225 lines
6.0 KiB
225 lines
6.0 KiB
import csv from 'csvtojson'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import minimist from 'minimist'
import path from 'path'
import {exit} from 'process'
import {ArchiveUtils} from '../util/archive'
import {Block} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/block'
import {Board} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/board'
import {IPropertyTemplate, createBoard} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/board'
import {createBoardView} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/boardView'
import {createCard} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/card'
import {createTextBlock} from '../../webapp/src/blocks/textBlock'
import {Utils} from './utils'
// HACKHACK: To allow Utils.CreateGuid to work
(global.window as any) = {}
let markdownFolder: string
const optionColors = [
// 'propColorDefault',
let optionColorIndex = 0
async function main() {
const args: minimist.ParsedArgs = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
const inputFolder = args['i']
const outputFile = args['o'] || 'archive.focalboard'
if (!inputFolder) {
if (!fs.existsSync(inputFolder)){
console.log(`Folder not found: ${inputFolder}`)
const inputFile = getCsvFilePath(inputFolder)
if (!inputFile) {
console.log(`.csv file not found in folder: ${inputFolder}`)
console.log(`inputFile: ${inputFile}`)
// Read input
const input = await csv().fromFile(inputFile)
console.log(`Read ${input.length} rows.`)
const basename = path.basename(inputFile, '.csv')
const components = basename.split(' ')
const title = components.join(' ')
console.log(`title: ${title}`)
markdownFolder = path.join(inputFolder, basename)
// Convert
const [boards, blocks] = convert(input, title)
// Save output
// TODO: Stream output
const outputData = ArchiveUtils.buildBlockArchive(boards, blocks)
fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, outputData)
console.log(`Exported to ${outputFile}`)
function getCsvFilePath(inputFolder: string): string | undefined {
const files = fs.readdirSync(inputFolder)
const file = files.find(o => path.extname(o).toLowerCase() === '.csv')
return file ? path.join(inputFolder, file) : undefined
function getMarkdown(cardTitle: string): string | undefined {
if (!fs.existsSync(markdownFolder)){ return undefined}
const files = fs.readdirSync(markdownFolder)
const file = files.find((o) => {
const basename = path.basename(o)
const components = basename.split(' ')
const fileCardTitle = components.slice(0, components.length-1).join(' ')
if (fileCardTitle === cardTitle) {
return o
if (file) {
const filePath = path.join(markdownFolder, file)
const markdown = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
// TODO: Remove header from markdown, which repets card title and properties
return markdown
return undefined
function getColumns(input: any[]) {
const row = input[0]
const keys = Object.keys(row)
// The first key (column) is the card title
return keys.slice(1)
function convert(input: any[], title: string): [Board[], Block[]] {
const boards: Board[] = []
const blocks: Block[] = []
// Board
const board = createBoard()
console.log(`Board: ${title}`)
board.title = title
// Each column is a card property
const columns = getColumns(input)
columns.forEach(column => {
const cardProperty: IPropertyTemplate = {
id: Utils.createGuid(),
name: column,
type: 'select',
options: []
// Set all column types to select
// TODO: Detect column type
// Board view
const view = createBoardView()
view.title = 'Board View'
view.fields.viewType = 'board'
view.boardId = board.id
view.parentId = board.id
// Cards
input.forEach(row => {
const keys = Object.keys(row)
if (keys.length < 1) {
console.error(`Expected at least one column`)
return blocks
const titleKey = keys[0]
const title = row[titleKey]
console.log(`Card: ${title}`)
const outCard = createCard()
outCard.title = title
outCard.boardId = board.id
outCard.parentId = board.id
// Card properties, skip first key which is the title
for (const key of keys.slice(1)) {
const value = row[key]
if (!value) {
// Skip empty values
const cardProperty = board.cardProperties.find((o) => o.name === key)!
let option = cardProperty.options.find((o) => o.value === value)
if (!option) {
const color = optionColors[optionColorIndex % optionColors.length]
optionColorIndex += 1
option = {
id: Utils.createGuid(),
color: color,
outCard.fields.properties[cardProperty.id] = option.id
// Card notes from markdown
const markdown = getMarkdown(title)
if (markdown) {
console.log(`Markdown: ${markdown.length} bytes`)
const text = createTextBlock()
text.title = markdown
text.boardId = board.id
text.parentId = outCard.id
outCard.fields.contentOrder = [text.id]
console.log(`Found ${input.length} card(s).`)
return [boards, blocks]
function showHelp() {
console.log('import -i <input.json> -o [output.focalboard]')