Some code cosmetics

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Isaacs 2021-03-14 15:06:09 +01:00
parent 4df443e007
commit 8c751eb532
8 changed files with 57 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ except ImportError as err:
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time() * 1000))
gdrive_watch_callback_token = 'target=calibreweb-watch_files'
gdrive_watch_callback_token = 'target=calibreweb-watch_files' #nosec

View file

@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ from flask import (
from flask_login import current_user
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_
from sqlalchemy.exc import StatementError
import requests
@ -893,17 +892,6 @@ def HandleProductsRequest(dummy=None):
return redirect_or_proxy_request()
def handle_404(err):
# This handler acts as a catch-all for endpoints that we don't have an interest in
# implementing (e.g: v1/analytics/gettests, v1/user/recommendations, etc)
if err:
return jsonify(error=str(err)), 404
log.debug("Unknown Request received: %s, method: %s, data: %s", request.base_url, request.method,
return redirect_or_proxy_request()'''
def make_calibre_web_auth_response():
# As described in, CalibreWeb doesn't make use practical use of this auth/device API call for
# authentation (nor for authorization). We return a dummy response just to keep the device happy.
@ -947,7 +935,7 @@ def HandleInitRequest():
store_response_json = store_response.json()
if "Resources" in store_response_json:
kobo_resources = store_response_json["Resources"]
except Exception:
log.error("Failed to receive or parse response from Kobo's init endpoint. Falling back to un-proxied mode.")
if not kobo_resources:
kobo_resources = NATIVE_KOBO_RESOURCES()

View file

@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ input:-moz-placeholder { color: #454545; }
#searchResults li {
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 225px;
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
list-style: none;

View file

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ $("#desc").click(function() {
sortBy: "name",
sortAscending: true
$("#asc").click(function() {
@ -52,19 +51,20 @@ $("#asc").click(function() {
sortBy: "name",
sortAscending: false
$("#all").click(function() {
// go through all elements and make them visible
$list.isotope({ filter: function() {
return true;
} })
return true;
$(".char").click(function() {
var character = this.innerText;
$list.isotope({ filter: function() {
return this.attributes["data-id"].value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == character;
} })
return this.attributes["data-id"].value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == character;

View file

@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ $(function () {
seriesTitle = result.series.title;
var dateFomers = result.pubdate.split("-");
var publishedYear = parseInt(dateFomers[0]);
var publishedMonth = parseInt(dateFomers[1]);
var publishedYear = parseInt(dateFomers[0], 10);
var publishedMonth = parseInt(dateFomers[1], 10);
var publishedDate = new Date(publishedYear, publishedMonth - 1, 1);
publishedDate = formatDate(publishedDate);
@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ $(function () {
} else {
dateFomers = result.date_added.split("-");
var publishedYear = parseInt(dateFomers[0]);
var publishedMonth = parseInt(dateFomers[1]);
var publishedYear = parseInt(dateFomers[0], 10);
var publishedMonth = parseInt(dateFomers[1], 10);
var publishedDate = new Date(publishedYear, publishedMonth - 1, 1);
publishedDate = formatDate(publishedDate);

View file

@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ def migrate_Database(session):
"locale VARCHAR(2),"
"sidebar_view INTEGER,"
"default_language VARCHAR(3),"
"view_settings VARCHAR,"
"view_settings VARCHAR,"
"UNIQUE (nickname),"
"UNIQUE (email))")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO user_id(id, nickname, email, role, password, kindle_mail,locale,"

View file

@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ class Updater(threading.Thread):
log.debug("Could not remove: %s", item_path)
shutil.rmtree(source, ignore_errors=True)
def is_venv(self):
def is_venv():
if (hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix')) or (hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix') and sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix):
return os.sep + os.path.relpath(sys.prefix, constants.BASE_DIR)

View file

@ -373,23 +373,9 @@ def render_books_list(data, sort, book_id, page):
order = get_sort_function(sort, data)
if data == "rated":
if current_user.check_visibility(constants.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED):
entries, random, pagination = calibre_db.fill_indexpage(page, 0,
db.Books.ratings.any(db.Ratings.rating > 9),
return render_title_template('index.html', random=random, entries=entries, pagination=pagination,
id=book_id, title=_(u"Top Rated Books"), page="rated")
return render_rated_books(page, book_id, order=order)
elif data == "discover":
if current_user.check_visibility(constants.SIDEBAR_RANDOM):
entries, __, pagination = calibre_db.fill_indexpage(page, 0, db.Books, True, [func.randomblob(2)])
pagination = Pagination(1, config.config_books_per_page, config.config_books_per_page)
return render_title_template('discover.html', entries=entries, pagination=pagination, id=book_id,
title=_(u"Discover (Random Books)"), page="discover")
return render_discover_books(page, book_id)
elif data == "unread":
return render_read_books(page, False, order=order)
elif data == "read":
@ -429,6 +415,27 @@ def render_books_list(data, sort, book_id, page):
title=_(u"Books"), page=website)
def render_rated_books(page, book_id, order):
if current_user.check_visibility(constants.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED):
entries, random, pagination = calibre_db.fill_indexpage(page, 0,
db.Books.ratings.any(db.Ratings.rating > 9),
return render_title_template('index.html', random=random, entries=entries, pagination=pagination,
id=book_id, title=_(u"Top Rated Books"), page="rated")
def render_discover_books(page, book_id):
if current_user.check_visibility(constants.SIDEBAR_RANDOM):
entries, __, pagination = calibre_db.fill_indexpage(page, 0, db.Books, True, [func.randomblob(2)])
pagination = Pagination(1, config.config_books_per_page, config.config_books_per_page)
return render_title_template('discover.html', entries=entries, pagination=pagination, id=book_id,
title=_(u"Discover (Random Books)"), page="discover")
def render_hot_books(page):
if current_user.check_visibility(constants.SIDEBAR_HOT):
if current_user.show_detail_random():
@ -1478,16 +1485,7 @@ def logout():
# ################################### Users own configuration #########################################################
def change_profile(kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status, translations, languages):
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
current_user.random_books = 0
if current_user.role_passwd() or current_user.role_admin():
if "password" in to_save and to_save["password"]:
current_user.password = generate_password_hash(to_save["password"])
if "kindle_mail" in to_save and to_save["kindle_mail"] != current_user.kindle_mail:
current_user.kindle_mail = to_save["kindle_mail"]
if "allowed_tags" in to_save and to_save["allowed_tags"] != current_user.allowed_tags:
current_user.allowed_tags = to_save["allowed_tags"].strip()
def change_profile_email(to_save, kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status):
if "email" in to_save and to_save["email"] !=
if config.config_public_reg and not check_valid_domain(to_save["email"]):
flash(_(u"E-mail is not from valid domain"), category="error")
@ -1496,6 +1494,8 @@ def change_profile(kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status, translations,
registered_oauth=local_oauth_check, oauth_status=oauth_status) = to_save["email"]
def change_profile_nickname(to_save, kobo_support, local_oauth_check, translations, languages):
if "nickname" in to_save and to_save["nickname"] != current_user.nickname:
# Query User nickname, if not existing, change
if not ub.session.query(ub.User).filter(ub.User.nickname == to_save["nickname"]).scalar():
@ -1511,6 +1511,20 @@ def change_profile(kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status, translations,
title=_(u"Edit User %(nick)s",
def change_profile(kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status, translations, languages):
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
current_user.random_books = 0
if current_user.role_passwd() or current_user.role_admin():
if "password" in to_save and to_save["password"]:
current_user.password = generate_password_hash(to_save["password"])
if "kindle_mail" in to_save and to_save["kindle_mail"] != current_user.kindle_mail:
current_user.kindle_mail = to_save["kindle_mail"]
if "allowed_tags" in to_save and to_save["allowed_tags"] != current_user.allowed_tags:
current_user.allowed_tags = to_save["allowed_tags"].strip()
change_profile_email(to_save, kobo_support, local_oauth_check, oauth_status)
change_profile_nickname(to_save, kobo_support, local_oauth_check, translations, languages)
if "show_random" in to_save and to_save["show_random"] == "on":
current_user.random_books = 1
if "default_language" in to_save: