUser(userID string) ([]*model.Team, error)
GetAllTeams() ([]*model.Team, error)
GetTeamCount() (int64, error)
InsertBoard(board *model.Board, userID string) (*model.Board, error)
// @withTransaction
InsertBoardWithAdmin(board *model.Board, userID string) (*model.Board, *model.BoardMember, error)
// @withTransaction
PatchBoard(boardID string, boardPatch *model.BoardPatch, userID string) (*model.Board, error)
GetBoard(id string) (*model.Board, error)
GetBoardsForUserAndTeam(userID, teamID string) ([]*model.Board, error)
GetBoardsInTeamByIds(boardIDs []string, teamID string) ([]*model.Board, error)
// @withTransaction
DeleteBoard(boardID, userID string) error
SaveMember(bm *model.BoardMember) (*model.BoardMember, error)
DeleteMember(boardID, userID string) error
GetMemberForBoard(boardID, userID string) (*model.BoardMember, error)
GetBoardMemberHistory(boardID, userID string, limit uint64) ([]*model.BoardMemberHistoryEntry, error)
GetMembersForBoard(boardID string) ([]*model.BoardMember, error)
GetMembersForUser(userID string) ([]*model.BoardMember, error)
SearchBoardsForUser(term, userID string) ([]*model.Board, error)
// @withTransaction
CreateBoardsAndBlocksWithAdmin(bab *model.BoardsAndBlocks, userID string) (*model.BoardsAndBlocks, []*model.BoardMember, error)
// @withTransaction
CreateBoardsAndBlocks(bab *model.BoardsAndBlocks, userID string) (*model.BoardsAndBlocks, error)
// @withTransaction
PatchBoardsAndBlocks(pbab *model.PatchBoardsAndBlocks, userID string) (*model.BoardsAndBlocks, error)
// @withTransaction
DeleteBoardsAndBlocks(dbab *model.DeleteBoardsAndBlocks, userID string) error
GetCategory(id string) (*model.Category, error)
CreateCategory(category model.Category) error
UpdateCategory(category model.Category) error
DeleteCategory(categoryID, userID, teamID string) error
GetUserCategoryBoards(userID, teamID string) ([]model.CategoryBoards, error)
GetFileInfo(id string) (*mmModel.FileInfo, error)
SaveFileInfo(fileInfo *mmModel.FileInfo) error
// @withTransaction
AddUpdateCategoryBoard(userID, categoryID, blockID string) error
CreateSubscription(sub *model.Subscription) (*model.Subscription, error)
DeleteSubscription(blockID string, subscriberID string) error
GetSubscription(blockID string, subscriberID string) (*model.Subscription, error)
GetSubscriptions(subscriberID string) ([]*model.Subscription, error)
GetSubscribersForBlock(blockID string) ([]*model.Subscriber, error)
GetSubscribersCountForBlock(blockID string) (int, error)
UpdateSubscribersNotifiedAt(blockID string, notifiedAt int64) error
UpsertNotificationHint(hint *model.NotificationHint, notificationFreq time.Duration) (*model.NotificationHint, error)
DeleteNotificationHint(blockID string) error
GetNotificationHint(blockID string) (*model.NotificationHint, error)
GetNextNotificationHint(remove bool) (*model.NotificationHint, error)
RemoveDefaultTemplates(boards []*model.Board) error
GetTemplateBoards(teamID, userID string) ([]*model.Board, error)
// @withTransaction
RunDataRetention(globalRetentionDate int64, batchSize int64) (int64, error)
GetUsedCardsCount() (int, error)
GetCardLimitTimestamp() (int64, error)
UpdateCardLimitTimestamp(cardLimit int) (int64, error)
DBType() string
GetLicense() *mmModel.License
GetCloudLimits() (*mmModel.ProductLimits, error)
SearchUserChannels(teamID, userID, query string) ([]*mmModel.Channel, error)
GetChannel(teamID, channelID string) (*mmModel.Channel, error)
SendMessage(message, postType string, receipts []string) error
type NotSupportedError struct {
msg string
func NewNotSupportedError(msg string) NotSupportedError {
return NotSupportedError{msg: msg}
func (pe NotSupportedError) Error() string {
return pe.msg