import { basename, join, resolve } from "path"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { createDirectoryIndex, type DirectoryEntries, } from "components/apps/Browser/directoryIndex"; import { Arrow, Refresh, Stop } from "components/apps/Browser/NavigationIcons"; import StyledBrowser from "components/apps/Browser/StyledBrowser"; import { DINO_GAME, HOME_PAGE, LOCAL_HOST, NOT_FOUND, bookmarks, } from "components/apps/Browser/config"; import { type ComponentProcessProps } from "components/system/Apps/RenderComponent"; import useTitle from "components/system/Window/useTitle"; import { useFileSystem } from "contexts/fileSystem"; import { useProcesses } from "contexts/process"; import processDirectory from "contexts/process/directory"; import useHistory from "hooks/useHistory"; import Button from "styles/common/Button"; import Icon from "styles/common/Icon"; import { FAVICON_BASE_PATH, IFRAME_CONFIG, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT, SHORTCUT_EXTENSION, } from "utils/constants"; import { GOOGLE_SEARCH_QUERY, getExtension, getUrlOrSearch, label, } from "utils/functions"; import { getInfoWithExtension, getShortcutInfo, } from "components/system/Files/FileEntry/functions"; import { useSession } from "contexts/session"; const Browser: FC = ({ id }) => { const { icon: setIcon, linkElement, url: changeUrl, processes: { [id]: process }, open, } = useProcesses(); const { setForegroundId } = useSession(); const { prependFileToTitle } = useTitle(id); const { initialTitle = "", url = "" } = process || {}; const initialUrl = url || HOME_PAGE; const { canGoBack, canGoForward, history, moveHistory, position } = useHistory(initialUrl, id); const { exists, fs, stat, readFile, readdir } = useFileSystem(); const inputRef = useRef(null); const iframeRef = useRef(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [srcDoc, setSrcDoc] = useState(""); const changeHistory = (step: number): void => { moveHistory(step); if (inputRef.current) inputRef.current.value = history[position + step]; }; const currentUrl = useRef(""); const changeIframeWindowLocation = ( newUrl: string, contentWindow: Window ): void => { let isSrcDoc = false; try { isSrcDoc = contentWindow.location?.pathname === "srcdoc"; } catch { // Ignore failure to read iframe window path } if (isSrcDoc) { iframeRef.current?.setAttribute("src", newUrl); } else { contentWindow.location?.replace(newUrl); } }; const goToLink = useCallback( (newUrl: string): void => { if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.value = newUrl; } changeUrl(id, newUrl); }, [changeUrl, id] ); const setUrl = useCallback( async (addressInput: string): Promise => { const { contentWindow } = iframeRef.current || {}; if (contentWindow?.location) { const isHtml = [".htm", ".html"].includes(getExtension(addressInput)) && (await exists(addressInput)); setLoading(true); setSrcDoc(""); if (isHtml) setSrcDoc((await readFile(addressInput)).toString()); setIcon(id, processDirectory.Browser.icon); if (addressInput.toLowerCase().startsWith(DINO_GAME.url)) { changeIframeWindowLocation( `${window.location.origin}${DINO_GAME.path}`, contentWindow ); prependFileToTitle(`${DINO_GAME.url}/`); } else if (!isHtml) { const processedUrl = await getUrlOrSearch(addressInput); if ( LOCAL_HOST.has( || LOCAL_HOST.has(addressInput) ) { const directory = decodeURI(processedUrl.pathname).replace(/\/$/, "") || "/"; const searchParams = Object.fromEntries( new URLSearchParams(";", "&") ).entries() ); const { O: order, C: column } = searchParams; const isAscending = !order || order === "A"; let newSrcDoc = NOT_FOUND; let newTitle = "404 Not Found"; if ( (await exists(directory)) && (await stat(directory)).isDirectory() ) { const dirStats = ( await Promise.all( (await readdir(directory)).map(async (entry) => { const href = join(directory, entry); let description; let shortcutUrl; if (getExtension(entry) === SHORTCUT_EXTENSION) { try { ({ comment: description, url: shortcutUrl } = getShortcutInfo(await readFile(href))); } catch { // Ignore failure to read shortcut } } const stats = await stat( shortcutUrl && (await exists(shortcutUrl)) ? shortcutUrl : href ); const isDir = stats.isDirectory(); return { description, href: isDir && shortcutUrl ? shortcutUrl : href, icon: isDir ? "folder" : undefined, modified: stats.mtime, size: isDir || shortcutUrl ? undefined : stats.size, }; }) ) ) .sort( (a, b) => Number(b.icon === "folder") - Number(a.icon === "folder") ) .sort((a, b) => { const aIsFolder = a.icon === "folder"; const bIsFolder = b.icon === "folder"; if (aIsFolder === bIsFolder) { const aName = basename(a.href); const bName = basename(b.href); if (isAscending) return aName < bName ? -1 : 1; return aName > bName ? -1 : 1; } return 0; }) .sort((a, b) => { if (!column || column === "N") return 0; const sortValue = ( getValue: (entry: DirectoryEntries) => number | string ): number => { const aValue = getValue(a); const bValue = getValue(b); if (aValue === bValue) return 0; if (isAscending) return aValue < bValue ? -1 : 1; return aValue > bValue ? -1 : 1; }; if (column === "S") { return sortValue(({ size }) => size ?? 0); } if (column === "M") { return sortValue( ({ modified }) => modified?.getTime() ?? 0 ); } if (column === "D") { return sortValue(({ description }) => description ?? ""); } return 0; }) .sort( (a, b) => Number(b.icon === "folder") - Number(a.icon === "folder") ); iframeRef.current?.addEventListener( "load", () => { try { contentWindow.document.body .querySelectorAll("a") .forEach((a) => { a.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const target = event.currentTarget as HTMLAnchorElement; const isDir = target.getAttribute("type") === "folder"; const { origin, pathname, search } = new URL( target.href ); if (search) { goToLink( `${origin}${encodeURI(directory)}${search}` ); } else if (isDir) { goToLink(target.href); } else if (fs && target.href) { getInfoWithExtension( fs, decodeURI(pathname), getExtension(pathname), ({ pid, url: infoUrl }) => open(pid || "OpenWith", { url: infoUrl }) ); } }); }); } catch { // Ignore failure to add click event listeners } }, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); newSrcDoc = createDirectoryIndex( directory, processedUrl.origin, searchParams, directory === "/" ? dirStats : [ { href: resolve(directory, ".."), icon: "back", }, ...dirStats, ] ); newTitle = `Index of ${directory}`; } setSrcDoc(newSrcDoc); prependFileToTitle(newTitle); } else { const addressUrl = processedUrl.href; changeIframeWindowLocation(addressUrl, contentWindow); if (addressUrl.startsWith(GOOGLE_SEARCH_QUERY)) { prependFileToTitle(`${addressInput} - Google Search`); } else { const { name = initialTitle } = bookmarks?.find( ({ url: bookmarkUrl }) => bookmarkUrl === addressInput ) || {}; prependFileToTitle(name); } if (addressInput.startsWith("ipfs://")) { setIcon(id, "/System/Icons/Favicons/ipfs.webp"); } else { const favicon = new Image(); const faviconUrl = `${ new URL(addressUrl).origin }${FAVICON_BASE_PATH}`; favicon.addEventListener( "error", () => { const { icon } = bookmarks?.find( ({ url: bookmarkUrl }) => bookmarkUrl === addressUrl ) || {}; if (icon) setIcon(id, icon); }, ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); favicon.addEventListener( "load", () => setIcon(id, faviconUrl), ONE_TIME_PASSIVE_EVENT ); favicon.src = faviconUrl; } } } } }, [ exists, fs, goToLink, id, initialTitle, open, prependFileToTitle, readFile, readdir, setIcon, stat, ] ); useEffect(() => { if (process && history[position] !== currentUrl.current) { currentUrl.current = history[position]; setUrl(history[position]); } }, [history, position, process, setUrl]); useEffect(() => { if (iframeRef.current) { linkElement(id, "peekElement", iframeRef.current); } }, [id, linkElement]); return (