// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for license information. /* eslint-disable max-lines */ import React from 'react' import {FormattedMessage, injectIntl, IntlShape} from 'react-intl' import {BlockIcons} from '../blockIcons' import {IPropertyOption, IPropertyTemplate} from '../blocks/board' import {Card, MutableCard} from '../blocks/card' import {CardFilter} from '../cardFilter' import {Constants} from '../constants' import mutator from '../mutator' import {Utils} from '../utils' import {BoardTree, BoardTreeGroup} from '../viewModel/boardTree' import Button from '../widgets/buttons/button' import IconButton from '../widgets/buttons/iconButton' import AddIcon from '../widgets/icons/add' import DeleteIcon from '../widgets/icons/delete' import HideIcon from '../widgets/icons/hide' import OptionsIcon from '../widgets/icons/options' import ShowIcon from '../widgets/icons/show' import Menu from '../widgets/menu' import MenuWrapper from '../widgets/menuWrapper' import BoardCard from './boardCard' import {BoardColumn} from './boardColumn' import './boardComponent.scss' import CardDialog from './cardDialog' import {Editable} from './editable' import RootPortal from './rootPortal' import ViewHeader from './viewHeader' import ViewTitle from './viewTitle' type Props = { boardTree: BoardTree showView: (id: string) => void setSearchText: (text?: string) => void intl: IntlShape } type State = { isSearching: boolean shownCardId?: string viewMenu: boolean selectedCardIds: string[] showFilter: boolean } class BoardComponent extends React.Component { private draggedCards: Card[] = [] private draggedHeaderOption?: IPropertyOption private backgroundRef = React.createRef() private searchFieldRef = React.createRef() private keydownHandler = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.target !== document.body) { return } if (e.keyCode === 27) { if (this.state.selectedCardIds.length > 0) { this.setState({selectedCardIds: []}) e.stopPropagation() } } if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) { // Backspace or Del: Delete selected cards this.deleteSelectedCards() e.stopPropagation() } } componentDidMount(): void { document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandler) } componentWillUnmount(): void { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandler) } constructor(props: Props) { super(props) this.state = { isSearching: Boolean(this.props.boardTree.getSearchText()), viewMenu: false, selectedCardIds: [], showFilter: false, } } shouldComponentUpdate(): boolean { return true } componentDidUpdate(prevPros: Props, prevState: State): void { if (this.state.isSearching && !prevState.isSearching) { this.searchFieldRef.current?.focus() } } render(): JSX.Element { const {boardTree, showView} = this.props const {groupByProperty} = boardTree if (!groupByProperty) { Utils.assertFailure('Board views must have groupByProperty set') return
} const propertyValues = groupByProperty.options || [] Utils.log(`${propertyValues.length} propertyValues`) const {board, activeView, visibleGroups, hiddenGroups} = boardTree const visiblePropertyTemplates = board.cardProperties.filter((template) => activeView.visiblePropertyIds.includes(template.id)) const isManualSort = activeView.sortOptions.length < 1 return (
{ this.backgroundClicked(e) }} > {this.state.shownCardId && this.setState({shownCardId: undefined})} showCard={(cardId) => this.setState({shownCardId: cardId})} /> }
this.addCard()} addCardFromTemplate={this.addCardFromTemplate} addCardTemplate={this.addCardTemplate} editCardTemplate={this.editCardTemplate} withGroupBy={true} />
{/* Column headers */} {visibleGroups.map((group) => this.renderColumnHeader(group))} {/* Hidden column header */} {hiddenGroups.length > 0 &&
{/* Main content */}
{/* Columns */} {visibleGroups.map((group) => ( this.onDropToColumn(group.option)} > {group.cards.map((card) => this.renderCard(card, visiblePropertyTemplates))} ))} {/* Hidden columns */} {hiddenGroups.length > 0 &&
{hiddenGroups.map((group) => this.renderHiddenColumnItem(group))}
) } private renderCard(card: Card, visiblePropertyTemplates: IPropertyTemplate[]) { const {boardTree} = this.props const {activeView} = boardTree const isManualSort = activeView.sortOptions.length < 1 return ( { this.cardClicked(e, card) }} onDragStart={() => { if (this.state.selectedCardIds.includes(card.id)) { this.draggedCards = this.state.selectedCardIds.map((id) => boardTree.allCards.find((o) => o.id === id)!) } else { this.draggedCards = [card] } }} onDragEnd={() => { this.draggedCards = [] }} isDropZone={isManualSort} onDrop={() => { this.onDropToCard(card) }} /> ) } private renderColumnHeader(group: BoardTreeGroup) { const {boardTree, intl} = this.props const {activeView} = boardTree // TODO: Refactor this as a component if (!group.option.id) { // Empty group const ref = React.createRef() return (
{ this.draggedHeaderOption = group.option }} onDragEnd={() => { this.draggedHeaderOption = undefined }} onDragOver={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragEnter={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragLeave={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDrop={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() this.onDropToColumn(group.option) }} >
}/> } name={intl.formatMessage({id: 'BoardComponent.hide', defaultMessage: 'Hide'})} onClick={() => mutator.hideViewColumn(activeView, '')} /> } onClick={() => this.addCard(undefined)} />
) } const ref = React.createRef() return (
{ this.draggedHeaderOption = group.option }} onDragEnd={() => { this.draggedHeaderOption = undefined }} onDragOver={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragEnter={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragLeave={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDrop={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() this.onDropToColumn(group.option) }} > { this.propertyNameChanged(group.option, text) }} />
}/> } name={intl.formatMessage({id: 'BoardComponent.hide', defaultMessage: 'Hide'})} onClick={() => mutator.hideViewColumn(activeView, group.option.id)} /> } name={intl.formatMessage({id: 'BoardComponent.delete', defaultMessage: 'Delete'})} onClick={() => mutator.deletePropertyOption(boardTree, boardTree.groupByProperty!, group.option)} /> {Constants.menuColors.map((color) => ( mutator.changePropertyOptionColor(boardTree.board, boardTree.groupByProperty!, group.option, color.id)} /> ))} } onClick={() => this.addCard(group.option.id)} />
) } private renderHiddenColumnItem(group: BoardTreeGroup) { const {boardTree, intl} = this.props const {activeView} = boardTree const ref = React.createRef() return (
{ if (this.draggedCards?.length < 1) { return } ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragEnter={(e) => { if (this.draggedCards?.length < 1) { return } ref.current?.classList.add('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDragLeave={(e) => { if (this.draggedCards?.length < 1) { return } ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() }} onDrop={(e) => { ref.current?.classList.remove('dragover') e.preventDefault() if (this.draggedCards?.length < 1) { return } this.onDropToColumn(group.option) }} >
} name={intl.formatMessage({id: 'BoardComponent.show', defaultMessage: 'Show'})} onClick={() => mutator.unhideViewColumn(activeView, group.option.id)} />
) } private backgroundClicked(e: React.MouseEvent) { if (this.state.selectedCardIds.length > 0) { this.setState({selectedCardIds: []}) e.stopPropagation() } } private addCardFromTemplate = async (cardTemplateId: string) => { await mutator.duplicateCard( cardTemplateId, this.props.intl.formatMessage({id: 'Mutator.new-card-from-template', defaultMessage: 'new card from template'}), false, async (newCardId) => { this.setState({shownCardId: newCardId}) }, async () => { this.setState({shownCardId: undefined}) }, ) } private async addCard(groupByOptionId?: string): Promise { const {boardTree} = this.props const {activeView, board} = boardTree const card = new MutableCard() card.parentId = boardTree.board.id card.rootId = boardTree.board.rootId const propertiesThatMeetFilters = CardFilter.propertiesThatMeetFilterGroup(activeView.filter, board.cardProperties) if (boardTree.groupByProperty) { if (groupByOptionId) { propertiesThatMeetFilters[boardTree.groupByProperty.id] = groupByOptionId } else { delete propertiesThatMeetFilters[boardTree.groupByProperty.id] } } card.properties = {...card.properties, ...propertiesThatMeetFilters} if (!card.icon) { card.icon = BlockIcons.shared.randomIcon() } await mutator.insertBlock( card, 'add card', async () => { this.setState({shownCardId: card.id}) }, async () => { this.setState({shownCardId: undefined}) }, ) } private addCardTemplate = async () => { const {boardTree} = this.props const cardTemplate = new MutableCard() cardTemplate.isTemplate = true cardTemplate.parentId = boardTree.board.id cardTemplate.rootId = boardTree.board.rootId await mutator.insertBlock( cardTemplate, 'add card template', async () => { this.setState({shownCardId: cardTemplate.id}) }, async () => { this.setState({shownCardId: undefined}) }, ) } private editCardTemplate = (cardTemplateId: string) => { this.setState({shownCardId: cardTemplateId}) } private async propertyNameChanged(option: IPropertyOption, text: string): Promise { const {boardTree} = this.props await mutator.changePropertyOptionValue(boardTree, boardTree.groupByProperty!, option, text) } private cardClicked(e: React.MouseEvent, card: Card): void { if (e.shiftKey) { let selectedCardIds = this.state.selectedCardIds.slice() if (selectedCardIds.length > 0 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) { // Cmd+Shift+Click: Extend the selection const {boardTree} = this.props const orderedCardIds = boardTree.orderedCards().map((o) => o.id) const lastCardId = selectedCardIds[selectedCardIds.length - 1] const srcIndex = orderedCardIds.indexOf(lastCardId) const destIndex = orderedCardIds.indexOf(card.id) const newCardIds = (srcIndex < destIndex) ? orderedCardIds.slice(srcIndex, destIndex + 1) : orderedCardIds.slice(destIndex, srcIndex + 1) for (const newCardId of newCardIds) { if (!selectedCardIds.includes(newCardId)) { selectedCardIds.push(newCardId) } } this.setState({selectedCardIds}) } else { // Shift+Click: add to selection if (selectedCardIds.includes(card.id)) { selectedCardIds = selectedCardIds.filter((o) => o !== card.id) } else { selectedCardIds.push(card.id) } this.setState({selectedCardIds}) } } else { this.setState({selectedCardIds: [], shownCardId: card.id}) } e.stopPropagation() } private addGroupClicked = async () => { Utils.log('onAddGroupClicked') const {boardTree} = this.props const option: IPropertyOption = { id: Utils.createGuid(), value: 'New group', color: 'propColorDefault', } await mutator.insertPropertyOption(boardTree, boardTree.groupByProperty!, option, 'add group') } private async onDropToColumn(option: IPropertyOption) { const {boardTree} = this.props const {draggedCards, draggedHeaderOption} = this const optionId = option ? option.id : undefined Utils.assertValue(boardTree) if (draggedCards.length > 0) { await mutator.performAsUndoGroup(async () => { const description = draggedCards.length > 1 ? `drag ${draggedCards.length} cards` : 'drag card' const awaits = [] for (const draggedCard of draggedCards) { Utils.log(`ondrop. Card: ${draggedCard.title}, column: ${optionId}`) const oldValue = draggedCard.properties[boardTree.groupByProperty!.id] if (optionId !== oldValue) { awaits.push(mutator.changePropertyValue(draggedCard, boardTree.groupByProperty!.id, optionId, description)) } } await Promise.all(awaits) }) } else if (draggedHeaderOption) { Utils.log(`ondrop. Header option: ${draggedHeaderOption.value}, column: ${option?.value}`) // Move option to new index const visibleOptionIds = boardTree.visibleGroups.map((o) => o.option.id) const {activeView} = boardTree const srcIndex = visibleOptionIds.indexOf(draggedHeaderOption.id) const destIndex = visibleOptionIds.indexOf(option.id) visibleOptionIds.splice(destIndex, 0, visibleOptionIds.splice(srcIndex, 1)[0]) await mutator.changeViewVisibleOptionIds(activeView, visibleOptionIds) } } private async onDropToCard(card: Card) { Utils.log(`onDropToCard: ${card.title}`) const {boardTree} = this.props const {activeView} = boardTree const {draggedCards} = this const optionId = card.properties[activeView.groupById!] if (draggedCards.length < 1 || draggedCards.includes(card)) { return } const description = draggedCards.length > 1 ? `drag ${draggedCards.length} cards` : 'drag card' // Update card order let cardOrder = boardTree.orderedCards().map((o) => o.id) const draggedCardIds = draggedCards.map((o) => o.id) const firstDraggedCard = draggedCards[0] const isDraggingDown = cardOrder.indexOf(firstDraggedCard.id) <= cardOrder.indexOf(card.id) cardOrder = cardOrder.filter((id) => !draggedCardIds.includes(id)) let destIndex = cardOrder.indexOf(card.id) if (firstDraggedCard.properties[boardTree.groupByProperty!.id] === optionId && isDraggingDown) { // If the cards are in the same column and dragging down, drop after the target card destIndex += 1 } cardOrder.splice(destIndex, 0, ...draggedCardIds) await mutator.performAsUndoGroup(async () => { // Update properties of dragged cards const awaits = [] for (const draggedCard of draggedCards) { Utils.log(`draggedCard: ${draggedCard.title}, column: ${optionId}`) const oldOptionId = draggedCard.properties[boardTree.groupByProperty!.id] if (optionId !== oldOptionId) { awaits.push(mutator.changePropertyValue(draggedCard, boardTree.groupByProperty!.id, optionId, description)) } } await Promise.all(awaits) await mutator.changeViewCardOrder(activeView, cardOrder, description) }) } private async deleteSelectedCards() { const {selectedCardIds} = this.state if (selectedCardIds.length < 1) { return } mutator.performAsUndoGroup(async () => { for (const cardId of selectedCardIds) { const card = this.props.boardTree.allCards.find((o) => o.id === cardId) if (card) { mutator.deleteBlock(card, selectedCardIds.length > 1 ? `delete ${selectedCardIds.length} cards` : 'delete card') } else { Utils.assertFailure(`Selected card not found: ${cardId}`) } } }) this.setState({selectedCardIds: []}) } } export default injectIntl(BoardComponent)