Currently, all changes to the product must be reviewed by a [core committer](/contribute/getting-started/core-committers/#core-committers).
<!-- * Documentation changes must be reviewed by a [product manager](/contribute/getting-started/core-committers/#product-managers).
* Product managers may ask for reviews from [core committers](/contribute/getting-started/core-committers/#core-committers) and [QA testers](/contribute/getting-started/core-committers/#qa-testers) as required. -->
If you are a community member seeking a review
1. Submit your pull request.
* Follow the [contribution checklist](../contribution-checklist/).
2. Wait for a reviewer to be assigned.
* Product managers are on the lookout for new pull requests and usually handle this for you automatically.
* If you have been working alongside a core committer, feel free to message them for help.
* If you are still stuck, please message Chen Lim (@chenilim on GitHub).
3. [Wait for a review](#if-you-are-awaiting-a-review).
* Expect some interaction with at least one reviewer within 5 business days (weekdays, Monday through Friday, excluding [statutory holidays](
* Keep in mind that core committers are geographically distributed around the world and likely in a different time zone than your own.
* If no interaction has occurred after 5 business days, please at-mention a reviewer with a comment on your PR.
4. Make any necessary changes.
* If a reviewer requests changes, your pull request will disappear from their queue of reviews.
* Once you've addressed the concerns, please at-mention the reviewer with a comment on your PR.
5. Wait for your code to be merged.
* Larger pull requests may require more time to review.
* Once all reviewers have approved your changes, they will handle merging your code.
If you are awaiting a review
1. Wait patiently for reviews to complete.
* Expect some interaction with each of your reviewers within 5 business days.
* There is no need to explicitly mention them on the pull request or to explicitly reach out on our community server.
2. Make any necessary changes.
* If a reviewer requests changes, your pull request will disappear from their queue of reviews.
* Once you've addressed the concerns, assign them as a reviewer again to put your pull request back in their queue.
If you are a core committer asked to give a review
* Assume the requested review is urgent and blocking unless explicitly stated otherwise.
* Try to interact with the author within 2 business days.
* Configure the GitHub plugin to automate notifications.
* Review your outstanding requested reviews daily to avoid blocking authors.
* Prioritize earlier milestones when reviewing to help with the release process.
* Responding quickly doesn't necessarily mean reviewing quickly! Just don't leave the author hanging.
2. Feel free to clarify expectations with the author.
* If the code is experimental, they may need only a cursory glance and thumbs up to proceed with productizing their changes.
* If the review is large or complex, additional time may be required to complete your review. Be upfront with the author.
* If you are not comfortable reviewing the code, avoid "rubber stamping" the review. Be honest with the author and ask them to consider another core committer.
3. Never rush a review.
* Take the time necessary to review the code thoroughly.
* Don't be afraid to ask for changes repeatedly until all concerns are addressed.
* Feel free to challenge assumptions and timelines. Rushing a change into a patch release may cause more harm than good.
4. Avoid leaving a review hanging.
* Try to accept or reject the review instead of just leaving comments.
5. Merge the pull request.
* Do not merge if there are outstanding changes requested.
* Merge the pull request, and delete the branch if not from a fork.