// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for license information. /* eslint-disable max-nested-callbacks */ /// describe('Create and delete board / card', () => { const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(); const boardTitle = `Test Board (${timestamp})`; const cardTitle = `Test Card (${timestamp})`; it('Can create and delete a board and card', () => { cy.visit('/'); cy.contains('+ Add Board').click({force: true}); cy.contains('Empty board').click({force: true}); cy.get('.BoardComponent').should('exist'); }); it('Can set the board title', () => { // Board title cy.get('.ViewTitle>.Editable.title'). type(boardTitle). type('{enter}'). should('have.value', boardTitle); }); it('Can rename the board view', () => { // Rename board view const boardViewTitle = `Test board (${timestamp})`; cy.get('.ViewHeader'). contains('.octo-editable', 'Board view'). clear(). type(boardViewTitle). type('{esc}'); cy.get('.ViewHeader'). contains('.octo-editable', boardViewTitle). should('exist'); }); it('Can create a card', () => { // Create card cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('New').click(); cy.get('.CardDetail').should('exist'); }); it('Can set the card title', () => { // Card title cy.get('.CardDetail>.Editable.title'). type(cardTitle). type('{enter}'). should('have.value', cardTitle); // Close card cy.get('.Dialog.dialog-back').click({force: true}); }); it('Can create a table view', () => { // Create table view // cy.intercept('POST', '/api/v1/blocks').as('insertBlocks'); cy.get('.ViewHeader').get('.DropdownIcon').first().parent().click(); cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('Add View').click(); cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('Add View').click(); cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('Add View').parent().contains('Table').click(); // cy.wait('@insertBlocks'); // Wait for round-trip to complete and DOM to update cy.contains('.octo-editable', 'Table view').should('exist'); // Card should exist in table cy.get(`.TableRow [value='${cardTitle}']`).should('exist'); }); it('Can rename the table view', () => { // Rename table view const tableViewTitle = `Test table (${timestamp})`; cy.get('.ViewHeader'). contains('.octo-editable', 'Table view'). clear(). type(tableViewTitle). type('{esc}'); cy.get('.ViewHeader'). contains('.octo-editable', tableViewTitle). should('exist'); }); it('Can sort the table', () => { // Sort cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('Sort').click(); cy.get('.ViewHeader').contains('Sort').parent().contains('Name').click(); }); it('Can view the readonly board', () => { cy.url().then((url) => { const readonlyUrl = url + '&r=1'; cy.visit(readonlyUrl); cy.get('.ViewTitle>.Editable.title').should('have.attr', 'readonly'); cy.visit(url); }); }); it('Can delete the board', () => { // Delete board cy.get('.Sidebar .octo-sidebar-list'). contains(boardTitle).first(). next(). find('.Button.IconButton'). click({force: true}); cy.contains('Delete board').click({force: true}); // // Board should not exist cy.contains(boardTitle).should('not.exist'); }); });