# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example # instead of using 'ls blabla', use 'ls "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' # # WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, # for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) ############################################################################### # VARIABLES # ############################################################################### source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/lib-core.sh" source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/lib-flatpak.sh" WHITESUR_SOURCE+=("lib-install.sh") ############################################################################### # DEPENDENCIES # ############################################################################### # Be careful of some distro mechanism, some of them use rolling-release # based installation instead of point-release, e.g., Arch Linux # Rolling-release based distro doesn't have a seprate repo for each different # build. This can cause a system call error since an app require the compatible # version of dependencies. In other words, if you install an new app (which you # definitely reinstall/upgrade the dependency for that app), but your other # dependencies are old/expired, you'll end up with broken system. # That's why we need a full system upgrade there #---------------------SWUPD--------------------# # 'swupd' bundles just don't make any sense. It takes about 30GB of space only # for installing a util, e.g. 'sassc' (from 'desktop-dev' bundle, or # 'os-utils-gui-dev' bundle, or any other 'sassc' provider bundle) # Manual package installation is needed for that, but please don't use 'dnf'. # The known worst impact of using 'dnf' is you install 'sassc' and then you # remove it, and you run 'sudo dnf upgrade', and boom! Your 'sudo' and other # system utilities have gone! #----------------------APT---------------------# # Some apt version doesn't update the repo list before it install some app. # It may cause "unable to fetch..." when you're trying to install them #--------------------PACMAN--------------------# # 'Syu' (with a single y) may causes "could not open ... decompression failed" # and "target not found ". We got to force 'pacman' to update the repos #--------------------OTHERS--------------------# # Sometimes, some Ubuntu distro doesn't enable automatic time. This can cause # 'Release file for ... is not valid yet'. This may also happen on other distros #============================================# #-------------------Prepare------------------# installation_sorry() { prompt -w "WARNING: We're sorry, your distro isn't officially supported yet." prompt -i "INSTRUCTION: Please make sure you have installed all of the required dependencies. We'll continue the installation in 15 seconds" prompt -i "INSTRUCTION: Press 'ctrl'+'c' to cancel the installation if you haven't install them yet" start_animation; sleep 15; stop_animation } prepare_deps() { local remote_time="" local local_time="" prompt -i "DEPS: Checking your internet connection..." local_time="$(date -u "+%s")" if ! remote_time="$(get_utc_epoch_time)"; then prompt -e "DEPS ERROR: You have an internet connection issue\n"; exit 1 fi # 5 minutes is the maximum reasonable time delay, so we choose '4' here just # in case if (( local_time < remote_time-(4*60) )); then prompt -w "DEPS: Your system clock is wrong" prompt -i "DEPS: Updating your system clock..." # Add "+ 25" here to accomodate potential time delay by sudo prompt sudo date -s "@$((remote_time + 25))"; sudo hwclock --systohc fi } prepare_swupd() { [[ "${swupd_prepared}" == "true" ]] && return 0 local remove="" local ver="" local conf="" local dist="" if has_command dnf; then prompt -w "CLEAR LINUX: You have 'dnf' installed in your system. It may break your system especially when you remove a package" confirm remove "CLEAR LINUX: You wanna remove it?"; echo fi if ! sudo swupd update -y; then ver="$(curl -s -o - "${swupd_ver_url}")" dist="NAME=\"Clear Linux OS\"\nVERSION=1\nID=clear-linux-os\nID_LIKE=clear-linux-os\n" dist+="VERSION_ID=${ver}\nANSI_COLOR=\"1;35\"\nSUPPORT_URL=\"https://clearlinux.org\"\nBUILD_ID=${ver}" prompt -w "\n CLEAR LINUX: Your 'swupd' is broken" prompt -i "CLEAR LINUX: Patching 'swupd' distro version detection and try again...\n" sudo rm -rf "/etc/os-release"; echo -e "${dist}" | sudo tee "/usr/lib/os-release" > /dev/null sudo ln -s "/usr/lib/os-release" "/etc/os-release" sudo swupd update -y fi if ! has_command bsdtar; then sudo swupd bundle-add libarchive; fi if [[ "${remove}" == "y" ]]; then sudo swupd bundle-remove -y dnf; fi swupd_prepared="true" } install_swupd_packages() { if [[ ! "${swupd_packages}" ]]; then swupd_packages="$(curl -s -o - "${swupd_url}" | awk -F '"' '/-bin-|-lib-/{print $2}')" fi for key in "${@}"; do for pkg in $(echo "${swupd_packages}" | grep -F "${key}"); do curl -s -o - "${swupd_url}/${pkg}" | sudo bsdtar -xf - -C "/" done done } prepare_install_apt_packages() { local status="0" # sudo apt update -y sudo apt install -y "${@}" || status="${?}" if [[ "${status}" == "100" ]]; then prompt -w "\n APT: Your repo lists might be broken" prompt -i "APT: Full-cleaning your repo lists and try again...\n" sudo apt clean -y; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists sudo apt update -y; sudo apt install -y "${@}" fi } prepare_xbps() { [[ "${xbps_prepared}" == "true" ]] && return 0 # 'xbps-install' requires 'xbps' to be always up-to-date sudo xbps-install -Syu xbps # System upgrading can't remove the old kernel files by it self. It eats the # boot partition and may cause kernel panic when there is no enough space sudo vkpurge rm all; sudo xbps-install -Syu xbps_prepared="true" } #-----------------Deps-----------------# install_theme_deps() { if ! has_command sassc; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'sassc' are required for theme installation." prepare_deps if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y sassc elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && install_swupd_packages sassc libsass elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages sassc elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y sassc elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y sassc elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed sassc elif has_command xbps-install; then prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy sassc elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install sassc else installation_sorry fi fi if ! has_command glib-compile-resources; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'glib2.0' are required for theme installation." prepare_deps if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y glib2-devel elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add libglib elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages libglib2.0-dev-bin elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y glib2-devel elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y glib2-devel elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed glib2 elif has_command xbps-install; then prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy glib-devel elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install glib2 else installation_sorry fi fi if ! has_command xmllint; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'xmllint' are required for theme installation." prepare_deps if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y libxml2-tools elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add libxml2 elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages sassc libxml2-utils elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y libxml2 elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y libxml2 elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed libxml2 elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install libxml2 else installation_sorry fi fi } install_beggy_deps() { if ! has_command convert; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'imagemagick' is required for background editing." prepare_deps; stop_animation if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y ImageMagick elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add ImageMagick elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages imagemagick elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y ImageMagick elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y ImageMagick elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed imagemagick elif has_command xbps-install; then prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy ImageMagick elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install imagemagick else installation_sorry fi fi } install_dialog_deps() { [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 if ! has_command dialog; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'dialog' is required for this option." prepare_deps if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y dialog elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && install_swupd_packages dialog elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages dialog elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y dialog elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y dialog elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed dialog elif has_command xbps-install; then prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy dialog elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install dialog else installation_sorry fi fi } install_flatpak_deps() { if ! has_command ostree || ! has_command appstream-compose; then prompt -w "DEPS: 'ostree' and 'appstream-util' is required for flatpak installing." prepare_deps; stop_animation if has_command zypper; then sudo zypper in -y libostree appstream-glib elif has_command swupd; then prepare_swupd && sudo swupd ostree libappstream-glib elif has_command apt; then prepare_install_apt_packages ostree appstream-util elif has_command dnf; then sudo dnf install -y ostree libappstream-glib elif has_command yum; then sudo yum install -y ostree libappstream-glib elif has_command pacman; then sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed ostree appstream-glib elif has_command xbps-install; then prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy ostree appstream-glib elif has_command eopkg; then sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y ostree appstream-glib else installation_sorry fi fi } ############################################################################### # THEME MODULES # ############################################################################### install_beggy() { local CONVERT_OPT="" [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" ]] && CONVERT_OPT+=" -scale 1280x -blur 0x50 " [[ "${no_darken}" == "false" ]] && CONVERT_OPT+=" -fill black -colorize 45% " case "${background}" in blank) cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blank.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" ;; default) if [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" && "${no_darken}" == "true" ]]; then cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blur.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" elif [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" && "${no_darken}" == "false" ]]; then cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blur-darken.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" elif [[ "${no_blur}" == "true" && "${no_darken}" == "true" ]]; then cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-default.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" else cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-darken.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" fi ;; *) if [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" || "${darken}" == "true" ]]; then install_beggy_deps convert "${background}" ${CONVERT_OPT} "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" else cp -r "${background}" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" fi ;; esac } install_xfwmy() { local color="$(destify ${1})" local TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}" local HDPI_TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}-hdpi" local XHDPI_TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}-xhdpi" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" mkdir -p "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}-hdpi/"*".png" "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" mkdir -p "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}-xhdpi/"*".png" "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" } install_shelly() { local color="$(destify ${1})" local opacity="$(destify ${2})" local alt="$(destify ${3})" local theme="$(destify ${4})" local icon="$(destify ${5})" local TARGET_DIR= if [[ -z "${6}" ]]; then TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}/gnome-shell" else TARGET_DIR="${6}" fi mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/icons" "${TARGET_DIR}" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/pad-osd.css" "${TARGET_DIR}" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/shell-${GNOME_VERSION}/gnome-shell${color}.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/common-assets/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/assets${color}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/theme${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities.svg" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities-white.svg" cp -r "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/background.png" ( cd "${TARGET_DIR}" mv -f "assets/no-events.svg" "no-events.svg" mv -f "assets/process-working.svg" "process-working.svg" mv -f "assets/no-notifications.svg" "no-notifications.svg" ) if [[ "${black_font:-}" == 'true' || "${opacity}" == '-solid' ]] && [[ "${color}" == '-Light' ]]; then cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities-black/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities.svg" fi } install_theemy() { local color="$(destify ${1})" local opacity="$(destify ${2})" local alt="$(destify ${3})" local theme="$(destify ${4})" if [[ "${color}" == '-Light' ]]; then local iconcolor='' elif [[ "${color}" == '-Dark' ]]; then local iconcolor='-Dark' fi local TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" local TMP_DIR_T="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/gtk-3.0${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" local TMP_DIR_F="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/gtk-4.0${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" local desktop_entry="[Desktop Entry]\n" desktop_entry+="Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme\n" desktop_entry+="Name=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" desktop_entry+="Comment=A MacOS BigSur like Gtk+ theme based on Elegant Design\n" desktop_entry+="Encoding=UTF-8\n\n" desktop_entry+="[X-GNOME-Metatheme]\n" desktop_entry+="GtkTheme=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" desktop_entry+="MetacityTheme=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" desktop_entry+="IconTheme=${name}${iconcolor}\n" desktop_entry+="CursorTheme=WhiteSur-cursors\n" desktop_entry+="ButtonLayout=close,minimize,maximize:menu\n" echo -e "${desktop_entry}" > "${TARGET_DIR}/index.theme" #--------------------GTK-3.0--------------------# mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR_T}" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/assets" "${TMP_DIR_T}" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/sidebar-assets/"*".png" "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/scalable" "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton${alt}${colorscheme}" "${TMP_DIR_T}/windows-assets" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk${color}.scss" "${TMP_DIR_T}/gtk.css" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TMP_DIR_T}/gtk-dark.css" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/thumbnail.png" echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk.css" echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk-dark.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css" glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${TMP_DIR_T}" --target="${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml" #--------------------GTK-4.0--------------------# mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR_F}" cp -r "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" "${TMP_DIR_F}" cp -r "${TMP_DIR_T}/windows-assets" "${TMP_DIR_F}" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk${color}.scss" "${TMP_DIR_F}/gtk.css" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TMP_DIR_F}/gtk-dark.css" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/thumbnail.png" echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk.css" echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk-dark.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css" glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${TMP_DIR_F}" --target="${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk.gresource" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk.gresource.xml" #----------------Cinnamon-----------------# mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/cinnamon/cinnamon${color}.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/cinnamon.css" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/common-assets" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/assets${color}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/theme${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/thumbnail.png" #----------------Misc------------------# mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc${color}${theme}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar${color}.rc" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar.rc" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/common/"*".rc" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk-2.0/assets-common${color}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk-2.0/assets${color}${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/assets" mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/metacity-1/metacity-theme${color}.xml" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/metacity-1/titlebuttons${color}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/titlebuttons" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/metacity-1/thumbnail${color}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/thumbnail.png" ( cd "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" && ln -s "metacity-theme-1.xml" "metacity-theme-2.xml" ) mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/plank" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/other/plank/theme${color}/"*".theme" "${TARGET_DIR}/plank" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/unity" "${TARGET_DIR}" } remove_packy() { rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})$(destify ${2})$(destify ${3})$(destify ${4})${colorscheme}" rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})${colorscheme}-hdpi" rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})${colorscheme}-xhdpi" } remove_old_packy() { rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}$(destify ${2})$(destify ${3})$(destify ${4})${5}" rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}${5}-hdpi" rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}${5}-xhdpi" } ############################################################################### # LIBADWAITA # ############################################################################### config_gtk4() { local color="$(destify ${1})" local alt="$(destify ${2})" local TARGET_DIR="${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0" # Install gtk4.0 into config for libadwaita mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" # backup_file "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" "udo" rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}/"{gtk.css,gtk-Light.css,gtk-Dark.css,assets,windows-assets} sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Light.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-Light.css" sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-Dark.css" ln -sf "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-${colors}.css" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/assets" "${TARGET_DIR}" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/sidebar-assets/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/scalable" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton${alt}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/windows-assets" } install_libadwaita() { opacity="${opacities[0]}" color="${colors[1]}" gtk_base "${opacities[0]}" "${themes[0]}" config_gtk4 "${colors}" "${alts}" } remove_libadwaita() { # restore_file "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" rm -rf "${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0/"{gtk.css,gtk-Light.css,gtk-Dark.css,assets,windows-assets} } ############################################################################### # THEMES # ############################################################################### fix_whiskermenu() { if (command -v xfce4-popup-whiskermenu &> /dev/null) && $(sed -i "s|.*menu-opacity=.*|menu-opacity=95|" "$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu"*".rc" &> /dev/null); then sed -i "s|.*menu-opacity=.*|menu-opacity=95|" "$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu"*".rc" fi if pgrep xfce4-session &> /dev/null && [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then xfce4-panel -r fi } install_themes() { # "install_theemy" and "install_shelly" require "gtk_base", so multithreading # isn't possible install_theme_deps; start_animation; install_beggy for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do for color in "${colors[@]}"; do gtk_base "${opacity}" "${theme}" "${compact}" install_theemy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" install_shelly "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" "${icon}" install_xfwmy "${color}" done done done done stop_animation; fix_whiskermenu } remove_themes() { process_ids=() for color in "${COLOR_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for opacity in "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for alt in "${ALT_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for theme in "${THEME_VARIANTS[@]}"; do remove_packy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" & process_ids+=("${!}") done done done done for color in '-light' '-dark'; do for opacity in "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for alt in "${ALT_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for theme in "${THEME_VARIANTS[@]}"; do for scheme in '' '-nord'; do remove_old_packy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" "${scheme}" done done done done done wait ${process_ids[*]} &> /dev/null } install_gdm_theme() { local TARGET= # Let's go! install_theme_deps rm -rf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}"; install_beggy gtk_base "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${themes[0]}" if check_theme_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; then # CSS-based theme install_shelly "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${alts[0]}" "${themes[0]}" "${icon}" "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}" sed $SED_OPT "s|assets|${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/assets|" "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" if check_theme_file "${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}"; then TARGET="${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}" elif check_theme_file "${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}"; then TARGET="${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}" fi backup_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; backup_file "${TARGET}" ln -sf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}" ln -sf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" "${TARGET}" # Fix previously installed WhiteSur restore_file "${ETC_CSS_FILE}" else # GR-based theme install_shelly "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${alts[0]}" "${themes[0]}" "${icon}" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly" sed $SED_OPT "s|assets|resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/assets|" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly/gnome-shell.css" if check_theme_file "$POP_OS_GR_FILE"; then TARGET="${POP_OS_GR_FILE}" elif check_theme_file "$YARU_GR_FILE"; then TARGET="${YARU_GR_FILE}" elif check_theme_file "$ZORIN_GR_FILE"; then TARGET="${ZORIN_GR_FILE}" elif check_theme_file "$MISC_GR_FILE"; then TARGET="${MISC_GR_FILE}" fi backup_file "${TARGET}" glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly" --target="${TARGET}" "${GS_GR_XML_FILE}" # Fix previously installed WhiteSur restore_file "${ETC_GR_FILE}" fi } revert_gdm_theme() { rm -rf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}" restore_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; restore_file "${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}" restore_file "${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}"; restore_file "${ETC_CSS_FILE}" restore_file "${POP_OS_GR_FILE}"; restore_file "${YARU_GR_FILE}" restore_file "${MISC_GR_FILE}"; restore_file "${ETC_GR_FILE}" restore_file "${ZORIN_GR_FILE}" } ############################################################################### # FIREFOX # ############################################################################### install_firefox_theme() { if has_snap_app firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" else local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" fi remove_firefox_theme udo mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/customChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}" if [[ "${monterey}" == 'true' ]]; then udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/Monterey "${TARGET_DIR}" udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/{icons,titlebuttons,pages} "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/parts/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey/parts udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userContent-Monterey.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css if [[ "${alttheme}" == 'true' ]]; then udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-Monterey-alt.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/WhiteSur/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey/parts/headerbar-urlbar-alt.css else udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-Monterey.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css fi else udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/WhiteSur "${TARGET_DIR}" udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/{icons,titlebuttons,pages} "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/parts/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur/parts udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-WhiteSur.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userContent-WhiteSur.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css fi config_firefox } config_firefox() { if has_snap_app firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_DIR_HOME}" elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_DIR_HOME}" else local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_DIR_HOME}" fi killall "firefox" "firefox-bin" &> /dev/null || true for d in "${FIREFOX_DIR}/"*"default"*; do if [[ -f "${d}/prefs.js" ]]; then rm -rf "${d}/chrome" udo ln -sf "${TARGET_DIR}" "${d}/chrome" udoify_file "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"browser.uidensity\", 0);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"layers.acceleration.force-enabled\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"mozilla.widget.use-argb-visuals\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" echo "user_pref(\"widget.gtk.rounded-bottom-corners.enabled\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" fi done } edit_firefox_theme_prefs() { if has_snap_app firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" else local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" fi [[ ! -d "${TARGET_DIR}" ]] && install_firefox_theme ; config_firefox udo ${EDITOR:-nano} "${TARGET_DIR}/userChrome.css" udo ${EDITOR:-nano} "${TARGET_DIR}/customChrome.css" } remove_firefox_theme() { if has_snap_app firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" else local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" fi [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css.bak [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css.bak [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css.bak rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}" rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css } ############################################################################### # DASH TO DOCK # ############################################################################### fix_dash_to_dock() { if [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}" ]]; then backup_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" "udo" elif [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}" ]]; then backup_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" "sudo" fi if has_command dbus-launch; then udo dbus-launch dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/apply-custom-theme true fi } install_dash_to_dock_theme() { gtk_base "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${themes[0]}" if [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}" ]]; then backup_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" "udo" udoify_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" if [[ "${GNOME_VERSION}" != '3-28' ]]; then udo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-4.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" else udo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-3.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" fi elif [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}" ]]; then backup_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" "sudo" if [[ "${GNOME_VERSION}" != '3-28' ]]; then sudo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-4.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" else sudo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-3.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" fi fi if has_command dbus-launch; then udo dbus-launch dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/apply-custom-theme true fi } revert_dash_to_dock_theme() { if [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}" ]]; then restore_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" "udo" elif [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}" ]]; then restore_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" "sudo" fi if has_command dbus-launch; then udo dbus-launch dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/apply-custom-theme false fi } ############################################################################### # FLATPAK & SNAP # ############################################################################### connect_flatpak() { install_flatpak_deps for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do for color in "${colors[@]}"; do pakitheme_gtk3 "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" done done done done } disconnect_flatpak() { for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do for color in "${colors[@]}"; do flatpak_remove "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" done done done done } #connect_snap() { # sudo snap install whitesur-gtk-theme # for i in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u); do # sudo snap connect "${i}:gtk-3-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:gtk-3-themes" # sudo snap connect "${i}:icon-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:icon-themes" # done #} #disconnect_snap() { # for i in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u); do # sudo snap disconnect "${i}:gtk-3-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:gtk-3-themes" # sudo snap disconnect "${i}:icon-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:icon-themes" # done #} ######################################################################### # GTK BASE # ######################################################################### gtk_base() { cp -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base"{".scss","-temp.scss"} # Theme base options if [[ "${compact}" == 'false' ]]; then sed $SED_OPT "/\$laptop/s/true/false/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" fi if [[ "${opacity}" == 'solid' ]]; then sed $SED_OPT "/\$trans/s/true/false/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" fi if [[ "${theme}" != '' ]]; then sed $SED_OPT "/\$theme/s/default/${theme}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" fi } ############################################################################### # CUSTOMIZATIONS # ############################################################################### customize_theme() { cp -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options"{".scss","-temp.scss"} # Nord dark colors if [[ "${colorscheme}" == '-nord' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing ColorScheme style to nord version ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$colorscheme/s/default/nord/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Darker dark colors if [[ "${darker}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing dark color style to darker one ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$darker/s/false/true/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change Nautilus sidarbar size if [[ "${sidebar_size}" != 'default' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing Nautilus sidebar size ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$sidebar_size/s/200px/${sidebar_size}px/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change Nautilus style if [[ "${nautilus_style}" != 'stable' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing Nautilus style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$nautilus_style/s/stable/${nautilus_style}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change Nautilus titlebutton placement style if [[ "${right_placement}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing Nautilus titlebutton placement style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$placement/s/left/right/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change maximized window radius if [[ "${max_round}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing maximized window style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$max_window_style/s/square/round/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change gnome-shell panel transparency if [[ "${panel_opacity}" != 'default' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing panel transparency ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_opacity/s/0.15/0.${panel_opacity}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change gnome-shell panel height size if [[ "${panel_size}" != 'default' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing panel height size to '${panel_size}'...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_size/s/default/${panel_size}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change gnome-shell show apps button style if [[ "${showapps_normal}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing gnome-shell show apps button style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$showapps_button/s/bigsur/normal/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change gnome-shell panel activities button style if [[ "${default_activities}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing gnome-shell panel activities button style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$activities/s/apple/normal/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change panel font color if [[ "${monterey}" == 'true' ]]; then black_font="true" prompt -s "Changing to Monterey style ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$monterey/s/false/true/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_opacity/s/0.15/0.5/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi # Change panel font color if [[ "${black_font}" == 'true' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing panel font color ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_font/s/white/black/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi if [[ "${compact}" == 'false' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing Definition mode to HD (Bigger font, Bigger size) ..." #FIXME: @vince is it not implemented yet? (Only Gnome-shell and Gtk theme finished!) fi if [[ "${scale}" == 'x2' ]]; then prompt -s "Changing GDM scaling to 200% ...\n" sed $SED_OPT "/\$scale/s/default/x2/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" fi } #-----------------------------------DIALOGS------------------------------------# # The default values here should get manually set and updated. Some of default # values are taken from _variables.scss show_panel_opacity_dialog() { install_dialog_deps dialogify panel_opacity "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your panel opacity (Default is 15)" ${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]} } show_sidebar_size_dialog() { install_dialog_deps dialogify sidebar_size "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your Nautilus minimum sidebar size (default is 200px)" ${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]} } show_nautilus_style_dialog() { install_dialog_deps dialogify nautilus_style "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your Nautilus style (default is BigSur-like style)" ${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[*]} } show_needed_dialogs() { if [[ "${need_dialog["-p"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_panel_opacity_dialog; fi if [[ "${need_dialog["-s"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_sidebar_size_dialog; fi if [[ "${need_dialog["-N"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_nautilus_style_dialog; fi }