# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example # instead of using 'cd blabla', use 'cd "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' # # WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, # for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) # # WARNING: Please don't use sudo directly here since it steals our EXIT trap # # WARNING: Please set REPO_DIR variable before using this lib ############################################################################### # VARIABLES # ############################################################################### if [[ "${LIB_CORE_IMPORTED}" == "true" ]]; then echo "ERROR: lib-core.sh is already imported"; exit 1 else LIB_CORE_IMPORTED="true"; fi export WHITESUR_PID=$$ MY_USERNAME="$(logname 2> /dev/null || echo ${SUDO_USER:-${USER}})" if command -v gnome-shell &> /dev/null; then if (( $(gnome-shell --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d . -f 1) >= 4 )); then GNOME_VERSION="new" else GNOME_VERSION="old" fi else GNOME_VERSION="none" fi if command -v nautilus &> /dev/null; then if (( $(nautilus --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d . -f 1) >= 40 )); then NAUTILUS_VERSION="new" else NAUTILUS_VERSION="old" fi else NAUTILUS_VERSION="none" fi # Program options SASSC_OPT="-M -t expanded" if [[ "$(uname -s)" =~ "BSD" || "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then SED_OPT="-i """ else SED_OPT="-i" fi # Directories THEME_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src" DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src/other/dash-to-dock" DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT="/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-dock@micxgx.gmail.com" DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME="/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-dock@micxgx.gmail.com" FIREFOX_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src/other/firefox" FIREFOX_DIR_HOME="/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.mozilla/firefox" FIREFOX_THEME_DIR="/home/${MY_USERNAME}/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-themes" export WHITESUR_TMP_DIR="/tmp/WhiteSur.lock" if [[ -w "/" ]]; then THEME_DIR="/usr/share/themes" else THEME_DIR="$HOME/.themes" fi # GDM WHITESUR_GS_DIR="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/WhiteSur" COMMON_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css" UBUNTU_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css" ZORIN_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/zorin.css" ETC_CSS_FILE="/etc/alternatives/gdm3.css" ETC_GR_FILE="/etc/alternatives/gdm3-theme.gresource" YARU_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" POP_OS_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Pop/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" MISC_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" GS_GR_XML_FILE="${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource.xml" # Theme THEME_NAME="WhiteSur" COLOR_VARIANTS=('light' 'dark') OPACITY_VARIANTS=('normal' 'solid') ALT_VARIANTS=('normal' 'alt') THEME_VARIANTS=('default' 'blue' 'purple' 'pink' 'red' 'orange' 'yellow' 'green' 'grey') ICON_VARIANTS=('standard' 'simple' 'gnome' 'ubuntu' 'arch' 'manjaro' 'fedora' 'debian' 'void') SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS=('default' '220' '240' '260' '280') PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS=('default' '30' '45' '60' '75') NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS=('default' 'stable' 'mojave' 'glassy') # Customization, default values dest="${THEME_DIR}" name="${THEME_NAME}" colors=("${COLOR_VARIANTS}") opacities=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[0]}") alts=("${ALT_VARIANTS[0]}") themes=("${THEME_VARIANTS[0]}") icon="${ICON_VARIANTS[0]}" sidebar_size="${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[0]}" panel_opacity="${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[0]}" nautilus_style="${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[1]}" background="default" # Ambigous arguments checking and overriding default values declare -A has_set=([-b]="false" [-s]="false" [-p]="false" [-d]="false" [-n]="false" [-a]="false" [-o]="false" [-c]="false" [-i]="false" [-t]="false" [-N]="false") declare -A need_dialog=([-b]="false" [-s]="false" [-p]="false" [-d]="false" [-n]="false" [-a]="false" [-o]="false" [-c]="false" [-i]="false" [-t]="false" [-N]="false") # Tweaks need_help="false" uninstall="false" interactive="false" darken="false" no_blur="false" firefox="false" edit_firefox="false" flatpak="false" snap="false" gdm="false" dash_to_dock="false" max_round="false" # Misc msg="Run '${0} --help' to explore more customization features!" error_msg="" process_ids=() ANIM_PID="0" has_any_error="false" # Colors and animation c_default="\033[0m" c_blue="\033[1;34m" c_magenta="\033[1;35m" c_cyan="\033[1;36m" c_green="\033[1;32m" c_red="\033[1;31m" c_yellow="\033[1;33m" anim=( "${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}• " " ${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}•${c_blue}• " " ${c_red}•${c_magenta}•${c_blue}•${c_green}• " " ${c_magenta}•${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}• " " ${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}• " ) ############################################################################### # UTILITIES # ############################################################################### start_animation() { setterm -cursor off ( while true; do for i in {0..4}; do echo -ne "\r\033[2K ${anim[i]}" sleep 0.1 done for i in {4..0}; do echo -ne "\r\033[2K ${anim[i]}" sleep 0.1 done done ) & ANIM_PID="${!}" } stop_animation() { kill -13 "${ANIM_PID}" &> /dev/null setterm -cursor on } # Echo like ... with flag type and display message colors prompt() { case "${1}" in "-s") echo -e " ${c_green}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print success message "-e") echo -e " ${c_red}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print error message "-w") echo -e " ${c_yellow}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print warning message "-i") echo -e " ${c_cyan}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print info message esac } helpify_title() { printf "${c_cyan}%s${c_blue}%s ${c_green}%s\n\n" "Usage: " "$0" "[OPTIONS...]" printf "${c_cyan}%s\n" "OPTIONS:" } helpify() { printf " ${c_blue}%s ${c_green}%s\n ${c_magenta}%s. ${c_cyan}%s\n\n${c_default}" "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" } # Check command availability has_command() { command -v "$1" &> /dev/null } ############################################################################### # PARAMETERS # ############################################################################### destify() { case "${1}" in normal|default|standard) echo "" ;; *) echo "-${1}" ;; esac } parsimplify() { case "${1}" in --size) echo "-s" ;; --panel) echo "-p" ;; --name|-n) # workaround for echo echo "~-n" | cut -c 2- ;; --dest) echo "-d" ;; --alt) echo "-a" ;; --opacity) echo "-o" ;; --color) echo "-c" ;; --icon) echo "-i" ;; --theme) echo "-t" ;; --nautilus-style) echo "-N" ;; --background) echo "-b" ;; *) echo "${1}" ;; esac } check_param() { local global_param="$(parsimplify "${1}")" local display_param="${2}" # used for aliases local value="${3}" local must_not_ambigous="${4}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all local must_have_value="${5}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all local value_must_found="${6}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all local allow_all_choice="${7}" # options: true, false local has_any_ambiguity_error="false" local variant_found="false" if [[ "${has_set["${global_param}"]}" == "true" ]]; then need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" case "${must_not_ambigous}" in must) prompt -e "ERROR: Ambigous '${display_param}' option. Choose one only."; has_any_error="true" ;; optional) prompt -w "WARNING: Ambigous '${display_param}' option. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" ;; esac fi if [[ "${value}" == "" || "${value}" == "-"* ]]; then need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" case "${must_have_value}" in must) prompt -e "ERROR: '${display_param}' can't be empty."; has_any_error="true" ;; optional) prompt -w "WARNING: '${display_param}' can't be empty. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" ;; esac has_set["${global_param}"]="true"; return 1 else if [[ "${has_set["${global_param}"]}" == "false" ]]; then case "${global_param}" in -a) alts=() ;; -o) opacities=() ;; -c) colors=() ;; -t) themes=() ;; esac fi case "${global_param}" in -d) if [[ "$(readlink -m "${value}")" =~ "${REPO_DIR}" ]]; then prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Can't install in the source directory." has_any_error="true" elif [[ ! -w "${value}" && ! -w "$(dirname "${value}")" ]]; then prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: You have no permission to access that directory." has_any_error="true" else if [[ ! -d "${value}" ]]; then prompt -w "Destination directory does not exist. Let's make a new one..."; echo mkdir -p "${value}" fi dest="${value}" fi remind_relative_path "${display_param}" "${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; -b) if [[ "${value}" == "blank" || "${value}" == "default" ]]; then background="${value}" elif [[ ! -r "${value}" ]]; then prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Image file is not found or unreadable." has_any_error="true" elif file "${value}" | grep -qE "image|bitmap"; then background="${value}" else prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Invalid image file." has_any_error="true" fi remind_relative_path "${display_param}" "${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; -n) name="${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; -s) for i in {0..4}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then sidebar_size="${value}"; variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; -p) for i in {0..4}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then panel_opacity="${value}"; variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; -a) [[ "${alts_set}" == "false" ]] && alts=() if [[ "${value}" == "all" ]]; then for i in {0..2}; do alts+=("${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}") done variant_found="true" else for i in {0..2}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then alts+=("${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break fi done fi ;; -o) for i in {0..1}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then opacities+=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; -c) for i in {0..1}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${COLOR_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then colors+=("${COLOR_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; -i) for i in {0..8}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${ICON_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then icon="${ICON_VARIANTS[i]}"; variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; -t) if [[ "${value}" == "all" ]]; then for i in {0..8}; do themes+=("${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}") done variant_found="true" else for i in {0..8}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then themes+=("${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}") variant_found="true" break fi done fi ;; -N) for i in {0..3}; do if [[ "${value}" == "${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then nautilus_style="${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[i]}"; variant_found="true"; break fi done ;; esac if [[ "${variant_found}" == "false" && "${variant_found}" != "skip" ]]; then case "${value_must_found}" in must) prompt -e "ERROR: Unrecognized '${display_param}' variant: '${value}'."; has_any_error="true" ;; optional) prompt -w "WARNING: '${display_param}' variant of '${value}' isn't recognized. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" ;; esac elif [[ "${allow_all_choice}" == "false" && "${value}" == "all" ]]; then prompt -e "ERROR: Can't choose all '${display_param}' variants."; has_any_error="true" fi has_set["${global_param}"]="true"; return 0 fi } avoid_variant_duplicates() { colors=($(printf "%s\n" "${colors[@]}" | sort -u)) opacities=($(printf "%s\n" "${opacities[@]}" | sort -u)) alts=($(printf "%s\n" "${alts[@]}" | sort -u)) themes=($(printf "%s\n" "${themes[@]}" | sort -u)) } # 'finalize_argument_parsing' is in the 'systems' section ############################################################################### # FILES # ############################################################################### restore_file() { if [[ -f "${1}.bak" ]]; then case "${2}" in rootify) rootify rm -rf "${1}"; rootify mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; userify) userify rm -rf "${1}"; userify mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; *) rm -rf "${1}"; mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; esac fi } backup_file() { if [[ -f "${1}" ]]; then case "${2}" in rootify) rootify mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; userify) userify mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; *) mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; esac fi } check_theme_file() { [[ -f "${1}" || -f "${1}.bak" ]] && return 0 || return 1 } remind_relative_path() { [[ "${2}" =~ "~" ]] && prompt -w "'${1}' REMEMBER: ~/'path to somewhere' and '~/path to somewhere' are different." } ############################################################################### # SYSTEMS # ############################################################################### lockWhiteSur() { while [[ -e "/proc/${WHITESUR_PID}" ]]; do sleep 0.1; done rm -rf "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" }; export -f lockWhiteSur rootify() { trap true SIGINT prompt -w "Executing '$(echo "${@}" | cut -c -35 )...' as root" sudo ${@} 2> "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" || operation_canceled trap sig_c SIGINT } full_rootify() { if [[ ! -w "/" ]]; then prompt -e "ERROR: '${1}' needs a root priviledge. Please run this '${0}' as root" has_any_error="true" fi } userify() { trap true SIGINT sudo -u "${MY_USERNAME}" ${@} 2> "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" || operation_canceled trap sig_c SIGINT } sig_c() { kill -13 "${process_ids[@]}" &> /dev/null stop_animation; wait "${process_ids[@]}"; operation_canceled } operation_canceled() { clear if [[ -f "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" ]]; then error_msg="$(cat "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt")" fi if [[ ${error_msg} != "" ]]; then prompt -e "\n\n Oops! An error is detected...\n" prompt -e "ERROR LOG:\n${error_msg}\n" prompt -i "TIP: you can google or report to us the error log above\n\n" else prompt -e "\n\n Oops! Operation has been canceled or failed...\n\n" fi exit 1 } usage() { prompt -e "Usage function is not implemented"; exit 1 } finalize_argument_parsing() { if [[ "${need_help}" == "true" ]]; then echo; usage [[ "${has_any_error}" == "true" ]] && exit 1 || exit 0 elif [[ "${has_any_error}" == "true" ]]; then echo; prompt -i "Try '$0 --help' for more information."; exit 1 else trap sig_c SIGINT [[ "${need_dialog[@]}" =~ "true" ]] && echo if [[ -d "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" ]]; then start_animation; sleep 2; stop_animation; echo if [[ -d "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" ]]; then prompt -e "ERROR: Whitesur installer or tweaks is already running. Probably it's run by '$(ls -ld "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" | awk '{print $3}')'" exit 1 fi fi rm -rf "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}"; mkdir -p "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" rm -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" nohup bash -c lockWhiteSur &> /dev/null 2> /dev/null & disown ${!} fi }