2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
import db
import ub
2016-03-28 21:07:13 +02:00
from flask import current_app as app
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
import logging
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
import smtplib
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
import tempfile
2016-06-17 14:42:39 +02:00
import socket
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
import sys
import os
import traceback
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
import re
import unicodedata
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
from StringIO import StringIO
from email import encoders
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.generator import Generator
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00
from flask_babel import gettext as _
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
import subprocess
2017-01-30 18:58:36 +01:00
import shutil
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
def update_download(book_id, user_id):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
check = ub.session.query(ub.Downloads).filter(ub.Downloads.user_id == user_id).filter(ub.Downloads.book_id ==
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
if not check:
new_download = ub.Downloads(user_id=user_id, book_id=book_id)
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
def make_mobi(book_id, calibrepath):
vendorpath = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
os.sep + "../vendor" + os.sep))
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
if sys.platform == "win32":
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
kindlegen = os.path.join(vendorpath, u"kindlegen.exe")
2016-11-12 10:52:59 +01:00
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
kindlegen = os.path.join(vendorpath, u"kindlegen")
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
if not os.path.exists(kindlegen):
2016-03-28 21:07:13 +02:00
app.logger.error("make_mobi: kindlegen binary not found in: %s" % kindlegen)
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
return None
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
data = db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book.id).filter(db.Data.format == 'EPUB').first()
if not data:
2016-03-28 21:07:13 +02:00
app.logger.error("make_mobi: epub format not found for book id: %d" % book_id)
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
return None
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
file_path = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, data.name)
2016-11-12 10:52:59 +01:00
if os.path.exists(file_path + u".epub"):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
p = subprocess.Popen((kindlegen + " \"" + file_path + u".epub\" ").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()),
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
# Poll process for new output until finished
while True:
nextline = p.stdout.readline()
if nextline == '' and p.poll() is not None:
if nextline != "\r\n":
check = p.returncode
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
if not check or check < 2:
uncompressed_size=os.path.getsize(file_path + ".mobi")
return file_path + ".mobi"
2016-03-28 21:07:13 +02:00
app.logger.error("make_mobi: kindlegen failed with error while converting book")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
return None
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
2016-03-28 21:07:13 +02:00
app.logger.error("make_mobie: epub not found: %s.epub" % file_path)
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
return None
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
class StderrLogger(object):
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
buffer = ''
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('cps.web')
def write(self, message):
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
if message == '\n':
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
self.buffer = ''
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
self.buffer += message
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
def send_raw_email(kindle_mail, msg):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
settings = ub.get_mail_settings()
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
msg['From'] = settings["mail_from"]
msg['To'] = kindle_mail
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
use_ssl = int(settings.get('mail_use_ssl', 0))
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
# convert MIME message to string
fp = StringIO()
gen = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False)
msg = fp.getvalue()
# send email
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
timeout = 600 # set timeout to 5mins
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
org_stderr = smtplib.stderr
smtplib.stderr = StderrLogger()
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
if use_ssl == 2:
2017-01-16 08:37:42 +01:00
mailserver = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(settings["mail_server"], settings["mail_port"], timeout)
mailserver = smtplib.SMTP(settings["mail_server"], settings["mail_port"], timeout)
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
if use_ssl == 1:
2017-01-18 19:07:45 +01:00
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
if settings["mail_password"]:
mailserver.login(settings["mail_login"], settings["mail_password"])
mailserver.sendmail(settings["mail_login"], kindle_mail, msg)
smtplib.stderr = org_stderr
except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, smtplib.SMTPException), e:
return _("Failed to send mail: %s" % str(e))
return None
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
def send_test_mail(kindle_mail):
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = _(u'Calibre-web test email')
text = _(u'This email has been sent via calibre web.')
msg.attach(MIMEText(text.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8'))
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
return send_raw_email(kindle_mail, msg)
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
def send_mail(book_id, kindle_mail, calibrepath):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
"""Send email with attachments"""
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
# create MIME message
msg = MIMEMultipart()
2017-01-18 19:07:45 +01:00
msg['Subject'] = _(u'Send to Kindle')
text = _(u'This email has been sent via calibre web.')
2017-01-16 08:37:42 +01:00
msg.attach(MIMEText(text.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8'))
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
data = db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book.id)
formats = {}
for entry in data:
if entry.format == "MOBI":
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
formats["mobi"] = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, entry.name + ".mobi")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
if entry.format == "EPUB":
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
formats["epub"] = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, entry.name + ".epub")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
if entry.format == "PDF":
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
formats["pdf"] = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, entry.name + ".pdf")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
if len(formats) == 0:
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00
return _("Could not find any formats suitable for sending by email")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
2016-03-29 01:25:25 +02:00
if 'mobi' in formats:
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
elif 'epub' in formats:
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
filepath = make_mobi(book.id, calibrepath)
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
if filepath is not None:
2016-09-21 10:27:37 +02:00
elif filepath is None:
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00
return _("Could not convert epub to mobi")
2016-03-27 23:36:51 +02:00
elif 'pdf' in formats:
elif 'pdf' in formats:
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00
return _("Could not find any formats suitable for sending by email")
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
return send_raw_email(kindle_mail, msg)
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
def get_attachment(file_path):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
"""Get file as MIMEBase message"""
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
file_ = open(file_path, 'rb')
attachment = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
return attachment
except IOError:
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
message = (_('The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?')) # ToDo: What is this?
2015-08-02 20:59:11 +02:00
return None
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
def get_valid_filename(value, replace_whitespace=True):
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean
filename. Limits num characters to 128 max.
value = value[:128]
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
# re_slugify = re.compile('[^\w\s-]', re.UNICODE)
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value)
re_slugify = re.compile('[^\w\s-]', re.UNICODE)
value = unicode(re_slugify.sub('', value).strip())
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
if replace_whitespace:
value = re.sub('[\s]+', '_', value, flags=re.U)
value = value.replace(u"\u00DF", "ss")
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
return value
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2016-03-26 16:12:29 +01:00
def get_normalized_author(value):
Normalizes sorted author name
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value)
value = re.sub('[^\w,\s]', '', value, flags=re.U)
value = " ".join(value.split(", ")[::-1])
return value
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
2017-01-28 20:16:40 +01:00
def update_dir_stucture(book_id, calibrepath):
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function("title_sort", 1, db.title_sort)
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
2017-01-22 16:44:37 +01:00
path = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path)
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
2016-11-12 21:28:40 +01:00
authordir = book.path.split(os.sep)[0]
2016-12-23 09:53:39 +01:00
new_authordir = get_valid_filename(book.authors[0].name, False)
2016-11-12 21:28:40 +01:00
titledir = book.path.split(os.sep)[1]
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
new_titledir = get_valid_filename(book.title, False) + " (" + str(book_id) + ")"
if titledir != new_titledir:
2016-04-05 20:50:28 +02:00
new_title_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), new_titledir)
os.rename(path, new_title_path)
path = new_title_path
2016-11-12 21:28:40 +01:00
book.path = book.path.split(os.sep)[0] + os.sep + new_titledir
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
if authordir != new_authordir:
2017-01-22 21:30:36 +01:00
new_author_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(calibrepath, new_authordir), os.path.basename(path))
2016-04-05 20:50:28 +02:00
os.renames(path, new_author_path)
2016-11-12 21:28:40 +01:00
book.path = new_authordir + os.sep + book.path.split(os.sep)[1]
2016-04-03 23:52:32 +02:00
2017-01-30 18:58:36 +01:00
def file_to_list(file):
return [x.strip() for x in open(file, 'r') if not x.startswith('#EXT')]
def one_minus_two(one, two):
return [x for x in one if x not in set(two)]
def reduce_dirs(delete_files, new_list):
new_delete = []
for file in delete_files:
parts = file.split(os.sep)
sub = ''
for i in range(len(parts)):
sub = os.path.join(sub, parts[i])
if sub == '':
sub = os.sep
count = 0
for song in new_list:
if song.startswith(sub):
count += 1
if count == 0:
if sub != '\\':
return list(set(new_delete))
def reduce_files(remove_items, exclude_items):
rf = []
for item in remove_items:
if not item in exclude_items:
return rf
def moveallfiles(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir):
change_permissions = False
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "darwin":
app.logger.debug('OS-System : '+sys.platform )
for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src_dir):
dst_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir, 1)
if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
if change_permissions:
for file_ in files:
src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_)
dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_)
if change_permissions:
if os.path.exists(dst_file):
shutil.move(src_file, dst_dir)
if change_permissions:
os.chown(dst_file, permission.ST_UID, permission.ST_GID)
def update_source(source,destination):
# destination files
exclude = (['vendor' + os.sep + 'kindlegen.exe','vendor' + os.sep + 'kindlegen','/app.db','vendor','/update.py'])
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destination, topdown=True):
for name in files:
old_list.append(os.path.join(root, name).replace(destination, ''))
for name in dirs:
old_list.append(os.path.join(root, name).replace(destination, ''))
# source files
new_list = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source, topdown=True):
for name in files:
new_list.append(os.path.join(root, name).replace(source, ''))
for name in dirs:
new_list.append(os.path.join(root, name).replace(source, ''))
delete_files = one_minus_two(old_list, new_list)
print('raw delete list', delete_files)
rf= reduce_files(delete_files, exclude)
print('reduced delete list', rf)
remove_items = reduce_dirs(rf, new_list)
print('delete files', remove_items)
moveallfiles(source, destination)
for item in remove_items:
item_path = os.path.join(destination, item[1:])
if os.path.isdir(item_path):
# app.logger.info("Delete dir "+ item_path)
print("Delete dir "+ item_path)
print("Delete file "+ item_path)
print("Could not remove:"+item_path)
shutil.rmtree(source, ignore_errors=True)