commit cebacdb975227594745be481aa07d858f6ac4154 Author: luisgulo Date: Sun Feb 9 17:15:26 2025 +0100 GTK Theme diff --git a/.github/AUTHORS b/.github/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca11db --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +------------------------ WhiteSur GTK THEME ------------------------ + +CUSTOMIZER: +Vince Liuice - WhiteSur Gtk Theme ( + +------------------------ WhiteSur GTK THEME ------------------------ diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3778ea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at + +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at + + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder]( + +[homepage]: + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at + Translations are available at + diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef54c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# WhiteSur GTK theme + +## Summary + +To be able to use the latest/adequate version of sass, install sassc. + +## How to tweak the theme + +WhiteSur (highly infuenced by Adwaita) is a complex theme, so to keep it maintainable, it's written +and processed in SASS. The generated CSS is then transformed into a gresource file during gtk build +and used at runtime in a non-legible or editable form. + +It is very likely your change will happen in the _common.scss file. That's where all the widget +selectors are defined. Here's a rundown of the "supporting" stylesheets, that are unlikely to be the +right place for a drive by stylesheet fix: + +_colors.scss - global color definitions. We keep the number of defined colors to a necessary minimum, + most colors are derived from a handful of basics. It covers both the light variant and + the dark variant. + +_colors-public.scss - SCSS colors exported through gtk to allow for 3rd party apps color mixing. + +_drawing.scss - drawing helper mixings/functions to allow easier definition of widget drawing under + specific context. This is why Adwaita isn't 15000 LOC. + +_common.scss - actual definitions of style for each widget. This is where you are likely to add/remove + your changes. + +You can read about SASS at Once you make your changes to the +_common.scss file, you can either run the ./ script or keep SASS watching for changes as you +edit. + +## Known bugs + +### Theme glitches on NVIDIA driver +See upstream [bug]( + +# WhiteSur Firefox theme +A MacOS Big Sur theme for Firefox 70+ + +## Known bugs + +### CSD have sharp corners +See upstream [bug]( + +### Icons color broken +Icons might appear black where they should be white on some systems. I have no +idea why, but you can adjust them in the `theme/colors/light.css` or +`theme/colors/dark.css` files, look for `--gnome-icons-hack-filter` var and +play with css filters. + +## Development + +If you wanna mess around the styles and change something, you might find these +things useful. + +To use the Inspector to debug the UI, open the developer tools (F12) on any +page, go to options, check both of those: + +- Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes +- Enable remote debugging + +Now you can close those tools and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I to Inspect the browser +UI. + +Also you can inspect any GTK3 application, for example type this into a terminal +and it will run Epiphany with the GTK Inspector, so you can check the CSS styles +of its elements too. + +```sh +GTK_DEBUG=interactive epiphany +``` + +Feel free to use any parts of my code to develop your own themes, I don't force +any specific license on your code. + +## Credits +Developed by **Rafael Mardojai** and [contributors]( Based on **[Sai Kurogetsu](** original work. + +# WhiteSur GDM and GNOME Shell theme + +## Known bugs + +### Can't change GDM background on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed +See upstream [bug]( diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..039baa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +name: Glitch +about: Report unexpected behavior or something doesn't work +title: '' +labels: 'bug' +assignees: 'vinceliuice' + +--- + + + + diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd3484d --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +name: Idea +about: Share your idea, request, and question +title: '' +labels: 'question' +assignees: 'vinceliuice' + +--- + + + + diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61e4be9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +name: Installation +about: Report installation error info +title: '' +labels: 'bug' +assignees: 'rivanfebrian123' + +--- + + + + diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56decaf --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Security Policy + +## Supported Versions + +| Version | Supported | +| ------------ | ------------------ | +| 2021-06-23 | :white_check_mark: | +| 2021-05-05 | :white_check_mark: | +| < 2021-04-20 | :x: | + +## Reporting a Vulnerability + +Report a security vulnerability to +with a blank template or contact one of the authors. diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98e75c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + +- +- +- + diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a64bf53 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +.DS_store +.sass-cache +*-temp.scss +* +src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk*.css +src/main/gtk-4.0/gtk*.css +src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon*.css +src/main/gnome-shell/*/*.css +src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet.css +src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-dark.css +stable-release/ diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10a35e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Copyright (c) 2021 WhiteSur Developers + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, +DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR +OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE +OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cf4aee --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +

WhiteSur GTK Theme


+ +

A macOS BigSur-like theme for your GTK apps

+ +## Donate + +If you like my project, you can buy me a coffee: + +PayPal donate button + +# Installation is easy! +
Required dependencies (click to open) + +### "Install from source" deps +- sassc +- libglib2.0-dev-bin `ubuntu 20.04` +- libglib2.0-dev `ubuntu 18.04` `debian 10.03` `linux mint 19` +- libxml2-utils `ubuntu 18.04` `debian 10.03` `linux mint 19` +- glib2-devel `Fedora` `Redhat` + +### Misc deps +- imagemagick `(optional for GDM theme tweak)` +- dialog `(optional for installation in dialog mode)` +- optipng `(optional for asset rendering)` +- inkscape `(optional for asset rendering)` + +Don't worry, WhiteSur installer already provides all of those dependencies. +
+ +
Recommended GNOME Shell extensions (click to open) + +- [user-themes]( to enable gnome-shell theme (and not just the application theme) +- [dash-to-dock]( +- [blur-my-shell]( + +
+ +## Quick install + +### Installing from source + +1. Run `git clone --depth=1` + +2. Run `./` to install the default WhiteSur GTK theme pack. + +### Uninstall + +
For example: (click to open) + +- uninstall Gtk themes: `./ -r` +- uninstall GDM theme: `sudo ./ -g -r` +- uninstall Firefox theme: `./ -f -r` + +- uninstall Dash-to-dock theme: `./ -d -r` +- uninstall Flatpak Gtk themes: `./ -F -r` +- uninstall Snap Gtk themes: `./ -s -r` + +
+ +## There's so many customizations you can do! +Usage: `./ [OPTIONS...]` + +
Options (click to open) + +```bash + + -d, --dest DIR + Set destination directory. Default is '/home/vince/.themes' + + -n, --name NAME + Set theme name. Default is 'WhiteSur' + + -o, --opacity [normal|solid] + Set theme opacity variants. Repeatable. Default is all variants + + -c, --color [Light|Dark] + Set theme color variants. Repeatable. Default is all variants + + -a, --alt [normal|alt|all] + Set window control buttons variant. Repeatable. Default is 'normal' + + -t, --theme [default|blue|purple|pink|red|orange|yellow|green|grey|all] + Set theme accent color. Repeatable. Default is BigSur-like theme + + -p, --panel-opacity [default|30|45|60|75] + Set panel transparency. Default is 15% + + -P, --panel-size [default|smaller|bigger] + Set Gnome shell panel height size. Default is 32px + + -s, --size [default|180|220|240|260|280] + Set Nautilus sidebar minimum width. Default is 200px + + -i, --icon [standard|simple|gnome|ubuntu|tux|arch|manjaro|fedora|debian|void|opensuse|popos|mxlinux|zorin] + Set 'Activities' icon. Default is 'standard' + + -b, --background [default|blank|IMAGE_PATH] + Set gnome-shell background image. Default is BigSur-like wallpaper + + -m, --monterey + Set to MacOS Monterey style. + + -N, --nautilus-style [stable|normal|mojave|glassy] + Set Nautilus style. Default is BigSur-like style (stabled sidebar) + + -l, --libadwaita + Install theme into gtk4.0 config for libadwaita. Default is dark version + + -HD, --highdefinition + Set to High Definition size. Default is laptop size + + --normal, --normalshowapps + Set gnome-shell show apps button style to normal. Default is bigsur + + --round, --roundedmaxwindow + Set maximized window to rounded. Default is square + + --right, --rightplacement + Set Nautilus titlebutton placement to right. Default is left + + --black, --blackfont + Set panel font color to black. Default is white + + --darker, --darkercolor + Install darker 'WhiteSur' dark themes. + + --nord, --nordcolor + Install 'WhiteSur' Nord ColorScheme themes. + + --dialog, --interactive + Run this installer interactively, with dialogs. + + --silent-mode + Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict. + + -r, --remove, -u, --uninstall + Remove all installed WhiteSur themes. + + -h, --help + Show this help. + +``` + +
+ +### Fix for libadwaita (not perfect) + +
Details (click to open) + + Since the release of `Gnome 43.0`, more and more built-in apps use `libadwaita` now, and libadwaita does not support custom themes, which means we cannot change the appearance of app using libadwaita through `gnome-tweaks` or `dconf-editor`. For users who love custom themes, it’s really sucks! + + Anyway if anybody who still want to custom themes we can only do this way: + + that is to use the `theme file` to overwrite the `gtk-4.0 configuration file`. The result is that only Fixed making all gtk4 apps use one theme and cannot be switched (even can not switch to dark mode) If you want to change a theme, you can only re-overwrite the `gtk-4.0 configuration file` with a new theme, I know this method is not perfect, But at the moment it is only possible to continue using themes for libadwaita's apps ... + +
+ +Run this command to install `WhiteSur` into `gtk-4.0 configuration folder` ($HOME/.config/gtk-4.0) + +```bash +./ -l # Default is the normal dark theme +./ -l -c Light # install light theme for libadwaita +``` + +### Connect WhiteSur theme to Flatpak (Snap not support) +Parameter: `--flatpak` `-F` + +Example: `./ -F` + +Fix for Flatpak gtk-4.0 app: + +```bash +sudo flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-config/gtk-4.0 +``` + +###

Change theme color and accent


+ +#### Install theme color +Parameter: `--color` `-c` (repeatable) + +Example: + +```bash +./ -c Light # install light theme color only +./ -c Dark -c Light # install dark and light theme colors +``` + +#### Install theme accent +Parameter: `--theme` `-t` (repeatable) + +Example: + +```bash +./ -t red # install red theme accent only +./ -t red -t green # install red and green theme accents +./ -t all # install all available theme accents +``` + +###

Change Nautilus style


+ +Parameter: `--nautilus-style` `-N` + +Example: `./ -N mojave` + + +###

Explore more customization features!

+You can run `./ -h` to explore more customization features we have +like changing panel opacity, theme opacity (normal and solid variant), window +control button variant, etc. + + +# Let's tweak! +Usage: `./ [OPTIONS...]` + +
Options (click to open) + +```bash + + -g, --gdm [default|x2] + Install 'WhiteSur' theme for GDM (scaling: 100%/200%, default is 100%). Requires to run this shell as root + + -o, --opacity [normal|solid] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme opacity variants. Default is 'normal' + + -c, --color [Light|Dark] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM and Dash to Dock theme color variants. Default is 'light' + + -t, --theme [default|blue|purple|pink|red|orange|yellow|green|grey] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme accent color. Default is BigSur-like theme + + -N, --no-darken + Don't darken 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. + + -n, --no-blur + Don't blur 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. + + -b, --background [default|blank|IMAGE_PATH] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM theme background image. Default is BigSur-like wallpaper + + -p, --panel-opacity [default|30|45|60|75] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM (GNOME Shell) theme panel transparency. Default is 15% + + -P, --panel-size [default|smaller|bigger] + Set 'WhiteSur' Gnome shell panel height size. Default is 32px + + -i, --icon [standard|simple|gnome|ubuntu|tux|arch|manjaro|fedora|debian|void|opensuse|popos|mxlinux|zorin] + Set 'WhiteSur' GDM (GNOME Shell) 'Activities' icon. Default is 'standard' + + --nord, --nordcolor + Install 'WhiteSur' Nord ColorScheme themes. + + -f, --firefox [default|monterey|alt] + Install 'WhiteSur|Monterey|Alt' theme for Firefox and connect it to the current Firefox profiles. Default is WhiteSur + + -e, --edit-firefox + Edit 'WhiteSur' theme for Firefox settings and also connect the theme to the current Firefox profiles. + + -F, --flatpak + Connect 'WhiteSur' theme to Flatpak. + + -d, --dash-to-dock + Fixed Dash to Dock theme issue. + + -r, --remove, --revert + Revert to the original themes, do the opposite things of install and connect. + + --silent-mode + Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict. + + -h, --help + Show this help. + +``` + +
+ +## There's more themes you can try! +###

Install and edit Firefox theme

+ +

+ +

+ +#### [Install Firefox theme](src/other/firefox) +Parameter: `--firefox` `-f` + +Example: `./ -f` + +#### Edit Firefox theme +Parameter: `--edit-firefox` `-e` + +Example: + +```bash +./ -e # edit the installed Firefox theme +./ -f -r # remove installed Firefox theme +./ -f monterey # install Monterey Firefox theme +``` + +###

Install and customize GDM theme


+ +#### Install GDM theme +Parameter: `--gdm` `-g` (requires to be run as root) + +Example: `sudo ./ -g` + +#### Change the background +Parameter: `--background` `-b` + +Example: + +```bash +sudo ./ -g -b "my picture.jpg" # use the custom background +sudo ./ -g -b default # use the default background +sudo ./ -g -b blank # make it blank +``` + +#### Don't darken the background +Parameter: `--no-darken` `-N` + +Example: + +```bash +sudo ./ -g -N # darken the default background +sudo ./ -g -N -b "wallpapers/snow.jpg" # darken the custom background +``` + +#### Don't blur the background +Parameter: `--no-blur` `-n` + +Example: + +```bash +sudo ./ -g -n # don't blur the default background +sudo ./ -g -n -b "wallpapers/rocks.jpg" # don't blur the custom background +``` + +#### Do more GDM customizations +You can do [the similar customization features in `./`](#theres-so-many-customizations-you-can-do) +like changing theme color (dark and light variant) and accent, GNOME Shell +'Activities' icon, etc. related to GDM. Run `./ -h` to explore! + +## Other recommended stuff +### WhiteSur Icon Theme +

+ +


+ +

+ +### WhiteSur Wallpapers +

+ +


+ +

+ +## Technical details and getting involved +Please go read [](.github/ for more info diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..52dd452 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash +# +# Clean ignored files +# + +# TODO: integrate with + +git clean -d -f -X +git add . + +! command -v beautysh && sudo pip install beautysh +beautysh -i 2 -s paronly *.sh + +git add . + +echo "DONE!" diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..63782ab --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependent, for example +# instead of using 'ls blabla', use 'ls "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' +# +# WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, +# for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) +# +# SUGGESTION: Please don't put any dependency installation here + +############################################################################### +# VARIABLES & HELP # +############################################################################### + +readonly REPO_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -m "${0}")")" +source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/" + +# Customization, default values +colors=("${COLOR_VARIANTS[@]}") +opacities=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}") + +usage() { + # Please specify their default value manually, some of them come from _variables.scss + # You also have to check and update them regularly + helpify_title + helpify "-d, --dest" "DIR" "Set destination directory" "Default is '${THEME_DIR}'" + helpify "-n, --name" "NAME" "Set theme name" "Default is '${THEME_NAME}'" + helpify "-o, --opacity" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set theme opacity variants" "Repeatable. Default is all variants" + helpify "-c, --color" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${COLOR_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set theme color variants" "Repeatable. Default is all variants" + helpify "-a, --alt" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${ALT_VARIANTS[*]}")|all]" "Set window control buttons variant" "Repeatable. Default is 'normal'" + helpify "-t, --theme" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${THEME_VARIANTS[*]}")|all]" "Set theme accent color" "Repeatable. Default is BigSur-like theme" + helpify "-p, --panel-opacity" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set panel transparency" "Default is 15%" + helpify "-P, --panel-size" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${PANEL_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set Gnome shell panel height size" "Default is 32px" + helpify "-s, --size" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set Nautilus sidebar minimum width" "Default is 200px" + helpify "-i, --icon" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${ICON_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set 'Activities' icon" "Default is 'standard'" + helpify "-b, --background" "[default|blank|IMAGE_PATH]" "Set gnome-shell background image" "Default is BigSur-like wallpaper" + helpify "-m, --monterey" "" "Set to MacOS Monterey style" "" + helpify "-N, --nautilus-style" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set Nautilus style" "Default is BigSur-like style (stabled sidebar)" + helpify "-l, --libadwaita" "" "Install theme into gtk4.0 config for libadwaita" "Default is dark version" + helpify "-HD, --highdefinition" "" "Set to High Definition size" "Default is laptop size" + helpify "--normal, --normalshowapps" "" "Set gnome-shell show apps button style to normal" "Default is BigSur" + helpify "--default, --defaultactivities" "" "Set gnome-shell panel activities button style to system default" "Default is Apple icon" + helpify "--round, --roundedmaxwindow" "" "Set maximized window to rounded" "Default is square" + helpify "--right, --rightplacement" "" "Set Nautilus title button placement to right" "Default is left" + helpify "--black, --blackfont" "" "Set panel font color to black" "Default is white" + helpify "--darker, --darkercolor" "" "Install darker '${THEME_NAME}' dark themes" "" + helpify "--nord, --nordcolor" "" "Install '${THEME_NAME}' Nord ColorScheme themes" "" + helpify "--dialog, --interactive" "" "Run this installer interactively, with dialogs" "" + helpify "--silent-mode" "" "Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict" "" + helpify "-r, --remove, -u, --uninstall" "" "Remove all installed ${THEME_NAME} themes" "" + helpify "-h, --help" "" "Show this help" "" +} + +############################################################################### +# MAIN # +############################################################################### + +#-----------------------------PARSE ARGUMENTS---------------------------------# + +echo + +while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + # Don't show any dialog here. Let this loop checks for errors or shows help + # We can only show dialogs when there's no error and no -r parameter + # + # * shift for parameters that have no value + # * shift 2 for parameter that has a value + # + # Please don't exit any error here if possible. Let it show all error warnings + # at once + + case "${1}" in + # Parameters that don't require a value + -r|--remove|-u|-uninstall) + uninstall='true'; shift ;; + --silent-mode) + full_sudo "${1}"; silent_mode='true'; shift ;; + --dialog|--interactive) + interactive='true'; shift ;; + --normal|--normalshowapps) + showapps_normal="true"; shift ;; + --default|--defaultactivities) + default_activities="true"; shift ;; + --right|--rightplacement) + right_placement="true"; shift ;; + --round|--roundedmaxwindow) + max_round="true"; shift ;; + --black|--blackfont) + black_font="true"; shift ;; + --darker|--darkercolor) + darker="true"; shift ;; + --nord|--nordcolor) + colorscheme="-nord"; shift ;; + -HD|--highdefinition) + compact="false"; shift ;; + -m|--monterey) + monterey="true"; shift ;; + -l|--libadwaita) + libadwaita="true"; shift ;; + # Parameters that require a value, single use + -b|--background) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -d|--dest) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "not-at-all" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -n|--name) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "not-at-all" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -i|--icon) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -s|--size) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -p|--panel-opacity) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -P|--panel-size) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -N|--nautilus-style) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + # Parameters that require a value, multiple use + -a|--alt) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -o|--opacity) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -c|--color) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -t|--theme) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -h|--help) + need_help="true"; shift ;; + *) + prompt -e "ERROR: Unrecognized installation option '${1}'." + has_any_error="true"; shift ;; + esac +done + +finalize_argument_parsing + +#---------------------------START INSTALL THEMES-------------------------------# + +if [[ "${uninstall}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "${libadwaita}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "$UID" != '0' ]]; then + remove_libadwaita + prompt -s "Removed gtk-4.0 theme files in '${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0/'!" + else + prompt -e "Do not run '--libadwaita' option with sudo!"; echo + fi + else + prompt -i "Removing '${name}' gtk themes in '${dest}'... \n" + prompt -w "REMOVAL: Non-file-related parameters will be ignored. \n" + remove_themes; remove_libadwaita + prompt -s "Done! All '${name}' gtk themes have been removed." + fi + + if [[ -f "${MISC_GR_FILE}.bak" ]]; then + prompt -e "Find installed GDM theme, you need to run: 'sudo ./ -g -r' to remove it!" + fi +else + if [[ "${interactive}" == 'true' ]]; then + show_panel_opacity_dialog; show_sidebar_size_dialog; show_nautilus_style_dialog + echo; prompt -w "DIALOG: '--size' and '--panel' parameters are ignored if exist."; echo + else + show_needed_dialogs + fi + + prompt -w "Removing the old '${name}${colorscheme}' themes...\n" + + remove_themes; customize_theme; avoid_variant_duplicates; + + prompt -w "Installing '${name}${colorscheme}' themes in '${dest}'...\n"; + + prompt -t "--->>> GTK | GNOME Shell | Cinnamon | Metacity | XFWM | Plank <<<---" + prompt -i "Color variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${colors[*]}" )" + prompt -i "Theme variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${themes[*]}" )" + prompt -i "Opacity variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${opacities[*]}" )" + prompt -i "Alt variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${alts[*]}" )" + prompt -i "Icon variant : ${icon}" + prompt -i "Nautilus variant : ${nautilus_style}" + + echo; install_themes; echo; prompt -s "Done!" + + if [[ "${libadwaita}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "$UID" != '0' ]]; then + install_libadwaita + echo; prompt -w "Installed ${name} ${opacities} ${colors} gtk-4.0 theme in '${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0' for libadwaita!" + else + echo; prompt -e "Do not run '--libadwaita' option with sudo!" + fi + fi + + if (is_my_distro "solus") && (is_running "gnome-session"); then + msg="GNOME: you may need to disable 'User Themes' extension to fix your dock." + fi + + if [[ "${msg}" ]]; then + echo; prompt -w "${msg}" + notif_msg="${msg}\n\n${final_msg}" + else + notif_msg="${final_msg}" + fi + + echo; prompt -w "${final_msg}" +fi + +echo diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e0ad70e --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +readonly REPO_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -m "${0}")")" +readonly RELEASE_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/release" +source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/" + +# Customization, default values +colors=("${COLOR_VARIANTS[@]}") +opacities=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}") + +C_VARIANTS=('-Light' '-Dark') +S_VARIANTS=('' '-solid') + +install() { + remove_themes; customize_theme; avoid_variant_duplicates + install_themes; echo; prompt -s "Install Gnome${RELEASE_VERSION} version finished!"; echo +} + +compress() { + for color in "${C_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for solid in "${S_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + rm -rf ${RELEASE_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}${color}${solid}.tar.xz + done + done + + cd ${THEME_DIR} + + for color in "${C_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for solid in "${S_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + tar -Jcf ${RELEASE_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}${color}${solid}.tar.xz ${THEME_NAME}${color}${solid} + done + done +} + +#GNOME_VERSION="3-28" +#RELEASE_VERSION="-3-38" +#install && compress +#prompt -s "Compress Gnome${RELEASE_VERSION} version finished!"; echo + +GNOME_VERSION="46-0" +RELEASE_VERSION="-last" +install && compress +prompt -s "Compress Gnome${RELEASE_VERSION} version finished!"; echo + +prompt -s "Done!"; echo +exit 0 diff --git a/release/WhiteSur-Dark-solid.tar.xz b/release/WhiteSur-Dark-solid.tar.xz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77dfe14 Binary files /dev/null and b/release/WhiteSur-Dark-solid.tar.xz differ diff --git a/release/WhiteSur-Dark.tar.xz b/release/WhiteSur-Dark.tar.xz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..597e0e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/release/WhiteSur-Dark.tar.xz differ diff --git a/release/WhiteSur-Light-solid.tar.xz b/release/WhiteSur-Light-solid.tar.xz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac78ac9 Binary files /dev/null and b/release/WhiteSur-Light-solid.tar.xz differ diff --git a/release/WhiteSur-Light.tar.xz b/release/WhiteSur-Light.tar.xz new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbdc307 Binary files /dev/null and b/release/WhiteSur-Light.tar.xz differ diff --git a/shell/ b/shell/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bbbcbbe --- /dev/null +++ b/shell/ @@ -0,0 +1,772 @@ +# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example +# instead of using 'ls blabla', use 'ls "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' +# +# WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, +# for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) + +set -Eeo pipefail + +if [[ ! "${REPO_DIR}" ]]; then + echo "Please define 'REPODIR' variable"; exit 1 +elif [[ "${WHITESUR_SOURCE[@]}" =~ "" ]]; then + echo "'' is already imported"; exit 1 +fi + +WHITESUR_SOURCE=("") + +############################################################################### +# VARIABLES # +############################################################################### + +#--------------System--------------# + +export WHITESUR_PID=$$ +MY_USERNAME="${SUDO_USER:-$(logname 2> /dev/null || echo "${USER}")}" +MY_HOME=$(getent passwd "${MY_USERNAME}" | cut -d: -f6) + +if command -v gnome-shell &> /dev/null; then + SHELL_VERSION="$(gnome-shell --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d . -f -1)" + if [[ "${SHELL_VERSION:-}" -ge "46" ]]; then + GNOME_VERSION="46-0" + elif [[ "${SHELL_VERSION:-}" -ge "44" ]]; then + GNOME_VERSION="44-0" + elif [[ "${SHELL_VERSION:-}" -ge "42" ]]; then + GNOME_VERSION="42-0" + elif [[ "${SHELL_VERSION:-}" -ge "40" ]]; then + GNOME_VERSION="40-0" + else + GNOME_VERSION="3-28" + fi +else + GNOME_VERSION="46-0" +fi + +#----------Program options-------------# +SASSC_OPT="-t expanded" + +if [[ "$(uname -s)" =~ "BSD" || "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]]; then + SED_OPT="-i """ +else + SED_OPT="-i" +fi + +SUDO_BIN="$(which sudo)" + +#------------Directories--------------# +THEME_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src" +DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src/other/dash-to-dock" +DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT="/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/" +DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME="${MY_HOME}/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/" +GNOME_SHELL_EXTENSION_DIR="${MY_HOME}/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions" +FIREFOX_SRC_DIR="${REPO_DIR}/src/other/firefox" +FIREFOX_DIR_HOME="${MY_HOME}/.mozilla/firefox" +FIREFOX_THEME_DIR="${MY_HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-themes" +FIREFOX_FLATPAK_DIR_HOME="${MY_HOME}/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox" +FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR="${MY_HOME}/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-themes" +FIREFOX_SNAP_DIR_HOME="${MY_HOME}/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox" +FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR="${MY_HOME}/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-themes" +export WHITESUR_TMP_DIR="/tmp/WhiteSur.lock" + +if [[ -w "/root" ]]; then + THEME_DIR="/usr/share/themes" +else + THEME_DIR="$HOME/.themes" +fi + +#--------------GDM----------------# +WHITESUR_GS_DIR="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/WhiteSur" +COMMON_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css" +UBUNTU_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css" +ZORIN_CSS_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/zorin.css" +ETC_CSS_FILE="/etc/alternatives/gdm3.css" +ETC_GR_FILE="/etc/alternatives/gdm3-theme.gresource" +YARU_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" +POP_OS_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Pop/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" +ZORIN_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ZorinBlue-Light/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" +MISC_GR_FILE="/usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource" +GS_GR_XML_FILE="${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource.xml" + +#-------------Theme---------------# +THEME_NAME="WhiteSur" +COLOR_VARIANTS=('Light' 'Dark') +OPACITY_VARIANTS=('normal' 'solid') +ALT_VARIANTS=('normal' 'alt') +THEME_VARIANTS=('default' 'blue' 'purple' 'pink' 'red' 'orange' 'yellow' 'green' 'grey') +ICON_VARIANTS=('standard' 'simple' 'gnome' 'ubuntu' 'tux' 'arch' 'manjaro' 'fedora' 'debian' 'void' 'opensuse' 'popos' 'mxlinux' 'zorin' 'budgie' 'gentoo') +SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS=('default' '180' '220' '240' '260' '280') +PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS=('default' '30' '45' '60' '75') +PANEL_SIZE_VARIANTS=('default' 'smaller' 'bigger') +NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS=('stable' 'normal' 'mojave' 'glassy') + +#--------Customization, default values----------# +dest="${THEME_DIR}" +name="${THEME_NAME}" +colors=("${COLOR_VARIANTS}") +opacities=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS}") +alts=("${ALT_VARIANTS[0]}") +themes=("${THEME_VARIANTS[0]}") +icon="${ICON_VARIANTS[0]}" +sidebar_size="${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[0]}" +panel_opacity="${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[0]}" +panel_size="${PANEL_SIZE_VARIANTS[0]}" +nautilus_style="${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[0]}" +background="blank" +compact="true" +colorscheme="" + +#--Ambigous arguments checking and overriding default values--# +declare -A has_set=([-b]="false" [-s]="false" [-p]="false" [-P]="false" [-d]="false" [-n]="false" [-a]="false" [-o]="false" [-c]="false" [-i]="false" [-t]="false" [-N]="false") +declare -A need_dialog=([-b]="false" [-s]="false" [-p]="false" [-P]="false" [-d]="false" [-n]="false" [-a]="false" [-o]="false" [-c]="false" [-i]="false" [-t]="false" [-N]="false") + +#------------Tweaks---------------# +need_help="false" +uninstall="false" +interactive="false" +silent_mode="false" + +no_darken="false" +no_blur="false" + +firefox="false" +edit_firefox="false" +flatpak="false" +snap="false" +gdm="false" +dash_to_dock="false" +max_round="false" +showapps_normal="false" + +#--------------Misc----------------# +msg="" +final_msg="Run '${0} --help' to explore more customization features!" +notif_msg="" +process_ids=() +# This is important for 'udo' because 'return "${result}"' is considered the +# last command in 'BASH_COMMAND' variable +WHITESUR_COMMAND="" +export ANIM_PID="0" +has_any_error="false" +swupd_packages="" +# '/' ending is required in 'swupd_url' +swupd_url="" +swupd_ver_url="" +swupd_prepared="false" +xbps_prepared="false" + +#------------Decoration-----------# +export c_default="\033[0m" +export c_blue="\033[1;34m" +export c_magenta="\033[1;35m" +export c_cyan="\033[1;36m" +export c_green="\033[1;32m" +export c_red="\033[1;31m" +export c_yellow="\033[1;33m" + +anim=( + "${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}• " + " ${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}•${c_blue}• " + " ${c_red}•${c_magenta}•${c_blue}•${c_green}• " + " ${c_magenta}•${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}• " + " ${c_blue}•${c_green}•${c_red}•${c_magenta}•" +) + +# Check command availability +has_command() { + command -v "$1" &> /dev/null +} + +has_flatpak_app() { + flatpak list --columns=application | grep "${1}" &> /dev/null || return 1 +} + +has_snap_app() { + snap list "${1}" &> /dev/null || return 1 +} + +is_my_distro() { + [[ "$(cat '/etc/os-release' | awk -F '=' '/ID/{print $2}')" =~ "${1}" ]] +} + +is_running() { + pgrep "$1" &> /dev/null +} + +############################################################################### +# CORE UTILITIES # +############################################################################### + +start_animation() { + [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + setterm -cursor off + + ( + while true; do + for i in {0..4}; do + echo -ne "\r\033[2K ${anim[i]}" + sleep 0.1 + done + + for i in {4..0}; do + echo -ne "\r\033[2K ${anim[i]}" + sleep 0.1 + done + done + ) & + + export ANIM_PID="${!}" +} + +stop_animation() { + [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + [[ -e "/proc/${ANIM_PID}" ]] && kill -13 "${ANIM_PID}" + setterm -cursor on +} + +# Echo like ... with flag type and display message colors +prompt() { + case "${1}" in + "-s") + echo -e " ${c_green}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print success message + "-e") + echo -e " ${c_red}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print error message + "-w") + echo -e " ${c_yellow}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print warning message + "-i") + echo -e " ${c_cyan}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print info message + "-t") + echo -e " ${c_magenta}${2}${c_default}" ;; # print title message + esac +} + +############################################################################### +# SELF SAFETY # +############################################################################### +##### This is the core of error handling, make sure there's no error here ##### + +### TODO: return "lockWhiteSur()" back for non functional syntax error handling +### and lock dir removal after immediate terminal window closing + +if [[ -d "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" ]]; then + start_animation; sleep 2; stop_animation; echo + + if [[ -d "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" ]]; then + prompt -e "ERROR: Whitesur installer or tweaks is already running. Probably it's run by '$(ls -ld "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" | awk '{print $3}')'" + exit 1 + fi +fi + +rm -rf "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" +mkdir -p "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}"; exec 2> "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" + +signal_exit() { + rm -rf "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}" + stop_animation +} + +signal_abort() { + signal_exit + prompt -e "\n\n Oops! Operation has been aborted...\n\n" + exit 1 +} + +signal_error() { + # TODO: make this more accurate + + IFS=$'\n' + local sources=($(basename -a "${WHITESUR_SOURCE[@]}" "${BASH_SOURCE[@]}" | sort -u)) + local dist_ids=($(awk -F '=' '/ID/{print $2}' "/etc/os-release" | tr -d '"' | sort -Vru)) + local repo_ver="" + local lines=() + local log="$(awk '{printf "\033[1;31m >>> %s\n", $0}' "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" || echo "")" + + if ! repo_ver="$(cd "${REPO_DIR}"; git log -1 --date=format-local:"%FT%T%z" --format="%ad")"; then + if ! repo_ver="$(date -r "${REPO_DIR}" +"%FT%T%z")"; then + repo_ver="unknown" + fi + fi + + # Some computer may have a bad performance. We need to avoid the error log + # to be cut. Sleeping for awhile may help + sleep 0.75; clear + + prompt -e "\n\n Oops! Operation failed...\n" + prompt -e "=========== ERROR LOG ===========" + + if [[ "${log}" ]] ; then + echo -e "${log}" + else + prompt -e "\n>>>>>>> No error log found <<<<<<" + fi + + prompt -e "\n =========== ERROR INFO ==========" + prompt -e "FOUND :" + + for i in "${sources[@]}"; do + lines=($(grep -Fn "${WHITESUR_COMMAND:-${BASH_COMMAND}}" "${REPO_DIR}/${i}" | cut -d : -f 1 || echo "")) + prompt -e " >>> ${i}$(IFS=';'; [[ "${lines[*]}" ]] && echo " at ${lines[*]}")" + done + + prompt -e "SNIPPET:\n >>> ${WHITESUR_COMMAND:-${BASH_COMMAND}}" + prompt -e "TRACE :" + + for i in "${FUNCNAME[@]}"; do + prompt -e " >>> ${i}" + done + + prompt -e "\n =========== SYSTEM INFO =========" + prompt -e "DISTRO : $(IFS=';'; echo "${dist_ids[*]}")" + prompt -e "SUDO : $([[ -w "/root" ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no")" + if command -v gnome-shell &> /dev/null; then + prompt -e "DESKTOP : $(gnome-shell --version)" + else + prompt -e "DESKTOP : ${DESKTOP_SESSION}" + fi + prompt -e "REPO : ${repo_ver}\n" + + if [[ "$(grep -ril "Release" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt")" == "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/error_log.txt" ]]; then + prompt -w "HINT: You can run: 'sudo apt install sassc libglib2.0-dev libxml2-utils' on ubuntu 18.04 or 'sudo apt install sassc libglib2.0-dev-bin' on ubuntu >= 20.04 \n" + fi + + prompt -i "HINT: You can google or report to us the info above \n" + prompt -i " \n" + + rm -rf "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}"; exit 1 +} + +trap 'signal_exit' EXIT +trap 'signal_error' ERR +trap 'signal_abort' INT TERM TSTP + +############################################################################### +# USER UTILITIES # +############################################################################### + +ask() { + [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + echo -ne "${c_magenta}" + read -p " ${2}: " ${1} 2>&1 + echo -ne "${c_default}" +} + +confirm() { + [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + while [[ "${!1}" != "y" && "${!1}" != "n" ]]; do + ask ${1} "${2} (y/n)" + done +} + +dialogify() { + if [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]]; then + prompt -w "Oops... silent mode has been activated so we can't show the dialog" + return 0 + fi + + local lists="" + local i=0 + local result="" + local n_result=4 + + for list in "${@:4}"; do + lists+=" ${i} ${list} off "; ((i+=1)) + done + + result="$(dialog --backtitle "${2}" --radiolist "${3}" 0 0 0 ${lists} --output-fd 1 || echo "x")" + clear + + if [[ "${result}" != "x" ]]; then + ((n_result+=result)) + printf -v "${1}" "%s" "${!n_result}" + else + signal_abort + fi +} + +helpify_title() { + printf "${c_cyan}%s${c_blue}%s ${c_green}%s\n\n" "Usage: " "$0" "[OPTIONS...]" + printf "${c_cyan}%s\n" "OPTIONS:" +} + +helpify() { + printf " ${c_blue}%s ${c_green}%s\n ${c_magenta}%s. ${c_cyan}%s\n\n${c_default}" "${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}" +} + +############################################################################### +# PARAMETERS # +############################################################################### + +destify() { + case "${1}" in + normal|default|standard) + echo "" ;; + *) + echo "-${1}" ;; + esac +} + +parsimplify() { + case "${1}" in + --name|-n) + # workaround for echo + echo "~-n" | cut -c 2- ;; + --dest) + echo "-d" ;; + --size) + echo "-s" ;; + --alt) + echo "-a" ;; + --opacity) + echo "-o" ;; + --color) + echo "-c" ;; + --icon) + echo "-i" ;; + --theme) + echo "-t" ;; + --panel-opacity) + echo "-p" ;; + --panel-size) + echo "-P" ;; + --nautilus-style) + echo "-N" ;; + --background) + echo "-b" ;; + *) + echo "${1}" ;; + esac +} + +check_param() { + local global_param="$(parsimplify "${1}")" + local display_param="${2}" # used for aliases + local value="${3}" + local must_not_ambigous="${4}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all + local must_have_value="${5}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all + local value_must_found="${6}" # options: must, optional, not-at-all + local allow_all_choice="${7}" # options: true, false + + local has_any_ambiguity_error="false" + local variant_found="false" + + if [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]]; then + must_not_ambigous="must" + must_have_value="must" + value_must_found="must" + fi + + if [[ "${has_set["${global_param}"]}" == "true" ]]; then + need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" + + case "${must_not_ambigous}" in + must) + prompt -e "ERROR: Ambigous '${display_param}' option. Choose one only."; has_any_error="true" ;; + optional) + prompt -w "WARNING: Ambigous '${display_param}' option. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" ;; + esac + fi + + if [[ "${value}" == "" || "${value}" == "-"* ]]; then + need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" + + case "${must_have_value}" in + must) + prompt -e "ERROR: '${display_param}' can't be empty."; has_any_error="true" ;; + optional) + prompt -w "WARNING: '${display_param}' can't be empty. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" ;; + esac + + has_set["${global_param}"]="true"; return 1 + else + if [[ "${has_set["${global_param}"]}" == "false" ]]; then + case "${global_param}" in + -a) + alts=() ;; + -o) + opacities=() ;; + -c) + colors=() ;; + -t) + themes=() ;; + esac + fi + + case "${global_param}" in + -d) + if [[ "$(readlink -m "${value}")" =~ "${REPO_DIR}" ]]; then + prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Can't install in the source directory." + has_any_error="true" + elif [[ ! -w "${value}" && ! -w "$(dirname "${value}")" ]]; then + prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: You have no permission to access that directory." + has_any_error="true" + else + if [[ ! -d "${value}" ]]; then + prompt -w "Destination directory does not exist. Let's make a new one..."; echo + mkdir -p "${value}" + fi + + dest="${value}" + fi + + remind_relative_path "${display_param}" "${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; + -b) + if [[ "${value}" == "blank" || "${value}" == "default" ]]; then + background="${value}" + elif [[ ! -r "${value}" ]]; then + prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Image file is not found or unreadable." + has_any_error="true" + elif file "${value}" | grep -qE "image|bitmap"; then + background="${value}" + else + prompt -e "'${display_param}' ERROR: Invalid image file." + has_any_error="true" + fi + + remind_relative_path "${display_param}" "${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; + -n) + name="${value}"; variant_found="skip" ;; + -s) + for i in {0..5}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + sidebar_size="${value}"; variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -p) + for i in {0..4}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + panel_opacity="${value}"; variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -P) + for i in {0..2}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${PANEL_SIZE_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + panel_size="${value}"; variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -a) + if [[ "${value}" == "all" ]]; then + for i in {0..2}; do + alts+=("${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}") + done + + variant_found="true" + else + for i in {0..2}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + alts+=("${ALT_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break + fi + done + fi ;; + -o) + for i in {0..1}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + opacities+=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -c) + for i in {0..1}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${COLOR_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + colors+=("${COLOR_VARIANTS[i]}"); variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -i) + for i in {0..13}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${ICON_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + icon="${ICON_VARIANTS[i]}"; variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + -t) + if [[ "${value}" == "all" ]]; then + for i in {0..8}; do + themes+=("${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}") + done + + variant_found="true" + else + for i in {0..8}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + themes+=("${THEME_VARIANTS[i]}") + variant_found="true" + break + fi + done + fi ;; + -N) + for i in {0..3}; do + if [[ "${value}" == "${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[i]}" ]]; then + nautilus_style="${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[i]}"; variant_found="true"; break + fi + done ;; + esac + + if [[ "${variant_found}" == "false" && "${variant_found}" != "skip" ]]; then + case "${value_must_found}" in + must) + prompt -e "ERROR: Unrecognized '${display_param}' variant: '${value}'."; has_any_error="true" ;; + optional) + prompt -w "WARNING: '${display_param}' variant of '${value}' isn't recognized. We'll show a chooser dialog when possible" + need_dialog["${global_param}"]="true" ;; + esac + elif [[ "${allow_all_choice}" == "false" && "${value}" == "all" ]]; then + prompt -e "ERROR: Can't choose all '${display_param}' variants."; has_any_error="true" + fi + + has_set["${global_param}"]="true"; return 0 + fi +} + +avoid_variant_duplicates() { + colors=($(printf "%s\n" "${colors[@]}" | sort -u)) + opacities=($(printf "%s\n" "${opacities[@]}" | sort -u)) + alts=($(printf "%s\n" "${alts[@]}" | sort -u)) + themes=($(printf "%s\n" "${themes[@]}" | sort -u)) +} + +# 'finalize_argument_parsing' is in the 'MISC' section + +############################################################################### +# FILES # +############################################################################### + +restore_file() { + if [[ -f "${1}.bak" || -d "${1}.bak" ]]; then + case "${2}" in + sudo) + sudo rm -rf "${1}"; sudo mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; + udo) + udo rm -rf "${1}"; udo mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; + *) + rm -rf "${1}"; mv "${1}"{".bak",""} ;; + esac + fi +} + +backup_file() { + if [[ -f "${1}.bak" || -d "${1}.bak" ]]; then + case "${2}" in + sudo) + sudo rm -rf "${1}" ;; + udo) + udo rm -rf "${1}" ;; + *) + rm -rf "${1}" ;; + esac + fi + + if [[ -f "${1}" || -d "${1}" ]]; then + case "${2}" in + sudo) + sudo mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; + udo) + udo mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; + *) + mv -n "${1}"{"",".bak"} ;; + esac + fi +} + +udoify_file() { + if [[ -f "${1}" && "$(ls -ld "${1}" | awk '{print $3}')" != "${MY_USERNAME}" ]]; then + sudo chown "${MY_USERNAME}:" "${1}" + fi +} + +check_theme_file() { + [[ -f "${1}" || -f "${1}.bak" ]] +} + +remind_relative_path() { + [[ "${2}" =~ "~" ]] && prompt -w "'${1}' REMEMBER: ~/'path to somewhere' and '~/path to somewhere' are different." +} + +############################################################################### +# MISC # +############################################################################### + +sudo() { + local result="0" + + prompt -w "Executing '$(echo "${@}" | cut -c -35 )...' as root \n" + + if ! ${SUDO_BIN} -n true &> /dev/null; then + echo -e "\n ${c_magenta} Authentication is required${c_default} ${c_green}(Please input your password):${c_default} \n" + fi + + if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then + ${SUDO_BIN} "${@}" < /dev/stdin || result="${?}" + else + ${SUDO_BIN} "${@}" || result="${?}" + fi + + [[ "${result}" != "0" ]] && WHITESUR_COMMAND="${*}" + + return "${result}" +} + +udo() { + local result="0" + + # Just in case. We put the prompt here to make it less annoying + if ! ${SUDO_BIN} -u "${MY_USERNAME}" -n true &> /dev/null; then + prompt -w "Executing '$(echo "${@}" | cut -c -35 )...' as user" + echo -e "${c_magenta} Authentication is required${c_default} ${c_green}(Please input your password):${c_default}" + fi + + if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then + ${SUDO_BIN} -u "${MY_USERNAME}" "${@}" < /dev/stdin || result="${?}" + else + ${SUDO_BIN} -u "${MY_USERNAME}" "${@}" || result="${?}" + fi + + [[ "${result}" != "0" ]] && WHITESUR_COMMAND="${*}" + + return "${result}" +} + +full_sudo() { + if [[ ! -w "/root" ]]; then + prompt -e "ERROR: '${1}' needs a root privilege. Please run this '${0}' as root" + has_any_error="true" + fi +} + +get_utc_epoch_time() { + local time="" + local epoch="" + + if exec 3<> "/dev/tcp/"; then + echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:\n\n" >&3 + + while read -r -t 2 line 0<&3; do + if [[ "${line}" =~ "Date:" ]]; then + time="${line#*':'}"; exec 3<&-; break + fi + done + + exec 3<&- + + if [[ "${time}" ]]; then + epoch="$(date -d "${time}" "+%s")" + echo "$((epoch + 2))" + else + return 1 + fi + else + exec 3<&-; return 1 + fi +} + +usage() { + prompt -e "Usage function is not implemented"; exit 1 +} + +finalize_argument_parsing() { + if [[ "${need_help}" == "true" ]]; then + echo; usage; echo + [[ "${has_any_error}" == "true" ]] && exit 1 || exit 0 + elif [[ "${has_any_error}" == "true" ]]; then + echo; prompt -i "Try '$0 --help' for more information."; echo; exit 1 + fi +} diff --git a/shell/ b/shell/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f1f63db --- /dev/null +++ b/shell/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at + +pakitheme_gtk3() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + local opacity="$(destify ${2})" + local alt="$(destify ${3})" + local theme="$(destify ${4})" + + local FLATPAK_THEME="${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" + + local GTK_3_THEME_VER=3.22 + local cache_home="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}" + local data_home="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}" + local pakitheme_cache="$cache_home/pakitheme" + local repo_dir="$pakitheme_cache/repo" + local gtk3_app_id="org.gtk.Gtk3theme.$FLATPAK_THEME" + local root_dir="$pakitheme_cache/$FLATPAK_THEME" + local repo_dir="$root_dir/repo" + local build_dir="$root_dir/build" + + for location in "$data_home/themes" "$HOME/.themes" /usr/share/themes; do + if [[ -d "$location/$FLATPAK_THEME" ]]; then + prompt -s "Found theme located at: $location/$FLATPAK_THEME \n" + theme_path="$location/$FLATPAK_THEME" + break + fi + done + + if [[ -n "$theme_path" ]]; then + prompt -i "Converting theme: $FLATPAK_THEME... \n" + else + prompt -e "Could not locate theme... install theme first! \n" + exit 0 + fi + + rm -rf "$root_dir" "$repo_dir" + mkdir -p "$repo_dir" + ostree --repo="$repo_dir" init --mode=archive + ostree --repo="$repo_dir" config set core.min-free-space-percent 0 + + rm -rf "$build_dir" + mkdir -p "$build_dir/files" + + cp -a "$theme_path/gtk-3.0/"* "$build_dir/files" + + mkdir -p "$build_dir/files/share/appdata" + cat >"$build_dir/files/share/appdata/$gtk3_app_id.appdata.xml" < + + $gtk3_app_id + CC0-1.0 + $FLATPAK_THEME Gtk theme + $FLATPAK_THEME Gtk theme for flatpak + +EOF + + appstream-compose --prefix="$build_dir/files" --basename="$gtk3_app_id" --origin=flatpak "$gtk3_app_id" + + ostree --repo="$repo_dir" commit -b base --tree=dir="$build_dir" + + bundles=() + + while read -r arch; do + bundle="$root_dir/$gtk3_app_id-$arch.flatpak" + + rm -rf "$build_dir" + ostree --repo="$repo_dir" checkout -U base "$build_dir" + + read -rd '' metadata < "$build_dir/metadata" + + ostree --repo="$repo_dir" commit -b "runtime/$gtk3_app_id/$arch/$GTK_3_THEME_VER" \ + --add-metadata-string "xa.metadata=$(cat $build_dir/metadata)" --link-checkout-speedup "$build_dir" + flatpak build-bundle --runtime "$repo_dir" "$bundle" "$gtk3_app_id" "$GTK_3_THEME_VER" + + trap 'rm "$bundle"' EXIT + + bundles+=("$bundle") + # Note: a pipe can't be used because it will mess with subshells and cause the append + # to bundles to fail. + done < <(flatpak list --runtime --columns=arch:f | sort -u) + + for bundle in "${bundles[@]}"; do + if [[ -w "/root" ]]; then + sudo flatpak install -y --system "${bundle}" + else + flatpak install -y --user "${bundle}" + fi + done +} + +flatpak_remove() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + local opacity="$(destify ${2})" + local alt="$(destify ${3})" + local theme="$(destify ${4})" + + if [[ -w "/root" ]]; then + sudo flatpak remove -y --system org.gtk.Gtk3theme.${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme} + else + flatpak remove -y --user org.gtk.Gtk3theme.${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme} + fi +} diff --git a/shell/ b/shell/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..48f0abb --- /dev/null +++ b/shell/ @@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@ +# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example +# instead of using 'ls blabla', use 'ls "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' +# +# WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, +# for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) + +############################################################################### +# VARIABLES # +############################################################################### + +source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/" +source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/" +WHITESUR_SOURCE+=("") + +############################################################################### +# DEPENDENCIES # +############################################################################### + +# Be careful of some distro mechanism, some of them use rolling-release +# based installation instead of point-release, e.g., Arch Linux + +# Rolling-release based distro doesn't have a seprate repo for each different +# build. This can cause a system call error since an app require the compatible +# version of dependencies. In other words, if you install an new app (which you +# definitely reinstall/upgrade the dependency for that app), but your other +# dependencies are old/expired, you'll end up with broken system. + +# That's why we need a full system upgrade there + +#---------------------SWUPD--------------------# +# 'swupd' bundles just don't make any sense. It takes about 30GB of space only +# for installing a util, e.g. 'sassc' (from 'desktop-dev' bundle, or +# 'os-utils-gui-dev' bundle, or any other 'sassc' provider bundle) + +# Manual package installation is needed for that, but please don't use 'dnf'. +# The known worst impact of using 'dnf' is you install 'sassc' and then you +# remove it, and you run 'sudo dnf upgrade', and boom! Your 'sudo' and other +# system utilities have gone! + +#----------------------APT---------------------# +# Some apt version doesn't update the repo list before it install some app. +# It may cause "unable to fetch..." when you're trying to install them + +#--------------------PACMAN--------------------# +# 'Syu' (with a single y) may causes "could not open ... decompression failed" +# and "target not found ". We got to force 'pacman' to update the repos + +#--------------------OTHERS--------------------# +# Sometimes, some Ubuntu distro doesn't enable automatic time. This can cause +# 'Release file for ... is not valid yet'. This may also happen on other distros + +#============================================# + +#-------------------Prepare------------------# +installation_sorry() { + prompt -w "WARNING: We're sorry, your distro isn't officially supported yet." + prompt -i "INSTRUCTION: Please make sure you have installed all of the required dependencies. We'll continue the installation in 15 seconds" + prompt -i "INSTRUCTION: Press 'ctrl'+'c' to cancel the installation if you haven't install them yet" + start_animation; sleep 15; stop_animation +} + +prepare_deps() { + local remote_time="" + local local_time="" + + prompt -i "DEPS: Checking your internet connection..." + + local_time="$(date -u "+%s")" + + if ! remote_time="$(get_utc_epoch_time)"; then + prompt -e "DEPS ERROR: You have an internet connection issue\n"; exit 1 + fi + + # 5 minutes is the maximum reasonable time delay, so we choose '4' here just + # in case + if (( local_time < remote_time-(4*60) )); then + prompt -w "DEPS: Your system clock is wrong" + prompt -i "DEPS: Updating your system clock..." + # Add "+ 25" here to accomodate potential time delay by sudo prompt + sudo date -s "@$((remote_time + 25))"; sudo hwclock --systohc + fi +} + +prepare_swupd() { + [[ "${swupd_prepared}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + local remove="" + local ver="" + local conf="" + local dist="" + + if has_command dnf; then + prompt -w "CLEAR LINUX: You have 'dnf' installed in your system. It may break your system especially when you remove a package" + confirm remove "CLEAR LINUX: You wanna remove it?"; echo + fi + + if ! sudo swupd update -y; then + ver="$(curl -s -o - "${swupd_ver_url}")" + dist="NAME=\"Clear Linux OS\"\nVERSION=1\nID=clear-linux-os\nID_LIKE=clear-linux-os\n" + dist+="VERSION_ID=${ver}\nANSI_COLOR=\"1;35\"\nSUPPORT_URL=\"\"\nBUILD_ID=${ver}" + + prompt -w "\n CLEAR LINUX: Your 'swupd' is broken" + prompt -i "CLEAR LINUX: Patching 'swupd' distro version detection and try again...\n" + sudo rm -rf "/etc/os-release"; echo -e "${dist}" | sudo tee "/usr/lib/os-release" > /dev/null + sudo ln -s "/usr/lib/os-release" "/etc/os-release" + + sudo swupd update -y + fi + + if ! has_command bsdtar; then sudo swupd bundle-add libarchive; fi + if [[ "${remove}" == "y" ]]; then sudo swupd bundle-remove -y dnf; fi + + swupd_prepared="true" +} + +install_swupd_packages() { + if [[ ! "${swupd_packages}" ]]; then + swupd_packages="$(curl -s -o - "${swupd_url}" | awk -F '"' '/-bin-|-lib-/{print $2}')" + fi + + for key in "${@}"; do + for pkg in $(echo "${swupd_packages}" | grep -F "${key}"); do + curl -s -o - "${swupd_url}/${pkg}" | sudo bsdtar -xf - -C "/" + done + done +} + +prepare_install_apt_packages() { + local status="0" + + # sudo apt update -y + sudo apt install -y "${@}" || status="${?}" + + if [[ "${status}" == "100" ]]; then + prompt -w "\n APT: Your repo lists might be broken" + prompt -i "APT: Full-cleaning your repo lists and try again...\n" + sudo apt clean -y; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists + sudo apt update -y; sudo apt install -y "${@}" + fi +} + +prepare_xbps() { + [[ "${xbps_prepared}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + # 'xbps-install' requires 'xbps' to be always up-to-date + sudo xbps-install -Syu xbps + + # System upgrading can't remove the old kernel files by it self. It eats the + # boot partition and may cause kernel panic when there is no enough space + sudo vkpurge rm all; sudo xbps-install -Syu + + xbps_prepared="true" +} + +#-----------------Deps-----------------# + +install_theme_deps() { + if ! has_command sassc; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'sassc' are required for theme installation." + prepare_deps + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y sassc + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && install_swupd_packages sassc libsass + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages sassc + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y sassc + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y sassc + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed sassc + elif has_command xbps-install; then + prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy sassc + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install sassc + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi + + if ! has_command glib-compile-resources; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'glib2.0' are required for theme installation." + prepare_deps + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y glib2-devel + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add libglib + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages libglib2.0-dev-bin + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y glib2-devel + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y glib2-devel + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed glib2 + elif has_command xbps-install; then + prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy glib-devel + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install glib2 + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi + + if ! has_command xmllint; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'xmllint' are required for theme installation." + prepare_deps + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y libxml2-tools + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add libxml2 + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages sassc libxml2-utils + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y libxml2 + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y libxml2 + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed libxml2 + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install libxml2 + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi +} + +install_beggy_deps() { + if ! has_command convert; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'imagemagick' is required for background editing." + prepare_deps; stop_animation + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y ImageMagick + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && sudo swupd bundle-add ImageMagick + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages imagemagick + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y ImageMagick + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y ImageMagick + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed imagemagick + elif has_command xbps-install; then + prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy ImageMagick + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install imagemagick + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi +} + +install_dialog_deps() { + [[ "${silent_mode}" == "true" ]] && return 0 + + if ! has_command dialog; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'dialog' is required for this option." + prepare_deps + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y dialog + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && install_swupd_packages dialog + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages dialog + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y dialog + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y dialog + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed dialog + elif has_command xbps-install; then + prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy dialog + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y install dialog + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi +} + +install_flatpak_deps() { + if ! has_command ostree || ! has_command appstream-compose; then + prompt -w "DEPS: 'ostree' and 'appstream-util' is required for flatpak installing." + prepare_deps; stop_animation + + if has_command zypper; then + sudo zypper in -y libostree appstream-glib + elif has_command swupd; then + prepare_swupd && sudo swupd ostree libappstream-glib + elif has_command apt; then + prepare_install_apt_packages ostree appstream-util + elif has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y ostree libappstream-glib + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install -y ostree libappstream-glib + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm --needed ostree appstream-glib + elif has_command xbps-install; then + prepare_xbps && sudo xbps-install -Sy ostree appstream-glib + elif has_command eopkg; then + sudo eopkg -y upgrade; sudo eopkg -y ostree appstream-glib + else + installation_sorry + fi + fi +} + +############################################################################### +# THEME MODULES # +############################################################################### + +install_beggy() { + local CONVERT_OPT="" + + [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" ]] && CONVERT_OPT+=" -scale 1280x -blur 0x50 " + [[ "${no_darken}" == "false" ]] && CONVERT_OPT+=" -fill black -colorize 45% " + + case "${background}" in + blank) + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blank.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" ;; + default) + if [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" && "${no_darken}" == "true" ]]; then + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blur.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + elif [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" && "${no_darken}" == "false" ]]; then + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-blur-darken.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + elif [[ "${no_blur}" == "true" && "${no_darken}" == "true" ]]; then + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-default.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + else + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/backgrounds/background-darken.png" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + fi + ;; + *) + if [[ "${no_blur}" == "false" || "${darken}" == "true" ]]; then + install_beggy_deps + convert "${background}" ${CONVERT_OPT} "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + else + cp -r "${background}" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" + fi + ;; + esac +} + +install_xfwmy() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + + local TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}" + local HDPI_TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}-hdpi" + local XHDPI_TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${colorscheme}-xhdpi" + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" + + mkdir -p "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}-hdpi/"*".png" "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${HDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" + + mkdir -p "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/xfwm4/assets${color}${colorscheme}-xhdpi/"*".png" "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/xfwm4/themerc${color}" "${XHDPI_TARGET_DIR}/xfwm4/themerc" +} + +install_shelly() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + local opacity="$(destify ${2})" + local alt="$(destify ${3})" + local theme="$(destify ${4})" + local icon="$(destify ${5})" + local TARGET_DIR= + + if [[ -z "${6}" ]]; then + TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}/gnome-shell" + else + TARGET_DIR="${6}" + fi + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/icons" "${TARGET_DIR}" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/pad-osd.css" "${TARGET_DIR}" + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gnome-shell/shell-${GNOME_VERSION}/gnome-shell${color}.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" + + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/common-assets/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/assets${color}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/theme${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities.svg" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities-white.svg" + cp -r "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/beggy.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/background.png" + + ( + cd "${TARGET_DIR}" + mv -f "assets/no-events.svg" "no-events.svg" + mv -f "assets/process-working.svg" "process-working.svg" + mv -f "assets/no-notifications.svg" "no-notifications.svg" + ) + + if [[ "${black_font:-}" == 'true' || "${opacity}" == '-solid' ]] && [[ "${color}" == '-Light' ]]; then + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gnome-shell/activities-black/activities${icon}.svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets/activities.svg" + fi +} + +install_theemy() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + local opacity="$(destify ${2})" + local alt="$(destify ${3})" + local theme="$(destify ${4})" + + if [[ "${color}" == '-Light' ]]; then + local iconcolor='' + elif [[ "${color}" == '-Dark' ]]; then + local iconcolor='-Dark' + fi + + local TARGET_DIR="${dest}/${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" + local TMP_DIR_T="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/gtk-3.0${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" + local TMP_DIR_F="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/gtk-4.0${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}" + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" + + local desktop_entry="[Desktop Entry]\n" + desktop_entry+="Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme\n" + desktop_entry+="Name=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" + desktop_entry+="Comment=A MacOS BigSur like Gtk+ theme based on Elegant Design\n" + desktop_entry+="Encoding=UTF-8\n\n" + + desktop_entry+="[X-GNOME-Metatheme]\n" + desktop_entry+="GtkTheme=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" + desktop_entry+="MetacityTheme=${name}${color}${opacity}${alt}${theme}${colorscheme}\n" + desktop_entry+="IconTheme=${name}${iconcolor}\n" + desktop_entry+="CursorTheme=WhiteSur-cursors\n" + desktop_entry+="ButtonLayout=close,minimize,maximize:menu\n" + + echo -e "${desktop_entry}" > "${TARGET_DIR}/index.theme" + + #--------------------GTK-3.0--------------------# + + mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR_T}" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/assets" "${TMP_DIR_T}" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/sidebar-assets/"*".png" "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/scalable" "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton${alt}${colorscheme}" "${TMP_DIR_T}/windows-assets" + + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk${color}.scss" "${TMP_DIR_T}/gtk.css" + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TMP_DIR_T}/gtk-dark.css" + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/thumbnail.png" + echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk.css" + echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk-dark.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css" + glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${TMP_DIR_T}" --target="${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml" + + #--------------------GTK-4.0--------------------# + + mkdir -p "${TMP_DIR_F}" + cp -r "${TMP_DIR_T}/assets" "${TMP_DIR_F}" + cp -r "${TMP_DIR_T}/windows-assets" "${TMP_DIR_F}" + + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk${color}.scss" "${TMP_DIR_F}/gtk.css" + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TMP_DIR_F}/gtk-dark.css" + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/thumbnail.png" + echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk.css" + echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk-dark.css");' > "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css" + glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${TMP_DIR_F}" --target="${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-4.0/gtk.gresource" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk.gresource.xml" + + #----------------Cinnamon-----------------# + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon" + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/cinnamon/cinnamon${color}.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/cinnamon.css" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/common-assets" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/assets${color}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/theme${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".svg" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/cinnamon/thumbnails/thumbnail${color}${theme}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/cinnamon/thumbnail.png" + + #----------------Misc------------------# + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc${color}${theme}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar${color}.rc" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar.rc" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-2.0/common/"*".rc" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk-2.0/assets-common${color}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk-2.0/assets${color}${theme}${colorscheme}/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-2.0/assets" + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/metacity-1/metacity-theme${color}.xml" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/metacity-1/titlebuttons${color}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/titlebuttons" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/metacity-1/thumbnail${color}${colorscheme}.png" "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1/thumbnail.png" + ( cd "${TARGET_DIR}/metacity-1" && ln -s "metacity-theme-1.xml" "metacity-theme-2.xml" ) + + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}/plank" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/other/plank/theme${color}/"*".theme" "${TARGET_DIR}/plank" + + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/unity" "${TARGET_DIR}" +} + +remove_packy() { + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})$(destify ${2})$(destify ${3})$(destify ${4})${colorscheme}" + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})${colorscheme}-hdpi" + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}$(destify ${1})${colorscheme}-xhdpi" +} + +remove_old_packy() { + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}$(destify ${2})$(destify ${3})$(destify ${4})${5}" + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}${5}-hdpi" + rm -rf "${dest}/${name}${1}${5}-xhdpi" +} + +############################################################################### +# LIBADWAITA # +############################################################################### + +config_gtk4() { + local color="$(destify ${1})" + local alt="$(destify ${2})" + + local TARGET_DIR="${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0" + + # Install gtk4.0 into config for libadwaita + mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" + # backup_file "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" "udo" + rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}/"{gtk.css,gtk-Light.css,gtk-Dark.css,assets,windows-assets} + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Light.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-Light.css" + sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/main/gtk-4.0/gtk-Dark.scss" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-Dark.css" + ln -sf "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk-${colors}.css" "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/assets" "${TARGET_DIR}" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/common-assets/sidebar-assets/"*".png" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/scalable" "${TARGET_DIR}/assets" + cp -r "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton${alt}${colorscheme}" "${TARGET_DIR}/windows-assets" +} + +install_libadwaita() { + opacity="${opacities[0]}" + color="${colors[1]}" + + gtk_base "${opacities[0]}" "${themes[0]}" + config_gtk4 "${colors}" "${alts}" +} + +remove_libadwaita() { + # restore_file "${TARGET_DIR}/gtk.css" + rm -rf "${HOME}/.config/gtk-4.0/"{gtk.css,gtk-Light.css,gtk-Dark.css,assets,windows-assets} +} + +############################################################################### +# THEMES # +############################################################################### + +fix_whiskermenu() { + if (command -v xfce4-popup-whiskermenu &> /dev/null) && $(sed -i "s|.*menu-opacity=.*|menu-opacity=95|" "$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu"*".rc" &> /dev/null); then + sed -i "s|.*menu-opacity=.*|menu-opacity=95|" "$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu"*".rc" + fi + + if pgrep xfce4-session &> /dev/null && [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then + xfce4-panel -r + fi +} + +install_themes() { + # "install_theemy" and "install_shelly" require "gtk_base", so multithreading + # isn't possible + + install_theme_deps; start_animation; install_beggy + + for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do + for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do + for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do + for color in "${colors[@]}"; do + gtk_base "${opacity}" "${theme}" "${compact}" + install_theemy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" + install_shelly "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" "${icon}" + install_xfwmy "${color}" + done + done + done + done + + stop_animation; fix_whiskermenu +} + +remove_themes() { + process_ids=() + + for color in "${COLOR_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for opacity in "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for alt in "${ALT_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for theme in "${THEME_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + remove_packy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" & + process_ids+=("${!}") + done + done + done + done + + for color in '-light' '-dark'; do + for opacity in "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for alt in "${ALT_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for theme in "${THEME_VARIANTS[@]}"; do + for scheme in '' '-nord'; do + remove_old_packy "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" "${scheme}" + done + done + done + done + done + + wait ${process_ids[*]} &> /dev/null +} + +install_gdm_theme() { + local TARGET= + + # Let's go! + install_theme_deps + rm -rf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}"; install_beggy + gtk_base "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${themes[0]}" + + if check_theme_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; then # CSS-based theme + install_shelly "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${alts[0]}" "${themes[0]}" "${icon}" "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}" + sed $SED_OPT "s|assets|${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/assets|" "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" + + if check_theme_file "${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}"; then + TARGET="${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}" + elif check_theme_file "${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}"; then + TARGET="${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}" + fi + + backup_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; backup_file "${TARGET}" + ln -sf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}" + ln -sf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}/gnome-shell.css" "${TARGET}" + + # Fix previously installed WhiteSur + restore_file "${ETC_CSS_FILE}" + else # GR-based theme + install_shelly "${colors[0]}" "${opacities[0]}" "${alts[0]}" "${themes[0]}" "${icon}" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly" + sed $SED_OPT "s|assets|resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/assets|" "${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly/gnome-shell.css" + + if check_theme_file "$POP_OS_GR_FILE"; then + TARGET="${POP_OS_GR_FILE}" + elif check_theme_file "$YARU_GR_FILE"; then + TARGET="${YARU_GR_FILE}" + elif check_theme_file "$ZORIN_GR_FILE"; then + TARGET="${ZORIN_GR_FILE}" + elif check_theme_file "$MISC_GR_FILE"; then + TARGET="${MISC_GR_FILE}" + fi + + backup_file "${TARGET}" + glib-compile-resources --sourcedir="${WHITESUR_TMP_DIR}/shelly" --target="${TARGET}" "${GS_GR_XML_FILE}" + + # Fix previously installed WhiteSur + restore_file "${ETC_GR_FILE}" + fi +} + +revert_gdm_theme() { + rm -rf "${WHITESUR_GS_DIR}" + restore_file "${COMMON_CSS_FILE}"; restore_file "${UBUNTU_CSS_FILE}" + restore_file "${ZORIN_CSS_FILE}"; restore_file "${ETC_CSS_FILE}" + restore_file "${POP_OS_GR_FILE}"; restore_file "${YARU_GR_FILE}" + restore_file "${MISC_GR_FILE}"; restore_file "${ETC_GR_FILE}" + restore_file "${ZORIN_GR_FILE}" +} + +############################################################################### +# FIREFOX # +############################################################################### + +install_firefox_theme() { + if has_snap_app firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" + elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" + else + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" + fi + + remove_firefox_theme + udo mkdir -p "${TARGET_DIR}" + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/customChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}" + + if [[ "${monterey}" == 'true' ]]; then + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/Monterey "${TARGET_DIR}" + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/{icons,titlebuttons,pages} "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/parts/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey/parts + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userContent-Monterey.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css + if [[ "${alttheme}" == 'true' ]]; then + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-Monterey-alt.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/WhiteSur/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/Monterey/parts/headerbar-urlbar-alt.css + else + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-Monterey.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css + fi + else + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/WhiteSur "${TARGET_DIR}" + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/{icons,titlebuttons,pages} "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/common/parts/*.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/WhiteSur/parts + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userChrome-WhiteSur.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css + udo cp -rf "${FIREFOX_SRC_DIR}"/userContent-WhiteSur.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css + fi + + config_firefox +} + +config_firefox() { + if has_snap_app firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" + local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_DIR_HOME}" + elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" + local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_DIR_HOME}" + else + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" + local FIREFOX_DIR="${FIREFOX_DIR_HOME}" + fi + + killall "firefox" "firefox-bin" &> /dev/null || true + + for d in "${FIREFOX_DIR}/"*"default"*; do + if [[ -f "${d}/prefs.js" ]]; then + rm -rf "${d}/chrome" + udo ln -sf "${TARGET_DIR}" "${d}/chrome" + udoify_file "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"browser.uidensity\", 0);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"layers.acceleration.force-enabled\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"mozilla.widget.use-argb-visuals\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + echo "user_pref(\"widget.gtk.rounded-bottom-corners.enabled\", true);" >> "${d}/prefs.js" + fi + done +} + +edit_firefox_theme_prefs() { + if has_snap_app firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" + elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" + else + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" + fi + + [[ ! -d "${TARGET_DIR}" ]] && install_firefox_theme ; config_firefox + udo ${EDITOR:-nano} "${TARGET_DIR}/userChrome.css" + udo ${EDITOR:-nano} "${TARGET_DIR}/customChrome.css" +} + +remove_firefox_theme() { + if has_snap_app firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_SNAP_THEME_DIR}" + elif has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox; then + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_THEME_DIR}" + else + local TARGET_DIR="${FIREFOX_THEME_DIR}" + fi + + [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css.bak + [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css.bak + [[ -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css && ! -f "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css.bak ]] && cp -r "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css.bak + + rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}/${THEME_NAME}" + rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/customChrome.css + rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/userChrome.css + rm -rf "${TARGET_DIR}"/userContent.css +} + +############################################################################### +# DASH TO DOCK # +############################################################################### + 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"${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" "sudo" + if [[ "${GNOME_VERSION}" != '3-28' ]]; then + sudo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-4.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" + else + sudo sassc ${SASSC_OPT} "${DASH_TO_DOCK_SRC_DIR}/stylesheet-3.scss" "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" + fi + fi + + if has_command dbus-launch; then + udo dbus-launch dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/apply-custom-theme true + fi +} + +revert_dash_to_dock_theme() { + if [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}" ]]; then + restore_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}/stylesheet.css" "udo" + elif [[ -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}" ]]; then + restore_file "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}/stylesheet.css" "sudo" + fi + + if has_command dbus-launch; then + udo dbus-launch dconf write /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/apply-custom-theme false + fi +} + +############################################################################### +# FLATPAK & SNAP # +############################################################################### + +connect_flatpak() { + install_flatpak_deps + + for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do + for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do + for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do + for color in "${colors[@]}"; do + pakitheme_gtk3 "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" + done + done + done + done +} + +disconnect_flatpak() { + for opacity in "${opacities[@]}"; do + for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do + for theme in "${themes[@]}"; do + for color in "${colors[@]}"; do + flatpak_remove "${color}" "${opacity}" "${alt}" "${theme}" + done + done + done + done +} + +#connect_snap() { +# sudo snap install whitesur-gtk-theme + +# for i in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u); do +# sudo snap connect "${i}:gtk-3-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:gtk-3-themes" +# sudo snap connect "${i}:icon-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:icon-themes" +# done +#} + +#disconnect_snap() { +# for i in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u); do +# sudo snap disconnect "${i}:gtk-3-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:gtk-3-themes" +# sudo snap disconnect "${i}:icon-themes" "whitesur-gtk-theme:icon-themes" +# done +#} + +######################################################################### +# GTK BASE # +######################################################################### + +gtk_base() { + cp -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base"{".scss","-temp.scss"} + + # Theme base options + if [[ "${compact}" == 'false' ]]; then + sed $SED_OPT "/\$laptop/s/true/false/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" + fi + + if [[ "${opacity}" == 'solid' ]]; then + sed $SED_OPT "/\$trans/s/true/false/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" + fi + + if [[ "${theme}" != '' ]]; then + sed $SED_OPT "/\$theme/s/default/${theme}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss" + fi +} + +############################################################################### +# CUSTOMIZATIONS # +############################################################################### + +customize_theme() { + cp -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options"{".scss","-temp.scss"} + + # Nord dark colors + if [[ "${colorscheme}" == '-nord' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing ColorScheme style to nord version ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$colorscheme/s/default/nord/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Darker dark colors + if [[ "${darker}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing dark color style to darker one ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$darker/s/false/true/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change Nautilus sidarbar size + if [[ "${sidebar_size}" != 'default' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing Nautilus sidebar size ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$sidebar_size/s/200px/${sidebar_size}px/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change Nautilus style + if [[ "${nautilus_style}" != 'stable' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing Nautilus style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$nautilus_style/s/stable/${nautilus_style}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change Nautilus titlebutton placement style + if [[ "${right_placement}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing Nautilus titlebutton placement style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$placement/s/left/right/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change maximized window radius + if [[ "${max_round}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing maximized window style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$max_window_style/s/square/round/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change gnome-shell panel transparency + if [[ "${panel_opacity}" != 'default' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing panel transparency ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_opacity/s/0.15/0.${panel_opacity}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change gnome-shell panel height size + if [[ "${panel_size}" != 'default' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing panel height size to '${panel_size}'...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_size/s/default/${panel_size}/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change gnome-shell show apps button style + if [[ "${showapps_normal}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing gnome-shell show apps button style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$showapps_button/s/bigsur/normal/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change gnome-shell panel activities button style + if [[ "${default_activities}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing gnome-shell panel activities button style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$activities/s/apple/normal/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change panel font color + if [[ "${monterey}" == 'true' ]]; then + black_font="true" + prompt -s "Changing to Monterey style ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$monterey/s/false/true/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_opacity/s/0.15/0.5/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + # Change panel font color + if [[ "${black_font}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing panel font color ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$panel_font/s/white/black/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi + + if [[ "${compact}" == 'false' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing Definition mode to HD (Bigger font, Bigger size) ..." + #FIXME: @vince is it not implemented yet? (Only Gnome-shell and Gtk theme finished!) + fi + + if [[ "${scale}" == 'x2' ]]; then + prompt -s "Changing GDM scaling to 200% ...\n" + sed $SED_OPT "/\$scale/s/default/x2/" "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_theme-options-temp.scss" + fi +} + +#-----------------------------------DIALOGS------------------------------------# + +# The default values here should get manually set and updated. Some of default +# values are taken from _variables.scss + +show_panel_opacity_dialog() { + install_dialog_deps + dialogify panel_opacity "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your panel opacity (Default is 15)" ${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]} +} + +show_sidebar_size_dialog() { + install_dialog_deps + dialogify sidebar_size "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your Nautilus minimum sidebar size (default is 200px)" ${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]} +} + +show_nautilus_style_dialog() { + install_dialog_deps + dialogify nautilus_style "${THEME_NAME}" "Choose your Nautilus style (default is BigSur-like style)" ${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[*]} +} + +show_needed_dialogs() { + if [[ "${need_dialog["-p"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_panel_opacity_dialog; fi + if [[ "${need_dialog["-s"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_sidebar_size_dialog; fi + if [[ "${need_dialog["-N"]}" == "true" ]]; then show_nautilus_style_dialog; fi +} diff --git a/src/assets/cinnamon/assets-Dark-nord/calendar-arrow-left.svg 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--export-filename=thumbnail${color}${theme}${type}.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet thumbnail${color}${theme}${type}.png + done + done + done + +for theme in '' '-blue' '-purple' '-pink' '-red' '-orange' '-yellow' '-green' '-grey'; do + for type in '' '-nord'; do + if [[ ${theme} == '' && ${type} == '' ]]; then + echo "keep thumbnail.svg" + else + rm -rf "thumbnail${theme}${type}.svg" + fi + done +done + +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b9ac13 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..712617b Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-blue.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e57239f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a7a81c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-green.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5e92bd Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27d3507 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-grey.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e17af5d Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffd2ac4 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9997cf5 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-orange.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-pink-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Dark-pink-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53a7ccf Binary files /dev/null and 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b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-purple-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afb91fc Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-purple-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-purple.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-purple.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f22f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-purple.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red-nord.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red-nord.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a94d742 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red-nord.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red.png b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8f10f2 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/thumbnails/thumbnail-Light-red.png differ diff --git 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/assets.txt b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/assets.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1fc414 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/assets.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +titlebutton-close +titlebutton-close-backdrop +titlebutton-close-backdrop-hover +titlebutton-close-hover +titlebutton-close-active +titlebutton-maximize +titlebutton-maximize-backdrop +titlebutton-maximize-backdrop-hover +titlebutton-maximize-hover +titlebutton-maximize-active +titlebutton-minimize +titlebutton-minimize-backdrop +titlebutton-minimize-backdrop-hover +titlebutton-minimize-hover +titlebutton-minimize-active +titlebutton-restore +titlebutton-restore-backdrop +titlebutton-restore-backdrop-hover +titlebutton-restore-hover +titlebutton-restore-active diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e853fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +INKSCAPE="/usr/bin/inkscape" +OPTIPNG="/usr/bin/optipng" + +SRC_FILE="windows-assets.svg" +ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton-alt" +NORD_SRC_FILE="windows-nord-assets.svg" +NORD_ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton-alt-nord" +INDEX="assets.txt" + +## alt titlebutton + +mkdir -p $ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-alt$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-alt$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done + +## alt nord titlebutton + +mkdir -p $NORD_ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +if [ -f $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $NORD_SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $NORD_SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3dae04d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +INKSCAPE="/usr/bin/inkscape" +OPTIPNG="/usr/bin/optipng" + +SRC_FILE="windows-assets.svg" +ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton-alt-small" +INDEX="assets.txt" + +mkdir -p $ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +## alt small titlebutton +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-alt-small$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-alt-small$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..96d6e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +INKSCAPE="/usr/bin/inkscape" +OPTIPNG="/usr/bin/optipng" + +SRC_FILE="windows-assets.svg" +ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton" +NORD_SRC_FILE="windows-nord-assets.svg" +NORD_ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton-nord" +INDEX="assets.txt" + +## Normal titlebutton + +mkdir -p $ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done + +## Normal nord titlebutton + +mkdir -p $NORD_ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +if [ -f $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $NORD_SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $NORD_SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $NORD_ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a3c17ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +INKSCAPE="/usr/bin/inkscape" +OPTIPNG="/usr/bin/optipng" + +SRC_FILE="windows-assets.svg" +ASSETS_DIR="titlebutton-small" +INDEX="assets.txt" + +mkdir -p $ASSETS_DIR + +for i in `cat $INDEX` ; do +for d in '' '-dark' ; do + +## small titlebutton +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-small$d \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d.png +fi + +if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png exists. +else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i-small$d \ + --export-dpi=192 \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-png=$ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i$d@2.png +fi + +done +done +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark.png b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a636356 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark@2.png b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark@2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3449a1d Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active-dark@2.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/gtk/windows-assets/titlebutton-alt-nord/titlebutton-close-active.png 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has_command dnf; then + sudo dnf install -y inkscape optipng + elif has_command yum; then + sudo yum install inkscape optipng + elif has_command pacman; then + sudo pacman -S --noconfirm inkscape optipng + fi +fi + +echo Rendering gtk-2.0 assets +cd gtk-2.0 && ./ + +echo Rendering gtk-3.0 assets +cd gtk-3.0 && ./ +cd gtk-3.0/common-assets && ./ +cd gtk-3.0/windows-assets && ./ && ./ + +echo Rendering cinnamon thumbnails +cd cinnamon && ./ + +echo Rendering metacity-1 assets +cd metacity-1 && ./ + +echo Rendering xfwm4 assets +cd xfwm4 && ./ + +exit 0 diff --git a/src/assets/unity/close.png b/src/assets/unity/close.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..795aaf6 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/unity/close.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/unity/close_focused_normal.png b/src/assets/unity/close_focused_normal.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..55ec8e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/unity/close_focused_normal.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +./close.png \ No newline at end of file diff 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+menu-pressed +shade-active +shade-inactive +shade-pressed +stick-active +stick-inactive +stick-pressed +title-1-active +title-1-inactive +title-2-active +title-2-inactive +title-3-active +title-3-inactive +title-4-active +title-4-inactive +title-5-active +title-5-inactive +top-left-active +top-left-inactive +top-right-active +top-right-inactive +left-active +left-inactive +right-active +right-inactive +bottom-active +bottom-inactive +bottom-left-active +bottom-left-inactive +bottom-right-active +bottom-right-inactive diff --git a/src/assets/xfwm4/ b/src/assets/xfwm4/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fc1ca2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/xfwm4/ @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +INKSCAPE="/usr/bin/inkscape" +OPTIPNG="/usr/bin/optipng" + +INDEX="assets.txt" + +for i in `cat $INDEX`; do + for color in '-Dark' '-Light'; do + for theme in '' '-nord'; do + for screen in '' '-hdpi' '-xhdpi'; do + ASSETS_DIR="assets${color}${theme}${screen}" + SRC_FILE="assets${color}${theme}.svg" + + case "${screen}" in + -hdpi) + DPI='144' + ;; + -xhdpi) + DPI='192' + ;; + *) + DPI='96' + ;; + esac + + mkdir -p $ASSETS_DIR + + if [ -f $ASSETS_DIR/$i.png ]; then + echo $ASSETS_DIR/$i.png exists. + else + echo + echo Rendering $ASSETS_DIR/$i.png + $INKSCAPE --export-id=$i \ + --export-id-only \ + --export-dpi=$DPI \ + --export-filename=$ASSETS_DIR/$i.png $SRC_FILE >/dev/null \ + && $OPTIPNG -o7 --quiet $ASSETS_DIR/$i.png + fi + done + done + done +done + +exit 0 diff --git a/src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon-Dark.scss b/src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a65727f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../sass/cinnamon/drawing'; +@import '../../sass/cinnamon/common'; diff --git a/src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon-Light.scss b/src/main/cinnamon/cinnamon-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5fc537 --- /dev/null +++ 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b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-3-28/gnome-shell-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; +$laptop: 'true'; +$trans: 'true'; +$black: 'false'; +$theme: 'default'; + +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-3-28/gnome-shell-Light.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-3-28/gnome-shell-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05b29ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-3-28/gnome-shell-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +$variant: 'light'; +$laptop: 'true'; +$trans: 'true'; +$black: 'false'; +$theme: 'default'; + +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40a12be --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8ab74d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-40-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'light'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86cb6fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6124cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-42-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'light'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ce17c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aed7cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-44-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'light'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48227f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db71c8f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gnome-shell/shell-46-0/gnome-shell-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'light'; + +@import '../../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/drawing'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/common'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0'; +@import '../../../sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0'; diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/apps.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/apps.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3ee0d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/apps.rc @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# +# Thunar +# +style "thunar-handle" { GtkPaned::handle-size = 2 } + +style "dark-sidebar" { + GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = @dark_sidebar_bg + GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @dark_sidebar_bg + + + base[NORMAL] = @dark_sidebar_bg + base[INSENSITIVE] = @dark_sidebar_bg + + text[NORMAL] = @fg_color + text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color + text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color +} + +style "thunar-frame" { + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 +} + +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*." style "thunar-frame" +widget_class "*ThunarShortcutsView*" style "dark-sidebar" +widget_class "*ThunarTreeView*" style "dark-sidebar" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*." style "thunar-handle" + +# +# Workaround for colored entries +# +style "entry_border" { + + xthickness = 7 + ythickness = 5 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-border-bg.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-border-active-bg.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + } +} + +style "combobox_entry_border" = "combobox_entry" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-border.png" + border = { 4, 4, 12, 12 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-border-focus.png" + border = { 4, 4, 12, 12 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-border-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 12, 12 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-border-focus-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 12, 12 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + } +} + + +# Mousepad search entry +widget_class "*MousepadSearchBar*." style "entry_border" + +# Mousepad find and replace +widget_class "*MousepadReplaceDialog*." style "entry_border" + +# Thunar bulk rename +widget_class "*ThunarRenamerDialog*." style "entry_border" + +# Hexchat input box +class "SexySpellEntry" style:highest "entry_border" + +# Geany search entries +widget "*GeanyToolbar.*geany-search-entry-no-match*" style "entry_border" +widget "*GeanyToolbar.*GtkEntry*" style "entry_border" + +widget "GeanyDialogSearch.*GtkComboBoxEntry*.*geany-search-entry-no-match*" style "combobox_entry_border" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/main.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/main.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f21ab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/main.rc @@ -0,0 +1,2483 @@ +style "default" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + # Style Properties + + GtkWindow::resize-grip-height = 4 + GtkWindow::resize-grip-width = 4 + + GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 1 + GtkMenuBar::window-dragging = 1 + GtkToolbar::window-dragging = 1 + GtkToolbar::internal-padding = 4 + GtkToolButton::icon-spacing = 4 + + GtkWidget::tooltip-radius = 2 + GtkWidget::tooltip-alpha = 235 + GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style = 1 #for compatibility + + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0 + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::wide-separators = 1 + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::separator-height = 2 + + GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0 + GtkButton::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + GtkButton::default-outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + + GtkEntry::state-hint = 1 + + GtkScrollbar::trough-border = 0 + GtkRange::trough-border = 0 + GtkRange::slider-width = 13 + GtkRange::stepper-size = 0 + + GtkScrollbar::activate-slider = 1 + GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0 + GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0 + GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = 32 + GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0 + GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1 + + GtkScale::slider_length = 20 + GtkScale::slider_width = 20 + GtkScale::trough-side-details = 1 + + GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = 8 + GtkProgressBar::min-vertical-bar-width = 8 + + GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkSpinButton::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkMenuBar::internal-padding = 0 #( every window is misaligned for the sake of menus ): + GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 0 + GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0 + + GtkCheckButton::indicator_spacing = 3 + GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing = { 8, 2, 0, 0 } + + GtkTreeView::row_ending_details = 0 + GtkTreeView::expander-size = 11 + GtkTreeView::vertical-separator = 4 + GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator = 4 + GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 1 + GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = shade(0.98, @base_color) + + GtkExpander::expander-size = 11 + + GnomeHRef::link_color = @link_color + GtkHTML::link-color = @link_color + GtkIMHtmlr::hyperlink-color = @link_color + GtkIMHtml::hyperlink-color = @link_color + GtkWidget::link-color = @link_color + GtkWidget::visited-link-color = @text_color + + # Colors + + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.0, @bg_color) + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + bg[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_bg_color + bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @bg_color) + + fg[NORMAL] = @text_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_fg_color + # fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + + text[NORMAL] = @text_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color + text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + text[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_fg_color + text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color + + base[NORMAL] = @base_color + base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color) + base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color + base[ACTIVE] = shade (0.9, @selected_bg_color) + + # For succinctness, all reasonable pixmap options remain here + # This needs to go before pixmap because we need to override some stuff + engine "adwaita" {} + + engine "pixmap" { + + # Check Buttons + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = SELECTED + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = SELECTED + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Radio Buttons + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = SELECTED + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = SELECTED + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Arrows + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-insens.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-insens.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-left.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state= PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-left-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-left-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-left-insens.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-right.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-right-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-right-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-right-insens.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + # Option Menu Arrows + + image { + function = TAB + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = TAB + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = TAB + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Lines + + image { + function = VLINE + file = "assets/border.png" + border = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = HLINE + file = "assets/border.png" + border = { 0, 0, 1, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Focuslines + + image { + function = FOCUS + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Handles + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-h.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-v.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + # Expanders + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = COLLAPSED + file = "assets/plus.png" + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = EXPANDED + file = "assets/minus.png" + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_EXPANDED + file = "assets/minus.png" + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_COLLAPSED + file = "assets/plus.png" + } + + image { + function = RESIZE_GRIP + state = NORMAL + detail = "statusbar" + overlay_file = "assets/null.png" + overlay_border = { 0,0,0,0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Shadows ( this area needs help :P ) + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + + +style "toplevel_hack" { + + engine "adwaita" { + } +} + +style "ooo_stepper_hack" { + + GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 0 + GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0 + GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0 + +} + +style "scrollbar" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/trough-scrollbar-horiz.png" + border = { 2, 2, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/trough-scrollbar-vert.png" + border = { 3, 3, 2, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/null.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/null.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/null.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + overlay_file = "assets/null.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + # Sliders + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/slider-horiz.png" + border = { 5, 5, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/slider-horiz-active.png" + border = { 5, 5, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/slider-horiz-prelight.png" + border = { 5, 5, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/slider-horiz-insens.png" + border = { 5, 5, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + +# X Verticals + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/slider-vert.png" + border = { 3, 3, 5, 5 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/slider-vert-active.png" + border = { 3, 3, 5, 5 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/slider-vert-prelight.png" + border = { 3, 3, 5, 5 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/slider-vert-insens.png" + border = { 3, 3, 5, 5 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + } +} + +style "menu" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + GtkMenuItem::arrow-scaling = 0.4 + + bg[NORMAL] = @menu_bg + bg[INSENSITIVE] = @menu_bg + bg[PRELIGHT] = @menu_bg +} + +style "menu_framed_box" { + +# engine "adwaita" { # default menu border +# } + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 2, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } + +} + +style "menu_item" { + xthickness = 4 + ythickness = 2 + + # HACK: Gtk doesn't actually read this value + # while rendering the menu items, but Libreoffice + # does; setting this value equal to the one in + # fg[PRELIGHT] ensures a code path in the LO theming code + # that falls back to a dark text color for menu item text + # highlight. The price to pay is black text on menus as well, + # but at least it's readable. + # See + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + + fg[NORMAL] = @menu_fg + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/menuitem.png" + border = { 1, 0, 1, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Fix invisible scale trough on selected menuitems + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/trough-horizontal.png" + border = { 8, 8, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + # Check Buttons + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + recolorable = TRUE + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Radio Buttons + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW # This fixes boxy Qt menu items + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Arrow Buttons + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/menu-arrow.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-arrow-prelight.png" + overlay_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 0} + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 0} + } + } +} + +style "button" { + xthickness = 4 + ythickness = 4 + + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/button.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + file = "assets/button-hover.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + # hover effect on pressed buttons + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + file = "assets/button-active-hover.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/button-active.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/button-insensitive.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_button" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + # hover effect on pressed buttons + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + file = "assets/toolbar-button-active-hover.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/toolbar-button-active.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + } +} + +style "button_label" { + + fg[NORMAL] = @text_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_button_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color + + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } +} + +style "checkbutton" { + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @text_color + +} + +style "link_button" { + # Disable the button effect, leave just the link + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + } + } +} + +style "entry" { + + xthickness = 6 + ythickness = 4 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-bg.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active-bg.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-disabled-bg.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background-disabled.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background.png" + } + } +} + +style "notebook_entry" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-notebook.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active-notebook.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-disabled-notebook.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "notebook_button_bg" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @notebook_bg + bg[PRELIGHT] = @notebook_bg + bg[INSENSITIVE] = @notebook_bg + bg[ACTIVE] = @notebook_bg + +} + +style "notebook_tab_label" { + + fg[NORMAL] = @text_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @text_color + +} + +style "combobox_entry" { + + xthickness = 3 + ythickness = 4 + + engine "pixmap" { + + # LTR version + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-insensitive.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-focus.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + # RTL version + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-insensitive-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-focus-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + } +} + +style "notebook_combobox_entry" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + # LTR version + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-insensitive-notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-focus-notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + # RTL version + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-notebook-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + file = "assets/combo-entry-insensitive-notebook-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-focus-notebook-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + } +} + +style "combobox_entry_button" { + + xthickness = 6 + + fg[ACTIVE] = @text_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + # LTR version + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/combo-entry-button.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/combo-entry-button.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-insensitive.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-active.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + # RTL version + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-insensitive-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/combo-entry-button-active-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 4, 5, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + } +} + +style "spinbutton" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + + xthickness = 6 + ythickness = 4 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = ARROW + } + + # Spin-Up LTR + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background-disable.png" + border = { 1, 4, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + # Spin-Up RTL + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background-disable-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/up-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 5, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + # Spin-Down LTR + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background-disable.png" + border = { 1, 4, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background.png" + border = { 1, 4, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + # Spin-Down RTL + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background-disable-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/down-background-rtl.png" + border = { 4, 1, 1, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + } +} + +style "gimp_spin_scale" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + state = NORMAL + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + state = ACTIVE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-up-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/arrow-down-small-insens.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + } +} + +style "notebook" { + + xthickness = 5 + ythickness = 2 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0,0,0,0 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = TOP + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0,0,0,0 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0,0,0,0 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0,0,0,0 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = LEFT + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-top-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-bottom-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = TOP + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-left-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-right-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = LEFT + } + + # How to draw boxes with a gap on one side (ie the page of a notebook) + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + file = "assets/notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/notebook-gap-horiz.png" + gap_border = { 1, 1, 0, 0 } + gap_side = TOP + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + file = "assets/notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/notebook-gap-horiz.png" + gap_border = { 1, 1, 0, 0 } + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + file = "assets/notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/notebook-gap-vert.png" + gap_border = { 0, 0, 1, 1 } + gap_side = LEFT + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + file = "assets/notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/notebook-gap-vert.png" + gap_border = { 0, 0, 1, 1 } + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + # How to draw the box of a notebook when it isnt attached to a tab + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/notebook.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "handlebox" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + detail = "handlebox_bin" + shadow = IN + } + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + detail = "handlebox_bin" + shadow = OUT + } + } +} + +style "combobox_separator" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1 + +} + +style "combobox" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + +} + +style "combobox_button" { + + xthickness = 3 + ythickness = 3 + +} + +style "range" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/trough-horizontal.png" + border = { 8, 8, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/trough-horizontal-active.png" + border = { 8, 8, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/trough-vertical.png" + border = { 0, 0, 8, 8 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/trough-vertical-active.png" + border = { 0, 0, 8, 8 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + # Horizontal + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + # Vertical + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider-prelight.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/slider-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + # Function below removes ugly boxes + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "progressbar" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/trough-progressbar.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "bar" + file = "assets/progressbar.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 } + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/trough-progressbar_v.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "bar" + file = "assets/progressbar_v.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 } + orientation = VERTICAL + } + } +} + +style "separator_menu_item" { + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 2 + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/menu-separator.png" + border = {0, 0, 2, 0} + } + } +} + +style "treeview_header" { + ythickness = 1 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.70, @text_color, @base_color) + font_name = "Bold" + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/tree_header.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +# Treeview Rows + +style "treeview" { + + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 0 + +} + +style "scrolled_window" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "frame" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + shadow = IN + } + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_start_file = "assets/frame-gap-start.png" + gap_start_border = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } + gap_end_file = "assets/frame-gap-end.png" + gap_end_border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 } + shadow = IN + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + shadow = OUT + } + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_start_file = "assets/frame-gap-start.png" + gap_start_border = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } + gap_end_file = "assets/frame-gap-end.png" + gap_end_border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 } + shadow = OUT + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + } + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_start_file = "assets/frame-gap-start.png" + gap_start_border = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } + gap_end_file = "assets/frame-gap-end.png" + gap_end_border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 } + shadow = ETCHED_IN + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + shadow = ETCHED_OUT + } + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_start_file = "assets/frame-gap-start.png" + gap_start_border = { 1, 0, 0, 0 } + gap_end_file = "assets/frame-gap-end.png" + gap_end_border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 } + shadow = ETCHED_OUT + } + } +} + +style "gimp_toolbox_frame" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + } + + } +} + +style "toolbar" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/toolbar.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-h.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-v.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + ######### + # Lines # + ######### + + image { + function = VLINE + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 0} + } + + image { + function = HLINE + file = "assets/border.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_separator" { + GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1 + GtkWidget::separator-width = 1 + GtkWidget::separator-height = 1 + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/border.png" + } + } +} + +style "inline_toolbar" { + + GtkToolbar::button-relief = GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/inline-toolbar.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + } +} + +style "notebook_viewport" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @notebook_bg +} + + +style "notebook_eventbox" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @notebook_bg + bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color +} + +style "tooltips" { + + xthickness = 8 + ythickness = 4 + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_bg_color + +} + +style "eclipse-tooltips" { + + xthickness = 8 + ythickness = 4 + + bg[NORMAL] = shade(1.05, @bg_color) + fg[NORMAL] = @text_color + bg[SELECTED] = shade(1.05, @bg_color) + +} + +style "xfdesktop-icon-view" { + XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-label-alpha = 100 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-x-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-y-offset = 1 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-x-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-y-offset = 1 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-color = "#000000" + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-color = "#000000" + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-blur-radius = 2 + XfdesktopIconView::cell-spacing = 2 + XfdesktopIconView::cell-padding = 6 + XfdesktopIconView::cell-text-width-proportion = 1.9 + + fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color +} + +style "xfwm-tabwin" { + Xfwm4TabwinWidget::border-width = 1 + Xfwm4TabwinWidget::border-alpha = 1.0 + Xfwm4TabwinWidget::icon-size = 64 + Xfwm4TabwinWidget::alpha = 1.0 + Xfwm4TabwinWidget::border-radius = 2 + + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @bg_color + + fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color + + engine "murrine" { + contrast = 0.7 + glazestyle = 0 + glowstyle = 0 + highlight_shade = 1.0 + gradient_shades = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0} + border_shades = { 0.8, 0.8 } + } +} + +style "xfwm-tabwin-button" { + font_name = "bold" + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color +} + +# Chromium +style "chrome_menu_item" { + + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + +} + +# Text Style +style "text" = "default" { + fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color # FIXME: VMWare needs this? + + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } +} + +style "menu_text" = "menu_item" { + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } +} + +style "null" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + + +class "GtkWidget" style "default" +class "GtkScrollbar" style "scrollbar" +class "GtkButton" style "button" +class "GtkLinkButton" style "link_button" +class "GtkEntry" style "entry" +class "GtkOldEditable" style "entry" +class "GtkSpinButton" style "spinbutton" +class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook" +class "GtkRange" style "range" +class "GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar" +class "GtkScrolledWindow" style "scrolled_window" +class "GtkFrame" style "frame" +class "GtkTreeView" style "treeview" +class "GtkToolbar" style "toolbar" +class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar" + +widget_class "**" style "menu" +widget_class "**" style "menu_framed_box" +widget_class "**" style "menu_item" +widget_class "**" style "separator_menu_item" +widget_class "**" style "checkbutton" +widget_class "*" style "combobox" +widget_class "**" style "combobox_button" +widget_class "**" style "combobox_separator" +widget_class "***" style "treeview_header" +widget_class "**" style "inline_toolbar" +widget_class "**" style "combobox_entry" +widget_class "**" style "combobox_entry_button" +widget_class "***" style "notebook_viewport" +widget_class "*HandleBox" style "toolbar" + +widget_class "**" style "button_label" +widget_class "**" style "button_label" +#widget_class "**" style "button_label" +#widget_class "**" style "button_label" + +widget_class "**" style "toolbar_button" +widget_class "***" style "button_label" + +widget_class "*" style "toolbar_button" +widget_class "**" style "button_label" + +# Entries in notebooks draw with notebook's base color, but not if there's +# something else in the middle that draws gray again +widget_class "**" style "notebook_entry" +widget_class "***" style "entry" + +widget_class "***" style "notebook_combobox_entry" +widget_class "****" style "combobox_entry" + +widget_class "**" style "notebook_button_bg" + +# We also need to avoid changing fg color for the inactive notebook tab labels +widget_class "**" style "notebook_tab_label" +widget_class "***" style "button_label" + +# GTK tooltips +widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "tooltips" + +#Fix GVim tabs +widget_class "**" style "notebook_eventbox" + +# Xchat special cases +widget "*xchat-inputbox" style "entry" + +# GIMP +# Disable gradients completely for GimpSpinScale +#class "GimpSpinScale" style "gimp_spin_scale" + +# Remove borders from "Wilbert frame" in Gimp +widget_class "**" style "gimp_toolbox_frame" + +# Chrome/Chromium +widget_class "*Chrom*Button*" style "button" +widget_class "***" style "chrome_menu_item" + +# Eclipse/SWT +widget "gtk-tooltips*" style "eclipse-tooltips" +widget "*swt-toolbar-flat" style "null" + +# Openoffice, Libreoffice +class "GtkWindow" style "toplevel_hack" +widget "*openoffice-toplevel*" style "ooo_stepper_hack" + +# Xfce +widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view" +widget "xfwm4-tabwin*" style "xfwm-tabwin" +widget "xfwm4-tabwin*GtkButton*" style "xfwm-tabwin-button" + +# Fixes ugly text shadows for insensitive text +widget_class "*" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "menu_text" +widget_class "**" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "text" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/panel.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/panel.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..178128b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/panel.rc @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +style "theme-panel" { + GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 0 + + bg[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.2, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + + fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_fg_color + + text[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[ACTIVE] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[SELECTED] = @tooltip_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "theme-panel-progressbar" { + bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.8, @tooltip_bg_color) +} + +style "panelbar" { + fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_fg_color +} + +style "panelbuttons" { + GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } + xthickness = 4 + ythickness = 0 + + fg[NORMAL] = shade(0.8, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix(0.28, @tooltip_fg_color, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.2, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.5, @tooltip_bg_color) + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/pathbar_button_active.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/pathbar_button_prelight.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/null.png" + border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "regular-label" { + font_name = "Regular" +} + +style "theme-panel-text" { + fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + + text[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[PRELIGHT] = @tooltip_fg_color + text[ACTIVE] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) +} + +style "panel-entry" { + fg[NORMAL] = @text_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @text_color + fg[SELECTED] = @text_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = @text_color + + text[NORMAL] = @text_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color + text[ACTIVE] = @text_color + text[SELECTED] = @text_color + text[INSENSITIVE] = @text_color +} + +style "theme-main-menu-text" = "theme-panel-text" { + fg[PRELIGHT] = @tooltip_fg_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @tooltip_fg_color +} + +style "workspace-switcher" = "theme-panel" { + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color +} + +style "indicator" = "theme-panel" { + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 +} + +widget "*tasklist*" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*.GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Xfce*NetkTasklist*GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*PanelToplevel*Button" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*Button*" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "**" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*XfcePanelPlugin.GtkButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*XfcePanelPlugin.GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget "*dict*Applet*" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Xfce*NetkTasklist*GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Tasklist*" style:highest "panelbuttons" +widget_class "*Tasklist*.GtkLabel" style:highest "regular-label" +widget_class "*Mixer*lugin*" style:highest "panelbuttons" + +class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "panelbar" +widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "panelbar" +widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*Item*" style:highest "panelbar" + +widget "*PanelWidget*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "theme-panel" +class "PanelApp*" style "theme-panel" +class "PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*notif*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Notif*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Tray*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*tray*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*computertemp*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*" style "theme-panel" + +# Fixes for tooltip text in some apps. +widget_class "*Notif*Beagle*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Notif*Brasero*" style "theme-panel" + +# XFCE panel theming. +widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel" +class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*Xfce*Panel*GtkProgressBar" style "theme-panel-progressbar" +widget "*WnckPager*" style "workspace-switcher" +widget "*TopMenu*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*XfceTasklist*" style "panelbuttons" + +# Fix gtk-entries in the panel +widget "*bookmark*GtkEntry" style "panel-entry" # fixes smartbookmark-plugin + +# Make sure panel text color doesn't change +widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "theme-main-menu-text" +widget_class "*Panel**" style "theme-main-menu-text" +widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "theme-panel-text" +widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel-text" + +# Override general panel-style with specific plugin-styles +widget "*indicator-applet*" style "indicator" +widget "*indicator-button*" style "indicator" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/xfce-notify.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/xfce-notify.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ac7956 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/common/xfce-notify.rc @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + +style "notify-window" { + XfceNotifyWindow::summary-bold = 1 + XfceNotifyWindow::border-color = shade(1.3, @tooltip_bg_color) + XfceNotifyWindow::border-color-hover = shade(1.3, @tooltip_bg_color) + XfceNotifyWindow::border-radius = 3.0 + XfceNotifyWindow::border-width = 1.0 + XfceNotifyWindow::border-width-hover = 1.0 + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color +} + +style "notify-button" { + bg[NORMAL] = shade(1.1, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.2, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.15, @tooltip_bg_color) + + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color +} + +style "notify-text" { + GtkWidget::link-color = @selected_bg_color + + fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.0, @tooltip_fg_color) +} + +style "notify-summary" { + font_name = "Bold" +} + +style "notify-progressbar" { + GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = 4 + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(0.8, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color + bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.8, @tooltip_bg_color) + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color +} + +class "XfceNotifyWindow" style "notify-window" +widget "XfceNotifyWindow.*.summary" style "notify-summary" +widget_class "XfceNotifyWindow.*" style "notify-button" +widget_class "XfceNotifyWindow.*." style "notify-text" +widget_class "XfceNotifyWindow.*." style "notify-progressbar" +widget_class "XfceNotifyWindow.*." style "notify-progressbar" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4bfe4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #0860f2" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fb33cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #2E7CF7" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae53e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-blue-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #4c7bd9" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d420181 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #79B757" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cea76cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-green-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #82ac5d" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8778da7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #8C8C8C" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9943940 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-grey-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #8999a9" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0812af7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #5271ad" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcf99e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #E9873A" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ac6c59 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-orange-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #d0846c" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bf1aa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #E55E9C" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60573f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-pink-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #cd7092" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5c5ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #9A57A3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..876e632 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-purple-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #b57daa" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red new file mode 100644 index 0000000..481b65f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #ED5F5D" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e123aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-red-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #c35b65" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..880f3e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #dedede" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #F3BA4B" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #2a2a2a" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #565656" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #3b3b3b" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #333333" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #dedede" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16b5ee9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Dark-yellow-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #d9dce3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #e4b558" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #222730" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #495265" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #1e2229" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #323844" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #2b303b" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #d9dce3" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65fc51e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #0860f2" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12c4970 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #2E7CF7" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8930326 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-blue-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #4c7bd9" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce0bd0b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #79B757" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..165c623 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-green-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #82ac5d" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey new file mode 100644 index 0000000..207ef37 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #8C8C8C" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b25ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-grey-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #8999a9" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2cd7d1d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #5271ad" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c692856 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #E9873A" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f8ecfb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-orange-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #d0846c" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21ebf96 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #E55E9C" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fc1e42 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-pink-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #cd7092" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42337c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #9A57A3" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8c5bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-purple-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #b57daa" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d079c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #ED5F5D" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9085dea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-red-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #c35b65" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d59f2ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f5f5f5" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #363636" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #F3BA4B" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #fafafa" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #7e7e7e" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f7f7f7" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #ffffff" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #363636" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow-nord b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow-nord new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d88e42 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-Light-yellow-nord @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +gtk-color-scheme = "base_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "text_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #f3f4f6" +gtk-color-scheme = "fg_color: #242424" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_fg_color: #2d333e" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color: #e4b558" +gtk-color-scheme = "selected_fg_color: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_bg_color: #f9fafb" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "insensitive_button_fg_color: #6a7792" +gtk-color-scheme = "notebook_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "dark_sidebar_bg: #f6f7f8" +gtk-color-scheme = "link_color: #5294e2" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_bg: #fbfcfd" +gtk-color-scheme = "menu_fg: #2d333e" + +gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller. +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" +include "apps.rc" +include "panel.rc" +include "xfce-notify.rc" +include "menubar-toolbar.rc" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fe8e2fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/ @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +for color in '-light' '-dark'; do +for theme in '' '-blue' '-purple' '-pink' '-red' '-orange' '-yellow' '-green' '-grey'; do + for type in '' '-nord'; do + case "$theme" in + '') + theme_color='#0860F2' + ;; + -blue) + theme_color='#2E7CF7' + ;; + -purple) + theme_color='#9A57A3' + ;; + -pink) + theme_color='#E55E9C' + ;; + -red) + theme_color='#ED5F5D' + ;; + -orange) + theme_color='#E9873A' + ;; + -yellow) + theme_color='#F3BA4B' + ;; + -green) + theme_color='#79B757' + ;; + -grey) + theme_color='#8C8C8C' + ;; + esac + + if [[ "$type" == '-nord' ]]; then + if [[ "$color" == '-dark' ]]; then + base_color='#1e2229' + text_color='#d9dce3' + bg_color='#2b303b' + tooltip_bg_color='#222730' + insensitive_fg_color='#495265' + dark_sidebar_bg='#323844' + else + base_color='#fbfcfd' + text_color='#2d333e' + bg_color='#f3f4f6' + tooltip_bg_color='#f9fafb' + insensitive_fg_color='#6a7792' + dark_sidebar_bg='#f6f7f8' + fi + + case "$theme" in + '') + theme_color='#5271ad' + ;; + -blue) + theme_color='#4c7bd9' + ;; + -purple) + theme_color='#b57daa' + ;; + -pink) + theme_color='#cd7092' + ;; + -red) + theme_color='#c35b65' + ;; + -orange) + theme_color='#d0846c' + ;; + -yellow) + theme_color='#e4b558' + ;; + -green) + theme_color='#82ac5d' + ;; + -grey) + theme_color='#8999a9' + ;; + esac + fi + + if [[ "$type" != '' ]]; then + rm -rf "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + cp -rf "gtkrc${color}" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#0860f2/${theme_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + if [[ "$color" == '-dark' ]]; then + sed -i "s/#242424/${base_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#dedede/${text_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#333333/${bg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#2a2a2a/${tooltip_bg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#565656/${insensitive_fg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#3b3b3b/${dark_sidebar_bg}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + else + sed -i "s/#ffffff/${base_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#363636/${text_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#f5f5f5/${bg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#fafafa/${tooltip_bg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#7e7e7e/${insensitive_fg_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + sed -i "s/#f7f7f7/${dark_sidebar_bg}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}${type}" + fi + elif [[ "$theme" != '' ]]; then + rm -rf "gtkrc${color}${theme}" + cp -rf "gtkrc${color}" "gtkrc${color}${theme}" + sed -i "s/#0860f2/${theme_color}/g" "gtkrc${color}${theme}" + fi + done +done +done + +echo -e "DONE!" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Dark.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Dark.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55d05ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Dark.rc @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +style "menubar" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.15, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.15, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @tooltip_fg_color) + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/menubar.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + } +} + +style "menubar-borderless" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @tooltip_fg_color) + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + } +} + +style "menubar_item" { + + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 2 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/menubar_button.png" + border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_text" { + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.15, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.9, @tooltip_fg_color) + + text[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + text[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.15, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.7, @tooltip_fg_color) + text[ACTIVE] = shade(0.9, @tooltip_fg_color) + +} + +style "toolbar_button" { + + xthickness = 4 + ythickness = 4 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/button.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/button-hover.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/button-active.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/button-insensitive.png" + border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_entry" { + + base[NORMAL] = @base_color + base[ACTIVE] = @base_color + base[INSENSITIVE] = @insensitive_bg_color + + text[NORMAL] = @text_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-disabled-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + } +} + +#Chromium +style "chrome-gtk-frame" { + + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color = @tooltip_bg_color + ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color = @tooltip_bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size = 0 + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color = shade(0.5, @bg_color) + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-color = shade(0.85, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-inactive-frame-color = @bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-gradient-color = @bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color = shade(0.912, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-prelight-color = shade(1.04, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-normal-color = @bg_color + +} + +widget_class "**" style "menubar" +widget_class "*.*" style "menubar_item" + +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*" style "menubar" + +class "ChromeGtkFrame" style "chrome-gtk-frame" + +# Whitelist for dark toolbars +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*" style "menubar-borderless" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow**" style "toolbar_entry" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow**" style "toolbar_button" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow**" style "toolbar_text" + +# GtkCheckButton +widget_class "*" style "button" + diff --git a/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Light.rc b/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Light.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a22d7e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-2.0/menubar-toolbar-Light.rc @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +style "menubar" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(0.9, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.95, @tooltip_fg_color) + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(1.3, @tooltip_fg_color) + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/menubar.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + } +} + +style "menubar-borderless" { + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(1.3, @tooltip_fg_color) + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/null.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 } + } + } +} + +style "menubar_item" { + + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 4 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/menubar_button.png" + border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 } + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_entry" { + + text[NORMAL] = @text_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-disabled-toolbar.png" + border = {6, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/null.png" + } + } +} + +#Chromium +style "chrome-gtk-frame" { + + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color = @tooltip_bg_color + ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color = @tooltip_bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size = 0 + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color = shade(0.5, @bg_color) + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-color = shade(0.85, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-inactive-frame-color = @bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-gradient-color = @bg_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color = shade(0.912, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-prelight-color = shade(1.04, @bg_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-normal-color = @bg_color + +} + +widget_class "**" style "menubar" +widget_class "*.*" style "menubar_item" + +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*" style "menubar" +widget_class "*CajaNavigationWindow*" style "menubar" + +class "ChromeGtkFrame" style "chrome-gtk-frame" + +# Whitelist for dark toolbars +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*" style "menubar" +widget_class "*CajaNavigationWindow*" style "menubar" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow**" style "toolbar_entry" +widget_class "*CajaNavigationWindow**" style "toolbar_entry" + +# GtkCheckButton +widget_class "**" style "toolbar_button" diff --git a/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Dark.scss b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Dark.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..427146a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Dark.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; + +@import '../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/drawing'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/common-3.0'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/apps-3.0'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/colors-public'; diff --git a/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Light.scss b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Light.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f6667e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk-Light.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +$variant: 'light'; + +@import '../../sass/variables'; +@import '../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/drawing'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/common-3.0'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/apps-3.0'; +@import '../../sass/gtk/colors-public'; diff --git a/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..240e127 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/gtk-3.0/gtk.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ + + + + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-hover.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-hover@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-active.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-active@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-insensitive.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-below-insensitive@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-hover.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-hover@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-active.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-active@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-insensitive.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-below-insensitive@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-hover.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-hover@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-active.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-active@2.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-insensitive.png + assets/slider-horz-scale-has-marks-above-insensitive@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-hover.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-hover@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-active.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-active@2.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-insensitive.png + assets/slider-vert-scale-has-marks-above-insensitive@2.png + assets/combobox-arrow.png + assets/combobox-arrow@2.png + assets/combobox-arrow-dark.png + assets/combobox-arrow-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-180px.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-180px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-180px.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-180px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-180px.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-180px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-180px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-180px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-180px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-180px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-180px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-180px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-200px.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-200px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-200px.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-200px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-200px.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-200px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-200px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-200px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-200px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-200px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-200px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-200px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-220px.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-220px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-220px.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-220px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-220px.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-220px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-220px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-220px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-220px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-220px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-220px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-220px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-240px.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-240px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-240px.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-240px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-240px.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-240px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-240px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-240px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-240px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-240px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-240px-dark.png + assets/sidebar-view-checked-240px-dark@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-260px.png + assets/sidebar-view-hover-260px@2.png + assets/sidebar-view-active-260px.png + 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b/src/main/xfwm4/themerc-Light new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75954d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/xfwm4/themerc-Light @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +button_offset=10 +button_spacing=0 + +show_app_icon=false + +full_width_title=true + +title_shadow_active=false +title_shadow_inactive=false + +title_horizontal_offset=3 + +active_text_color=#707070 +active_text_shadow_color=#e7e7e7 + +inactive_text_color=#979797 +inactive_text_shadow_color=#e7e7e7 + +shadow_delta_height=2 +shadow_delta_width=0 +shadow_delta_x=0 +shadow_delta_y=-5 +shadow_opacity=40 diff --git a/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-3.scss b/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-3.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e086cb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-3.scss @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +// Dash to Dock + +// Scrollview style +.bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-hfade-offset: 24px; +} + +.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, +.right #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-vfade-offset: 24px; +} + +#dashtodockContainer { + background-color: transparent; + + .number-overlay { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + text-align: center; + } + + .notification-badge { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: 1000px; + margin: 2px; + padding: 0.2em 0.6em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + } + + &.dashtodock #dash, + &.dashtodock:overview #dash, + &.extended #dash, + &.extended:overview #dash { + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(black, 0.35)); + } + + &.straight-corner #dash, + &.shrink.straight-corner #dash { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + } + + @each $_dock, $_radius, $_shadow in (top, $dash_radius, 0 -1px), + (bottom, $dash_radius, 0 1px), + (left, $dash_radius, -1px 0), + (right, $dash_radius, 1px 0) { + &.#{$_dock}.dashtodock #dash, + &.#{$_dock}.dashtodock:overview #dash { + border-radius: #{$_radius}; + margin-#{$_dock}: 6px; + padding: 6px; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + } + + &.#{$_dock}.shrink #dash { + border-#{$_dock}-width: 0; + } + + &.#{$_dock}.extended #dash, + &.#{$_dock}.extended:overview #dash { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: inset #{$_shadow} rgba(white, 0.05); + } + } + + &, + &.extended.bottom { + #dash { + border-left: 0; + border-right: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + } + + &.extended.right, + &.extended.left { + #dash { + border-top: 0; + border-bottom: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + } + + // &.dashtodock #dash { background-color: $dash_bg; } + // + // &.opaque #dash { // solid-mode + // background-color: $dash_bg; + // } + // + // &.transparent #dash { // translucent-mode + // background-color: $dash_bg; // does not work + // } + + // &:overview #dash { // overview-mode #1 + // background-color: $light_divider_color; + // } + // + // &.opaque:overview, + // &.transparent:overview { // overview-mode #2 + // #dash { + // background-color: transparent !important; + // box-shadow: none !important; + // } + // } + + // &.extended:overview, // overview-mode #3 + // &.opaque.extended:overview, + // &.transparent.extended:overview { + // #dash { + // background-color: $dash_bg; + // } + // } + + &.running-dots, + &.dashtodock { + .dash-item-container > StButton { + transition-duration: 250ms; + background-size: contain; + } + } + + &.shrink, + &.dashtodock { + .dash-item-container > StButton { + padding: 1px 2px; + } + } + + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + .overview-icon { + padding: 8px; + background-size: contain; + } + } + + &.extended, + &.extended:overview { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + .overview-icon { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + .metro .overview-icon { + border-radius: 0; + } +} + +.dashtodock-app-well-preview-menu-item { + padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 1em; +} + +#dashtodockPreviewSeparator.popup-separator-menu-item-horizontal { + width: 1px; + height: auto; + border-right-width: 1px; + margin: 32px 0; +} diff --git a/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-4.scss b/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-4.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1969c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/dash-to-dock/_dash-to-dock-4.scss @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ + +$dash_background_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($panel_bg, $panel_opacity), rgba($panel_bg, $panel_opacity + 0.1)); +$dash_placeholder_size: 32px; +$dash_padding: $base_padding + 4px; // 10px +$dash_spacing: round($base_padding / 4); +$dash_bottom_margin: $base_margin * 4; +$dash_border_radius: $dash_radius; + +// Stock +$dock_side_margin: $dash_bottom_margin / 4; +$dock_fixed_inner_margin: $dock_side_margin; + +// Adapted to $dock_bottom_margin + +@function shrink($val) { + @return round($val / 4); +} + +@function opposite($val) { + @return map-get( + ( + left: right, + right: left, + top: bottom, + bottom: top, + ), + $val + ); +} + +$osd_fg_color: #eeeeec; + +@each $side in bottom, top, left, right { + #dashtodockContainer.#{$side} { + #dash { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + padding-#{$side}: $dash_padding; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: $dash_padding; + + .dash-background { + margin: 0; + margin-#{$side}: $dock_side_margin; + padding: $dash_padding; + } + + .dash-separator { + @if $side == top or $side == bottom { + margin-bottom: 0; + } @else { + height: 1px; + margin: ($dash_spacing + ($dash_padding / 2)) 0; + background-color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.7); + } + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding: $dash_spacing; + padding-#{$side}: $dash_padding + $dock_side_margin; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: $dash_padding; + } + } + } + + &.shrink { + #dash { + .dash-background { + margin-#{$side}: shrink($dock_side_margin); + padding: shrink($dash_padding); + border-radius: $dash_border_radius - $dash_padding + shrink($dash_padding); + } + + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: shrink($dash_padding); + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding: shrink($dash_spacing); + padding-#{$side}: shrink($dash_padding + $dock_side_margin); + padding-#{opposite($side)}: shrink($dash_padding); + } + } + } + + &.fixed { + #dash { + .dash-background { + margin-#{opposite($side)}: shrink($dock_fixed_inner_margin); + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding-#{opposite($side)}: shrink($dash_padding + $dock_fixed_inner_margin); + } + } + } + } + } + + &.fixed { + #dash { + .dash-background { + margin-#{opposite($side)}: $dock_fixed_inner_margin; + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding-#{opposite($side)}: $dash_padding + $dock_fixed_inner_margin; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +@each $side in bottom, top, left, right { + #dashtodockContainer.extended.#{$side} { + #dash { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + .dash-background { + margin: 0; + margin-#{$side}: 0 !important; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + padding-#{$side}: $dash_padding; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: $dash_padding; + } + + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: $dash_padding; + padding-#{$side}: 0; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: 0; + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding: $dash_spacing; + padding-#{$side}: $dash_padding; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: $dash_padding; + } + + .show-apps { + @if $side == top or $side == bottom { + margin-left: $dash_padding; + } @else { + margin-top: $dash_padding; + } + } + } + } + + &.shrink { + #dash { + .dash-background { + margin: 0; + margin-#{$side}: 0 !important; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + padding-#{$side}: shrink($dash_padding - $dash_spacing); + padding-#{opposite($side)}: shrink($dash_padding - $dash_spacing); + } + + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: shrink($dash_padding - $dash_spacing); + padding-#{$side}: 0; + padding-#{opposite($side)}: 0; + } + + .dash-item-container { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + padding: shrink($dash_spacing); + padding-#{$side}: shrink($dash_padding); + padding-#{opposite($side)}: shrink($dash_padding); + } + + .show-apps { + @if $side == top or $side == bottom { + margin-left: shrink($dash_spacing); + } @else { + margin-top: shrink($dash_spacing); + } + } + } + } + } + + &.shrink.fixed { + #dash { + .dash-background { + margin-#{opposite($side)}: 0; + } + } + } + } +} + #dash .dash-background { + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.straight-corner #dash .dash-background, +#dashtodockContainer.shrink.straight-corner #dash .dash-background { + border-radius: 0px; +} + +/* Scrollview style */ +.bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-hfade-offset: 24px; +} + +.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, +.right #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-vfade-offset: 24px; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.running-dots .dash-item-container > StButton, +#dashtodockContainer.dashtodock .dash-item-container > StButton { + transition-duration: 250; + background-size: contain; +} + +/* Running and focused application style */ + +#dashtodockContainer.running-dots .app-well-app.running > .overview-icon, +#dashtodockContainer.dashtodock .app-well-app.running > .overview-icon { + background-image: none; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.running-dots .app-well-app.focused .overview-icon, +#dashtodockContainer.dashtodock .app-well-app.focused .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(238, 238, 236, 0.2); +} + +#dashtodockContainer.dashtodock #dash .dash-background { + background: $dash_background_color; + border-width: 0; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.dashtodock .progress-bar { + /* Customization of the progress bar style, e.g.: + -progress-bar-background: rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1); + -progress-bar-border: rgba(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); + */ +} + #dash .placeholder, +#dashtodockContainer.bottom #dash .placeholder { + width: $dash_placeholder_size; + height: 1px; +} + +/* + * This is applied to a dummy actor. Only the alpha value for the background and border color + * and the transition-duration are used + */ +#dashtodockContainer.dummy-opaque { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + transition-duration: 300ms; +} + +/* + * This is applied to a dummy actor. Only the alpha value for the background and border color + * and the transition-duration are used + */ +#dashtodockContainer.dummy-transparent { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + transition-duration: 500ms; +} + +#dashtodockContainer .number-overlay { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + text-align: center; +} + +#dashtodockContainer .notification-badge { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); + background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1); + padding: 0.2em 0.5em; + border-radius: 1em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + margin: 2px; +} + +#dashtodockPreviewSeparator.popup-separator-menu-item-horizontal { + width: 1px; + height: auto; + border-right-width: 1px; + margin: 32px 0px; +} + +.dashtodock-app-well-preview-menu-item { + padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 1em; +} + +#dashtodockContainer .metro .overview-icon { + border-radius: 0px; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.bottom .metro.running2.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.bottom .metro.running3.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.bottom .metro.running4.focused, .metro.running2.focused, .metro.running3.focused, .metro.running4.focused { + background-image: url("./media/highlight_stacked_bg.svg"); + background-position: 0px 0px; + background-size: contain; +} + +#dashtodockContainer.left .metro.running2.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.left .metro.running3.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.left .metro.running4.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.right .metro.running2.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.right .metro.running3.focused, +#dashtodockContainer.right .metro.running4.focused { + background-image: url("./media/highlight_stacked_bg_h.svg"); + background-position: 0px 0px; + background-size: contain; +} diff --git a/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-3.scss b/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-3.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c582978 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-3.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; +$laptop: 'false'; +$trans: 'true'; +$black: 'false'; +$theme: 'default'; + +@import '../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../sass/variables'; +@import '_dash-to-dock-3.scss'; diff --git a/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-4.scss b/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-4.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..885c846 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/dash-to-dock/stylesheet-4.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +$variant: 'dark'; +$laptop: 'false'; +$trans: 'true'; +$black: 'false'; +$theme: 'default'; + +@import '../../sass/colors'; +@import '../../sass/variables'; +@import '_dash-to-dock-4.scss'; diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/dark.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/dark.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..809f8fa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/dark.css @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Variables that start with --gnome- are added by me and are assigned + * to elements somewhere in this code. The rest of the variables are + * built-in in Firefox, so you need to add an !important if you wanna + * override them. */ + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root { + /* Browser area before a page starts loading */ + --gnome-browser-before-load-background: #242424; + --gnome-browser-content-box-background: #323232; + --theme-primary-color: #315bef; + --theme-primary-hover-color: #5073f1; + --theme-primary-active-color: #6584f3; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-toolbar-background: #373737; + --gnome-tabstoolbar-background: #1e1e1e; + --gnome-findbar-background: #373737; + --gnome-toolbar-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-toolbar-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-border-color: #121212; + + /* Sidebar */ + --gnome-sidebar-background: #3b3b3b; + --gnome-inactive-sidebar-background: #3f3f3f; + + /* Popups */ + --gnome-menu-background: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); + --gnome-menu-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-popover-background: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); + --gnome-popover-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-popover-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + --gnome-popover-button-hover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-popover-button-active-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + --gnome-popover-separator-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-headerbar-background: #373737; + --gnome-headerbar-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-headerbar-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-border-color: #202020; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + + /* Buttons */ + --gnome-button-background: linear-gradient(to top, #636363 0%, #696969 100%); + --gnome-button-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-border-accent-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-hover-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-active-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); + --gnome-button-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #707070 0%, #737373 100%); + --gnome-button-active-background: linear-gradient(to top, #464646 0%, #525252 100%); + --gnome-button-active-border-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-button-active-border-accent-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-button-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-disabled-background: linear-gradient(to top, #434343 0%, #494949 100%); + --gnome-button-disabled-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-disabled-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03); + --gnome-inactive-button-background: linear-gradient(#383838, #383838); + --gnome-inactive-button-border-color: #323232; + --gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #155099 2px, #15539e); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color: #0f3b71; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-accent-color: #092444;; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #155099, #1655a2 1px); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background: #103e75; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color: #0f3b71; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ae151c 2px, #b2161d); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color: #570b0e; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ae151c, #b7161d 1px); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-background: #8a1116; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-border-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + + --gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-headerbar-button-active-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + + /* URL bar */ + --gnome-urlbar-background: #505050; + --gnome-urlbar-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0, .2), 0 5px 16px 3px rgba(0,0,0, .15), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + --gnome-urlbar-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-hover-urlbar-border-color: #585858; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-background: #424242; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-box-shadow: none; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-color: #d6d6d6; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color: #338CBE; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-highlight-color: #006EA0; + --gnome-private-urlbar-background: #25003e; + + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-tabbar-tab-background: #404040; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #464646; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color: rgb(200, 200, 200); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background: #505050; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: #15539e; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #525252; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-background: #383838; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #424242; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color); + --gnome-tab-attention-icon-color: #718be8; + + /* Switch */ + --gnome-switch-background: #464646; + --gnome-switch-hover-background: #525252; + --gnome-switch-active-background: #606060; + --gnome-switch-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-switch-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02), 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-switch-pressed-background: #315bef; + --gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background: #5073f1; + --gnome-switch-pressed-active-background: #6584f3; + --gnome-switch-active-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-active-slider-border-color: transparent; + + /* Dirty hacks for replaced symbolic icons, they load from + * /usr/share/icons/<theme>/ and on some systems they need to be + * inverted, on others they don't, adjusts the filters below to your + * needs (you may also adjust icon brightness here). */ + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%); + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(200%); /* without invert: none */ + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: invert(90%); /* without invert: none */ + + /* Private window colors */ + --gnome-private-accent: #78aeed; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-private-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-background); + --gnome-private-inactive-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background); + /* Menus */ + --gnome-private-menu-background: #383838; + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-private-headerbar-background: #252F49; + --gnome-private-inactive-headerbar-background: var(--gnome-private-toolbar-background); + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #343e56; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background: #343e56; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background-contrast: #495675; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #414a61; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #242c3f; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #272e41; /* Hardcoded color */ + + /* Text color for Firefox Logo in new private tab */ + --gnome-private-wordmark: #FBFBFE; + + /* New private tab background */ + --gnome-private-in-content-page-background: #242424; + + /* Private browsing info box */ + --gnome-private-text-primary-color: #FBFBFE; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/light.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/light.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..081d66f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/colors/light.css @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Variables that start with --gnome- are added by me and are assigned + * to elements somewhere in this code. The rest of the variables are + * built-in in Firefox, so you need to add an !important if you wanna + * override them. */ + +:root { + /* Browser area before a page starts loading */ + --gnome-browser-before-load-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-browser-content-box-background: #ffffff; + --theme-primary-color: #315bef; + --theme-primary-hover-color: #5073f1; + --theme-primary-active-color: #6584f3; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-toolbar-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-tabstoolbar-background: #E5E5E5; + --gnome-findbar-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-toolbar-color: rgb(46, 52, 54); + --gnome-toolbar-border-color: #cfcfcf; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-color: rgba(46, 52, 54, 0.35); + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-background: #f6f5f4; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-border-color: #dadada; + + /* Sidebar */ + --gnome-sidebar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-sidebar-background: #f9f9f8; + + /* Popups */ + --gnome-menu-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); + --gnome-menu-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-popover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); + --gnome-popover-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-popover-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); + --gnome-popover-button-hover-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-popover-button-active-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + --gnome-popover-separator-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-headerbar-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-headerbar-border-color: #bdb7b0; + --gnome-headerbar-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65) inset; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-box-shadow: 0 1px #fff inset; + + /* Buttons */ + --gnome-button-background: linear-gradient(to top, #f1f1f1 0%, #fdfdfd 95%, #fefefe 100%); + --gnome-button-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-button-border-accent-color: #b2b2b1; + --gnome-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px white, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); + --gnome-button-hover-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-button-active-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + --gnome-button-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #fdfdfd 0%, #ffffff 100%); + --gnome-button-active-background: #cfcfcf; + --gnome-button-active-border-color: #b2b2b1; + --gnome-button-active-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) inset; + --gnome-button-disabled-background: #faf9f8; + --gnome-button-disabled-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-button-disabled-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-inactive-button-background: #f6f5f4; + --gnome-inactive-button-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) inset, 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #2379e2 2px, #3584e4); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color: #1b6acb; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-accent-color: #15539e; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #3584e4, #3987e5 1px); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background: #1961b9; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color: #1b6acb; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ce1921 2px, #e01b24); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color: #b2161d; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #e01b24, #e41c26 1px); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-background: #a0131a; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-border-color: #b2161d; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + + --gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-headerbar-button-active-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + + /* URL bar */ + --gnome-urlbar-background: #e8e8e8; + --gnome-urlbar-border-color: #b6b6b6; + --gnome-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0, 0.12); + --gnome-urlbar-color: #020202; + --gnome-hover-urlbar-border-color: #dddddd; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-background: #eeeeee; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-color: #323232; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color: #5683DA; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-highlight-color: #6592E9; + --gnome-private-urlbar-background: #e6c2ff; + + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-tabbar-tab-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #f0f0f0; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color: #b6b6b3; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color: rgb(93, 98, 99); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background: #e8e8e8; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: #4a90d9; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color: rgb(46, 52, 54); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #f0f0f0; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color: #8b8e8f; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-background: #f0f0f0; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #eeeeee; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color); + --gnome-tab-attention-icon-color: #718be8; + + /* Switch */ + --gnome-switch-background: #b2b2b2; + --gnome-switch-hover-background: #a0a0a0; + --gnome-switch-active-background: #929292; + --gnome-switch-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-switch-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-box-shadow: inset 0 1px white, 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-switch-active-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-active-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-pressed-background: #315bef; + --gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background: #5073f1; + --gnome-switch-pressed-active-background: #6584f3; + + /* Dirty hacks for replaced symbolic icons, they load from + * /usr/share/icons/<theme>/ and on some systems they need to be + * inverted, on others they don't, adjusts the filters below to your + * needs (you may also adjust icon brightness here). */ + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%) invert(100%); + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: none; + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: invert(30%); + + /* Private window colors */ + --gnome-private-accent: #1c71d8; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-private-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-background); + --gnome-private-inactive-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background); + /* Menus */ + --gnome-private-menu-background: #ffffff; + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-private-headerbar-background: #D7E3F0; + --gnome-private-inactive-headerbar-background: var(--gnome-private-toolbar-background); + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #cbd7e3; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background: #c6d1dd; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background-contrast: #a9b6c4; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #c0cbd7; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #e4e9f0; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #e1e7ed; /* Hardcoded color */ + + /* Text color for Firefox Logo in new private tab */ + --gnome-private-wordmark: #20123A; + + /* New private tab background */ + --gnome-private-in-content-page-background: #FAFAFA; + + /* Private browsing info box */ + --gnome-private-text-primary-color: #15141A; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_3.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_3.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb14607 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_3.css @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 451px !important; +} + +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 491px !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 534px !important; + } + + :root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 534px !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_4.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_4.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c74f32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_4.css @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 491px !important; +} + +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 531px !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 574px !important; + } + + :root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 574px !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_5.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_5.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a342364 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/left_header_button_5.css @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 531px !important; +} + +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 571px !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 614px !important; + } + + :root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { + margin-left: 614px !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9d86c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +/* Header bar's URL bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +#urlbar { + --urlbar-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-container-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-toolbar-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-inner-padding: 0 !important; +} + +toolbarspring { + display: none !important; +} + +/* URL bar */ +#urlbar { + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +#urlbar-background { + box-shadow: none !important; + border: 0 !important; + background: transparent !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar:-moz-window-inactive { + border-color: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background) !important; +} + +#urlbar[focused="true"]:not([suppress-focus-border]) > #urlbar-background { + outline-color: transparent !important; +} + +#urlbar-container, +#wrapper-urlbar-container, +#urlbar #urlbar-input-container { + padding: 0 !important; + width: 360px !important; + min-width: 360px !important; +} + +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #urlbar, +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #urlbar-container, +:root[sizemode="maximized"] #wrapper-urlbar-container { + width: 360px !important; + min-width: 360px !important; +} + +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] { + left: 0 !important; + top: 0 !important; + width: 360px !important; + z-index: 5 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; +} +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend][open] { + height: auto !important; + max-height: unset !important; +} +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-input-container { + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar-input { + text-align: center !important; + padding: 0 28px 0 0 !important; +} + +/* URL bar results */ +.urlbarView { + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + margin: 6px 0 0 0 !important; + width: 100% !important; + position: absolute !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-urlbar-box-shadow) !important; + border-radius: 12px !important; + border: 0 !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .urlbarView { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) !important; + } +} + +.urlbarView-body-outer { + --item-padding-start: 0 !important; + --item-padding-end: 0 !important; + max-height: 40vh !important; + overflow-x: auto; + padding: 0 6px !important; +} + +.urlbarView-body-inner { + border: 0 !important; +} + +.urlbarView-row-inner, .urlbarView-no-wrap { + align-items: center !important; +} +.urlbarView-row-inner { + padding-block: 5px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} +.urlbarView-action { + background: transparent !important; +} +/* Search engines buttons */ { + margin: 0 0 2px !important; + padding: 8px !important; + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border: none !important; + padding: 0 !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + min-width: 32px !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:hover, .searchbar-engine-one-off-item[selected] { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; + color: unset !important; +} + +#urlbar-anon-search-settings-compact { + border: none !important; + border-radius: 5px; + margin-left: 6px !important; +} + +/* URL bar and Search bar */ +#urlbar[focused] .urlbar-textbox-container { + margin: -1px !important; +} +#searchbar > .searchbar-textbox[focused] .searchbar-search-button { + margin-left: -1px !important; +} +#searchbar > .searchbar-textbox[focused] .search-go-button { + margin-right: -1px !important; +} + +/* URL bar and Search bar's icons */ +.urlbar-icon-wrapper:hover, +.urlbar-icon-wrapper[open], +.urlbar-icon:hover:active, +.urlbar-icon-wrapper:hover:active, +.searchbar-search-button:hover .searchbar-search-icon, +.searchbar-search-button[open] .searchbar-search-icon, +.searchbar-search-button:hover:active .searchbar-search-icon { + background-color: transparent !important; + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +#identity-box { + margin: 3px 2px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +#notification-popup-box { + height: 26px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +.urlbar-page-action, #urlbar-go-button, .search-go-button, +#tracking-protection-icon-container { + width: 28px !important; + height: 26px !important; + margin: 3px 0 !important; + padding: 4px 6px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +#identity-box:hover { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +#identity-box:active { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; +} + +.identity-box-button { + border-radius: 5px !important; + background: none !important; +} + +#identity-box.extensionPage #identity-icon-label { + visibility: collapse !important; +} + +/* Search mode indicator */ +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator, +#urlbar-label-box { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; + outline: 0 !important; + margin-top: 3px !important; + margin-bottom: 3px !important; +} +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator-title { + padding-inline: 4px !important;; +} +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator-close { + background-size: 12px 12px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + opacity: 0.8 !important; + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +/*translations-button*/ +#translations-button[translationsactive] > #translations-button-icon { + fill: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + fill-opacity: 1; +} + +#translations-button-circle-arrows { + height: 16px; + width: 16px; + list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/sync.svg"); + fill: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + fill-opacity: 1; + margin-inline: 1px; +} + +#translations-button-locale { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + color: white !important; + border-radius: 4px; + font-size: 0.8em; + height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + text-align: center; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-inline: 1px; + box-sizing: border-box; + margin-inline: 2px -2px; + margin-block: -2px; +} + +#translations-button[translationsactive="true"] { + width: auto !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar-alt.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar-alt.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a99c614 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar-alt.css @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +/* Tabs bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +:root { + --space-above-tabbar: 0 !important; +} + +/* Tabs bar height */ +#tabbrowser-tabs, +#tabbrowser-tabs arrowscrollbox { + min-height: 36px !important; + --tab-min-height: 36px !important; +} +, .tab-stack { + height: 36px !important; + min-height: 36px !important; +} + +tab > stack { + margin: 0 3px !important; +} + +:root:not([sizemode="normal"]) .titlebar-spacer[type="pre-tabs"], :root[gtktiledwindow="true"] .titlebar-spacer[type="pre-tabs"] { /* reset */ + display: flex !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer { + width: 8px !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab, { + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + background-image: none !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected="true"], [multiselected]), .tabbrowser-tab:-moz-lwtheme { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-background:not([selected=true]) { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} + { + margin: 0 !important; + transition: all 200ms; + margin-block: 0 !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]) .tab-background { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]) .tab-background:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +/* Tab hover */ +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]):hover > .tab-stack > .tab-background { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Active tab */[selected]) { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; + animation: none !important; + transition: none !important; +} +[selected]):-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +/* Tab labels */ +tab .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab:hover .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color) !important; +} +tab[selected] .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} +tab:-moz-window-inactive .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab[selected]:-moz-window-inactive .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} + +/* Center all inside tab */ { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + justify-content: center !important; + align-items: center !important; + min-width: 100% !important; + padding: 0 10px !important; +} + { + margin-inline: 0 !important; +} + +/* Prevent tab icons size breaking */, .tab-icon-sound, .tab-throbber, .tab-throbber-fallback, .tab-close-button { + min-width: 16px; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[soundplaying="true"] .tab-icon-image, +.tabbrowser-tab[muted="true"] .tab-icon-image { + margin-top: 3px !important; + margin-left: 2px !important; +} + { + height: 24px !important; + width: 24px !important; + padding: 4px !important; + border-radius: 100px !important; +} +[crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + top: 0 !important; + inset-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[selected=true] .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]):hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Adjust tab label width */ { + min-width: 0 !important; + max-width: min-content !important; +} + +/* Put tab close button and icon sound to the right */[soundplaying="true"], .tab-icon-sound[muted="true"],[activemedia-blocked="true"] { + margin-left: auto !important; +} +/*.tabbrowser-tab:not([soundplaying]):not([muted]):not([activemedia-blocked]) .tab-close-button {*/ +/* margin-left: auto !important;*/ +/*}*/ { + margin-right: 6px; +} + +/* Force tab favicon to the center */, .tab-throbber-fallback, +.tabbrowser-tab:not([busy]):not([soundplaying="true"],[muted="true"]) .tab-icon-image, +.tabbrowser-tab:not([class*="identity-color-"]) .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: auto !important; +} + +/* separate class for multi-tab alignment*/ +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"] > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: auto !important; +} + +/* If tab favicon is not present, force tab label to the center */ +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-label-container { + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-right: auto !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image]):not([busy]):not([progress]) .tab-label-container { + margin-left: auto !important; +} + +/* Fix website with no favicon centred text */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image]) .tab-icon-overlay:not([pinned], [sharing], [crashed]) .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: 0 !important +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image], [busy]) .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: 0 !important +} + +/*Align personal bookmarks v89 */ +#personal-bookmarks { + -moz-box-align: center !important; +} + +/* fix misc spacing between tabs */ +.tabbrowser-tab { + padding-inline: 0px !important; +} + +.close-icon { + height: 16px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; + border: none !important; + box-sizing: content-box; /* Avoid deformation on flexbox */ + border-radius: 3px !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic.svg") !important; + height: 16px; + opacity: .3; + padding: 0; + width: 16px; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: hidden; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:hover > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: visible; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .tab-close-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } +} +:root:-moz-window-inactive .tab-close-button:not(#hack) { + opacity: .18 !important; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-hover-color) !important; + border: none !important; + opacity: 1; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:active { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-active-color) !important; +} + { + background-image: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* Tab close button etc. positioning */, .tab-icon-image, .tab-sharing-icon-overlay, .tab-icon-sound, .tab-close-button { + margin-top: 0 !important; +} + +/* Remove blue line above tabs */ { + display: none; +} + +/* Remove tab separators */ +.tabbrowser-tab::after, +.tabbrowser-tab::before { + border-color: transparent !important; + border-image: none !important; +} + +/* Tab attention dot */ +.tabbrowser-tab:is([image], [pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content[attention]:not([selected="true"]), .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]), #firefox-view-button[attention] { + background-image: radial-gradient(circle, var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color), var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color) 2px, transparent 2px) !important; + background-position: center bottom 3px !important; + background-size: 4px 4px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +/* Full width tabs */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([style^="max-width"]):not([pinned]), +.tabbrowser-tab[style^="max-width: 100px !important;"]:not([pinned]) { + max-width: 100% !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([style^="max-width"]):not([pinned]):not([fadein]), +.tabbrowser-tab[style^="max-width: 100px !important;"]:not([pinned]):not([fadein]) { + max-width: .1px !important; +} + +/* Remove alt colours references for multi tabs*/ +.tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-bottom-line { + display: none; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][pinned] { + display: flex; +} + +#TabsToolbar #alltabs-button { + padding: 0 !important; + visibility: collapse !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1, +#tabs-newtab-button, #TabsToolbar #new-tab-button { + margin: 0 2px !important; + padding: 0 10px !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 image, +#tabs-newtab-button image, +#TabsToolbar #new-tab-button image { + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-up, +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-down { + height: 36px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-up image, +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-down image { + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + +/* firefox-view-button */ +:root:not([privatebrowsingmode], [firefoxviewhidden]) :is(toolbarbutton, toolbarpaletteitem) + #tabbrowser-tabs, +:root[privatebrowsingmode]:not([firefoxviewhidden]) :is( + toolbarbutton:not(#firefox-view-button), + toolbarpaletteitem:not(#wrapper-firefox-view-button) +) + #tabbrowser-tabs { + border-inline-start: none !important; + padding-inline-start: calc(var(--tab-overflow-pinned-tabs-width)) !important; + margin-inline-start: 0 !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button { + border-radius: 8px !important; + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button:hover { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button:checked, #firefox-view-button:active { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button > .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..680ab82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/tabsbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/* Tabs bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +tab > stack { + margin: 0 3px !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab, { + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + height: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + background-image: none !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([visuallyselected="true"], [multiselected]), .tabbrowser-tab:-moz-lwtheme { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-background:not([selected=true]) { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} + { + margin: 0 !important; + background-color: transparent !important; + transition: background 200ms !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]) .tab-background { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]) .tab-background:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +/* Tab hover */ +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]):hover .tab-background { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Active tab */[selected]) { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} +[selected]):-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +/* Tab labels */ +tab .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab:hover .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color) !important; +} +tab[selected] .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} +tab:-moz-window-inactive .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab[selected]:-moz-window-inactive .tab-label { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} + +.close-icon { + height: 16px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; + border: none !important; + box-sizing: content-box; /* Avoid deformation on flexbox */ + border-radius: 3px !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic.svg") !important; + height: 16px; + opacity: .3; + padding: 0; + width: 16px; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: hidden; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:hover > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: visible; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .tab-close-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } +} +:root:-moz-window-inactive .tab-close-button:not(#hack) { + opacity: .18 !important; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-hover-color) !important; + border: none !important; + opacity: 1; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:active { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-active-color) !important; +} + { + background-image: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* Tab close button etc. positioning */, .tab-icon-image, .tab-sharing-icon-overlay, .tab-icon-sound, .tab-close-button { + margin-top: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[soundplaying="true"] .tab-icon-image, +.tabbrowser-tab[muted="true"] .tab-icon-image { + margin-top: 3px !important; + margin-left: 2px !important; +} + { + height: 24px !important; + width: 24px !important; + padding: 4px !important; + border-radius: 100px !important; +} +[crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + top: 0 !important; + inset-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[selected=true] .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]):hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Remove blue line above tabs */ { + display: none; +} + +/* Tab attention dot */ +.tabbrowser-tab:is([image], [pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content[attention]:not([selected="true"]), .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]), #firefox-view-button[attention] { + background-image: radial-gradient(circle, var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color), var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color) 2px, transparent 2px) !important; + background-position: center bottom 3px !important; + background-size: 4px 4px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][pinned] { + display: flex; +} + +#TabsToolbar #alltabs-button { + padding: 0 !important; + visibility: collapse !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1, +#TabsToolbar #tabs-newtab-button, +#TabsToolbar #new-tab-button { + margin: 0 2px !important; + padding: 0 10px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 image, +#TabsToolbar #tabs-newtab-button image, +#TabsToolbar #new-tab-button image { + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-up, +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-down { + max-height: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-up image, +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-down image { + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + +/* firefox-view-button */ +:root:not([privatebrowsingmode="temporary"]):not([firefoxviewhidden]) :is(#firefox-view-button, #wrapper-firefox-view-button) { + display: none !important; +} + +:root:not([privatebrowsingmode], [firefoxviewhidden]) :is(toolbarbutton, toolbarpaletteitem) + #tabbrowser-tabs, :root[privatebrowsingmode]:not([firefoxviewhidden]) :is(toolbarbutton:not(#firefox-view-button), toolbarpaletteitem:not(#wrapper-firefox-view-button)) + #tabbrowser-tabs { + border-inline-start: none !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button > .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* Remove shadow next to tab scroll buttons */ +.arrowscrollbox-overflow-start-indicator, +.arrowscrollbox-overflow-end-indicator { + display: none; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox-alt.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox-alt.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76064c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox-alt.css @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* Toolbox, a container for all toolbars (toolbox#navigator-toolbox): + * - menu bar (toolbar#toolbar-menubar) + * - tab bar (toolbar#TabsToolbar) + * - header bar (toolbar#nav-bar) + * - bookmark bar (toolbar#PersonalToolbar) + * - add-ons can add their own toolbars (toolbar) */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +#nav-bar, +#titlebar, +#PersonalToolbar, +#toolbar-menubar, +#TabsToolbar, +#navigator-toolbox, +.notificationbox-stack { + border: none !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +findbar { + border: 0 !important; + background: var(--gnome-findbar-background) !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +#nav-bar:-moz-window-inactive, +#PersonalToolbar:-moz-window-inactive, +#toolbar-menubar:-moz-window-inactive, +#TabsToolbar:-moz-window-inactive, +#navigator-toolbox:-moz-window-inactive, +findbar:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +/* Toolbox colors */ +#navigator-toolbox { + border: 0 !important; + background: none !important; +} + +.toolbarbutton-icon { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); +} + +#titlebar { + min-height: 0 !important + max-height: 36px !important; +} + +#nav-bar { + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-top-width: 0px !important; + border-bottom-width: 0px !important; +} + +/* allow to drag headerbar empty space */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar .chromeclass-location { + -moz-window-dragging: drag !important; +} + +#toolbar-menubar:not([inactive=true]) { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} + +/* Reorder toolbars */ +#navigator-toolbox #nav-bar, findbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0; + order: 0; +} +#navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1; + order: 1; +} +#navigator-toolbox #titlebar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; + order: 2; +} +#navigator-toolbox toolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 10; + order: 10; +} +#navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 100; + order: 100; + padding-bottom: 6px !important; +} + +/* Sidebar */ +#sidebar-box, #sidebar, +.sidebar-panel[lwt-sidebar] { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +.sidebar-splitter { + width: 1px !important; + background-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + border: none !important; +} + +/* Customization page */ +#customization-container:-moz-lwtheme { + background-image: linear-gradient(var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background), var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background)) !important; +} + +#customization-footer { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important; +} + +#PersonalToolbar { + padding: 0 3px 3px !important; + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; +} + +/* bookmark-item */ +toolbarbutton.bookmark-item { + padding: 3px 6px !important; + margin: 0 2px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + max-height: 24px !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29951b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/parts/toolbox.css @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* Toolbox, a container for all toolbars (toolbox#navigator-toolbox): + * - menu bar (toolbar#toolbar-menubar) + * - tab bar (toolbar#TabsToolbar) + * - header bar (toolbar#nav-bar) + * - bookmark bar (toolbar#PersonalToolbar) + * - add-ons can add their own toolbars (toolbar) */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +#nav-bar, #PersonalToolbar, #toolbar-menubar, #titlebar { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border: none !important; +} + +#PersonalToolbar { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +findbar { + border: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-findbar-background) !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +#nav-bar:-moz-window-inactive, +#PersonalToolbar:-moz-window-inactive, +#toolbar-menubar:-moz-window-inactive, +findbar:-moz-window-inactive, +#titlebar:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +/* Toolbox colors */ +#navigator-toolbox { + border: none !important; + background: none !important; +} + +.toolbarbutton-icon { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); +} + +#titlebar { + min-height: 0 !important + max-height: 42px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar { + margin-top: -40px !important; + margin-bottom: 8px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + background: none !important; + max-height: 42px !important; +} + +#nav-bar { + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* allow to drag headerbar empty space */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar .chromeclass-location { + -moz-window-dragging: drag !important; +} + +#toolbar-menubar:not([inactive=true]) { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} + +#navigator-toolbox #nav-bar, findbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0; + order: 0; +} +#navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 10; + order: 10; +} +#navigator-toolbox #titlebar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1; + order: 1; +} +#navigator-toolbox toolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 3; + order: 3; +} +#navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; + order: 2; +} + +#PersonalToolbar { + padding: 0 3px 3px !important; + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; +} + +/* Sidebar */ +#sidebar-box, #sidebar, +.sidebar-panel[lwt-sidebar] { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +.sidebar-splitter { + width: 1px !important; + background-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + border: none !important; +} + +/* Customization page */ +#customization-container:-moz-lwtheme { + background-image: linear-gradient(var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background), var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background)) !important; +} + +#customization-footer { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important; +} + +/* bookmark-item */ +toolbarbutton.bookmark-item { + padding: 3px 6px !important; + margin: 0 2px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + max-height: 24px !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_3.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_3.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00a1ee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_3.css @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 14vw !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 10vw !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_4.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_4.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1f9964 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_4.css @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 16vw !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 12vw !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_5.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_5.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ce2f6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/right_header_button_5.css @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 18vw !important; +} + +/* Left window titlebuttons mode */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + #TabsToolbar { + margin-right: 14vw !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme-alt.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme-alt.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..251260e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme-alt.css @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +@import "parts/toolbox-alt.css"; +@import "parts/buttons.css"; +@import "parts/entries.css"; +@import "parts/controls.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-urlbar-alt.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar.css"; +@import "parts/csd.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-light.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-dark.css"; +@import "parts/popups.css"; +@import "parts/tabsbar-alt.css"; +@import "parts/findbar.css"; +@import "parts/dialogs.css"; +@import "parts/notification.css"; +@import "parts/video-player.css"; +@import "parts/remove-white-flash.css"; +@import "parts/custom-icons.css"; +@import "parts/icons.css"; +@import "colors/light.css"; +@import "colors/dark.css"; +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Set theme version text in customization panel */ +#customization-footer::before { + background: url(icons/icon.svg) no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + content: "Firefox Monterey theme"; + padding: 10px 10px 10px 50px; +} + +#customization-container { + background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme.css b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fcf53f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/Monterey/theme.css @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +@import "parts/toolbox.css"; +@import "parts/buttons.css"; +@import "parts/entries.css"; +@import "parts/controls.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-urlbar.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar.css"; +@import "parts/csd.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-light.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-dark.css"; +@import "parts/popups.css"; +@import "parts/tabsbar.css"; +@import "parts/findbar.css"; +@import "parts/dialogs.css"; +@import "parts/notification.css"; +@import "parts/video-player.css"; +@import "parts/remove-white-flash.css"; +@import "parts/custom-icons.css"; +@import "parts/icons.css"; +@import "colors/light.css"; +@import "colors/dark.css"; +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Set theme version text in customization panel */ +#customization-footer::before { + background: url(icons/icon.svg) no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + content: "Firefox Monterey theme"; + padding: 10px 10px 10px 50px; +} + +#customization-container { + background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/ b/src/other/firefox/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..987bb76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/ @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + +## <p align="center"> <b> Firefox Safari theme </b> </p> +![01]( +<p align="center">A MacOSX Safari theme for Firefox 80+</p> + +## Description + +This is a bunch of CSS code to make Firefox look closer to MacOSX Safari theme. +Based on + +## Installation + +Run `./ -f` + +if you want to use `Monterey` style then: + +Run `./ -f monterey` + +### Tips about monterey options (Fix the urlbar attached tabs issue) + +1. Remove all space separators on left of urlbar +2. Make sure how many buttons you put on side of urlbar an then run `./ -f monterey -e` + +``` +/*--------------Configure your Monterey theme-------------- + * ONLY for Monterey theme + * Enable one of these options and disable the other ones. + */ + +/* How many buttons on left headerbar */ +@import "Monterey/left_header_button_3.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/left_header_button_4.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/left_header_button_5.css"; /**/ + +/* How many buttons on right headerbar */ +@import "Monterey/right_header_button_3.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/right_header_button_4.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/right_header_button_5.css"; /**/ + +``` + +3. Choose the right buttons number config then remove `/*` to enable it and add `/*` to disable the default one + +### Manual installation + +1. Go to `about:support` in Firefox. +2. Application Basics > Profile Directory > Open Directory. +3. Copy `chrome` folder Firefox config folder. +4. If you are using Firefox 69+: + 1. Go to `about:config` in Firefox. + 2. Search for `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` and set it to `true`. +5. Restart Firefox. +6. Open Firefox customization panel and: + 1. Use *Title bar* option to toggle CSD if is not set by default. + 2. Move the new tab button to headerbar. + 3. Select light or dark variants on theme switcher. +7. Be happy with your new gnomish Firefox. + +## Enabling optional features +Open `userChrome.css` with a text editor and follow instructions to enable extra features. Keep in mind this file might change in future versions and your configuration will be lost. You can copy the @imports you want to enable to a new file named `customChrome` directly in your `chrome` directory if you want it to survive updates. Remember all @imports must be at the top of the file, before other statements. + +## Known bugs + +### CSD have sharp corners +See upstream [bug]( + +#### Wayland fix: +1. Go to the `about:config` page +2. Search for the `layers.acceleration.force-enabled` preference and set it to true. +3. Now restart Firefox, and it should look good! + +#### X11 fix: +1. Go to the `about:config` page +2. Type `mozilla.widget.use-argb-visuals` +3. Set it as a `boolean` and click on the add button +4. Now restart Firefox, and it should look good! + +## Development + +If you wanna mess around the styles and change something, you might find these +things useful. + +To use the Inspector to debug the UI, open the developer tools (F12) on any +page, go to options, check both of those: + +- Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes +- Enable remote debugging + +Now you can close those tools and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I to Inspect the browser +UI. diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/dark.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/dark.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f174542 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/dark.css @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Variables that start with --gnome- are added by me and are assigned + * to elements somewhere in this code. The rest of the variables are + * built-in in Firefox, so you need to add an !important if you wanna + * override them. */ + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root { + /* Browser area before a page starts loading */ + --gnome-browser-before-load-background: #242424; + --theme-primary-color: #315bef; + --theme-primary-hover-color: #5073f1; + --theme-primary-active-color: #6584f3; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-toolbar-background: #373737; + --gnome-tabstoolbar-background: #1e1e1e; + --gnome-findbar-background: #333333; + --gnome-toolbar-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-toolbar-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45); + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-border-color: #121212; + + /* Sidebar */ + --gnome-sidebar-background: #3b3b3b; + --gnome-inactive-sidebar-background: #3f3f3f; + + /* Popups */ + --gnome-menu-background: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); + --gnome-menu-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-popover-background: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); + --gnome-popover-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-popover-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + --gnome-popover-button-hover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-popover-button-active-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + --gnome-popover-separator-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-headerbar-background: #373737; + --gnome-headerbar-border-color: #070707; + --gnome-headerbar-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-border-color: #202020; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + + /* Buttons */ + --gnome-button-background: linear-gradient(to top, #636363 0%, #696969 100%); + --gnome-button-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-border-accent-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-hover-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-active-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); + --gnome-button-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #707070 0%, #737373 100%); + --gnome-button-active-background: linear-gradient(to top, #464646 0%, #525252 100%); + --gnome-button-active-border-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-button-active-border-accent-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-button-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-button-disabled-background: linear-gradient(to top, #434343 0%, #494949 100%); + --gnome-button-disabled-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-button-disabled-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03); + --gnome-inactive-button-background: linear-gradient(#383838, #383838); + --gnome-inactive-button-border-color: #323232; + --gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.0); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #155099 2px, #15539e); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color: #0f3b71; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-accent-color: #092444;; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #155099, #1655a2 1px); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background: #103e75; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color: #0f3b71; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ae151c 2px, #b2161d); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color: #570b0e; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ae151c, #b7161d 1px); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-background: #8a1116; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-border-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + + --gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + --gnome-headerbar-button-active-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); + + /* URL bar */ + --gnome-urlbar-background: #464646; + --gnome-urlbar-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0, .2), 0 5px 16px 3px rgba(0,0,0, .15), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + --gnome-urlbar-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-hover-urlbar-border-color: #585858; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-background: #383838; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-border-color: #282828; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-box-shadow: none; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-color: #d6d6d6; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color: #338CBE; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-highlight-color: #006EA0; + --gnome-private-urlbar-background: #25003e; + + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-tabbar-tab-background: #262626; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #2b2b2b; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color: #1b1b1b; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color: rgb(200, 200, 200); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background: #373737; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: #15539e; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color: #ffffff; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #313131; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color); + --gnome-tab-attention-icon-color: #718be8; + + /* Switch */ + --gnome-switch-background: #464646; + --gnome-switch-hover-background: #525252; + --gnome-switch-active-background: #606060; + --gnome-switch-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-switch-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02), 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-switch-pressed-background: #315bef; + --gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background: #5073f1; + --gnome-switch-pressed-active-background: #6584f3; + --gnome-switch-active-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-active-slider-border-color: transparent; + + /* Dirty hacks for replaced symbolic icons, they load from + * /usr/share/icons/<theme>/ and on some systems they need to be + * inverted, on others they don't, adjusts the filters below to your + * needs (you may also adjust icon brightness here). */ + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%); + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(200%); /* without invert: none */ + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: invert(90%); /* without invert: none */ + + /* Private window colors */ + --gnome-private-accent: #78aeed; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-private-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-background); + --gnome-private-inactive-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background); + /* Menus */ + --gnome-private-menu-background: #383838; + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-private-headerbar-background: #252F49; + --gnome-private-inactive-headerbar-background: var(--gnome-private-toolbar-background); + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #343e56; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background: #343e56; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background-contrast: #495675; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #414a61; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #242c3f; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #272e41; /* Hardcoded color */ + + /* Text color for Firefox Logo in new private tab */ + --gnome-private-wordmark: #FBFBFE; + + /* New private tab background */ + --gnome-private-in-content-page-background: #242424; + + /* Private browsing info box */ + --gnome-private-text-primary-color: #FBFBFE; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/light.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/light.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36a43d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/colors/light.css @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Variables that start with --gnome- are added by me and are assigned + * to elements somewhere in this code. The rest of the variables are + * built-in in Firefox, so you need to add an !important if you wanna + * override them. */ + +:root { + /* Browser area before a page starts loading */ + --gnome-browser-before-load-background: #f5f5f5; + --theme-primary-color: #315bef; + --theme-primary-hover-color: #5073f1; + --theme-primary-active-color: #6584f3; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-toolbar-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-tabstoolbar-background: #E5E5E5; + --gnome-findbar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-toolbar-color: rgb(46, 46, 46); + --gnome-toolbar-border-color: #cfcfcf; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-color: rgba(46, 46, 46, 0.65); + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-background: #f6f5f4; + --gnome-inactive-toolbar-border-color: #dadada; + + /* Sidebar */ + --gnome-sidebar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-sidebar-background: #f9f9f8; + + /* Popups */ + --gnome-menu-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); + --gnome-menu-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-popover-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); + --gnome-popover-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-popover-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); + --gnome-popover-button-hover-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-popover-button-active-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + --gnome-popover-separator-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-headerbar-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-headerbar-border-color: #bdb7b0; + --gnome-headerbar-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65) inset; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-headerbar-box-shadow: 0 1px #fff inset; + + /* Buttons */ + --gnome-button-background: linear-gradient(to top, #f1f1f1 0%, #fdfdfd 95%, #fefefe 100%); + --gnome-button-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-button-border-accent-color: #b2b2b1; + --gnome-button-box-shadow: inset 0 1px white, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); + --gnome-button-hover-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-button-active-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + --gnome-button-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #fdfdfd 0%, #ffffff 100%); + --gnome-button-active-background: #cfcfcf; + --gnome-button-active-border-color: #b2b2b1; + --gnome-button-active-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) inset; + --gnome-button-disabled-background: #faf9f8; + --gnome-button-disabled-border-color: #cdc7c2; + --gnome-button-disabled-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-inactive-button-background: #f6f5f4; + --gnome-inactive-button-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) inset, 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #2379e2 2px, #3584e4); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color: #1b6acb; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-border-accent-color: #15539e; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #3584e4, #3987e5 1px); + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background: #1961b9; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color: #1b6acb; + --gnome-button-suggested-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-background: linear-gradient(to top, #ce1921 2px, #e01b24); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color: #b2161d; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color: #851015; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-hover-background: linear-gradient(to top, #e01b24, #e41c26 1px); + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-background: #a0131a; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-border-color: #b2161d; + --gnome-button-destructive-action-active-box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + + --gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + --gnome-headerbar-button-active-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + + /* URL bar */ + --gnome-urlbar-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-urlbar-border-color: #b6b6b3; + --gnome-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0, 0.12); + --gnome-urlbar-color: #020202; + --gnome-hover-urlbar-border-color: #e5e5e5; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-background: #f0f0f0; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-border-color: #dadada; + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); + --gnome-inactive-urlbar-color: #323232; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color: #5683DA; + --gnome-focused-urlbar-highlight-color: #6592E9; + --gnome-private-urlbar-background: #e6c2ff; + + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-tabbar-tab-background: #E5E5E5; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-color: rgb(141, 144, 145); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #d5d5d5; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color: #b6b6b3; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color: rgb(93, 98, 99); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: #4a90d9; + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color: rgb(46, 52, 54); + --gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color: #8b8e8f; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #f5f5f5; + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color); + --gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color); + --gnome-tab-attention-icon-color: #718be8; + + /* Switch */ + --gnome-switch-background: #b2b2b2; + --gnome-switch-hover-background: #a0a0a0; + --gnome-switch-active-background: #929292; + --gnome-switch-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-background: #ffffff; + --gnome-switch-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-slider-box-shadow: inset 0 1px white, 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); + --gnome-switch-active-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-active-slider-border-color: transparent; + --gnome-switch-pressed-background: #315bef; + --gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background: #5073f1; + --gnome-switch-pressed-active-background: #6584f3; + + /* Dirty hacks for replaced symbolic icons, they load from + * /usr/share/icons/<theme>/ and on some systems they need to be + * inverted, on others they don't, adjusts the filters below to your + * needs (you may also adjust icon brightness here). */ + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%) invert(100%); + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: none; + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: invert(30%); + + /* Private window colors */ + --gnome-private-accent: #1c71d8; + + /* Toolbars */ + --gnome-private-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-headerbar-background); + --gnome-private-inactive-toolbar-background: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background); + /* Menus */ + --gnome-private-menu-background: #ffffff; + /* Header bar */ + --gnome-private-headerbar-background: #D7E3F0; + --gnome-private-inactive-headerbar-background: var(--gnome-private-toolbar-background); + /* Tabs */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #cbd7e3; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background: #c6d1dd; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-background-contrast: #a9b6c4; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background: #c0cbd7; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-hover-background: #e4e9f0; /* Hardcoded color */ + --gnome-private-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background: #e1e7ed; /* Hardcoded color */ + + /* Text color for Firefox Logo in new private tab */ + --gnome-private-wordmark: #20123A; + + /* New private tab background */ + --gnome-private-in-content-page-background: #FAFAFA; + + /* Private browsing info box */ + --gnome-private-text-primary-color: #15141A; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebbc507 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/headerbar-urlbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +/* Header bar's URL bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +#urlbar { + --urlbar-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-container-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-toolbar-height: 32px !important; + --urlbar-inner-padding: 0 !important; +} + +/* Center the URL bar */ +toolbarspring { + max-width: 10000px !important; +} + +/* URL bar */ +#urlbar { + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +#urlbar-background { + box-shadow: none !important; + border: 0 !important; + background: transparent !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar:-moz-window-inactive { + border-color: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-background) !important; +} + +#urlbar #urlbar-input-container { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] { + left: 0 !important; + top: 0 !important; + width: 100% !important; + z-index: 5 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; +} + +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend][open] { + height: auto !important; + max-height: unset !important; +} + +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-input-container { + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar-input { + text-align: center !important; + padding: 0 28px 0 0 !important; +} + +/* URL bar results */ +.urlbarView { + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + margin: 6px 0 0 0 !important; + width: 100% !important; + position: absolute !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-urlbar-box-shadow) !important; + border-radius: 12px !important; + border: 0 !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .urlbarView { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) !important; + } +} + +.urlbarView-body-outer { + --item-padding-start: 0 !important; + --item-padding-end: 0 !important; + max-height: 40vh !important; + overflow-x: auto; + padding: 0 6px !important; +} + +.urlbarView-body-inner { + border: 0 !important; +} + +.urlbarView-row-inner, .urlbarView-no-wrap { + align-items: center !important; +} + +.urlbarView-row-inner { + padding-block: 5px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +.urlbarView-action { + background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Search engines buttons */ { + margin: 0 0 2px !important; + padding: 8px !important; + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-left-width: 0 !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + padding: 0 2px !important; + min-height: 34px !important; + min-width: 34px !important; + margin: 0 !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:hover, .searchbar-engine-one-off-item[selected] { + background: var(--gnome-button-hover-background) !important; + color: unset !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:first-child { + border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px !important; + border-left-width: 1px !important; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item.last-engine, .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.search-setting-button):last-child { + border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0 !important; +} + +#urlbar-anon-search-settings-compact, { + border-left-width: 1px !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; + margin-left: 6px !important; +} + +/* URL bar and Search bar */ +#urlbar[focused] .urlbar-textbox-container { + margin: -1px !important; +} + +#searchbar > .searchbar-textbox[focused] .searchbar-search-button { + margin-left: -1px !important; +} + +#searchbar > .searchbar-textbox[focused] .search-go-button { + margin-right: -1px !important; +} + +/* URL bar and Search bar's icons */ +.urlbar-icon-wrapper:hover, +.urlbar-icon-wrapper[open], +.urlbar-icon:hover:active, +.urlbar-icon-wrapper:hover:active, +.searchbar-search-button:hover .searchbar-search-icon, +.searchbar-search-button[open] .searchbar-search-icon, +.searchbar-search-button:hover:active .searchbar-search-icon { + background-color: transparent !important; + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +#identity-box { + margin: 3px 2px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +#notification-popup-box { + height: 26px !important; + width: 28px !important; + padding: 5px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +.notification-anchor-icon { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +.urlbar-page-action, #urlbar-go-button, .search-go-button, +#tracking-protection-icon-container { + width: 28px !important; + height: 26px !important; + margin: 3px 0 !important; + padding: 6px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; +} + +#star-button-box.urlbar-page-action { + padding: 5px 6px !important; +} + +#identity-box:hover { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +#identity-box:active { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; +} + +.identity-box-button { + border-radius: 5px !important; + background: none !important; +} + +/* Search mode indicator */ +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator, +#urlbar-label-box { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; + outline: 0 !important; + margin-top: 3px !important; + margin-bottom: 3px !important; +} +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator-title { + padding-inline: 4px !important;; +} +#urlbar-search-mode-indicator-close { + background-size: 12px 12px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + opacity: 0.8 !important; + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +/*translations-button*/ +#translations-button[translationsactive] > #translations-button-icon { + fill: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + fill-opacity: 1; +} + +#translations-button-circle-arrows { + height: 16px; + width: 16px; + list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/sync.svg"); + fill: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + fill-opacity: 1; + margin-inline: 1px; +} + +#translations-button-locale { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + color: white !important; + border-radius: 4px; + font-size: 0.8em; + height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + text-align: center; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-inline: 1px; + box-sizing: border-box; + margin-inline: 2px -2px; + margin-block: -2px; +} + +#translations-button[translationsactive="true"] { + width: auto !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/tabsbar.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/tabsbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400e71d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/tabsbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,485 @@ +/* Tabs bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +:root { + --space-above-tabbar: 0 !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar:not([inFullscreen]) > .toolbar-items { + margin-bottom: -1px !important; +} + +/* Tabs bar height */ +#tabbrowser-tabs { + --tab-min-height: 32px !important; +} + +#tabbrowser-tabs:not([secondarytext-unsupported]) .tab-label-container { + max-height: 32px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbar-items { + margin-bottom: -1px !important; +} + +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #TabsToolbar .toolbar-items { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} + +/* Remove hover effects on tab bar buttons */ +#TabsToolbar { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; + padding: 0 !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color), inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) !important; +} + +/* New hover effect */ +#TabsToolbar toolbarbutton { + fill-opacity: .6 !important; +} +#TabsToolbar toolbarbutton:not([disabled]):hover, +#TabsToolbar toolbarbutton[open=true] { + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Remove shadow next to tab scroll buttons */ +.arrowscrollbox-overflow-start-indicator, +.arrowscrollbox-overflow-end-indicator { + display: none; +} + +/* Remove tab separators */ +.tabbrowser-tab::after, +.tabbrowser-tab::before { + border-color: transparent !important; + border-image: none !important; +} + +/* Tabs separators */ +.tabbrowser-tab { + border-left: 1px solid transparent !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab + .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected], :hover) { + border-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[selected] + .tabbrowser-tab, +.tabbrowser-tab:hover + .tabbrowser-tab { + border-color: transparent !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:first-of-type { + border-left: none !important; +} + +/* Space between tabs */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +/* Tab labels */ +tab { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab:hover { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-color) !important; +} +tab[selected] { + color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} +tab:-moz-window-inactive { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-color) !important; +} +tab[selected]:-moz-window-inactive { + color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-color) !important; +} + +/* Center all inside tab */ { + display: flex; + flex-direction: row; + justify-content: center !important; + align-items: center !important; + min-width: 44px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 8px !important; +} + +/* Fix custom info tab icon */ +.tabbrowser-tab[image="chrome://global/skin/icons/info.svg"]:not([pinned]):not([busy]):not([progress]) .tab-icon-stack::before { + margin-inline-end: 5.5px; +} + +/* Prevent tab icons size breaking */, .tab-icon-sound, .tab-throbber, .tab-throbber-fallback, .tab-close-button { + min-width: 16px; +} + +/* Center tab text */ { + margin-inline: 0 !important; +} + +/* Adjust tab label width */ { + min-width: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-label-container { + max-width: min-content !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[pinned] .tab-label-container { + display: none !important; +} +[pinned]), .tab-icon-pending:not([pinned]), .tab-icon-image:not([pinned]), .tab-sharing-icon-overlay:not([pinned]), .tab-icon-overlay:not([pinned]) { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([soundplaying], [muted], [activemedia-blocked], [crashed]) .tab-icon-stack { + padding: 6px; +} + +/* Hide favicon when mute icon is present */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):is([soundplaying], [muted], [activemedia-blocked], [crashed]) .tab-icon-image:not([sharing]), +.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):is([soundplaying], [muted], [activemedia-blocked], [crashed])[selected] .tab-icon-image { + display: none; +} + +/* Hide secondary label about muting */ +.tabbrowser-tab:is([soundplaying], [muted], [activemedia-blocked], [crashed]) .tab-secondary-label { + display: none; +} + +/* Put tab close button and icon sound to the right */[soundplaying="true"], .tab-icon-sound[muted="true"],[activemedia-blocked="true"] { + margin-left: auto !important; +} +/*.tabbrowser-tab:not([soundplaying]):not([muted]):not([activemedia-blocked]) .tab-close-button {*/ +/* margin-left: auto !important;*/ +/*}*/ { + margin-right: 6px; +} + +/* Force tab favicon to the center */, .tab-throbber-fallback, +.tabbrowser-tab:not([busy]):not([soundplaying="true"],[muted="true"]) .tab-icon-image, +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: auto !important; +} + +/* If tab favicon is not present, force tab label to the center */ +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-label-container { + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-right: auto !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image]):not([busy]):not([progress]) .tab-label-container { + margin-left: auto !important; +} + +/* Fix website with no favicon centred text */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image]) .tab-icon-overlay:not([pinned], [sharing], [crashed]) .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: 0 !important +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([image], [busy]) .tab-icon-stack { + margin-left: 0 !important +} + { + border-radius: 0 !important; + margin-block: 0 !important; +} + +/*Align personal bookmarks v89 */ +#personal-bookmarks { + -moz-box-align: center !important; +} + +/* fix misc spacing between tabs */ +.tabbrowser-tab { + padding-inline: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] > .tab-stack > .tab-background { + margin-left: 0px !important; + margin-right: 0px !important; +} + +/* centre text when audio is playing */ +.tabbrowser-tab:is([soundplaying]) .tab-label-container { + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-right: auto !important +} + +/* Close tab button */ +.close-icon { + height: 16px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + width: 16px !important; +} + { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; + border: none !important; + box-sizing: content-box; /* Avoid deformation on flexbox */ + border-radius: 3px !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic.svg") !important; + height: 16px; + opacity: .3; + padding: 0; + width: 16px; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: hidden; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:hover > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + visibility: visible; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .tab-close-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } +} + +:root:-moz-window-inactive .tab-close-button:not(#hack) { + opacity: .18 !important; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-hover-color) !important; + border: none !important; + opacity: 1; +} +:root:not(:-moz-window-inactive) .tab-close-button:active { + background-color: var(--gnome-button-active-color) !important; +} + { + background-image: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* Tab close button etc. positioning */, .tab-icon-image, .tab-sharing-icon-overlay, .tab-icon-sound, .tab-close-button { + margin-top: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[soundplaying="true"] .tab-icon-image, +.tabbrowser-tab[muted="true"] .tab-icon-image { + margin-top: 3px !important; + margin-left: 2px !important; +} + { + height: 24px !important; + width: 24px !important; + padding: 4px !important; + border-radius: 100px !important; +} +[crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + top: 0 !important; + inset-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[selected=true] .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-overlay:not([crashed]):is([pinned], [sharing]):hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Remove blue line above tabs */ { + display: none; +} + +/* Tab attention dot */ +.tabbrowser-tab:is([image], [pinned]) > .tab-stack > .tab-content[attention]:not([selected="true"]), .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content[pinned][titlechanged]:not([selected="true"]), #firefox-view-button[attention] { + background-image: radial-gradient(circle, var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color), var(--gnome-tab-attention-icon-color) 2px, transparent 2px) !important; + background-position: center bottom 3px !important; + background-size: 4px 4px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; +} + +/* Remove alt colours references for multi tabs*/ +.tabbrowser-tab[usercontextid] > .tab-stack > .tab-background > .tab-context-line { + display: none; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][pinned] { + display: flex; +} + { + background-color: transparent !important; + transition: background-color 200ms; +} +, .tab-stack { + min-height: 32px !important; +} + +/* Tab hover */ +#TabsToolbar .tabbrowser-tab:not([selected=true]):hover .tab-background { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background) !important; + border-image: none !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color), inset 0 -1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +/* Active tab */[selected]) { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; + background-image: none !important; + border: none !important; + border-image: none !important; + transition: none !important; + margin-left: -1px !important; + margin-right: -1px !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; + box-shadow: 1px 0 var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color), 1px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), + -1px 0 var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color), -1px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), + inset 0 -1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} +[selected]):-moz-window-inactive { + background-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; + border-image: none !important; +} + +/* Tabs scroll buttons */ +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-up:not([disabled]):hover, +#TabsToolbar #scrollbutton-down:not([disabled]):hover { + background: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Full width tabs */ +.tabbrowser-tab:not([style^="max-width"]):not([pinned]), +.tabbrowser-tab[style^="max-width: 100px !important;"]:not([pinned]) { + max-width: 100% !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab:not([style^="max-width"]):not([pinned]):not([fadein]), +.tabbrowser-tab[style^="max-width: 100px !important;"]:not([pinned]):not([fadein]) { + max-width: .1px !important; +} + +/* Remove blank spaces on tabs start and end */ +#TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer { + display: none !important; +} + +/* TabsToolbar buttons */ +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 { + margin: 0 !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; + min-width: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + border: none !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 > .toolbarbutton-icon, +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 > .toolbarbutton-text, +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 > .toolbarbutton-badge-stack { + padding: 8px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 > .toolbarbutton-icon { + width: 32px !important; + height: 32px !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #alltabs-button { + display: none !important; +} + +/* firefox-view-button */ +:root:not([privatebrowsingmode], [firefoxviewhidden]) :is(toolbarbutton, toolbarpaletteitem) + #tabbrowser-tabs, +:root[privatebrowsingmode]:not([firefoxviewhidden]) :is( + toolbarbutton:not(#firefox-view-button), + toolbarpaletteitem:not(#wrapper-firefox-view-button) +) + #tabbrowser-tabs { + border-inline-start: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + padding-inline-start: calc(var(--tab-overflow-pinned-tabs-width)) !important; + margin-inline-start: 0 !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #firefox-view-button { + border-radius: 0 !important; + padding: 0 4px !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button > .toolbarbutton-icon { + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #firefox-view-button[open] { + background-color: var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar #firefox-view-button[open]:-moz-window-inactive { + background-color: var(--gnome-inactive-tabbar-tab-active-background) !important; +} + +/* Create new container tab indicator */ +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"] .tab-content::before { + content: ""; + display: block; + background-image: var(#userContext-icons:--identity-icon); + background: var( --identity-tab-color); + -moz-context-properties: fill; + fill: var(--identity-icon-color); + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center center; + min-width: 10px; + height: 10px; + margin-right: 5px; + margin-left: auto !important; + border-radius: 100%; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][pinned] .tab-content::before, +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][image] .tab-content::before, +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][busy] .tab-content::before, +.tabbrowser-tab[class*="identity-color-"][progress] .tab-content::before { + right: -10px; + top: -8px; + position: relative; + margin-right: -10px; +} + +/* fix pip on small displays */[pictureinpicture] { + top: 3px !important; + inset-inline-end: 13px !important; + z-index: 1 !important; + max-width: 10px; + max-height: 10px; +} + +/* fix spacing on too many tabs */[pinned], [sharing]), +[pictureinpicture] { + margin-inline-end: 4px !important; + margin-inline-start: 4px !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/toolbox.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/toolbox.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2127a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/parts/toolbox.css @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/* Toolbox, a container for all toolbars (toolbox#navigator-toolbox): + * - menu bar (toolbar#toolbar-menubar) + * - tab bar (toolbar#TabsToolbar) + * - header bar (toolbar#nav-bar) + * - bookmark bar (toolbar#PersonalToolbar) + * - add-ons can add their own toolbars (toolbar) */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Toolbox colors */ +#navigator-toolbox { + border: 0 !important; + background: none !important; +} + +.toolbarbutton-icon { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); +} + +#nav-bar, #PersonalToolbar, #toolbar-menubar, .notificationbox-stack { + border: 0 !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border-bottom: none !important; +} + +#TabsToolbar { + border: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-tabstoolbar-background) !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +#navigator-toolbox { + background: var(--gnome-tabstoolbar-background) !important; +} + +findbar { + border: 0 !important; + background: var(--gnome-findbar-background) !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +.container.infobar { + background: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; +} + +#navigator-toolbox:-moz-window-inactive, +#nav-bar:-moz-window-inactive, .notificationbox-stack:-moz-window-inactive, +#PersonalToolbar:-moz-window-inactive, #toolbar-menubar:-moz-window-inactive, +#TabsToolbar:-moz-window-inactive, findbar:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +#navigator-toolbox:-moz-window-inactive label, #navigator-toolbox:-moz-window-inactive image, +#downloads-indicator-anchor:-moz-window-inactive, +findbar:-moz-window-inactive image:not(#hack), +findbar:-moz-window-inactive label, +#viewButton:-moz-window-inactive dropmarker { + opacity: 0.7 !important; +} + +#toolbar-menubar:not([inactive=true]) { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} + +#PersonalToolbar { + padding: 2px 4px 0 4px !important; + height: 32px !important; +} + +/* Overrides: Remove border below the menu bar / above the header bar */ +#TabsToolbar:not([collapsed="true"]) + #nav-bar { + border-top-width: 0 !important; +} + +#navigator-toolbox::after { + border-bottom-width: 0 !important; +} + +/* Reorder toolbars */ +#navigator-toolbox #nav-bar, findbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0; + order: 0; +} +#navigator-toolbox #PersonalToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1; + order: 1; +} +#navigator-toolbox #titlebar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2; + order: 2; +} +#navigator-toolbox toolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 10; + order: 10; +} +#navigator-toolbox #TabsToolbar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 20; + order: 20; +} +.container.infobar { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 100; + order: 100; +} + +/* Overrides: Don't shift other toolbars on tab drag and drop */ +#TabsToolbar[movingtab] { + padding-bottom: 0 !important; +} +#TabsToolbar[movingtab] > .tabbrowser-tabs { + padding-bottom: 0 !important; + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} +#TabsToolbar[movingtab] + #nav-bar { + margin-top: 0 !important; +} + +#PersonalToolbar { + padding: 0 3px 3px !important; + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; +} + +/* Sidebar */ +#sidebar-box, #sidebar, +.sidebar-panel[lwt-sidebar] { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +.sidebar-splitter { + width: 1px !important; + background-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + border: none !important; +} + +/* Customization page */ +#customization-container:-moz-lwtheme { + background-image: linear-gradient(var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background), var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background)) !important; +} + +#customization-footer { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important; +} + +/* bookmark-item */ +toolbarbutton.bookmark-item { + padding: 3px 6px !important; + margin: 0 2px !important; + border-radius: 3px !important; + max-height: 24px !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/theme.css b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/theme.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d575b2b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/WhiteSur/theme.css @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +@import "parts/toolbox.css"; +@import "parts/buttons.css"; +@import "parts/entries.css"; +@import "parts/controls.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-urlbar.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css"; +@import "parts/headerbar.css"; +@import "parts/csd.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-light.css"; +@import "parts/titlebutton-dark.css"; +@import "parts/popups.css"; +@import "parts/tabsbar.css"; +@import "parts/findbar.css"; +@import "parts/dialogs.css"; +@import "parts/notification.css"; +@import "parts/video-player.css"; +@import "parts/remove-white-flash.css"; +@import "parts/custom-icons.css"; +@import "parts/icons.css"; +@import "colors/light.css"; +@import "colors/dark.css"; +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Set theme version text in customization panel */ +#customization-footer::before { + background: url("icons/icon.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + content: "Firefox WhiteSur theme"; + padding: 10px 10px 10px 50px; +} + +#customization-container { + background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0c207c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* Allow drag window from headerbar buttons */ + +@namespace xul url(""); + +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar *, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-button, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls toolbarbutton { + -moz-window-dragging: drag; +} + +/* Avoid window dragging from urlbar */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar .urlbar-input-box, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar .urlbar-input-box * { + -moz-window-dragging: no-drag !important; +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/hide-single-tab.css 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100644 index 0000000..e0b8cc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-maximize-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-minimize-symbolic.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-minimize-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..428001f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-minimize-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-new-symbolic.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-new-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac5d4f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-new-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-restore-symbolic.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-restore-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03be1d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/window-restore-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + Gnome Symbolic Icons + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-in-symbolic.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-in-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..473ed97 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-in-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-out-symbolic.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-out-symbolic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adc8605 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/icons/zoom-out-symbolic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/left-tab-close-button.css b/src/other/firefox/common/left-tab-close-button.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..159f5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/left-tab-close-button.css @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-close-button { + order: 1; + min-width: 16px; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-icon-stack { + order: 2; + margin-left: auto; +} +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-label-container { + order: 3; + margin-right: auto; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab > .tab-stack > .tab-content > .tab-label-container > .tab-secondary-label { + display: none; +} +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/matching-autocomplete-width.css b/src/other/firefox/common/matching-autocomplete-width.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..190a32d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/matching-autocomplete-width.css @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* +This feature is included by default for Firefox 70+ +*/ + +/************************************************************************************** +*********************************** FIREFOX 68 **************************************** +**************************************************************************************/ +/* Set popover size and position */ +panel#urlbar-results { + --box-width: calc(100vw - var(--item-padding-start) - var(--item-padding-end) + 8px); + --fixed-widths: calc((6px + 16px + 6px) + (16px + 9px) + 11px); + box-sizing: border-box; + border-radius: 9px; + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-top: 0 !important; + max-width: var(--box-width) !important; +} + +/* Style as regular popover */ +panel#urlbar-results { + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + border: 1px solid !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-popover-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 9px; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + padding: 8px; +} + +/* Results box */ +#urlbarView-results { + --item-padding-start: 0 !important; + --item-padding-end: 0 !important; + max-height: 35vh !important; + overflow-x: auto; + max-width: calc(var(--box-width) - 18px) !important; +} + +/* Search panel */ { + width: 100%; + --item-padding-start: 0 !important; + --item-padding-end: 0 !important; +}, .search-panel-one-offs { + background: transparent !important; + border: 0 !important; +} { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important; +} + +/* Search engines buttons */ +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.dummy) { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; +} + +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.dummy) { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-left-width: 0 !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + padding: 0 2px !important; + min-height: 34px !important; + min-width: 34px !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:hover, .searchbar-engine-one-off-item[selected] { + background: var(--gnome-button-hover-background) !important; + color: unset !important; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:first-child { + border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; + border-left-width: 1px !important; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item.last-engine, .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:last-child { + border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item.dummy { + display: none !important; +} +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.last-row) { + box-sizing: border-box !important; +} +#urlbar-anon-search-settings-compact { + border-left-width: 1px !important; + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + border-radius: 5px; + margin-left: 6px !important; +} + +/* Convert search engines icons to symbolic */ +#urlbar-results .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.search-setting-button-compact) .button-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter); +} + +/************************************************************************************** +********************************** FIREFOX 60-67 ************************************** +**************************************************************************************/ +/* TODO: Remove when FF =< 67 is deprecated */ +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult { + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-top: -7px; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult { + background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; + border: 1px solid !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-popover-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 9px; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; /* BUG: Not showing any shadow at all */ + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + padding: 8px !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .autocomplete-richlistbox { + --box-width: calc(100vw - var(--item-padding-start) - var(--item-padding-end) - 42px); + max-width: var(--box-width); +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .autocomplete-richlistitem { + padding-left: 0 !important; + padding-right: 5px !important; + border-inline-end-width: 0 !important; + max-width: calc(var(--box-width) - 5px); + display: flex; + align-items: center; +} +/* Search panel */ +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .search-panel-one-offs-header, #PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .search-panel-one-offs { + background: transparent !important; + border: 0 !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .search-panel-one-offs-header { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .search-panel-one-offs { + --item-padding-start: 0 !important; + --item-padding-end: 0 !important; +} +/* Search engines buttons */ +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.dummy) { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow); + border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0; + border-style: solid; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + padding: 0 2px !important; + height: 34px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + box-sizing: border-box !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:hover, #PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item[selected] { + background: var(--gnome-button-hover-background) !important; + color: unset !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:first-child { + border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; + border-left-width: 1px !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item.last-engine { + border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item.dummy { + display: none !important; +} +#PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .searchbar-engine-one-off-item:not(.last-row) { + box-sizing: border-box !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/pages/common.css b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/common.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a918ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/common.css @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :host, + :root { + --in-content-page-background: rgb(29,29,29) !important; + --in-content-page-color: rgb(253,253,253) !important; + + --in-content-box-background: rgb(36, 36, 36) !important; + --in-content-box-background-odd: rgba(250,250,250,0.05) !important; + --in-content-box-info-background: rgba(250,250,250,0.15) !important; + + --in-content-border-color: rgba(250,250,250,0.2) !important; + --in-content-border-hover: rgba(250,250,250,0.3) !important; + + --in-content-icon-color: rgb(252,252,252) !important; + + --in-content-primary-button-text-color: rgb(255,255,255) !important; + --in-content-primary-button-background: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + --in-content-primary-button-background-hover: var(--theme-primary-hover-color) !important; + --in-content-primary-button-background-active: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; + + --in-content-table-background: rgb(35, 35, 35) !important; + + --newtab-background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + --newtab-background-color-secondary: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + --newtab-primary-action-background: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + + scrollbar-color: rgba(250,250,250,.4) rgba(22,22,22,.3) !important; + } + + @media not (prefers-contrast) { + :root[dialogroot], + :host(dialog) { + --in-content-page-background: #424242 !important; + } + } +} + +.toggle-button { + --toggle-background-color: var(--gnome-switch-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-hover: var(--gnome-switch-hover-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-active: var(--gnome-switch-active-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed-hover: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed-active: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-active-background) !important; + --toggle-border-color: var(--gnome-switch-border-color) !important; + --toggle-dot-background-color: var(--gnome-switch-slider-background) !important; + --toggle-dot-background-color-on-pressed: var(--gnome-switch-slider-background) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/pages/newtab.css b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/newtab.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a8061e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/newtab.css @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* about:newtab */ + +@-moz-document url("about:newtab"), url("about:home") { +body { + --newtab-background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + --newtab-background-color-secondary: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + --newtab-primary-action-background: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + --newtab-primary-element-text-color: #ffffff !important; + --newtab-overlay-color: var(--gnome-tabstoolbar-background) !important; + --newtab-border-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; +} + +.modalOverlayOuter { + background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) 80%, transparent) !important; +} + +.context-menu { + background: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + border-radius: 12px !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; + padding: 6px !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { +.context-menu { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06) !important; +} +} + +.context-menu > ul { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +.context-menu > ul > li > a, +.context-menu > ul > li > button { + border-radius: 6px !important; + padding: 6px 12px !important; +} + +.context-menu > ul > li.separator { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important; +} + +.home-section .section .switch { + width: 30px !important; + height: 20px !important; +} + +.home-section .section .slider::before { + height: 12px !important; + width: 12px !important; + inset-inline-start: 3px; + bottom: 3px; +} +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/pages/privatebrowsing.css b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/privatebrowsing.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1600ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/privatebrowsing.css @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* about:privatebrowsing */ + +@-moz-document url("about:privatebrowsing") { + html.private { + --in-content-page-background: var(--gnome-private-in-content-page-background) !important; + + /* Used by headings in promo boxes Firefox shows (like an ad for Firefox Focus) */ + --in-content-text-color: var(--gnome-private-text-primary-color) !important; + } + .wordmark { + fill: var(--gnome-private-wordmark) !important; + } + .showPrivate { + color: var(--gnome-private-text-primary-color); + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/pages/reader.css b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/reader.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04d25e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/pages/reader.css @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +body.dark { + --main-background: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; + --main-foreground: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + --primary-color: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + --toolbar-border: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.2) !important; + --toolbar-button-background-hover: rgb(82, 82, 82) !important; + --toolbar-button-background-active: rgb(92, 92, 92) !important; + --popup-background: rgb(66, 66, 66) !important; + --opaque-popup-border: #424242 !important; + --popup-line: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.1) !important; + --popup-button-background: rgb(43, 43, 43)!important; + --selected-background: rgba(var(--theme-primary-color), 0.3) !important; + --font-value-background: rgba(var(--theme-primary-color), 0.15) !important; + --font-value-border: #656565 !important; + --icon-fill: rgb(251, 251, 251) !important; + --icon-disabled-fill: rgba(251, 251, 251, 0.4) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons-fixes.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons-fixes.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0e1742 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons-fixes.css @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +/* Buttons Issues/Glitches fixes */ +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Fix hover background */ +.toolbarbutton-badge-stack:not(#hack), .toolbarbutton-icon:not(#hack), .toolbarbutton-text:not(#hack) { + background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Fix button box */ +.panel-footer.panel-footer-menulike > button > .button-box { + display: -moz-box !important; +} + +/* menulist */ +#label-box:not([native]) { + font-weight: 400 !important; +} + +/* Overrides: Make the back button the same as other buttons */ +:root:not([uidensity=compact]) #back-button { + border-radius: var(--toolbarbutton-border-radius) !important; +} +:root:not([uidensity=compact]) #back-button > .toolbarbutton-icon { + background-color: unset !important; + border: unset !important; + width: calc(2 * var(--toolbarbutton-inner-padding) + 16px) !important; + height: calc(2 * var(--toolbarbutton-inner-padding) + 16px) !important; + padding: var(--toolbarbutton-inner-padding) !important; + border-radius: var(--toolbarbutton-border-radius); + box-shadow: none !important; +} +:root:not([uidensity=compact]) #back-button:not([disabled]):not([open]):hover > .toolbarbutton-icon { + background-color: var(--toolbarbutton-hover-background) !important; + box-shadow: unset; + border-color: unset; +} +:root:not([uidensity=compact]) #back-button[open] > .toolbarbutton-icon, +:root:not([uidensity=compact]) #back-button:not([disabled]):hover:active > .toolbarbutton-icon { + background-color: var(--toolbarbutton-active-background) !important; + border-color: unset; +} + +/* Remove the header bar buttons' hover styles */ +#nav-bar { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Glitch customizing: Cut / Copy / Paste buttons' icons + * :not(#hack) is there just to elevate rule priority */ +:root[customizing] #nav-bar > hbox toolbaritem toolbarbutton image:not(#hack) { + opacity: 1 !important; +} +/* Glitch customizing: Reload and Cut / Copy / Paste buttons */ +:root:-moz-window-inactive[customizing] #nav-bar #stop-reload-button toolbarbutton, +:root:-moz-window-inactive[customizing] #nav-bar #edit-controls toolbarbutton { + background-image: var(--gnome-inactive-button-background); + box-shadow: var(--gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow); +} +/* Glitch customizing: Reload and Cut / Copy / Paste buttons' icons */ +:root:-moz-window-inactive[customizing] #nav-bar #stop-reload-button image.toolbarbutton-icon, +:root:-moz-window-inactive[customizing] #nav-bar #edit-controls image.toolbarbutton-icon { + opacity: .7 !important; +} + +/* Glitch: Overflow and Burger buttons + * :not(#hack) is there just to elevate rule priority */ +:root[customizing] #nav-bar > toolbarbutton[disabled]:not(#hack), +:root[customizing] #nav-bar > toolbaritem > toolbarbutton[disabled]:not(#hack) { + opacity: .5 !important; +} +/* Glitch: Overflow button's icon */ +:root[customizing] #nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button)[disabled] image { + fill-opacity: var(--toolbarbutton-icon-fill-opacity) !important; +} + +/* Bookmark buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item { + width: auto !important; +} +#nav-bar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item .toolbarbutton-icon { + margin-left: 6px; +} +#nav-bar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item .toolbarbutton-text { + padding-right: 6px; +} + +/* Remove Burger button's left separator */ +#PanelUI-button { + border: 0 !important; + margin: 0 !important; + padding-inline-start: 0 !important; +} + +/* Space main menu button from other headerbar buttons +#nav-bar #PanelUI-menu-button:not(#hack) { + margin-left: 10px !important; +}*/ + +/* Fix library animation */ +#library-animatable-box { + --library-button-height: 46px !important; + --library-icon-x: 1716px !important; + /*--library-icon-x: 1715.9833984375px !important;*/ +} +#library-button[animate] > .toolbarbutton-icon { + fill: transparent !important; +} + +/* Fix toolbars close icons */ +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button) .toolbarbutton-icon { + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; + margin: 6px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +button.close:not(.ghost-button) { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +button.close.ghost-button { + margin: 6px !important; +} + +button.close.ghost-button:not(:active):hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +button.close.ghost-button:active { + background-color: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; +} + +/* */ +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item[notificationid="update-restart"]::after { + display: none !important; +} + +/* Identity site popover buttons */ +.identity-popup-preferences-button:not(#hack) { + list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/settings.svg") !important; +} +#tracking-protection-preferences-button > .toolbarbutton-text { + padding-inline-end: 0 !important; +} +.protections-popup-footer-button-label { + margin-inline-start: 3px !important; +} + +/* Fix findbar buttons issues */ +.findbar-container .findbar-find-previous image, +.findbar-container .findbar-find-next image { + margin: 6px !important; + opacity: 1 !important; +} +.findbar-container toolbarbutton:focus { + outline: 0 !important; +} + +/* Sidebar header button reset font size */ +#sidebar-header { + font-size: 1em !important; +} + +/* Sidebar header button sizing */ +#sidebar-switcher-target { + flex: unset !important; +} + +/* Sidebar header button arrow opacity */ +#sidebar-switcher-arrow { + opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Sidebar history view */ +#viewButton { + margin: 0 !important; + margin-inline-start: 6px !important; +} + +/* Menulist */ +#identity-popup-popup-menulist { + margin-right: 0 !important; +} + +/* Auto complete popup button*/ +.autocomplete-richlistitem[type="loginsFooter"] { + margin: 4px 4px 0 4px !important; +} + +#context-navigation > .menuitem-iconic > .menu-iconic-left > .menu-iconic-icon { + margin: 3px !important; +} + +/* Bookmarks editor buttons */ +.expander-down image, .expander-up image { + margin-top: 8px !important; +} + +/* Identity popup tracking protection button */ +.tracking-protection-button { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +/* Identity popup delete permission button */ +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button { + opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Identity popup expander button */ +#identity-popup-security { + -moz-box-align: center; +} +#identity-popup-security-expander { + width: 34px !important; +} +#identity-popup-security-expander .button-icon { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +/* Protections popup */ +#protections-popup-info-button { + margin: 0 !important; + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; +} +.protections-popup-footer-icon { + display: none !important; +} +.protections-popup-footer-button-label { + margin-inline-start: 0 !important; +} +#protections-popup-footer-protection-type-label { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; + margin-block: 0 !important; +} + +/* Close button */ +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button) .toolbarbutton-icon { + outline: 0 !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..160f8ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/buttons.css @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +/* Buttons */ +@import "buttons-fixes.css"; +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Hide buttons separator */ +#nav-bar .toolbaritem-combined-buttons separator { + display: none !important; +} + +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarseparator { + border: 0 !important; +} + +/* Buttons */ +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button),*/ +.subviewbutton.panel-subview-footer, +.panel-footer button, +#downloadsHistory, +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state .downloadButton, +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item, +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton:not(#appMenu-fxa-label), +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack), +#context-navigation menuitem, +.identity-popup-preferences-button:not(#hack), +.findbar-container toolbarbutton, +#sidebar-switcher-target, +#viewButton, +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button), +button.close:not(.ghost-button), +.menulist-label-box, +.expander-down, .expander-up, +.notification-button, +#identity-popup-security-expander, +#protections-popup-info-button, +#PanelUI-panic-view-button, +.tracking-protection-button, +.dialog-button, +.autocomplete-richlistitem[type="loginsFooter"], +.dialog-button-box button, +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button, +.button.connect-device, +#item-choose button, +#editBMPanel_newFolderButton, +button.customizationmode-button { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + padding: 0 4px !important; + height: 28px !important; + max-height: 28px !important; + min-height: 28px !important; + min-width: 28px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + transition: all 200ms; +} + +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button { + padding: 2px 4px !important; + align-items: center !important; +} + +menulist { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +xul|menulist { + padding: 0 10px !important; + min-height: 28px !important; +} + +/* Text buttons */ +.subviewbutton.panel-subview-footer, +.panel-footer button, +#downloadsHistory, +#overflowMenu-customize-button, +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item, +#appMenu-zoomReset-button:not(#appMenu-fxa-label):not(#hack), +#appMenu-popup #appMenu-zoomReset-button2:not(#hack), +#tracking-protection-preferences-button:not(#hack), +.findbar-container toolbarbutton.findbar-button, +.notification-button, +.protections-popup-footer-button, +#PanelUI-panic-view-button, +.tracking-protection-button, +.dialog-button, +.autocomplete-richlistitem[type="loginsFooter"], +.dialog-button-box button, +.toolbaritem-combined-buttons:is(:not([cui-areatype="toolbar"]), +[overflowedItem="true"]) > #appMenu-fxa-label2:not(#hack), +.button.connect-device, +#item-choose button, +#editBMPanel_newFolderButton, +button.customizationmode-button { + padding: 2px 10px !important; + text-align: center !important; +} + +.subviewbutton.panel-subview-footer label { + text-align: center !important; +} + +/* Drop down buttons */ +#sidebar-switcher-target, +#viewButton { + padding: 2px 16px !important; + position: relative; +} +#sidebar-switcher-arrow, +#viewButton .button-menu-dropmarker { /* Arrow position, type b */ + transform: translate(6px, 0) +} +.menulist-label-box { + padding: 2px 26px 2px 16px !important; + position: relative; +} +.menulist-label-box:after { /* Arrow position */ + position: absolute !important; + right: 8px !important; + top: 8px !important; +} +.menulist-label-box:after { /* Create arrow if icon tag no exist */ + content: ""; +} + +/* Hover buttons */ +menulist:hover, +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([open]):not([disabled]):not([checked]):hover,*/ +.subviewbutton.panel-subview-footer:hover, +.panel-footer button:hover, +#downloadsHistory:hover, +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state .downloadButton:hover, +#overflowMenu-customize-button:hover, +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item:hover, +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack):hover, +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton:not(#appMenu-fxa-label):not([disabled]):hover, +#context-navigation menuitem:not([disabled]):hover, +.identity-popup-preferences-button:not(#hack):hover, +.findbar-container toolbarbutton:hover, +.findbar-closebutton .toolbarbutton-icon:hover, +#sidebar-switcher-target:hover, +#viewButton:hover, +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button):hover, +button.close:not(.ghost-button):hover, +menulist:hover .menulist-label-box, +.expander-down:hover, .expander-up:hover, +.notification-button:hover, +.protections-popup-footer-button:hover, +#identity-popup-security-expander:hover, +#protections-popup-info-button:hover, +.tracking-protection-button:hover, +.dialog-button:hover, +.autocomplete-richlistitem[type="loginsFooter"]:hover, +.dialog-button-box button:hover, +.searchbar-engine-one-off-item:hover, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button:hover, +button.customizationmode-button:hover { + outline: 0 !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Active buttons */ +menulist[open], +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled]):not(#hack):active,*/ +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled])[open],*/ +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled])[checked],*/ +.subviewbutton.panel-subview-footer:active, +.panel-footer button:active, +#downloadsHistory:active, +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state .downloadButton:active, +#overflowMenu-customize-button:active, +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item:active, +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack):active, +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton:not([disabled]):not(#appMenu-fxa-label):active, +#context-navigation menuitem:active:not([disabled]), +.identity-popup-preferences-button:not(#hack):active, +.findbar-container toolbarbutton[checked], +.findbar-container toolbarbutton:active, +#sidebar-switcher-target:active,, +#viewButton[open], +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button):active, +button.close:not(.ghost-button):active, +menulist[open] .menulist-label-box, +.expander-down:active, .expander-up:active, +.notification-button:active, +.protections-popup-footer-button:not(#hack):active, +#identity-popup-security-expander:active, +#protections-popup-info-button:not(#hack):active, +#protections-popup-info-button:not(#hack)[checked], +.tracking-protection-button:active, +.dialog-button:active, +.autocomplete-richlistitem[type="loginsFooter"]:active, +.dialog-button-box button:active, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button:active, +button.customizationmode-button:active { + background: var(--gnome-button-active-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-active-box-shadow) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-active-border-color) !important; +} + +/* Disabled buttons */ +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button)[disabled],*/ +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton[disabled], +#context-navigation menuitem[disabled], +button.customizationmode-button[disabled] { + background: var(--gnome-button-disabled-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-disabled-border-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-disabled-box-shadow) !important; + opacity: 1 !important; +} + +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button)[disabled] image, +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton[disabled] image, +#context-navigation menuitem[disabled] image { + opacity: .4 !important; +} + +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button)[disabled]:hover, +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons toolbarbutton[disabled]:hover { + background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Inactive window buttons */ +/*#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):-moz-window-inactive,*/ +.findbar-container toolbarbutton:-moz-window-inactive, +#sidebar-switcher-target:-moz-window-inactive, +#viewButton:-moz-window-inactive, +.notification-button:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-inactive-button-border-color) !important; +} + +/* Flat buttons */ +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack), +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button), +button.close:not(.ghost-button), +#protections-popup-info-button, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button { + background: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-color: transparent !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + border: none !important; +} + +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack):not(:active):hover, +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button):not(:active):hover, +button.close:not(.ghost-button):not(:active):hover, +#protections-popup-info-button:hover, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button:not(:active):hover { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; +} + +.subviewbutton-back:not(#hack):active, +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button):active, +button.close:not(.ghost-button):active, +#protections-popup-info-button:active, +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button:active { + box-shadow: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; +} + +button.close, +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button) { + box-shadow: none !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: 100% !important; +} + +/* Circle buttons */ +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state .downloadButton, +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button:not(#hack) { + padding: 0 0 !important; + height: 32px !important; + width: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + min-width: 32px !important; + border-radius: 100% !important; +} + +/* Combined buttons */ +#nav-bar .toolbaritem-combined-buttons:not(.unified-extensions-item) toolbarbutton:not(:last-of-type):not(#hack), +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons:not(.unified-extensions-item) toolbarbutton:not(:last-of-type):not(#appMenu-zoomEnlarge-button), +#context-navigation menuitem:not(:last-of-type), +.findbar-container toolbarbutton.findbar-find-previous, +.findbar-button:not(:last-of-type) { + border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; + border-right-width: 1px !important; + margin-right: 0 !important; +} + +#nav-bar .toolbaritem-combined-buttons:not(.unified-extensions-item) toolbarbutton:not(:first-of-type):not(#hack), +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons:not(.unified-extensions-item) toolbarbutton:not(:first-of-type):not(#appMenu-fullscreen-button), +#context-navigation menuitem:not(:first-of-type), +.findbar-container toolbarbutton.findbar-find-previous, +.findbar-container toolbarbutton.findbar-find-next, +.findbar-button:not(:first-of-type) { + border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; + border-left-width: 0 !important; + margin-left: 0 !important; +} + +/* Buttons with suggested action */ +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item[notificationid="update-restart"], +button.popup-notification-primary-button, +#editBookmarkPanelDoneButton, +#tracking-action-block { + color: white !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-accent-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-box-shadow) !important; + text-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; +} + +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item[notificationid="update-restart"]:hover, +button.popup-notification-primary-button:hover, +#editBookmarkPanelDoneButton:hover { + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background) !important; +} + +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item[notificationid="update-restart"]:active, +button.popup-notification-primary-button:active, +#editBookmarkPanelDoneButton:active { + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-active-box-shadow) !important; + text-shadow: none !important; + transition: none !important; +} + +/* Buttons with destructive action */ +#editBookmarkPanelRemoveButton, +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button, +#PanelUI-panic-view-button { + color: white !important; + background: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow) !important; + text-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important; +} + +#editBookmarkPanelRemoveButton:hover, +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button:not(#hack):hover, +#PanelUI-panic-view-button:hover { + background: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-hover-background) !important; +} + +#editBookmarkPanelRemoveButton:active, +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button:not(#hack):active, +#PanelUI-panic-view-button:active { + background: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-active-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-active-border-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-active-box-shadow) !important; +} + +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button:not(#hack):hover { /* Is flat */ + border-color: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-border-accent-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-destructive-action-box-shadow) !important; +} +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button:not(#hack):hover .button-icon { + filter: invert(100%) brightness(200%); +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/controls.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/controls.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb9c39e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/controls.css @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* Controls */ +/* Switchers, Checkboxes, etc. */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Switchers */ +.toggle-button { + --toggle-height: 26px !important; + --toggle-width: 48px !important; + --toggle-border-radius: 24px !important; + --toggle-border-color: var(--gnome-switch-border-color) !important; + --toggle-background-color: var(--gnome-switch-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-hover: var(--gnome-switch-hover-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-active: var(--gnome-switch-active-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed-hover: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-hover-background) !important; + --toggle-background-color-pressed-active: var(--gnome-switch-pressed-active-background) !important; + --toggle-dot-height: 22px !important; + --toggle-dot-background-color: #ffffff !important; + --toggle-dot-background-color-on-pressed: #ffffff !important; + --toggle-dot-margin: 1px !important/* border: 0 !important;*/ +} + +.toggle-button:enabled:hover { + background: var(--toggle-background-color-hover); + border-color: var(--toggle-border-color); +} + +.toggle-button:enabled:active { + background: var(--toggle-background-color-active); + border-color: var(--toggle-border-color); +} + +.toggle-button[aria-pressed="true"] { + background: var(--toggle-background-color-pressed); + border-color: transparent; +} + +.toggle-button[aria-pressed="true"]:enabled:hover { + background: var(--toggle-background-color-pressed-hover); + border-color: transparent; +} + +.toggle-button[aria-pressed="true"]:enabled:active { + background: var(--toggle-background-color-pressed-active); + border-color: transparent; +} + +.toggle-button::before { + box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/csd.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/csd.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e70e288 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/csd.css @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +/* GNOME CSD styles for headerbar on Firefox [tabsintitlebar] */ + +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Headerbar top border corners rounded */ +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="normal"]:not([gtktiledwindow="true"]) { + #nav-bar { + border-top-left-radius: 12px !important; + border-top-right-radius: 12px !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-headerbar-box-shadow) !important; + } + + #nav-bar:-moz-window-inactive { + box-shadow: var(--gnome-inactive-headerbar-box-shadow) !important; + } + + /* stylelint-disable-next-line media-query-no-invalid */ + @media (-moz-bool-pref: "widget.gtk.rounded-bottom-corners.enabled") { + body, + dialog, + body::backdrop, + dialog::backdrop { + /* Use an uniform clip to allow WebRender to optimize it better */ + border-radius: 12px !important; + } + + window[role="dialog"] { + border-bottom-left-radius: 12px !important; + border-bottom-right-radius: 12px !important; + } + } +} + +/* Window buttons: at least 1 button */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button), (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button), (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-right: 60px !important; + } +} +/* Window buttons: at least 2 buttons */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button), + (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button), + (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-right: 70px !important; + } +} +/* Window buttons: 3 buttons */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-right: 90px !important; + } +} + +/* Fullscreen headerbar padding for 1 button */ +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #nav-bar { + padding-right: 50px !important; +} + +/* Window buttons box */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox-container, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar-buttonbox-container, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + padding: 0 3px 0 4px; + position: absolute !important; + right: 8px; + top: 0; + display: block !important; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox { + -moz-appearance: none !important; +} + +/* Window buttons style */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-button, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls toolbarbutton { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: 100px !important; + height: 16px; + margin: 16px 4px !important; + padding: 2px 0 !important; + width: 16px; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #titlebar .titlebar-button, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls toolbarbutton { + height: 24px !important; + width: 24px !important; + margin: 12px 4px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-button .toolbarbutton-icon, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls toolbarbutton .toolbarbutton-icon { + opacity: 0 !important; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-button .toolbarbutton-icon, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls:-moz-window-inactive toolbarbutton .toolbarbutton-icon { + opacity: 0 !important; +} + +/* Remove close and minimize buttons from fullscreen buttons */ +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #close-button, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #minimize-button, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-close, +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-min { + display: none !important; +} + +/* Left window buttons */ +@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-right: 6px !important; + } + + /* Window buttons box */ + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox-container { + padding: 0 3px 0 4px; + left: 8px; + right: auto; + } + + /* Fullscreen headerbar padding for 1 button */ + :root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #nav-bar { + padding-left: 50px !important; + } + + /* Window controls: at least 1 button */ + @media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button), (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button), (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-left: 60px !important; + } + } + /* Window controls: at least 2 buttons */ + @media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button), + (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button), + (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-left: 70px !important; + } + } + /* Window controls: 3 buttons */ + @media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) { + :root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar { + padding-left: 90px !important; + } + } +} + +/* Remove tabsbar titlebar blank spaces */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #TabsToolbar .titlebar-placeholder { + display: none !important; +} + +/* Prevent menubar from breaking */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #toolbar-menubar:not([inactive=true]) { + height: 30px !important; + margin-bottom: 8px; +} + +/* Remove default style of titlebar */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar { + -moz-appearance: none !important; +} + +/* Fix the issue when dragging tabs */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #navigator-toolbox[movingtab] #TabsToolbar { + padding-bottom: 0 !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/custom-icons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/custom-icons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6b8de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/custom-icons.css @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* Replace icons */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Back button */ +#nav-bar #back-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-previous-symbolic?size=dialog") !important;; +} + +/* Forward button */ +#nav-bar #forward-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-next-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; +} + +/* Popovers subview menu arrow */ +.PanelUI-subView .subviewbutton-nav::after { + content: "" !important; + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + background: url("moz-icon://stock/pan-start-symbolic?size=dialog"); + background-size: contain; + height: 16px; + width: 16px; + margin-top: -2px !important; +} + +/* Popovers subview back button */ +.subviewbutton-back { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/pan-start-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; +} +.subviewbutton-back .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/dialogs.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/dialogs.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b6a0bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/dialogs.css @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +/* Dialogs */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +window { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +/* Browser dialog prompts center */ +.dialogOverlay { + display: grid; + place-content: center; + justify-content: center; + grid-auto-rows: min(90%, var(--doc-height-px)); +} + +.dialogOverlay[topmost="true"]:not(.dialogOverlay-window-modal-dialog-subdialog), #window-modal-dialog::backdrop { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5) !important; +} + +#window-modal-dialog { + margin-top: auto !important; + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + height: 100vh; +} + +/* Dialog */ +.dialogBox { + border-radius: 12px !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} + +window[role="dialog"] { + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border: 0 !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +dialog { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +dialog[subdialog] { + border-radius: 12px !important; + border: none !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; +} + +/* Content */ +.dialog-content-box, +#dialogGrid { + padding: 24px; + padding-bottom: 0; +} + +#description-box { + margin: 24px 24px 0 !important; +} + +#rememberContainer { + margin: 0 24px 16px !important; +} + +#titleContainer { + padding: 6px !important; + margin-top: 6px !important; + justify-content: center !important; +} + +.titleIcon { + background-color: transparent !important; +} + +#bookmarkpropertiesdialog #editBookmarkPanelContent { + padding-inline: 6px !important; + margin-inline: 6px !important; +} + +/* Buttons */ +.dialog-button-box { + display: flex !important; + background: none !important; + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-menu-border-color) !important; + padding: 3px !important; +} + +.dialog-button-box button:not(#hack) { + height: auto !important; + max-height: unset !important; + padding: 10px 14px !important; + margin: 3px !important; + border-radius: 6px !important; + flex: 1; +} + +.dialog-button-box spacer.button-spacer { + display: none; +} + +/* Hadler dialog */ +#os-default-handler image { + display: none !important; +} +#os-default-handler .name { + font-weight: normal !important; +} + +/* Print dialog */ +:root[dialogroot], :host(dialog) { + --in-content-page-background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +#editBookmarkPanelContent > input, +#editBookmarkPanelContent > hbox > input { + padding: 0 12px !important; + min-height: 26px !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + background-color: #ffffff !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; +} + +#editBookmarkPanelContent > input:focus-visible, +#editBookmarkPanelContent > hbox > input:focus-visible { + outline: 2px solid var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color) !important; + outline-offset: -2px; + -moz-outline-radius: 8px; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select, +:host(dialog) select { + background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/arrow-down-12.svg") !important; + background-color: #ffffff !important; + background-position: right 12px center !important; + background-repeat: no-repeat !important; + background-size: auto 12px !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + padding: 2px 12px !important; + min-height: 28px !important; + min-width: 28px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; +} + +#cancel-button, +#print-button.primary { + min-width: 7em !important; + min-height: 28px !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +#print-button.primary { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + color: #ffffff !important; + border-color: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select:not([disabled]):hover, +:host(dialog) select:not([disabled]):hover { + background-color: #f5f5f5 !important; +} + +#print-button.primary:hover { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-hover-color) !important; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select:not([disabled]):active, +:host(dialog) select:not([disabled]):active { + background-color: #efefef !important; +} + +#print-button.primary:active { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-active-color) !important; +} + +.toggle-group-label { + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; +} + +.toggle-group-label:first-of-type { + border-start-start-radius: 8px !important; + border-end-start-radius: 8px !important; +} + +.toggle-group-label:last-of-type { + border-end-end-radius: 8px !important; + border-start-end-radius: 8px !important; + border-left: none !important; +} + +.toggle-group-input:enabled:checked + .toggle-group-label { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + color: #ffffff !important; + border-color: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; +} + +.toggle-group-input:enabled:checked + .toggle-group-label:hover { + background-color: var(--theme-primary-hover-color) !important; + color: #ffffff !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { +#editBookmarkPanelContent > input, +#editBookmarkPanelContent > hbox > input { + background-color: #666666 !important; +} + +#cancel-button, +#print-button.primary { + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; +} + +#print-button.primary { + border-color: var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; +} + +.toggle-group-label { + box-shadow: var(--gnome-button-box-shadow) !important; +} + +.toggle-group-input:enabled:checked + .toggle-group-label { + border-color: var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-bottom-color: var(--gnome-button-border-accent-color) !important; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select, +:host(dialog) select { + background-color: #666666 !important; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select:not([disabled]):hover, +:host(dialog) select:not([disabled]):hover { + background-color: #777777 !important; +} + +:root[dialogroot] select:not([disabled]):active, +:host(dialog) select:not([disabled]):active { + background-color: #888888 !important; +} +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/entries.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/entries.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf8ceab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/entries.css @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* Entries */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Entries */ +#searchbar, +#search-box, +.findbar-textbox, +#loginTextbox, +#password1Textbox { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-urlbar-background) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-urlbar-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + color: var(--gnome-urlbar-color) !important; + height: 28px !important; + max-height: 28px !important; + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 6px !important; + box-sizing: border-box; + transition: outline 100ms ease-out; +} + +/* Entries focused */ +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend], +#searchbar:focus-within, +#search-box[focused], +/*.findbar-textbox[focused],*/ +/*.findbar-textbox:focus,*/ +#loginTextbox:focus, +#password1Textbox:focus { + border: none !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + outline: 2px solid var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color) !important; + outline-offset: -2px; + -moz-outline-radius: 8px; + transition: outline 100ms ease-out; +} + +.findbar-textbox[focused], +.findbar-textbox:focus { + outline: none !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color) !important; + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color) !important; +} + +/* Inactive window entries */ +#searchbar:-moz-window-inactive, +#search-box:-moz-window-inactive, +.findbar-textbox:-moz-window-inactive, +#loginTextbox:-moz-window-inactive, +#password1Textbox:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-urlbar-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-inactive-urlbar-border-color) !important; + color: var(--gnome-inactive-urlbar-color) !important; +} + +/* Entries combined */ +.findbar-textbox:not(.minimal) { + border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important; + border-right-width: 0 !important; +} +.findbar-textbox:not(.minimal)[focused], .findbar-textbox:not(.minimal):focus { + -moz-outline-radius: 8px 0 0 8px !important; +} + +/* Entries fixes */ +#urlbar-container, #search-container { + padding: 0 !important; + margin: 0 3px !important; +} +#urlbar-input-container { + background: transparent !important; + border: 0 !important; +} +#urlbar, #searchbar { + margin: 0 3px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} +.searchbar-textbox { + border: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + margin: 0 !important; + min-height: auto !important; +} +#searchbar > .searchbar-textbox[focused] .searchbar-search-button:not(#hack) { + margin: 0 !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/findbar.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/findbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a70deba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/findbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* Find bar */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +findbar { + padding: 0 !important; + position: relative; +} + +.findbar-container { + align-items: center; + padding: 6px !important; + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-start; + position: relative; + flex-direction: row; + margin: 0 !important; + width: calc(100% - 42px); + height: auto !important; +} + +hbox[anonid="findbar-textbox-wrapper"] { + position: absolute; + right: calc(50vw - 36px); + transform: translate(50%, 0); + display: flex !important; +} + +.findbar-find-status, .found-matches { + order: -1; + padding: 7px 0; +} +.findbar-find-status { + padding-left: 6px; + flex: 1; +} + +.findbar-textbox:focus + .findbar-find-previous { + border-left-color: var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-border-color) !important; +} + +.findbar-highlight, .findbar-case-sensitive, .findbar-match-diacritics, .findbar-entire-word, .findbar-label { + margin: 0 3px !important; + font-size: 0.9em !important; +} + +.findbar-closebutton.close-icon { + margin: 6px 6px 6px 0 !important; + padding: 0 0 !important; + border-radius: 100px !important; +} + +@media (max-width: 1100px) { + hbox[anonid="findbar-textbox-wrapper"] { + position: relative; + right: 0; + transform: none; + } + .findbar-find-status, .found-matches { + order: 0; + } +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f0b215 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar-private-urlbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* Private window header bar's URL bar */ + +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Hide tabsbar default private browsing indicator */ +#private-browsing-indicator-with-label { + display: none !important; +} + +:root[privatebrowsingmode="temporary"] #nav-bar toolbarspring:first-of-type:before { + background: url("../icons/user-not-tracked.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + content: ""; + display: block; + position: absolute; + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + top: 8px; + opacity: 0.3; + transform: translate(15px, 0); +} + +:root[privatebrowsingmode="temporary"] #nav-bar toolbarspring:first-of-type:-moz-lwtheme-brighttext:before { + background-image: url("../icons/user-not-tracked-dark.svg"); +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root[privatebrowsingmode="temporary"] #nav-bar toolbarspring:first-of-type:before { + background: url("../icons/user-not-tracked-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; + content: ""; + display: block; + position: absolute; + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + top: 8px; + opacity: 0.3; + transform: translate(15px, 0); + } +} + +#TabsToolbar .private-browsing-indicator { + display: none !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b4b3ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/headerbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +/* Header bar */ +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Headerbar */ +#nav-bar { + padding: 8px !important; +} + +/* Headerbar CSD colors */ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #nav-bar { + border: none !important; +} + +/* Headerbar buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button), +toolbar .toolbaritem-combined-buttons > .toolbarbutton-1 { + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + background: none !important; + -moz-appearance: none !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + margin: 8px 2px !important; + padding: 0 10px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + min-height: 32px !important; + min-width: 32px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + transition: background 200ms; + --toolbarbutton-inner-padding: 0 !important; +} + +:root:-moz-window-inactive #nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button) { + background: none !important; +} + +#nav-bar .toolbaritem-combined-buttons { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +/* Hover headerbar buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([open]):not([disabled]):not([checked]):hover, +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1:hover, +#tabs-newtab-button:hover, #TabsToolbar #new-tab-button:hover { + outline: 0 !important; + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Active headerbar buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled]):not(#hack):active, +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled])[open], +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):not([disabled])[checked], +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1:active, #TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1[open], +#tabs-newtab-button:active, #TabsToolbar #new-tab-button:active { + background: var(--gnome-headerbar-button-active-background) !important; +} + +/* Disabled headerbar buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button)[disabled] { + background: transparent !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-disabled-border-color) !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Inactive window buttons */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button):-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-button-background) !important; + box-shadow: var(--gnome-inactive-button-box-shadow) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-inactive-button-border-color) !important; +} + +/* Buttons with margins */ +#nav-bar toolbarbutton:not(#urlbar-zoom-button) { + margin: 0 2px !important; +} + +#nav-bar #back-button:not(#hack), +#nav-bar #forward-button:not(#hack) { + padding: 0 4px !important; + width: 34px !important; + min-width: 34px !important; +} + +#nav-bar #forward-button:not(#hack) { + margin-left: 0 !important; +} + +#nav-bar #back-button:not(#hack) { + margin-right: 1px !important; +} + +/* Headerbar entries */ +#nav-bar #searchbar, +#urlbar #urlbar-input-container { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-urlbar-background) !important; + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + color: var(--gnome-urlbar-color) !important; + padding: 0 3px !important; + height: 32px !important; + max-height: 32px !important; + transition: box-shadow 200ms; +} + +:root:-moz-window-inactive #nav-bar #searchbar, +:root:-moz-window-inactive #urlbar #urlbar-input-container { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-urlbar-background) !important; +} + +#nav-bar #searchbar:hover, +#urlbar #urlbar-input-container:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--gnome-hover-urlbar-border-color) !important; + transition-duration: 100ms; +} + +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-input-container, +#urlbar[breakout][breakout-extend] #urlbar-input-container:hover { + background: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + padding: 0 3px !important; +} + +#nav-bar #searchbar:focus-within { + border: none !important; + background: var(--gnome-urlbar-background) !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px var(--gnome-focused-urlbar-highlight-color) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/icons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/icons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98773d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/icons.css @@ -0,0 +1,856 @@ +/* Replace icons */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +#TabsToolbar .toolbarbutton-1 { + & > .toolbarbutton-icon, & > .toolbarbutton-text, & > .toolbarbutton-badge-stack { + border-radius: 0 !important; + } +} + +/* Cursors autoscroller fix */ +.autoscroller { + --panel-background: transparent !important; + --panel-border-color: transparent !important; + background: #fff url('chrome://global/skin/icons/autoscroll.svg') no-repeat center !important; + border-radius: 50% !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} +.autoscroller[scrolldir='NS'] { + background-image: url('chrome://global/skin/icons/autoscroll-vertical.svg') !important; +} +.autoscroller[scrolldir='EW'] { + background-image: url('chrome://global/skin/icons/autoscroll-horizontal.svg') !important; +} + +/* Built-in firefox icons color */ +.toolbarbutton-icon, +.protections-popup-category-icon, +.protections-popup-footer-icon { + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Tabs scroll icons */ +#TabsToolbar .scrollbutton-up { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-start-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#TabsToolbar .scrollbutton-down { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-start-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Scroll icons */ +#scrollbutton-up { + list-style-image: var(--scrollbutton-icon-name) !important; +} +#scrollbutton-down { + list-style-image: var(--scrollbutton-icon-name) !important; +} +arrowscrollbox { + --scrollbutton-icon-name: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic.svg"); +} +arrowscrollbox[orient="horizontal"] { + --scrollbutton-icon-name: url("../icons/pan-start-symbolic.svg"); +} + +/* Popovers subview menu arrow */ +#identity-popup-mainView .subviewbutton-nav::after, +.widget-overflow-list .subviewbutton-nav::after, +.PanelUI-subView .subviewbutton-nav::after { + content: "" !important; + background: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg"); + background-size: contain; + height: 16px; + width: 16px; + margin-top: -2px !important; +} +.protections-popup-category::after { + content: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +.identity-popup-content-blocking-category::after { + content: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#identity-popup-security-expander .button-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Popovers subview back button */ +.subviewbutton-back { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-start-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Arrow down buttons */ +.expander-down > .button-box, +#sidebar-switcher-arrow, +#viewButton .button-menu-dropmarker { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; +} +.menulist-label-box:after { + content: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Arrow up buttons */ +.expander-up > .button-box { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-up-symbolic.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; +} + +/* Search entries */ +#urlbar[pageproxystate="invalid"] > #identity-box > #identity-icon, +#urlbar:not(.searchButton) > #urlbar-input-container > #identity-box[pageproxystate="invalid"] #identity-icon, +.searchbar-search-icon, +#search-box .textbox-search-sign { + list-style-image: url("../icons/edit-find-symbolic.svg") !important; + opacity: 0.7 !important; +} + +#search-box .textbox-search-sign { + width: 16px !important; + margin: 2px 0; +} + +/*translations-button*/ +#translations-button-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/translations.svg") !important; + margin-right: 0 !important; +} + +/* Tree views */ +treechildren::-moz-tree-twisty { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; +} +.item.client .item-twisty-container { + background-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; +} +.item.client.closed .item-twisty-container { + background-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +treechildren::-moz-tree-twisty(selected, focus, open) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic-light.svg") !important; +} +treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, container), +treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, open) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/folder-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, query, dayContainer), +treechildren::-moz-tree-image(query, OrganizerQuery_history____v) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-time-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.sidebar-panel[lwt-sidebar-brighttext] .sidebar-placesTreechildren::-moz-tree-twisty { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic-light.svg") !important; +} +.sidebar-panel[lwt-sidebar-brighttext] .sidebar-placesTreechildren::-moz-tree-twisty(open) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic-light.svg") !important; +} +/* Sidebar: History: clock icon */ +#historyTree treechildren::-moz-tree-image { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-time-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Menu checkbox */ +menuitem[type="checkbox"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/checkbox-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +menuitem[type="checkbox"][checked="true"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/checkbox-checked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +menuitem[type="checkbox"][disabled="true"] .menu-iconic-icon { + opacity: 0.5; +} +/*menuitem[type="checkbox"]:not([disabled="true"]):hover .menu-iconic-icon {*/ +/* filter: invert(100%) brightness(200%);*/ +/*}*/ + +/* Menu radio */ +menuitem[type="radio"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/radio-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +menuitem[type="radio"][checked="true"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/radio-checked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +menuitem[type="radio"][disabled="true"] .menu-iconic-icon { + opacity: 0.5; +} +/*menuitem[type="radio"]:not([disabled="true"]):hover .menu-iconic-icon {*/ +/* filter: invert(100%) brightness(200%);*/ +/*}*/ + +menuitem[type="radio"] .menu-iconic-icon, +menuitem[type="checkbox"] .menu-iconic-icon { + -moz-appearance: none !important; +} + +/* Sub menu arrow */ { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; +} +menu[disabled] > .menu-right { + opacity: 0.3; +} +/*menu:not([disabled]):hover > .menu-right {*/ +/* filter: invert(100%) brightness(200%);*/ +/*}*/ + +/* Close button */ +.close-icon:not(.tab-close-button), +.identity-popup-permission-remove-button .button-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-close-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Sound icons */[soundplaying] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/audio-playing-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +[muted] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/audio-muted-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +[activemedia-blocked] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tab-audio-blocked-small.svg") !important; +} +[activemedia-blocked="true"] .tab-icon-image { + display: none; +} + +/* Private browsing button */ +#privatebrowsing-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/user-not-tracked.svg") !important; +} +/* Sidebar button */ +#sidebar-button:-moz-locale-dir(ltr):not([positionend]) .toolbarbutton-icon, #sidebar-button:-moz-locale-dir(rtl)[positionend] .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/toggle-sidebar-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#sidebar-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/toggle-right-sidebar-symbolic.svg"); +} +/* Back button */ +#nav-bar #back-button .toolbarbutton-icon, +#context-back { + list-style-image: url("../icons/go-previous-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Forward button */ +#nav-bar #forward-button .toolbarbutton-icon, +#context-forward, +#urlbar-go-button, { + list-style-image: url("../icons/go-next-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Menu button */ +#PanelUI-menu-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/open-menu-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* New tab button */ +#new-tab-button, +.tabs-newtab-button, +#tabs-newtab-button, +#TabsToolbar { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tab-new-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Home button */ +#home-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/user-home-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Preferences button */ +#preferences-button, > .button-box > .button-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Fullscreen button */ +#fullscreen-button, +#appMenu-fullscreen-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/view-fullscreen-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Zoom out button */ +#zoom-out-button, +#appMenu-zoomReduce-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/zoom-out-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Zoom in button */ +#zoom-in-button, +#appMenu-zoomEnlarge-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/zoom-in-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Developer button */ +#developer-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/applications-engineering-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Email link button */ +#email-link-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/mail-unread-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Print button */ +#print-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/printer-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Addons button */ +#add-ons-button, +#unified-extensions-button, +#addons-notification-icon, +.install-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/application-x-addon-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Find button */ +#find-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/edit-find-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* New window button */ +#new-window-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/window-new-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Bookmarks menu button */ +#bookmarks-menu-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/bookmarks-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="viewBookmarksSidebar"] > #sidebar-header > #sidebar-switcher-target > #sidebar-icon, +.urlbarView-row[source="bookmarks"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-favicon, +#urlbar-engine-one-off-item-bookmarks { + list-style-image: url("../icons/starred-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* History button */ +#history-panelmenu, +#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="viewHistorySidebar"] > #sidebar-header > #sidebar-switcher-target > #sidebar-icon, +.urlbarView-row[source="history"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-favicon, +#urlbar-engine-one-off-item-history { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-time-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* All tabs button */ +#alltabs-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Cut button */ +#cut-button, +#appMenu-cut-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/edit-cut-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Copy button */ +#copy-button, +#appMenu-copy-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/edit-copy-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Paste button */ +#paste-button, +#appMenu-paste-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/edit-paste-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +/* Overflow button */ +#nav-bar-overflow-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/view-more-horizontal-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#mozcn-mobile-bookmarks-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/phone-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#bookmarks-toolbar-button, #bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder { + list-style-image: url("../icons/star-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Glitch - animations (may be possible to fix in about:config) */ +#reload-button, +.downloadIconRetry > .button-box > .button-icon, +#context-reload { + list-style-image: url("../icons/view-refresh-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#stop-button, +.downloadIconCancel > .button-box > .button-icon, +#context-stop .menu-iconic-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/process-stop-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#downloads-button .toolbarbutton-icon { /* Downloads button / Glitch - it swaps to the default one anyway */ + list-style-image: url("../icons/folder-download-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].verifiedDomain #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedActiveBlocked #identity-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/folder-locked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].weakCipher #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedDisplayContent #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedDisplayContentLoadedActiveBlocked #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].certUserOverridden #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].certErrorPage #identity-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/security-warning-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].notSecure #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedActiveContent #identity-icon, +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].httpsOnlyErrorPage #identity-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/security-broken-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].localResource #identity-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/page-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#pageActionButton, .share-more-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/page-action.svg") !important; +} + +#save-to-pocket-button, +#pocket-button, #pageAction-panel-pocket { + list-style-image: url("../icons/save-to-pocket.svg") !important; +} + +#save-to-pocket-button[open="true"], #save-to-pocket-button[pocketed="true"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/save-to-pocket-open.svg") !important; +} + +#context-bookmarkpage, +#star-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/star-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#context-bookmarkpage[starred="true"], +#star-button[starred] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/starred-symbolic.svg") !important; +} +#star-button[starred] { + fill: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; +} +#plugins-notification-icon:not(.plugin-blocked)[extraAttr="inactive"] > .plugin-icon { + fill-opacity: 0.25; + list-style-image: url("../icons/application-x-addon-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#plugins-notification-icon:not(.plugin-blocked)[extraAttr="active"] > .plugin-icon { + fill-opacity: 1; + list-style-image: url("../icons/application-x-addon-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.plugin-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/application-x-addon-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.plugin-blocked > .plugin-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/application-x-addon-blocked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.autoplay-media-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/autoplay-media-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.autoplay-media-icon.blocked-permission-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/autoplay-media-blocked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.popup-notification-icon[popupid="drmContentPlaying"], .drm-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/drm-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#reader-mode-button > .urlbar-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/reader-mode.svg") !important; +} + +#picture-in-picture-button > .urlbar-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/picture-in-picture-open.svg") !important; +} + +.persistent-storage-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/persistent-storage.svg") !important; +} + +#permissions-granted-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/permissions-granted.svg") !important; +} + +#tracking-protection-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tracking-protection.svg") !important; +} + +#tracking-protection-icon-animatable-image { + background-image: url("../icons/tracking-protection-animatable.svg") !important; +} + +#library-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/library-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#import-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/import-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#panic-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/forget-history-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#sync-button, +#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="viewTabsSidebar"] > #sidebar-header > #sidebar-switcher-target > #sidebar-icon, +.urlbarView-row[source="tabs"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-favicon, +#urlbar-engine-one-off-item-tabs { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tab-sync-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#open-file-button 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!important; +} + +.popup-notification-icon[popupid="web-notifications"], .desktop-notification-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/notification-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#geo-sharing-icon[sharing], .geo-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/geo.svg") !important; +} + +.blocked-permission-icon.popup-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/blocked-permission-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#webrtc-sharing-icon[sharing="screen"], +.screen-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/screen-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.screen-icon.blocked-permission-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/screen-blocked-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#webrtc-sharing-icon[sharing="microphone"], +.microphone-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/microphone-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +#webrtc-sharing-icon[sharing]:not([paused]) { + -moz-context-properties: fill !important; + fill: rgb(224, 41, 29) !important; +} + +#firefox-view-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/firefox-view.svg") !important; +} + +/* Info */ +.panel-info-button > image { + list-style-image: url("../icons/info-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.tabbrowser-tab[image="chrome://global/skin/icons/info.svg"]:not([busy]):not([progress]) .tab-icon-stack > .tab-icon-image { + list-style-image: url("../icons/info-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +/* Password */ +#password-notification-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/key-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + +.bookmark-item[container] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/folder-symbolic.svg") !important; +} + { + list-style-image: url("../icons/network-workgroup-symbolic.svg") !important; + -moz-context-properties: fill; + fill: currentColor; +} + +/* Fix flat buttons icons aproach */ +button.close::before { + content: ""; + display: block; + background-position: center center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; +} + +/* Fix icons sizes */ +.permission-popup-permission-remove-button > .button-box > .button-icon, { + height: 16px !important; + width: 16px !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} + +/* Fix icon color */ +#sidebar-icon { + opacity: 1 !important; +} + +treechildren::-moz-tree-twisty, +treechildren::-moz-tree-image { + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Fix main menu zoom controls icons */ +#appMenu-zoom-controls2 .toolbarbutton-icon { + padding: 0 !important; + padding-block: 0 !important; + padding-inline: 0 !important; +} + +/* Invert icons color in dark variant */ +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + .PanelUI-subView .subviewbutton-nav::after, + .protections-popup-category::after, + .identity-popup-content-blocking-category::after, + #identity-popup-security-expander .button-icon, + .subviewbutton-back .toolbarbutton-icon, + + .menu-right, + + #urlbar[pageproxystate="invalid"] > #identity-box > #identity-icon, + #urlbar:not(.searchButton) > #urlbar-input-container > #identity-box[pageproxystate="invalid"] #identity-icon, + 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.downloadIconRetry > .button-box > .button-icon, + #context-reload .menu-iconic-icon, + #stop-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + .downloadIconCancel > .button-box > .button-icon, + #context-stop .menu-iconic-icon, + #downloads-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #sync-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #new-window-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #mozcn-mobile-bookmarks-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #bookmarks-toolbar-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #bookmarks-toolbar-placeholder .toolbarbutton-icon, + #screenshot-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + #scrollbutton-up .toolbarbutton-icon, + #scrollbutton-down .toolbarbutton-icon, + #tracking-protection-icon, + #pageActionButton, + #permissions-granted-icon, + #tracking-protection-icon-animatable-image, + #reader-mode-button > .urlbar-icon, + #picture-in-picture-button > .urlbar-icon, + .persistent-storage-icon, + #star-button:not([starred]), + #context-bookmarkpage:not([starred]) .menu-iconic-icon, + #geo-sharing-icon[sharing], .geo-icon, + .blocked-permission-icon.popup-icon, + #webrtc-sharing-icon[sharing="screen"], + .screen-icon, + .screen-icon.blocked-permission-icon, + #webrtc-sharing-icon[sharing="microphone"], + .microphone-icon, + .plugin-icon, .autoplay-media-icon, + .popup-notification-icon[popupid="drmContentPlaying"], .drm-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].verifiedDomain #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedActiveBlocked #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].weakCipher #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedDisplayContent #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedDisplayContentLoadedActiveBlocked #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].certUserOverridden #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].certErrorPage #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].notSecure #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].mixedActiveContent #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].httpsOnlyErrorPage #identity-icon, + #identity-box[pageproxystate="valid"].localResource #identity-icon, + .bookmark-item[container] .toolbarbutton-icon, + .menu-iconic.bookmark-item[container] .menu-iconic-icon, + .panel-info-button > image, + #password-notification-icon, + #firefox-view-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: invert(60%) brightness(150%); + } + + .tab-icon-overlay[activemedia-blocked] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tab-audio-blocked-small-light.svg") !important; + } + + .tab-icon-overlay[soundplaying] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/audio-playing-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + .tab-icon-overlay[muted] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/audio-muted-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + #urlbar-go-button, + .search-go-button { + list-style-image: url("../icons/go-next-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + #save-to-pocket-button, + #pocket-button, #pageAction-panel-pocket { + list-style-image: url("../icons/save-to-pocket-light.svg") !important; + } + + #save-to-pocket-button[open="true"], #save-to-pocket-button[pocketed="true"] { + list-style-image: url("../icons/save-to-pocket-open-light.svg") !important; + } + + #mo-url2qr-icon { + list-style-image: url("../icons/url2qr-icon-light.svg") !important; + } + + /* Tree views */ + treechildren::-moz-tree-twisty, + .item.client .item-twisty-container { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + width: 16px !important; + height: 16px !important; + } + .item.client .item-twisty-container { + background-image: url("../icons/pan-end-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + treechildren::-moz-tree-twisty(open) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + .item.client.closed .item-twisty-container { + background-image: url("../icons/pan-down-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, container), + treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, open) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/folder-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + treechildren::-moz-tree-image(title, query, dayContainer), + treechildren::-moz-tree-image(query, OrganizerQuery_history____v) { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-time-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + .tabbrowser-tab[image="chrome://global/skin/icons/info.svg"]:not([busy]):not([progress]):not([crashed]) .tab-icon-stack > .tab-icon-image { + list-style-image: url("../icons/info-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="viewTabsSidebar"] > #sidebar-header > #sidebar-switcher-target > #sidebar-icon, + .urlbarView-row[source="tabs"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-favicon, + #urlbar-engine-one-off-item-tabs { + list-style-image: url("../icons/tab-sync-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="viewHistorySidebar"] > #sidebar-header > #sidebar-switcher-target > #sidebar-icon, + .urlbarView-row[source="history"] > .urlbarView-row-inner > .urlbarView-no-wrap > .urlbarView-favicon, + #urlbar-engine-one-off-item-history { + list-style-image: url("../icons/preferences-system-time-symbolic-light.svg") !important; + } + + /* Fix for extensions icons */ + .webextension-browser-action { + list-style-image: var(--webextension-menupanel-image-light, inherit) !important; + } +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/notification.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/notification.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..819655a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/notification.css @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at */ + +@namespace url(""); +@namespace html ""; + +.notificationbox-stack { + /* Prevent the animation from overlapping the navigation toolbar */ + overflow: clip; +} + +.notificationbox-stack[notificationside="top"] { + /* Create a stacking context for the box-shadow */ + position: relative; + z-index: 1; +} + +notification { + min-height: 32px; + padding-inline-start: 16px; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color) !important; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px 0; + text-shadow: none; + font-size: 1.15em; + align-items: center !important; + vertical-align: middle !important; + + --notification-background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background); + --notification-text: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + --notification-border: var(--gnome-toolbar-border-color); + --notification-button-background: var(--gnome-button-background); + --notification-button-background-hover: var(--gnome-button-hover-background); + --notification-button-background-active: var(--gnome-button-active-background); + --notification-button-text: inherit; + --notification-primary-button-background: #0060df; + --notification-primary-button-background-hover: #003eaa; + --notification-primary-button-background-active: #002275; + --notification-primary-button-text: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); +} + +notification:-moz-window-inactive { + background: var(--gnome-inactive-toolbar-background) !important; +} + +notification description { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; +} + +notification element { + vertical-align: middle !important; + margin-top: 0 !important; + margin-right: 0 !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + notification[type="info"]:-moz-lwtheme { + --notification-background: var(--gnome-toolbar-background); + --notification-text: var(--gnome-toolbar-color); + } + + notification[type="info"] { + --notification-button-background: var(--gnome-button-background); + --notification-button-background-hover: var(--gnome-button-hover-background); + --notification-button-background-active: var(--gnome-button-active-background); + } +} + +.notificationbox-stack[notificationside="top"] > notification { + border-top-style: none; +} + +.notificationbox-stack[notificationside="bottom"] > notification { + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +notification[type="warning"] { + --notification-background: #ffe900; + --notification-text: #0c0c0d; +} + +notification[type="critical"] { + --notification-background: #d70022; + --notification-text: #fff; +} + +notification[type="critical"] > .close-icon:hover { + background-color: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); +} + +notification[type="critical"] > .close-icon:hover:active { + background-color: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 30%, transparent); +} + +.messageText { + margin-inline-start: 12px !important; + margin-block: 0; +} + +.messageText > .text-link { + text-decoration: underline; + margin-block: 0; +} + +.messageText > .text-link:not(.notification-link) { + color: inherit !important; + margin-inline: 0; +} + +.messageImage { + width: 24px; + margin: 0; + -moz-context-properties: fill; + fill: currentColor; + vertical-align: middle !important; +} + +notification[type="info"] > hbox > .messageImage { + list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/help.svg"); +} + +notification[type="warning"] > hbox > .messageImage { + list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/warning.svg"); +} + +notification[type="critical"] > hbox > .messageImage { + list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/error.svg"); +} + +.messageCloseButton { + margin: 0 6px !important; + padding: 0; +} + +.messageCloseButton > .toolbarbutton-icon { + padding: 6px; + width: 32px; + /* Close button needs to be clickable from the edge of the window */ + margin-inline-end: 8px; +} + +.messageCloseButton:focus-visible { + /* Override the dotted outline from button.css */ + outline: none; +} + +.messageCloseButton:focus-visible > .toolbarbutton-icon { + outline: var(--focus-outline); + outline-offset: var(--focus-outline-inset); + border-radius: var(--toolbarbutton-border-radius, 4px); +} + +.notification-button { + appearance: none; + border: 1px solid transparent; + border-radius: 4px; + background-color: var(--notification-button-background); + color: var(--notification-button-text); + padding: 0 6px; + margin: 4px 6px; + height: 24px; + vertical-align: middle !important; +} + +.notification-button[disabled] { + opacity: 0.5; +} + +.notification-button:not([disabled]):hover { + background-color: var(--notification-button-background-hover); +} + +.notification-button:not([disabled]):hover:active { + background-color: var(--notification-button-background-active); +} + +.notification-button:focus-visible { + outline: var(--focus-outline); + outline-offset: var(--focus-outline-offset); +} + +.notification-button.primary { + background-color: var(--notification-primary-button-background); + color: var(--notification-primary-button-text); +} + +.notification-button.primary:not([disabled]):hover { + background-color: var(--notification-primary-button-background-hover); +} + +.notification-button.primary:not([disabled]):hover:active { + background-color: var(--notification-primary-button-background-active); +} + +.notificationbox-stack { + background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor); + width: 100%; +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups-contents.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups-contents.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5399296 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups-contents.css @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +/* Popups contents syles */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Main menu fxa */ +#appMenu-fxa-status[fxastatus="signedin"] > #appMenu-fxa-label { + padding-left: 22px !important; + margin-inline-start: -22px !important; +} +#appMenu-fxa-status[fxastatus="signedin"] > #appMenu-fxa-avatar { + margin-inline-start: 5px !important; +} +#appMenu-fxa-status2[fxastatus] > #appMenu-fxa-label2 > vbox > #appMenu-header-description, #appMenu-fxa-text { + font-weight: 400 !important; +} +#appMenu-fxa-label2 { + padding: 0 !important; + background: none !important; + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +/* Style main context menu & buttons */ +#context-navigation { + padding: 0; +} +#context-navigation > menuitem > .menu-iconic-left { + margin: auto !important; +} +#context-navigation menuitem { + --toolbarbutton-active-background: transparent !important; + --toolbarbutton-hover-background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Remove icons from the main context menu */ +#contentAreaContextMenu menuitem image, +#contentAreaContextMenu menu image { + visibility: hidden; +} +#contentAreaContextMenu menugroup menuitem image { + visibility: visible; +} + +/* Main menu */ +#appMenu-popup .panel-banner-item:after { + -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0; + margin: 0 8px 0 0 !important; +} +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; +} +#appMenu-popup .toolbaritem-combined-buttons .before-label { + width: 32px !important; +} + +/* User sync account remove avatar */ +#fxa-menu-avatar { + display: none; +} + +/* Add search engine button remove icon */ +#pageAction-panel-addSearchEngine .toolbarbutton-badge-stack { + display: none !important; +} + +/* All tabs popover */ + +.all-tabs-item { + border-left: 3px solid transparent; +} + +.all-tabs-item:hover, +.all-tabs-item:active, +.all-tabs-item[selected] { + background: none !important; + padding: 0 !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; +} + +.all-tabs-item > .all-tabs-secondary-button { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +.all-tabs-item[selected] { + border-image: linear-gradient( + to bottom, + transparent 0, + transparent 35%, + var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color) 35%, + var(--gnome-tabbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color) 65%, + transparent 65%, + transparent 100%) 3; +} + +.all-tabs-item > .all-tabs-secondary-button label { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +/* Downloads popover */ +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state { + padding: 8px !important; + border: 0 !important; + border-radius: 8px !important; + display: flex; + align-items: center; +} +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state:hover { + background-color: var(--gnome-popover-button-hover-background) !important; +} +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state:last-child { + margin-bottom: 8px !important; +} + +#downloadsPanel-mainView .downloadMainArea { + flex: 1; + display: flex; +} +#downloadsPanel-mainView .downloadMainArea:hover { + background: transparent !important; +} + +#downloadsPanel-mainView .downloadTypeIcon { + margin: 0 !important; + margin-right: 6px !important; +} + +#downloadsPanel-mainView .downloadContainer { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; + flex: 1; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; +} + +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state .downloadButton .button-box { + padding: 0 !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state toolbarseparator { + display: none; +} + +/* Customization overflow menu position */ +#customization-panel-container { + padding: 0 75px 25px !important; + margin-top: 10px; + z-index: 10; +} +#customization-panelWrapper > .panel-arrowbox { + margin-bottom: -5px !important; +} + +/* Confirmation Hint */ +#confirmation-hint .panel-arrowcontent { + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color) !important; +} +#confirmation-hint .panel-arrowcontent:hover { + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-hover-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color) !important; +} +#confirmation-hint .panel-arrowcontent:active { + background: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-active-background) !important; + border-color: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-active-border-color) !important; +} +#confirmation-hint .panel-arrow { + fill: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color) !important; + stroke: var(--gnome-button-suggested-action-border-color) !important; +} +#confirmation-hint-message { + color: white !important; +} + +/* Identity popup */ +#identity-popup-security, +.identity-popup-section, +#identity-popup-security-expander .button-box, +.identity-popup-security-content { + border: 0 !important; +} + +.identity-popup-security-content, #identity-popup-permissions-content, #identity-popup-content-blocking-content { + padding-inline-end: 0 !important; + padding-inline-start: 0 !important; +} +#identity-popup-permissions-content, #identity-popup-content-blocking-content { + background-image: none !important; +} +.identity-popup-security-content { + background-position: 0em 0.8em !important; + background-size: 24px auto; +} +.identity-popup-security-content .identity-popup-headline { + margin-left: 1.4em !important; +} + +/* Protections popup */ +.protections-popup-section, +#protections-popup-not-blocking-section-header { + border: 0 !important; +} +#protections-popup-mainView-panel-header-section { + background: transparent !important; +} + +#protections-popup-mainView-panel-header { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} +#protections-popup[hasException] #protections-popup-mainView-panel-header { + background: none !important; +} + +#protections-popup-main-header-label { + height: auto !important; + margin-inline-start: 6px !important; + text-align: left !important; +} +#protections-popup-mainView-panel-header-span { + margin: 0 !important; + margin-inline-start: 0 !important +} +#protections-popup[toast] #protections-popup-mainView-panel-header { + border-bottom-width: 1px !important; + border-radius: 5px !important; + padding: 0px !important; +} + +#messaging-system-message-container { + height: 150px !important; + border: 0 !important; +} +#protections-popup #messaging-system-message-container[disabled] { + margin-bottom: -150px !important; +} +#protections-popup-message { + background: none !important; + border: 0 !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + height: 100% !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} +#protections-popup-message .text-link { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +#protections-popup-tp-switch-section { + background: var(--gnome-menu-background); + border: 1px solid var(--gnome-button-border-color) !important; + border-radius: 6px; + padding: 12px !important; +} +#protections-popup[hasException] #protections-popup-tp-switch-section { + background: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; +} +.protections-popup-tp-switch-label-box label { + font-weight: normal !important; +} + +#protections-popup-no-trackers-found-description { + margin: 12px 0 !important; + text-align: left !important; +} + +#protections-popup-blocking-section-header, +#protections-popup-not-found-section-header, +#protections-popup-not-blocking-section-header{ + padding: 0px 5px !important; + margin-top: 20px !important; + height: auto !important; +} + +#protections-popup-category-list { + margin: 0 !important; +} +.protections-popup-category-label { + margin-inline-start: 6px !important; +} +.protections-popup-category-state-label { + opacity: 0.7; +} + +#protections-popup-content, +#protections-popup-footer { + padding: 0 !important; +} + +#protections-popup-footer { + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-start; + flex-wrap: wrap; + margin-top: 12px; +} +#protections-popup-show-report-stack { + width: 100% !important; + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + margin-top: 10px; +} + +#protections-popup-trackers-blocked-counter-box { + margin-inline-end: 0 !important; +} + +.protections-popup-description { + border-bottom: 0 !important; +} +.protections-popup-description > description { + margin: 8px !important; +} + +/* Feature recommendation notification, fix width */ +#contextual-feature-recommendation-notification { + width: auto !important; +} + +/* Notification popups */ +.popup-notification-learnmore-link { + margin-top: 40px !important; +} + +/* Extensions sometimes assume a white background */ +.webextension-popup-browser { + background-color: #fff !important; +} + +#downloads-indicator-progress-inner { + background: conic-gradient(AccentColor var(--download-progress-pcent), transparent var(--download-progress-pcent)); +} + +.downloadProgress::-moz-progress-bar { + background-color: var(--download-progress-fill-color); +} + +.downloadProgress[paused]::-moz-progress-bar { + background-color: var(--download-progress-paused-color); +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d91a9b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/popups.css @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +/* Popup menus and context menus */ + +@import "popups-contents.css"; +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Style menus */ +menupopup, panel { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + --panel-background: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + --panel-border-radius: 12px !important; + --panel-padding: 6px !important; + --panel-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; + /* --panel-shadow-margin: 3px 8px 13px !important; */ + --panel-separator-color: var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important; + --panel-border-color: transparent !important; + --arrowpanel-border-radius: 12px !important; + --arrowpanel-background: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + --arrowpanel-border-color: transparent !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + padding: 2px 4px 9px !important; +} + +.panel-arrowcontent { + border: none !important; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { +menupopup, panel { + --panel-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06) !important; + --arrowpanel-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06) !important; +} + +.panel-arrowcontent { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06) !important; +} +} + +menupopup label { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; +} + +menubar > menu > menupopup { + border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; + border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; +} + +menuitem, menupopup menu { + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +menuitem[type="checkbox"] image, +menuitem[type="radio"] image { + visibility: visible !important; +} + +@media (-moz-gtk-non-native-menus) or (-moz-non-native-content-theme) { + menuitem:is([type="checkbox"], [checked="true"]) .menu-iconic-icon { + appearance: none !important; + -moz-default-appearance: none !important; + } + + menuitem[type="radio"] .menu-iconic-icon { + appearance: none !important; + -moz-default-appearance: none !important; + } +} + +menuitem[disabled="true"], +menupopup menu[disabled="true"], +menuitem[disabled="true"]:hover, +menupopup menu[disabled="true"]:hover { + background: transparent !important; +} + +/* Bookmarks Folder Popup */ +#PlacesToolbar menupopup[placespopup="true"]::part(content), +#PlacesToolbar menupopup[placespopup="true"]::part(arrowscrollbox), +#PlacesToolbar menupopup { + background: none !important; + padding: 3px 4px 6px !important; + margin: -3px 0 0 -12px !important; +} + +/* Bookmarks Button Popup */ +#BMB_bookmarksPopup { + margin: 10px -18px !important; + box-shadow: none !important; +} + +#BMB_bookmarksPopup menupopup { + padding: 6px !important; +} + +panel:not([remote]), #BMB_bookmarksPopup { + --arrowpanel-background: var(--gnome-popover-background) !important; +} + +/* Adjust popovers position */ +panel[type="arrow"] { + appearance: none !important; + background-color: transparent !important; + margin: 10px -18px 0 !important; +} + +/* Style popovers */ +.panel-arrowcontent .panel-arrowcontent, +.panel-header, .PanelUI-subView, +.panel-subview-body, #widget-overflow-mainView, #protections-popup-footer, +panelview { + background: none !important; +} + +panelview { + padding: var(--panel-padding) !important; +} + +#customization-panelWrapper > .panel-arrowcontent { + box-shadow: var(--gnome-popover-shadow) !important; + border-radius: 12px !important; + background: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; +} + +#customization-panelWrapper > .panel-arrowbox > .panel-arrow[side="top"] { + fill: var(--gnome-menu-background) !important; + stroke: transparent !important; +} + +.PanelUI-subView toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]) { + margin: 10px 2px !important; +} + +.panel-header { + padding: 0 0 10px 0 !important; +} +.panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#identity-popup-mainView-panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#permission-popup-mainView-panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#protections-popup-mainView-panel-header-section + toolbarseparator { + display: none !important; +} +.panel-footer { + background-color: transparent !important; + display: flex; + justify-content: flex-end; + padding-top: 0px !important; +} +.panel-footer.panel-footer-menulike { + border-top: 0 !important; + margin-top: 8px !important; +} +.panel-footer toolbarseparator { + display: none !important; +} +.proton-zap { + border-image: unset !important; +} +.panel-subview-body, +.panel-subview-body > .panel-subview-body { + padding: 0 !important; +} +.panel-subview-footer { + margin-top: 10px !important; +} + +/* Remove unwanted separators */ +.panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#identity-popup-mainView-panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#permission-popup-mainView-panel-header + toolbarseparator, +#protections-popup-mainView-panel-header-section + toolbarseparator { + display: none !important; +} + +/* Style popovers menu buttons */ +menuitem, menupopup menu, +.subviewbutton:not(#appMenu-fxa-label2), +.toolbarbutton-1, +.protections-popup-footer-button, +.protections-popup-category, +.identity-popup-content-blocking-category, +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state { + -moz-appearance: none !important; + border-radius: 6px !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + font: menu !important; + padding: 0 6px !important; + min-height: 28px !important; +} + +.toolbar-menupopup :is(menu, menuitem) { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +.subviewbutton, +.protections-popup-footer-button, +.protections-popup-category, +.identity-popup-content-blocking-category, +#PlacesToolbar menupopup[placespopup="true"] .bookmark-item, +.openintabs-menuitem, +.widget-overflow-list .toolbarbutton-1 { + padding: 5px !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} + +.subviewbutton[shortcut]:after { + opacity: 0.5 !important; +} + +.bookmark-item .menu-right { + fill-opacity: 1 !important; +} + +/* Menu buttons disabled */ +menuitem[disabled="true"], menupopup menu[disabled="true"], +.subviewbutton[disabled="true"], .toolbarbutton-1[disabled="true"], +.protections-popup-category[disabled="true"], +.identity-popup-content-blocking-category[disabled="true"] { + opacity: 0.5 !important; +/* color: var(--gnome-inactive-toolbar-color) !important;*/ +} + +menuitem[disabled="true"][_moz-menuactive], menupopup menu[disabled="true"][_moz-menuactive] { + background: none !important; +} + +/* Menu buttons hover */ +menuitem:not([disabled="true"]):is(:hover, [_moz-menuactive]), +menupopup menu:not([disabled="true"]):is(:hover, [_moz-menuactive]), +.subviewbutton:not([disabled="true"], #appMenu-zoom-controls2, #appMenu-fxa-label2):hover, +.protections-popup-footer-button:not([disabled="true"]):hover, +#protections-popup-show-report-stack:hover .protections-popup-footer-button, +.protections-popup-category:not([disabled="true"]):hover, +.identity-popup-content-blocking-category:not([disabled="true"]):hover, +#PlacesToolbar .bookmark-item:is(:hover, [open], [_moz-menuactive]), +#downloadsPanel-mainView .download-state:hover { + background: var(--gnome-popover-button-hover-background) !important; +} + +/* Style popover separators */ +toolbarseparator, menuseparator { + appearance: none !important; +/* border-color: var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important;*/ +} +#PlacesToolbar menupopup[placespopup="true"] menuseparator { + border: none !important; + padding: 0 !important; +} +toolbarseparator, menuseparator::before { + border-top: 1px solid var(--gnome-popover-separator-color) !important; +} +menupopup menuseparator { + border: none !important; + margin: 4px 0 !important; +} +toolbarseparator[orient="vertical"] { + margin: 0 4px !important; +} +.panel-subview-body + toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]) { + margin: 0 0 4px !important; +} +panelview > toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]), +#identity-popup-clear-sitedata-footer toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]), +#identity-popup-more-info-footer toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]){ + margin: 4px 6px !important; +} +#identity-popup-clear-sitedata-footer toolbarseparator:not([orient="vertical"]) { + margin-top: 0 !important; +} + +/* Auto complete popups */ +panel[type="autocomplete-richlistbox"] { + background: none !important; + border: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} + +.autocomplete-richlistbox { + margin: 0 !important; +} + +#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem { + min-height: 20px; + border: 0; + border-radius: 3px !important; + padding: 0 6px !important; +} + +#PopupAutoComplete > richlistbox > richlistitem:hover { + background: var(--theme-primary-color) !important; + color: #ffffff !important; +} + +.autocomplete-richlistitem:not([type="loginsFooter"]) { + color: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + font: menu !important; + margin: 0 !important; +} +.autocomplete-richlistitem:not([type="loginsFooter"]) .ac-site-icon { + fill: var(--gnome-toolbar-color) !important; + opacity: 0.5; +} +.autocomplete-richlistitem:not([type="loginsFooter"]):hover { + color: #fff !important; + background-color: Highlight !important; +} +.autocomplete-richlistitem:not([type="loginsFooter"]):hover .ac-site-icon { + fill: #fff !important; +} + +/* Fixes for menu scrollbox */ +arrowscrollbox.menupopup-arrowscrollbox { + height: 100%; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/remove-white-flash.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/remove-white-flash.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d46d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/remove-white-flash.css @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* Removes a white flash after you open or close a tab. Affects all variants, + * but it's more visible on dark variants. */ + +@namespace xul ""; + +/* Overrides: Change the flash color */ +#tabbrowser-tabpanels, +#tabbrowser-tabpanels[pendingpaint], +browser { + background-color: var(--gnome-browser-before-load-background) !important; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-dark.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-dark.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f899525 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-dark.css @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-hover-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-hover-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-active-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-active-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-close, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-close { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-min, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-min { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-close:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-close:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-min:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-min:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls:-moz-window-inactive #restore-button { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-light.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-light.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4476f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/titlebutton-light.css @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-hover.svg") no-repeat; + background-color: transparent !important; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-hover.svg") no-repeat; + background-color: transparent !important; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover.svg") no-repeat; + background-color: transparent !important; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-close:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-max:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-active.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-min:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-active.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-restore:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-restore:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-max:active, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar #titlebar-max:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-close, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-close { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-min, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-min { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-restore, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-close:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-close:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-min:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-min:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-restore:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive .titlebar-max:hover, +:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar:-moz-window-inactive #titlebar-max:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-maximize.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button:hover { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button:active { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} +:root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls:-moz-window-inactive #restore-button { + background: url("../titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg") no-repeat; + background-size: contain; +} diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/parts/video-player.css b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/video-player.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc8a6a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/parts/video-player.css @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); +@namespace html url(""); + +/** Video player **/ + +.progressBar::-moz-progress-bar { + background-color: #fff !important; +} + +.scrubber:hover::-moz-range-thumb, +.volumeControl:hover::-moz-range-thumb { + background-color: #ccc !important; +} + +.scrubber:active::-moz-range-thumb, +.volumeControl:active::-moz-range-thumb { + background-color: #bbb !important; +} + +.controlBar { + border-radius: 5px; + margin: auto; + margin-bottom: 5px; + width: 98.5%; + max-width: 800px; + height: 30px !important; + background-color: rgba(20,20,20,0.8) !important; +} + +.controlBar > .button:enabled:hover { + fill: #ccc !important; +} + +.controlBar > .button:enabled:hover:active { + fill: #bbb !important; +} + +.scrubberStack { + margin: 0 10px; +} + +.playButton { + scale: 0.8; +} + + + +/** Vertical Volume Bar **/ +/* I'm to stupid to get this working. Wasn't able to set proper position relative to mute button */ + +/* .muteButton:hover ~ .volumeStack{ + margin-bottom: 129px !important; + } + .volumeStack:hover { + margin-bottom: 129px !important; + } + + .volumeStack { + transform: rotate(270deg); + max-height: 33px !important; + min-width: 100px !important; + position:absolute !important; + margin-bottom: -150px !important; + background-color: rgba(20,20,20,0.8) !important; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px !important; + border-top-right-radius: 5px !important; + transition-property: margin-bottom; + transition-duration: 0.13s; + transition-timing-function: linear; + } + + .volumeControl{ + width: 92% !important; + margin-left: 5px !important; +} */ diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/rounded-window-maximized.css b/src/other/firefox/common/rounded-window-maximized.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..525714e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/rounded-window-maximized.css @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +:root[tabsintitlebar]:not([inFullscreen])[sizemode="maximized"] #nav-bar { + border-radius: 16px 16px 0 0 !important; +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/symbolic-tab-icons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/symbolic-tab-icons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f78367 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/symbolic-tab-icons.css @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Icons light/dark fix coloring hack filters */ +:root { + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%) invert(100%); +} +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root { + --gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(85%); + } +} + +/* Make tab icons look kinda like symbolic icons */ +tab .tab-icon-image { + filter: var(--gnome-convert-icon-to-symbolic-hack-filter); +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/system-icons.css b/src/other/firefox/common/system-icons.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f22995 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/system-icons.css @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +@namespace xul url(""); + +/* Icons light/dark fix coloring hack filters */ +:root { + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: none; + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: none; +} +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root { + --gnome-icons-hack-filter: invert(100%) sepia(100%) grayscale(100%) brightness(200%) brightness(200%); + --gnome-window-icons-hack-filter: invert(90%); + } +} + +/* OPTIONAL: Use system theme icons instead of Adwaita icons included by theme */ +@supports -moz-bool-pref("gnomeTheme.systemIcons") { + /* Window buttons */ + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-button .toolbarbutton-icon, + :root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls toolbarbutton .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-window-icons-hack-filter) !important; + width: 16px; + } + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-close .toolbarbutton-icon, + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-close .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-close-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-max .toolbarbutton-icon, + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-max .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-maximize-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-restore .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-restore-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox .titlebar-min .toolbarbutton-icon, + :root[tabsintitlebar] #titlebar #titlebar-min .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-minimize-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + :root[tabsintitlebar][inFullscreen] #window-controls #restore-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/view-restore-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + + /* Toolbars close button */ + .close-icon:not(.tab-close-button) { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-close-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + .close-icon:not(.tab-close-button) image { + filter: var(--gnome-window-icons-hack-filter) !important; + } + + /* Navbar icons */ + + /* Back button */ + #nav-bar #back-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-previous-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Forward button */ + #nav-bar #forward-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-next-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Menu button */ + #PanelUI-menu-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/open-menu-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* New tab button */ + #new-tab-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/tab-new-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Home button */ + #home-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/user-home-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Preferences button */ + #preferences-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/preferences-system-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Fullscreen button */ + #fullscreen-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/view-fullscreen-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Zoom out button */ + #zoom-out-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/zoom-out-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Zoom in button */ + #zoom-in-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/zoom-in-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Developer button */ + #developer-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/applications-engineering-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Email link button */ + #email-link-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/mail-unread-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Print button */ + #print-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/printer-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Addons button */ + #add-ons-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/application-x-addon-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Find button */ + #find-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-find-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* New window button */ + #new-window-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/window-new-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Bookmarks menu button */ + #bookmarks-menu-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/starred-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* History button */ + #history-panelmenu .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/preferences-system-time-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* All tabs button */ + #alltabs-button { + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/pan-down-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #alltabs-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + } + /* Cut button */ + #cut-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-cut-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Copy button */ + #copy-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-copy-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Paste button */ + #paste-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-paste-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + + /* Navbar overflow button */ + #nav-bar-overflow-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/pan-down-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + + /* Context back button */ + #context-back .menu-iconic-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-previous-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + /* Context forward button */ + #context-forward .menu-iconic-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/go-next-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + + /* Main menu buttons icons */ + #appMenu-zoomReduce-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/zoom-out-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #appMenu-zoomEnlarge-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/zoom-in-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #appMenu-fullscreen-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/view-fullscreen-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #appMenu-cut-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-cut-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #appMenu-copy-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-copy-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } + #appMenu-paste-button .toolbarbutton-icon { + filter: var(--gnome-icons-hack-filter); + list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/edit-paste-symbolic?size=dialog") !important; + } +} + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..354b141 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c872d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-backdrop.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa73344 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1da05c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-backdrop-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-close-backdrop-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56be72e --- /dev/null +++ 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b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c50ada --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3893eec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize-hover.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49db28e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-minimize.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67d53b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05cc12e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1528d73 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b96203a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-backdrop.svg @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover-dark.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover-dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7658f7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover-dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover.svg b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26cac41 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/common/titlebuttons/titlebutton-unmaximize-hover.svg @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/customChrome.css b/src/other/firefox/customChrome.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b97dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/customChrome.css @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + +/* Add your own custom styles here */ + diff --git a/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey-alt.css b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey-alt.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efc9b94 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey-alt.css @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*------------------------USAGE---------------------------- + * Remove "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to ENABLE. + * Add "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to DISABLE. + */ + +@import "Monterey/theme-alt.css"; /**/ + +/*--------------Configure common theme features--------------*/ + +/* Move tab close button to left. */ +/*@import "Monterey/left-tab-close-button.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open (GNOMISH) + * You should move the new tab button somewhere else for this to work, because by + * default it is on the tab bar too. */ +@import "Monterey/hide-single-tab.css"; /**/ + +/* Limit the URL bar's autocompletion popup's width to the URL bar's width (GNOMISH) + * This feature is included by default for Firefox 70+ */ +/*@import "Monterey/matching-autocomplete-width.css"; /**/ + +/* Rounded window even when it gets maximized */ +/*@import "Monterey/rounded-window-maximized.css"; /**/ + +/* Active tab high contrast */ +/*@import "Monterey/active-tab-contrast.css"; /**/ + +/* Use system theme icons instead of Adwaita icons included by theme [BUGGED] */ +/*@import "Monterey/system-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Allow drag window from headerbar buttons (GNOMISH) [BUGGED] */ +/* It can activate button action, with unpleasant behavior. */ +/*@import "Monterey/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Make all tab icons look kinda like symbolic icons */ +/*@import "Monterey/symbolic-tab-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide window buttons (close/min/max) in maximized windows */ +/*@import "Monterey/hide-window-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Import your custom stylesheet */ +@import "customChrome.css"; /**/ diff --git a/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey.css b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24bb013 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-Monterey.css @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/*------------------------USAGE---------------------------- + * Remove "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to ENABLE. + * Add "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to DISABLE. + */ + +@import "Monterey/theme.css"; /**/ + +/*--------------Configure your Monterey theme-------------- + * ONLY for Monterey theme + * Enable one of these options and disable the other ones. + */ + +/* How many buttons on left headerbar */ +@import "Monterey/left_header_button_3.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/left_header_button_4.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/left_header_button_5.css"; /**/ + +/* How many buttons on right headerbar */ +@import "Monterey/right_header_button_3.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/right_header_button_4.css"; /**/ +/*@import "Monterey/right_header_button_5.css"; /**/ + + +/*--------------Configure common theme features--------------*/ + +/* Move tab close button to left. */ +/*@import "Monterey/left-tab-close-button.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open (GNOMISH) + * You should move the new tab button somewhere else for this to work, because by + * default it is on the tab bar too. */ +/*@import "Monterey/hide-single-tab.css"; /**/ + +/* Limit the URL bar's autocompletion popup's width to the URL bar's width (GNOMISH) + * This feature is included by default for Firefox 70+ */ +/*@import "Monterey/matching-autocomplete-width.css"; /**/ + +/* Rounded window even when it gets maximized */ +/*@import "Monterey/rounded-window-maximized.css"; /**/ + +/* Active tab high contrast */ +/*@import "Monterey/active-tab-contrast.css"; /**/ + +/* Use system theme icons instead of Adwaita icons included by theme [BUGGED] */ +/*@import "Monterey/system-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Allow drag window from headerbar buttons (GNOMISH) [BUGGED] */ +/* It can activate button action, with unpleasant behavior. */ +/*@import "Monterey/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Make all tab icons look kinda like symbolic icons */ +/*@import "Monterey/symbolic-tab-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide window buttons (close/min/max) in maximized windows */ +/*@import "Monterey/hide-window-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Import your custom stylesheet */ +@import "customChrome.css"; /**/ diff --git a/src/other/firefox/userChrome-WhiteSur.css b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-WhiteSur.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7804b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/userChrome-WhiteSur.css @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/*------------------------USAGE---------------------------- + * Remove "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to ENABLE. + * Add "/*" at the begining of "@import" line to DISABLE. + */ + +@import "WhiteSur/theme.css"; /**/ + +/*--------------Configure common theme features--------------*/ + +/* Move tab close button to left. */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/left-tab-close-button.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open (GNOMISH) + * You should move the new tab button somewhere else for this to work, because by + * default it is on the tab bar too. */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/hide-single-tab.css"; /**/ + +/* Limit the URL bar's autocompletion popup's width to the URL bar's width (GNOMISH) + * This feature is included by default for Firefox 70+ */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/matching-autocomplete-width.css"; /**/ + +/* Rounded window even when it gets maximized */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/rounded-window-maximized.css"; /**/ + +/* Active tab high contrast */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/active-tab-contrast.css"; /**/ + +/* Use system theme icons instead of Adwaita icons included by theme [BUGGED] */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/system-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Allow drag window from headerbar buttons (GNOMISH) [BUGGED] */ +/* It can activate button action, with unpleasant behavior. */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/drag-window-headerbar-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Make all tab icons look kinda like symbolic icons */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/symbolic-tab-icons.css"; /**/ + +/* Hide window buttons (close/min/max) in maximized windows */ +/*@import "WhiteSur/hide-window-buttons.css"; /**/ + +/* Import your custom stylesheet */ +@import "customChrome.css"; /**/ diff --git a/src/other/firefox/userContent-Monterey.css b/src/other/firefox/userContent-Monterey.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38565d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/userContent-Monterey.css @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +@import "Monterey/colors/light.css"; +@import "Monterey/colors/dark.css"; + +@import "Monterey/pages/common.css"; +@import "Monterey/pages/newtab.css"; +@import "Monterey/pages/reader.css"; +@import "Monterey/pages/privatebrowsing.css"; diff --git a/src/other/firefox/userContent-WhiteSur.css b/src/other/firefox/userContent-WhiteSur.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4dcfbf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/firefox/userContent-WhiteSur.css @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +@import "WhiteSur/colors/light.css"; +@import "WhiteSur/colors/dark.css"; + +@import "WhiteSur/pages/common.css"; +@import "WhiteSur/pages/newtab.css"; +@import "WhiteSur/pages/reader.css"; +@import "WhiteSur/pages/privatebrowsing.css"; diff --git a/src/other/plank/theme-Dark/dock.theme b/src/other/plank/theme-Dark/dock.theme new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e62d2cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/plank/theme-Dark/dock.theme @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#This theme written by Vince Liuice. + +[PlankTheme] +#The roundness of the top corners. +TopRoundness=23 +#The roundness of the bottom corners. +BottomRoundness=23 +#The thickness (in pixels) of lines drawn. +LineWidth=0 +#The color (RGBA) of the outer stroke. +OuterStrokeColor=0;;0;;0;;255 +#The starting color (RGBA) of the fill gradient. +FillStartColor=25;;25;;25;;175 +#The ending color (RGBA) of the fill gradient. +FillEndColor=25;;25;;25;;200 +#The color (RGBA) of the inner stroke. +InnerStrokeColor=100;;100;;100;;100 + +[PlankDockTheme] +#The padding on the left/right dock edges, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +HorizPadding=1 +#The padding on the top dock edge, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +TopPadding=2 +#The padding on the bottom dock edge, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +BottomPadding=2 +#The padding between items on the dock, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +ItemPadding=3 +#The size of item indicators, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +IndicatorSize=5 +#The size of the icon-shadow behind every item, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +IconShadowSize=0 +#The height (in percent of IconSize) to bounce an icon when the application sets urgent. +UrgentBounceHeight=2 +#The height (in percent of IconSize) to bounce an icon when launching an application. +LaunchBounceHeight=0.7 +#The opacity value (0 to 1) to fade the dock to when hiding it. +FadeOpacity=1 +#The amount of time (in ms) for click animations. +ClickTime=300 +#The amount of time (in ms) to bounce an urgent icon. +UrgentBounceTime=0 +#The amount of time (in ms) to bounce an icon when launching an application. +LaunchBounceTime=600 +#The amount of time (in ms) for active window indicator animations. +ActiveTime=300 +#The amount of time (in ms) to slide icons into/out of the dock. +SlideTime=100 +#The time (in ms) to fade the dock in/out on a hide (if FadeOpacity is < 1). +FadeTime=250 +#The time (in ms) to slide the dock in/out on a hide (if FadeOpacity is 1). +HideTime=200 +#The size of the urgent glow (shown when dock is hidden), in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +GlowSize=0 +#The total time (in ms) to show the hidden-dock urgent glow. +GlowTime=0 +#The time (in ms) of each pulse of the hidden-dock urgent glow. +GlowPulseTime=0 +#The hue-shift (-180 to 180) of the urgent indicator color. +UrgentHueShift=150 +#The time (in ms) to move an item to its new position or its addition/removal to/from the dock. +ItemMoveTime=200 +#Whether background and icons will unhide/hide with different speeds. The top-border of both will leave/hit the screen-edge at the same time. +CascadeHide=true +#The color (RGBA) of the badge displaying urgent count +BadgeColor=0;;0;;0;;0 diff --git a/src/other/plank/theme-Light/dock.theme b/src/other/plank/theme-Light/dock.theme new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8bffe0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/other/plank/theme-Light/dock.theme @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#This theme written by Vince Liuice. + +[PlankTheme] +#The roundness of the top corners. +TopRoundness=23 +#The roundness of the bottom corners. +BottomRoundness=23 +#The thickness (in pixels) of lines drawn. +LineWidth=0 +#The color (RGBA) of the outer stroke. +OuterStrokeColor=0;;0;;0;;0 +#The starting color (RGBA) of the fill gradient. +FillStartColor=209;;209;;209;;150 +#The ending color (RGBA) of the fill gradient. +FillEndColor=209;;209;;209;;150 +#The color (RGBA) of the inner stroke. +InnerStrokeColor=210;;210;;210;;50 + +[PlankDockTheme] +#The padding on the left/right dock edges, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +HorizPadding=1 +#The padding on the top dock edge, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +TopPadding=2 +#The padding on the bottom dock edge, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +BottomPadding=2 +#The padding between items on the dock, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +ItemPadding=3 +#The size of item indicators, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +IndicatorSize=5 +#The size of the icon-shadow behind every item, in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +IconShadowSize=0 +#The height (in percent of IconSize) to bounce an icon when the application sets urgent. +UrgentBounceHeight=2 +#The height (in percent of IconSize) to bounce an icon when launching an application. +LaunchBounceHeight=0.7 +#The opacity value (0 to 1) to fade the dock to when hiding it. +FadeOpacity=1 +#The amount of time (in ms) for click animations. +ClickTime=300 +#The amount of time (in ms) to bounce an urgent icon. +UrgentBounceTime=0 +#The amount of time (in ms) to bounce an icon when launching an application. +LaunchBounceTime=600 +#The amount of time (in ms) for active window indicator animations. +ActiveTime=300 +#The amount of time (in ms) to slide icons into/out of the dock. +SlideTime=100 +#The time (in ms) to fade the dock in/out on a hide (if FadeOpacity is < 1). +FadeTime=250 +#The time (in ms) to slide the dock in/out on a hide (if FadeOpacity is 1). +HideTime=200 +#The size of the urgent glow (shown when dock is hidden), in tenths of a percent of IconSize. +GlowSize=0 +#The total time (in ms) to show the hidden-dock urgent glow. +GlowTime=0 +#The time (in ms) of each pulse of the hidden-dock urgent glow. +GlowPulseTime=0 +#The hue-shift (-180 to 180) of the urgent indicator color. +UrgentHueShift=150 +#The time (in ms) to move an item to its new position or its addition/removal to/from the dock. +ItemMoveTime=200 +#Whether background and icons will unhide/hide with different speeds. The top-border of both will leave/hit the screen-edge at the same time. +CascadeHide=true +#The color (RGBA) of the badge displaying urgent count +BadgeColor=0;;0;;0;;0 diff --git a/src/sass/_colors-palette.scss b/src/sass/_colors-palette.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52e86a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/_colors-palette.scss @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// +// Normal colors +// + +$theme_color_default: #0860F2; +$theme_color_blue: #2E7CF7; +$theme_color_purple: #9A57A3; +$theme_color_pink: #E55E9C; +$theme_color_red: #ED5F5D; +$theme_color_orange: #E9873A; +$theme_color_yellow: #F3BA4B; +$theme_color_green: #79B757; +$theme_color_grey: #8C8C8C; + +// +// Nord colors +// + +$nord_color_default: #5271ad; +$nord_color_blue: #4c7bd9; +$nord_color_purple: #b57daa; +$nord_color_pink: #cd7092; +$nord_color_red: #c35b65; +$nord_color_orange: #d0846c; +$nord_color_yellow: #e4b558; +$nord_color_green: #82ac5d; +$nord_color_grey: #8999a9; diff --git a/src/sass/_colors.scss b/src/sass/_colors.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bfe114 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/_colors.scss @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +@function gtkalpha($c,$a) { + @return unquote("alpha(#{$c},#{$a})"); +} + +@function gtkmix($c1,$c2,$r) { + $ratio: 1 - $r / 100%; // match SCSS mix() + @return unquote("mix(#{$c1},#{$c2},#{$ratio})"); +} + +@function gtkshade($c,$s) { + @return unquote("shade(#{$c},#{$s})"); +} + +@function gtkcolor($c) { + @return unquote("@#{$c}"); +} + +// base options +@import 'theme-options-temp'; +@import 'gtk-base-temp'; + +// colors palette +@import 'colors-palette'; + +// Base colors +$base_color: if($variant == 'light', #ffffff, if($darker == 'true', #1f1f1f, #242424)); +$text_color: if($variant == 'light', #363636, #dadada); +$bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #f5f5f5, if($darker == 'true', #282828, #333333)); +$fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #242424, #dedede); +$alt_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #424242, #afafaf); +$hint_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #565656, #999999); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $base_color: if($variant == 'light', #fbfcfd, if($darker == 'true', #1d2025, #252932)); + $text_color: if($variant == 'light', #2b303b, #d3d7df); + $bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #f3f4f6, if($darker == 'true', #23272f, #2b303b)); + $fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #1e222a, #d9dce3); + $alt_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #383f4d, #a2abbc); + $hint_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', #495265, #8994a9); +} + +//insensitive state derived colors +$disabled_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize($fg_color, 0.55), transparentize($fg_color, 0.65)); +$alt_disabled_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize($alt_fg_color, 0.55), transparentize($alt_fg_color, 0.65)); +$disabled_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', mix($bg_color, $base_color, 40%), lighten($bg_color, 2%)); + +$track_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.20), rgba(white, 0.16)); +$visit_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.16), rgba(white, 0.12)); +$divider_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(white, 0.1)); +$fill_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.06), rgba(white, 0.05)); + +$light_fg_color: white; +$light_alt_fg_color: rgba(white, 0.85); +$light_hint_fg_color: rgba(white, 0.50); +$light_disabled_fg_color: rgba(white, 0.45); +$light_alt_disabled_fg_color: rgba(white, 0.35); +$light_track_color: rgba(white, 0.2); +$light_divider_color: rgba(white, 0.12); +$light_fill_color: rgba(white, 0.06); + +$selected_fg_color: $light_fg_color; +$selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_default, $theme_color_default); + +@if $theme == 'blue' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_blue, $theme_color_blue); +} + +@if $theme == 'purple' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_purple, $theme_color_purple); +} + +@if $theme == 'pink' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_pink, $theme_color_pink); +} + +@if $theme == 'red' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_red, $theme_color_red); +} + +@if $theme == 'orange' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_orange, $theme_color_orange); +} + +@if $theme == 'yellow' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_yellow, $theme_color_yellow); +} + +@if $theme == 'green' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_green, $theme_color_green); +} + +@if $theme == 'grey' { + $selected_bg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_grey, $theme_color_grey); +} + +$primary_color: $selected_bg_color; + +$selected_borders_color: darken($selected_bg_color, 10%); +$borders_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(white, 0.12)); +$light_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(white, 0.10)); +$dark_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(black, 0.15)); +$solid_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', mix(black, $base_color, 12%), mix(white, $base_color, 12%)); +$dark_solid_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', mix(black, $base_color, 12%), mix(black, $base_color, 15%)); +$highlight_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.1)); + +// Gnome-shell background colors +$dark_bg_color: rgba(black, 0.6); +$alt_dark_bg_color: rgba(black, 0.3); + +// for gnome-shell keyboard +$solid_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #eeeeee, #555555); +$alt_solid_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #c0c0c0, #242424); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $solid_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #eaecf0, #464f62); + $alt_solid_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #b6bdca, #1e222a); +} + +// Link colors +$link_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', #5e81ac, #3484e2); +$link_visited_color: if($variant == 'light', lighten($text_color, 10%), darken($text_color, 15%)); + +// Theme colors +$selection_mode_bg: lighten($selected_bg_color, 15%); +$warning_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_orange, $theme_color_orange); +$error_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_red, $theme_color_red); +$success_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_green, $theme_color_green); +$destructive_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_red, $theme_color_red); +$suggested_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_blue, $theme_color_blue); + +$progress_color: $selected_bg_color; +$drop_target_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', $nord_color_orange, $theme_color_orange); + +// Headerbar colors +$header_bg: if($variant == 'light', #ffffff, if($darker == 'true', #1e1e1e, #373737)); +$header_highlight: if($variant == 'dark', if($darker == 'true', #242424, #434343), #f5f5f5); // For metacity +$header_fg: if($variant == 'light', #575757, #FDFDFD); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $header_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fbfcfd, if($darker == 'true', #191c23, #2e3440)); + $header_highlight: if($variant == 'dark', if($darker == 'true', #1e222a, #383f4e), #f3f4f7); // For metacity + $header_fg: if($variant == 'light', #57647f, #f8f9fc); +} + +$dark_header_bg: if($trans == 'true', rgba($base_color, 0.96), $base_color); +$header_bg_backdrop: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 0%), darken($header_bg, 0%)); +$header_border: if($variant == 'light', mix(black, $header_bg, 12%), mix(black, $header_bg, 75%)); + +// Sidebar colors +$dark_sidebar_bg: white; + +@if $trans=='true' and $variant=='light' { + $dark_sidebar_bg: rgba(if($colorscheme == 'nord', #eeeff2, #f0f0f0), 0.96); +} + +@if $trans=='false' and $variant=='light' { + $dark_sidebar_bg: if($colorscheme == 'nord', #eeeff2, #f0f0f0); +} + +@if $trans=='true' and $variant=='dark' { + @if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $dark_sidebar_bg: rgba(if($darker == 'true', #22262e, #2b303b), 0.96); + } @else { + $dark_sidebar_bg: rgba(if($darker == 'true', #282828, #333333), 0.96); + } +} + +@if $trans=='false' and $variant=='dark' { + @if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $dark_sidebar_bg: if($darker == 'true', #22262e, #2b303b); + } @else { + $dark_sidebar_bg: if($darker == 'true', #282828, #333333); + } +} + +$dark_sidebar_fg: $text_color; +$dark_sidebar_border: if($variant == 'light', $solid_borders_color, $header_border); +$sidebar_theme_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(white, 0.12)); + +//OSD colors +$osd_fg_color: if($colorscheme == 'nord', #dadada, #d3d7df); +$osd_bg_color: if($trans == 'true', rgba(if($darker == 'true', #1a1a1a, #2a2a2a), 0.95), if($darker == 'true', #1a1a1a, #2a2a2a)); +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $osd_bg_color: if($trans == 'true', rgba(if($darker == 'true', #16191e, #222730), 0.95), if($darker == 'true', #16191e, #222730)); +} +$osd_button_bg: rgba(lighten($osd_bg_color, 22%), 0.96); +$osd_button_border: $dark_borders_color; +$osd_entry_bg: rgba(lighten($osd_bg_color, 22%), 0.96); +$osd_entry_border: $dark_borders_color; +$osd_disabled_bg_color: darken($osd_bg_color, 3%); +$osd_disabled_fg_color: rgba($osd_fg_color, 0.35); +$osd_borders_color: $dark_borders_color; + +// Menu colors +$menu_bg: if($variant == 'light', $base_color, $bg_color); +$menu_bd: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(white, 0.07)); + +@if $trans == 'true' { + $menu_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba($base_color, 0.95), rgba($bg_color, 0.95)); +} + +$dialog_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', $bg_color, $base_color); + +@if $trans=='true' { + $dialog_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($bg_color, 0.95), rgba($base_color, 0.95)); +} + +$submenu_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 1), rgba(white, 0.1)); + +@if $trans=='true' { + $submenu_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.75), rgba(white, 0.15)); +} + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $submenu_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#fbfcfd, 1), rgba(#fbfcfd, 0.1)); + + @if $trans=='true' { + $submenu_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#fbfcfd, 0.75), rgba(#464f60, 0.75)); + } +} + +// Panel colors +$panel_bg: if($variant == 'light', #f1f1f1, if($darker == 'true', #1f1f1f, #2a2a2a)); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $panel_bg: if($variant == 'light', #f0f1f4, if($darker == 'true', #1a1d24, #222730)); +} + +@if $trans == 'true' { + $panel_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, $panel_opacity/2 + 0.08), rgba(black, $panel_opacity)); + + @if $panel_font == 'black' { + $panel_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, $panel_opacity/2 + 0.08), rgba(black, $panel_opacity/2)); + } + + @if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $panel_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#9da8be, $panel_opacity/2 + 0.12), rgba(#1a1d23, $panel_opacity + 0.08)); + } +} + +$panel_text: if($variant == 'light', #363636, white); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $panel_text: if($variant == 'light', #2d333f, #fbfcfd); +} + +$panel_fg: if($trans == 'true' and $panel_font == 'white', white, $panel_text); +$panel_track: if(($trans == 'false' or $panel_font == 'black') and $variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.28)); +$panel_divider: if(($trans == 'false' or $panel_font == 'black') and $variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(white, 0.15)); + +$dash_fg: if($variant == 'light', black, white); +$dash_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#d1d1d1, $panel_opacity + 0.33), rgba(if($darker == 'true', #1f1f1f, #222222), $panel_opacity/2 + 0.6)); + +@if $trans == 'true' and $panel_font == 'black' { + $dash_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#d1d1d1, $panel_opacity/2 + 0.08), rgba(if($darker == 'true', #1f1f1f, #222222), $panel_opacity + 0.15)); +} + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $dash_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#9da8be, $panel_opacity + 0.33), rgba(if($darker == 'true', #1a1d24, #1d2027), $panel_opacity/2 + 0.6)); + + @if $trans == 'true' and $panel_font == 'black' { + $dash_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#9da8be, $panel_opacity/2 + 0.28), rgba(if($darker == 'true', #1a1d24, #1d2027), $panel_opacity + 0.15)); + } +} + +// Entry colors +$entry_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); +$entry_shell_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.1), rgba(white, 0.1)); +$entry_border: $borders_color; +$entry_highlight: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.75); + +// Button colors +$button_bg: if($variant == 'light', white, #656565); +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $button_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fbfcfd, #556075); +} +$button_border: $borders_color; + +// Button borders and highlights colors +$button_highlight: if($variant == 'light', white, rgba(white, 0.1)); +$button_borders: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, $dark_borders_color); + +// WM colors +$wm_outline_light: 0 0 0 2px rgba(black, 0.03), 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.12); +$wm_outline_dark: 0 0 0 2px rgba(black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.75); +$wm_shadow: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(black, 0.35)); +$wm_shadow_backdrop: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(black, 0.15)); +$wm_outline: if($variant=='light', $wm_outline_light, $wm_outline_dark); + +// WM Buttons + +// Close +$wm_button_close_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fe6254, #e9524a); +$wm_button_close_hover_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fe6254, #e9524a); +$wm_button_close_active_bg: if($variant == 'light', #cb4e43, #ba423b); +$wm_button_close_border: if($variant == 'light', #cb4e43, #ba423b); +$wm_icon_close_bg: if($variant == 'light', #7f312a, #742925); + +// Minimize +$wm_button_minimize_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fdc92d, #f1ae1b); +$wm_button_minimize_hover_bg: if($variant == 'light', #fdc92d, #f1ae1b); +$wm_button_minimize_active_bg: if($variant == 'light', #caa124, #c18b16); +$wm_button_minimize_border: if($variant == 'light', #caa124, #c18b16); +$wm_icon_minimize_bg: if($variant == 'light', #7e6416, #78570d); + +// Maximize +$wm_button_maximize_bg: if($variant == 'light', #28d33f, #59c837); +$wm_button_maximize_hover_bg: if($variant == 'light', #28d33f, #59c837); +$wm_button_maximize_active_bg: if($variant == 'light', #20a932, #47a02c); +$wm_button_maximize_border: if($variant == 'light', #20a932, #47a02c); +$wm_icon_maximize_bg: if($variant == 'light', #14691f, #2c641b); diff --git a/src/sass/_gtk-base.scss b/src/sass/_gtk-base.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa112b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/_gtk-base.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +// Theme base options +$laptop: 'true'; +$trans: 'true'; +$theme: 'default'; diff --git a/src/sass/_theme-options.scss b/src/sass/_theme-options.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0db10c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/_theme-options.scss @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// +// THEME OPTIONS +// + +// Colorscheme type +$colorscheme: 'default'; // default/nord + +// Nautilus sidebar sizes (when nautilus_use_colors is false) +$sidebar_size: 200px; + +// Nautilus style +$nautilus_style: 'stable'; + +// Nautilus titlebuttons placement +$placement: 'left'; + +// Gnome-shell panel opacity +$panel_opacity: 0.15; + +// Gnome-shell show apps button style +$showapps_button: 'bigsur'; + +// Maximized window radius +$max_window_style: 'square'; + +// Panel font color +$panel_font: 'white'; + +// Panel height size +$panel_size: 'default'; + +// Panel Activities button style +$activities: 'apple'; + +// Monterey style +$monterey: 'false'; + +// Color style +$darker: 'false'; + +// GDM login dialog scale +$scale: 'default'; diff --git a/src/sass/_variables.scss b/src/sass/_variables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df822d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/_variables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +@import 'theme-options-temp'; +@import 'gtk-base-temp'; + +// Function to convert px values to em +@function to_em($input, $base: 16px) { + // multiplied and divided by 1000 to make up for round() shortcoming + $em_value: ($input / $base) * 1.091 * 1000; + @return round($em_value) / 1000 * 1em; +} + +$asset_suffix: if($variant == 'dark', '-dark', ''); +$con_asset_suffix: if($variant=='dark', '', '-dark'); +$extra_background_clip: if($variant == 'light', padding-box, border-box); + +$panel-corner-radius: 0; + +// font families +$font-family: "M+ 1c", Roboto, Cantarell, Sans-Serif; +$large-font-family: Roboto, "M+ 1c", Cantarell, Sans-Serif; + +// font sizes +$root-font-size: if($laptop == 'false', 15px, 13px); +$subheading-size: if($laptop == 'false', 17px, 15px); +$base_font_size: if($laptop == 'false', 11, 10); + +// opacities +$higher_opacity: 0.9; +$middle_opacity: 0.6; +$lower_opacity: 0.3; + +$secondary_opacity: 0.75; +$hint_opacity: 0.6; +$disabled_opacity: 0.45; + +// sizes +$small_size: if($laptop == 'false', 24px, 20px); +$medium_size: if($laptop == 'false', 36px, 32px); +$large_size: if($laptop == 'false', 48px, 44px); +$menuitem_size: if($laptop == 'false', 32px, 28px); +$container_padding: if($laptop == 'false', 8px, 6px); +$headerbar_size: if($laptop == 'false', 46px, 42px); + +// padding, margin and spacing +$base_padding: if($laptop == 'false', 6px, 4px); +$base_margin: if($laptop == 'false', 4px, 3px); +$base_spacing: if($laptop == 'false', 6px, 4px); + +// radiuses +$circular_radius: 9999px; +$bt_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 6px, 6px); +$bd_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 8px, 8px); +$wm_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 12px, 12px); +$mn_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 14px, 12px); +$po_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 16px, 14px); +$dash_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 24px, 18px); +$base_border_radius: if($laptop == 'false', 8px, 8px); +$modal_radius: $base_border_radius * 2; +$maximized_radius: 0; + +@if $max_window_style == 'round' { + $maximized_radius: $wm_radius; +} + +// icons +// $base_icon_size: 1.09em; +$base_icon_size: 16px; +$medium_icon_size: $base_icon_size * 1.5; // 24px +$large_icon_size: $base_icon_size * 2; // 32px + +// Scaled values +// Used in elements that follow text scaling factors +$scaled_padding: to_em(6px); // same as $base_padding + +// Used for symbolic icons that scale +$scalable_icon_size: to_em(16px); +$medium_scalable_icon_size: $scalable_icon_size * 1.5; +$large_scalable_icon_size: $scalable_icon_size * 2; + +// durations +$shorter_duration: 100ms; +$longer_duration: 150ms; +$ripple_duration: 250ms; + +// timing functions +$standard_curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); +$deceleration_curve: cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); +$acceleration_curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 1, 1); +$sharp_curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.6, 1); +$ease-out-quad: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + +// transition shorthands +$shorter_transition: all $shorter_duration $deceleration_curve; +$longer_transition: all $longer_duration $deceleration_curve; +$shadow_transition: box-shadow $longer_duration $deceleration_curve; +$button_transition: all $shorter_duration $ease-out-quad; +$backdrop_transition: $longer_duration ease-out; + +// Shadow +$shadow_0: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.1), 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.05); // Slider hover shadow +$shadow_1: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(black, 0.12), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.06); // Header-button shadow +$shadow_2: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(black, 0.03), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.08); // Slider normal shadow +$shadow_3: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(black, 0.03), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.01); // Normal button shadow +$shadow_4: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.2), 0 3px 5px 0 rgba(black, 0.15); // Switch-slider hover shadow +$shadow_5: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.1); // Switch-slider normal shadow +$shadow_6: 0 0 8px rgba(black, 0.2), 0 0 4px rgba(black, 0.3); // Switch-slider normal shadow + +$panel_asset_shadow: if($monterey == 'true' or $trans == 'false', none, 0 1px 3px 3px rgba(black, 0.15)); diff --git a/src/sass/cinnamon/_common.scss b/src/sass/cinnamon/_common.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66d3d76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/cinnamon/_common.scss @@ -0,0 +1,2189 @@ +$asset_path: assets; + +// +// Globals +// +$font-size: 9; +$font-family: Futura Bk bt, sans, Sans-Serif; +$_bubble_bg_color: opacify($osd_bg_color,0.25); +$_bubble_fg_color: $osd_fg_color; +$_bubble_borders_color: transparentize($osd_fg_color,0.8); + +stage { + // font-family: $font-family; + // @include fontsize($font-size); + color: $fg_color; +} + +.label-shadow { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); +} + +%reset_style { + background-color: transparent !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; +} + +// +// Buttons +// +%button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 5px 32px; + transition-duration: 100ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include button(normal); + + &:focus { @include button(focus); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:hover { @include button(hover); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:hover:focus { @include button(focus-hover); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:active, &:active:focus { @include button(active); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:insensitive { @include button(insensitive); border-radius: $bt_radius; } +} + +%flat_button { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include button(flat); + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); border-radius: $bt_radius; } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive); border-radius: $bt_radius; } +} + +%osd_button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 5px 32px; + transition-duration: 100ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @include button(osd); + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + &:focus { color: $selected_bg_color; } + &:active { @include button(osd-active); } + &:insensitive { @include button(osd-insensitive); } +} + +// +// Entries +// +%entry { + padding: 6px; + caret-size: 1px; + selection-background-color: $selected_bg_color; + selected-color: $selected_fg_color; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @include entry(normal); + + &:focus, &:hover { @include entry(focus); } + &:insensitive { @include entry(insensitive); } + + StIcon.capslock-warning { + icon-size: 16px; + warning-color: $warning_color; + padding: 0 4px; + } +} + +%osd_entry { + padding: 7px; + caret-size: 1px; + caret-color: $osd_fg_color; + selection-background-color: $selected_bg_color; + selected-color: $selected_fg_color; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @include entry(osd); + + &:focus { @include entry(osd-focus); } + &:insensitive { @include entry(osd-insensitive); } +} + +// +// Scrollbars +// +StScrollView { + &.vfade { -st-vfade-offset: 0px; } + &.hfade { -st-hfade-offset: 0px; } +} + +StScrollBar { + + padding: 8px; + + StScrollView & { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + } + + StBin#trough { + background-color: transparentize($base_color, 0.9); + border-radius: 100px; + } + + StButton#vhandle, StButton#hhandle { + border-radius: 100px; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 40%); + border: 0px solid; + margin: 0px; + + &:hover { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 30%); } + + &:active { background-color: $selected_bg_color; } + } +} + +.separator { + -gradient-height: 1px; + -gradient-start: rgba(0,0,0,0); + -gradient-end: rgba(0,0,0,0); + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1em; +} + +// +// Slider +// +.popup-slider-menu-item, +.slider { + -slider-height: 4px; + -slider-background-color: $button_border; //background of the trough + -slider-border-color: transparentize(black, 1); //trough border color + -slider-active-background-color: $selected_bg_color; //active trough fill + -slider-active-border-color: transparentize(black, 1); //active trough border + -slider-border-width: 0; + -slider-handle-radius: 4px; + height: 18px; + min-width: 15em; + border: 0 solid transparent; + border-right-width: 1px; + border-left-width: 5px; + color: transparent; + + .popup-menu-item:active & { + -slider-background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + -slider-active-background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } +} + +// +// Check Boxes +// +.check-box { + CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + min-height: 30px; + padding-top: 2px; + } + + StLabel { font-weight: normal; } + + StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); + } + + &:focus StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } + + &:checked StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-checked.svg"); } + + &:focus:checked StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } +} + +// +// Radio Buttons +// +.radiobutton { + + CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + height: 26px; + padding-top: 2px; + } + + StLabel { + padding-top: 4px; + font-size: 0.9em; + box-shadow: none; + } + + StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); + } + + &:focus StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } + + &:checked StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-checked.svg"); } + + &:focus:checked StBin { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } +} + +// +// Switches +// +.toggle-switch { + width: 40px; + height: 24px; + background-size: contain; + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/toggle-off.svg"); + + &:checked { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/toggle-on.svg"); } + + .popup-menu-item:active & { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/toggle-off.svg"); + + &:checked { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/toggle-on.svg"); } + } +} + +// +// Links +// +.cinnamon-link { + color: $link_color; + text-decoration: underline; + + &:hover { color: lighten($link_color,10%); } +} + +// +// Tooltip +// +#Tooltip { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 5px 12px; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + color: $osd_fg_color; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; +} + +// +// Popovers/Menus +// +, +.popup-menu, +%menu { + padding: 0 $container_padding $container_padding / 2; + color: $fg_color; + + @if $trans == 'true' { + border-image: url("assets/menu.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + @else { + border-image: url("assets/menu-solid.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + &-arrow { icon-size: 16px; } + + .popup-sub-menu { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-gradient-direction: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.75), rgba(white, 0.15)); + + // .popup-menu-item:ltr { padding-right: 8px; } + // .popup-menu-item:rtl { padding-left: 8px; } + + StScrollBar { + padding: 4px; + StBin#trough, StBin#vhandle { border-width: 0; } + } + } + + .popup-menu-content { padding: 1em 6px 1em 6px; } + + .popup-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing: 1em; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:insensitive { + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.5); + background: none; + } + } + + .popup-inactive-menu-item { //all icons and other graphical elements + color: $fg_color; + + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + + .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item { color: $selected_fg_color; } + + &-icon { icon-size: 16px; } +} + +.popup-menu-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: $bt_radius; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); + -arrow-border-width: 0; + -arrow-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0); + -arrow-base: 0; + -arrow-rise: 0; + margin: 0.5em; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +.popup-combo-menu { + @extend %menu; + padding: 10px; +} + +// .popup-image-menu-item {} + +.popup-combobox-item { spacing: 1em; } + +.popup-separator-menu-item { + -gradient-height: 2px; + -gradient-start: transparent; + -gradient-end: transparent; + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-color: $borders_color; + border-bottom-width: 1px; + border-bottom-style: solid; + background-color: transparent; +} + +.popup-alternating-menu-item:alternate { + font-weight: normal; +} + +.popup-device-menu-item { spacing: .5em; } + +.popup-subtitle-menu-item { font-weight: normal; } + +.nm-menu-item-icons { spacing: .5em; } + +// +// Panel +// +#panel { + font-weight: bold; + height: 27px; + width: 32px; + + &:highlight { + border-image: none; + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + } + + &Left { + spacing: 4px; + + &:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(255,0,0,0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(255,0,0,0.2); + } + + &:ltr { padding-right: 4px; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 4px; } + + &.vertical { + padding: 0; + + &:ltr { padding-right: 0px; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 0px; } + } + } + + &Right { + &:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0,0,255,0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0,0,255,0.2); + } + + &:ltr { padding-left: 4px; spacing: 0px; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 4px; spacing: 0px; } + + &.vertical { + padding: 0; + + &:ltr { padding-right: 0px; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 0px; } + } + } + + &Center { + spacing: 4px; + + &:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0,255,0,0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0,255,0,0.2); + } + } +} + +.panel { + &-top, &-bottom, &-left, &-right { + color: $panel_fg; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 0px; + background-color: $panel_bg; + box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(#000, 0.5), 0 0 16px rgba(#000, 0.24); + + .panel-button, + .panel-status-button { + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + } + + &-dummy { + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + + &:entered { background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.4); } + } + + &-status-button { + border-width: 0; + -natural-hpadding: 3px; + -minimum-hpadding: 3px; + font-weight: bold; + height: 22px; + color: $panel_fg; + } + + &-button { + -natural-hpadding: 6px; + -minimum-hpadding: 2px; + font-weight: bold; + transition-duration: 100ms; + color: $panel_fg; + } +} + +.system-status-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 1px; +} + +// +// Overview +// +#overview { spacing: 12px; } + +.window-caption { + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border: 1px solid $osd_bg_color; + color: $osd_fg_color; + spacing: 25px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; + + &#selected { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + spacing: 25px; + } +} + +.expo-workspaces-name-entry, +.expo-workspaces-name-entry#selected { + height: 15px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; + @include entry(osd); + + &:focus { + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + font-style: italic; + transition-duration: 300; + selection-background-color: $selected_fg_color; + selected-color: $selected_bg_color; + } +} + +.expo-workspace-thumbnail-frame { + border: 4px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.0); + background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.0); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &#active { + border: 4px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-color: black; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } +} + +.expo-background { + background-color: opacify($osd_bg_color, 1); +} + +.workspace { + //&-controls { visible-height: 32px; } + + &-thumbnails { + spacing: 26px; + + &-background, &-background:rtl { padding: 8px; } + } + + &-add-button { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/add-workspace.svg"); + height: 200px; + width: 35px; + transition-duration: 100; + + &:hover { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/add-workspace-hover.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; + } + &:active { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/add-workspace-active.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; + } + } + &-overview-background-shade { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } +} + +.workspace-close-button, +.window-close { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/close.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; + -cinnamon-close-overlap: 10px; + + &:hover { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/close-hover.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; + } + + &:active { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/close-active.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; + } +} + +.workspace-thumbnail-indicator { + outline: 2px solid $borders_color; + border: 1px solid $highlight_color; +} + +.window-close:rtl { + -st-background-image-shadow: 2px 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); +} + +.window-close-area { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/trash-icon.svg"); + height: 120px; + width: 400px; +} + +// +// About Dialog (applet.js and desklet.js) +// +.about { + &-content { + width: 550px; + height: 250px; + spacing: 8px; + padding-bottom: 10px; + } + &-title { + font-size: 2em; + font-weight: bold; + } + &-uuid { + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; + } + &-icon { + padding-right: 20px; + padding-bottom: 14px; + } + &-scrollBox { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + padding: 4px; + padding-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; + + &-innerBox { + padding: 1.2em; + spacing: 1.2em; + } + } + &-description { + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 16px; + } + &-version { + padding-left: 7px; + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; + } +} + +// +// Calendar +// +.calendar { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing-rows: 0px; + spacing-columns: 0px; +} + +.calendar-month-label { + color: $fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0 2px; + padding: 2px; // label centering +} + +.calendar-today-home-button, +.calendar-today-home-button-enabled { + margin: $container_padding 0; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +.calendar-today-home-button-enabled:hover { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: $fill_color; + background-gradient-end: $fill_color; + box-shadow: none; +} + +.calendar-today-day-label { + font-size: 1.75em; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + padding-bottom: .1em; +} + +.calendar-today-date-label { + font-size: 1.1em; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; +} + +.calendar-change-month-back, +.calendar-change-month-forward { + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &:focus, &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); } +} + +//arrow back +.calendar-change-month-back { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); + + &:rtl { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); + } +} + +//arrow forward +.calendar-change-month-forward { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); + + &:rtl { + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); + } +} + +.datemenu-date-label { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; + font-size: 14px; + color: $fg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +.calendar-day-event-dot-box { + margin-top: 22px; + max-rows: 2; +} + +.calendar-day-event-dot { + margin: 1px; + border-radius: 2px; + width: 4px; + height: 4px; +} + +.calendar-day-base { + text-align: center; + width: 28px; + height: 28px; + padding: 0; + margin: 2px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $alt_fg_color; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + background-color: $fill_color; + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + background-color: $divider_color; + } +} + +.calendar-day-heading { + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.15); + margin-top: 1em; +} + +.calendar-day { + border-width: 0; + color: $alt_fg_color; +} + +.calendar-day-top { + border-top-width: 0; +} + +.calendar-day-left { + border-left-width: 0; +} + +.calendar-nonwork-day { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.calendar-today, +.calendar-today:active, +.calendar-today:focus, +.calendar-today:hover { + font-weight: bold; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-width: 0; +} + +.calendar-other-month-day { + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.7); + opacity: 1; +} + +.calendar-not-today { + color: $alt_fg_color; + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + } +} + +.calendar-week-number { + width: 20px; + height: 20px; + margin: 6px 0; + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.3); + font-weight: bold; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); + border-radius: 100px; + + StLabel { + padding: 0; + margin-top: 3px; + } +} + +.calendar-events-main-box { + height: 300px; + margin: 8px 0.8em 0 0; + padding: 8px; + min-width: 350px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: $fill_color; + background-gradient-end: $fill_color; + color: $alt_fg_color; +} + +.calendar-events-no-events-box { +} + +.calendar-events-no-events-button { + margin: 6px 0; + padding: 6px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:hover { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: $fill_color; + background-gradient-end: $fill_color; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +.calendar-events-no-events-icon { + color: $disabled_fg_color; +} + +.calendar-events-no-events-label { + font-size: 1.1em; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + margin-top: 10px; +} + +.calendar-events-date-label { + padding: 3px 0 12px 3px; + font-size: 1.1em; + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; +} + +.calendar-events-event-container { + padding: 2px; +} + +.calendar-events-scrollbox { +} + +.calendar-events-main-box .separator { + -margin-horizontal: 1em; + -gradient-height: 1px; + -gradient-start: $borders_color; + -gradient-end: $borders_color; +} + +.calendar-event-button { + margin: 6px 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $fill_color; + + &:hover { + background-gradient-direction: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $divider_color; + } + + &:active { + background-gradient-direction: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $track_color; + } +} + +.calendar-event-color-strip { + width: 4px; + border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px; +} + +.calendar-event-row-content { + margin: 6px; +} + +.calendar-event-time-past { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: left; + margin-bottom: .6em; +} + +.calendar-event-time-present { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: left; + margin-bottom: .6em; +} + +.calendar-event-time-present:all-day { + color: rgba($success_color, 0.6); +} + +.calendar-event-time-future { + text-align: left; + margin-bottom: .6em; +} + +.calendar-event-countdown { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: right; + margin-bottom: .6em; +} + +.calendar-event-countdown:soon { + color: white; +} + +.calendar-event-countdown:imminent { + color: rgba($warning_color, 0.6); +} + +.calendar-event-countdown:current { + color: rgba($success_color, 0.6); +} + +.calendar-event-summary { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + text-align: left; + width: 200px; +} + +// +// Notifications +// +#notification { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + padding: 13px; + spacing-rows: 10px; + spacing-columns: 10px; + margin-from-right-edge-of-screen: 20px; + width: 34em; + color: $text_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + + .notification-button, .notification-icon-button { + @extend %flat_button; + padding: 5px; + } + + StEntry { @extend %entry; } + + .menu &, + .popup-menu & { + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); + + &:hover, &:selected { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(black, 0.15); + } + + &, &.multi-line-notification { color: $text_color; } + + .notification-button, .notification-icon-button { + @extend %flat_button; + padding: 5px; + } + + StEntry { @extend %entry; } + } + + &.multi-line-notification { + padding-bottom: 13px; + color: $text_color; + } + + &-scrollview { + max-height: 10em; + + > .top-shadow, > .bottom-shadow { height: 1em; } + + &:ltr > StScrollBar { padding-left: 6px; } + &:rtl > StScrollBar { padding-right: 6px; } + } + + &-body { spacing: 5px; } + &-actions { spacing: 10px; } +} + +.notification { + + &-with-image { + min-height: 159px; + color: $text_color; + } + + &-button, &-icon-button { + @extend %flat_button; + padding: 5px; + } + + &-icon-button > StIcon { icon-size: 36px; } + + StEntry { @extend %entry; } +} + +// +// Alt Tab +// +#altTabPopup { + padding: 8px; + spacing: 16px; +} + +.switcher-list { + color: $text_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 20px; + + @if $trans == 'true' { + border-image: url("assets/menu.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + @else { + border-image: url("assets/menu-solid.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + > StBoxLayout { + padding: 4px; + } + + &-item-container { spacing: 8px; } + + .item-box { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:outlined { + padding: 8px; + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border: 0px solid $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + .thumbnail { width: 256px; } + + .thumbnail-box { + padding: 2px; + spacing: 4px; + } + .separator { + width: 1px; + background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2); + } +} + +.switcher-arrow { + border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + color: $osd_fg_color; + + &:highlighted { + border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + color: $panel_fg; + } +} + +//.switcher-preview-backdrop { background-color: rgba(25,25,25,0.95); } + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-left { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topright: 0px; + border-radius-bottomright: 0px; + width: 60px; +} + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-right { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topleft: 0px; + border-radius-bottomleft: 0px; + width: 60px; +} + +// +//Activities Ripples +// +.ripple-box { + width: 104px; + height: 104px; + background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/corner-ripple.svg"); + background-size: contain; +} + +// +// Modal dialogs +// +.lightbox { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } +.flashspot { background-color: white; } + +.modal-dialog { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(darken($osd_bg_color, 3%), 0.95); + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.65); + padding: 0 5px 6px 5px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(black, 0.75), 0 5px 18px rgba(black, 0.55); + + > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px; + } + + &-button-box { + spacing: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 14px 10px; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + + .modal-dialog-button { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + height: 30px; + + @extend %osd_button; + } + } +} + +// +// Run dialog +// { + padding: 0px 15px 10px 15px; + background-color: $bg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + > * { padding: 0; } + + &-label { + font-size: 0; + font-weight: bold; + color: $osd_fg_color; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + &-error-label { color: $error_color; } + + &-error-box { + padding-top: 15px; + spacing: 5px; + } + &-completion-box { + padding-left: 15px; + font-size: 10px; + } + &-entry { + width: 21em; + padding: 7px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + caret-color: $osd_fg_color; + selected-color: $selected_fg_color; + selection-background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + @include entry(osd); + + &:focus { @include entry(osd-focus); } + } + .modal-dialog-button-box { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + background-gradient-direction: none; + } +} + +/* CinnamonMountOperation Dialogs */ +.cinnamon-mount-operation-icon { + icon-size: 48px; +} + +.mount-password-reask { + color: $warning_color; +} +, +.mount-question-dialog { + spacing: 24px; + + &-subject { + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 17px; + padding-bottom: 6px; + + &:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; + } + } + &-description { + padding-left: 17px; + width: 28em; + + &:rtl { padding-right: 17px; } + } +} + { + max-height: 200px; + padding-top: 24px; + padding-left: 49px; + padding-right: 32px; + + &:rtl { + padding-right: 49px; + padding-left: 32px; + } + + &-item { + color: #ccc; + + &:hover { color: white } + + &:ltr { padding-right: 1em; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 1em; } + + &-icon:ltr { padding-right: 17px; } + &-icon:rtl { padding-left: 17px; } + + &-name { font-size: 1.1em; } + } +} + +// +// Magnifier +// +.magnifier-zoom-region { + border: 2px solid rgba(128, 0, 0, 1); + + .full-screen { border-width: 0px; } +} + +// +// On-Screen Keyboard +// +#keyboard { + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border-width: 0; + border-top-width: 1px; + border-color: transparentize(black, 0.6); +} + +.keyboard-layout { + spacing: 10px; + padding: 10px; +} + +.keyboard-row { + spacing: 15px; +} + +.keyboard-key { + min-height: 2em; + min-width: 2em; + font-size: 14pt; + font-weight: bold; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + + @include button(osd); + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + + &:grayed { @include button(osd-insensitive); } +} + +.keyboard-subkeys { //long press on a key popup + color: $osd_fg_color; + padding: 5px; + -arrow-border-radius: $bt_radius; + -arrow-background-color: $osd_bg_color; + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: transparentize(black, 0.6);; + -arrow-base: 20px; + -arrow-rise: 10px; + -boxpointer-gap: 5px; +} + +// +// Cinnamon Specific Section +// + +// +// Menu (menu.js) +// { + &-favorites-box { + margin: 0 0 8px 1px; + padding: 6px; + transition-duration: 300; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &-favorites-button { + padding: 10px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:hover { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + } + + &-places { + &-box { + margin: auto; + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0); + } + + &-button { padding: 10px; } + } + + &-categories-box { padding: 10px 30px 10px 30px; } + + &-applications-inner-box, + &-applications-outer-box { padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } + + &-application-button { + padding: 6px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + + // This style is used in menu application buttons for applications which were newly installed + &:highlighted { font-weight: bold; } + + &-selected { + @include button(active); + padding: 6px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + + &:highlighted { font-weight: bold; } + } + + &-label:ltr { padding-left: 5px; } + &-label:rtl { padding-right: 5px; } + } + + { // extracted submenu container + padding: 3px 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + + .popup-menu-item { + padding: 0; + spacing: 0; + margin: 0 3px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:ltr { padding-left: 7px; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 7px; } + + &:active { + border-image: none; // image independent + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + StIcon { min-width: 22px; } // indentation + + StLabel { + &:ltr { padding: 6px 0 7px 5px; } + &:rtl { padding: 6px 5px 7px 0; } + } + } + } + + &-category-button { + padding: 6px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &-selected { + padding: 6px; + } + &-hover, &-selected { + @include button(flat-hover); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + &-greyed { + padding: 6px; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + &-label:ltr { padding-left: 5px; } + &-label:rtl { padding-right: 5px; } + } + + // Name and description of the currently hovered item in the menu + // This appears on the bottom right hand corner of the menu + &-selected-app-box { + padding-right: 30px; + padding-left: 28px; + text-align: right; + height: 30px; + + &:rtl { + padding-top: 10px; + height: 30px; + } + } + + &-selected-app-title { font-weight: bold; } + + &-selected-app-description { max-width: 150px; } + + &-search-box:ltr { padding-left: 30px; } + &-search-box-rtl { padding-right: 30px; } +} + +#menu-search-entry { + min-width: 250px; + min-height: 16px; + font-weight: normal; + caret-color: $fg_color; + + @extend %entry; +} + { + icon-size: 1em; + color: $fg_color; +} + +// Context menu (at the moment only for favorites) +// .menu-context-menu { } + +// +// OSD +// { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 16px; + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; +} + +.osd-window { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 20px; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + box-shadow: 0 6px 16px rgba(black, 0.25); + border: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + + .osd-monitor-label { font-size: 3em; } + + .level { + padding: 0; + height: 4px; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.35); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + .level-bar { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } +} + +// +// Window list (windowList.js) +// + +.window-list { + &-box { + spacing: 2px; + + .panel-bottom &, + .panel-top & { + &:ltr { padding: 0 0 0 8px; } + &:rtl { padding: 0 8px 0 0; } + } + + &.vertical { + padding: 6px 0 0 0; + + #appMenuIcon { + padding-top: 2px; + } + } + + &:highlight { background-color: rgba($error_color, 0.5); } + } + + &-item-label { + font-weight: normal; + width: 15em; + min-width: 5px; + } + + &-item-box { + font-weight: normal; + background-image: none; + transition-duration: 100; + color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.9); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + .panel-bottom & StLabel { padding-left: 6px; } + .panel-top & StLabel { padding-left: 6px; } + .panel-left & StLabel { padding-top: 6px; } + .panel-right & StLabel { padding-top: 6px; } + + @each $position in (top), + (bottom), + (left), + (right) { + .panel-#{$position} & { + border-#{$position}-width: 2px; + StIcon, StBin, #appMenuIcon { padding: 2px; padding-#{$position}: 0; } + } + } + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + } + + &:active, + &:checked, + &:running { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.25); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.3); + } + } + + &:focus { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-image: radial-gradient(5px 5px 45deg, circle cover, $panel_fg 0%, $panel_fg 100%); + + @each $position in (top), + (bottom), + (left), + (right) { + .panel-#{$position} & { + background-position: #{$position} center; + } + } + } + + &.right, &.left { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 0px; + } + + .progress { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: $progress_color; + background-gradient-end: $progress_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: $warning_color; + background-gradient-end: $warning_color; + } + + // >= 3.6.7 + &-preview { // thumbnail popup windows = .switcher-list + padding: 16px; // = .switcher-list - .item-box + spacing: 8px; // = .switcher-list-item-container + border: none; + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $fg_color; + box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(#000, 0.35), 0 3px 12px rgba(#000, 0.16); + } +} + +// +// Grouped window list ( // >= 4.0 +// + +.grouped-window-list { + &-thumbnail-label { + padding-left: 4px; + } + + &-thumbnail-alert { + background-color: rgba($error_color, 0.5); + } + + &-thumbnail-menu { + padding: $container_padding + 6px $container_padding + 6px $container_padding + 10px; + margin: 2px; + + @if $trans == 'true' { + border-image: url("assets/menu.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + @else { + border-image: url("assets/menu-solid.svg") 20 20 23 20; + } + + .item-box { + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + spacing: $container_padding; + margin: 2px; + + &:outlined { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + } + } + + .thumbnail { + width: 256px; + } + + .separator { + width: 1px; + background-color: $borders_color; + } + } + + &-number-label { + z-index: 120; + text-shadow: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + padding: 0; + } + + &-button-label { + padding-left: 2px; + } + + &-badge { + border-radius: 256px; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &-item-box { + font-weight: normal; + background-image: none; + transition-duration: 100; + border: none; + margin: 0; + color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.6); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + spacing: 0.5em; + + &.top, &.bottom { + padding: 0 2px; + } + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + } + + &:active { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.08); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + } + } + + &:focus { + color: $panel_fg; + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.3); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.36); + } + } + + .progress { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: $progress_color; + background-gradient-end: $progress_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: $warning_color; + background-gradient-end: $warning_color; + } +} + +/// +// Sound Applet (status/volume.js) +// +.sound-button { + width: 22px; + height: 13px; + padding: 8px; + + @extend %button; + + &-container { + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 3px; + } + StIcon { icon-size: 1.4em; } +} + +.sound-track { + &-infos { padding: 5px; } + &-info { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; + + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } + + StLabel { + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + } + } + &-box { + padding-left: 15px; + padding-right: 15px; + max-width: 220px; + } +} + +.sound-seek-box { + padding-left: 15px; + + StLabel { padding-top: 2px; } + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } +} + +.sound-seek-slider { width: 140px; } + +.sound-volume-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + + StIcon { + icon-size: 1.14em; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + } +} + +.sound-playback-control { padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; } + +// 2.8 +.sound-player { + padding: 0 0; + margin-top: 6px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.75), rgba(white, 0.15)); + + > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; + spacing: 0.5em; + + StButton:small { + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + border-radius: 100px; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); } + + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } + } + } + + &-generic-coverart { + background: rgba(black, 0.2); + } + + &-overlay { + width: 290px; + height: 80px; + padding: 12px 16px 8px; + spacing: 0.5em; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#454545, 0.9), rgba(#686868, 0.9)); + border: none; + border-radius: 0 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius; + color: $osd_fg_color; + + StButton { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + padding: 8px; + margin: 0 6px 6px; + color: $osd_fg_color; + border-radius: 100px; + border: none; + + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($osd_fg_color, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: rgba($osd_fg_color, 0.25); } + &:insensitive { + opacty: 0.35; + color: rgba($osd_fg_color, 0.35); + } + } + + StLabel { padding: 0 6px; } + + StBoxLayout { + padding-top: 2px; + } + } + + .slider { + height: 0.5em; + padding: 0; + border: 0px solid darken($osd_bg_color, 8%); + border-bottom: 1px; + -slider-height: 0.5em; + -slider-background-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, darken($bg_color, 5%)); + -slider-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + -slider-active-background-color: $selected_bg_color; + -slider-active-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + -slider-border-width: 0px; + -slider-handle-radius: 0px; + } +} + +// +// Workspace Switcher applet (workspaceSwitcher.js) +// +#workspaceSwitcher { + spacing: 0px; + padding: 3px; +} + +/* Controls the styling when using the "Simple buttons" option */ +.workspace-switcher { + padding-left: 3px; + padding-right: 3px; +} + +.workspace-button { + width: 20px; + height: 10px; + color: $panel_fg; + padding: 3px; + padding-top: 4px; + transition-duration: 300; + + &:outlined, &:outlined:hover { color: $selected_bg_color; } + &:hover { color: lighten($selected_bg_color, 10%) } +} + +/* Controls the style when using the "Visual representation" option */ +.workspace-graph { + padding: 3px; + spacing: 3px; +} + +.workspace-graph .workspace { + border: 1px solid transparentize(black, 0.6); + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); +} + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active { + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-gradient-direction: none; +} + +.workspace-graph .workspace .windows { + -active-window-background: lighten($panel_bg, 15%); + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: lighten($panel_bg, 15%); + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active .windows { + -active-window-background: lighten($panel_bg, 20%); + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: lighten($panel_bg, 5%); + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); +} + +// +// Panel Launchers Applet (panelLaunchers.js) +// +#panel-launchers-box { + padding: 0 6px; + + &.vertical { + padding: 3px 0; + } +} + +.panel-launcher { + padding: 2px; + transition-duration: 200ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:hover { + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } +} + +// 3.2.x +.launcher { + padding: 2px; + spacing: 2px; + transition-duration: 0.2s; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:hover { + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + + .icon-box { padding: 2px; } +} + +// +// Overview corner +// +#overview-corner { +// background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/overview.png"); + +// &:hover { background-image: url("#{$asset_path}/overview-hover.png"); } +} + +// +// Applets (applet.js) +// +.applet { + &-separator { padding: 1px 4px; } + + &-separator-line { + width: 1px; + background: rgba($panel_fg, 0.12); + } + + &-box { + padding: 0 8px; + color: $panel_fg; + text-shadow: none; + transition-duration: 100; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &.vertical { + padding: 8px 0; + } + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + } + + &:checked, &:checked:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.25); + } + + &:highlight { + background-image: none; + border-image: none; + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + } + } + + &-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: $panel_fg; + + .applet-box:checked & { + color: $panel_fg; + text-shadow: none; + } + } + + &-icon { + color: $panel_fg; + icon-size: 16px; + + .applet-box:checked & { + color: $panel_fg; + text-shadow: none; + } + } +} + +// +// User Applet +// +.user-icon { + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; +} + +.user-label { + color: $fg_color; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0px; +} + +// +// Desklets (desklet.js) +// +.desklet { + color: $osd_fg_color; + + &:highlight { + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + } + + &-with-borders { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; + + &:highlight { + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + } + } + &-with-borders-and-header { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border-radius: 6px; + border-radius-topleft: 0; + border-radius-topright: 0; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 17px; + + &:highlight { + background-color: transparentize($error_color, 0.5); + } + } + &-header { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border-radius: 0; + border-radius-topleft: 6px; + border-radius-topright: 6px; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 6px; + } + &-drag-placeholder { + border: 2px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.7); + } +} + +.photoframe-box { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; +} + +// +// Workspace OSD +// +.workspace-osd { + text-shadow: black 5px 5px 5px; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 48pt; +} + +// +// Notification Applet +// +.notification-applet-padding { padding: .5em 1em; } + +.notification-applet-container { max-height: 100px; } + +// +// Tile Preview +// +.tile-preview, .tile-preview.snap, +.tile-hud, .tile-hud.snap { + background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.7); + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; +} + +// +// Xkcd Desklet +// +.xkcd-box { + padding: 6px; + border: 0px; + background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + border-radius: 0px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/cinnamon/_drawing.scss b/src/sass/cinnamon/_drawing.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c35e605 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/cinnamon/_drawing.scss @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +// Drawing mixins + +// generic drawing of more complex things + +// provide font size in rem, with px fallback +@mixin fontsize($size: 24, $base: 16) { + font-size: round($size) + pt; + //font-size: ($size / $base) * 1rem; +} + +// Entries + +@mixin entry($t, $dark:false) { +// +// Entries drawing function +// + //@extend %reset_style; + + @if $t==normal { + color: $text_color; + border: 2px solid transparent; + background-color: $entry_bg; + } + + @if $t==focus { + color: $text_color; + border: 2px solid $entry_highlight; + background-color: $entry_bg; + } + + @if $t==insensitive { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($entry_bg, 0.45); + } + + @if $t==osd { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px transparentize(black, 0.95); + } + + @if $t==osd-focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px transparentize(black, 0.95); + } + + @if $t==osd-insensitive { + color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.45); + background-color: transparentize($osd_entry_bg, 0.15); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px transparentize(black, 0.95); + } +} + +// Buttons + +@mixin button($t) { +// +// Button drawing function +// + //@extend %reset_style; + + text-shadow: none; + + @if $t==normal { + color: $fg_color; + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + background-color: $button_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $button_highlight; + } + + @else if $t==hover { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + background-color: if($variant=='light', #ffffff, lighten($button_bg, 3%)); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba($button_highlight, 0.12); + } + + @else if $t==focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $button_bg; + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba($button_highlight, 0.12); + } + + @else if $t==focus-hover { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + background-color: if($variant=='light', #ffffff, lighten($button_bg, 3%)); + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba($button_highlight, 0.12); + } + + @else if $t==active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + } + + @else if $t==insensitive { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', $button_border, $dark_borders_color); + background-color: rgba($button_bg, 0.55); + } + + @else if $t==flat { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + } + + @else if $t==flat-hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + @else if $t==flat-active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + + @else if $t==flat-insensitive { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + } + + @else if $t==osd { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_button_bg; + } + + @else if $t==osd-hover { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: opacify(lighten($osd_button_bg, 7%), 0.1); + } + + @else if $t==osd-active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + @else if $t==osd-insensitive { + color: $osd_disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($osd_button_bg, 0.15); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_common.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_common.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f60ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_common.scss @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +//This is the RIGHT PLACE to edit the stylesheet + +//let's start by telling people not to edit the generated CSS: +$cakeisalie: "This stylesheet is generated, DO NOT EDIT"; +/* #{$cakeisalie} */ + +/* Copyright 2009, 2015 Red Hat, Inc. + * + * Portions adapted from Mx's data/style/default.css + * Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, + * version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS + * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for + * more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +// Stage +stage { + @include fontsize($base_font_size); + color: $fg_color; +} + +/* General Typography */ + +%large_title { + font-weight: 300; + @include fontsize(24); +} + +%title_1 { + font-weight: 800; + @include fontsize(20); +} + +%title_2 { + font-weight: 800; + @include fontsize(15); +} + +%title_3 { + font-weight: 700; + @include fontsize(15); +} + +%title_4 { + font-weight: 700; + @include fontsize(13); +} + +%heading { + font-weight: 700; + @include fontsize(11); +} + +%caption_heading { + font-weight: 700; + @include fontsize(9); +} + +%caption { + font-weight: 400; + @include fontsize(9); +} + +%smaller { + font-weight: 400; + @include fontsize(8); +} + +%monospace {font-family: monospace;} +%numeric { font-feature-settings: "tnum";} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_drawing.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_drawing.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6682981 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_drawing.scss @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +// generic drawing of more complex things + +// provide font size in pt, with px fallback +@function pt($size: $root-font-size) { + @return ($size * 0.75 / 1px) + pt; +} + +// provide icon size in em, with px fallback +@function em($size: 16px) { + @return ($size / $root-font-size) + em; +} + +// Function to convert px values to em +@function to_em($input, $base: 16px) { + // multiplied and divided by 1000 to make up for round() shortcoming + $em_value: ($input / $base) * 1.091 * 1000; + @return round($em_value) / 1000 * 1em; +} + +// provide font size in rem, with px fallback +@mixin fontsize($size: 24, $base: 16) { + font-size: round($size) + pt; + //font-size: ($size / $base) * 1rem; +} + +// Typography +// based on: +// + +@mixin font($size) { + @if $size == display-4 { + // font-family: $large-font-family; + font-size: 112px; + font-weight: 300; + // line-height: 1; + } + + @if $size == display-3 { + // font-family: $large-font-family; + font-size: 56px; + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 1; + } + + @if $size == display-2 { + // font-family: $large-font-family; + font-size: 45px; + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 48px; + } + + @if $size == display-1 { + // font-family: $large-font-family; + font-size: 34px; + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 40px; + } + + @if $size == headline { + font-size: pt(24px); + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 32px; + } + + @if $size == title { + font-size: pt(20px); + font-weight: 500; + // line-height: 1; + } + + @if $size == subheading { + font-size: pt($subheading-size); + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 24px; + } + + @if $size == body-2 { + font-size: pt($root-font-size); + font-weight: 500; + // line-height: 24px; + } + + @if $size == body-1 { + font-size: pt($root-font-size); + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 20px; + } + + @if $size == caption { + font-size: pt(12px); + font-weight: 400; + // line-height: 1; + } + + @if $size == button { + font-size: pt($root-font-size); + font-weight: 500; + // line-height: 20px; + } +} + + +@mixin entry($t, $fc: $primary_color, $tc: $fg_color, $bc: $entry_shell_bg) { +// +// entry +// +// $t: entry type +// $fc: focus color +// + + @if $t == normal { + background-color: $bc; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: 2px solid transparent !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0) !important; + outline: none; + } + + @if $t == hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0.1) !important; + border: 2px solid transparent !important; + } + + @if $t == focus { + border: 2px solid lighten($fc, 15%) !important; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0) !important; + } + + @if $t == insensitive { + background-color: rgba($bc, 0.05); + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + @if $t == flat-normal { + background-color: $bc; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + color: $tc; + } + + @if $t == flat-hover { + background-color: $bc; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0.05) !important; + color: $tc; + } + + @if $t == flat-focus { + border: none !important; + background-color: rgba($bc, 0.2); + color: $tc; + } + + @if $t == flat-insensitive { + border: none !important; + background-color: rgba($bc, 0.05); + color: rgba($tc, 0.45); + } +} + +@mixin search_entry($t, $fc: $primary_color) { +// +// search_entry +// +// $t: search_entry type +// $fc: focus color +// + + @if $t == normal { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.12); + border-radius: $bd_radius; + border-color: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + @if $t == focus { + border-color: transparent !important; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.18); + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + @if $t == hover { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); + border-color: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + @if $t == insensitive { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + border-color: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + } +} + +@mixin button($t, $c: $button_bg, $tc: $fg_color) { +// +// button +// +// $t: button type +// $c: base color +// $tc: text color +// + + @if $t == normal { + color: $tc; + background-color: $c; + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.02); } + @if $variant=='dark' { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $button_highlight; + } + + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == focus { + color: $tc; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + @if $t == hover { + color: $tc; + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($c, 3%), lighten($c, 3%)); + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == active { + color: $tc; + background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($c, 5%), lighten($c, 5%)); + border: 1px solid $button_borders; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == checked { + color: $tc; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == insensitive { + color: if($tc == $fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, $tc); + background-color: if($c == $base_color, $divider_color, $c); + border-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, $dark_borders_color); + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == flat-normal { + color: $tc; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == flat-focus { + color: $tc; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + + &, &:hover, &:active { + box-shadow: none !important; + } + } + + @if $t == flat-hover { + color: $tc; + background-color: $divider_color; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == flat-active { + color: $tc; + background-color: $track_color; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == flat-checked { + color: $tc; + background-color: $divider_color; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } + + @if $t == flat-insensitive { + color: if($tc == $fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, $tc); + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-3-28.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-3-28.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7ce94e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-3-28.scss @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +@import 'extensions-3-28/dash-to-dock'; +@import 'extensions-3-28/misc'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-40-0.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-40-0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79765ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_extensions-40-0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +@import 'extensions-40-0/dash-to-dock'; +@import 'extensions-40-0/misc'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-3-28.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-3-28.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5dd1a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-3-28.scss @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +@import 'common/a11y'; +@import 'common/app-grid'; +@import 'common/base'; +@import 'common/buttons'; +@import 'common/calendar'; +@import 'common/check-box'; +@import 'common/corner-ripple'; +@import 'common/dash'; +@import 'common/dialogs'; +@import 'common/entries'; +@import 'common/hotplug'; +@import 'common/ibus-popup'; +@import 'common/keyboard'; +@import 'common/login-dialog'; +@import 'common/looking-glass'; +@import 'common/message-list'; +@import 'common/misc'; +@import 'common/network-dialog'; +@import 'common/notifications'; +@import 'common/osd'; +@import 'common/overview'; +@import 'common/panel'; +@import 'common/popovers'; +@import 'common/screen-shield'; +@import 'common/scrollbars'; +@import 'common/search-entry'; +@import 'common/search-results'; +@import 'common/slider'; +@import 'common/switcher-popup'; +@import 'common/switches'; +@import 'common/tiled-previews'; +@import 'common/workspace-switcher'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/app-grid'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/dash'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/login-dialog'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/other'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/overview'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/osd'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/panel'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/popovers'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/window-picker'; +@import 'widgets-3-28/workspace-thumbnails'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-40-0.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-40-0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c1f2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-40-0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +@import 'common/a11y'; +@import 'common/app-grid'; +@import 'common/base'; +@import 'common/buttons'; +@import 'common/calendar'; +@import 'common/check-box'; +@import 'common/corner-ripple'; +@import 'common/dash'; +@import 'common/dialogs'; +@import 'common/entries'; +@import 'common/hotplug'; +@import 'common/ibus-popup'; +@import 'common/keyboard'; +@import 'common/login-dialog'; +@import 'common/looking-glass'; +@import 'common/message-list'; +@import 'common/misc'; +@import 'common/network-dialog'; +@import 'common/notifications'; +@import 'common/osd'; +@import 'common/overview'; +@import 'common/panel'; +@import 'common/popovers'; +@import 'common/screen-shield'; +@import 'common/scrollbars'; +@import 'common/search-entry'; +@import 'common/search-results'; +@import 'common/slider'; +@import 'common/switcher-popup'; +@import 'common/switches'; +@import 'common/tiled-previews'; +@import 'common/workspace-switcher'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/app-grid'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/dash'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/misc'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/overview'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/osd'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/panel'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/popovers'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/screen-shield'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/search-entry'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/window-picker'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/workspace-thumbnails'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-42-0.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-42-0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7076138 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-42-0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +@import 'common/a11y'; +@import 'common/app-grid'; +@import 'common/base'; +@import 'common/buttons'; +@import 'common/calendar'; +@import 'common/check-box'; +@import 'common/corner-ripple'; +@import 'common/dash'; +@import 'common/dialogs'; +@import 'common/entries'; +@import 'common/hotplug'; +@import 'common/ibus-popup'; +@import 'common/keyboard'; +@import 'common/login-dialog'; +@import 'common/looking-glass'; +@import 'common/message-list'; +@import 'common/misc'; +@import 'common/network-dialog'; +@import 'common/notifications'; +@import 'common/osd'; +@import 'common/overview'; +@import 'common/panel'; +@import 'common/popovers'; +@import 'common/screen-shield'; +@import 'common/scrollbars'; +@import 'common/search-entry'; +@import 'common/search-results'; +@import 'common/slider'; +@import 'common/switcher-popup'; +@import 'common/switches'; +@import 'common/tiled-previews'; +@import 'common/workspace-switcher'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/app-grid'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/dash'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/misc'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/overview'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/osd'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/panel'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/popovers'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/quick-settings'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/screen-shield'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/screenshot'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/search-entry'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/window-picker'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/workspace-thumbnails'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-44-0.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-44-0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c724a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-44-0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +@import 'common/a11y'; +@import 'common/app-grid'; +@import 'common/base'; +@import 'common/buttons'; +@import 'common/calendar'; +@import 'common/check-box'; +@import 'common/corner-ripple'; +@import 'common/dash'; +@import 'common/dialogs'; +@import 'common/entries'; +@import 'common/hotplug'; +@import 'common/ibus-popup'; +@import 'common/keyboard'; +@import 'common/login-dialog'; +@import 'common/looking-glass'; +@import 'common/message-list'; +@import 'common/misc'; +@import 'common/network-dialog'; +@import 'common/notifications'; +@import 'common/osd'; +@import 'common/overview'; +@import 'common/panel'; +@import 'common/popovers'; +@import 'common/screen-shield'; +@import 'common/scrollbars'; +@import 'common/search-entry'; +@import 'common/search-results'; +@import 'common/slider'; +@import 'common/switcher-popup'; +@import 'common/switches'; +@import 'common/tiled-previews'; +@import 'common/workspace-switcher'; +@import 'widgets-44-0/app-grid'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/dash'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/misc'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/overview'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/osd'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/panel'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/popovers'; +@import 'widgets-44-0/quick-settings'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/screen-shield'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/screenshot'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/search-entry'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/window-picker'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/workspace-thumbnails'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-46-0.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-46-0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cfec83 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/_widgets-46-0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +@import 'common/a11y'; +@import 'common/app-grid'; +@import 'common/base'; +@import 'common/buttons'; +@import 'common/calendar'; +@import 'common/check-box'; +@import 'common/corner-ripple'; +@import 'common/dash'; +@import 'common/dialogs'; +@import 'common/entries'; +@import 'common/hotplug'; +@import 'common/ibus-popup'; +@import 'common/keyboard'; +@import 'common/login-dialog'; +@import 'common/looking-glass'; +@import 'common/misc'; +@import 'common/network-dialog'; +@import 'common/osd'; +@import 'common/overview'; +@import 'common/panel'; +@import 'common/popovers'; +@import 'common/screen-shield'; +@import 'common/scrollbars'; +@import 'common/search-entry'; +@import 'common/search-results'; +@import 'common/slider'; +@import 'common/switcher-popup'; +@import 'common/switches'; +@import 'common/tiled-previews'; +@import 'common/workspace-switcher'; +@import 'widgets-46-0/app-grid'; +@import 'widgets-46-0/dash'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/misc'; +@import 'widgets-46-0/message-list'; +@import 'widgets-46-0/notifications'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/overview'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/osd'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/panel'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/popovers'; +@import 'widgets-44-0/quick-settings'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/screen-shield'; +@import 'widgets-42-0/screenshot'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/search-entry'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/window-picker'; +@import 'widgets-40-0/workspace-thumbnails'; diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_a11y.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_a11y.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a72fbba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_a11y.scss @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// Pointer location +.ripple-pointer-location { + width: 48px; + height: 48px; + border-radius: 24px; // radius equals the size of the box to give us the curve + background-color: lighten(transparentize($primary_color, 0.7), 30%); + box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px lighten($primary_color, 20%); +} + +// Pointer accessibility notifications +.pie-timer { + width: 60px; + height: 60px; + -pie-border-width: 3px; + -pie-border-color: $primary_color; + -pie-background-color: lighten(transparentize($primary_color, 0.7), 40%); +} + +// Screen zoom/Magnifier +.magnifier-zoom-region { + border: 2px solid $primary_color; + &.full-screen { border-width: 0; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dea5b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ + +/* App Icons */ +%app-well-app { + .overview-icon { + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 12px; + border: none; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// expanded folder { + border-radius: $bd_radius * 4; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(if($colorscheme == 'nord', #20242c, #262626), 0.9); + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + + .folder-name-container { + padding: 24px 36px 0; + spacing: 12px; + + .folder-name-label, + .folder-name-entry { + font-size: if($laptop == 'true', 16pt, 18pt); + font-weight: bold; + } + + .folder-name-entry { + @extend %search-entry; + width: if($laptop == 'true', 240px, 320px) !important; + } + + /* FIXME: this is to keep the label in sync with the entry */ + .folder-name-label { padding: $base_padding; color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + + .edit-folder-button { + background-color: $light_fill_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border: none; + padding: 0; + width: 36px; + height: 36px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + > StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size; } + + &:hover { background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:checked, &:active { background-color: $light_track_color; } + } + } + + .icon-grid { + row-spacing: 12px; + column-spacing: if($laptop == 'true', 12px, 18px); + page-padding-top: 0; + page-padding-bottom: 0; + page-padding-left: 0; + page-padding-right: 0; + } + + & .page-indicators { + margin-bottom: 18px; + } +} + { + padding: 6px !important; + + width: if($laptop == 'true', 580px, 680px); + height: if($laptop == 'true', 580px, 680px); +} + +// Running app indicator (also shown in dash) { + width: 5px; height: 5px; + border-radius: 5px; + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + margin-bottom: 6px; + + StWidget.focused & { + background-color: $primary_color; + } +} + { + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + + .page-indicator-icon { + width: 12px; + height: 12px; + border-radius: 12px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-image: none; + color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $light_alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:hover .page-indicator-icon { + background-image: none; + background-color: $light_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:active .page-indicator-icon { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-image: none; + color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + &:checked .page-indicator-icon { + background-image: none; + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + &:checked:active { background-image: none; } +} + +// shutdown and other actions in the grid +.system-action-icon { + box-shadow: 0 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); // FIXME: this should really have a highlight + background-color: $dark_bg_color; + color: white; + border-radius: 100px; + icon-size: 48px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_base.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_base.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30eaf6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_base.scss @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + +// links { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $link_color; + &:hover { + color: $link_color; + background-color: rgba($link_color, $lower_opacity / 2); + } + &:active { + color: $link_color; + background-color: rgba($link_color, $lower_opacity); + } +} + +// Outline for low res icons +.lowres-icon { + icon-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.15); +} + +// Dropshadow for large icons +.icon-dropshadow { + icon-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(black, 0.15); +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_buttons.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_buttons.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..754395c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_buttons.scss @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* Buttons */ + +%button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:selected, &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:checked { @include button(checked); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } +} + +%flat_button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:selected, &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:checked { @include button(flat-checked); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } +} + +%default_button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } +} + +.button { + min-height: to_em(22px); + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + @extend %button; + + // default style + &.default { + @extend %default_button; + } + + // flat style + &.flat { + @extend %flat_button; + } +} + +.icon-button { + min-height: $scalable_icon_size; + min-width: $scalable_icon_size; + padding: $scaled_padding * 2; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: none; + @extend %button; + + StIcon { + icon-size: $scalable_icon_size; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + } + + // default style + &.default { + @extend %default_button; + } + + // flat style + &.flat { + @extend %flat_button; + } +} + +%osd_button { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + outline: none; + color: rgba(white, 0.75); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.1); + color: white; + } + + &:active { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); + color: white; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: $primary_color; + color: white; + } + + &:insensitive { + background-color: transparent; + color: rgba(white, 0.35); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_calendar.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_calendar.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b48a09e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_calendar.scss @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/* Date/Time Menu */ + +$popover_bubble_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.95), rgba(lighten($base_color, 8%), 0.95)); + +%popover_bubble { + color: $alt_fg_color; + background-color: $popover_bubble_bg; + border-radius: $base_border_radius !important; + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.02) !important; + text-shadow: none; + + &:hover, &:focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($popover_bubble_bg, 1), rgba(lighten($popover_bubble_bg, 5%), 1)); + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(black, 0.05) !important; + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($popover_bubble_bg, 1%), lighten($popover_bubble_bg, 3%)); + box-shadow: none !important; + } +} + +%show_apps_bigsur { + .show-apps-icon { + color: transparent !important; + background-image: url("assets/view-app-grid.svg"); + background-size: contain; + } + + &, + &:hover, + &:active, + &:checked, + &:focus { + .overview-icon, .show-apps-icon { color: transparent !important; } + } +} + +// overall menu +#calendarArea { + padding: $base_margin 0; +} + +.datemenu-popover { + border-radius: $base_border_radius + $base_margin * 3 !important; +} + +// Calendar menu side column +.datemenu-calendar-column { + spacing: $base_spacing; + border: none; + + &:ltr { + margin-right: 0; + padding-left: $base_padding; + border-left-width: 0; + } + + &:rtl { + margin-left: 0; + padding-right: $base_padding; + border-right-width: 0; + } + + .datemenu-displays-section { padding: 0; } + + .datemenu-displays-box { + spacing: $base_spacing; + } +} +,, { + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; +} + +/* today button (the date) */ +.datemenu-today-button { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + margin: $base_margin $base_margin * 2; + text-shadow: none; + color: $alt_fg_color; + border-radius: $base_border_radius; + + &:hover, &:focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($popover_bubble_bg, 1), rgba(lighten($popover_bubble_bg, 5%), 1)); + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($popover_bubble_bg, 1%), lighten($popover_bubble_bg, 3%)); + } + + // weekday label + .day-label { + @include font(title); + font-weight: bold; + } + + // date label + .date-label { + @include font(headline); + } +} + +/* Calendar */ +.calendar { + border: none; + box-shadow: none !important; + background-color: transparent; + padding: $base_padding !important; + margin: 0 !important; + text-shadow: none; + // border-radius: $base_border_radius; + + // month + .calendar-month-label { + margin: 0; + padding: $base_padding 0; + color: $fg_color !important; + background-color: transparent !important; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 1em !important; + text-align: center; + text-shadow: none; + + &:focus { background-color: $divider_color; } + } + + // prev/next month icons + .calendar-change-month-back, + .calendar-change-month-forward { + padding: 2px !important; + margin: 0 !important; + + StIcon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; + } + } + + .pager-button { + width: $menuitem_size; + height: $menuitem_size; + margin: 2px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: transparent; + color: $fg_color; + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { background-color: $track_color; } + } + + .calendar-day, + .calendar-day-base { + @include font(caption); + text-align: center; + width: $menuitem_size !important; + height: $menuitem_size !important; + padding: 2px !important; + margin: 2px !important; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover, &:focus { + background-color: $divider_color; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + &:active { + color: $alt_fg_color; + background-color: $track_color; + border-color: transparent; //avoid jumparound due to today + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $track_color; + border-color: transparent; //avoid jumparound due to today + box-shadow: none !important; + } + } + + .calendar-day { //border collapse hack - see calendar.js + border-width: 0; + } + + .calendar-day-top { + border-top-width: 0; + } + + .calendar-day-left { + border-left-width: 0; + } + + // .calendar-work-day {} + + .calendar-nonwork-day { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + // Today + .calendar-today { + font-weight: bold; + color: $alt_fg_color !important; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + border: none; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + + &:hover, &:focus { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + color: $fg_color !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } + + &:active { + background-color: darken($primary_color, 5%); + color: $light_fg_color !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } + + &:selected { + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_fg_color !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + + &:hover, &:focus { + background-color: lighten($primary_color, 8%); + color: $light_fg_color !important; + } + } + } + + .calendar-day-with-events { + color: $hint_fg_color; + background-image: url("assets/calendar-today.svg"); + + &.calendar-work-day { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + } + } + + .calendar-other-month, + .calendar-other-month-day { + color: $disabled_fg_color !important; + opacity: 1; + + &.calendar-weekend { + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color !important; + } + } + + .calendar-week-number { + width: 22px; + height: 16px; + margin: 6px 6px 6px 4px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-size: inherit; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + } + + .calendar-day-heading { //day of week heading + width: $menuitem_size !important; + height: $menuitem_size - 6px !important; + margin: $base_margin; + padding: 0 !important; + // border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: transparent !important; + color: $hint_fg_color !important; + @include font(caption); + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + } +} +,, { + @extend %popover_bubble; + padding: $base_padding * 3 !important; + margin: $base_margin $base_padding + $base_margin !important; +} + +// Events { + .events-box { + color: $hint_fg_color; + spacing: $base_spacing; + } + + .events-list { + color: $hint_fg_color; + spacing: 2 * $base_spacing; + text-shadow: none; + } + + .events-title { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: none; + } + + .event-time { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 2); + } +} + +// World Clock { + .world-clocks-city { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 1); + } + + .world-clocks-time { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 1); + + &:ltr { text-align: right; } + &:rtl { text-align: left; } + } + + .world-clocks-timezone { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 2); + } +} +, { + spacing-rows: 0.4em; + spacing-columns: 0.8em; +} + +// Weather { + .weather-box { + spacing: $base_spacing + $base_margin; + } + + .weather-header-box { + spacing: $base_spacing; + } + + .weather-header { + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + + &.location { + font-weight: normal; + color: $hint_fg_color; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 2); + } + } + + .weather-grid { + spacing-rows: $base_spacing; + spacing-columns: $base_spacing * 2; + } + + .weather-forecast-time { + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 3); + font-weight: normal; + padding-top: 0.2em; + padding-bottom: 0.4em; + } + + .weather-forecast-icon { + icon-size: 32px; + } + + .weather-forecast-temp { + font-weight: bold; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_check-box.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_check-box.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33f745b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_check-box.scss @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Check Boxes */ + +.check-box { + StBoxLayout { spacing: .8em; } + StBin { + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + padding: ($medium_size - 24px) / 2; + border-radius: 100px; + background-image: url("assets/checkbox-off.svg"); + } + &:focus StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox-off.svg"); + } + &:hover StBin { + background-color: $divider_color; + } + &:active StBin { + background-color: $track_color; + } + &:checked StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox.svg"); + } + &:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox.svg"); + } + &:hover:checked StBin { + background-color: rgba($primary_color, $lower_opacity / 2); + } + &:active:checked StBin { + background-color: rgba($primary_color, $lower_opacity); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_corner-ripple.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_corner-ripple.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7603fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_corner-ripple.scss @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* Activities Ripple */ + +$ripple_size: 50px; + +.ripple-box { + background-color: rgba($primary_color, 0.35); + box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px lighten($primary_color, 20%); + // plus + 2px for the border (box-shadow) + width: $ripple_size + 2px; + height: $ripple_size + 2px; + border-radius: 0 0 $ripple_size + 2px 0; // radius equals the size of the box to give us the curve + + // just a simple change to the border radius position + &:rtl { border-radius: 0 0 0 $ripple_size + 2px; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dash.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dash.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a5a910 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dash.scss @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Dash */ + +$dash_placeholder_size: 32px; + +#dash { + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 2); + + .empty-dash-drop-target { + width: $dash_placeholder_size; + height: $dash_placeholder_size; + } +} + +// OSD Tooltip +.dash-label { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + text-align: center; + -y-offset: $base_margin * 3; // distance from the dash edge + -x-offset: 8px; + @include font(body-1); +} + +// Show apps button { + @if $showapps_button == "bigsur" { + @extend %show_apps_bigsur; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dialogs.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dialogs.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9504a7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_dialogs.scss @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +/* Modal Dialogs */ + +%theme_dialogs { + background-color: $dialog_bg_color; + border-radius: $modal_radius; + border: solid rgba(black, 0.75); + border-width: if($variant=='light', 0, 1px); + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(black, if($variant=='light', 0.25, 0.35)); +} + +%last_dialog_button { + color: white !important; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(white,0.1); + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + + &:hover { + color: white !important; + background-color: lighten($primary_color, 9%); + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } + + &:active { + color: white !important; + background-color: darken($primary_color, 5%); + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } + + &:insensitive { + background-color: rgba($primary_color, 0.05); + color: rgba($primary_color, 0.35) !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } +} + +.headline { + @include font(title); +} + +// modal dialog +.modal-dialog { + color: $fg_color; + padding: $base_padding; + @extend %theme_dialogs !optional; + + &-linked-button { + min-height: 40px; + padding: 0 16px; + margin: $base_padding !important; + border: none !important; + border-radius: $modal_radius - $base_padding * 2; + + @include font(button); + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } + } + + &-linked-button:first-child { + background: $entry_bg; + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + } + + &-linked-button:last-child { + @extend %last_dialog_button; + } + + .modal-dialog-content-box { + margin: 32px 40px; + spacing: 32px; + max-width: 28em; + } +} + +// End Session Dialog +.end-session-dialog { + width: 30em; + // border: none; + + .end-session-dialog-battery-warning, + .dialog-list-title { + color: $warning_color; + } +} + +// Message Dialog +.message-dialog-content { + spacing: 18px; + + .message-dialog-title { + text-align: center; + font-size: 18pt; + font-weight: 800; + + &.lightweight { + font-size: 13pt; + font-weight: 800; + } + } + + .message-dialog-description { text-align: center; } +} + +// Dialog List +.dialog-list { + spacing: 18px; + + .dialog-list-title { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + } + + .dialog-list-scrollview { max-height: 200px; } + .dialog-list-box { + spacing: 1em; + + .dialog-list-item { + spacing: 1em; + + .dialog-list-item-title { font-weight: bold; } + .dialog-list-item-description { + color: $alt_fg_color; + @include font(title); + } + } + } +} + +// Run Dialog { + .modal-dialog-content-box { + margin-top: 24px; + margin-bottom: 14px; + } + + .run-dialog-entry { width: 20em; } + .run-dialog-description { + text-align: center; + color: $alt_fg_color; + @include font(title); + } +} + +// Password or Authentication Dialog +.prompt-dialog { + //this is the width of the entire modal popup + width: 28em; + // border: none; + + .modal-dialog-content-box { + margin-bottom: 24px; + } +} + +.prompt-dialog-password-grid { + spacing-rows: 8px; + spacing-columns: 4px; + + .prompt-dialog-password-entry { + width: auto; + + // 4px (spacing) + 16px (spinner-width) + &:ltr { margin-left: 20px; } + &:rtl { margin-right: 20px; } + } +} + +.prompt-dialog-password-grid { + spacing-rows: 8px; + spacing-columns: 4px; + + .prompt-dialog-password-entry { + width: auto; + + // 4px (spacing) + 16px (spinner-width) + &:ltr { margin-left: 20px; } + &:rtl { margin-right: 20px; } + } +} + +.prompt-dialog-password-layout { + spacing: 8px; +} + +.prompt-dialog-password-entry { + width: 20em; +} + +.prompt-dialog-error-label, +.prompt-dialog-info-label, +.prompt-dialog-null-label { + text-align: center; + @include font(title); + margin: 6px; +} + +.prompt-dialog-error-label { + color: $error_color; +} + +.prompt-dialog-info-label, +.prompt-dialog-null-label { + color: $hint_fg_color; +} + +// Polkit Dialog +.polkit-dialog-user-layout { + text-align: center; + spacing: 8px; + margin-bottom: 6px; + + .polkit-dialog-user-root-label { + color: $warning_color; + } +} + +// Audio selection dialog { + .modal-dialog-content-box { margin-bottom: 28px; } + .audio-selection-box { spacing: 20px; } +} + { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: $visit_color; } + &:active { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } +} + { + padding: 20px; + spacing: 20px; +} + { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 4; +} + +// Welcome dialog +.welcome-dialog-image { + background-image: url("resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/gnome-shell-start.svg"); + background-size: contain; + height: 300px; + width: 300px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_entries.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_entries.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2803920 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_entries.scss @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Entries */ + +StEntry, %entry { + min-height: $menuitem_size; + padding: $base_padding / 2 $base_padding * 2 !important; + color: $fg_color; + caret-color: $fg_color; + selection-background-color: $primary_color !important; + selected-color: $light_fg_color !important; + + @include entry(normal); + &:hover { @include entry(hover); } + &:focus { @include entry(focus); } + &:insensitive { @include entry(insensitive);} + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } + + StIcon.capslock-warning { + icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; + warning-color: $warning_color; + padding: 0 0; + } + + StIcon.peek-password { + icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; + padding: 0 $base_padding; + } + + StLabel.hint-text { + margin-left: $base_padding / 2; + color: $alt_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_hotplug.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_hotplug.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e37b4b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_hotplug.scss @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// hotplug + +.hotplug-notification-item { + @include button(normal); + padding: $container_padding * 2; + border-style: solid; + border-width: 0; + border-left-width: 0; + border-bottom-width: 0; + + &:insensitive { @include button(insensitive); } + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + &:focus { @include button(focus); } + &:active { @include button(active); } + + // radius is 2 pixel less to fit in bubble + &:first-child { + border-radius: 0 0 0 $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child { + border-right-width: 0; + border-radius: 0 0 $bt_radius 0; + } + + &:first-child:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius; + } +} + +.hotplug-notification-item-icon { + icon-size: 24px; + padding: 0 4px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_ibus-popup.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_ibus-popup.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16ee94e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_ibus-popup.scss @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// IBus Candidate Popup +.candidate-popup-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: 2px; + -arrow-background-color: transparent; + -arrow-border-width: 0; + -arrow-border-color: transparent; + -arrow-base: 64px; + -arrow-rise: 12px; + background-color: transparent; + color: $hint_fg_color; +} + +.candidate-popup-content { + @extend %theme_dialogs; + color: $hint_fg_color; + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(black, 0.15); + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0), rgba(black, 0.75)); + margin: ($container_padding / 2) 12px 17px 12px; + padding: $container_padding + 2px; + spacing: $container_padding; +} + +.candidate-index { + padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; + color: $hint_fg_color; + .candidate-box:selected & { color: $light_hint_fg_color; } +} + +.candidate-box { + padding: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em; + margin-right: 2px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $hint_fg_color; + &:hover { background-color: $divider_color; color: $fg_color; } + &:active { background-color: $track_color; color: $fg_color; } + &:selected { background-color: $primary_color; color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } +} + +.candidate-page-button-box { + height: 2em; + .vertical & { padding-top: 0.5em; } + .horizontal & { padding-left: 0.5em; } +} + +.candidate-page-button { + padding: 4px 6px !important; +} + +.candidate-page-button-previous, +.candidate-page-button-next { border-radius: $bt_radius; } +.candidate-page-button-icon { icon-size: 1em; } diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_keyboard.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_keyboard.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7394de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_keyboard.scss @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +/* On-screen Keyboard */ + +$key_size: 1.2em; +$key_border_radius: $base_border_radius + 3px; +$key_bg_color: $bg_color; +// $default_key_bg_color: darken($key_bg_color, 4%); +$default_key_bg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($osd_bg_color, 11%), lighten($osd_bg_color, 2%)); + + +// draw keys using button function +#keyboard { + background-color: rgba(black, 0.25); + box-shadow: none; + + .page-indicator { + padding: $base_padding; + + .page-indicator-icon { + width: 8px; + height: 8px; + } + } +} + +// the container for individual keys +.key-container, +.keyboard-layout { + padding: $base_margin; + spacing: $base_margin; +} + +// the keys +.keyboard-key { + font-size: round(16) + pt; + font-weight: bold; + min-height: $key_size; + min-width: $key_size; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + border: none; + color: $alt_fg_color; + background-color: $solid_bg_color; + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(black, 0.15); + + &:focus, &:hover { color: $fg_color; background-color: if($variant == 'light', white, lighten($solid_bg_color, 10%)); } + &:checked, &:active { color: $fg_color; background-color: darken($solid_bg_color, 10%); } + + &:grayed { //FIXME + background-color: $alt_dark_bg_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border-color: $alt_dark_bg_color; + } + + &.default-key { // non-character keys + background-color: $alt_solid_bg_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(black, 0.15); + + &:focus, &:hover { color: $fg_color; background-color: lighten($alt_solid_bg_color, 10%); } + &:checked, &:active { color: $fg_color; background-color: darken($alt_solid_bg_color, 10%); } + } + + &.enter-key { // enter key is suggested-action + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(black, 0.15); + + &:focus, &:hover { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: lighten($primary_color, 5%); } + &:checked, &:active { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: darken($primary_color, 10%); } + } + + &.shift-key-uppercase { + &, &:focus, &:hover, &:checked, &:active { + color: $primary_color; + } + } + + StIcon { icon-size: 1.125em; } +} + +.keyboard-subkeys { //long press on a key popup + color: inherit; + -arrow-border-radius: $bt_radius; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(black, 0.45); + -arrow-border-width: 0; + -arrow-border-color: transparent; + -arrow-base: 20px; + -arrow-rise: 10px; + -boxpointer-gap: 5px; + box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(black, 0.25); +} + +// emoji +.emoji-page { + .keyboard-key { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + color: initial; + } +} + +.emoji-panel { + .keyboard-key:latched { + border-color: lighten($primary_color, 5%); + background-color: $primary_color; + } +} + +// On-screen Keyboard +.word-suggestions { + font-size: 14pt; + spacing: 12px; + min-height: 20pt; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_login-dialog.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_login-dialog.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de63e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_login-dialog.scss @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/* Login Dialog */ + +#lockDialogGroup { + background-color: rgba($osd_bg_color, 1); + background-image: url("assets/background.png"); + background-size: cover; + + @if $scale != 'default' { + .user-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 8; + + & StIcon { + padding: 24px; + width: $base_icon_size * 5; + height: $base_icon_size * 5; + } + } + } +} + +.login-dialog-banner-view { + @if $scale == 'default' { + padding-top: 24px; + max-width: 23em; + } @else { + padding-top: 48px; + max-width: 46em; + } +} + +.unlock-dialog { + StEntry { + @include fontsize($base_font_size - 1); + padding: 0 $base_padding * 2 !important; + + StIcon.peek-password { + padding: 0 $base_padding !important; + } + + StLabel.hint-text { + margin-left: $base_padding / 2 !important; + } + } + + .modal-dialog-button-box { + spacing: $container_padding / 2 !important; + } + + .modal-dialog-button { + padding: 2px $container_padding * 2 !important; + } + + .cancel-button, + .switch-user-button, + .login-dialog-session-list-button { + width: 32px !important; + height: 32px !important; + padding: 0 !important; + + StIcon { + icon-size: 16px !important; + } + } + + .login-dialog-logo-bin { padding: $container_padding * 4 0; } + .login-dialog-button-box { spacing: $container_padding; } + .login-dialog-message-hint { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: $container_padding * 3; } + .login-dialog-user-selection-box { padding: 100px 0px; } + + .login-dialog-not-listed-label { + padding-left: 2px; + } + + .login-dialog-not-listed-label { + font-size: 1em; + padding-top: 1em; + } + + .login-dialog-user-list-view { -st-vfade-offset: 1em; } + .login-dialog-user-list { + spacing: $container_padding * 2; + padding: .2em; + width: 23em; + + &:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:logged-in { border-right: 2px solid $selected_bg_color; } + } + + .login-dialog-user-list-item { + border-radius: $mn_radius; + padding: $container_padding; + + &:ltr .user-widget { padding-right: 1em; } + &:rtl .user-widget { padding-left: 1em; } + + .login-dialog-timed-login-indicator { + height: 2px; + margin: $container_padding 0 0 0; + background-color: $visit_color !important; + } + } + + .user-widget.horizontal .user-widget-label { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 2); + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + + &:ltr { padding-left: $container_padding * 2; text-align: left; } + &:rtl { padding-right: $container_padding * 2; text-align: right; } + } + + .user-widget.vertical .user-widget-label { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 5); + padding-top: $container_padding * 3; + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-layout { + padding-top: $container_padding * 4,; + padding-bottom: $container_padding * 2; + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; + width: 23em; + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-entry { + height: 1.5em; + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-label { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 1); + padding-top: 1em; + } +} + +.login-dialog { + StEntry { + @if $scale != 'default' { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 3); + padding: 0 $base_padding * 4 !important; + + StIcon.peek-password { + padding: 0 $base_padding * 2 !important; + } + + StLabel.hint-text { + margin-left: $base_padding !important; + } + } + + StIcon { + icon-size: if($scale == 'default', 16px, 32px); + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + } + } + + .modal-dialog-button-box { + @if $scale == 'default' { + spacing: $container_padding / 2; + } @else { + spacing: $container_padding; + } + } + + .modal-dialog-button { + @if $scale == 'default' { + padding: 2px $container_padding * 2; + } @else { + padding: 4px $container_padding * 4; + } + } + + .cancel-button, + .switch-user-button, + .login-dialog-session-list-button { + @if $scale == 'default' { + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + } @else { + width: 64px; + height: 64px; + } + + StIcon { + icon-size: if($scale == 'default', 16px, 32px); + } + } + + @if $scale == 'default' { + .login-dialog-logo-bin { padding: $container_padding * 4 0; } + .login-dialog-button-box { spacing: $container_padding; } + .login-dialog-message-hint { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: $container_padding * 3; } + .login-dialog-user-selection-box { padding: 100px 0px; } + } @else { + .login-dialog-logo-bin { padding: $container_padding * 8 0; } + .login-dialog-button-box { spacing: $container_padding * 2; } + .login-dialog-message-hint { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: $container_padding * 6; } + .login-dialog-user-selection-box { padding: 200px 0px; } + } + + .login-dialog-not-listed-label { + padding-left: 4px; + } + + .login-dialog-not-listed-label { + @if $scale == 'default' { + font-size: 1em; + padding-top: 1em; + } @else { + font-size: 2em; + padding-top: 2em; + } + } + + .login-dialog-user-list-view { -st-vfade-offset: if($scale == 'default', 1em, 2em); } + .login-dialog-user-list { + @if $scale == 'default' { + spacing: $container_padding * 2; + padding: .2em; + width: 23em; + } @else { + spacing: $container_padding * 4; + padding: .4em; + width: 46em; + } + &:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:logged-in { border-right: if($scale == 'default', 2px, 4px) solid $selected_bg_color; } + } + + .login-dialog-user-list-item { + border-radius: if($scale == 'default', $mn_radius, $mn_radius * 2); + padding: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding, $container_padding * 2); + + &:ltr .user-widget { padding-right: if($scale == 'default', 1em, 2em); } + &:rtl .user-widget { padding-left: if($scale == 'default', 1em, 2em); } + + .login-dialog-timed-login-indicator { + height: if($scale == 'default', 2px, 4px); + margin: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding, $container_padding * 2) 0 0 0; + } + } + + .user-widget.horizontal .user-widget-label { + @if $scale == 'default' { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 2); + } @else { + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 + 4); + } + + padding-left: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding * 2, $container_padding * 4); + + &:ltr { padding-left: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding * 2, $container_padding * 4); text-align: left; } + &:rtl { padding-right: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding * 2, $container_padding * 4); text-align: right; } + } + + .user-widget.vertical .user-widget-label { + @if $scale == 'default' { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 5); + } @else { + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 + 10); + } + + padding-top: if($scale == 'default', $base_padding * 2.5, $base_padding * 5); + padding-bottom: if($scale == 'default', $base_padding * 3.5, $base_padding * 7); + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-layout { + padding-top: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding * 4, $container_padding * 8); + padding-bottom: if($scale == 'default', $container_padding * 2, $container_padding * 4); + spacing: if($scale == 'default', $base_spacing * 2, $base_spacing * 4); + width: if($scale == 'default', 23em, 46em); + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-entry { + height: if($scale == 'default', 1.5em, 3em); + } + + .login-dialog-prompt-label { + @if $scale == 'default' { + @include fontsize($base_font_size + 1); + } @else { + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 + 2); + } + + padding-top: if($scale == 'default', 1em, 2em); + } +} + +.login-dialog, +.unlock-dialog { + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + + StEntry { + selection-background-color: $primary_color; + selected-background-color: $primary_color; + selected-color: white; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + caret-color: $light_fg_color; + + @include entry(flat-normal, $tc: $light_fg_color); + &:focus { @include entry(flat-focus, $tc: $light_fg_color); } + &:insensitive { @include entry(flat-insensitive, $tc: $light_disabled_fg_color); } + + StLabel.hint-text { + color: $light_disabled_fg_color; + } + } + + .modal-dialog-button { + border: none; + @include button(flat-normal, $tc: $light_fg_color); + &:hover, &:focus { @include button(flat-hover, $tc: $light_fg_color); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active, $tc: $light_fg_color); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-insensitive, $tc: $light_disabled_fg_color); } + + &:default { + @include button(normal, $tc: $light_fg_color); + &:hover, &:focus { @include button(hover, $tc: $light_fg_color); } + &:active { @include button(active, $tc: $light_fg_color); } + &:insensitive { @include button(insensitive, $tc: $light_disabled_fg_color); } + } + } + + .cancel-button, + .switch-user-button, + .login-dialog-session-list-button { + padding: 0 !important; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: none; + background-color: rgba($borders_color, 0.1); + color: $light_fg_color; + } +} + +.login-dialog-message-warning { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; +} + +.login-dialog-banner { color: $light_alt_fg_color; } +.login-dialog-message { text-align: center; } +.login-dialog-message-warning { color: $warning_color; } +.login-dialog-not-listed-label { + .login-dialog-not-listed-button:focus &, + .login-dialog-not-listed-button:hover & { + color: $light_fg_color; + } +} + +.login-dialog-not-listed-label { + font-weight: normal; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + &:hover { color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + &:focus { background-color: $light_divider_color; } +} + +.login-dialog-user-list { + &:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:selected { background-color: $light_divider_color; color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + &:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:hover { background-color: $light_divider_color; color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + &:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:active { background-color: $light_track_color; color: $light_alt_fg_color; } +} + +.login-dialog-user-list-item { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + + &:focus { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.03)) !important; + } + + &:hover, &:focus:hover { + background-color: $divider_color !important; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + &:active, &:focus:active { + background-color: $track_color !important; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + .login-dialog-timed-login-indicator { + background-color: $visit_color !important; + } +} + +.user-widget-label { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; +} + +.user-widget.horizontal .user-widget-label { + font-weight: normal; +} + +.user-widget.vertical .user-widget-label { + text-align: center; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.login-dialog-prompt-label { + color: $light_hint_fg_color; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_looking-glass.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_looking-glass.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4416076 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_looking-glass.scss @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/* Looking Glass */ + +// Dialog +#LookingGlassDialog { + background-color: rgba($osd_bg_color, 1); + spacing: $base_padding; + margin: $base_padding; + padding: 0; + border: 1px solid black; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(black, 0.15); + color: $osd_fg_color; + + > #Toolbar { + padding: 0 $base_padding * 2; + spacing: $base_padding; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba($base_color, 0.01); + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 $light_divider_color; + + .lg-toolbar-button { + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + @extend %osd_button; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: $base_padding / 2; + + > StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size; } + } + } + + .labels { + spacing: $base_padding; + color: $osd_fg_color; + } + + .notebook-tab { + -natural-hpadding: $base_padding * 2; + -minimum-hpadding: $base_padding * 2; + font-weight: bold; + color: $light_hint_fg_color; + padding: 0 16px; + min-height: $medium_size; + border-radius: 0; + transition-duration: 100ms; + border:L none; + box-shadow: none; + border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + color: $light_fg_color; + text-shadow: none; + border-color: $light_track_color; + } + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($base_color, 0.01); + border-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + StBoxLayout#EvalBox, + StBoxLayout#ResultsArea { padding: $base_padding; spacing: $base_padding; } +} + +.lg-dialog { + StEntry { + min-height: 22px; + selection-background-color: $primary_color; + selected-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + caret-color: $light_fg_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + } + + .shell-link { + color: $link_color; + &:hover { color: lighten($link_color, 10%); } + &:active { color: darken($link_color, 10%); } + } + + .actor-link { + color: $link_color; + &:hover { color: lighten($link_color, 20%); } + &:active { color: darken($link_color, 20%); } + + StIcon { icon-size: 12px; } + } +} + +.lg-completions-text { + font-size: .9em; + font-style: italic; +} + +.lg-obj-inspector-title { + spacing: $base_spacing; +} + +.lg-obj-inspector-button { + padding: 0 16px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include font(button); + + &:hover { border: none; } +} + +// Extensions +#lookingGlassExtensions { + padding: $base_padding; +} + +.lg-extensions-list { + padding: $base_padding; + spacing: $base_padding; +} + +.lg-extension { + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $base_padding * 2; + spacing: $base_padding; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + box-shadow: none; +} + +.lg-extension-name { + font-weight: bold; + color: $light_disabled_fg_color; +} + +.lg-extension-meta { + spacing: $base_padding; +} + +// Inspector +#LookingGlassPropertyInspector { + background: lighten(rgba($osd_bg_color, 1), 5%); + border: 1px solid black; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + padding: $base_padding * 2; + box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(black, 0.15); + color: $osd_fg_color; +} + +.lg-debug-flag-button { + color: $light_fg_color; + spacing: $base_padding; + + StLabel { + padding: 2 * $base_padding; + } + + &:hover { color: lighten($light_fg_color, 20%); } + &:active { color: darken($light_fg_color, 20%); } +} + +.lg-debug-flags-header { + color: $light_disabled_fg_color; + padding-top: 2 * $base_padding; + padding: $base_padding; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_message-list.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_message-list.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df40d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_message-list.scss @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +/* Message List */ +// a.k.a. notifications in the menu + +.message-list { + width: 30em; + padding: 0 $base_margin; + text-shadow: none; + border: none; + + // padding and margins to account for scrollbar + &:ltr { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + padding-right: 0; + border-right-width: 0; + } + + &:rtl { + margin-right: 0; + margin-left: 0; + padding-left: 0; + border-left-width: 0; + } + + .message-list-placeholder { + font-weight: 800; + @include fontsize(15); + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + // icon size and color + > StIcon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 3; // 48px + margin-bottom: $base_margin * 3; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + } + } +} + +.message-list-sections { + spacing: $base_padding; + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: $base_padding; + + // to account for scrollbar + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_margin !important; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_margin !important; } +} + +.message-list-section, +.message-list-section-list { + spacing: $base_spacing; +} + +// do-not-disturb + clear button +.message-list-controls { + margin: ($base_margin * 2) ($base_margin * 4) 0; + // NOTE: remove the padding if notification_bubble could remove margin for drop shadow + padding: $base_margin; + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; + font-weight: normal; +} + +// .message-list-clear-button.button { +// margin: 8px 8px; +// } + +// message bubbles +.message { + .popup-menu & { + @extend %popover_bubble; + padding: $base_padding; + margin: 3px 4px; + } + + // icon container + .message-icon-bin { + margin: 0; + padding: $base_padding * 4 $base_padding * 3; + + &:ltr { padding-right: $base_padding; } + + &:rtl { padding-left: $base_padding; } + + // icon size and color + > StIcon { + icon-size: 32px; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + } + + // fallback + > .fallback-app-icon { + width: $base_icon_size; + height: $base_icon_size; + } + } + + .message-secondary-bin { + padding: 0 $base_margin * 2; + + > .event-time { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-size: 1em; + /* HACK: the label should be baseline-aligned with a 1em label, fake this with some bottom padding */ + padding-bottom: 0.13em; + + &:ltr { text-align: right; } + &:rtl { text-align: left; } + } + } + + .message-title { + padding-top: 0.57em; + // color: $fg_color; + font-weight: bold; + } + + .message-content { + color: $hint_fg_color; + spacing: $base_margin; + padding: $base_padding * 1.5; + margin-bottom: $base_margin * 2; + } + + // close button + .message-close-button { + color: $alt_fg_color; + padding: 0 !important; + height: 24px !important; + width: 24px !important; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &:hover, &:active { color: $fg_color; } + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { background-color: $track_color; } + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size; } + } + + // body + .message-body { + color: $hint_fg_color; + } +} + +// URLs in messages +.url-highlighter { + link-color: $link_color; +} + +.message-media-control { + margin: 20px 4px !important; + padding: 8px !important; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $alt_fg_color; + &:hover, &:focus { color: $fg_color; background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { color: $fg_color; background-color: $track_color; } + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + &:last-child:ltr { margin-right: 16px !important; padding-right: 8px !important; } + &:last-child:rtl { margin-left: 16px !important; padding-left: 8px !important; } + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } +} + +// album-art { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2 !important; + margin-left: $base_padding !important; + + &:rtl { margin-right: $base_padding !important; } + + &.fallback { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2 !important; + padding: 4px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_misc.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_misc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22d6b15 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_misc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// Rubberband for select-area screenshots { + background-color: transparentize($primary_color, 0.7); + border: 1px solid $primary_color; + border-radius: 3px; +} + +// User icon +.user-icon { + background-size: contain; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: none; + // box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(black, 0.25); + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 4; // 64px + + &:hover { + color: lighten($osd_fg_color, 30%); + } + + & StIcon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $base_padding * 2; // 12px + width: $base_icon_size * 2.5; + height: $base_icon_size * 2.5; // 40px; + } + + &.user-avatar { + border: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px transparentize($light_alt_fg_color, 0.9); + } +} + +.user-widget.vertical .user-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 6; // 128px + + & StIcon { + padding: $base_padding * 3 + 2px; // 20px + padding-top: $base_padding * 3; // 18 px + padding-bottom: $base_padding * 3 + 4px; // 22px + width: $base_icon_size * 5.5; height: $base_icon_size * 5.5; // 88px; + } +} + +.lightbox { background-color: black; } +.flashspot { background-color: white; } + +// Hidden +.hidden { color: rgba(0,0,0,0); } + +// Caps-lock warning +.caps-lock-warning-label { + text-align: center; + padding-bottom: 8px; + @include font(body-1); + color: $warning_color; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_network-dialog.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_network-dialog.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f3d7f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_network-dialog.scss @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* Network Dialogs */ +.nm-dialog { + max-height: 34em; + min-height: 31em; + min-width: 32em; +} + +.nm-dialog-content { + spacing: 20px; + padding: 24px; +} + +.nm-dialog-header-hbox { spacing: 10px; } +.nm-dialog-airplane-box { spacing: 12px; } + +.nm-dialog-airplane-headline { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; +} + +.nm-dialog-airplane-text { color: $fg_color; } + +// header +.nm-dialog-header { + font-weight: bold; +} +.nm-dialog-header-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2; +} +.nm-dialog-header-hbox { spacing: 10px; } + +// list of networks +.nm-dialog-scroll-view { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: 0; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(black, 0.1)); + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} +// list item +.nm-dialog-item { + @include fontsize($base_font_size); + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: $base_padding * 2; + spacing: 0px; + + &:selected { + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { background-color: $track_color; } +} + +// icons in list +.nm-dialog-icon { icon-size: $base_icon_size; } +.nm-dialog-icons { spacing: $base_spacing * 2; } + +// no networks { color: $hint_fg_color; } { spacing: $base_padding; } diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_notifications.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_notifications.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..963df41 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_notifications.scss @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +/* Notifications & Message Tray */ + +// Banner notifications +.notification-banner { + font-size: 1em; + width: 34em; + min-height: $menuitem_size * 2; + margin: 12px 6px 8px; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0), rgba(black, 0.75)); + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + @include font(body-1); + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($menu_bg, 1); box-shadow: 0 5px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } + + &:focus { background-color: $menu_bg; } + + .notification-icon { padding: $base_padding; } + + .notification-content { + padding: $base_padding; + spacing: $base_padding; + } + + .secondary-icon { icon-size: em(16px); } + + .notification-actions { + background-color: transparent; + padding-top: 0; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + spacing: 0; + } + + .notification-button { + min-height: 40px; + padding: 0 16px; + background-color: transparent; + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-weight: 500; + border-width: 0; + + &:first-child { border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; } + + &:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius 0; } + + &:only-child, &:first-child:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; } + + &:focus { + background-color: transparent; + color: $alt_fg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $divider_color !important; + } + + &:hover, &:focus:hover { + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $fg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $track_color; + color: $fg_color; + } + } +} + +// counter +.summary-source-counter { + font-size: $base_font_size - 1pt; + font-weight: bold; + height: 1.6em; width: 1.6em; + -shell-counter-overlap-x: 3px; + -shell-counter-overlap-y: 3px; + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border: 2px solid $primary_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(black, 0.5); + border-radius: 0.9em; // should be 0.8 but whatever; wish I could do 50%; +} + +// chat bubbles { spacing: 5px; } { margin: 5px; } { color: $fg_color; } { padding-top: 1em; } { + padding-left: 4px; + &:rtl { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 4px; } +} + { + padding-left: 18pt; + color: $alt_fg_color; + &:rtl { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 18pt; } +} + { + padding-left: 4px; + @include font(caption); + color: $hint_fg_color; + &:rtl { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 4px; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_osd.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_osd.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ffa288 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_osd.scss @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/* OSD */ + +%osd_panel { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + border: solid rgba(black, 0.75); + border-width: if($variant=='light', 0, 1px); + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.25); + padding: $base_padding * 2; +} + +.osd-window { + @extend %osd_panel; + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + + .osd-monitor-label { font-size: 3em; } + + .level { + height: 4px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-color: $borders_color; + color: $fg_color; + + // For >= 3.29.90 + -barlevel-height: 4px; + // FIXME: above 'background-color' property rendered correct trough + // colour already, so keep -background-color style-property transparent + -barlevel-background-color: $borders_color; + -barlevel-active-background-color: $selected_bg_color; + -barlevel-overdrive-color: $destructive_color; + -barlevel-overdrive-separator-width: 2px; + -barlevel-border-width: 0; + -barlevel-border-color: transparent; + } + + .level-bar { + background-color: white; + border-radius: 16px; + } +} + +// Pad OSD +.pad-osd-window { + padding: 32px; + background-color: $dark_bg_color; + + .pad-osd-title-box { spacing: 12px; } + .pad-osd-title-menu-box { spacing: 6px; } +} + +.combo-box-label { + width: 15em; +} + +.resize-popup { + @extend %osd_panel; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_overview.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_overview.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..398496a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_overview.scss @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +.overview-controls { + padding-bottom: 32px; +} + +%overview_scrollbar { + StBin#trough { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + } + + StButton#vhandle, StButton#hhandle { + background-color: $light_hint_fg_color; + &:hover { background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + &:active { background-color: $light_fg_color; } + } +} + +#overview { + StScrollBar { @extend %overview_scrollbar; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_panel.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_panel.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11116e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_panel.scss @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +/* Top Bar */ +// a.k.a. the panel + +$panel_height: $menuitem_size; + +@if $panel_size == 'smaller' { + $panel_height: $menuitem_size - 4px; +} + +@if $panel_size == 'bigger' { + $panel_height: $menuitem_size + 4px; +} + +#panel.login-screen { + @if $scale != 'default' { + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 - 2); + height: $panel_height * 2 !important; + + .panel-button { + -natural-hpadding: $container_padding * 2 + 4px !important; + -minimum-hpadding: $container_padding * 2 + 4px !important; + border-radius: $bt_radius * 2 !important; + + &.clock-display { + StLabel { padding: 0 $base_padding * 2 !important; } + + .clock { + border-radius: $bt_radius * 2 !important; + } + } + + // status area icons + .system-status-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2 !important; + padding: $base_padding * 2 !important; + margin: 0 $base_padding * 2 !important; + } + + .panel-status-menu-box StLabel { padding: 0 0 0 $base_padding !important; } + + .appindicator-trayicons-box { margin: 0 $base_padding * 2 !important; } + + StIcon { + icon-size: 32px !important; + } + } + } +} + +%normal_activites { + -natural-hpadding: $base_padding * 3; + color: $panel_fg; + + StBoxLayout { + spacing: $container_padding; + } + + .workspace-dot { + background-color: $panel_fg; + } + + &:overview { + .workspace-dot { + background-color: $light_fg_color; + } + } +} + +%apple_activites { + -natural-hpadding: $base_padding * 2; + background-image: url("assets/activities.svg"); + background-position: center center; + background-size: 24px 24px; + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + color: transparent; + font-size: 0; + + > * { width: $medium_size; } + + StBoxLayout { + spacing: 0; + } + + .workspace-dot { + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + border: none; + color: transparent; + } + + &:overview { background-color: transparent; } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + @if $panel_font == 'black' or $trans == 'false' { + &:overview { + background-image: url("assets/activities-white.svg"); + } + } + } +} + +#panel { + background-color: $panel_bg; + font-weight: 500; + color: $panel_fg; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + transition-duration: 250ms; + @include font(body-1); + height: $panel_height !important; + box-shadow: 0 5px 16px rgba(black, 0.05); + + // the rounded outset corners + .panel-corner { + -panel-corner-radius: $panel-corner-radius; + -panel-corner-background-color: $panel_bg; + -panel-corner-border-width: 2px; + -panel-corner-border-color: transparent; + -panel-corner-opacity: 1; + transition-duration: 250ms; + } + + // panel menus + .panel-button { + -natural-hpadding: 12px; + -minimum-hpadding: 12px; + color: $panel_fg; + transition-duration: 150ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + StLabel { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + } + + .popup-menu-arrow { width: 0; height: 0; } // Remove arrow on panel button + + &, &:hover, &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + text-shadow: $panel_asset_shadow; + + .system-status-icon, + .app-menu-icon > StIcon, + .popup-menu-arrow { + icon-shadow: $panel_asset_shadow; + } + } + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: $panel_divider; + + &.clock-display { + background: none; + + .clock { + background-color: $panel_divider; + } + } + } + + &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + background-color: $panel_track; + color: $panel_fg; + box-shadow: none; + + &.clock-display { + background: none; + + .clock { + background-color: $panel_track; + } + } + } + + .unlock-screen &, + .login-screen &, + .lock-screen & { + &, &:focus, &:hover, &:active { color: $panel_fg; } + } + + .login-screen &, + .lock-screen & { + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.clock-display { + background-color: transparent; + + &, .clock-display-box { + spacing: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + margin: 0 !important; + } + + .clock { + // transition-duration: 150ms; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + padding: 0 $base_padding + 12px !important; + margin: 0 !important; + } + + .messages-indicator { + icon-size: $scalable_icon_size; + } + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + box-shadow: none !important; + + // The clock display needs to have the background on .clock because + // we want to exclude the do-not-disturb indicator from the background + &.clock-display { + box-shadow: none !important; + background-color: transparent !important; + + .clock { + box-shadow: none !important; + } + } + } + + // status area icons + .system-status-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size; + padding: $base_padding; + margin: 0; + } + + // .panel-status-menu-box .system-status-icon { margin: 0; } + .panel-status-menu-box StLabel { padding: 0 0 0 $base_padding / 2; } + + .appindicator-trayicons-box { margin: 0 $base_padding; } + + // .appindicator-box { margin: 0; } + + // .panel-status-indicators-box, + // .panel-status-menu-box { + // spacing: 2px; + // } + + // spacing between power icon and (optional) percentage label + // .power-status.panel-status-indicators-box { + // spacing: 0; + // } + + // app menu icon + .app-menu-icon { + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + // dimensions of the icon are hardcoded + } + + &#panelActivities { // Activities button + background-gradient-direction: none; + border: none; + + @if $activities == 'apple' { + @extend %apple_activites; + } @else { + @extend %normal_activites; + } + } + + // screen activity indicators + &.screen-recording-indicator, + &.screen-sharing-indicator { + border: 3px solid transparent; + background-color: transparent; + + StBoxLayout { + spacing: $scaled_padding; + } + + StIcon { + icon-size: $scalable_icon_size; + } + } + + &.screen-recording-indicator { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px $error_color !important; + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px mix($panel_fg, $error_color, 12%) !important; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px mix($panel_fg, $error_color, 24%) !important; + } + } + + &.screen-sharing-indicator { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px $warning_color !important; + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px mix($panel_fg, $warning_color, 12%) !important; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px mix($panel_fg, $warning_color, 24%) !important; + } + } + } + + Gjs_AggregateMenu.panel-button, + Gjs_ui_panel_AggregateMenu.panel-button, + Gjs_ui_panel_QuickSettings.panel-button { + .system-status-icon { + margin: 0 $base_padding / 2 !important; + } + } + + Gjs_ui_panel_AppMenuButton.panel-button, + // .menubar-button, // For Fildem global menu + .desktop-name-label { // For Unite + font-weight: bold !important; + } + + // Input indicators + Gjs_status_keyboard_InputSourceIndicator.panel-button, // Ibus + Gjs_appindicatorsupport_rgcjonas_gmail_com_indicatorStatusIcon_IndicatorStatusIcon.panel-button, + Gjs_appindicatorsupport_rgcjonas_gmail_com_indicatorStatusIcon_AppIndicatorsIndicatorStatusIcon.panel-button { // Fcitx + -natural-hpadding: 12px + $base_padding !important; + -minimum-hpadding: 12px + $base_padding !important; + } + + // transparent panel on lock & login screens + &:overview, + &.unlock-screen, + &.login-screen, + &.lock-screen { + background-color: if($trans == 'false' and $variant == 'light', transparent, transparent); + box-shadow: none; + + StLabel, StIcon { color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + + .panel-button { + &:hover { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + + &.clock-display { + .clock { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + } + } + } + + &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + &, &:hover { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $light_track_color; + } + + &.clock-display { + .clock { + background-color: $light_track_color; + } + } + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:overview, &:focus, &:checked { + box-shadow: none; + + &.clock-display { + box-shadow: none; + + .clock { + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + } + + .panel-corner { + -panel-corner-radius: 0; + -panel-corner-background-color: transparent; + -panel-corner-border-color: transparent; + } + } + + // indicator for active + .screencast-indicator, + .remote-access-indicator { color: $warning_color; } + + // important privacy related indicators + .privacy-indicator { color: $warning_color; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_popovers.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_popovers.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..355363d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_popovers.scss @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +/* Popovers/Menus */ + +$popop_menuitem_radius: $po_radius - $base_padding; + +//.the popover itself +.popup-menu-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: $po_radius; + -arrow-background-color: transparent; + -arrow-border-width: 0; + -arrow-border-color: transparent; + -arrow-base: 32px; + -arrow-rise: 0; + -arrow-box-shadow: none; //dreaming. bug #689995 +} + +.arcmenu-menu { + -arrow-base: 0; +} + +@if $scale != 'default' { + #lockDialogGroup .popup-menu, + .login-screen .popup-menu { // FIXME: not use? how to set the popovers on login-screen? + min-width: 24em; + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 - 2); + + .popup-menu-content { + padding: 12px 0; + box-shadow: 0 10px 20px 0 rgba(black, 0.18); + border: 2px solid if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0), rgba(black, 0.75)); + margin: 8px 24px 34px 24px; + @include fontsize($base_font_size * 2 - 2); + } + + .popup-menu-item { + spacing: $base_spacing * 4; + padding-top: 12px; + padding-bottom: 12px; + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius * 2; + margin: 0 12px; + + &:ltr { padding-right: 4em; padding-left: 0; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 4em; } + + &:checked { + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius * 2 $popop_menuitem_radius * 2 0 0; + } + } + + .popup-sub-menu { + border-radius: 0 0 $popop_menuitem_radius * 2 $popop_menuitem_radius * 2; + margin: 0 6px; + + .popup-menu-item { + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius * 2; + } + } + + &.panel-menu { + -boxpointer-gap: $base_margin * 2; // distance from the panel + margin-bottom: 3.5em; + } + } + // symbolic icons in popover + .popup-menu-arrow, + .popup-menu-icon { icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2; } +} + +// container of the popover menu +.popup-menu { + min-width: 12em; + color: $alt_fg_color; + @include font(body-1); + + //.popup-status-menu-item { font-weight: normal; color: pink; } //dunno what that is + &.panel-menu { + -boxpointer-gap: $base_margin; // distance from the panel + margin-bottom: 1.75em; + } + + StEntry { + selection-background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + selected-background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + selected-color: $primary_color; + caret-color: $fg_color; + + StLabel.hint-text { + margin-left: 2px; + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.3); + } + } +} + +.popup-menu-content { + padding: $base_padding; + box-shadow: 0 5px 10px 0 rgba(black, 0.18); + margin: 4px 12px 17px 12px; + background-color: $dialog_bg_color; + border-radius: $po_radius; + border: solid if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0), rgba(black, 0.75)); + border-width: if($variant=='light', 0, 1px); + @include font(body-1); +} + +.popup-menu-item { + spacing: $base_spacing; + padding: $base_padding * 1.5 $base_padding * 2; + color: $alt_fg_color; + text-shadow: none !important; + icon-shadow: none !important; + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius !important; + font-weight: normal; + transition: none; + + &:checked { + font-weight: normal; + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius $popop_menuitem_radius 0 0 !important; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: $alt_fg_color !important; + background-color: $submenu_bg_color !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: $selected_bg_color !important; + background-gradient-direction: none !important; + } + + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 5%) !important; + } + + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color !important; } + } + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: $selected_bg_color !important; + transition-duration: 0ms !important; + } + + &:active, &.selected:active { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 5%) !important; + } + + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color !important; } + + // add margin to switches in menu items + .toggle-switch { + &:ltr { margin-left: $base_margin; } + &:rtl { margin-right: $base_margin; } + } +} + +.popup-sub-menu { + background-color: $submenu_bg_color !important; + border-radius: 0 0 $popop_menuitem_radius $popop_menuitem_radius !important; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + .popup-menu-item { + margin: 0; + border-radius: $popop_menuitem_radius !important; + background-color: transparent !important; + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: $selected_bg_color !important; + } + + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color !important; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 5%) !important; + } + } +} + +.popup-ornamented-menu-item { + &:ltr { padding-left: $base_padding; } + &:rtl { padding-right: $base_padding; } +} + +.popup-inactive-menu-item { //all icons and other graphical elements + color: $alt_fg_color !important; + + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color !important; } +} + +// symbolic icons in popover +.popup-menu-arrow, +.popup-menu-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size; + icon-shadow: none !important; +} + +// container for radio and check boxes +.popup-menu-ornament { + icon-size: $scalable_icon_size !important; + width: $scalable_icon_size; +} + +// desktop background menu +.background-menu { + -boxpointer-gap: $base_margin; + -arrow-rise: 0px; // hide the beak on the menu +} + +// system status popover menu +.aggregate-menu { + min-width: 21em; + + // lock screen, shutdown, etc. buttons + .popup-menu-icon { + padding: 0 !important; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_margin * 2 !important; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_margin * 2 !important; } + } +} + +// right-click app menu, { + max-width: 27.25em; +} + +// Rename popup for app folders +.rename-folder-popup { + .rename-folder-popup-item { + spacing: $base_spacing; + &:ltr, &:rtl { padding: 0 $base_padding * 2; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_screen-shield.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_screen-shield.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c82ec9a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_screen-shield.scss @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* Screen Shield */ + +.unlock-dialog-clock { + color: white; + font-weight: 300; + text-align: center; + spacing: 24px; + padding-bottom: 2.5em; +} + +.unlock-dialog-clock-time { + font-size: 64pt; + padding-top: 42px; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; +} + +.unlock-dialog-clock-date { + font-size: 16pt; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.unlock-dialog-clock-hint { + font-weight: normal; + padding-top: 48px; +} + +.unlock-dialog-notifications-container { + margin: 12px 0; + spacing: 6px; + width: 23em; + background-color: transparent; + + .summary-notification-stack-scrollview { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .notification, + .unlock-dialog-notification-source { + padding: 12px 6px; + border: none; + background-color: $dark_bg_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &.critical { background-color: $alt_dark_bg_color; } + } +} + +.unlock-dialog-notification-label { + padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px; +} + +.unlock-dialog-notification-count-text { + weight: bold; + padding: 0 6px; + color: white; + background-color: $primary_color; + border-radius: 99px; + margin-right: 12px; +} + +.screen-shield-background { //just the shadow, really + background: black; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.15); +} + +#unlockDialogNotifications { + StButton#vhandle, StButton#hhandle { + background-color: transparentize($bg_color,0.7); + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: transparentize($bg_color,0.5); } + &:active { background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color,0.5); } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_scrollbars.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_scrollbars.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e3ca52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_scrollbars.scss @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/* Scrollbars */ + +StScrollView { + &.vfade { -st-vfade-offset: 68px; } + &.hfade { -st-hfade-offset: 68px; } +} + +StScrollBar { + padding: 0; + margin: 6px; + + StScrollView & { + min-width: 8px; + min-height: 8px; + } + + StBin#trough { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: $divider_color; + } + + StButton#vhandle, StButton#hhandle { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: $hint_fg_color; + border: 4px solid transparent; //would be nice to margin or at least to transparent + + &:hover { background-color: $alt_fg_color; } + &:active { background-color: $fg_color; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-entry.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-entry.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3204c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-entry.scss @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +// Search entry +%search-entry, #overview .search-entry { + width: 320px; + min-height: $menuitem_size; + padding: 0 10px !important; + background-clip: padding-box; + color: $light_hint_fg_color; + caret-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + selection-background-color: $light_track_color; + selected-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + @include search_entry(normal, $fc:$light_track_color); + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover { + @include search_entry(hover, $fc:$light_alt_fg_color); + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:focus { + @include search_entry(focus, $fc:$light_alt_fg_color); + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .search-entry-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 0; + color: $light_hint_fg_color; + } + + &:hover, &:focus { + .search-entry-icon { color: $light_alt_fg_color; } + } + + &:insensitive { + color: $light_disabled_fg_color; + } + + StLabel.hint-text { + color: $light_hint_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-results.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-results.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81ad5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_search-results.scss @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* Search */ + +%search-section-content-item { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $base_padding; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + + &:focus, + &:hover, + &:selected { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + transition-duration: 200ms; + } + + &:active, + &:checked { + background-color: $light_track_color; + } +} + +// search overview container +#searchResultsContent { + max-width: 1024px; + spacing: $base_margin * 2; + @include font(body-1); +} + +// search results sections "the boxes" { + // This should be equal to #searchResultsContent spacing + spacing: $base_margin * 2; + + // separator + .search-section-separator { + height: 0; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + } +} + +// content { // This is the space between the provider icon and the results container + spacing: $base_margin * 2; + border-radius: $modal_radius; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: $light_divider_color; + text-shadow: none; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; +} + +// "no results" text { + font-size: 2em; + font-weight: bold; + color: $light_hint_fg_color; +} + +.grid-search-results { + spacing: $base_spacing * 6; +} + +// Search results with icons +.grid-search-result { + @extend %app-well-app; +} + +// search result provider { + @extend %search-section-content-item; + // content + .list-search-provider-content { + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; + + // provider labels + .list-search-provider-details { + width: 120px; + margin-top: 0; + color: $light_hint_fg_color; + // font-weight: bold; + } + } +} + +// search results list +.list-search-results { + spacing: $base_spacing; +} + +// search result listitem +.list-search-result { + @extend %search-section-content-item; + // content + .list-search-result-content { + spacing: $base_padding; + } + + // list item title (with leading icon) + .list-search-result-title { + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; + // font-weight: bold; + } + + // list item description + .list-search-result-description { color: $light_alt_fg_color; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_slider.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_slider.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e0cde2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_slider.scss @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* Slider */ + +$slider_color: if($variant == 'light', white, white); +$barlevel_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.1), rgba(white, 0.1)); +$barlevel_active_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', white, rgba(white, 0.35)); +$barlevel_boder_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), transparent); + +.slider { + height: 20px; + color: $slider_color; + border-radius: 16px; + + -slider-height: 19px; + -slider-background-color: $barlevel_bg_color; //background of the trough + -slider-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; //trough border color + -slider-active-background-color: $barlevel_active_bg_color; //active trough fill + -slider-active-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; //active trough border + -slider-border-width: 1px; + -slider-handle-radius: 10px; + -slider-handle-border-width: 1px; + -slider-handle-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; + + // barlevels are for >= 3.29.90 + -barlevel-height: 19px; + -barlevel-background-color: $barlevel_bg_color; + -barlevel-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; + -barlevel-active-background-color: $barlevel_active_bg_color; + -barlevel-active-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; + -barlevel-overdrive-color: $destructive_color; + -barlevel-overdrive-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; + -barlevel-overdrive-separator-width: 0; + -barlevel-border-width: 1px; + -barlevel-border-color: $barlevel_boder_color; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switcher-popup.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switcher-popup.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3acd5df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switcher-popup.scss @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* App Switcher */ + +.switcher-popup { + padding: 8px; + spacing: $base_spacing * 4; +} + +// switcher onscreen panel +.switcher-list { + @extend %osd_panel; + border-radius: $bt_radius * 2 + $base_padding * 2; + + .item-box { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: $bt_radius * 2; + border: 1px solid transparent; + background-color: transparent; + color: $fg_color; + + &:outlined { + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $fg_color; // for Ubuntu session + } + + &:selected { + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + } + + // window thumbnails + .thumbnail-box { + padding: 2px; + spacing: $base_spacing; + } + + .thumbnail { + width: 256px; + } + + .separator { + width: 1px; + background: $borders_color; + } + + .switcher-list-item-container { + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; + } +} + +.switcher-arrow { + border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); + color: $hint_fg_color; + + &:highlighted { + color: $fg_color; + } +} + +// Input Source Switcher +.input-source-switcher-symbol { + font-size: 34pt; + width: 96px; + height: 96px; +} + +// Window cycler highlight +.cycler-highlight { + border: 5px solid $primary_color; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switches.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switches.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..036759c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_switches.scss @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* Switches */ + +.toggle-switch { + width: 40px; + height: 24px; + background-size: contain; + background-image: url("assets/toggle-off.svg"); + + &:checked { background-image: url("assets/toggle-on.svg"); } + + .popup-menu-item.selected & { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-off.svg"); + + &:checked { background-image: url("assets/toggle-on.svg"); } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_tiled-previews.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_tiled-previews.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe161cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_tiled-previews.scss @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + +/* Tiled window previews */ + +$tile_corner_radius: $base_border_radius + 1px; + +.tile-preview { + background-color: rgba($primary_color, $lower_opacity); + border: 1px solid $primary_color; +} + +.tile-preview-left.on-primary { + border-radius: $tile_corner_radius 0 0 0; +} + +.tile-preview-right.on-primary { + border-radius: 0 $tile_corner_radius 0 0; +} + +.tile-preview-left.tile-preview-right.on-primary { + border-radius: $tile_corner_radius $tile_corner_radius 0 0; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_workspace-switcher.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_workspace-switcher.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ce1c62 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/common/_workspace-switcher.scss @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Workspace Switcher */ +.workspace-switcher-group { + padding: $base_padding * 2; +} + +.workspace-switcher-container { + @extend %osd_panel; +} + +.workspace-switcher { + background: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; +} + { + background: transparent; + height: 50px; + background-size: 32px; + background: $divider_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +// active workspace in the switcher,,, { + height: 52px; + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border-radius: $base_border_radius + 3px; + border: none; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_dash-to-dock.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_dash-to-dock.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..220281b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_dash-to-dock.scss @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +// Dash to Dock + +// Scrollview style +.bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-hfade-offset: 24px; +} + +.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, +.right #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-vfade-offset: 24px; +} + +#dashtodockContainer { + background-color: transparent; + + .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $dash_fg; + } + + .number-overlay { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + text-align: center; + } + + .notification-badge { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: $circular_radius; + margin: 2px; + padding: 0.2em 0.6em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + } + + &.dashtodock #dash, + &.dashtodock:overview #dash, + &.extended #dash, + &.extended:overview #dash { + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(black, 0.35)); + } + + &.straight-corner #dash, + &.shrink.straight-corner #dash { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + } + + @each $_dock, $_radius, $_shadow in (top, $dash_radius, 0 -1px), + (bottom, $dash_radius, 0 1px), + (left, $dash_radius, -1px 0), + (right, $dash_radius, 1px 0) { + &.#{$_dock}.dashtodock #dash, + &.#{$_dock}.dashtodock:overview #dash { + border-radius: #{$_radius}; + margin-#{$_dock}: 6px; + padding: 6px; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + } + + &.#{$_dock}.shrink #dash { + border-#{$_dock}-width: 0; + } + + &.#{$_dock}.extended #dash, + &.#{$_dock}.extended:overview #dash { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: inset #{$_shadow} rgba(white, 0.05); + } + } + + &, + &.extended.bottom { + #dash { + border-left: 0; + border-right: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + } + + &.extended.right, + &.extended.left { + #dash { + border-top: 0; + border-bottom: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + } + + &.dashtodock #dash { background-color: $dash_bg; } + + #dash { // default-mode + background-color: $dash_bg; + + .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: rgba($dash_fg, 0.85); + } + + StWidget.focused .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $primary_color; + } + } + + &.opaque #dash { // solid-mode + background-color: $dash_bg; + } + + &.transparent #dash { // translucent-mode + background-color: $dash_bg; // does not work + } + + &:overview #dash { // overview-mode #1 + background-color: $light_divider_color; + + .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + StWidget.focused .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $primary_color; + } + } + + &.opaque:overview, + &.transparent:overview { // overview-mode #2 + #dash { + background-color: transparent !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + } + + &.extended:overview, // overview-mode #3 + &.opaque.extended:overview, + &.transparent.extended:overview { + #dash { + background-color: $dash_bg; + } + } + + &.running-dots, + &.dashtodock { + .dash-item-container > StButton { + transition-duration: 250ms; + background-size: contain; + } + } + + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + .overview-icon { + padding: 8px; + background-size: contain; + } + } + + &.extended, + &.extended:overview { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + .overview-icon { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + .metro .overview-icon { + border-radius: 0; + } +} + +.dashtodock-app-well-preview-menu-item { + padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 1em; +} + +#dashtodockPreviewSeparator.popup-separator-menu-item-horizontal { + width: 1px; + height: auto; + border-right-width: 1px; + margin: 32px 0; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_misc.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_misc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..107afef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-3-28/_misc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +// Simple Dock +#dash:desktop { + background-color: $panel_bg; +} + +// OpenWeather Extension +.openweather { + &-button, + &-button-action, + &-menu-button-container, + &-button-box { + border: 1px solid transparent !important; + } + + &-provider { + // generic text buttons are allocated with y-expand-ed + padding: 0 16px; + font-weight: 500; + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-disabled); } + border: 1px solid transparent !important; + } + + &-current { + &-icon, + &-summary, + &-summarybox { + background: none; + color: $fg_color; + } + + &-databox-values { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + + &-databox-captions { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + } + + &-forecast { + &-icon, + &-summary { + background: none; + color: $alt_fg_color; + } + + &-day, + &-temperature { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + } + + &-sunrise-icon, + &-sunset-icon, + &-build-icon { color: $alt_fg_color; } +} + +// +// Gsconnect +// +.gsconnect-device-menu { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', white, rgba(white, 0.06)); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: $container_padding / 2; + padding: $bt_radius 0; + box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.08, 0.35)); + + .popup-menu-item { + height: 16px !important; + border-radius: 0 !important; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color !important; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1) !important; + } + + > :first-child { + &:ltr { padding-left: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 0 !important; margin-right: 0 !important; } + } + } +} + +// +// Pop_OS cosmic widget styling +// +.cosmic-dock { + #dock { + background-color: $dash_bg; + border-radius: $dash_radius; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(black, 0.35)); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 6px !important; + } + + &.extended #dock { + border-radius: 0 !important; + margin: 0 !important; + } +} + +// +// Places Menu +// + { + &:ltr { + padding-left: 0 !important; + margin-left: 0 !important; + padding-right: $base_padding * 5 !important; + } + + &:rtl { + padding-right: 0 !important; + margin-right: 0 !important; + padding-left: $base_padding * 5 !important; + } + + StLabel { margin-left: $base_padding / 2; } + + .button { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $base_padding / 2; + + &:ltr { margin-left: 0 !important; } + &:rtl { margin-right: 0 !important; } + } + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { + .button { + @extend %osd_button; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_dash-to-dock.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_dash-to-dock.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f77008 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_dash-to-dock.scss @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +// Dash to Dock + +// Scrollview style +.bottom #dashtodockDashScrollview, #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-hfade-offset: 24px; +} + +.left #dashtodockDashScrollview, +.right #dashtodockDashScrollview { + -st-vfade-offset: 24px; +} + +#dashtodockContainer { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + + .number-overlay { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + text-align: center; + } + + .notification-badge { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: $circular_radius; + margin: 2px 3px 5px; + padding: 0.2em 0.6em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + } + + @each $_pos, $b_pos, $_shadow in (top, bottom, 0 -1px), + (bottom, top, 0 1px), + (left, right, -1px 0), + (right, left, 1px 0) { + &.#{$_pos}.straight-corner #dash, + &.#{$_pos}.shrink.straight-corner #dash, + &.#{$_pos}.extended #dash { + margin: 0 !important; + padding: 0 !important; + + .dash-background { + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0; + border-#{$b_pos}-width: 1px; + margin: 0 !important; + box-shadow: inset #{$_shadow} rgba(white, 0.05); + } + } + } + + &.left, + &.right { + #dash { + margin-top: 0 !important; + padding: $dash_padding !important; + + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: $dash_padding 0 !important; + } + + .dash-background { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; + padding: $dash_padding !important; + } + + .dash-item-container .app-well-app, .show-apps { + padding: $dash_spacing $base_padding !important; + } + } + + &.extended { + #dash { + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: 0 !important; + + #dashtodockDashScrollview:first-child { + padding-top: 0 !important; + } + + #dashtodockDashScrollview:last-child { + padding-bottom: 0 !important; + } + + & > :first-child { + .show-apps { + padding-bottom: $container_padding !important; + } + } + + & > :last-child { + .show-apps { + padding-bottom: $dash_padding + $container_padding !important; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + &.top, + &.bottom { + #dash { + margin-top: 0 !important; + padding: $dash_padding !important; + + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: $dash_padding 0 !important; + } + + .dash-background { + margin-bottom: 0 !important; + padding: $dash_padding !important; + border-left: none !important; + } + + .dash-item-container .app-well-app, .show-apps { + padding: $base_padding $dash_spacing !important; + } + } + + &.extended { + #dash { + #dashtodockDashContainer { + padding: 0 !important; + + #dashtodockDashScrollview:first-child { + padding-left: 0 !important; + } + + #dashtodockDashScrollview:last-child { + padding-right: 0 !important; + } + + & > :first-child { + .show-apps { + padding-left: $container_padding !important; + } + } + + & > :last-child { + .show-apps { + padding-right: $dash_padding + $container_padding !important; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + #dash { // default-mode + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + + .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.75), rgba(white, 0.75)); + margin-bottom: 0 !important; + } + + StWidget.focused .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $primary_color; + } + + .show-apps, + .app-well-app { + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.25), $light_divider_color); + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.35), $light_track_color); + } + } + + .dash-background { + background-color: $dash_bg; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(black, 0.75)); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + } + } + + &:overview #dash { // overview-mode #1 + background: none; + + .dash-background { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.08); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + } + + .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + } + + StWidget.focused .app-well-app-running-dot { + background-color: $primary_color; + } + + .show-apps, + .app-well-app { + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + } + } + } + + &.opaque:overview, + &.transparent:overview { // overview-mode #2 + #dash { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .dash-background { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + &.extended:overview, // overview-mode #3 + &.opaque.extended:overview, + &.transparent.extended:overview { + #dash { + background: none; + } + + .dash-background { + background-color: transparent !important; + border: none !important; + box-shadow: none !important; + } + } + + &.running-dots, + &.dashtodock { + .dash-item-container > StButton { + transition-duration: 250ms; + background-size: contain; + } + } + + &.extended, + &.extended:overview { + .app-well-app, + .show-apps { + .overview-icon { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + .metro .overview-icon { + border-radius: 0; + } +} + +.dashtodock-app-well-preview-menu-item { + padding: 1em 1em 0.5em 1em; +} + +#dashtodockPreviewSeparator.popup-separator-menu-item-horizontal { + width: 1px; + height: auto; + border-right-width: 1px; + margin: 32px 0; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_misc.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_misc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97a79e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/extensions-40-0/_misc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +// +// Dash to panel +// +#preview-menu { + margin: 0 6px 6px !important; + padding-bottom: 8px !important; + + &, &:hover, &:selected { + border-radius: $wm_radius !important; + } +} + + +// +// OpenWeather Extension +// +.openweather { + &-button, + &-button-action, + &-menu-button-container, + &-button-box { + border: 1px solid transparent !important; + } + + &-provider { + // generic text buttons are allocated with y-expand-ed + padding: 0 16px; + font-weight: 500; + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:focus { @include button(flat-focus); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:insensitive { @include button(flat-disabled); } + border: 1px solid transparent !important; + } + + &-current { + &-icon, + &-summary, + &-summarybox { + background: none; + color: $fg_color; + } + + &-databox-values { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + + &-databox-captions { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + } + + &-forecast { + &-icon, + &-summary { + background: none; + color: $alt_fg_color; + } + + &-day, + &-temperature { + background: none; + color: $hint_fg_color; + } + } + + &-sunrise-icon, + &-sunset-icon, + &-build-icon { color: $alt_fg_color; } +} + +// +// Gsconnect +// +.gsconnect-device-menu { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0 $container_padding / 2; + padding: $bt_radius 0; + box-shadow: none; + + .popup-menu-item { + margin: 0 $container_padding / 2 !important; + height: 16px !important; + border-radius: $bt_radius !important; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color !important; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1) !important; + } + + > :first-child { + &:ltr { padding-left: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 0 !important; margin-right: 0 !important; } + } + } +} + +// +// Pop_OS cosmic widget styling +// + +.cosmic-solid-bg { + background-color: #222222; +} + +.cosmic-dock { + #dock { + background-color: transparent; + + .dash-background { + background-color: $dash_bg; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(black, 0.75)); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + } + } + + &.extended { + #dash { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + padding: 0 0; + + .dash-background { + border-radius: 0; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Places Menu +// + { + &:ltr { + padding-left: 0 !important; + padding-right: $base_padding * 5 !important; + } + + &:rtl { + padding-right: 0 !important; + padding-left: $base_padding * 5 !important; + } + + StLabel { margin-left: $base_padding / 2; } + + .button { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $base_padding / 2; + + &:ltr { margin-left: 0 !important; } + &:rtl { margin-right: 0 !important; } + } + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { + .button { + @extend %osd_button; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8c5dee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ + +$app_icon_size: 96px; +$app_icon_padding: 24px; + +// app icons +.icon-grid { + row-spacing: $base_spacing * 6; + column-spacing: $base_spacing * 6; + max-row-spacing: $base_spacing * 12; + max-column-spacing: $base_spacing * 12; + + // for 3.26 + -shell-grid-horizontal-item-size: $app_icon_size + $app_icon_padding * 2; + -shell-grid-vertical-item-size: $app_icon_size + $app_icon_padding * 2; + spacing: $base_spacing * 4; + + .overview-icon { + icon-size: $app_icon_size; + } +} + +/* App Icons */, { + @include font(body-1); + + .overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label { + padding: 10px 12px 14px; + + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: 6px; + } + } + + .overview-icon { + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 12px; + border: none; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// App Folders { + background: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + + .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); + } + + &:active .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.3); + } +} + { + padding: $base_padding; + spacing-rows: $base_spacing; + spacing-columns: $base_spacing; +} + +// expanded folder { + & .page-indicators { + .page-indicator { + padding: 15px 12px; + } + } + + & StButton#vhandle, + & StButton#vhandle:hover, + & StButton#vhandle:active { background-color: transparent; } +} + +//Some hacks I don't even +.all-apps, +.frequent-apps > StBoxLayout { + // horizontal padding to make sure scrollbars or dash don't overlap content + padding: 0px 88px 10px 88px; +} + +// +// gnome-shell 3.36 +// { //favorties | all toggle container + width: 320px; + padding-bottom: 32px; + margin: 0 0; +} + { //favorties | all toggle button + padding: 0 16px; + margin: 0 0; + font-weight: bold; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: rgba($light_alt_fg_color, 0.15); + &:hover { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: rgba($light_alt_fg_color, 0.22); + } + &:active { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: darken($primary_color, 3%); + } + &:checked { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: $primary_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + &:first-child { + border-right-width: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius 0 0 $bt_radius; + } + &:last-child { + border-radius: 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius 0; + } +} + +// Collections { //expanded collection + -arrow-border-radius: $bd_radius * 2; + -arrow-background-color: $light_divider_color; + -arrow-base: 0; + -arrow-rise: 12px; +} + { padding: 5px; } + { + @include font(display-2); + color: $light_hint_fg_color; +} + +.overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label { + padding: 10px 8px 5px 8px; + spacing: 6px; + + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: 6px; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_dash.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_dash.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5256fd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_dash.scss @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#dash { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-left: 0; + border-radius: 0 ($bd_radius * 1.5) ($bd_radius * 1.5) 0; + padding: 6px; + + &:rtl { + border-radius: ($bd_radius * 1.5) 0 0 ($bd_radius * 1.5); + } + + .placeholder { + background-image: url("assets/dash-placeholder.svg"); + background-size: contain; + height: 24px; + } +} + +.dash-item-container > StWidget { + padding: 3px 6px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_login-dialog.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_login-dialog.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f3f65f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_login-dialog.scss @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +.user-widget.horizontal { + .user-widget-label { + // @include font(title); + font-weight: bold; + text-align: left; + padding-left: 15px; + + &:ltr { padding-left: 14px; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 14px; } + } + + .user-icon { + icon-size: 64px; // 64px + + & StIcon { + padding: 12px; // 12px + width: 40px; + height: 40px; // 40px; + } + } +} + +.user-widget.vertical { + .user-widget-label { + text-align: center; + font-weight: normal; + padding-top: 16px; + } + + .user-icon { + icon-size: 96px; // 128px + + & StIcon { + padding: 20px; // 20px + padding-top: 18px; // 18 px + padding-bottom: 22px; // 22px + width: 88px; + height: 88px; // 88px; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_osd.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_osd.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8afe5f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_osd.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.osd-window { + spacing: 1em; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + + StIcon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 6; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_other.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_other.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcc9169 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_other.scss @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ + +// ShellMountOperation Dialogs { icon-size: 48px; } + +.mount-dialog { + spacing: 24px; + + .message-dialog-title { + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 17px; + padding-bottom: 6px; + max-width: 34em; + } + + .message-dialog-title:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; + } + + .message-dialog-body { + padding-left: 17px; + width: 28em; + } + + .message-dialog-body:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; + } +} + +.mount-dialog-app-list { + max-height: 200px; + padding-top: 24px; + padding-left: 49px; + padding-right: 32px; +} + +.mount-dialog-app-list:rtl { + padding-right: 49px; + padding-left: 32px; +} + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item { + color: $fg_color; + &:hover { color: $fg_color; } + &:ltr { padding-right: 1em; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 1em; } +} + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item-icon { + &:ltr { padding-right: 17px; } + &:rtl { padding-left: 17px; } +} + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item-name { + font-size: 1em; +} + +// Access Dialog +.access-dialog { + spacing: 30px; +} + +// Geolocation Dialog +.geolocation-dialog { + spacing: 30px; +} + +// Extension Dialog +.extension-dialog { + .message-dialog-main-layout { spacing: 24px; padding: 10px; } + .message-dialog-title { color: $alt_fg_color; } +} + +// Inhibit-Shortcuts Dialog +.inhibit-shortcuts-dialog { + spacing: 30px; +} + +// Network Agent Dialog { + spacing-rows: 15px; + spacing-columns: 1em; +} + +.keyring-dialog-control-table { + spacing-rows: 15px; + spacing-columns: 1em; +} + +.secondary-icon { icon-size: em(16px); } + +//hotplug +.hotplug-resident-box { spacing: 8px; } + +.hotplug-resident-mount { + spacing: 8px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + &:hover { background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { background-color: $track_color; } +} + +.hotplug-resident-mount-label { + color: inherit; + padding-left: 6px; +} + +.hotplug-resident-mount-icon { + icon-size: 24px; + padding-left: 6px; +} + +.hotplug-resident-eject-icon { + icon-size: 16px; +} + +.hotplug-resident-eject-button { + padding: 7px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $fg_color; +} +// NOTIFICATIONS & MESSAGE TRAY + +.url-highlighter { link-color: $link_color; } + +// a little unstructured mess: +.system-switch-user-submenu-icon.user-icon { + icon-size: 20px; + padding: 0 2px; +} + +.system-switch-user-submenu-icon.default-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 4px; +} + +.system-switch-user-submenu-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 4px; +} + +.system-menu-action { + color: $alt_fg_color; + border-radius: 100px; /* wish we could do 50% */ + padding: ($large_size - 20px) / 2; + border: none; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; // >= 3.29.90 + + &:hover, &:focus { + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $fg_color; + border: none; + padding: ($large_size - 20px) / 2; + } + + &:active { background-color: $track_color; color: $fg_color; } + + & > StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } +} + +.screen-shield-arrows { + padding-bottom: 3em; +} + +.screen-shield-arrows Gjs_Arrow { + color: white; + width: 80px; + height: 48px; + -arrow-thickness: 12px; + -arrow-shadow: $shadow_1; +} + +.screen-shield-clock { + color: white; + text-shadow: $shadow_1; + font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; + padding-bottom: 1.5em; +} + +.screen-shield-clock-time { + @include font(display-4); + text-shadow: $shadow_1; +} + +.screen-shield-clock-date { @include font(display-2); } + +.screen-shield-notifications-container { + spacing: 6px; + width: 30em; + background-color: transparent; + max-height: 500px; + .summary-notification-stack-scrollview { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + } + + .notification, + .screen-shield-notification-source { + padding: 8px; + border: none; + background-color: $alt_dark_bg_color; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + .notification { margin-right: 16px; } //compensate for space allocated to the scrollbar +} + +.screen-shield-notification-label { + min-height: $small_size - 2px; + padding: 2px 0px 0px 16px; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.screen-shield-notification-count-text { + min-height: $small_size - 2px; + padding: 2px 0px 0px 16px; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; +} + +#panel.lock-screen { background-color: $alt_dark_bg_color; } + +#screenShieldNotifications { + StScrollBar { @extend %overview_scrollbar; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_overview.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_overview.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a59c80 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_overview.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + +#overview { + spacing: 24px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_panel.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_panel.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19a4c04 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_panel.scss @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// panel +#panel { + #panelLeft, #panelCenter { // spacing between activities<>app menu and such + spacing: 0; + } + + .panel-status-indicators-box, + .panel-status-menu-box { + spacing: 2px; + } + + // spacing between power icon and (optional) percentage label + .power-status.panel-status-indicators-box { + spacing: 0; + } + + .screencast-indicator { color: $error_color; } + .remote-access-indicator { color: $warning_color; } // > 3.29.4 +} + +// App Menu +#appMenu { + spinner-image: url("process-working.svg"); + spacing: 4px; + + .label-shadow { color: transparent; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_popovers.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_popovers.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b074f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_popovers.scss @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +.popup-menu-item { + &:ltr { padding-right: 1.5em; padding-left: 0; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 1.5em; } +} + +// separator +.popup-separator-menu-item { + background: none; + border: none; + padding-top: 0 !important; + padding-bottom: 0 !important; + + .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + height: 1px; //not really the whole box + margin: 0; + background-color: $borders_color; + + .popup-sub-menu & { //submenu separators + margin: 0 32px 0 0; + height: 1px; + } + } +} + +// system status popover menu +.aggregate-menu { + .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item > :first-child { + &:ltr { padding-left: $base_padding * 2 + 4px; margin-left: 1em; } + &:rtl { padding-right: $base_padding * 2 + 4px; margin-right: 1em; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_window-picker.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_window-picker.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6eb9572 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_window-picker.scss @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +.window-picker { //container around window thumbnails + -horizontal-spacing: 16px; + -vertical-spacing: 16px; + padding: 0 16px 32px; + spacing: 12px; + + &.external-monitor { padding: 16px; } +} + +.window-caption { + spacing: 25px; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: $dark_bg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 4px 8px; + border: none; + font-weight: normal; + @include font(body-1); +} + +.window-clone-border { + border: 4px solid $light_track_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius + 4px; + // For window decorations with round corners we can't match + // the exact shape when the window is scaled. So apply a shadow + // to fix that case + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $light_track_color; +} + +$_close_size: 42px; + +//close buttons +.window-close { + background-size: $_close_size; + height: $_close_size; + width: $_close_size; + -shell-close-overlap: $_close_size / 2; + border-radius: 0; + border: 0 none transparent; + background-color: transparent; + color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + StIcon { icon-size: $_close_size; } // for safety + background-image: url("assets/window-close.svg"); + transition-duration: 300ms; + + &:hover { + background-size: $_close_size; + height: $_close_size; + width: $_close_size; + background-image: url("assets/window-close-hover.svg"); + } + + &:active { + background-size: $_close_size; + height: $_close_size; + width: $_close_size; + background-image: url("assets/window-close-active.svg"); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_workspace-thumbnails.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_workspace-thumbnails.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13e236a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-3-28/_workspace-thumbnails.scss @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// Workspace pager + +.workspace-thumbnails { //container ala dash + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border: none; + visible-width: 32px; //amount visible before hover + spacing: 12px; + padding: 16px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 6px; + // border-width: 0; //fixme: can't have non unoform borders :( + // &:rtl { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + + .placeholder { + background-image: url("assets/dash-placeholder.svg"); + background-size: contain; + height: 24px; + } +} + +.workspace-thumbnail-indicator { + border: 2px solid $primary_color; + padding: 6px; + border-radius: 3px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edfd98f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + +// app icons +.icon-grid { + row-spacing: 12px; + column-spacing: 12px; + max-row-spacing: 72px; + max-column-spacing: 72px; + page-padding-top: 24px; + page-padding-bottom: 24px; + page-padding-left: 12px; + page-padding-right: 12px; +} + +/* App Icons */, { + @include font(body-1); + + .overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label { + padding: 10px 12px 14px; + + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: 6px; + } + } + + .overview-icon { + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 12px; + border: none; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// App Folders { + background: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + + .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); + } + + &:active .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.3); + } +} + { + .page-navigation-hint { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 60px, 80px); + } + + .page-navigation-arrow { + margin: 18px; + } +} + +.apps-scroll-view { + padding: 0; +} + { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 220px, 300px); + + &.dnd { + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + } + + &.next:ltr, + &.previous:rtl { + background-gradient-start: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-end: transparent; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: $modal_radius 0px 0px $modal_radius; + } + + &.previous:ltr, + &.next:rtl { + background-gradient-start: transparent; + background-gradient-end: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: 0px $modal_radius $modal_radius 0px; + } +} + { + margin: $container_padding; + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + icon-size: 24px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_dash.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_dash.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbeb613 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_dash.scss @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +$dash_background_color: rgba(white, 0.15); +$dash_placeholder_size: 32px; +$dash_padding: $base_padding + 4px; // 10px/8px +$dash_spacing: $base_padding / 4; +$dash_bottom_margin: $base_margin * 4; +$dash_border_radius: $dash_padding * 1.5 + 12px; + +#dash { + margin-top: $base_spacing * 2; + padding: 0; + + .placeholder { + background-image:none; + background-size: contain; + height: $dash_placeholder_size; + } + + // Running app indicator (shown in dash) + .app-well-app-running-dot { + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + .dash-background { + background-color: $dash_background_color; + margin-bottom: $dash_bottom_margin; + padding: $dash_padding $dash_padding - $dash_spacing * 2 !important; + border-radius: $dash_border_radius; + } + + // Dash Items + .dash-item-container { + margin: 0 $dash_spacing; + + > * { margin: 0; } + + .app-well-app, .show-apps { + padding: $dash_padding $dash_spacing $dash_padding + $dash_bottom_margin !important; + } + + .overview-icon { + padding: $dash_padding / 2; + border-radius: $dash_border_radius - $dash_padding; + } + } + + .dash-separator { + width: 1px; + margin: 0 ($dash_spacing + ($dash_padding / 2)) $dash_bottom_margin; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_misc.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_misc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..498de52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_misc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Workspace animation +.workspace-animation { + background-color: rgba($osd_bg_color, 1); +} + +// reset prev/next month icons +.calendar { + .calendar-change-month-back, + .calendar-change-month-forward { + padding: 0 2px; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_osd.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_osd.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8afe5f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_osd.scss @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.osd-window { + spacing: 1em; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + + StIcon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 6; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_overview.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_overview.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e87063 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_overview.scss @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +.controls-manager, .secondary-monitor-workspaces { + spacing: $base_spacing * 2; +} + +#overviewGroup { + background-color: rgba($osd_bg_color, 1); + // background-image: url("assets/background.png"); + // background-repeat: no-repeat; + // background-size: cover; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_panel.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_panel.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb3adaf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_panel.scss @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// App Menu +#appMenu { + spacing: $base_spacing; + .label-shadow { color: transparent; } +} + +#appMenu .panel-status-menu-box { + padding: 0 $base_padding; + spacing: $base_spacing; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_popovers.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_popovers.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a11d53f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_popovers.scss @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + +.popup-menu-item { + &:ltr { padding-right: 1.5em; padding-left: 0; } + &:rtl { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 1.5em; } +} + +// separator +.popup-separator-menu-item { + background: none; + border: none; + padding-top: 0 !important; + padding-bottom: 0 !important; + + .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + height: 1px; //not really the whole box + margin: 0; + background-color: $menu_bd; + + .popup-sub-menu & { //submenu separators + margin: 0 32px 0 0; + height: 1px; + } + } +} + +// system status popover menu +.aggregate-menu { + .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item > :first-child { + &:ltr { padding-left: $base_padding * 2 + 4px; margin-left: 1em; } + &:rtl { padding-right: $base_padding * 2 + 4px; margin-right: 1em; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_screen-shield.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_screen-shield.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8db1c30 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_screen-shield.scss @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +#unlockDialogNotifications { + StButton#vhandle, StButton#hhandle { + background-color: transparentize($bg_color, 0.7); + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: transparentize($bg_color, 0.5); } + &:active { background-color: transparentize($primary_color, 0.5); } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_search-entry.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_search-entry.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf5cdf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_search-entry.scss @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + { + margin-top: $base_spacing * 4; + margin-bottom: $base_spacing; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_window-picker.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_window-picker.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d3f4d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_window-picker.scss @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// Window picker +.window-picker { + // Space between window thumbnails + spacing: $base_spacing; +} + +// Window titles +.window-caption { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; +} + +$window_close_button_size: 30px; +$window_close_button_padding: 3px; + +// Close button +.window-close { + background-color: rgba($destructive_color, 1); + color: white; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $window_close_button_padding; + height: $window_close_button_size; + width: $window_close_button_size; + box-shadow: -1px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); + transition-duration: 300ms; + background-image: url("assets/window-close-symbolic.svg"); + + StIcon { + color: white; + icon-size: 1px; // Can't set to 0 + } + + &:hover { + color: white; + background-color: lighten(rgba($destructive_color, 1), 6%); + } + + &:active { + color: white; + background-color: darken(rgba($destructive_color, 1), 6%); + } +} + +.workspace-background { + // keep in sync with BACKGROUND_CORNER_RADIUS_PIXELS in workspace.js + border-radius: 30px; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + box-shadow: 0 4px 16px 4px transparentize(darken($osd_bg_color, 30%), 0.7); +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_workspace-thumbnails.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_workspace-thumbnails.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb7c32f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-40-0/_workspace-thumbnails.scss @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* Workspace pager */ + +// thumbnails in overview +.workspace-thumbnails { + visible-width: 32px; //amount visible before hover + spacing: $base_spacing; + padding: $base_padding; + + .workspace-thumbnail { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // drag and drop indicator + .placeholder { + background-image: url("assets/dash-placeholder.svg"); + background-size: contain; + width: 18px; + height: 24px; + } +} + +// selected indicator +.workspace-thumbnail-indicator { + border: 3px solid $primary_color; + border-radius: 9px; + padding: 0px; + // background-color: transparentize($primary_color, 0.9); +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a740714 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ + +// app icons +.icon-grid { + row-spacing: 12px; + column-spacing: 12px; + max-row-spacing: 42px; + max-column-spacing: 42px; + page-padding-top: 24px; + page-padding-bottom: 24px; + page-padding-left: 18px; + page-padding-right: 18px; +} + +/* App Icons */, { + @include font(body-1); + + .overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label { + padding: 10px 12px 14px; + + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: 6px; + } + } + + .overview-icon { + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 12px; + border: none; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon, + &:focus .overview-icon, + &:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + } + + &:active .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// App Folders { + background: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + + .overview-icon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + } + + &:hover .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); + } + + &:active .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.3); + } +} + { + .page-navigation-hint { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 60px, 80px); + } + + .page-navigation-arrow { + margin: 18px; + } +} + +.apps-scroll-view { + padding: 0; +} + { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 220px, 300px); + + &.dnd { + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + } + + &.next:ltr, + &.previous:rtl { + background-gradient-start: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-end: transparent; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: $modal_radius 0px 0px $modal_radius; + } + + &.previous:ltr, + &.next:rtl { + background-gradient-start: transparent; + background-gradient-end: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: 0px $modal_radius $modal_radius 0px; + } +} + { + > StIcon { + margin: $base_padding; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + // background-color: $light_fill_color; + } + + &:insensitive > StIcon { + background-color: $light_fill_color; + color: $light_alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:hover > StIcon { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active > StIcon { + background-color: $light_track_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_osd.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_osd.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..254ecb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_osd.scss @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +.osd-window { + spacing: $base_padding * 2; // 12px + padding: $base_padding * 2 $base_padding * 3; + & > * { spacing: 8px; } + margin-bottom: 4em; + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2; } // 32px + + StLabel { + &:ltr { margin-right: 6px; } + &:rtl { margin-left: 6px; } + } + + .level { + margin-bottom: 4px; + &:first-child { margin-bottom: 0px; } + min-width: $base_icon_size * 10; + + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_padding; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_padding; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_popovers.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_popovers.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2667c47 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_popovers.scss @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + +.popup-menu-item { + &:ltr { padding-right: $base_padding * 2; padding-left: $base_padding * 2; } + &:rtl { padding-left: $base_padding * 2; padding-right: $base_padding * 2; } +} + +// separator +.popup-separator-menu-item { + border: none !important; + + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_padding; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_padding; } + + .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + height: 1px; //not really the whole box + background-color: $borders_color; + } + + .popup-menu-ornament { + width: 0 !important; + } + + // separators in submenus + .popup-sub-menu & { + background-color: transparent; + + // account for ornament + &:ltr { margin-right: 2.5em; } + &:rtl { margin-left: 2.5em; } + + .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + background-color: $menu_bd; + } + } +} + +// system status popover menu +.aggregate-menu { + // this is unneeded at the top-level in this menu, hide it + .popup-menu-ornament, .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-ornament { width: 0 !important; } + + .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item > :first-child { + &:ltr { margin-left: 10px; } + &:rtl { margin-right: 10px; } + } +} + +// right-click (and panel) app menu { + max-width: 27.25em; + + // this is unneeded at the top-level in this menu, hide it + .popup-menu-ornament { width: 0 !important; } + + .popup-inactive-menu-item:first-child { + // "Open Windows" label + > StLabel { + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_margin * 2; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_margin * 2; } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_quick-settings.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_quick-settings.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a9bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_quick-settings.scss @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +.quick-settings { + padding: $base_padding * 3; + border-radius: $modal_radius * 2; + margin-top: $base_padding * 2 !important; + + .icon-button, .button { + padding: $container_padding; + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } + } +} + +.quick-settings-grid { + spacing-rows: 12px; + spacing-columns: 12px; +} + +.quick-toggle { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-width: 12em; + max-width: 12em; + min-height: 40px; + border: none; + background-color: $fill_color !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $visit_color !important; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: $primary_color !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 6%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 15%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + } + + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: $base_padding; + padding: 0 $base_padding * 2; + } + + /* Move padding into the box; this is to allow menu arrows + to extend to the border */ + &.button { padding: 0; } + + &:ltr > StBoxLayout { padding-left: $base_padding * 2.5; } + &:rtl > StBoxLayout { padding-right: $base_padding * 2.5; } + + .quick-toggle-label { font-weight: bold; } + .quick-toggle-icon, .quick-toggle-arrow { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } +} + +.quick-menu-toggle { + &:ltr > StBoxLayout { padding-right: 0; } + &:rtl > StBoxLayout { padding-left: 0; } + + .quick-toggle-arrow { + background-color: $fill_color !important; + padding: 0 $base_padding * 2.5; + + &:active { + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + &:ltr { border-radius: 0 $circular_radius $circular_radius 0; } + &:rtl { border-radius: $circular_radius 0 0 $circular_radius; } + } +} + +.quick-slider { + padding: 0 $base_padding; + + & > StBoxLayout { spacing: $base_padding; } + + .slider-bin { + &:focus { @include button(focus); } + min-height: 16px; // slider size + padding: $base_padding; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + .quick-toggle-icon, .quick-toggle-arrow { + icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; + } + + .icon-button { + background-color: transparent; + color: $text_color !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $fill_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $divider_color; + } + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } + } +} + +.quick-toggle-menu { + background-color: $menu_bg !important; + color: $text_color !important; + border-radius: $base_border_radius * 3; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + margin: $base_padding * 2 $base_padding * 6 0; + + .popup-menu-item { + border-radius: $circular_radius !important; + min-height: 20px; + + &:focus, &:hover, &.selected { + color: $text_color !important; + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + > StIcon { -st-icon-style: symbolic; } + } + + & .header { + spacing-rows: 0.5 * $container_padding; + spacing-columns: $container_padding * 2; + padding-bottom: 2 * $container_padding; + + & .icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 1.5; // a non-standard symbolic size but ok + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: 1.5 * $container_padding; + background-color: $divider_color !important; + + &.active { + background-color: $primary_color !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + } + + & .title { + @include font(title); + } + + & .subtitle { + @include font(body-1); + } + } +} + +.quick-settings-system-item { + & > StBoxLayout { spacing: 2 * $base_padding; } + + .icon-button { + background-color: $fill_color; + color: $text_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-height: $menuitem_size !important; + min-width: $menuitem_size !important; + // padding: $container_padding; + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + + > StIcon { + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + icon-size: $base_icon_size; + } + } + + .power-item { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; + + &:insensitive { + @include button(normal); + background-color: transparent; + } + } +} + +.nm-network-item { + .wireless-secure-icon { icon-size: 0.5 * $base_icon_size; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_screenshot.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_screenshot.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15e3821 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-42-0/_screenshot.scss @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +// Screenshot UI +.icon-label-button-container { + spacing: $base_padding; + @include font(caption); + + StIcon { icon-size: 32px; } +} + +$screenshot_ui_panel_padding: $base_padding * 3; +$screenshot_ui_shot_cast_margin: $base_padding * 3; +$screenshot_ui_panel_border_radius: $base_padding * 7; +$screenshot_ui_shot_cast_spacing: $base_padding / 2; + +$screenshot_ui_button_red: $error_color; + +.screenshot-ui-panel { + border-radius: $screenshot_ui_panel_border_radius; + padding: $screenshot_ui_panel_padding; + // Reduce the bottom padding a little to accommodate the large capture button. + margin-bottom: 4em; + spacing: $container_padding * 2; + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.75); + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.25); +} + +.screenshot-ui-close-button { + @extend .window-close; // copy window close button + padding: $base_padding !important; // but with more padding + + &.left { margin-left: $container_padding; } + &.right { margin-right: $container_padding; } +} + +.screenshot-ui-type-button { + @extend %osd_button; + min-width: 48px; + padding: $base_padding * 3 $base_padding * 4 !important; + border-radius: $screenshot_ui_panel_border_radius - $screenshot_ui_panel_padding; +} + +.screenshot-ui-capture-button { + width: 36px; + height: 36px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border: 4px white; + padding: $base_padding; + + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: white; + transition-duration: 200ms; + + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: $divider_color; } + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + &:hover, &:focus { + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: darken(white, 15%); + } + } + + &:active { + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: darken(white, 50%); + } + } + + &:cast { + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: $screenshot_ui_button_red; + } + + &:hover, &:focus { + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: lighten($screenshot_ui_button_red, 5%); + } + } + + &:active { + .screenshot-ui-capture-button-circle { + background-color: darken($screenshot_ui_button_red, 7%); + } + } + } +} + +.screenshot-ui-shot-cast-container { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.06); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $screenshot_ui_shot_cast_spacing; + spacing: $screenshot_ui_shot_cast_spacing; + + &:ltr { margin-left: $screenshot_ui_shot_cast_margin - $screenshot_ui_panel_padding; } + &:rtl { margin-right: $screenshot_ui_shot_cast_margin - $screenshot_ui_panel_padding; } +} + +.screenshot-ui-shot-cast-button { + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: $bt_radius - $screenshot_ui_shot_cast_spacing; + + &:hover, &:focus { background-color: rgba(white, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); } + &:checked { background-color: white; color: black; } + + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } +} + +.screenshot-ui-show-pointer-button { + @extend %osd_button; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $container_padding * 2.5 !important; + + StIcon { icon-size: 16px; } +} + +.screenshot-ui-area-indicator-shade { + background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3); +} + +.screenshot-ui-area-selector { + .screenshot-ui-area-indicator-shade { + background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); + } + + .screenshot-ui-area-indicator-selection { + border: 2px white; + } +} + +.screenshot-ui-area-selector-handle { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: white; + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); + width: 24px; + height: 24px; +} + +.screenshot-ui-window-selector { + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + + .screenshot-ui-window-selector-window-container { + margin: 100px; + } + + &:primary-monitor { + .screenshot-ui-window-selector-window-container { + // Make some room for the panel. + margin-bottom: 200px; + } + } +} + +.screenshot-ui-window-selector-window-border { + transition-duration: 200ms; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: 6px transparent; +} + +.screenshot-ui-window-selector-check { + transition-duration: 200ms; + color: transparent; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border-width: 12px; + icon-size: 24px; +} + +.screenshot-ui-window-selector-window { + &:hover { + .screenshot-ui-window-selector-window-border { + border-color: darken($primary_color, 15%); + } + } + &:checked { + .screenshot-ui-window-selector-window-border { + border-color: $primary_color; + background-color: transparentize($primary_color, 0.8); + } + + .screenshot-ui-window-selector-check { + color: white; + background-color: $primary_color; + } + } +} + +.screenshot-ui-screen-selector { + transition-duration: 200ms; + background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); + + &:hover { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.3);} + &:active { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.7);} + &:checked { + background-color: transparent; + border: 2px white; + } +} + +.screenshot-ui-tooltip { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2; + text-align: center; + -y-offset: 24px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e611250 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + +// app icons +.icon-grid { + row-spacing: 12px; + column-spacing: 12px; + max-row-spacing: 42px; + max-column-spacing: 42px; + page-padding-top: 24px; + page-padding-bottom: 24px; + page-padding-left: 18px; + page-padding-right: 18px; +} + { + .page-navigation-hint { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 60px, 80px); + } + + .page-navigation-arrow { + margin: 18px; + } +} + +.apps-scroll-view { + padding: 0; +} + { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 220px, 300px); + + &.dnd { + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + } + + &.next:ltr, + &.previous:rtl { + background-gradient-start: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-end: transparent; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: $modal_radius 0px 0px $modal_radius; + } + + &.previous:ltr, + &.next:rtl { + background-gradient-start: transparent; + background-gradient-end: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: 0px $modal_radius $modal_radius 0px; + } +} + { + margin: $base_padding; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + + &:insensitive { + background-color: $light_fill_color; + color: $light_alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:hover { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $light_track_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_quick-settings.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_quick-settings.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7612154 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-44-0/_quick-settings.scss @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +.quick-settings { + padding: $base_padding * 3; + border-radius: $modal_radius * 2.25; + margin-top: $base_padding * 2 !important; + + .icon-button, .button { + padding: $base_padding * 1.75; + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } + } +} + +.quick-settings-grid { + spacing-rows: 12px; + spacing-columns: 12px; +} + +.quick-toggle, .quick-menu-toggle { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-width: 13em; + max-width: 13em; + min-height: 42px; + border:none; +} + +.quick-toggle { + background-color: $fill_color !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $visit_color !important; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: $primary_color !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 6%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 15%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + } + + & > StBoxLayout { spacing: $base_padding * 2; } + + /* Move padding into the box; this is to allow menu arrows + to extend to the border */ + &.button { padding: 0; } + & > StBoxLayout { padding: 0 $base_padding * 2.5; } + &:ltr > StBoxLayout { padding-left: $base_padding * 3; } + &:rtl > StBoxLayout { padding-right: $base_padding * 3; } + + .quick-toggle-title { font-weight: bold; } + + & StBoxLayout > .quick-toggle-subtitle { + font-weight: normal; + font-size: 12px; + } + + .quick-toggle-icon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } +} + +.quick-menu-toggle { + & .quick-toggle { + min-width: auto; + max-width: auto; + + &:ltr { border-radius: $circular_radius 0 0 $circular_radius; } + &:ltr > StBoxLayout { padding-right: $base_padding * 2; } + &:rtl { border-radius: 0 $circular_radius $circular_radius 0; } + &:rtr > StBoxLayout { padding-left: $base_padding * 2; } + + &:ltr:last-child { border-radius: $circular_radius; } + &:rtl:last-child { border-radius: $circular_radius; } + } + + & .quick-toggle-arrow { + padding: $base_padding $base_padding * 2.5; + border: none; + background-color: $fill_color !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $visit_color !important; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: $primary_color !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 6%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: mix($text_color, $primary_color, 15%) !important; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + } + + &:ltr { + border-radius: 0 $circular_radius $circular_radius 0; + border-left-width: 0; + } + + &:rtl { + border-radius: $circular_radius 0 0 $circular_radius; + border-right-width: 0; + } + } +} + +.quick-slider { + & > StBoxLayout { spacing: $base_padding; } + + .icon-button { padding: $scaled_padding * 1.5; } + + .slider-bin { + &:focus { @include button(focus); } + min-height: 16px; // slider size + padding: $base_padding; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } +} + +.quick-toggle-menu { + background-color: $menu_bg !important; + color: $text_color !important; + border-radius: $base_border_radius * 3; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + margin: $base_padding * 2 $base_padding * 6 0; + + .popup-menu-item { + border-radius: $circular_radius !important; + min-height: 20px; + + &:focus, &:hover, &.selected { + color: $text_color !important; + background-color: $divider_color !important; + } + + > StIcon { -st-icon-style: symbolic; } + } + + & .header { + spacing-rows: 0.5 * $base_padding; + spacing-columns: $base_padding * 2; + padding-bottom: 2 * $base_padding; + + & .icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 1.5; // a non-standard symbolic size but ok + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: 1.5 * $base_padding; + background-color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.8); + + &.active { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + + & .title { + @extend %title_3; + } + + & .subtitle { + @extend %caption_heading; + } + } +} + +.quick-settings-system-item { + & > StBoxLayout { spacing: 2 * $base_padding; } + + .icon-button { + background-color: $fill_color; + color: $text_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-height: $menuitem_size !important; + min-width: $menuitem_size !important; + // padding: $container_padding; + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + + > StIcon { + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + icon-size: $base_icon_size; + } + } + + & .power-item { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; + + &:insensitive { + @include button(normal); + background-color: transparent; + } + } +} + +.nm-network-item { + .wireless-secure-icon { icon-size: 0.5 * $base_icon_size; } +} + { + .popup-menu-icon { -st-icon-style: symbolic; } +} + { + @extend %title_4; + text-align: center; + + padding: 2em 4em; +} + +.device-subtitle { color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.5); } + +// background apps + +.background-apps-quick-toggle { + min-height: 40px; + background-color: transparent; + + & StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size !important; } +} + +.background-app-item { + & .title { @extend %heading; } + & .subtitle { @extend %caption; } + & .popup-menu-icon { + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 2 !important; + -st-icon-style: regular !important; + } + & .close-button { + @extend .icon-button; + padding: $base_padding; + } + + &.popup-inactive-menu-item { color: $fg_color; } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_app-grid.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_app-grid.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f29db4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_app-grid.scss @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/* App Grid */ + +$app_icon_size: 96px; +$app_folder_size: 720px; + +// app icons +.icon-grid { + row-spacing: 12px; + column-spacing: 12px; + max-row-spacing: 36px; + max-column-spacing: 36px; + page-padding-top: 24px; + page-padding-bottom: 24px; + page-padding-left: 18px; + page-padding-right: 18px; +} + +/* App Icons */ + +// items in the app grid and dash +.overview-tile { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + + &:focus { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:hover { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:active { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: $light_track_color; } + &:highlighted,&:selected, + &:checked { color: $light_fg_color; background-color: $light_track_color; } + &:insensitive { color: $light_alt_disabled_fg_color; background-color: transparent; } + + // override the %tile style + border-radius: $wm_radius * 1.5; + padding: 12px; + spacing: $base_padding; + text-align: center; + transition-duration: 100ms; + + // the icon itself + .overview-icon { + // item with a label + &.overview-icon-with-label { + > StBoxLayout { + spacing: 6px; + } + } + } +} + +// Running app indicator (also shown in dash) { + width: 5px; + height: 5px; + border-radius: 5px; + background-color: $light_alt_fg_color; + margin-bottom: 6px; + + StWidget.focused & { + background-color: $primary_color; + } +} + { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + + &:focus { background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:hover { background-color: rgba(white, 0.2); } + &:active { background-color: rgba(white, 0.3); } + &:highlighted,&:selected, + &:checked { background-color: rgba(white, 0.3); } + &:insensitive { background-color: transparent; } +} + { + // pad the top with panel height so the folder doesn't overlap the panel on smaller resolutions + padding-top: $menuitem_size; +} + +// Expanded app folder dialog { + width: $app_folder_size; + height: $app_folder_size; + + & .page-indicators { + margin-bottom: $base_padding * 4; + } + + & .icon-button, & .page-navigation-arrow { + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + border: none !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $light_track_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + } +} + +.apps-scroll-view { + padding: 0; +} + +// shutdown and other actions in the grid +.system-action-icon { + background-color: $light_fill_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + icon-size: $app_icon_size * 0.5; +} + { + width: if($laptop == 'true', 220px, 300px); + + &.dnd { + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + } + + &.next:ltr, + &.previous:rtl { + background-gradient-start: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-end: transparent; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: $modal_radius 0px 0px $modal_radius; + } + + &.previous:ltr, + &.next:rtl { + background-gradient-start: transparent; + background-gradient-end: $light_divider_color; + background-gradient-direction: horizontal; + border-radius: 0px $modal_radius $modal_radius 0px; + } +} + { + margin: $base_padding; + padding: $base_padding * 3; + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $light_alt_fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + + > StIcon { color: $light_fg_color; } + + &:insensitive { + background-color: $light_fill_color; + color: $light_alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:hover { + background-color: $light_divider_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $light_track_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_dash.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_dash.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a04fc58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_dash.scss @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/* Dash */ +$dash_background_color: rgba(white, 0.15); + +$dash_placeholder_size: 32px; +$dash_padding: $base_padding * 2; +$dash_edge_offset: $base_margin * 3; +$dash_border_radius: 20px + $dash_padding; +$dash_spacing: $base_margin * 0.5; + +// container for the dash +#dash { + margin-top: $dash_edge_offset; + + // background behind item container + .dash-background { + background-color: $dash_background_color; + border-radius: $dash_border_radius; + padding-top: $dash_padding; + padding-bottom: $dash_padding; + padding-left: $dash_padding - $dash_spacing; // subtract the margins added to .overview-tile below + padding-right: $dash_padding - $dash_spacing; + } + + // items on the dash + .dash-item-container { + + .placeholder { + // background-image: url("resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/dash-placeholder.svg"); + background-image: none; + background-size: contain; + height: $dash_placeholder_size; + } + + .empty-dash-drop-target { + width: $dash_placeholder_size; + height: $dash_placeholder_size; + } + + // IMPORTANT: items on the dash need to extend to the edge to be adequate click targets + // as such the %tile style is overriden and button styles are applied to the child class .overview-icon + .show-apps, + .overview-tile { + // remove styles + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + margin: 0 $dash_spacing; + padding-bottom: $dash_edge_offset; // align with other items + + .overview-icon { + border-radius: 20px; + padding: $base_padding; + spacing: $base_padding; + text-align: center; + transition-duration: 100ms; + background: none; + } + + &:focus .overview-icon { background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:hover .overview-icon { background-color: $light_divider_color; } + &:active .overview-icon { background-color: $light_track_color; } + &:highlighted .overview-icon,&:selected .overview-icon, + &:checked .overview-icon { background-color: $light_track_color; } + &:insensitive .overview-icon { background-color: transparent; } + } + + // running app dot + .app-grid-running-dot { + // manually position the dot within the dash item + margin-bottom: $dash_padding + $dash_edge_offset - 3px; // 3px = size of dot (5px) subtracted from its translationY from appDisplay.js + } + } + + // separator between pinned and running apps + .dash-separator { + width: 1px; + margin-left:$base_margin; + margin-right:$base_margin; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); + } + + // make sure all dash components have same margin from screen edge + .dash-separator, + .dash-background { + margin-bottom: $dash_edge_offset; + } +} + +// OSD Tooltip +.dash-label { + -y-offset: $base_margin * 2; // distance from the dash edge +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_message-list.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_message-list.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..510d569 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_message-list.scss @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +/* Message List */ +// a.k.a. notifications in the menu + +.message-list { + width: 29em; + padding: 0 $base_margin; + text-shadow: none; + border: none; + + // padding and margins to account for scrollbar + &:ltr { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + padding-right: 0; + border-right-width: 0; + } + + &:rtl { + margin-right: 0; + margin-left: 0; + padding-left: 0; + border-left-width: 0; + } + + .message-list-placeholder { + @extend %title_2; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + // icon size and color + > StIcon { + icon-size: 96px; // 48px + margin-bottom: $base_margin * 3; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + } + } +} + +.message-list-sections { + spacing: $base_padding * 2; + + // to account for scrollbar + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_margin * 3; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_margin * 3; } +} + +.message-list-section, +.message-list-section-list { + spacing: $base_padding * 2; +} + +// do-not-disturb + clear button +.message-list-controls { + // NOTE: remove the padding if notification_bubble could remove margin for drop shadow + padding: $base_padding * 2; + padding-bottom: $base_padding; + spacing: $base_padding; + @extend %heading; + + .dnd-button { + // We need this because the focus outline isn't inset like for the buttons + // so the dnd button would grow when it gets focus if we didn't change only + // its color when focusing. + border-width: 2px; + border-color: transparent; + border-radius: 32px; + border-style: solid; + + &:focus { + border-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.4); + } + } +} + +$card_bg: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.95), rgba(lighten($base_color, 8%), 0.95)); + +%card { + border-radius: $base_border_radius; + padding: $scaled_padding; + margin: $base_margin; + background-color: $card_bg; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.02); + // bit of a hack here with border since we can't have double box-shadow + color: $alt_fg_color; + + &:hover, &:focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($card_bg, 1), rgba(lighten($card_bg, 5%), 1)); + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(black, 0.05) !important; + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($card_bg, 1%), lighten($card_bg, 3%)); + box-shadow: none !important; + } + + &:insensitive { + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + background-color: rgba($card_bg, 0.5); + box-shadow: none !important; + } +} + +// message bubbles +.message { + @extend %card; + border: 1px solid transparent; + border-left: none; + + // subtract side padding to accommodate the close button's border + &:ltr { padding-right:-2px; } + &:rtl { padding-left:-2px; } + + // message header + .message-header { + padding: 0 $scaled_padding; + margin: $base_padding; + margin-bottom: 0; + spacing: $base_padding; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + // header source icon + .message-source-icon { + icon-size: $scalable_icon_size; // 16px + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + } + + // box that contains the source icon, source name and timestamp of the message + .message-header-content { + spacing: $base_padding; + min-height: to_em(24px); + padding-bottom: $base_padding; + + // header source title + .message-source-title { + font-weight: bold; + } + + // Time label + .event-time { + @extend %caption; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + // Add bottom padding to align the app name with the time horizontally + padding-bottom: to_em(1px); + + &:ltr { text-align: right; } + &:rtl { text-align: left; } + } + } + + // buttons in the message header + .message-expand-button, + .message-close-button { + @extend .icon-button; + color: $fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($fg_color, .9); + padding: 4px; + border: none; + &:hover { background-color: transparentize($fg_color, .81); } + &:active, + &:active:hover { background-color: transparentize($fg_color, .76); } + &:insensitive { background-color: transparentize($fg_color, .93); } + } + + .message-expand-button { + padding: 4px; + &:ltr { margin-right: $base_padding; } + &:rtl { margin-left: $base_padding; } + } + } + + // container for message contents + .message-box { + padding: $base_padding; + margin: $base_padding; + margin-top: 0; + spacing: $base_padding; + + // icon of the message + .message-icon { + &:ltr { margin-right:$base_padding; } + &:rtl { margin-left:$base_padding; } + + // icon size and color + icon-size: $base_icon_size * 3; // 48px + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + + &.message-themed-icon { + border-radius: $circular_radius; // is circular + background-color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.8); + icon-size: $base_icon_size; + min-width: $base_icon_size * 3; + min-height: $base_icon_size * 3; + } + } + + // If the header isn't displayed we need more top margin + &:first-child { + margin-top: $base_padding * 2; + } + + // text of the message + .message-content { + spacing: $base_margin; + + // message title + .message-title { + font-weight: bold; + } + } + } + + .message-secondary-bin { + padding: 0 $base_margin * 2; + + > .event-time { + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-size: 1em; + /* HACK: the label should be baseline-aligned with a 1em label, fake this with some bottom padding */ + padding-bottom: 0.13em; + + &:ltr { text-align: right; } + &:rtl { text-align: left; } + } + } +} + +// URLs in messages +.url-highlighter { + link-color: $link_color; +} + +.message-media-control { + margin: 7px 4px !important; + padding: 8px !important; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + color: $alt_fg_color; + &:hover, &:focus { color: $fg_color; background-color: $divider_color; } + &:active { color: $fg_color; background-color: $track_color; } + &:insensitive { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + StIcon { icon-size: $base_icon_size; } +} + { + // album-art + .message-icon { + border-radius: $bt_radius !important; + + &.message-themed-icon { + icon-size: $large_icon_size !important; // 32px + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_notifications.scss b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_notifications.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82c06a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gnome-shell/widgets-46-0/_notifications.scss @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* Notifications & Message Tray */ + +$notification_banner_height: 64px; +$notification_banner_width: 34em; + +// Banner notifications +.notification-banner { + min-height: $notification_banner_height; + width: $notification_banner_width; + box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: $wm_radius; + margin: $base_padding; + padding: $scaled_padding; + border-left: 0; + border-bottom: 0; +} + +.notification-buttons-bin { + spacing: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +.notification-button { + min-height: 40px; + padding: 0 16px; + background-color: $fill_color; + color: $alt_fg_color; + font-weight: 500; + border: none; + margin-right: $scaled_padding !important; + + &:focus { + background-color: $base_color; + color: $fg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $divider_color !important; + } + + &:hover { + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $fg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $track_color; + color: $fg_color; + } + + &:insensitive { + background-color: transparent; + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:first-child:ltr { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child:ltr { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin-right: $scaled_padding !important; + } + + &:first-child:rtl { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child:rtl { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin-left: 0 !important; + } + + &:first-child:last-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin-left: 0 !important; + margin-right: $scaled_padding !important; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_apps-3.0.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_apps-3.0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b82fcd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_apps-3.0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +%panel_button { + color: $panel_fg; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + } + + &:checked { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.25); + label, image { color: inherit; } + } + + &:active { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.3); + } +} + +@import 'apps/gnome-3.22'; +@import 'apps/misc'; +@import 'apps/mate'; +@import 'apps/budgie'; +@import 'apps/xfce'; +@import 'apps/nemo'; +@import 'apps/elementary'; +@import 'apps/lightdm'; +@import 'apps/granite'; +@import 'apps/unity'; diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_apps-4.0.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_apps-4.0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d22513 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_apps-4.0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +@import 'apps/gnome-40.0'; +@import 'apps/libadwaita'; diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_colors-libadwaita.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_colors-libadwaita.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa0c8a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_colors-libadwaita.scss @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +$blue_1: #99c1f1; +$blue_2: #62a0ea; +$blue_3: #3584e4; +$blue_4: #1c71d8; +$blue_5: #1a5fb4; +$green_1: #8ff0a4; +$green_2: #57e389; +$green_3: #33d17a; +$green_4: #2ec27e; +$green_5: #26a269; +$yellow_1: #f9f06b; +$yellow_2: #f8e45c; +$yellow_3: #f6d32d; +$yellow_4: #f5c211; +$yellow_5: #e5a50a; +$orange_1: #ffbe6f; +$orange_2: #ffa348; +$orange_3: #ff7800; +$orange_4: #e66100; +$orange_5: #c64600; +$red_1: #f66151; +$red_2: #ed333b; +$red_3: #e01b24; +$red_4: #c01c28; +$red_5: #a51d2d; +$purple_1: #dc8add; +$purple_2: #c061cb; +$purple_3: #9141ac; +$purple_4: #813d9c; +$purple_5: #613583; +$brown_1: #cdab8f; +$brown_2: #b5835a; +$brown_3: #986a44; +$brown_4: #865e3c; +$brown_5: #63452c; +$light_1: #ffffff; +$light_2: #f6f5f4; +$light_3: #deddda; +$light_4: #c0bfbc; +$light_5: #9a9996; +$dark_1: #77767b; +$dark_2: #5e5c64; +$dark_3: #3d3846; +$dark_4: #241f31; +$dark_5: #000000; + +// Sass thinks we're using the colors in the variables as strings and may shoot +// warning, it's innocuous and can be defeated by using #{$var}. + +@define-color blue_1 #{$blue_1}; +@define-color blue_2 #{$blue_2}; +@define-color blue_3 #{$blue_3}; +@define-color blue_4 #{$blue_4}; +@define-color blue_5 #{$blue_5}; +@define-color green_1 #{$green_1}; +@define-color green_2 #{$green_2}; +@define-color green_3 #{$green_3}; +@define-color green_4 #{$green_4}; +@define-color green_5 #{$green_5}; +@define-color yellow_1 #{$yellow_1}; +@define-color yellow_2 #{$yellow_2}; +@define-color yellow_3 #{$yellow_3}; +@define-color yellow_4 #{$yellow_4}; +@define-color yellow_5 #{$yellow_5}; +@define-color orange_1 #{$orange_1}; +@define-color orange_2 #{$orange_2}; +@define-color orange_3 #{$orange_3}; +@define-color orange_4 #{$orange_4}; +@define-color orange_5 #{$orange_5}; +@define-color red_1 #{$red_1}; +@define-color red_2 #{$red_2}; +@define-color red_3 #{$red_3}; +@define-color red_4 #{$red_4}; +@define-color red_5 #{$red_5}; +@define-color purple_1 #{$purple_1}; +@define-color purple_2 #{$purple_2}; +@define-color purple_3 #{$purple_3}; +@define-color purple_4 #{$purple_4}; +@define-color purple_5 #{$purple_5}; +@define-color brown_1 #{$brown_1}; +@define-color brown_2 #{$brown_2}; +@define-color brown_3 #{$brown_3}; +@define-color brown_4 #{$brown_4}; +@define-color brown_5 #{$brown_5}; +@define-color light_1 #{$light_1}; +@define-color light_2 #{$light_2}; +@define-color light_3 #{$light_3}; +@define-color light_4 #{$light_4}; +@define-color light_5 #{$light_5}; +@define-color dark_1 #{$dark_1}; +@define-color dark_2 #{$dark_2}; +@define-color dark_3 #{$dark_3}; +@define-color dark_4 #{$dark_4}; +@define-color dark_5 #{$dark_5}; + +/* GTK NAMED COLORS + ---------------- + use responsibly! */ + +// Sass thinks we're using the colors in the variables as strings and may shoot +// warning, it's innocuous and can be defeated by using #{$var}. + +// These are the colors apps are can override. We define the defaults here and +// define variables for them in _colors.scss + +// The main accent color and the matching text value +@define-color accent_bg_color #{$primary_color}; +@define-color accent_fg_color #{$light_fg_color}; +@define-color accent_color #{$primary_color}; + +// destructive-action buttons +@define-color destructive_bg_color #{$destructive_color}; +@define-color destructive_fg_color #{$light_fg_color}; +@define-color destructive_color #{$destructive_color}; + +// Levelbars, entries, labels and infobars. These don't need text colors +@define-color success_bg_color #{$success_color}; +@define-color success_fg_color #{$light_fg_color}; +@define-color success_color #{$success_color}; + +@define-color warning_bg_color #{$warning_color}; +@define-color warning_fg_color #{$light_fg_color}; +@define-color warning_color #{$warning_color}; + +@define-color error_bg_color #{$error_color}; +@define-color error_fg_color #{$light_fg_color}; +@define-color error_color #{$error_color}; + +// Window +@define-color window_bg_color #{$bg_color}; +@define-color window_fg_color #{$text_color}; + +// Views - e.g. text view or tree view +@define-color view_bg_color #{$base_color}; +@define-color view_fg_color #{$text_color}; + +// Header bar, search bar, tab bar +@define-color headerbar_bg_color #{$header_bg}; +@define-color headerbar_fg_color #{$header_fg}; +@define-color headerbar_border_color #{$borders_color}; +@define-color headerbar_backdrop_color #{$header_bg_backdrop}; +@define-color headerbar_shade_color #{$header_border}; + +// Cards, boxed lists +@define-color card_bg_color #{$base_color}; +@define-color card_fg_color #{$text_color}; +@define-color card_shade_color #{$borders_color}; + +// Dialogs +@define-color dialog_bg_color #{$dialog_bg_color}; +@define-color dialog_fg_color #{$text_color}; + +// Popovers +@define-color popover_bg_color #{$menu_bg}; +@define-color popover_fg_color #{$text_color}; + +// Miscellaneous +@define-color shade_color #{$borders_color}; +@define-color scrollbar_outline_color #{$borders_color}; diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_colors-public.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_colors-public.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ea9a31 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_colors-public.scss @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +//apps rely on some named colors to be exported + +// Sass thinks we're using the colors in the variables as strings and may shoot +// warning, it's innocuous and can be defeated by using "" + $var + +$theme_text: currentColor; + +@define-color theme_fg_color #{"" + $fg_color}; +@define-color theme_text_color #{"" + $theme_text}; +@define-color theme_bg_color #{"" + $bg_color}; +@define-color theme_base_color #{"" + $base_color}; +@define-color theme_selected_bg_color #{"" + $selected_bg_color}; +@define-color theme_selected_fg_color #{"" + $selected_fg_color}; +@define-color fg_color #{"" + $fg_color}; +@define-color text_color #{"" + $theme_text}; +@define-color bg_color #{"" + $bg_color}; +@define-color base_color #{"" + $base_color}; +@define-color selected_bg_color #{"" + $selected_bg_color}; +@define-color selected_fg_color #{"" + $selected_fg_color}; +@define-color insensitive_bg_color #{"" + mix($bg_color, $base_color, 60%)}; +@define-color insensitive_fg_color #{"" + $disabled_fg_color}; +@define-color insensitive_base_color #{"" + $base_color}; +@define-color theme_unfocused_fg_color #{"" + $fg_color}; +@define-color theme_unfocused_text_color #{"" + $theme_text}; +@define-color theme_unfocused_bg_color #{"" + $bg_color}; +@define-color theme_unfocused_base_color #{"" + $base_color}; +@define-color unfocused_insensitive_color #{"" + mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 35%)}; +@define-color borders #{"" + $borders_color}; +@define-color unfocused_borders #{"" + $borders_color}; + +@define-color warning_color #{"" + $warning_color}; +@define-color error_color #{"" + $error_color}; +@define-color success_color #{"" + $success_color}; +@define-color placeholder_text_color #{#A8A8A8}; +@define-color link_color #{"" + $link_color}; +@define-color content_view_bg #{"" + $base_color}; + +/* Very contrasty background for text views (@theme_text_color foreground) */ +@define-color text_view_bg #{"" + if($variant == 'light', $base_color, darken($base_color, 6%))}; + +//WM + +$wm_borders_focused: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), darken($header_bg, 20%)); +$wm_borders_unfocused: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 10%), darken($header_bg, 15%)); + +@define-color wm_title alpha(#{"" + opacify($header_fg, 1)}, 0.8); +@define-color wm_unfocused_title alpha(#{"" + opacify($header_fg, 1)}, 0.5); + +@define-color wm_bg #{"" + opacify($header_bg, 1)}; +@define-color wm_bg_unfocused #{"" + opacify($header_bg_backdrop, 1)}; + +@define-color wm_border_focused #{"" + $wm_borders_focused}; +@define-color wm_border_unfocused #{"" + $wm_borders_unfocused}; + +@define-color wm_highlight alpha(#{white}, 0.12); +@define-color wm_shadow alpha(#{black}, 0.75); + +//WM Buttons + +// Close +@define-color wm_button_close_bg #{"" + $wm_button_close_bg}; +@define-color wm_button_close_hover_bg #{"" + $wm_button_close_hover_bg}; +@define-color wm_button_close_active_bg #{"" + $wm_button_close_active_bg}; + +@define-color wm_icon_close_bg #{"" + $wm_icon_close_bg}; + +// Minimize, Maximize +@define-color wm_button_hover_bg #{"" + $bg_color}; +@define-color wm_button_active_bg #{"" + $bg_color}; + +@define-color wm_button_hover_border #{"" + $solid_borders_color}; + +@define-color wm_icon_bg #{"" + $alt_fg_color}; +@define-color wm_icon_unfocused_bg #{"" + $alt_disabled_fg_color}; +@define-color wm_icon_hover_bg #{"" + $fg_color}; +@define-color wm_icon_active_bg #{"" + $fg_color}; + +// Titlebar +@define-color titlebar_gradient_a #{"" + $header_bg}; +@define-color titlebar_gradient_b #{"" + $header_bg}; + +// +// Budgie-desktop specific indicator colours +// + +// unfocused window 'dot(s)' +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color #{"" + $fg_color}; +// focused window 'line' +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color_active #{"" + $selected_bg_color}; +// group-ed and unfocused window 'line(s)' +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color_active_window #{"" + mix($selected_bg_color, opacify($header_bg, 1), 35%)}; +// attention 'dot' +// FIXME: we can't fill whole widget backgrounds with our suggestion colour +// because of lacking specific style-class on 'needs_attention' state, +// so use warning orange dot instead. +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color_attention #{"" + $warning_color}; + +// +// Color Palette Definitions for compatibility with Granite. +// + +//* Strawberry * +@define-color STRAWBERRY_100 #{#FF9262}; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_300 #{#FF793E}; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_500 #{#F15D22}; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_700 #{#CF3B00}; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_900 #{#AC1800}; +//* Orange * +@define-color ORANGE_100 #{#FFDB91}; +@define-color ORANGE_300 #{#FFCA40}; +@define-color ORANGE_500 #{#FAA41A}; +@define-color ORANGE_700 #{#DE8800}; +@define-color ORANGE_900 #{#C26C00}; +//* Banana * +@define-color BANANA_100 #{#FFFFA8}; +@define-color BANANA_300 #{#FFFA7D}; +@define-color BANANA_500 #{#FFCE51}; +@define-color BANANA_700 #{#D1A023}; +@define-color BANANA_900 #{#A27100}; +//* Lime * +@define-color LIME_100 #{#A2F3BE}; +@define-color LIME_300 #{#8ADBA6}; +@define-color LIME_500 #{#73C48F}; +@define-color LIME_700 #{#479863}; +@define-color LIME_900 #{#1C6D38}; +//* Blueberry * +@define-color BLUEBERRY_100 #{#94A6FF}; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_300 #{#6A7CE0}; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_500 #{#3F51B5}; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_700 #{#213397}; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_900 #{#031579}; +//* Grape * +@define-color GRAPE_100 #{#D25DE6}; +@define-color GRAPE_300 #{#B84ACB}; +@define-color GRAPE_500 #{#9C27B0}; +@define-color GRAPE_700 #{#830E97}; +@define-color GRAPE_900 #{#6A007E}; +//* Cocoa * +@define-color COCOA_100 #{#9F9792}; +@define-color COCOA_300 #{#7B736E}; +@define-color COCOA_500 #{#574F4A}; +@define-color COCOA_700 #{#463E39}; +@define-color COCOA_900 #{#342C27}; +//* Silver * +@define-color SILVER_100 #{#EEE}; +@define-color SILVER_300 #{#CCC}; +@define-color SILVER_500 #{#AAA}; +@define-color SILVER_700 #{#888}; +@define-color SILVER_900 #{#666}; +//* Slate * +@define-color SLATE_100 #{#888}; +@define-color SLATE_300 #{#666}; +@define-color SLATE_500 #{#444}; +@define-color SLATE_700 #{#222}; +@define-color SLATE_900 #{#111}; +//* Black * +@define-color BLACK_100 #{#474341}; +@define-color BLACK_300 #{#403C3A}; +@define-color BLACK_500 #{#393634}; +@define-color BLACK_700 #{#33302F}; +@define-color BLACK_900 #{#2B2928}; diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_common-3.0.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_common-3.0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e221411 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_common-3.0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4500 @@ +//This is the RIGHT PLACE to edit the stylesheet + +//let's start by telling people not to edit the generated CSS: +$cakeisalie: "This stylesheet is generated, DO NOT EDIT"; +/* #{$cakeisalie} */ + +* { // for all + background-clip: padding-box; + -GtkToolButton-icon-spacing: 4; + -GtkTextView-error-underline-color: $error_color; + + -GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0; + -GtkToolItemGroup-expander-size: 11; + + -GtkWidget-text-handle-width: 20; + -GtkWidget-text-handle-height: 20; + + -GtkDialog-button-spacing: 6; + -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 4; // This is necessary to align buttons and elements inside windows. + -GtkDialog-content-area-border: 4; + + // We use the outline properties to signal the focus properties + outline-color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.15); + outline-style: solid; + outline-offset: -4px; + outline-width: 0; + -gtk-outline-radius: $bt_radius; + -gtk-secondary-caret-color: $selected_bg_color; +} + +$side_style_shadow: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.02, 0.1)), transparent 6px); + +%side_style_left { + background-image: $side_style_shadow; + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + box-shadow: none; + border: none; +} + +%side_headerbar_left { + background-image: $side_style_shadow; + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + border: none; +} + +%side_headerbar_right { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba($base_color, 1); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; +} + +%side_searchbar { + > revealer > box { + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + background-image: $side_style_shadow; + } +} + +%side_separator { + &, &:backdrop { + background-image: if($variant == 'light', image($solid_borders_color), image($header_border)); + background-color: transparent; + border-right: none; + } +} + +$list_shadow: if($variant == 'light', + (inset 0 0 8px rgba(black, 0.01), inset 0 0 3px rgba(black, 0.01), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.04), inset 0 1px rgba(black, 0.05)), + (inset 0 0 8px rgba(white, 0.01), inset 0 0 3px rgba(white, 0.02), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.04), inset 0 1px rgba(white, 0.06))); + +%circular_list { + border-radius: $bd_radius; + box-shadow: $list_shadow; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(white, 0.05)); + border: none; + + @if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(#2e3440, 0.06), rgba(#4c566a, 0.25)); + } @else { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(white, 0.05)); + } + + > separator { background: none; min-height: 0; } +} + +%circular_row { + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bd_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + &:last-child { // Not use ? + border-bottom-left-radius: $bd_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + & + row { + border-top: 1px solid transparent; + border-image: linear-gradient(to right, + transparent 0%, + transparent 2%, + $menu_bd 2%, + $menu_bd 98%, + transparent 98%, + transparent 100%) 1 0 0 0 / 1px 0 0 0 stretch; + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:selected { + &, & + row { + border-image: none; + } + } +} + +%sidebar_row { + margin: 2px 4px; + border-radius: $bd_radius; + -gtk-outline-radius : $bd_radius - 2px; +} + +// catch all extend +%selected_items { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } +} + +%nobg_selected_items { + color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } +} + +%linked_middle { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; +} + +%linked { + @extend %linked_middle; + + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-right-style: solid; + } + + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-style: solid; + } +} + +%linked_vertical_middle { + border-radius: 0; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%linked_vertical{ + border-radius: 0; + border-bottom-style: none; + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + &:last-child { + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-style: solid; + } + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-style: solid; + } +} + +%undecorated_button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; +} + +// Buttons on selected backgrounds +%selected-button { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.8); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:disabled { + color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:disabled:active, &:disabled:checked { + color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + } +} + +%normal_selected_button { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + background-image: none; +} + +// +// Base States +// + +$background_radius_style: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; +$maximized_radius_style: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + +.background { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($bg_color, 1); + + &.csd { + border-radius: $background_radius_style; // Set csd windows botttom border radius + background-color: rgba($bg_color, 0.999); + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + border-radius: $maximized_radius_style; // Set csd windows botttom border radius + } + } + + &.solid-csd { border-radius: 0; } +} + +.popup.background { + background-color: transparent; // without this menus transparency doesn't work +} + +*:disabled { -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } + +.gtkstyle-fallback { + background-color: $bg_color; + color: $fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($bg_color, 10%); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &:active { + background-color: darken($bg_color, 10%); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &:disabled { + background-color: $disabled_bg_color; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:selected { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } +} + +// General Typography +.large-title { + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 24pt; +} + +.title { + &-1 { + font-weight: 800; + font-size: 20pt; + } + + &-2 { + font-weight: 800; + font-size: 15pt; + } + + &-3 { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 15pt; + } + + &-4 { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 13pt; + } +} + +.heading { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 11pt; +} + +.body { + font-weight: 400; + font-size: 11pt; +} + +.caption { + font-weight: 400; + font-size: 9pt; + + &-heading { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 9pt; + } +} + +%view, .view { + color: $text_color; + background-color: $base_color; + transition: all 200ms $ease-out-quad; + + &:hover { background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($base_color, 3%), lighten($base_color, 3%)); } + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + transition: all 350ms $ease-out-quad; + + &:focus { + @extend %selected_items; + } + } +} + +textview { + background-color: $base_color; // This will get overridden by .view, needed by gedit line numbers + + text { + background-color: $base_color; + // @extend %view; + selection { &:focus, & { @extend %selected_items; }} + } + + border { + background-color: mix($bg_color, $base_color, 50%); + } +} + +iconview { + @extend %view; + + &, &:hover, &:selected { border-radius: $bt_radius; } +} + +%rubberband, +rubberband, +.rubberband { + border: 1px solid darken($selected_bg_color, 10%); + background-color: transparentize(darken($selected_bg_color, 10%), 0.8); +} + +flowbox { + rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } + + flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:selected { + @extend %selected_items; + + outline-offset: -2px; + } + } + + &.search-bar { border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; } +} + +%dim-label, .dim-label { + opacity: 0.55; +} + +label { + &.separator { + @extend %dim-label; + + color: $fg_color; + } + + row:selected &, + &:selected { @extend %nobg_selected_items; } + + selection { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + selection { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } + } +} + +assistant { + // min-height: 38px; + .sidebar { + background-color: $base_color; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.csd .sidebar { border-top-style: none; } + + .sidebar label { padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; } + + .sidebar label.highlight { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } +} + +%osd, .osd { + color: $osd_fg_color; + border: none; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; +} + +// +// Spinner Animations +// +@keyframes spin { + to { -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); } +} + +spinner { + background: none; + opacity: 0; // non spinning spinner makes no sense + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('process-working-symbolic'); + + &:checked { + opacity: 1; + animation: spin 1s linear infinite; + + &:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; + } + } +} + +// +// Text Entries +// +%Linked_entrys { + @include entry(normal); + border: none; + + &:focus { + @include entry(focus); + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(insensitive); + } +} + +entry { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + border: none; + padding: 2px $container_padding + 2px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + caret-color: currentColor; + transition: all 300ms $ease-out-quad; + animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; + + &.search { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + + @include entry(normal); + + image { // icons inside the entry + color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 80%); + + &.left { padding-left: 0; padding-right: $container_padding; } + &.right { padding-right: 0; padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + @at-root %flat_entry, &.flat { + &, &:focus { + min-height: 0; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0; + } + } + + &:hover { + @include entry(hover); + } + + &:focus { + @include entry(focus); + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(insensitive); + } + + selection { &:focus, & { @extend %selected_items; }} + + // error and warning style + @each $e_type, $e_color, $e_fg_color in (warning, $warning_color, $light_fg_color), + (error, $error_color, $light_fg_color), + (search-missing, $error_color, $light_fg_color) { // for Gnome-Builder + &.#{$e_type}, &.#{$e_type}.search { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: mix($e_color, $base_color, 60%); + border-image: none; + + image { color: $e_fg_color; } + + &:focus { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: $e_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + selection, selection:focus { + background-color: $e_fg_color; + color: $e_color; + } + } + } + + &:drop(active) { + &:focus, & { + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: none; + border-image: none; + } + } + + .osd & { + @include entry(osd); + border-image: none; + &:focus { @include entry(osd-focus); border-image: none; } + &:disabled { @include entry(osd-insensitive); border-image: none; } + + selection { + &:focus, & { + color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + } + + progress { + margin: 0 -6px; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0 0 2px; + border-color: $progress_color; + border-style: solid; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + // linked entries + .linked:not(.vertical) > &, + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:focus { + @extend %linked; + min-height: 20px; + } + + .linked.vertical > &, + .linked.vertical > &:focus { + @extend %linked_vertical; + } + + .linked > &:not(:only-child) { + @extend %Linked_entrys; + } +} + +.entry-tag { + $tag_height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + $tag_margin: 8px; + + margin: $tag_margin; // instead of min-height: $tag_height; + border-radius: 50px; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $destructive_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + border: none; + + &:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $borders_color; } + + // side margins: compensate the entry padding with a negative margin + // then the negative margin itself + :dir(ltr) & { + margin-left: 8px; + margin-right: $tag_margin - 8px; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: ($tag_height - 16px) / 2; + } + + :dir(rtl) & { + margin-left: $tag_margin - 8px; + margin-right: 8px; + padding-left: ($tag_height - 16px) / 2; + padding-right: 8px; + } + + // seems any sizing doesn't work + &.button { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + + &:not(:hover):not(:active) { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } +} + +// +// Buttons +// +// stuff for .needs-attention +$_dot_color: $selected_bg_color; + +@keyframes needs_attention { + from { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, + center center, 0, + center center, 0.01, + to($_dot_color), + to(transparent)); + } + + to { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, + center center, 0, + center center, 0.5, + to($selected_bg_color), + to(transparent)); + } +} + +%needs_attention { + animation: needs_attention 150ms ease-in; + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, + center center, 0, + center center, 0.5, + to($_dot_color), + to(transparent)); + background-size: 6px 6px, 6px 6px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + @if $variant == 'light' { background-position: right 3px, right 4px; } + @else { background-position: right 3px, right 2px; } + + &:dir(rtl) { + @if $variant == 'light' { background-position: left 3px, left 4px; } + @else { background-position: left 3px, left 2px; } + } +} + +%flat_button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:checked { @include button(flat-checked); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } +} + +%circular_button { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + -gtk-outline-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: 0; + min-height: $menuitem_size; + min-width: $menuitem_size; +} + +button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 10px; + transition: $button_transition; + border: 1px solid; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + @include button(normal); + + separator { margin: 4px 1px; } + + &.flat { + @extend %flat_button; + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + transition: none; + + &:hover { + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 350ms; + + &:active { transition: $button_transition; } + } + + &.toggle.popup:not(.colored):not(.circular) { + min-width: $menuitem_size - 8px; + } + + &.toggle.popup.colored { + min-width: $menuitem_size - 4px; + } + } + + &:hover { + @include button(hover); + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(active); + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + transition-duration: 200ms; + + &:not(:disabled) label:disabled { color: inherit; opacity: 0.6; } + } + + &:disabled { + @include button(insensitive); + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(insensitive-active); + } + } + + &.image-button, &.popup { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding - 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding - 2px; + } + + &.text-button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + } + + &.text-button.image-button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + + label { + &:first-child { + padding-left: $container_padding + 2; + padding-right: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:last-child { + padding-right: $container_padding + 2; + padding-left: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:only-child { + padding-left: $container_padding + 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 2px; + } + } + + &.popup { padding-right: $container_padding; padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + &.close, + &.circular, + &.circular.image-button, + &.circular.flat, + &.image-button.close { // The Bloody Circul Button + @extend %circular_button; + + &:active, &:checked { + @if $variant=='light' { + @include button(flat-active); + border-color: rgba(black, 0.2); + } + } + } + + &:drop(active) { + color: $drop_target_color; + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + // big standalone buttons like in Documents pager + &.osd { + color: $osd_fg_color; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border-color: darken($osd_bg_color, 8%); + + &.image-button, &.round-button { + padding: 0; + min-height: 42px; + min-width: 42px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + &:hover { + color: $osd_fg_color; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $osd_button_bg; + } + + &:active, &:checked {@include button(osd-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(osd-insensitive); } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & { + border-radius: 0; + + &:first-child { border-radius: $circular_radius 0 0 $circular_radius; } + &:last-child { border-radius: 0 $circular_radius $circular_radius 0; } + &:only-child { border-radius: $circular_radius; } + } + } + + //overlay / OSD style + .osd & { + @include button(osd); + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(osd-insensitive); } + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + + &:disabled { + @include button(osd-insensitive); + background-image: none; + } + + &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + } + } + + .osd .linked:not(.vertical):not(.path-bar) > &:hover:not(:checked):not(:active):not(:only-child), + .osd .linked:not(.vertical):not(.path-bar) > &:hover:not(:checked):not(:active) + &:not(:checked):not(:active) { box-shadow: none; } + + // Suggested and Destructive Action buttons + @each $b_type, $b_color, $b_fg in (suggested-action, $suggested_color, $light_fg_color), + (destructive-action, $destructive_color, $light_fg_color) { + &.#{$b_type} { + @include button(suggested_destructive, $b_color, $b_fg); + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + color: $b_color; + } + + &:hover { + @include button(suggested_destructive, lighten($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(suggested_destructive, darken($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + } + + &.flat:disabled { + @include button(undecorated); + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:disabled { @include button(insensitive); } + } + } + + .stack-switcher > & { + // to position the needs attention dot, padding is added to the button + // child, a label needs just lateral padding while an icon needs vertical + // padding added too. + + outline-offset: -3px; // needs to be set or it gets overridden by GtkRadioButton outline-offset + + > label { + padding-left: $container_padding; // label padding + padding-right: $container_padding; // + } + + > image { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.text-button { + padding-left: $container_padding + 4px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 4px; + } + + &.image-button { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; + } + + &.needs-attention { + > label, > image { @extend %needs_attention; } + + &:active, &:checked { + > label, > image { + animation: none; + background-image: none; + } + } + } + } + + // hide separators + &.font, + &.file { separator { background-color: transparent; }} + + //inline-toolbar buttons + .inline-toolbar &, .inline-toolbar &:backdrop { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + // border: none; + @extend %linked; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & { @extend %linked; } + + .linked.vertical > & { @extend %linked_vertical; } +} + +// all the following is for the +|- buttons on inline toolbars, that way +// should really be deprecated... +.inline-toolbar toolbutton > button { // redefining the button look is + // needed since those are flat... + min-height: 20px; + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active, + &:checked{ @include button(flat-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &:disabled:active, + &:disabled:checked { @include button(flat-insensitive-active); } +} + +// More inline toolbar buttons +toolbar.inline-toolbar toolbutton { + & > button.flat { @extend %linked; } + + &:first-child > button.flat { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child > button.flat { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-right-style: solid; + } + + &:only-child > button.flat { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-style: solid; + } +} + +// Some crazy linking stuff +@mixin linking_rules($a:0.7, $var:$variant, $vert:'false', $entry_rules:'true', $button_rules:'true', + $e_border:$entry_border, $b_border:$button_border) { + + $_border: if($vert=='false', left, top); + + @if $entry_rules=='true' { + @each $e_type, $e_color in (':focus', $entry_highlight), + (':drop(active)', $drop_target_color), + ('.warning:focus', $warning_color), + ('.error:focus', $error_color) { + + > entry#{$e_type}:not(:only-child) { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $e_color; + } + } + } + + @if $button_rules=='true' { + $_uncolored_button: 'button:not(:checked):not(:active):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action)'; + + > button + button { border-#{$_border}-style: none; } + } +} + +// special case, because path-bars are bugged +@mixin pathbar_linking_rules ($sep_color: $button_border, $button_rules: 'true') { + @if $button_rules == 'true' { + > button + button { + border-left-style: none; + } + } +} + +// Apply the rules defined above +.linked:not(.vertical) { + &:not(.path-bar) { @include linking_rules(); } + &.path-bar { @include pathbar_linking_rules(); } +} + +.linked.vertical { @include linking_rules($vert:'true'); } + +// menu buttons +menuitem.button.flat, +modelbutton.flat { + transition: $shorter_transition; + min-height: 20px + $container_padding; + padding-left: $container_padding + 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 2px; + outline-offset: -3px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @extend %undecorated_button; + + &:hover { + background-color: if($variant=='light', mix($fg_color,$bg_color,5%), mix($fg_color,$bg_color,10%)); + transition-duration: 50ms; + } + + &:active, &:selected { + &, arrow { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + transition: none; + animation: none; + } + } + + &:checked { color: $fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + // FIXME: temporary workaround + check:last-child, + radio:last-child { margin-left: 8px; } + + check:first-child, + radio:first-child { margin-right: 8px; } +} + +modelbutton.flat arrow { + &.left { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-start-symbolic"); } + &.right { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } +} + +// +// Links +// +%links, *:link, link { + color: $link_color; + + &:visited { + color: $link_visited_color; + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 60%); } + } + &:hover { + color: lighten($link_color,10%); + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 90%); } + } + &:active { + color: $link_color; + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 80%); } + } + + @at-root %link_selected, + &:selected, + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 80%); } +} + +button:link, button:visited { + @extend %undecorated_button; + @extend %links; + + &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + @extend %undecorated_button; + } + > label { text-decoration-line: underline; } +} + +// +// Spinbuttons +// +spinbutton { + &:drop(active) { box-shadow: none; } + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + > button { + min-width: 24px; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + + &:active { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + > entry { + @extend %Linked_entrys; + border: 1px solid $dark_borders_color; + + &:focus { + border-color: $entry_highlight; + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $entry_highlight; } + @if $variant == 'light' { box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 transparent, inset 0 0 0 1px $entry_highlight; } + } + + &:drop(active) { + border-color: $drop_target_color; + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; } + @if $variant == 'light' { box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 transparent, inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; } + } + } + + &:not(.vertical) { + entry { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; + min-width: $menuitem_size; + } + + button, entry { + @extend %linked; + min-height: $small_size; + } + + &:dir(ltr) entry, + &:dir(rtl) button.up { border-radius: $bt_radius 0 0 $bt_radius; } + + > button + button { border-left-style: none; } + + > button:hover:not(:active), + > button:hover + button { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $button_border; } + + > button:disabled + button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover), + > button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover) + button:disabled { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 transparentize($button_border, 0.5); } + + > button:first-child:hover:not(:active), + > button.up:dir(rtl):hover:not(:active), + > entry + button:not(:active):hover { box-shadow: none; } + + > entry:focus + button { border-left-color: $entry_highlight; } + > entry:drop(active) + button { border-left-color: $drop_target_color; } + + .osd & { + &, &:focus, &:drop(active) { border-image: none; } + > button:hover:not(:active), + > button:hover + button { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $osd_button_border; } + + > button:first-child:hover:not(:active), + > button.up:dir(rtl):hover:not(:active), + > entry + button:not(:active):hover { box-shadow: none; } + + > entry:focus + button { border-left-color: $entry_highlight; } + } + } + + &.vertical { + button, entry { + padding-left: $container_padding - 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding - 2px; + min-width: 0; + @extend %linked_vertical; + } + + entry:not(:focus):not(:drop(active)) { border-color: $dark_borders_color; } + + button.up { border-radius: $bt_radius $bt_radius 0 0; } + + > entry:focus + button { border-top-color: $entry_highlight; } + > entry:drop(active) + button { border-top-color: $drop_target_color; } + } +} + +// +// Comboboxes +// +combobox { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + + button.combo { + min-width: 0; // otherwise the arrow placement is unsymmetric + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + // margin: 0; + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + } + + arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + } + + .background & button.combo arrow { + @include button(active); + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark@2.png")); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 10px; + padding: 0; + margin: 2px (-$menuitem_size + 18px) 2px 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius - 1px; + border: none; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $button_highlight, 0 0 0 1px $dark_borders_color, 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.05); + } + } + + .background & button.combo:disabled arrow, + .background & button.combo:backdrop arrow { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba($text_color, 0.45), mix(white, $button_bg, 0.25)); + } + + decoration, + button.combo:checked, + .background & button.combo:checked { transition: none; } // workaround for menuitem selection + + &:drop(active) button.combo { + color: $drop_target_color; + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > entry + button.combo { padding-left: 0; } + .linked.vertical > entry + button.combo { padding: 0; } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > entry + button.combo, + .linked:not(.vertical) > & > box > button.combo { + arrow { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow#{$asset_suffix}.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow#{$asset_suffix}@2.png")); + } + + &:checked, &:active { + arrow { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark@2.png")); + } + } + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & > box > button.combo { + // the combobox is a composite widget so the way we do button linking doesn't + // work, special case needed. + &:dir(ltr), + &:dir(rtl) { @extend %linked_middle; } // specificity bump + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:first-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:last-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-right: 1px solid $button_borders; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:only-child > box > button.combo { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // .linked.vertical > & > box > button.combo { @extend %linked_vertical_middle; } + .linked.vertical > &:first-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked.vertical > &:last-child > box > button.combo { + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked.vertical > &:only-child > box > button.combo { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } +} + +// +// Toolbars +// +%toolbar, toolbar { + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: $container_padding; + background-color: $header_bg; + // border-radius: $wm_radius; + + &.horizontal { border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; } + + separator { background: none; } + &.horizontal separator { margin: 0 6px; } + &.vertical separator { margin: 6px 0; } + + .osd & { background-color: transparent; } + + &.osd { + padding: $container_padding; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius + 4px; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + box-shadow: $shadow_4; + + &.toolbar { + padding: 0; + margin: 6px 8px 10px; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + + > box.horizontal { + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius + 4px; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + box-shadow: $shadow_4; + } + } + + &.left, + &.right, + &.top, + &.bottom { border-radius: 0; } // positional classes for `attached` osd toolbars + + &.top { border-width: 0 0 1px 0; } + &.bottom { border-width: 1px 0 0 0; } + &.left { border-width: 0 1px 0 0; } + &.right { border-width: 0 0 0 1px; } + } +} + +.primary-toolbar:not(.libreoffice-toolbar) { // LO messes up the toolbar styling, so exclude LO toolbars + color: $text_color; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; + border-style: solid; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, $borders_color, $borders_color) 1 0 1 0; //temporary hack for rhythmbox 3.1 + + // separator {} +} + +.inline-toolbar { + @extend %toolbar; + background-color: darken($bg_color, 3%); + border-style: solid; + border-color: $borders_color; + border-width: 0 1px 1px; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + + .background.csd & { + border-radius: 0 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius; + } +} + +searchbar { + background-color: transparent; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + // border: none; + + > revealer > box { + padding: $container_padding; + margin: -$container_padding; + background-color: $bg_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) { + > entry { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + + // Close button on searchbar + button.flat { + @extend %circular_button; + } +} + +actionbar { + background-color: transparent; + + > revealer > box { + padding: $container_padding; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: darken($bg_color, 3%); + } + + .background.csd > box.vertical > & > revealer > box, + .background.csd > box > box > box > & > revealer > box, + .background.csd stack revealer > & > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } +} + +// +// Headerbars +// + +%header_separator { + min-width: 0; + min-height: 0; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; } +} + +// Headerbar Entries +%headerbar_entrys { + @include entry(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:hover { + @include entry(header-hover); + } + + &:focus { + @include entry(header-focus); + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(header-insensitive); + } +} + +// Headerbar Buttons +%headerbar_buttons { + @include button(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:hover { + @include button(header-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active { + @include button(header-active); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + } + + &:checked { + @include button(header-checked); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + + &:hover { background-image: none; } + + &:disabled { + @include button(header-insensitive-active); + } + } + + &:disabled { + @include button(header-insensitive); + } +} + +headerbar { + min-height: $headerbar_size; + padding: 0 8px; + color: $header_fg; + background-color: $header_bg; + border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; + + &:backdrop { + transition: $backdrop_transition; + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.3); + background-color: $header_bg_backdrop; + border-bottom: 1px solid if($variant=='light', lighten($header_border, 5%), darken($header_border, 3%)); + } + + .title { + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: smaller; + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + margin-top: -3px; + @extend %dim-label; + } + + entry { + min-height: 20px; + @include entry(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:hover { + @include entry(header-hover); + } + + &:focus { + @include entry(header-focus); + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(header-insensitive); + } + + selection:focus { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + progress { + border-color: $progress_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + @each $e_type, $e_color, $e_fg_color in (warning, $warning_color, $light_fg_color), + (error, $error_color, $light_fg_color) { + &.#{$e_type} { + color: $e_fg_color; + border-color: if($variant=='light', $e_color, $entry_border); + background-color: mix($e_color, $header_bg, 60%); + + &:focus { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: $e_color; + } + + selection, selection:focus { + background-color: $e_fg_color; + color: $e_color; + } + } + } + } + + button:not(.combo) { + @include button(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:disabled { + @include button(header-insensitive); + } + } + + button:not(.flat):not(.combo):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action):not(.titlebutton) { + &:hover { + @include button(header-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active { + @include button(header-active); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + } + + &:checked { + @include button(header-checked); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + + &:hover { background-image: none; } + + &:disabled { + @include button(header-insensitive-active); + } + } + } + + button, spinbutton, entry, stackswitcher { + margin-top: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + + // Reset linked buttons + .linked:not(.vertical):not(.stack-switcher) > button { + min-width: $menuitem_size - 8px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + margin-top: if($laptop == 'true', 8px, 10px); + + &:disabled { background: none; } + } + + .linked.stack-switcher:not(.vertical) > button { + min-width: $menuitem_size - 4px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // Reset linking entrys + .linked:not(.vertical) > entry { + @include entry(header-normal); + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + margin-right: $container_padding / 2; + margin-top: if($laptop == 'true', 8px, 10px); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + + &:focus { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include entry(header-focus); + } + + &:disabled { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include entry(header-insensitive); + } + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + } + + .stack-switcher { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $light_borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0; + + > button { + margin: 0; + font-weight: 500; + + &:not(:first-child) { + border-width: 0 0 0 1px; + border-style: none solid none none; + border-radius: 0; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, + transparent 16%, + $light_borders_color 16%, + $light_borders_color 84%, + transparent 84%) 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1px stretch; + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + border-image: none; + } + } + + button:hover + button, + button:active + button, + button:checked + button { border-image: none; } + } + + // Headerbar Switches + switch { + margin-top: ($headerbar_size - 24px) / 2; + margin-bottom: ($headerbar_size - 24px) / 2; + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.75; } + } + + &.titlebar headerbar:not(.titlebar) { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.windowhandle { + viewswitcher button:not(.titlebutton):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + border-radius: 0; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + min-height: 0; + min-width: 120px; + padding: 0 0; + background-color: transparent; + + > stack > box { + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + + &.narrow { + font-size: 10px; + + image { margin-top: $container_padding / 2; } + } + } + } + + > box > separator.titlebutton { @extend %header_separator; } + + > button.popup { + &:hover { + @include button(header-hover); + } + + &:active { + @include button(header-active); + } + + &:checked { + @include button(header-checked); + } + } + } + + // Selectionmode + .selection-mode &, + &.selection-mode { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $selection_mode_bg; + border-color: darken($selection_mode_bg, 4%); + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + text-shadow: none; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: $selection_mode_bg; + color: transparentize($light_fg_color, 0.4); + border-color: darken($selection_mode_bg, 4%); + } + + button:not(.flat):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action):not(.titlebutton):not(.combo) { + @include button(undecorated); + @extend %selected-button; + } + + .subtitle:link { @extend %link_selected; } + + .selection-menu { + box-shadow: none; + padding-left: 10px; + padding-right: 10px; + GtkArrow { -GtkArrow-arrow-scaling: 1; } + + .arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + } + } + + .maximized & { background-color: $selection_mode_bg; } + } + + .tiled &, .tiled &:backdrop, + .maximized &, .maximized &:backdrop { + border-radius: $maximized_radius $maximized_radius 0 0; // squared corners when the window is max'd or tiled + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.default-decoration { + min-height: $medium_size; + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + background-color: $header_bg; + + .tiled &, + .maximized &, + .fullscreen & { box-shadow: none; } + + button.titlebutton { + border: none; + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + } + } + + &.default-decoration, // needed under wayland, since all gtk3 windows are csd windows + &.default-decoration:backdrop { + // box-shadow: none; + border: none; + } + + .csd &.default-decoration, + .csd &.default-decoration:backdrop { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; + } + + separator.titlebutton { @extend %header_separator; } + + // Fixes split headerbars + separator:first-child + &, + &:first-child { + &, &:backdrop { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + .maximized &, + .tiled & { border-top-left-radius: $maximized_radius; } + } + } + + &:last-child { + &, &:backdrop { + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + .maximized &, + .tiled & { border-top-right-radius: $maximized_radius; } + } + } + + stack & { // tackles the stacked headerbars case + &:first-child, &:last-child { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + + window separator:first-child + &, + window &:first-child { &:backdrop, & { border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; }} + window &:last-child { &:backdrop, & { border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; }} + + window stack & { // tackles the stacked headerbars case + &:first-child, &:last-child { + &:backdrop, & { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } + + window.tiled &, + window.tiled-top &, + window.tiled-right &, + window.tiled-bottom &, + window.tiled-left &, + window.maximized & { + &, + &:first-child, + &:last-child, + &:only-child { + border-top-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + + window.fullscreen &, + .solid-csd & { + &, + &:first-child, + &:last-child, + &:only-child { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; + } + } +} + +.titlebar { + &, &.background { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + &, & headerbar { + .tiled &, + .maximized &, + .fullscreen & { + box-shadow: none; + + &, &.background, &:backdrop { + border-top-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } +} + +.background:not(.unified) { + .titlebar { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + + stack.titlebar { box-shadow: none; } +} + +label.titlebar { + background-color: $header_bg; +} + +window.background.csd.unified { + > deck > box.vertical > stack > headerbar.titlebar.windowhandle { + > box > separator { background: none; } + > button:disabled { @include button(header-insensitive); } + } +} + +window.background > box.vertical > headerbar:not(.titlebar) { // reset headerbar style for not CSD window + border-radius: 0 0 0 0; + box-shadow: none; + + // Fixes split headerbars + separator:first-child + &, + &:first-child { + &, &:backdrop { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + } + } + + &:last-child { + &, &:backdrop { + border-top-right-radius: 0; + } + } +} + +// Fixes split headerbars too +.titlebar:not(headerbar) { + window > &, + window.csd > & { + &, &:backdrop { + padding: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + > separator { + min-width: 1px; + @extend %side_separator; + } +} + +// +// Pathbars +// + +$pathbar_button_checked_bg: if($variant == 'light', #808080, #b8b8b8); + +@if $colorscheme == 'nord' { + $pathbar_button_checked_bg: if($variant == 'light', #6b7894, #adb4c3); +} + +.background .path-bar button { + min-width: $container_padding * 2; + min-height: if($variant == 'light', 24px, 26px); + + &.text-button, &.image-button, & { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &:hover { box-shadow: none; } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $pathbar_button_checked_bg; + color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 1), rgba(black, 0.75)); + border-color: $button_borders; + } + + &:disabled { + border-color: $button_borders; + } + + &.text-button.image-button label { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } + + &.text-button.image-button, & { + label:last-child { padding-right: 10px; } + label:first-child { padding-left: 10px; } + } + + &.slider-button, + &:not(.image-button):not(.text-button) { + padding-left: 1px; + padding-right: 1px; + } + + image { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } +} + +// +// Tree Views +// +.background treeview.view { + @extend %view; + + @at-root * { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 4; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-expander-size: 16; + } + + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + border-left-color: $borders_color; // this is actually the tree lines color, + border-top-color: $borders_color; // while this is the grid lines color, better then nothing + + rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } // to avoid borders being overridden by the previously set props + + acceleditor > label { background-color: $selected_bg_color; } + + &:selected { + &, &:focus { + border-radius: 0; + border-left-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + border-top-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); // doesn't work unfortunately + + @extend %selected_items; + } + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + &:selected { + color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 40%); + } + } + + &.separator { + min-height: 2px; + color: $borders_color; + } + + &:drop(active) { + border-style: solid none; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: mix($fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + + &.after { border-top-style: none; } + &.before { border-bottom-style: none; } + } + + &.expander { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + + &:dir(rtl) { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic-rtl'); } + + color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 50%); + + &:hover { color: $fg_color; } + + &:selected { + color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 70%); + &:hover { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + } + + &.progressbar, &.progressbar:focus { // progress bar in treeviews + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $progress_color; + + &:selected, &:selected:focus { + color: $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + + &.trough { // progress bar trough in treeviews + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $button_border; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + + &:selected, &:selected:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + } + } + + > header { + > button { + $_column_header_color: mix($fg_color,$base_color,80%); + + min-height: if($variant =='light', 24px, 26px); + min-width: 38px; + padding: 0 $container_padding; + font-weight: bold; + color: $_column_header_color; + background-color: $base_color; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-style: none solid none none; + border-radius: 0; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, + $base_color 20%, + transparentize(if($variant == 'light', black, white), 0.89) 20%, + transparentize(if($variant == 'light', black, white), 0.89) 80%, + $base_color 80%) 0 1 0 0 / 0 1px 0 0 stretch; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.06); + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + border-color: $bg_color; + background-image: none; + } + + &:last-child { + border-right-style: none; + border-image: none; + } + } + } + + button.dnd, + header.button.dnd { + &, &:selected, &:hover, &:active { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + transition: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 0; + border-style: none; + } + } + + entry, &:selected entry { + background-color: $base_color; + + &:focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: mix(white, $base_color, 8%); + } + } +} + +// +// Menus +// + +menubar, +.menubar { + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + color: $header_fg; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + + &:backdrop { + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.2); + } + + > menuitem { + transition: all 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) $container_padding; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + > window.popup.background.csd > menu { + > menuitem { transition: none; } + } + + &:hover { //Seems like it :hover even with keyboard focus + transition: none; + @include button(header-hover); + } + + &:disabled { + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.6); + } + } +} + +// .menu, +// .context-menu, +menu { + margin: 0; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + background-color: opacify($menu_bg, 1); + border: none; + color: $fg_color; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; } + + .csd & { + background-color: $menu_bg; + } + + separator { + margin: 3px 4px; + min-height: 1px; + background-color: $borders_color; + border: none; + } + + > menuitem { + transition: background-color 50ms cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); + min-height: 12px; + min-width: 40px; + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + text-shadow: none; + color: $fg_color; + font: initial; + // -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + + &:hover { + transition: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + // image { -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; } + + arrow { + transition: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + menu { //sunmenu + arrow { + color: $fg_color; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + } + + // menuitem { -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; } + + menuitem:hover { + arrow { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + } + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + //submenu indicators + arrow { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border: none; + color: $fg_color; + + &:dir(ltr) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + margin-right: 0; + } + + &:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic-rtl'); + margin-left: 0; + } + } + + @at-root menuitem { + accelerator { color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.55); } + + check, radio { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + &:dir(ltr) { margin-right: 6px; margin-left: 0; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-left: 6px; margin-right: 0; } + } + } + } + + // overflow buttons + %menu_overflow_arrow, + > arrow { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + padding: 6px; + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: $mn_radius - 3px; + border: none; + background-image: none; + color: $fg_color; + + &.top { + margin-top: 0; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); + } + + &.bottom { + margin-top: 12px; + margin-bottom: -12px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + } + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.08); } + + &:disabled { + color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent ; + } + } +} + +// +// Popovers +// + +// popover, +popover.background { + padding: 0; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + background-clip: border-box; + background-color: $menu_bg; + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), + 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(black, 0.65)); + + .csd &, & { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba($borders_color, 0.2), lighten($menu_bg, 6%)); + } + + separator, + & separator, + .csd & separator { + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + label.separator { + @extend %dim-label; + color: $fg_color; + } + + entry { + background-color: mix($fg_color, $menu_bg, 5%); + } + + > list, + > .view, + > toolbar, + > scrolledwindow > viewport > list { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + &.combo > scrolledwindow > viewport > list { + margin: 0; + padding: $container_padding; + + row { + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + + &, .csd & { + &.osd, &.magnifier { @extend %osd; } + &.touch-selection { font: initial; } + + &.osd { @extend %osd; } + } +} + +//touch selection handlebars for the Popover.osd above +cursor-handle { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-style: none; + &.top { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('selection-start-symbolic'); } + &.bottom { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('selection-end-symbolic'); } +} + +// +// Notebooks and Tabs +// + +%tabs_tab { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($base_color, 1); + border: 1px solid transparent; + transition: all 150ms ease-out; + border-radius: 0; + padding: $container_padding - 4px $container_padding + 4px; + + &:hover:not(:checked) { + color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.05)); + border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), lighten($header_bg, 5%)); + } + + &:checked { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $header_bg; + border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), lighten($header_bg, 5%)); + } +} + +%monterey_tab { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($base_color, 1); + border: none; + transition: all 150ms ease-out; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $container_padding - 4px $container_padding + 4px; + + &:hover:not(:checked) { + color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.06); + } + + &:checked { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); + } +} + +notebook { + padding: 0; + + &.frame { border: 1px solid $solid_borders_color; } + + > stack:not(:only-child) { // the :not(:only-child) is for "hidden" notebooks + background-color: $base_color; + } + + .csd &:not(.frame), .csd &:not(.frame) > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + > header { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + background-color: mix(black, $base_color, if($variant == 'light', 6%, 6%)); + + // Set box-shadow to make the header frame color more easy to see + // Set margin to hide the ugly borders around the header + &.top { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color, inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + + &.bottom { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color, inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + + &.right { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color, inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + + &.left { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color, inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + } @else { + &.top { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.bottom { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.right { + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.left { + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + button.image-button { + @extend %flat_button; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + border-radius: 0; + } + } + + button.flat.toggle.popup { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + @if $monterey == 'true' { + min-width: $medium_size; + margin-top: -2px; + margin-bottom: -2px; + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + } @else { + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.20), rgba(white, 0.15)); + } + } + + @each $_pos, $_bpos in (top, bottom), (bottom, top), (right, left), (left, right) { + // sizing and borders + &.#{$_pos} { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin-#{$_pos}: -1px; + padding: 0; + } @else { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + } + + > tabs > tab { + outline-offset: -4px; + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 24px; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + // tab overlap + + tab { + @if $_pos==top or $_pos==bottom { margin-left: -1px; } + @else { margin-top: -1px; } + } + } @else { + + tab { + @if $_pos==top or $_pos==bottom { margin-left: $container_padding / 2; } + @else { margin-top: $container_padding / 2; } + } + } + } + } + } + + // overflow arrows + &.top, &.bottom { + > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + &:last-child { margin-left: 2px; } + } + + > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-start-symbolic'); + &:first-child { margin-right: 2px; } + } + } + + &.left, &.right { + > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + &:last-child { margin-top: 2px; } + } + + > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); + &:first-child { margin-bottom: 2px; } + } + } + + > tabs > arrow { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + &:hover { color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); } + &:active { color: $fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: transparentize($disabled_fg_color,0.3); } + } + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + &.top, + &.bottom { + > tabs > tab { + &:first-child { border-left: none; } + &:last-child { border-right: none; } + } + } + + &.left, + &.right { + > tabs > tab { + &:first-child { border-top: none; } + &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } + } + } + } + + > tabs > tab { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + @extend %tabs_tab; + } @else { + @extend %monterey_tab; + } + + // close button + button.flat, + button.close-button, + button.image-button.flat { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 0; + color: $alt_fg_color; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + margin-right: -$container_padding / 2; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Scrollbars +// +$_scrollbar_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($base_color, 1%), lighten($base_color, 1%)); + +scrollbar { + $_slider_min_length: 40px; + + // disable steppers + @at-root * { + -GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: false; + -GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: false; + } + + background-color: transparent; + transition: 300ms $ease-out-quad; + + // scrollbar border + // &.top { border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; } + // &.bottom { border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; } + // &.left { border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; } + // &.right { border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; } + + border: none; + + button { border: none; } + + &.vertical button { + &.down { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + &.up { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); } + } + + &.horizontal button { + &.down { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-right-symbolic'); } + &.up { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-left-symbolic'); } + } + + // slider + slider { + min-width: $container_padding + 2px; + min-height: $container_padding + 2px; + margin: 0; + border: 4px solid transparent; + border-radius: $container_padding * 2; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 40%); + + &:hover { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 30%); } + &:hover:active { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 50%); } + &:disabled { background-color: transparent; } + } + + &.fine-tune { + slider { + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + } + + &.horizontal slider { border-width: 5px 4px; } + &.vertical slider { border-width: 4px 5px; } + } + + &.overlay-indicator { + &:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) { + opacity: 0.4; + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + + slider { + margin: $container_padding / 2; + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 70%); + border: none; + } + + &.horizontal slider { + min-width: $_slider_min_length; + } + + &.vertical slider { + min-height: $_slider_min_length; + } + } + + &.dragging, + &.hovering { opacity: 1; } + } + + &.horizontal slider { min-width: $_slider_min_length; } + &.vertical slider { min-height: $_slider_min_length; } +} + +// +// Switches +// + +$switch_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.25) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.35) 100%); +$switch_disabled_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.1) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.15) 100%); +$switch_checked_image: linear-gradient(0deg, lighten($selected_bg_color, 10%) 0%, $selected_bg_color 100%); +$switch_checked_backdrop_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.45) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.55) 100%); +$switch_checked_disabled_image: linear-gradient(0deg, lighten($selected_bg_color, 35%) 0%, lighten($selected_bg_color, 25%) 100%); +$switch_animation: switch_ripple_effect 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); + +@keyframes switch_ripple_effect { + from { + background-image: $switch_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, + transparent 0%, + transparent 0%); + } + + to { + background-image: $switch_checked_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, + rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.75) 100%, + rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.0) 0%); + } +} + +switch { + transition: $longer_transition; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: transparent; + background-clip: padding-box; + color: transparent; + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 20px; + font-size: 0; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.1); + background-image: $switch_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, transparent 0%, transparent 0%); + + &:disabled { + color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_disabled_image; + } + + &:checked { + animation: $switch_animation; + background-color: transparent; + color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.15); + transition: background-image 0.3s, box-shadow 0; + background-image: $switch_checked_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.75) 100%, transparent 0%); + + &:disabled { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_checked_disabled_image; + color: transparent; + } + + &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_checked_backdrop_image; + color: transparent; + } + } + + slider { + transition: $longer_transition, $shadow_transition, margin 0; + min-width: 18px; + min-height: 18px; + margin: 1px 0 1px 1px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + -gtk-outline-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: white; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.15); + } + + &:hover slider { box-shadow: $shadow_5; } + + &:checked slider { + margin: 1px 1px 1px 0; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &:disabled slider { @include entry(disabled); } + + &:checked:disabled slider { animation: none; } +} + +// +// Check and Radio items +// + +checkbutton, radiobutton { + // this is for a nice focus on check and radios text + &.text-button { + padding: 2px 0; + outline-offset: 0; + + &:hover { color: darken($fg_color, 15%); } + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + + label:not(:only-child) { + &:first-child { margin-left: 4px; } + &:last-child { margin-right: 4px; } + } +} + +$check_radio_border: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(black, 0.1)); +$check_radio_image: if($colorscheme == 'nord', linear-gradient(0deg, #59647b 0%, #475061 100%), linear-gradient(0deg, #6a6a6a 0%, #545454 100%)); +$check_radio_checked_image: linear-gradient(0deg, darken($selected_bg_color, 5%) 0%, lighten($selected_bg_color, 5%) 100%); + +%check, +check { + border-radius: 3px; + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-checked-symbolic.svg")); } + &:indeterminate { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-mixed-symbolic.svg")); } +} + +%radio, +radio { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-checked-symbolic.svg")); } + &:indeterminate { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-mixed-symbolic.svg")); } +} + +%check_and_radio { + color: transparent; + background-color: $base_color; + transition: $button_transition; + background-clip: padding-box; + border: none; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { + background-image: $check_radio_image; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color, 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.25); + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-image: $check_radio_image; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.1), inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + background-color: $base_color; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } + } + + &:disabled { + background-image: none; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.45), rgba(white, 0.08)); + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.08); + } @else { box-shadow: none; } + } + + &:checked, &:indeterminate { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + background-clip: border-box; + } @else { + background-image: $check_radio_checked_image; + } + + &:hover { + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-image: $check_radio_checked_image; + } + } + + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + } + + &:disabled { + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.45), rgba(white, 0.08)); + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.08); + } @else { box-shadow: none; } + } + } +} + +.view.content-view.check:not(list), +.content-view .tile check:not(list) { + min-height: 40px; + min-width: 40px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @extend %check_and_radio; + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-checked-big-symbolic.svg")); } +} + +check, +radio { + min-width: 14px; + min-height: 14px; + margin: 3px; + padding: 0; + @extend %check_and_radio; + + menu menuitem & { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + min-width: 14px; + min-height: 14px; + } +} + +// +// GtkScale +// +scale { + $_marks_length: $container_padding / 2; + $_marks_distance: 1px; + + min-height: 15px; + min-width: 15px; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + + &.horizontal { + trough { padding: 0 ($container_padding - 2px); } + highlight, fill { margin: 0 (-$container_padding + 2px); } + } + + &.vertical { + trough { padding: ($container_padding - 2px) 0; } + highlight, fill { margin: (-$container_padding + 2px) 0; } + } + + // The slider is inside the trough, negative margin to make it bigger + slider { + min-height: 15px; + min-width: 15px; + margin: -7px; + } + + // Click-and-hold the slider to activate + &.fine-tune { + // Make the trough grow in fine-tune mode + slider { margin: -4px; } + + fill, + highlight, + trough { + border-radius: 5px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 7px; + } + } + + // Trough + trough { + $_scale_trough_bg: rgba(black, 0.2); + + outline-offset: 2px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 6px; + + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $_scale_trough_bg; + + &:disabled { background-color: rgba($_scale_trough_bg, 0.12); } + + //OSD troughs + .osd & { + background-color: $_scale_trough_bg; + + highlight { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + // Troughs in selected list-rows and infobars + menuitem:hover &, + row:selected &, + infobar & { + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + + highlight { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); } + } + + &:disabled { background-color: transparentize(black, 0.9); } + } + } + + // The colored part of trough + highlight { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + &:disabled { background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.45); } + } + + // this is another differently styled part of the trough, the most relevant use case is for example + // in media player to indicate how much video stream as been cached + fill { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.5); + + &:disabled { background-color: transparent; } + } + + slider { + $_slider_border: $button_border; + + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border: 1px solid $_slider_border; + border-radius: 100%; + box-shadow: $shadow_2; + background-clip: padding-box; + transition: $button_transition; + transition-property: background, border; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_0; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_3; + } + + &:disabled { + background-color: darken($selected_fg_color, 5%); + border-color: darken($_slider_border, 5%); + } + + // Selected list-row and infobar sliders + menuitem:hover &, + row:selected &, + infobar & { + background-clip: border-box; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 85%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 85%); + } + &:active { + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + } + &:disabled{ + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); + } + } + + // OSD sliders + .osd & { + background-clip: border-box; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $_slider_border; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_0; + } + + &:active { + background-color: darken($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_3; + } + } + } + + value { color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.4); } + + marks { + color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.4); + + @each $marks_class, $marks_pos, $marks_margin in (top, top, bottom), + (bottom, bottom, top), + (top, left, right), + (bottom, right, left) { + &.#{$marks_class} { + margin-#{$marks_margin}: $_marks_distance; + margin-#{$marks_pos}: -($_marks_distance + $_marks_length); + } + } + } + + &.fine-tune marks { + @each $marks_class, $marks_pos, $marks_margin in (top, top, bottom), + (bottom, bottom, top), + (top, left, right), + (bottom, right, left) { + &.#{$marks_class} { + margin-#{$marks_margin}: ($_marks_distance - 1px); + margin-#{$marks_pos}: -($_marks_distance + $_marks_length - 2px); + } + } + } + &.horizontal { + indicator { + min-height: $_marks_length; + min-width: 1px; + } + + &.fine-tune indicator { min-height: ($_marks_length - 1px); } + } + &.vertical { + indicator { + min-height: 1px; + min-width: $_marks_length; + } + + &.fine-tune indicator { min-width: ($_marks_length - 1px); } + } + + // *WARNING* scale with marks madness following + + // FIXME: OSD and selected list rows missing, I don't feel like adding the other 144 assets needed for those... +// $suffix: if($variant == 'light', '', '-dark'); + + @each $dir_class, $dir_infix in ('horizontal', 'horz'), + ('vertical', 'vert') { + @each $marks_infix, $marks_class in ('scale-has-marks-above', 'marks-before:not(.marks-after)'), + ('scale-has-marks-below', 'marks-after:not(.marks-before)') { + @each $state, $state_infix in ('', ''), + (':hover', '-hover'), + (':active', '-active'), + (':disabled', '-insensitive') { + &.#{$dir_class}.#{$marks_class} { + + slider { + &#{$state} { + // an asymmetric slider asset is used here, so the margins are uneven, the smaller + // margin is set on the point side. + margin: -10px; + $_scale_asset: 'assets/slider-#{$dir_infix}-#{$marks_infix}#{$state_infix}'; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + + background-color: transparent; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('#{$_scale_asset}.png'), url('#{$_scale_asset}@2.png')); + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: bottom; + + @if $dir_class == 'horizontal' { + min-height: 26px; + min-width: 24px; + + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { + margin-top: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: top; + } + + @else { margin-bottom: -14px; } + } + + @else { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 26px; + + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { + margin-left: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: left bottom; + } + + @else { + margin-right: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: right bottom; + } + } + + background-position: $_scale_slider_bg_pos; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &.fine-tune slider { + // bigger negative margins to make the trough grow here as well + margin: -7px; + + @if $dir_class == 'horizontal' { + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { margin-top: -11px; } + + @else { margin-bottom: -11px; } + } + + @else { + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { margin-left: -11px; } + + @else { margin-right: -11px; } + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Progress bars +// +progressbar { + padding: 0; + font-size: smaller; + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.3); + + &.osd { + min-width: $container_padding / 2; + min-height: $container_padding / 2; + background-color: transparent; + + trough { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + // Moving bit + progress { + // min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + // min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + background-color: $progress_color; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; //needed for clipping + + row:selected &, + infobar & { background-color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + // Trough + trough { + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, darken($bg_color, 5%)); + + row:selected &, + infobar & { background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); } + } +} + +// +// Level Bar +// +levelbar { + block { + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 1px; + } + + &.vertical block { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 32px; + } + + trough { + border: none; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, darken($bg_color, 5%)); + } + + &.horizontal.discrete block { margin: 0 1px; } + &.vertical.discrete block { margin: 1px 0; } + + block:not(.empty) { + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + block.low { + border-color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + block.high { + border-color: $warning_color; + background-color: $warning_color; + } + + block.full { + border-color: $error_color; + background-color: $error_color; + } + + block.empty { + background-color: if($variant=='light', transparentize($fg_color,0.8), $base_color); + border-color: if($variant=='light', transparentize($fg_color,0.8), $base_color); + } +} + +// +// Print dialog +// +printdialog { + paper { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + background: $base_color; + padding: 0; + } + + .dialog-action-box { margin: 12px; } +} + +// +// Frames +// +frame > border, +.frame { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +frame.flat > border, +frame > border.flat, +.frame.flat { + border-style: none; +} + +scrolledwindow { + viewport.frame { // avoid double borders when viewport inside scrolled window + border: none; + + > list { background: none; } + + .frame { + border: none; + + > textview { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background: none; + + > text { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + } + + scrolledwindow.frame { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + > box.vertical list.content.view { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + > box.vertical list.frame { + @extend %circular_list; + padding: 0; + + > row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + + list { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + background: none; + + > row.activatable { + &, &:first-child, &:last-child { + border-radius: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + + // This is used by GtkScrolledWindow, when content is touch-dragged past boundaries. + // This draws a box on top of the content, the size changes programmatically. + overshoot { + &.top { @include overshoot(top); } + &.bottom { @include overshoot(bottom); } + &.left { @include overshoot(left); } + &.right { @include overshoot(right); } + } + + // Overflow indication, works similarly to the overshoot, the size if fixed tho. + // undershoot { + // &.top { @include undershoot(top); } + // &.bottom { @include undershoot(bottom); } + // &.left { @include undershoot(left); } + // &.right { @include undershoot(right); } + // + // padding: $wm_radius / 2; + // } + + @at-root junction { // the small square between two scrollbars + border-style: solid none none solid; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: $borders_color; + background-color: $_scrollbar_bg_color; + + &:dir(rtl) { border-style: solid solid none none; } + } +} + +//vbox and hbox separators +separator { + background-color: $borders_color; + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + + // &.vertical { + // background-color: if($variant=='light', $borders_color, $header_border); + // } +} + +// +// Lists +// +list { + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $borders_color; + + row { padding: $container_padding / 3; } + + &.content:not(.conversation-listbox) { + @extend %circular_list; + + > row { + @extend %circular_row; + } + } +} + +%row_activatable { + &.has-open-popup, + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.2)); + transition-duration: 200ms; + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + image { color: inherit; } + } + + &:selected { + &, &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + + label { color: $fg_color; } + } + + &.has-open-popup, + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.2)); } + } +} + +row { + &:not(:hover) { transition: all 300ms $ease-out-quad; } + + // button.circular { @extend %circular_button; } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + + label { color: $fg_color; } + } + + &.activatable { + @extend %row_activatable; + } +} + +// +// App Notifications +// { + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 6px 20px 24px 20px; + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($header_bg, 0.85); + // background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, $bg_color 0%, $bg_color 85%, darken($bg_color, 5%) 95%, darken($bg_color, 15%) 100%); + border-radius: $wm_radius; + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 3px 10px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), + inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.06), + 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(black, 0.75)); + + border { border: none; } + + button { + @extend %undecorated_button; + @include button(flat-normal); + + &:not(.text-button).image-button, &.flat { + @extend %circular_button; + } + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(flat-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + } +} + +// +// Expanders +// +expander { + arrow { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + + &:dir(rtl) { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic-rtl'); } + &:hover { color: lighten($fg_color,30%); } //only lightens the arrow + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + } +} + +// +// Calendar +// +%calendar, +calendar { + color: $fg_color; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: 2px $container_padding; + margin: 0; + + .csd & { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + + &:selected { + @extend %selected_items; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + &.header { + color: $fg_color; + border: none; + } + + &.button { + @extend %undecorated_button; + + color: rgba($fg_color, 0.45); + + &:hover { color: $fg_color; } + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + + &:indeterminate { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.55); } + &.highlight { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.65); font-weight: 500; } +} + +// +// Dialogs +// + +$messagedialog_bg: if($trans == 'true', rgba($bg_color, 0.95), $bg_color); + +messagedialog { // Message Dialog styling + &.background { background-color: rgba($messagedialog_bg, 1); } + + .titlebar { + min-height: 28px; + background-color: rgba($messagedialog_bg, 1); + border: none; + } + + .dialog-action-area { + padding: $container_padding; + + button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) ($container_padding + 2px); + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + + &:not(:last-child) { + margin-right: $container_padding; + } + + &:not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover, &:focus:hover { + @include button(flat-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:focus { + background-color: $fill_color; + } + + &:active, &:active:hover { + @include button(active); + } + } + + // Suggested and Destructive Action buttons + @each $b_type, $b_color, $b_fg in (suggested-action, $suggested_color, $light_fg_color), + (destructive-action, $destructive_color, $light_fg_color) { + &.#{$b_type} { + @include button(suggested_destructive, $b_color, $b_fg); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:hover { + @include button(suggested_destructive, lighten($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(suggested_destructive, darken($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + } + + &:disabled { @include button(insensitive); } + } + } + } + } + + &.csd { // rounded bottom border styling for csd version + &.background { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + border: none; + } + + &.background, .titlebar { background-color: $messagedialog_bg; } + } +} + +// +// Filechooser +// +filechooser { + .csd & { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + placessidebar { + background-color: transparent; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + list { + background-color: transparent; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + + > actionbar { + > revealer > box { + border-top: 1px solid $header_border; + background-color: transparent; + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + label, combobox { color: $dark_sidebar_fg; } + } + + paned { + stack { + &:dir(ltr) { border-radius: 0 0 (($wm_radius/1.5) + 2) 0 } + &:dir(rtl) { border-radius: 0 0 0 (($wm_radius/1.5) + 2) } + } + } + + stack.view { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + scrolledwindow { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + list { background-color: transparent; } + + treeview.view { + @extend %view; + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > paned.horizontal > separator, + > box.vertical > box.vertical > paned.horizontal > separator { + border: none; + min-width: 1px; + background-image: image($dark_sidebar_border); + background-color: transparent; + + // &:dir(ltr) { margin-left: -1px; } + // &:dir(rtl) { margin-right: -1px; } + } + + #pathbarbox { border-bottom: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; } +} + +// +// Sidebar +// +%sidebar_left { + border-right: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + border-left-style: none; +} + +%sidebar_right { + border-left: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + border-right-style: none; +} + +.sidebar { + border-style: none; + background-color: $bg_color; + + &:dir(ltr), + &.left, + &.left:dir(rtl) { @extend %sidebar_left; } + + &:dir(rtl), + &.right { @extend %sidebar_right; } + + list { + background-color: transparent; + + > separator { + min-height: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + } + } + + paned & { &.left, &.right, &.left:dir(rtl), &:dir(rtl), &:dir(ltr), & { border: none; }} +} + +separator.sidebar { &.left, &.right, &.left:dir(rtl), &:dir(rtl), &:dir(ltr), & { border: none; }} + +stacksidebar { + &.sidebar { + &:dir(ltr) list, + &.left list, + &.left:dir(rtl) list { @extend %sidebar_left; } + + &:dir(rtl) list, + &.right list { @extend %sidebar_right; } + } + + row { + padding: $container_padding - 2px; + + > label { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.needs-attention > label { + @extend %needs_attention; + background-size: $container_padding $container_padding, 0 0; + } + } +} + +.background placessidebar { + > viewport.frame { border-style: none; } + + row { + // Needs overriding of the GtkListBoxRow padding + min-height: 24px; + padding: ($container_padding - 4px) ($container_padding + 4px); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0 6px; + // Using margins/padding directly in the SidebarRow + // will make the animation of the new bookmark row jump + > revealer { + padding: 0 $container_padding + 4px; + } + + image.sidebar-icon { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: $container_padding; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + label.sidebar-label { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: $container_padding; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + @at-root %sidebar_button, + button.sidebar-button:not(.flat) { + min-width: $small_size + 2px; + min-height: $small_size + 2px; + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + -gtk-outline-radius: $circular_radius; + + > image { opacity: 0.85 }; + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.45), rgba(white, 0.35)); + border-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.2), $dark_borders_color); + } + + &:not(:hover):not(:active) > image { opacity: 0.65 }; + } + + &.sidebar-placeholder-row { + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + min-height: 2px; + background-image: _solid($drop_target_color); + background-clip: content-box; + } + + &.sidebar-new-bookmark-row { + color: $selected_bg_color; + + &:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + &, label, .sidebar-icon { color: $selected_fg_color; } + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + &:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba($drop_target_color, 0.15); + + &, label, image { color: $drop_target_color; } + + &:selected { + &, label, image { color: $drop_target_color; } + background-color: rgba($drop_target_color, 0.35); + } + } + } +} + +// +// Placesview +// +.background placesview { + .server-list-button > image { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(0turn); + } + + .server-list-button:checked > image { + transition: 200ms $ease-out-quad; + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(-0.5turn); + } + + button.sidebar-button { @extend %sidebar_button; } + + // this selects the "connect to server" label + > actionbar.background { + background: none; + + > revealer > box { + background: none; + + > label { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Paned +// +paned { + > separator { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + -gtk-icon-source: none; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: _solid($borders_color); + background-size: 1px 1px; + + &:selected { background-image: _solid($selected_bg_color); } + + &.wide { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + background-color: $bg_color; + background-image: _solid($solid_borders_color), _solid($solid_borders_color); + background-size: 1px 1px, 1px 1px; + } + } + + &.horizontal > separator { + background-repeat: repeat-y; + + &:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 -8px 0 0; + padding: 0 8px 0 0; + background-position: left; + } + + &:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 0 0 -8px; + padding: 0 0 0 8px; + background-position: right; + } + + &.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y; + background-position: left, right; + } + } + + &.vertical > separator { + margin: 0 0 -8px 0; + padding: 0 0 8px 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-position: top; + + &.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-x; + background-position: bottom, top; + } + } +} + +// +// GtkInfoBar +// + +.background infobar { + border: none; + + &.info { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + selection { color: $selected_bg_color; } + } + } + + &.question { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $suggested_color; + selection { color: $suggested_color; } + } + } + + &.warning { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $warning_color; + selection { color: $warning_color; } + } + } + + &.error { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $error_color; + selection { color: $error_color; } + } + } + + &.info, + &.question, + &.warning, + &.error { + & > revealer > box, + &:hover > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + color: $selected_fg_color; + caret-color: currentColor; + + button, button.flat.close, button.circular { + @extend %selected-button; + } + + button.flat.close { + @extend %circular_button; + } + + button.circular { + min-width: 20px; + } + + selection { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + *:link { @extend %link_selected; } + } + } +} + +// +// Tooltips +// +tooltip { + &.background { + &, &.csd { + // background-color needs to be set this way otherwise it gets drawn twice + // see for details. + background-color: lighten($osd_bg_color, 10%); + background-clip: padding-box; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + label { padding: $container_padding; } + } + } + + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + + decoration { background-color: transparent; } + + * { //Yeah this is ugly + background-color: transparent; + color: $osd_fg_color; // just to be sure + } +} + +// +// Color Chooser +// +colorswatch { + // This widget is made of two boxes one on top of the other, the lower box is GtkColorSwatch {} the other one + // is GtkColorSwatch .overlay {}, GtkColorSwatch has the programmatically set background, so most of the style + // is applied to the overlay box. + + $_colorswatch-radius: 2px; + + &, &:drop(active) { border-style: none; } + + // border rounding + &.top { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5px; + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5; + + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + } + } + &.bottom { + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5; + + overlay { + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + } + } + &.left, &:first-child:not(.top) { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + } + } + &.right, &:last-child:not(.bottom) { + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + overlay { + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + } + } + + &.dark overlay { + color: transparentize(white, 0.3); + &:hover { + border-color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.5), $borders_color); + } + } + &.light overlay { + color: transparentize(black, 0.3); + &:hover { + border-color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.7), $borders_color); + } + } + + overlay { + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.85), $borders_color); + &:hover { background-color: transparentize(white, 0.8) } + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; + overlay { + border-color: transparentize(black, 0.4); + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &#add-color-button { + border-style: solid; // the borders are drawn by the overlay for standard colorswatches to have them semi + border-width: 1px; // translucent on the colored background, here it's not necessary so they need to be set + @include button(normal); + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + overlay { @include button(undecorated); } // reset the overlay to not cover the button style underneath + } +} + +button.color { + padding: 0; + + colorswatch:first-child:last-child { + &, overlay { + margin: 4px; + border-radius: 0; + } + } +} + +// colorscale popup +colorchooser .popover.osd { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + +// +// Misc +// +//content view (grid/list) +.content-view { + background-color: $base_color; + + &:hover { -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + + rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } +} + +.scale-popup { + .osd & { @extend %osd; } + + button { // +/- buttons on GtkVolumeButton popup + &:hover { + @include button(hover); + } + } +} + +// Decouple the font of context menus from their entry/textview +.context-menu { font: initial; } +// .monospace { font-family: Monospace; } + +// +// Shortcuts Help +// + +.keycap { + min-width: $small_size - 4px; + min-height: $small_size; + + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $base_color; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: inset 0px -2px 0px if($variant=='light', transparentize(black, 0.95), transparentize(black, 0.85)); +} + +stackswitcher { + button.text-button { min-width: 80px; } + // button.circular { @extend %circular_button; } +} + +.background viewswitcher { + button:not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $fill_color; + background-image: none; + @extend %linked; + + > stack > box { + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + + &.narrow { font-size: 10px; } + } + + &:hover { + background-color: $divider_color; + color: $fg_color + } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $track_color; + color: $fg_color; + border-color: if($variant=='light', $borders_color, $dark_borders_color); + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + + & + button { border-left-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.3), $dark_borders_color); } + } + } +} + +// +// Dnd +// +*:drop(active):focus, +*:drop(active) { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; +} + +// +// Window Decorations +// + +decoration { + transition: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + border-width: 0px; + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow, + 0 8px 8px 0 $wm_shadow, + 0 16px 16px 0 $wm_shadow, + $wm_outline; + + // this is used for the resize cursor area + margin: 10px; + + &:backdrop { + transition: $shadow_transition; + // the transparent shadow here is to enforce that the shadow extents don't + // change when we go to backdrop, to prevent jumping windows + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow_backdrop, + 0 8px 8px 0 $wm_shadow_backdrop, + 0 16px 16px 0 transparent, + $wm_outline; + } + + .tiled &, + .tiled-top &, + .tiled-right &, + .tiled-bottom &, + .tiled-left & { + border-radius: $maximized_radius; + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow, $wm_outline; + + &:backdrop { + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow_backdrop, $wm_outline; + } + } + + .maximized & { + border-radius: $maximized_radius; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .fullscreen & { + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .popup & { + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + } + + // server-side decorations as used by mutter + .ssd & { + border-radius: $wm_radius $wm_radius 0 0; + + &, &.backdrop { box-shadow: $wm_outline; } + + &.maximized, &.tiled { + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + .metacity & { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + } + + .csd.popup & { + border-radius: $mn_radius; + box-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 8px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), $wm_outline; + } + + tooltip.csd & { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + } + + messagedialog.csd & { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + .solid-csd & { + border: 1px solid $header_border; + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// +// Titlebuttons +// + +headerbar { + > box.left, + > box.right { // Titlebutton space + padding: 0 10px; + } + + button.titlebutton { + &.close, &.maximize, &.minimize { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-position: center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 16px 16px; + + &, &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &:backdrop { + @include button(undecorated); + color: transparent; + } + + &:backdrop { opacity: 1; } + } + + // Load png assets for each button + @each $k in ('close', 'maximize', 'minimize') { + @each $l, $m in ('',''), (':backdrop','-backdrop'), (':backdrop:hover','-backdrop-hover'), (':hover','-hover'), (':active','-active') { + &.#{$k}#{$l} { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}.png'), + url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png')); + } + } + } + } + + .fullscreen &, + .maximized & { + button.titlebutton { + @each $l, $m in ('',''), (':backdrop','-backdrop'), (':backdrop:hover','-backdrop-hover'), (':hover','-hover'), (':active','-active') { + &.maximize#{$l} { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('windows-assets/titlebutton-restore#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}.png'), + url('windows-assets/titlebutton-restore#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png')); + } + } + } + } +} + +/********* + * Emoji * + *********/ +popover.emoji-picker { + padding: 0; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + + entry { + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + background: none; + + &, &:focus, &:disabled { + margin: -1px -1px 0 -1px; + border-image: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + scrolledwindow { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + &.view { + background: none; + } + } +} + +// mimic tab style +button.emoji-section { + margin: $container_padding / 2 1px; + padding: 1px $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + outline-offset: -2px; + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; + animation: none; + + &:first-child { margin-left: $container_padding; } + &:last-child { margin-right: $container_padding; } +} + +.emoji { + min-width: 3em; + min-height: 3em; + padding: 0; + // font-size: large; + + widget { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + transition: none; + + &:hover { @extend %selected_items; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_common-4.0.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_common-4.0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba09232 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_common-4.0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,5114 @@ +//This is the RIGHT PLACE to edit the stylesheet + +//let's start by telling people not to edit the generated CSS: +$cakeisalie: "This stylesheet is generated, DO NOT EDIT"; +/* #{$cakeisalie} */ + +%side_headerbar_left { + &, &:backdrop { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + border: none; + } +} + +%side_headerbar_right { + &, &:backdrop { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba($base_color, 1); + } +} + +%side_searchbar { + > revealer > box { + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + border-color: $dark_sidebar_border; + } +} + +%side_separator { + &, &:backdrop { + background-image: if($variant == 'light', image($solid_borders_color), image($header_border)); + background-color: transparent; + border-right: none; + } +} + +$list_shadow: if($variant == 'light', + (inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.04), inset 0 1px rgba(black, 0.05)), + (inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.04), inset 0 1px rgba(white, 0.06))); + +%circular_list { + border-radius: $bd_radius; + box-shadow: $list_shadow; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(white, 0.05)); + border: none; + color: $text_color; + + > separator { + min-height: 0; + background-color: transparent; + } +} + +%circular_row { + border: none; + + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bd_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + &:last-child { // Not use ? + border-bottom-left-radius: $bd_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bd_radius; + } + + & + row { + border-top: 1px solid transparent; + border-image: linear-gradient(to right, + transparent 0%, + transparent 2%, + $menu_bd 2%, + $menu_bd 98%, + transparent 98%, + transparent 100%) 1 0 0 0 / 1px 0 0 0 stretch; + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:selected { + &, & + row { + border-image: none; + } + } +} + +%sidebar_row { + margin: 2px 4px; + border-radius: $bd_radius; + -gtk-outline-radius : $bd_radius - 2px; +} + +// catch all extend +%selected_items { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } +} + +%nobg_selected_items { + color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } +} + +%linked_middle { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; +} + +%linked { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-right-style: solid; + } + + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-style: solid; + } +} + +%linked_vertical_middle { + border-radius: 0; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%linked_vertical{ + border-radius: 0; + border-bottom-style: none; + + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:last-child { + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-style: solid; + } + + &:only-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-style: solid; + } +} + +%undecorated_button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; +} + +// Buttons on selected backgrounds +%selected-button { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + background-image: none; + } + + &.flat:disabled { + &, label { color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); } + } + + &:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.8); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:active, &:active:hover, &:checked { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:disabled { + &, label { color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); } + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:disabled:active, &:disabled:checked { + color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.6); + } +} + +%normal_selected_button { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 1); + border-color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5); + background-image: none; +} + +// +// Base States +// +.background { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($bg_color, 1); + + // > box > stack { background-color: $bg_color; } + + &.csd { + border-radius: $wm_radius; // Set csd windows botttom border radius + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + border-radius: $maximized_radius; // Set csd windows botttom border radius + } + } + + &.solid-csd { border-radius: 0; } +} + +dnd { + color: $fg_color; +} + +.normal-icons { + -gtk-icon-size: 16px; +} + +.large-icons { + -gtk-icon-size: 32px; +} + +spinner:disabled, +arrow:disabled, +scrollbar:disabled, +check:disabled, +radio:disabled, +treeview.expander:disabled { -gtk-icon-filter: opacity(0.5); } + +%view, .view { + color: $text_color; + background-color: $base_color; + transition: all 200ms $ease-out-quad; + + // &:hover { background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($base_color, 3%), lighten($base_color, 3%)); } + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + transition: all 350ms $ease-out-quad; + + &:focus { + @extend %selected_items; + } + } +} + +textview { + background-color: $base_color; // This will get overridden by .view, needed by gedit line numbers + + > text { + background-color: $base_color; + // @extend %view; + selection { &:focus, & { @extend %selected_items; }} + } + + border { + background-color: mix($bg_color, $base_color, 50%); + } + + &:drop(active) { + caret-color: $drop_target_color; + } +} + +iconview { + @extend %view; + + &, &:hover, &:selected { border-radius: $bt_radius; } +} + +%rubberband, +rubberband { + border: 1px solid darken($selected_bg_color, 10%); + background-color: transparentize(darken($selected_bg_color, 10%), 0.8); +} + +flowbox { + > rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } + + > flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:selected { + @extend %selected_items; + + outline-offset: -2px; + } + } + + &.search-bar { border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; } +} + +gridview { + > rubberband { @extend rubberband; } + + > child { + padding: 3px; + + &:selected { + outline-color: darken($selected_bg_color, 15%); + + @extend %selected_items; + } + + box { //cells + border-spacing: 8px; //label separation + margin: 12px; + } + } +} + +coverflow cover { + color: $text_color; + background-color: $base_color; + border: 1px solid black; +} + +%dim-label, .dim-label { + opacity: 0.55; + text-shadow: none; +} + +label { + &.separator { + @extend %dim-label; + + color: $fg_color; + } + + > selection { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 1; + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + selection { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); } + } +} + +.accent { + color: $selected_bg_color; +} + +.success { + color: $success_color; +} + +.warning { + color: $warning_color; +} + +.error { + color: $error_color; +} + +window.assistant { + .sidebar { + background-color: $base_color; + } + + &.csd .sidebar { border-top-style: none; } + + .sidebar > label { padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; } + + .sidebar > label.highlight { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } +} + +%osd { + color: $osd_fg_color; + border: none; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +.osd { + @extend %osd; + padding: $container_padding; + margin: $container_padding; + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(black, 0.35); + + &.circular { border-radius: 100%; } +} + +// +// Spinner Animations +// +@keyframes spin { + to { transform: rotate(1turn); } +} + +spinner { + background: none; + opacity: 0; // non spinning spinner makes no sense + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('process-working-symbolic'); + + &:checked { + opacity: 1; + animation: spin 1s linear infinite; + + &:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; + } + } +} + +// General Typography +.large-title { + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 24pt; +} + +.title { + &-1 { + font-weight: 800; + font-size: 20pt; + } + + &-2 { + font-weight: 800; + font-size: 15pt; + } + + &-3 { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 15pt; + } + + &-4 { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 13pt; + } +} + +.heading { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 11pt; +} + +.body { + font-weight: 400; + font-size: 11pt; +} + +.caption { + font-weight: 400; + font-size: 9pt; + + &-heading { + font-weight: 700; + font-size: 9pt; + } +} + +.numeric { + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; +} + +// +// Text Entries +// +%Linked_entrys { + @include entry(normal); + border: none; + + &:focus { + @include entry(focus); + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(insensitive); + } +} + +%entry, +entry { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + border: none; + padding: 2px $container_padding + 2px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + caret-color: currentColor; + transition: all 300ms $ease-out-quad; + animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; + + &.search { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + + @include entry(normal); + + > image { // icons inside the entry + color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 80%); + + &.left { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 5px; } + &.right { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 5px; } + } + + > text > placeholder { + @extend .dim-label; + } + + @at-root %flat_entry, &.flat { + &:focus-within, &:backdrop, &:disabled, &:backdrop:disabled, & { + min-height: 0; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0; + } + } + + &:hover { + @include entry(hover); + } + + &:focus-within { + @include entry(focus); + + > placeholder { + opacity: 0; // We hide placeholders on focus + } + } + + &:disabled { + @include entry(insensitive); + } + + > text > selection { @extend %selected_items; } + + // error and warning style + @each $e_type, $e_color, $e_fg_color in (warning, $warning_color, $light_fg_color), + (error, $error_color, $light_fg_color), + (search-missing, $error_color, $light_fg_color) { // for Gnome-Builder + &.#{$e_type} { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: mix($e_color, $base_color, 60%); + border-image: none; + + image { color: $e_fg_color; } + + &:focus-within { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: $e_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + > selection { + background-color: $e_fg_color; + color: $e_color; + } + } + } + + &:drop(active) { + &:focus, & { + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: none; + border-image: none; + } + } + + .osd & { + @include entry(osd); + border-image: none; + &:focus { @include entry(osd-focus); border-image: none; } + &:disabled { @include entry(osd-insensitive); border-image: none; } + + selection { + &:focus, & { + color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + } + + > progress { + margin: 0 -6px; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0 0 2px; + border-color: $progress_color; + border-style: solid; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + progress > trough > progress { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0 0 2px; + border-color: $progress_color; + border-style: solid; + box-shadow: none; + } + + // linked entries + .linked:not(.vertical) > &, + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:focus-within { + @extend %linked; + min-height: 20px; + } + + .linked.vertical > &, + .linked.vertical > &:focus-within { + @extend %linked_vertical; + } + + .linked > &:not(:only-child) { + @extend %Linked_entrys; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & + button.combo { padding-left: 0; } + .linked.vertical > & + button.combo { padding: 0; } +} + +.entry-tag { + margin: 0; + min-height: 16px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $suggested_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + border: none; + padding: 2px; + + &:hover { box-shadow: $shadow_4; } + + // side margins: compensate the entry padding with a negative margin + // then the negative margin itself + :dir(ltr) & { + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + margin-right: 0; + } + + :dir(rtl) & { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: $container_padding / 2; + } + + // seems any sizing doesn't work + > button { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + @extend %selected-button; + } +} + +treeview entry { + &:focus-within { + &:dir(rtl), &:dir(ltr) { // specificity bump hack + background-color: $base_color; + transition-property: color, background; + } + } + + &.flat, & { + border-radius: 0; + background-image: none; + background-color: $base_color; + + &:focus-within { border-color: $selected_bg_color; } + } +} + +// Editable Labels +editablelabel > stack > text { + @include entry(normal); +} + +// +// Buttons +// +// stuff for .needs-attention +$_dot_color: if($variant=='light', $selected_bg_color, + lighten($selected_bg_color, 15%)); +@keyframes needs_attention { + from { background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side, $_dot_color 0%, transparentize($_dot_color, 1) 0%); } + to { background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side, $_dot_color 95%, transparentize($_dot_color, 1)); } +} + +%needs_attention { + // the dot is drawn by using two radial gradient, the first one is the actual dot, the other + // simulates the shadow labels and icons normally have in buttons. + animation: needs_attention 150ms ease-in; + + background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side, $_dot_color 96%, transparentize($_dot_color,1 )); + background-size: 6px 6px, 6px 6px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + + @if $variant == 'light' { background-position: right 3px, right 4px; } + + @else { background-position: right 3px, right 2px; } + + &:backdrop { background-size: 6px 6px, 0 0;} + + &:dir(rtl) { + @if $variant == 'light' { background-position: left 3px, left 4px; } + + @else { background-position: left 3px, left 2px; } + } +} + +%flat_button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:checked, &:selected { @include button(flat-checked); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } +} + +%opaque_button { + box-shadow: none; + transition: $button_transition; + + .osd &:focus:focus-visible { + outline-color: rgba(white, 0.15) + } + + &:hover { + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, .1)); + } + + &.keyboard-activating, + &:active { + background-image: image(transparentize(black, .8)); + } + + &:checked { + background-image: image(transparentize(black, .85)); + + &:hover { + background-image: image(transparentize(black, .95)); + } + + &.keyboard-activating, + &:active { + background-image: image(transparentize(black, .7)); + } + } +} + +%button, +button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 10px; + transition: $button_transition; + border: 1px solid; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + @include button(normal); + + separator { margin: 4px 1px; } + + &.flat { + @extend %flat_button; + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + transition: none; + + &:hover { + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 350ms; + + &:active { transition: $button_transition; } + } + + &:checked:hover { background-image: none; } + + &.toggle.popup { + min-width: $menuitem_size - 8px; + } + } + + &.opaque { + @extend %opaque_button; + + background-color: mix($bg_color, $fg_color, 80%); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &:hover { + @include button(hover); + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + -gtk-icon-filter: brightness(1.2); + } + + &.keyboard-activating, &:active, &:checked { + @include button(active); + + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + transition-duration: 200ms; + + &:not(:disabled) label:disabled { color: inherit; opacity: 0.6; } + } + + &:disabled { + @include button(insensitive); + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(insensitive-active); + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + } + } + + &.image-button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.text-button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + } + + &.text-button.image-button, + &.image-text-button { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + + > box, + > box > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding - 2px; + + > label { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; + } + } + + label { + &:first-child { + padding-left: $container_padding + 2; + padding-right: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:last-child { + padding-right: $container_padding + 2; + padding-left: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:only-child { + padding-left: $container_padding + 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 2px; + } + } + + &.popup { padding-right: $container_padding; padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + &.arrow-button { + padding-left: $container_padding * 1.5; + padding-right: $container_padding * 1.5; + + > box { border-spacing: $container_padding - 2px; } + + &.text-button { + > box { border-spacing: $container_padding - 2px; } + } + } + + // hide separators + &.font { + separator { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; } + > box { border-spacing: $container_padding; } + > box > box > label { font-weight: bold; } + } + + @at-root %circular_button, &.circular, &.close { // The Bloody Circul Button + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: 0; + min-height: $menuitem_size; + min-width: $menuitem_size; + + label { padding: 0; } + + &:active, &:checked { + @if $variant=='light' { + @include button(flat-active); + border-color: rgba(black, 0.2); + } + } + } + + @at-root %pill_button, + &.pill { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 4px; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + &.card { + background-color: $fill_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + font-weight: inherit; + padding: $container_padding; + transition: $button_transition; + + &:hover { + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.03)); + } + + &.keyboard-activating, + &:active { + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.08)); + } + + &:checked { + background-color: $fill_color; + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.1)); + + &:hover { background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.13)); } + + &.keyboard-activating, + &:active { background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.19)); } + + &.has-open-popup { background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.13)); } + } + + &:drop(active) { + color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; + } + } + + @at-root %button_basic_drop_active, + &:drop(active) { + color: $drop_target_color; + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; + } + + // big standalone buttons like in Documents pager + &.osd { + color: white; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.65); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &.image-button { + padding: 3px; + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + + &.remove-button { + padding: 0; + } + } + + &:hover { + color: white; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.75); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.keyboard-activating, &:active, &:checked { + color: white; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.85); + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 0.35; + } + } + + //overlay / OSD style + @at-root %osd_button, + .osd & { + @include button(osd); + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + &.keyboard-activating, &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(osd-insensitive); } + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + + &:disabled { + @include button(osd-insensitive); + background-image: none; + } + + &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + } + } + + .osd .linked:not(.vertical):not(.path-bar) > &:hover:not(:checked):not(:active):not(:only-child), + .osd .linked:not(.vertical):not(.path-bar) > &:hover:not(:checked):not(:active) + &:not(:checked):not(:active) { box-shadow: none; } + + // Suggested and Destructive Action buttons + @each $b_type, $b_color, $b_fg in (suggested-action, $suggested_color, $light_fg_color), + (destructive-action, $destructive_color, $light_fg_color) { + &.#{$b_type} { + @include button(suggested_destructive, $b_color, $b_fg); + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + color: $b_color; + } + + &:hover { + @include button(suggested_destructive, lighten($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(suggested_destructive, darken($b_color, 5%), $b_fg); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.flat:disabled { + @include button(undecorated); + color: $disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:disabled { @include button(insensitive); } + } + } + + stackswitcher > & { + // to position the needs attention dot, padding is added to the button + // child, a label needs just lateral padding while an icon needs vertical + // padding added too. + + outline-offset: -3px; // needs to be set or it gets overridden by GtkRadioButton outline-offset + + > label { + padding-left: $container_padding; // label padding + padding-right: $container_padding; // + } + + > image { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.text-button { + padding-left: $container_padding + 4px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 4px; + } + + &.image-button { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; + } + + &.needs-attention { + > label, > image { @extend %needs_attention; } + + &:active, &:checked { + > label, > image { + animation: none; + background-image: none; + } + } + } + } + + // hide separators + &.font, + &.file { separator { background-color: transparent; }} + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & { @extend %linked; } + + .linked.vertical > & { @extend %linked_vertical; } +} + +menubutton { + margin: 0; + + &.osd { + background: none; + color: inherit; + + > button { @extend %osd_button; } + } + + &.circular > button { @extend %circular_button; } + &.flat > button { @extend %flat_button; } + &.pill > button { @extend %pill_button; } + + &.suggested-action { + background-color: $suggested_color; + color: white; + } + + &.destructive-action { + background-color: $destructive_color; + color: white; + } + + &.opaque { + background-color: mix($bg_color, $fg_color, 80%); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &.suggested-action, + &.destructive-action, + &.opaque { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &.circular, &.pill { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + > button { + @extend %flat_button; + + &, &:checked { + background-color: transparent; + color: inherit; + } + } + } + + &.image-button > button { + min-width: 24px; + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + } + + arrow { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + &.none { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('open-menu-symbolic'); + } + &.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + } + &.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); + } + &.left { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-start-symbolic'); + } + &.right { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + } + } + + .linked > &:not(:only-child) > button { + @extend %linked_middle; + } + + .linked > &:first-child > button { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked > &:last-child > button { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } +} + +splitbutton { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &, & > separator { + transition: $button_transition; + transition-property: background; + } + + > separator { + margin-top: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: $container_padding; + background: none; + } + + > menubutton > button { + padding-left: $container_padding - 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding - 2px; + } + + // Since the inner button doesn't have any style classes on it, + // we have to add them manually + &.image-button > button { + min-width: 24px; + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.text-button.image-button > button, + &.image-text-button > button { + padding-left: $container_padding * 1.5; + padding-right: $container_padding * 1.5; + + > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } + } + + // Reimplementing linked so we don't blow up css + > button:dir(ltr), + > menubutton > button:dir(rtl) { + border-top-right-radius: 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + margin-right: -1px; + } + + > button:dir(rtl), + > menubutton > button:dir(ltr) { + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + margin-left: -1px; + } + + @at-root %flat_split_button, + &.flat { + > separator { + background: $borders_color; + } + + &:hover, + &:active, + &:checked { + background: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.07); + + > separator { + background: none; + } + } + + &:focus-within:focus-visible > separator { + background: none; + } + + > button, + > menubutton > button { + @extend %flat_button; + + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + + &.suggested-action { + background-color: $suggested_color; + color: white; + } + + &.destructive-action { + background-color: $destructive_color; + color: white; + } + + &.opaque { + background-color: mix($bg_color, $fg_color, 80%); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &.suggested-action, + &.destructive-action, + &.opaque { + > button, > menubutton > button { + @extend %flat_button; + + &, &:checked { + color: inherit; + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + > menubutton > button { + &:dir(ltr) { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color; } + &:dir(rtl) { box-shadow: inset -1px 0 $borders_color; } + } + } + + > menubutton > button > arrow.none { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + } +} + +buttoncontent { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + + > label { + font-weight: bold; + + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: 2px; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: 2px; } + } + + .arrow-button > box > &, + splitbutton > button > & { + > label { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: 0; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: 0; } + } + } +} + +// Some crazy linking stuff +@mixin linking_rules($a:0.7, $var:$variant, $vert:'false', $entry_rules:'true', $button_rules:'true', + $e_border:$entry_border, $b_border:$button_border) { + + $_border: if($vert=='false', left, top); + + @if $entry_rules=='true' { + @each $e_type, $e_color in (':focus-within', $entry_highlight), + (':drop(active)', $drop_target_color), + ('.warning:focus-within', $warning_color), + ('.error:focus-within', $error_color) { + + > entry#{$e_type}:not(:only-child) { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $e_color; + } + } + } + + @if $button_rules=='true' { + $_uncolored_button: 'button:not(:checked):not(:active):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action)'; + + > button + button { border-#{$_border}-style: none; } + } +} + +// special case, because path-bars are bugged +@mixin pathbar_linking_rules ($sep_color: $button_border, $button_rules: 'true') { + + @if $button_rules == 'true' { + > button + button { + border-left-style: none; + } + } +} + +// Apply the rules defined above +.linked:not(.vertical) { + &:not(.path-bar) { @include linking_rules(); } + &.path-bar { @include pathbar_linking_rules(); } +} + +.linked.vertical { @include linking_rules($vert:'true'); } + +// menu buttons +modelbutton.flat { + transition: $shorter_transition; + min-height: 20px + $container_padding; + padding-left: $container_padding + 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 2px; + outline-offset: -3px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @extend %undecorated_button; + + &:hover { + background-color: if($variant=='light', mix($fg_color,$bg_color,5%), mix($fg_color,$bg_color,10%)); + transition-duration: 50ms; + } + + &:active, &:selected { + &, arrow { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + transition: none; + animation: none; + } + } + + &:checked { color: $fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + // FIXME: temporary workaround + check:last-child, + radio:last-child { margin-left: 8px; } + + check:first-child, + radio:first-child { margin-right: 8px; } + + arrow.left, arrow.right { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + transition: none; + color: $alt_fg_color; + opacity: 1; + + &:hover, &:selected, &:focus { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + transition: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &.left { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("go-previous-symbolic"); } + + &.right { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("go-next-symbolic"); } + } +} + +%list_button, +list > row button.image-button:not(.flat) { + @extend %undecorated_button; + border: 1px solid transparentize($borders_color, .5); + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + &:active, + &:checked { @include button(active); } + + @each $b_type, $b_color in (suggested-action, $selected_bg_color), + (destructive-action, $destructive_color) { + &.#{$b_type} { // allow colored buttons in lists #3643 + @include button(suggested_destructive, $b_color, white); + } + } +} + +// +// Links +// +link, %links { + color: $link_color; + + &:visited { + color: $link_visited_color; + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 60%); } + } + &:hover { + color: lighten($link_color,10%); + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 90%); } + } + &:active { + color: $link_color; + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 80%); } + } + + @at-root %link_selected, + &:selected, + *:selected & { color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 80%); } +} + { + @extend %links; + + &, &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + @extend %undecorated_button; + } + + > label { text-decoration-line: underline; } +} + +// +// Spinbuttons +// +spinbutton { + background: none; + + &:drop(active) { box-shadow: none; } + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + button:active { color: $selected_fg_color; } + + &:focus-within { outline: none; } + + > text { + padding: $container_padding; + @extend %Linked_entrys; + border: 1px solid $dark_borders_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + + > selection { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &:focus-within { + outline: none; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $entry_highlight; } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + border-color: $entry_highlight; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 transparent, inset 0 0 0 1px $entry_highlight; + } + } + + &:drop(active) { + outline: none; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $drop_target_color; } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 transparent, inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; + } + } + } + + &:not(.vertical) { + padding: 0; + border-spacing: 0; + + > text { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; + min-width: $menuitem_size; + } + + > button, > text { @extend %linked; min-height: $small_size; } + + &:dir(ltr) > text, + &:dir(rtl) > button.up { border-radius: $bt_radius 0 0 $bt_radius; } + + > button + button { border-left-style: none; } + + > button:hover:not(:active), + > button:hover + button { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $button_border; } + + > button:disabled + button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover), + > button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover) + button:disabled { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 transparentize($button_border, 0.5); } + + > button:first-child:hover:not(:active), + > button.up:dir(rtl):hover:not(:active), + > text + button:not(:active):hover { box-shadow: none; } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + > text:focus-within + button { border-left-color: $entry_highlight; } + > text:drop(active) + button { border-left-color: $drop_target_color; } + } + + .osd & { + &, &:focus-within, &:drop(active) { border-image: none; } + > button:hover:not(:active), + > button:hover + button { box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $osd_button_border; } + + > button:first-child:hover:not(:active), + > button.up:dir(rtl):hover:not(:active), + > text + button:not(:active):hover { box-shadow: none; } + + > text:focus-within + button { border-left-color: $entry_highlight; } + } + } + + &.vertical { + > button, > text { + padding-left: $container_padding - 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding - 2px; + min-width: 0; + + @extend %linked_vertical; + } + + > button.up { border-radius: $bt_radius $bt_radius 0 0; } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + > text:focus-within + button { border-top-color: $entry_highlight; } + > text:drop(active) + button { border-top-color: $drop_target_color; } + } + } + + // Misc + treeview &:not(.vertical), + row &:not(.vertical) { + min-height: 0; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + border-style: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.08); + + &:focus, &:hover, &:selected { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); } + + &:focus-within { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $entry_highlight; + transition: $shadow_transition; + } + + > text { + &, &:hover, &:focus { + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + > button.up, + > button.down { + border: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 100px; + min-height: 22px; + min-width: 22px; + padding: 0; + margin: 4px 2px; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); color: $fg_color; } + } + + > button:hover:not(:active), + > button:hover + button { box-shadow: none; } + + > button:disabled + button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover), + > button:not(:disabled):not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover) + button:disabled { box-shadow: none; } + + > text:focus + button { border-left-color: transparent; } + > text:drop(active) + button { border-left-color: transparent; } + } + + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; +} + +// +// Comboboxes +// + +dropdown > > contents { padding: 0; } + +dropdown > button > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding; +} + +dropdown, +combobox { + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + + button.combo { + min-width: 0; // otherwise the arrow placement is unsymmetric + min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + // margin: 0; + padding-left: $container_padding * 2; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2; + } + + // align menu labels with the button label + > > contents modelbutton { + padding-left: $container_padding + 4px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 4px; + } + + button.combo arrow { + @include button(active); + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark@2.png")); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 10px; + padding: 0; + margin: 2px (-$menuitem_size + 18px) 2px 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius - 1px; + border: none; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $button_highlight, 0 0 0 1px $dark_borders_color, 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(black, 0.05); + } + } + + .background & button.combo:disabled arrow, + .background & button.combo:backdrop arrow { + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.35), rgba(white, 0.25)); + } + + button.combo:checked, + .background & button.combo:checked { transition: none; } // workaround for menuitem selection + + &:drop(active) button.combo { + color: $drop_target_color; + border-color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + // newstyle + popover { + margin-top: $container_padding / 2; + padding: 0; + + // drodowns with searchboxes on top + .dropdown-searchbar { + padding: $container_padding; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > entry + button.combo, + .linked:not(.vertical) > & > box > button.combo { + arrow { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow#{$asset_suffix}.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow#{$asset_suffix}@2.png")); + } + + &:checked, &:active { + arrow { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled( + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark.png"), + url("assets/combobox-arrow-dark@2.png")); + } + } + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > & > box > button.combo { + // the combobox is a composite widget so the way we do button linking doesn't + // work, special case needed. + &:dir(ltr), + &:dir(rtl) { @extend %linked_middle; } // specificity bump + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:first-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:last-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + border-right: 1px solid $button_borders; + } + + .linked:not(.vertical) > &:only-child > box > button.combo { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // .linked.vertical > & > box > button.combo { @extend %linked_vertical_middle; } + .linked.vertical > &:first-child > box > button.combo { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked.vertical > &:last-child > box > button.combo { + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .linked.vertical > &:only-child > box > button.combo { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } +} + +// +// Toolbars +// + +.toolbar { + padding: $container_padding; + border-spacing: $container_padding; + background-color: $bg_color; + color: $text_color; + + separator { background: none; } + + &.horizontal separator { margin: 0 $container_padding; } + &.vertical separator { margin: $container_padding 0; } + + // oldstyle toolbar buttons + > button { + @extend %flat_button; + } + + .osd & { background-color: transparent; } + + &.osd { + padding: $container_padding; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius + 4px; + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + box-shadow: $shadow_4; + + scalebutton { + margin: 0; + } + + &.left, + &.right, + &.top, + &.bottom { border-radius: 0; } // positional classes for `attached` osd toolbars + + &.top { border-width: 0 0 1px 0; } + &.bottom { border-width: 1px 0 0 0; } + &.left { border-width: 0 1px 0 0; } + &.right { border-width: 0 0 0 1px; } + } +} + +searchbar { + > revealer > box { + padding: $container_padding; + border-spacing: $container_padding; + + entry, button { margin: 0; } + + .close { + min-width: 18px; + min-height: 18px; + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 50%; + } + } + + &:not(.inline) > revealer > box { + border-style: solid; + border-color: $solid_borders_color; + background-color: $header_bg; + border-width: 0 0 1px; + box-shadow: none; + color: $header_fg; + } + + // Close button on searchbar + button.flat { + @extend %circular_button; + } +} + +actionbar > revealer > box { + padding: $container_padding; + border-spacing: $container_padding; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: darken($bg_color, 3%); + box-shadow: none; + color: $text_color; + + entry, button { margin: 0; } + + &, > box.start, > box.end { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } +} + +// +// Headerbars +// + +%header_separator { + min-width: 0; + min-height: 0; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; } +} + +// Headerbar Entries +%headerbar_entrys { + // min-height: $menuitem_size - 6px; + @include entry(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:hover { + @include entry(header-hover); + } + + &:focus { + @include entry(header-focus); + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 1; + @include entry(header-insensitive); + } + + selection:focus { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + progress { + border-color: $progress_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + @each $e_type, $e_color, $e_fg_color in (warning, $warning_color, $light_fg_color), + (error, $error_color, $light_fg_color) { + &.#{$e_type} { + color: $e_fg_color; + border-color: if($variant=='light', $e_color, $entry_border); + background-color: mix($e_color, $header_bg, 60%); + + &:focus { + color: $e_fg_color; + background-color: $e_color; + } + + selection, selection:focus { + background-color: $e_fg_color; + color: $e_color; + } + } + } +} + +// Headerbar Buttons +%headerbar_buttons { + // min-height: $menuitem_size - 4px; + // min-width: $menuitem_size - 10px; + // padding: 2px $container_padding * 2; + @include button(header-normal); + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + + &:hover { + @include button(header-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active { + @include button(header-active); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + } + + &:checked { + @include button(header-checked); + transition: $button_transition; + transition-duration: 300ms; + + &:hover { background-image: none; } + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 1; + &, &:checked, &:active { @include button(header-insensitive); } + } + + &.flat { + @include button(undecorated); + } +} + +headerbar { + min-height: $headerbar_size; + padding: 0; + color: $header_fg; + background-color: $header_bg; + border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; + box-shadow: none; + margin: 0; + + &:backdrop { + opacity: 1; + transition: $backdrop_transition; + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.3); + background-color: $header_bg_backdrop; + border-color: if($variant=='light', lighten($header_border, 5%), darken($header_border, 3%)); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &.flat { + &, &:backdrop { + border: none; + background: none; + } + + > windowhandle > box { + padding: 0 8px; + + &, + > box.start, + > box.end { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } + } + + windowcontrols { + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + } + } + + .title { + padding: 2px $container_padding * 2; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: smaller; + padding: 2px $container_padding * 2; + margin-top: -3px; + @extend %dim-label; + } + + > windowhandle > box { + padding: 0 8px; + + &, + > box.start, + > box.end { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } + } + + entry { + @extend %headerbar_entrys; + } + + button { + @extend %headerbar_buttons; + + &.star { + min-width: 24px; + padding: 2px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + } + + entry, + spinbutton, + button, + menubutton, + splitbutton, + stackswitcher, + separator:not(.sidebar) { + margin-top: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + + menubutton > button, + spinbutton > button, + splitbutton > button, + splitbutton > menubutton, + entry > menubutton { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + // Reset linked buttons + .linked.raised > & { + // min-width: 16px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &:disabled { background: none; } + } + + stackswitcher.linked:not(.vertical) > button { + // min-height: $menuitem_size - 8px; + min-width: $menuitem_size - 4px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // Reset linking entrys + .linked:not(.vertical) > entry { + @include entry(header-normal); + margin: 8px ($container_padding / 2 + 1px); + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + + &:focus { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include entry(header-focus); + } + + &:disabled { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @include entry(header-insensitive); + } + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.65; background-image: none; } + } + + stackswitcher { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $light_borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0; + + > button { + // min-height: $menuitem_size - 8px; + margin: 0; + font-weight: 500; + + &:not(:first-child) { + border-width: 0 0 0 1px; + border-style: none solid none none; + border-radius: 0; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, + transparent 16%, + $light_borders_color 16%, + $light_borders_color 84%, + transparent 84%) 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1px stretch; + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + border-image: none; + } + } + + button:hover + button, + button:active + button, + button:checked + button { border-image: none; } + } + + // Headerbar Switches + switch { + margin-top: ($headerbar_size - 24px) / 2; + margin-bottom: ($headerbar_size - 24px) / 2; + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.75; } + } + + &.titlebar headerbar:not(.titlebar) { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + windowhandle { + box.linked > button { + background-color: $fill_color; + + &:hover { background-color: $divider_color; } + + &:active { background-color: $track_color; } + + &:checked { background-color: $visit_color; } + } + } + + // Selectionmode + .selection-mode &, + &.selection-mode { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $selection_mode_bg; + border-color: darken($selection_mode_bg, 4%); + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + text-shadow: none; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: $selection_mode_bg; + color: transparentize($light_fg_color, 0.4); + border-color: darken($selection_mode_bg, 4%); + } + + button { + @include button(undecorated); + @extend %selected-button; + } + + .subtitle:link { @extend %link_selected; } + + .selection-menu { + box-shadow: none; + padding-left: 10px; + padding-right: 10px; + + .arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + } + } + + .maximized & { background-color: $selection_mode_bg; } + } + + .tiled &, .tiled &:backdrop, + .maximized &, .maximized &:backdrop { + border-radius: $maximized_radius $maximized_radius 0 0; // squared corners when the window is max'd or tiled + box-shadow: none; + } + + .maximized & { + background-color: $header_bg; + border-color: opacify($header_border, 1); + box-shadow: none; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: $header_bg_backdrop; + border-color: if($variant=='light', lighten($header_border, 15%), darken($header_border, 3%)); + } + + &.flat { + &, &:backdrop { + border: none; + background: none; + } + } + } + + &.default-decoration { + min-height: $medium_size; + padding: 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + > windowhandle > box { + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + } + + .tiled &, + .maximized &, + .fullscreen & { box-shadow: none; } + + windowcontrols { + button, + menubutton { + border: none; + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + } + + menubutton button { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + margin: 0; + padding: $container_padding - 2px; + } + } + } + + separator.titlebutton { @extend %header_separator; } +} + +.titlebar { + > box.left.horizontal, + > box.right.horizontal { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + } +} + +// Fixes split headerbars too +.titlebar:not(headerbar) { + window > &, + window.csd > & { + &, &:backdrop { + padding: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + > separator { + min-width: 1px; + @extend %side_separator; + } +} + +// +// Pathbars +// + +$pathbar_button_checked_bg: if($variant == 'light', #808080, #b8b8b8); + +pathbar > button { + min-width: $container_padding * 2; + min-height: if($variant == 'light', 24px, 26px); + + &.text-button, &.image-button, & { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &:hover { box-shadow: none; } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $pathbar_button_checked_bg; + color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 1), rgba(black, 0.75)); + border-color: $button_borders; + } + + &:disabled { + border-color: $button_borders; + } + + &.text-button.image-button label { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } + + &.text-button.image-button, & { + label:last-child { padding-right: $container_padding + 4px; } + label:first-child { padding-left: $container_padding + 4px; } + } + + &.slider-button, + &:not(.image-button):not(.text-button) { + padding-left: 1px; + padding-right: 1px; + } + + image { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } +} + +// +// Tree Views +// +columnview.view, +treeview.view { + border-left-color: $solid_borders_color; // this is actually the tree lines color, + border-top-color: $solid_borders_color; // while this is the grid lines color, better then nothing + + > rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } // to avoid borders being overridden by the previously set props + + acceleditor > label { background-color: $selected_bg_color; } + + &:selected { + &, &:focus { + border-radius: 0; + border-left-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + border-top-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); // doesn't work unfortunately + + @extend %selected_items; + } + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + &:selected { + color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 40%); + } + } + + &.separator { + min-height: 2px; + color: $borders_color; + } + + > dndtarget:drop(active) { + border-style: solid none; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: mix($fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + + &.after { border-top-style: none; } + + &.before { border-bottom-style: none; } + } + + &.expander { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + + &:dir(rtl) { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic-rtl'); } + + color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 50%); + + &:hover { color: $fg_color; } + + &:selected { + color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 70%); + &:hover { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + } + + &.progressbar { // progress bar in treeviews + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $progress_color; + + &:selected, &:selected:focus { + color: $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + + &.trough { // progress bar trough in treeviews + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $button_border; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + + &:selected, &:selected:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + } + } + + > header { + > button { + $_column_header_color: mix($fg_color,$base_color,80%); + + min-height: if($variant =='light', 24px, 26px); + min-width: 38px; + padding: 0 $container_padding; + font-weight: bold; + + color: $_column_header_color; + background-color: $base_color; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-style: none solid none none; + border-radius: 0; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, + $base_color 20%, + transparentize(if($variant == 'light', black, white), 0.89) 20%, + transparentize(if($variant == 'light', black, white), 0.89) 80%, + $base_color 80%) 0 1 0 0 / 0 1px 0 0 stretch; + + &:hover { color: $selected_bg_color; } + &:active { color: $fg_color; } + + &:active, &:hover { background-color: $base_color; } + + &:disabled { + border-color: $bg_color; + background-image: none; + } + + &:last-child { + border-right-style: none; + border-image: none; + } + } + } + + button.dnd, + header.button.dnd { + &, &:selected, &:hover, &:active { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + transition: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 0; + border-style: none; + } + } +} + +treeview.navigation-sidebar { + padding: 0; +} + +// +// Menus +// + +menubar { + padding: 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + color: $header_fg; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + + &:backdrop { + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.2); + // background-image: none; + // background-color: opacify($header_bg_backdrop, 1); + } + + > item { + transition: all 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) $container_padding; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius / 2; + + &:hover { //Seems like it :hover even with keyboard focus + transition: none; + @include button(header-hover); + } + + &:disabled { + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.6); + } + } + + & > item > contents { + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + } + + //nested submenus + & > item { + padding: 0 0 $container_padding 0; + } + + & > item > contents { + margin: 0; + border-radius: $mn_radius; //including top + } +} + +// +// Popovers +// +popover { + &.background { + background-color: transparent; + font: initial; + } + + > arrow, + > contents { + color: $fg_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: $menu_bg; + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px 0 if($variant=='light', transparentize(black, 0.85), transparentize(black, 0.85)), + 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', rgba($borders_color, 0.03), rgba($dark_borders_color, 0.55)); + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba($borders_color, 0.2), lighten($menu_bg, 6%)); + } + + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + } + + > contents { + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + + list, + .view, + > toolbar { + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + + separator { + background-color: $menu_bd; + margin: $container_padding / 2; + } + + > scrolledwindow > viewport > stack > box { + padding: 0; + } + + stack scrolledwindow:not(.view) > viewport { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + } + + listview { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + + > row { + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + margin: 0; + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + } + } + + entry { + background-color: mix($fg_color, $menu_bg, 5%); + } + + .osd &, + &.touch-selection, + &.magnifier { + background-color: transparent; + + > arrow, + > contents { + @extend %osd; + + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.35); + } + } + + &.touch-selection, + &.magnifier { + button { @extend %osd_button; } + } +} + +//touch selection handlebars for the Popover.osd above +cursor-handle { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-style: none; + &.top { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('selection-start-symbolic'); } + &.bottom { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('selection-end-symbolic'); } +} + +// +// Popover Base Menus +// + { + padding: 0; + + box.inline-buttons { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + + button.image-button.model { + @include button(undecorated); + min-height: $menuitem_size; + min-width: $menuitem_size; + padding: 0; + border: none; + outline: none; + transition: none; + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-image: image($selected_bg_color); + } + } + } + + box.circular-buttons { + padding: $container_padding; + + button.circular.image-button.model { + @extend %list_button; + padding: $container_padding; + border: none; + + &:focus { + background-color: $light_borders_color; + } + + &:active:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + } + + & > arrow, + &.background > contents { + background-color: $menu_bg; + color: $fg_color; + } + + &.background separator { + margin: $container_padding 0; + } + + accelerator { + color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.55); + + &:dir(ltr) { margin-left: $container_padding; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-right: $container_padding; } + } + + arrow.left, + radio.left, + check.left { + margin-left: 4px - $container_padding; + margin-right: $container_padding; + } + + arrow.right, + radio.right, + check.right { + margin-left: $container_padding; + margin-right: 4px - $container_padding; + } + + modelbutton { + min-height: $menuitem_size - $container_padding; + min-width: $large_size * 2; + padding: $container_padding / 3 $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + transition: none; + color: $text_color; + + &:focus { + background-color: transparent; + color: $fg_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba($fg_color, 0.06); + transition: none; + } + + &:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + transition: background-color 50ms $deceleration_curve; + + arrow { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + &:hover:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:selected:active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: darken($selected_bg_color, 5%); // matching buttons + transition: background-color $shorter_duration $deceleration_curve; + } + } + + label.title { + font-weight: bold; + padding: $container_padding / 2 ($container_padding + 20px); //this will fall apart with font sizing + } +} + +// +// Notebooks and Tabs +// + +%tabs_tab { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($base_color, 1); + border: 1px solid transparent; + transition: all 150ms ease-out; + border-radius: 0; + padding: $container_padding - 4px $container_padding + 4px; + margin: 0; + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover:not(:checked):not(:selected) { + color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.05)); + border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), lighten($header_bg, 5%)); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:checked, &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $header_bg; + border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), lighten($header_bg, 5%)); + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +%monterey_tab { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($base_color, 1); + border: none; + transition: all 150ms ease-out; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $container_padding - 4px $container_padding + 4px; + margin: 0; + box-shadow: none; + + &:hover:not(:checked):not(:selected){ + color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.06); + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:checked, &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +notebook { + padding: 0; + + &.frame { border: 1px solid $solid_borders_color; } + + > stack:not(:only-child) { // the :not(:only-child) is for "hidden" notebooks + background-color: $base_color; + } + + > header { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + background-color: darken($header_bg, 10%); + border: none; + + // Set box-shadow to make the header frame color more easy to see + // Set margin to hide the ugly borders around the header + &.top { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color, inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + + &.bottom { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color, inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + + &.right { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color, inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + + &.left { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color, inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + } @else { + &.top { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.bottom { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.right { + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.left { + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + button.flat.toggle.popup { + min-width: $medium_size; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + + @if $monterey == 'true' { + margin-top: -2px; + margin-bottom: -2px; + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.20), rgba(white, 0.15)); + } + } + + @each $_pos, $_bpos in (top, bottom), (bottom, top), (right, left), (left, right) { + // sizing and borders + &.#{$_pos} { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin-#{$_pos}: -1px; + padding: 0; + } @else { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + } + + > tabs { + margin: 0; + + > tab { + outline-offset: -4px; + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 24px; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + // tab overlap + + tab { + @if $_pos==top or $_pos==bottom { margin-left: -1px; } + @else { margin-top: -1px; } + } + } @else { + + tab { + @if $_pos==top or $_pos==bottom { margin-left: $container_padding / 2; } + @else { margin-top: $container_padding / 2; } + } + } + } + } + } + } + + // overflow arrows + &.top, &.bottom { + > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + &:last-child { margin-left: 2px; } + } + + > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-start-symbolic'); + &:first-child { margin-right: 2px; } + } + } + + &.left, &.right { + > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); + &:last-child { margin-top: 2px; } + } + + > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); + &:first-child { margin-bottom: 2px; } + } + } + + > tabs > arrow { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + + &:hover { color: mix($fg_color, $disabled_fg_color, 50%); } + &:active { color: $fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: transparentize($disabled_fg_color,0.3); } + } + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + &.top, + &.bottom { + > tabs > tab { + &:first-child { border-left: none; } + &:last-child { border-right: none; } + } + } + + &.left, + &.right { + > tabs > tab { + &:first-child { border-top: none; } + &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } + } + } + } + + > tabs > tab { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + @extend %tabs_tab; + } @else { + @extend %monterey_tab; + } + + // close button + button.flat, + button.close-button, + button.image-button.flat { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 0; + color: $alt_fg_color; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + margin-right: -$container_padding / 2; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Scrollbars +// +$_scrollbar_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($base_color, 1%), lighten($base_color, 1%)); + +scrollbar { + $_slider_min_length: 40px; + + background-color: transparent; + transition: 300ms $ease-out-quad; + outline: none; + + &, button { border: none; } + + &.vertical button { + &.down { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + &.up { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-up-symbolic'); } + } + + &.horizontal button { + &.down { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-right-symbolic'); } + &.up { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-left-symbolic'); } + } + + // slider + > range > trough { + background: none; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border: none; + outline: none; + transition: none; + + > slider { + min-width: $container_padding + 2px; + min-height: $container_padding + 2px; + margin: 0; + border: 4px solid transparent; + border-radius: $container_padding * 2; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 40%); + box-shadow: none; + outline: none; + transition: all 200ms linear; + + &:hover { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 30%); } + &:hover:active { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 50%); } + &:disabled { background-color: transparent; } + } + } + + > range.fine-tune { + > trough > slider { + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + } + + &.horizontal > trough > slider { border-width: 5px 4px; } + &.vertical > trough > slider { border-width: 4px 5px; } + } + + &.overlay-indicator { + background: none; + color: inherit; + box-shadow: none; + padding: 0; + + > range > trough { + outline: none; + background: none; + + > slider { + outline: none; + } + } + + &:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) { + opacity: 0.4; + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + + > range > trough > slider { + margin: $container_padding / 2; + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 70%); + border: none; + } + + &.horizontal > range > trough > slider { + min-width: $_slider_min_length; + } + + &.vertical > range > trough > slider { + min-height: $_slider_min_length; + } + } + + &.dragging, + &.hovering { opacity: 1; } + } + + &.horizontal > range > trough > slider { min-width: $_slider_min_length; } + &.vertical > range > trough > slider { min-height: $_slider_min_length; } +} + +// treeview ~ scrollbar.vertical { +// border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; +// margin-top: -1px; +// } + +// +// Switches +// + +$switch_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.25) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.35) 100%); +$switch_disabled_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.1) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.15) 100%); +$switch_checked_image: linear-gradient(0deg, lighten($selected_bg_color, 10%) 0%, $selected_bg_color 100%); +$switch_checked_backdrop_image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba($fg_color, 0.45) 0%, rgba($fg_color, 0.55) 100%); +$switch_checked_disabled_image: linear-gradient(0deg, lighten($selected_bg_color, 35%) 0%, lighten($selected_bg_color, 25%) 100%); +$switch_animation: switch_ripple_effect 0.3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); + +@keyframes switch_ripple_effect { + from { + background-image: $switch_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, + transparent 0%, + transparent 0%); + } + + to { + background-image: $switch_checked_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, + rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.75) 100%, + rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.0) 0%); + } +} + +switch { + transition: $longer_transition; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: transparent; + background-clip: padding-box; + color: transparent; + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 20px; + font-size: 0; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.1); + background-image: $switch_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, transparent 0%, transparent 0%); + + &:disabled { + color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_disabled_image; + } + + &:checked { + animation: $switch_animation; + background-color: transparent; + color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.15); + transition: background-image 0.3s, box-shadow 0; + background-image: $switch_checked_image, radial-gradient(circle farthest-corner at center, rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.75) 100%, transparent 0%); + + &:disabled { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_checked_disabled_image; + color: transparent; + } + + &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $switch_checked_backdrop_image; + color: transparent; + } + } + + > slider { + transition: $longer_transition, $shadow_transition, margin 0; + min-width: 18px; + min-height: 18px; + margin: 1px 0 1px 1px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-color: white; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.15); + } + + &, > slider { + outline-color: transparent; + color: transparent; + border: none; + } + + &:hover > slider { box-shadow: $shadow_5; } + + &:checked > slider { + margin: 1px 1px 1px 0; + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &:disabled > slider { @include entry(disabled); } + + &:checked:disabled > slider { animation: none; } +} + +// +// Check and Radio items +// +.view.content-view.check:not(list), +.content-view .tile check:not(list) { + min-height: 40px; + min-width: 40px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; +} + +checkbutton, radiobutton { + // this is for a nice focus on check and radios text + &.text-button { + padding: 2px 0; + outline-offset: 0; + + &:hover { color: darken($fg_color, 15%); } + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + + label:not(:only-child) { + &:first-child { margin-left: 4px; } + &:last-child { margin-right: 4px; } + } +} + +$check_radio_border: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(black, 0.1)); +$check_radio_image: linear-gradient(0deg, #6a6a6a 0%, #545454 100%); +$check_radio_checked_image: linear-gradient(0deg, darken($selected_bg_color, 5%) 0%, lighten($selected_bg_color, 5%) 100%); + +check, +radio { + min-width: 14px; + min-height: 14px; + margin: 3px; + padding: 0; + color: transparent; + background-color: $base_color; + transition: $button_transition; + background-clip: padding-box; + border: none; + -gtk-icon-size: 14px; + + @if $variant == 'dark' { + background-image: $check_radio_image; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color, 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.25); + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.1), inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + + &:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } + + &:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } + } + + &:disabled { + background-image: none; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.45), rgba(white, 0.08)); + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.08); + } @else { box-shadow: none; } + } + + &:checked, &:indeterminate { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + background-clip: border-box; + } @else { + background-image: $check_radio_checked_image; + } + + &:hover { + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + } + + &:active { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $check_radio_border; + } @else { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + } + + &:disabled { + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(white, 0.45), rgba(white, 0.08)); + + @if $variant == 'light' { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.08); + } @else { box-shadow: none; } + } + } +} + +%check, +check { + border-radius: 3px; + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(-gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-checked-symbolic.svg")), + -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-checked-symbolic@2.svg"))); } + &:indeterminate { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(-gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-mixed-symbolic.svg")), + -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/checkbox-mixed-symbolic@2.svg"))); } +} + +%radio, +radio { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(-gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-checked-symbolic.svg")), + -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-checked-symbolic@2.svg"))); } + &:indeterminate { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(-gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-mixed-symbolic.svg")), + -gtk-recolor(url("assets/scalable/radio-mixed-symbolic@2.svg"))); } +} + +// +// GtkScale +// +scale { + $_marks_length: $container_padding / 2; + $_marks_distance: 1px; + + min-height: 15px; + min-width: 15px; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + + // The slider is inside the trough, negative margin to make it bigger + > trough > slider { + min-height: 15px; + min-width: 15px; + margin: -7px; + } + + // Click-and-hold the slider to activate + &.fine-tune { + // Make the trough grow in fine-tune mode + > trough > slider { margin: -4px; } + + > trough > fill, + > trough > highlight, + > trough { + border-radius: 5px; + } + } + + // Trough + > trough { + $_scale_trough_bg: rgba(black, 0.2); + + outline-offset: 2px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $_scale_trough_bg; + + &:disabled { background-color: rgba($_scale_trough_bg, 0.12); } + + //OSD troughs + .osd & { + background-color: $_scale_trough_bg; + + highlight { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + // Troughs in selected list-rows and infobars + modelbutton:hover &, + row:selected &, + infobar & { + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + + > trough > highlight { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:disabled { background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); } + } + + &:disabled { background-color: transparentize(black, 0.9); } + } + } + + // The colored part of trough + > trough > highlight { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + &:disabled { background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.45); } + } + + // this is another differently styled part of the trough, the most relevant use case is for example + // in media player to indicate how much video stream as been cached + > trough > fill { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.5); + + &:disabled { background-color: transparent; } + } + + > trough > slider { + $_slider_border: if($variant=='light', transparentize(darken($button_border, 0%), 0), transparentize($button_border, 0)); + + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border: 1px solid $_slider_border; + border-radius: 100%; + box-shadow: $shadow_2; + background-clip: padding-box; + transition: $button_transition; + transition-property: background, border; + outline: none; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_0; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_3; + } + + &:disabled { + background-color: darken($selected_fg_color, 5%); + border-color: darken($_slider_border, 5%); + box-shadow: none; + } + + // Selected list-row and infobar sliders + modelbutton:hover &, + row:selected &, + infobar & { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $selected_fg_color; + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 85%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 85%); + } + &:active { + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 50%); + } + &:disabled{ + background-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); + border-color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 55%); + } + } + + // OSD sliders + .osd & { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $_slider_border; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_0; + } + + &:active { + background-color: darken($selected_fg_color, 3%); + border-color: $_slider_border; + box-shadow: $shadow_3; + } + } + } + + > value { color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.4); } + + > marks { + color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.4); + + @each $marks_class, $marks_pos, $marks_margin in (top, top, bottom), + (bottom, bottom, top), + (top, left, right), + (bottom, right, left) { + &.#{$marks_class} { + margin-#{$marks_margin}: $_marks_distance; + margin-#{$marks_pos}: -($_marks_distance + $_marks_length); + } + } + } + + &.fine-tune > marks { + @each $marks_class, $marks_pos, $marks_margin in (top, top, bottom), + (bottom, bottom, top), + (top, left, right), + (bottom, right, left) { + &.#{$marks_class} { + margin-#{$marks_margin}: ($_marks_distance - 1px); + margin-#{$marks_pos}: -($_marks_distance + $_marks_length - 2px); + } + } + } + + &.horizontal { + indicator { + min-height: $_marks_length; + min-width: 1px; + } + + &.fine-tune indicator { min-height: ($_marks_length - 1px); } + } + + &.vertical { + indicator { + min-height: 1px; + min-width: $_marks_length; + } + + &.fine-tune indicator { min-width: ($_marks_length - 1px); } + } + + // *WARNING* scale with marks madness following + + // FIXME: OSD and selected list rows missing, I don't feel like adding the other 144 assets needed for those... + // $suffix: if($variant == 'light', '', '-dark'); + + @each $dir_class, $dir_infix in ('horizontal', 'horz'), + ('vertical', 'vert') { + @each $marks_infix, $marks_class in ('scale-has-marks-above', 'marks-before:not(.marks-after)'), + ('scale-has-marks-below', 'marks-after:not(.marks-before)') { + @each $state, $state_infix in ('', ''), + (':hover', '-hover'), + (':active', '-active'), + (':disabled', '-insensitive') { + &.#{$dir_class}.#{$marks_class} { + slider { + transform: none; + + &#{$state} { + // an asymmetric slider asset is used here, so the margins are uneven, the smaller + // margin is set on the point side. + margin: -10px; + $_scale_asset: 'assets/slider-#{$dir_infix}-#{$marks_infix}#{$state_infix}'; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + + background-color: transparent; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('#{$_scale_asset}.png'), url('#{$_scale_asset}@2.png')); + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: bottom; + + @if $dir_class == 'horizontal' { + min-height: 26px; + min-width: 24px; + + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { + margin-top: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: top; + } + + @else { margin-bottom: -14px; } + } + + @else { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 26px; + + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { + margin-left: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: left bottom; + } + + @else { + margin-right: -14px; + + $_scale_slider_bg_pos: right bottom; + } + } + + background-position: $_scale_slider_bg_pos; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &.fine-tune slider { + // bigger negative margins to make the trough grow here as well + margin: -7px; + + @if $dir_class == 'horizontal' { + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { margin-top: -11px; } + + @else { margin-bottom: -11px; } + } + + @else { + @if $marks_infix == 'scale-has-marks-above' { margin-left: -11px; } + + @else { margin-right: -11px; } + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Progress bars +// +progressbar { + padding: 0; + font-size: smaller; + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.3); + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + + // sizing + &.horizontal { + > trough { + min-width: 150px; + &, > progress { + min-height: 4px; + border-radius: 2px; + } + } + } + + &.vertical { + > trough { + min-height: 80px; + &, > progress { + min-width: 4px; + border-radius: 2px; + } + } + } + +// &.horizontal > trough > progress { margin: 0 -1px; } // the progress node is positioned after the trough border +// &.vertical > trough > progress { margin: -1px 0; } // this moves it over it. + + &.osd { + min-width: $container_padding / 2; + min-height: $container_padding / 2; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + > trough { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + > progress { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + } + } + + // Moving bit + > trough > progress { + // min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + // min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + background-color: $progress_color; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; //needed for clipping + + row:selected &, + infobar & { background-color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + // Trough + > trough { + min-height: $container_padding - 2px; + min-width: $container_padding - 2px; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, darken($bg_color, 5%)); + + row:selected &, + infobar & { background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); } + } +} + +// +// Level Bar +// +levelbar { + block { + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 1px; + } + + &.vertical block { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 32px; + } + + trough { + border: none; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, darken($bg_color, 5%)); + } + + &.horizontal.discrete block { margin: 0 1px; } + &.vertical.discrete block { margin: 1px 0; } + + block:not(.empty) { + border: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + block.low { + border-color: $warning_color; + background-color: $warning_color; + } + block.high { + border-color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + block.full { + border-color: $success_color; + background-color: $success_color; + } + block.empty { + background-color: if($variant=='light', transparentize($fg_color,0.8), $base_color); + border-color: if($variant=='light', transparentize($fg_color,0.8), $base_color); + } +} + +// +// Print dialog +// +window.dialog.print { + drawing { + color: $fg_color; + background: none; + border: none; + padding: 0; + + paper { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + background: $base_color; + padding: 0; + } + } + + .dialog-action-box { margin: $container_padding * 2; } +} + +// +// Frames +// +frame, +.frame { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > list { + border: none; + } +} + +frame { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + + > label { + margin: $container_padding - 2px; + } + + > list { + border-radius: $wm_radius - 2px; + box-shadow: if($variant == 'light', + (inset 0 0 8px rgba(black, 0.02), inset 0 0 3px rgba(black, 0.01)), + (inset 0 0 8px rgba(white, 0.03), inset 0 0 3px rgba(white, 0.02))); + } +} + +scrolledwindow { + viewport.frame { // avoid double borders when viewport inside scrolled window + border: none; + + .frame { + border: none; + + > textview { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background: none; + + > text { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical list.content.view { + border-top-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + > box.vertical list.frame { + @extend %circular_list; + padding: 0; + + > row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + + list { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + background: none; + + > row.activatable { + &, &:first-child, &:last-child { + border-radius: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + + // This is used by GtkScrolledWindow, when content is touch-dragged past boundaries. + // This draws a box on top of the content, the size changes programmatically. + > overshoot { + &.top { @include overshoot_alt(top); } + &.bottom { @include overshoot_alt(bottom); } + &.left { @include overshoot_alt(left); } + &.right { @include overshoot_alt(right); } + } + + // Overflow indication, works similarly to the overshoot, the size if fixed tho. + > undershoot { + background: none; + border: none; + padding: 0; + } + + &.undershoot-top { + @include undershoot(top); + } + + &.undershoot-bottom { + @include undershoot(bottom); + } + + &.undershoot-start { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(left); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(right); } + } + + &.undershoot-end { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(right); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(left); } + } + + > junction { // the small square between two scrollbars + border: none; + background-color: $_scrollbar_bg_color; + + // &:dir(rtl) { border-style: solid solid none none; } + } +} + +//vbox and hbox separators +separator { + background-color: $borders_color; + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + + &.spacer { + background: none; + + &.horizontal { min-width: $container_padding * 2; } + &.vertical { min-height: $container_padding * 2; } + } +} + +// +// Lists +// +listview, +list { + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $borders_color; + background-clip: padding-box; + color: $fg_color; + + > row { + background-clip: padding-box; + + &.expander { padding: 0; } + &.expander .row-header { padding: $container_padding / 2; } + } + + &.horizontal row.separator, + &.separators.horizontal > row:not(.separator) { + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &:not(.horizontal) row.separator, + &.separators:not(.horizontal) > row:not(.separator) { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.content:not(.conversation-listbox) { + @extend %circular_list; + + > row { + @extend %circular_row; + } + } + + &.boxed-list { + @extend %circular_list; + + > row { + @extend %circular_row; + + &.expander { + list { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + + > row { + @extend %circular_row; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +listview.view { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: transparent; +} + +%row_activatable { + &.has-open-popup, + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.2)); + transition-duration: 200ms; + } + + &:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + image { color: inherit; } + } + + &:selected { + &, &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + } + + &.has-open-popup, + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.2)); } + } +} + +row { + background-clip: padding-box; + + label.subtitle { + font-size: smaller; + @extend .dim-label; + } + + > box.header { + margin-left: $container_padding * 2; + margin-right: $container_padding * 2; + min-height: $large_size; + + > .icon:disabled { + filter: opacity($disabled_opacity); + } + + > box.title { + margin-top: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: $container_padding; + border-spacing: $container_padding / 2; + } + } + + &:not(:hover) { transition: all 300ms $ease-out-quad; } + + button.circular { @extend %circular_button; } + + button &.activatable { + &:focus, &:hover, &:active { background: none; } + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + + // button { @extend %selected-button; } + } + + &.activatable { + @extend %row_activatable; + } + + &.combo { + image.dropdown-arrow:disabled { + filter: opacity($disabled_opacity); + } + + listview.inline { + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: inherit; + + &, &:disabled { + background: none; + color: inherit; + } + } + + popover > contents { + min-width: 120px; + } + } +} + +columnview { + // move padding to child cells + > listview > row { + padding: 0; + + // align horizontal sizing with header buttons + > cell { + padding: $container_padding + 2px $container_padding; + + &:not(:first-child) { + border-left: 1px solid transparent; + } + } + } + + // make column separators visible when :show-column-separators is true + &.column-separators > listview > row > cell { + border-left-color: $borders_color; + } + + // shrink vertically for .data-table + &.data-table > listview > row > cell { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; + } +} + +treeexpander { + border-spacing: $container_padding; +} + +columnview row:not(:selected) cell editablelabel:not(.editing):focus-within { + outline: 2px solid $borders_color; +} + +columnview row:not(:selected) cell editablelabel.editing:focus-within { + outline: 2px solid $selected_bg_color; +} + +columnview row:not(:selected) cell editablelabel.editing text selection { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; +} + { /* rich lists usually containing other widgets than just labels/text */ + & > row { + padding: $container_padding + 2px $container_padding * 2; + min-height: 32px; /* should be tall even when only containing a label */ + + & > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding * 2; + } + } +} + +// +// App Notifications +// { + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 6px 16px 16px 16px; + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($header_bg, 0.85); + // background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, $bg_color 0%, $bg_color 85%, darken($bg_color, 5%) 95%, darken($bg_color, 15%) 100%); + border-radius: $wm_radius; + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 5px 15px 0 rgba(black, 0.25), + inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.06), + 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(black, 0.75)); + + border { border: none; } + + button { + @extend %undecorated_button; + min-height: 22px; + padding: 2px 8px; + + &:not(.text-button).image-button { + @extend %circular_button; + } + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(flat-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + } +} + +// +// Expanders +// +expander { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic'); + + &:dir(rtl) { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-end-symbolic-rtl'); } + &:hover { color: lighten($fg_color,30%); } //only lightens the arrow + &:checked { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme('pan-down-symbolic'); } + &:disabled { filter: opacity($disabled_opacity); } +} + +expander-widget { + > box > title { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + > expander { + opacity: .7; + } + + &:hover > expander { + opacity: 1; + } + } +} + +.navigation-sidebar, +placessidebar, +stackswitcher, +expander-widget { + &:not(decoration):not(window):drop(active):focus, + &:not(decoration):not(window):drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// +// Calendar +// +%calendar, +calendar { + color: $fg_color; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 2px $container_padding; + margin: 0; + + > header { + color: $fg_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > button { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + border-radius: 0; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + &:active { background-color: $selected_bg_color; } + } + + > button:backdrop { + background: none; + } + } + + > grid { + > { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + border-radius: 3px; + + &:selected { + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + > label:focus { + outline-style: none; + } + + > { + padding: 4px; + + &:selected { + @extend %selected_items; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + + > { + color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.3); + } + } +} + +// +// Dialogs +// + +$messagedialog_bg: if($trans == 'true', rgba($bg_color, 0.95), $bg_color); + +window.dialog.message { // Message Dialog styling + &.background { background-color: rgba($messagedialog_bg, 1); } + + .titlebar { + min-height: 28px; + background-color: rgba($messagedialog_bg, 1); + border: none; + } + + box.dialog-vbox.vertical { + border-spacing: 10px; + } + + & label.title { + font-weight: 800; + font-size: 15pt; + } + + .dialog-action-area { + padding: $container_padding; + + > button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) ($container_padding + 2px); + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: $container_padding / 2; + border: none; + + &:not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + @include button(flat-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active { + @include button(active); + } + } + + &.suggested-action, &.destructive-action { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + &.csd { // rounded bottom border styling for csd version + &.background { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + border: none; + } + + &.background, .titlebar { background-color: $messagedialog_bg; } + } +} + +window.background.messagedialog { + .response-area { + padding: $container_padding; + + button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) ($container_padding + 2px); + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: $container_padding / 2; + border: none; + + &:not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + @include button(flat-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active { + @include button(active); + } + } + + &.suggested-action, &.destructive-action { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + + separator { background-color: transparent; } + } +} + +window.aboutdialog image.large-icons { + -gtk-icon-size: 128px; +} + +// +// Filechooser +// +filechooser { + paned.horizontal > separator { + background-image: image($header_border); + } + + #pathbarbox { border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; } +} + +// Filechooser, we put this here to give a different style between csd and +// ssd on certain DE-s + +filechooserbutton > button > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding; +} + +filechooserbutton:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; + border-color: transparent; +} + +// +// Sidebar +// +%sidebar_left { + border-right: 1px solid $header_border; + border-left-style: none; +} + +%sidebar_right { + border-left: 1px solid $header_border; + border-right-style: none; +} + +.sidebar { + border-style: none; + background-color: $bg_color; + + &:dir(ltr), + &.left, + &.left:dir(rtl) { @extend %sidebar_left; } + + &:dir(rtl), + &.right { @extend %sidebar_right; } + + list { + background-color: transparent; + + > separator { + min-height: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + } + } + + paned & { &.left, &.right, &.left:dir(rtl), &:dir(rtl), &:dir(ltr), & { border: none; }} +} + +separator.sidebar { + background-color: $header_border; + min-height: 1px; + min-width: 1px; + border: none; + + &:dir(ltr), + &.left, + &.left:dir(rtl), + &:dir(rtl), + &.right { border: none; } +} + +stacksidebar { + list.separators:not(.horizontal) > row:not(.separator) { + border-bottom: none; + } + + row { + padding: $container_padding - 2px; + + > label { + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + } + + &.needs-attention > label { + @extend %needs_attention; + background-size: $container_padding $container_padding, 0 0; + } + } +} + +// Navigation Sidebar +.navigation-sidebar { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + padding: $container_padding; //only vertical padding. horizontal row size would clip + + > separator { + margin: $container_padding 0; + background: none; + } + + > row { + min-height: 36px; + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0; + outline: none; + + + row { margin-top: $container_padding / 2; } + + &:hover, + &:focus-visible:focus-within { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + + &:focus-visible:focus-within { + outline: none; + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); } + } + } + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } +} + +placessidebar { + > viewport.frame { border-style: none; } + + .navigation-sidebar > row { + // Needs overriding of the GtkListBoxRow padding + min-height: 24px; + padding: ($container_padding - 4px) ($container_padding + 4px); + // Using margins/padding directly in the SidebarRow + // will make the animation of the new bookmark row jump + > revealer { + padding: 0; + } + + image.sidebar-icon { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: $container_padding; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + label.sidebar-label { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: $container_padding; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: $container_padding; } + } + + button.sidebar-button { + min-width: $small_size + 2px; + min-height: $small_size + 2px; + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + > image { opacity: 0.85 }; + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(flat-active); + border-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.3), $dark_borders_color); + } + + &:not(:hover):not(:active) > image { opacity: 0.65 }; + } + + &:selected button.sidebar-button { + @include button(normal); + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(flat-active); + border-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.25), rgba(black, 0.15)); + } + } + + &.sidebar-placeholder-row { + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + min-height: 2px; + background-image: _solid($drop_target_color); + background-clip: content-box; + } + + &.sidebar-new-bookmark-row { color: $selected_bg_color; } + + &:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + color: $drop_target_color; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $drop_target_color, + inset 0 -1px $drop_target_color; + + &:selected { + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + background-color: $drop_target_color; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Placesview +// +placesview { + .server-list-button > image { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(0turn); + } + + .server-list-button:checked > image { + transition: 200ms $ease-out-quad; + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(-0.5turn); + } + + // this selects the "connect to server" label + > actionbar > revealer > box > label { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + } +} + +// +// Paned +// + +paned { + > separator { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + background: none; + background-size: 1px 1px; + + &.wide { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + } + } + + &.horizontal > separator { + &:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 -8px 0 0; + padding: 0 8px 0 0; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color; + } + &:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 0 0 -8px; + padding: 0 0 0 8px; + box-shadow: inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + + &.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 $borders_color, + inset -1px 0 $borders_color; + } + } + + &.vertical > separator { + margin: 0 0 -8px 0; + padding: 0 0 8px 0; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color; + + &.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color, + inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + } +} + +// +// GtkVideo +// + +video { + & image.osd { + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + border-radius: 32px; + } + + background: black; +} + +// +// GtkInfoBar +// + +infobar { + border-style: none; + + &.info { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + selection { color: $selected_bg_color; } + } + } + + &.question { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $suggested_color; + selection { color: $suggested_color; } + } + } + + &.warning { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $warning_color; + selection { color: $warning_color; } + } + } + + &.error { + & > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: $error_color; + selection { color: $error_color; } + } + } + + &.info, + &.question, + &.warning, + &.error { + & > revealer > box, + &:hover > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + color: $selected_fg_color; + caret-color: currentColor; + + button { + min-height: 28px; + @extend %selected-button; + } + + selection { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + link { @extend %link_selected; } + } + } +} + +infobar .close, +searchbar .close { + @include button(undecorated); + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 1000px; + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } +} + +// +// Tooltips +// +tooltip { + &.background { + // background-color needs to be set this way otherwise it gets drawn twice + // see for details. + background-color: lighten($osd_bg_color, 10%); + background-clip: padding-box; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + color: $osd_fg_color; + + label { padding: $container_padding; } + } + + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + + > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } +} + +// +// Color Chooser +// +colorswatch { + // This widget is made of two boxes one on top of the other, the lower box is GtkColorSwatch {} the other one + // is GtkColorSwatch .overlay {}, GtkColorSwatch has the programmatically set background, so most of the style + // is applied to the overlay box. + + $_colorswatch-radius: 2px; + + &, &:drop(active) { border-style: none; } + + // border rounding + &.top { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5px; + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5; + + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + } + } + &.bottom { + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius + 0.5; + + overlay { + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch-radius; + } + } + &.left, &:first-child:not(.top) { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + } + } + &.right, &:last-child:not(.bottom) { + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius + 0.5px; + overlay { + border-top-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $_colorswatch_radius; + } + } + + &.dark overlay { + color: transparentize(white, 0.3); + &:hover { + border-color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.5), $borders_color); + } + } + &.light overlay { + color: transparentize(black, 0.3); + &:hover { + border-color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.7), $borders_color); + } + } + + overlay { + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, 0.85), $borders_color); + &:hover { background-color: transparentize(white, 0.8) } + } + + &:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; + overlay { + border-color: transparentize(black, 0.4); + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &#add-color-button { + border-style: solid; // the borders are drawn by the overlay for standard colorswatches to have them semi + border-width: 1px; // translucent on the colored background, here it's not necessary so they need to be set + @include button(normal); + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + overlay { @include button(undecorated); } // reset the overlay to not cover the button style underneath + } +} + +button.color { + padding: 0; + + > colorswatch:only-child { + border-radius: 3px; + + > overlay { + border-radius: 2px; + } + + &:disabled { + filter: none; + } + + &.light > overlay { + border-color: $borders_color; + } + } + + colorswatch:first-child:last-child { + margin: $container_padding / 2; + + &, > overlay { + border-radius: 3px; + } + } +} + +// colorscale popup +colorchooser .popover.osd { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + +// +// Misc +// +//content view (grid/list) +.content-view { + background-color: $base_color; + + &:hover { -gtk-icon-filter: brightness(1.2); } + + .tile { + margin: 2px; + background-color: if($variant=='light', transparent, black); + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + + &:active, &:selected { background-color: if($variant=='light', transparent, $selected_bg_color); } + &:disabled { background-color: if($variant=='light', transparent, mix($bg_color, $base_color, 60%)); } + } + + > rubberband { @extend %rubberband; } +} + +.scale-popup { + // .osd & { @extend %osd; } + + .osd & button.flat { //FIXME: quick hack, redo properly + border-style: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + button { // +/- buttons on GtkVolumeButton popup + border: none; + @extend %flat_button; + } +} + +// Decouple the font of context menus from their entry/textview +.context-menu { font: initial; } +// .monospace { font-family: Monospace; } + +// +// Shortcuts Help +// + +.keycap { + min-width: $small_size - 4px; + min-height: $small_size; + + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $base_color; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: inset 0px -2px 0px if($variant=='light', transparentize(black, 0.95), transparentize(black, 0.85)); +} + +stackswitcher { + button.text-button { min-width: 80px; } + button.circular { + @extend %circular_button; + } +} + +shortcuts-section { margin: 20px; } + +// +// Dnd +// +*:drop(active):focus, +*:drop(active) { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $drop_target_color; +} + +// +// Window Decorations +// + +window { + border: none; + + &.csd { + transition: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + outline: 1px solid $highlight_color; + outline-offset: -1px; + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px $wm_shadow, + 0 7px 12px $wm_shadow, + 0 12px 20px $wm_shadow, + $wm_outline; + margin: 0; + + &:backdrop { + transition: $shadow_transition; + // the transparent shadow here is to enforce that the shadow extents don't + // change when we go to backdrop, to prevent jumping windows + box-shadow: 0 3px 6px $wm_shadow_backdrop, + 0 7px 12px $wm_shadow_backdrop, + 0 12px 20px transparent, + $wm_outline; + } + + &.tiled, + &.tiled-top, + &.tiled-left, + &.tiled-right, + &.tiled-bottom { + border-radius: 0; + outline: none; + } + + &.maximized, + &.fullscreen { + border-radius: 0; + outline: none; + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; + } + } + + &.solid-csd { + border: 1px solid $header_border; + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// +// Titlebuttons +// + +windowcontrols { + border-spacing: 6px; + padding: 0 10px; + + &:not(.empty) { + &.start:dir(ltr), + &.end:dir(rtl) { + margin-right: $container_padding + 2px; + } + + &.start:dir(rtl), + &.end:dir(ltr) { + margin-left: $container_padding + 2px; + } + } + + headerbar.titlebar & { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } + + button { + > image { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + } + + &.close, &.maximize, &.minimize { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 8px 0; + padding: ($menuitem_size - 20px) / 2 0; + background-position: center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 16px 16px; + + &, &:hover, &:focus, &:active, &:backdrop { + @include button(undecorated); + color: transparent; + } + + &:backdrop { opacity: 1; } + } + + // Load png assets for each button, Fix the Chrome window restore button bug + @each $k in ('close', 'maximize', 'minimize') { + @each $l, $m in ('',''), (':backdrop','-backdrop'), (':backdrop:hover','-backdrop-hover'), (':hover','-hover'), (':active','-active') { + &.#{$k}#{$l} { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}.png'), + url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png')); + } + } + } + } + + .fullscreen &, + .maximized & { + button { + @each $l, $m in ('',''), (':backdrop','-backdrop'), (':backdrop:hover','-backdrop-hover'), (':hover','-hover'), (':active','-active') { + &.maximize#{$l} { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('windows-assets/titlebutton-restore#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}.png'), + url('windows-assets/titlebutton-restore#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png')); + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Emoji +// +popover.emoji-picker { + padding: 0; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + + > contents { + padding: 0; + } +} + +.emoji-searchbar { + padding: 6px; + border-spacing: 6px; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + entry { margin: 0; } +} + +.emoji-toolbar { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + border-spacing: 0; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +// mimic tab style +button.emoji-section { + margin: $container_padding / 2 1px; + padding: 1px $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + outline-offset: -2px; + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; + animation: none; + + &:first-child { margin-left: $container_padding; } + &:last-child { margin-right: $container_padding; } +} + +popover.emoji-picker emoji { + font-size: x-large; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:focus, + &:hover { + @extend %selected_items; + } +} + +emoji-completion-row > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding + 4px; +} + +emoji-completion-row:focus, +emoji-completion-row:hover { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; +} + +emoji-completion-row emoji:focus, +emoji-completion-row emoji:hover { + background-color: $borders_color; +} + +popover.entry-completion > contents { + padding: 0; +} + +statusbar { + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/_drawing.scss b/src/sass/gtk/_drawing.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67b5e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/_drawing.scss @@ -0,0 +1,566 @@ + +// Solid color image +@function _solid($c) { + @return linear-gradient(to bottom, $c, $c); +} + +// Entries + +@mixin entry($t) { +// +// Entries drawing function +// +// $t: entry type +// + + @if $t==normal { + // + // normal entry + // + color: $text_color; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px transparent; + } + + @if $t==hover { + // + // hover entry + // + color: $text_color; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0.05), inset 0 0 0 2px transparent; + transition-duration: $shorter_duration * 2; + } + + @if $t==focus { + // + // focused entry + // + color: $text_color; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $entry_highlight; + transition-duration: $longer_duration * 2; + } + + @if $t==insensitive { + // + // insensitive entry + // + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: rgba($entry_bg, 0.02); + } + + @if $t==header-normal { + // + // normal header-bar entry + // + color: $header_fg; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px transparent; + + image, image:hover { color: inherit; } + } + + @if $t==header-hover { + // + // header-hover entry + // + color: $header_fg; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0.05), inset 0 0 0 2px transparent; + transition-duration: $shorter_duration * 2; + } + + @if $t==header-focus { + // + // focused header-bar entry + // + // border-color: $selection_mode_bg; + background-image: none; + background-color: $entry_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $entry_highlight; + } + + @if $t==header-insensitive { + // + // insensitive header-bar entry + // + color: rgba($header_fg, 0.35); + background-color: rgba($entry_bg, 0.02); + } + + @else if $t==osd { + // + // normal osd entry + // + color: $osd_fg_color; + border-color: $osd_entry_border; + background-color: $osd_entry_bg; + + image, image:hover { color: inherit; } + } + + @else if $t==osd-focus { + // + // active osd entry + // + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: darken($selection_mode_bg, 5%); + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + @else if $t==osd-insensitive { + // + // insensitive osd entry + // + color: $osd_disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize($osd_entry_bg, 0.15); + } +} + +// Buttons + +@mixin button($t, $actionb_bg: red, $actionb_fg: green) { +// +// Button drawing function +// +// $t: button type, +// $actionb_bg, $actionb_fg: used for destructive and suggested action buttons + + @if $t==normal { + // + // normal button + // + color: $fg_color; + border-color: $button_borders; + background-color: $button_bg; + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: $shadow_3; } + @if $variant=='dark' { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $button_highlight, inset 0 -1px rgba(white, 0.02), $shadow_3; + } + } + + @else if $t==hover { + // + // hovered button + // + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + border-color: $button_borders; + background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($button_bg, 3%), lighten($button_bg, 3%)); + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: none; } + @if $variant=='dark' { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba($button_highlight, 0.12), $shadow_3; + } + } + + @else if $t==active { + // + // pushed button + // + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-color: if($variant=='light', $selected_bg_color, $dark_borders_color); + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: none; } + } + + @else if $t==insensitive { + // + // insensitive button + // + label, & { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + border-color: if($variant == 'light', $button_border, $dark_borders_color); + background-color: rgba($button_bg, 0.55); + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==insensitive-active { + // + // insensitive pushed button + // + label, & { color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.45); } + + border-color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize($selected_bg_color, 1), $dark_borders_color); + background-color: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.45); + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: none; } + + opacity: 0.6; + } + + @if $t==flat-normal { + // + // normal button + // + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + background-clip: if($variant=='light', border-box, padding-box); + } + + @else if $t==flat-hover { + // + // hovered button + // + color: darken($fg_color, 10%); + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + // border-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + } + + @else if $t==flat-active { + // + // pushed button + // + background-image: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.5), rgba(white, 0.25)); + } + + @else if $t==flat-checked { + // + // pushed button + // + background-image: none; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.65), rgba(white, 0.35)); + } + + @else if $t==flat-insensitive { + // + // insensitive button + // + label, & { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + background-color: transparent; + } + + @else if $t==flat-insensitive-active { + // + // insensitive pushed button + // + label, & { color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.35); } + + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.3), rgba(white, 0.15)); + opacity: 0.6; + } + + @if $t==header-normal { + // + // normal header-bar button + // + color: $header_fg; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==header-hover { + // + // hovered header-bar button + // + color: darken($header_fg, 2%); + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.1); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==header-active { + // + // pushed header-bar button + // + color: $header_fg; + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.25); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==header-checked { + // + // pushed header-bar button + // + color: $header_fg; + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.12); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==header-insensitive { + // + // insensitive header-bar button + // + label, & { color: rgba($header_fg, 0.35); } + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==header-insensitive-active { + // + // header-bar insensitive pushed button + // + label, & { color: rgba($header_fg, 0.35); } + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==osd { + // + // normal osd button + // + color: $osd_fg_color; + border-color: $osd_button_border; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.08); + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==osd-hover { + // + // active osd button + // + color: $osd_fg_color; + border-color: $osd_button_border; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.16); + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==osd-active { + // + // active osd button + // + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-color: $osd_button_border; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-clip: padding-box; + } + + @else if $t==osd-insensitive { + // + // insensitive osd button + // + color: $osd_disabled_fg_color; + border-color: $osd_button_border; + background-color: rgba(white, 0.03); + box-shadow: none; + } + + @else if $t==suggested_destructive { + // + // suggested or destructive action buttons + // + @if $variant == 'light' { background-clip: border-box; } + + color: $actionb_fg; + background-color: $actionb_bg; + border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($actionb_bg, 6%), $dark_borders_color); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: if($variant=='light', none, (inset 0 1px rgba(white, 0.15), inset 0 -1px rgba(white, 0.03))); + } + + @else if $t==undecorated { + // + // reset + // + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + } +} + +// +// Overshoot +// +@mixin overshoot($p, $t:normal, $c:$fg_color) { +// +// overshoot +// +// $p: position +// $t: type +// $c: base color +// +// possible $p values: +// top, bottom, right, left +// +// possible $t values: +// normal, backdrop +// + + $_small_gradient_length: 5%; + $_big_gradient_length: 100%; + + $_position: center top; + $_small_gradient_size: 100% $_small_gradient_length; + $_big_gradient_size: 100% $_big_gradient_length; + + @if $p==bottom { + $_position: center bottom; + $_linear_gradient_direction: to top; + } + + @else if $p==right { + $_position: right center; + $_small_gradient_size: $_small_gradient_length 100%; + $_big_gradient_size: $_big_gradient_length 100%; + } + + @else if $p==left { + $_position: left center; + $_small_gradient_size: $_small_gradient_length 100%; + $_big_gradient_size: $_big_gradient_length 100%; + } + + $_small_gradient_color: $c; + $_big_gradient_color: $c; + + @if $c==$fg_color { + $_small_gradient_color: $borders_color; + $_big_gradient_color: $text_color; + + @if $t==backdrop { $_small_gradient_color: $fill_color; } + } + + $_small_gradient: -gtk-gradient(radial, + $_position, 0, + $_position, 0.5, + to($_small_gradient_color), + to(rgba($_small_gradient_color, 0))); + + $_big_gradient: -gtk-gradient(radial, + $_position, 0, + $_position, 0.6, + from(rgba($_big_gradient_color, 0.07)), + to(rgba($_big_gradient_color, 0))); + + @if $t==normal { + background-image: $_small_gradient, $_big_gradient; + background-size: $_small_gradient_size, $_big_gradient_size; + } + + @else if $t==backdrop { + background-image: $_small_gradient; + background-size: $_small_gradient_size; + } + + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: $_position; + + background-color: transparent; // reset some properties to be sure to not inherit them somehow + border: none; // + box-shadow: none; // +} + +@mixin overshoot_alt($p) { +// +// overshoot +// +// $p: position +// +// possible $p values: +// top, bottom, right, left +// + + $_small_gradient_length: 3%; + $_big_gradient_length: 50%; + + $_small_gradient_size: 100% $_small_gradient_length; + $_big_gradient_size: 100% $_big_gradient_length; + + @if $p==right or $p==left { + $_small_gradient_size: $_small_gradient_length 100%; + $_big_gradient_size: $_big_gradient_length 100%; + } + + $_small_gradient: radial-gradient(farthest-side at $p, + gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.12) 85%, + gtkalpha(currentColor, 0)); + + $_big_gradient: radial-gradient(farthest-side at $p, + gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.05), + gtkalpha(currentColor, 0)); + + background-image: $_small_gradient, $_big_gradient; + background-size: $_small_gradient_size, $_big_gradient_size; + + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: $p; + + background-color: transparent; // reset some properties to be sure to not inherit them somehow + border: none; // + box-shadow: none; // +} + +@mixin undershoot($p, $c: $wm_shadow, $neighbor: false, $style: default) { +// +// undershoot +// +// $p: position +// $c: shade color +// $neighbor: use ~ instead of > +// +// possible $p values: +// top, bottom, right, left +// + + $_border_pos: ''; + $_direction: ''; + $_selector: if($neighbor, '~', '>'); + + @if $p==top { + $_direction: bottom; + $_border_pos: 0 1px; + } @else if $p==bottom { + $_direction: top; + $_border_pos: 0 -1px; + } @else if $p==left { + $_direction: right; + $_border_pos: 1px 0; + } @else if $p==right { + $_direction: left; + $_border_pos: -1px 0; + } @else { + @error "Unknown position #{$p}" + } + + #{$_selector} undershoot.#{$p} { + box-shadow: if($style == 'default', none, inset $_border_pos $borders_color); + background: linear-gradient(to $_direction, gtkalpha($c, .25), transparent 6px); + } +} + +@mixin background-shadow($direction, $color) { + background-image: + linear-gradient($direction, + gtkalpha($color, 0.7), + gtkalpha($color, 0.14) 40px, + gtkalpha($color, 0) 56px), + linear-gradient($direction, + gtkalpha($color, 0.4), + gtkalpha($color, 0.14) 7px, + gtkalpha($color, 0) 24px); +} + +@mixin transition-shadows($color) { + > dimming { + background: none; + } + + > border { + background: none; + } + + > shadow { + min-width: 56px; + min-height: 56px; + + &.left { @include background-shadow(to right, $color); } + &.right { @include background-shadow(to left, $color); } + &.up { @include background-shadow(to bottom, $color); } + &.down { @include background-shadow(to top, $color); } + } +} + diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_budgie.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_budgie.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c8c363 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_budgie.scss @@ -0,0 +1,1509 @@ + +/****************** + * Budgie Desktop * + ******************/ + +$raven_base_color: $base_color; +$raven_bg_color: $menu_bg; +$raven_fg_color: $text_color; +$raven_header_bg_color: darken($raven_base_color, 3%); +$raven_header_fg_color: $text_color; +$raven_button_bg_color: $button_bg; +$raven_border_color: if($variant =='light', $borders_color, rgba(black, 0.75)); + +$raven_radius: 10px; +$raven_padding: 8px; + +%raven_middle_button { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%raven_last_button { + border-radius: 0 0 ($raven_radius - 1px) 0; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%raven_first_button { + border-radius: 0 0 0 ($raven_radius - 1px); + border-left-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%raven_single_button { + border-radius: 0 0 $raven_radius $raven_radius; + border-left-style: none; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; +} + +%budgie_button { + @include button(flat-normal); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:checked { @include button(flat-checked); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } +} + +%raven_button { + @include button(header-normal); + &:hover { @include button(header-hover); } + &:active { @include button(header-active); } + &:checked { @include button(header-checked); } + &:disabled { @include button(header-insensitive); } + + &.linked { + @include button(undecorated); + background-color: $menu_bg; + + &:hover { + background-color: if($variant =='light', darken($menu_bg, 5%), lighten($menu_bg, 5%)); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + } +} + +.budgie-container { background-color: transparent; } + +.budgie-settings-window { + &.background { + background-color: rgba($base_color, if($trans == 'true', 0.97, 1)); + + buttonbox.inline-toolbar { + border-style: none none solid; + + button { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @extend %budgie_button; + } + } + } + + list.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; + border-color: if($variant =='light', $solid_borders_color, $header_border); + } +} + +.budgie-popover.background { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba($borders_color, 0.2), lighten($menu_bg, 6%)); + border-radius: $wm_radius; + background-color: $menu_bg; + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: 0 0 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), + 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.03), rgba(black, 0.65)); + + .container { + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 0; + border: none; + + .container { + padding: 0; + } + } + + widget > separator { margin: $container_padding / 2 0; } + + border { border: none; } + + list { + background-color: transparent; + + row { + button { + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + + &:not(.budgie-menu) button.flat:not(.image-button) { + @extend %budgie_button; + min-height: 28px; + padding: 0 8px; + color: $fg_color; + font-weight: normal; + + &:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + + treeview.view.sidebar { + background: none; + border-right: none; + color: $fg_color; + padding: 3px 0; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); } + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + color: $fg_color; + } + } + + scrolledwindow.sidebar:not(.categories) { //AppMenu (Elementary) + background: none; + border-right: none; + color: $fg_color; + + label { padding: 3px 8px; } + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); } + + &:active { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + + &:selected, &:selected:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + > frame.container > grid.horizontal > grid.horizontal { + > widget > grid.horizontal > stack { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + &.bottom > frame.container > grid.horizontal > grid.horizontal { + > widget > grid.horizontal > stack { + border-top: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + + calendar { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + + &.budgie-menu { + .container { padding: 0; } + + &.background { + padding: 0; + background-color: $base_color; + } + + scrollbar, + { background-color: transparent; } + + { + padding: 5px 10px; + margin: 0 1px; + border: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + font-size: 110%; + } + + scrolledwindow.sidebar.categories { //AppMenu (budgie) + &:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 0 1px 1px; + border-bottom-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 1px 1px 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + button.flat.category-button { + min-height: 28px; + border-radius: 0; + + &:disabled { + color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + background-color: transparent; + + label { color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; } + } + + &:checked:disabled { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-color: $fill_color; + + label { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + } + } + } + + > frame > box > overlay > box > box > scrolledwindow.sidebar.categories { + &:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 0 0 1px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + } + + &:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 1px 0 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + } + } + + row { + padding: 0; + + &:hover { box-shadow: none; } + + button.flat { + min-height: 32px; + border-radius: 0; + } + } + + list.left-overlay-menu { + box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(black, 0.15), 0 5px 6px rgba(black, 0.08), $wm_outline, inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-color: $base_color; + padding: $container_padding; + margin: $container_padding; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + + > row.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &, &:hover, &:selected, &:active, &:active:hover { + background-color: transparent; + } + + &:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding / 2; + } + + &:active { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + + label, button { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } + + button.menuitem { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @extend %flat_button; + } + } + } + + .budgie-menu-footer { + border-top: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 0 1px; + + button { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: $container_padding; + + &.image-button { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &:not(.last-child) { + margin-right: $container_padding; + } + } + } + } + } + + // Clipboard popover + > frame > box.vertical { + > box.vertical { + > box.vertical { + margin: 0 $container_padding $container_padding * 1.5; + } + + > box.horizontal > button.image-button.toggle { + @extend %flat_button; + margin-right: $container_padding; + } + + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > list > row.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + } + + &.user-menu { + // .container { padding: $container_padding; } + + .content-box { background-color: transparent; } + + row { + padding: 0; + background: 0; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &.sound-popover { + buttonbox.linked { + padding-top: 6px; + + > button { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + } + } + + &.caffeine-popover { + .container { + padding: $container_padding; + + .container { + padding: $container_padding; + } + } + } + + &.night-light-indicator { + // .container { padding: $container_padding; } + + .view-header { padding: 0 $container_padding 0 ($container_padding - 2px); } + } + + &.icon-popover { + // .container { padding: $container_padding; } + + .icon-popover-stack { + separator { + margin: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + } + } + } + + &.places-menu { + // .container { padding: $container_padding; } + + row.activatable { + padding: 0; + background: 0; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + .places-list:not(.always-expand) { + margin-top: $container_padding / 2; + padding-top: $container_padding / 2; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + // I guess this really should be hard-coded as well as other dim-labels. + .alternative-label { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + font-size: 15px; + } + + .name-button.text-button { + // padding: 4px 8px; + padding-left: $container_padding; + padding-right: $container_padding; + + image { + &:dir(ltr) { margin-right: $container_padding / 2; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-left: $container_padding / 2; } + } + } + + .places-section-header > image { + &:dir(ltr) { margin: 0 8px - 10px 0 8px - 3px; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin: 0 8px - 3px 0 8px - 10px; } + } + + .places-list { + margin-top: $container_padding / 2; + padding-top: $container_padding / 2; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: transparent; + } + + row { + padding: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + } + } + + // Menu Button + button.budgie-menu-launcher { + @extend %flat_button; + } + + &.workspace-popover { + .container { padding: 2px $container_padding $container_padding; } + + flowboxchild { padding: 0; } + + separator { + margin: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + } + } + + // &.budgie-screenshot-applet { + // } +} + +// budgie specific popover widgets +window.budgie-popover:not(.csd) { + > frame.container { + margin: 0 -1px -1px; // remove gap + + .bottom & { padding: 2px 0 2px; } // revive bottom padding + + &, + > border { + border-style: none; // hide container borders + } + } +} + +// FIXME: workspace has unnecessary/unknown margin +.budgie-panel.background .workspace-switcher { + .workspace-layout { + border: 0 solid $borders_color; + + .top &, + .bottom & { + &:dir(ltr) { border-left-width: 1px; } + &:dir(rtl) { border-right-width: 1px; } + } + + .left &, + .right & { border-top-width: 1px; } + } + + .workspace-item { + border: 0 solid $borders_color; + + .top &, + .bottom & { + &:dir(ltr) { border-right-width: 1px; } + &:dir(rtl) { border-left-width: 1px; } + } + + .left &, + .right & { border-bottom-width: 1px; } + } + + .workspace-item { + transition: $shorter_transition; + + &.current-workspace { background-color: $borders_color; } + } + + .workspace-add-button { + @extend %budgie_button; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + .workspace-icon-button { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } +} + +$budgie_panel_radius: $wm_radius + $container_padding / 2; + +// Panel +.budgie-panel.background { + transition: background-color 0.2s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); + background-color: opacify($header_bg, 1); + color: $header_fg; + font-weight: 500; + border-width: 0; + + &.transparent { + background-color: $panel_bg; + color: $panel_fg; + border-width: 0; + } + + .bottom & { + &.dock-mode { + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding / 2 - 1px; + margin-bottom: $container_padding; + + .icon-tasklist { + .launcher { + margin: 0 1px; + } + } + } + } + + .left & { + &.dock-mode { + margin-left: $container_padding; + padding: $container_padding / 2 - 1px $container_padding / 2; + + .icon-tasklist { + .launcher { + margin: 1px 0; + } + } + } + } + + .right & { + &.dock-mode { + margin-right: $container_padding; + padding: $container_padding / 2 - 1px $container_padding / 2; + + .icon-tasklist { + .launcher { + margin: 1px 0; + } + } + } + } + + .bottom &, .left &, .right & { + border-radius: 0; + + &.dock-mode { + border-radius: $budgie_panel_radius; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(black, 0.75)); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.05); + background-color: $dash_bg; + + .icon-tasklist { + .launcher { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } + } + + .system-tray-applet { + margin: $container_padding 0; + } + + button { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border-top-width: 0; + border-bottom-width: 0; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: rgba($header_fg, 0.85); + background: none; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.10); + color: rgba($header_fg, 0.95); + background-image: none; + } + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.15); + color: $header_fg; + background-image: none; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.12); + color: $header_fg; + } + } + + &.transparent button { + color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.85); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.10); + color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.95); + } + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); + color: $panel_fg; + } + + &:checked { + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.12); + color: $panel_fg; + } + } + + &.horizontal button { padding: 0 $container_padding; } + &.vertical button { padding: $container_padding 0; } + + separator { background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.15); } + + // Budgie styled Gtk Menus + menubar, + .menubar { + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + + > menuitem { + border: none; + background-image: none; + font-weight: normal; + color: $header_fg; + + &:hover { + color: $header_fg; + background-color: rgba($header_fg, 0.1); + } + + &:disabled { color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.6); } + } + } + + &.transparent menubar, + &.transparent .menubar { + > menuitem { + color: $panel_fg; + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.1); + } + + &:disabled { color: transparentize($panel_fg, 0.6); } + } + } + + menubar.-vala-panel-appmenu-private { // appmenu plugin + > menuitem { + font-weight: normal; + } + } + + // used to indicate unread notifications + .alert { color: $destructive_color; } + + &.vertical #tasklist-button { min-height: 32px; } + + // Icon Tasklist + button.flat.launcher { + padding: 0; + @extend %flat_button; + + // for indicator colors + &:not(:checked) { + color: $fg_color; + + &:hover, &:active { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.8); } + &:disabled { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.5); } + } + + &:active { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.20); } + &:checked { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); } + } + + // Raven Trigger + button.raven-trigger { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + } + + // Add padding for panel indicators icons + > box > widget > widget { + > image, // normal + > stack > image, // Screenshot + > box > image { // Places + margin-left: $base_padding; + margin-right: $base_padding; + } + + > box > image + label { // Reset for mailneg + margin-left: $base_padding + 2px; + } + + > box { // keyboard Layout + > widget > image { margin-left: $base_padding; } + > stack > widget > label { margin-right: $base_padding; } + } + + > box > widget > widget > image { // Status + margin-left: $base_padding / 2; + margin-right: $base_padding / 2; + } + } + + // Time label + .budgie-clock-applet, + .budgie-calendar-applet { + > widget > box { + padding-left: $base_padding / 2; + padding-right: $base_padding / 2; + } + } +} + +%underscores { + @each $pos, $b_pos, $b_wid in (top, center calc(1px), 3 0 0 0 / 3px 0 0 0), + (bottom, center calc(100% - 1px), 0 0 3 0 / 0 0 3px 0), + (left, calc(1px) center, 0 0 0 3 / 0 0 0 3px), + (right, calc(100% - 1px) center, 0 3 0 0 / 0 3px 0 0) { + .#{$pos} & { + & { + border-image: radial-gradient(circle closest-corner at #{$b_pos}, + $selection_mode_bg 0%, + transparent 0%) + 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 0 0; + } + + &:checked { + border-image: radial-gradient(circle closest-corner at #{$b_pos}, + $selection_mode_bg 100%, + transparent 0%) + #{$b_wid}; + } + } + } +} + +// Tasklist +#tasklist-button { + padding: 0 $container_padding; + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + color: $fg_color; + + @extend %underscores; + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + color: if($variant=='light', darken($fg_color, 5%), lighten($fg_color, 5%)); + } + + &:checked { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); + color: if($variant=='light', darken($fg_color, 5%), lighten($fg_color, 5%)); + } +} + +.budgie-panel { + @at-root %budgie_icon_tasklist_button, + button.flat.launcher { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + background-position: center center; + + > image { opacity: 0.87; } + + &:hover { + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; + > image { opacity: 1.0; } + } + + &:active { + > image { opacity: 1.0; } + } + + &:checked { + &:hover { -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + > image { opacity: 1.0; } + } + } + + @at-root %running_budgie_icon_tasklist_button, + .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, + .pinned button.launcher.running.sidebar-button { + &:hover { -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + + > image { + background-repeat: no-repeat; + opacity: 1.0; + } + + &:checked { + > image { background-image: none; } + } + } +} + +// draw underscores and dots +@each $position, $_dot in (top, 6px 3px), + (bottom, 6px 3px), + (left, 3px 6px), + (right, 3px 6px) { + .#{$position} .budgie-panel { + .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, + .pinned button.launcher.running.sidebar-button { + > image { + background-size: #{$_dot}; + background-position: #{$position} center; + background-image: image($selected_bg_color); + } + + &:checked { > image { background-image: none; } } + } + } +} + +box:not(.unpinned):not(.pinned) > revealer > button.flat.launcher { border-image: none; } // unset before drawing indicators + +$pos_list: ((top, bottom), (bottom, top), (left, right), (right, left)); + +@each $pos, $b_pos in $pos_list { + // Shadows + .#{$pos} .shadow-block { + background-image: linear-gradient(to $b_pos, rgba(black, 0.05) 0%, rgba(black, 0.03) 15%, rgba(black, 0.02) 60%, transparent); + } + + // Raven borders + .#{$pos} frame.raven-frame > border { + border: none; + border-#{$b_pos}: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + } +} + +$raven_opacity: if($variant =='light', 0.95, 0.95); +$raven_shadow: 0 0 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.2), 0 0 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), 0 0 16px 0 rgba(black, 0.1); + +// Raven +.background .raven { + background-color: if($trans == 'true', rgba($raven_bg_color, $raven_opacity), $raven_bg_color); + color: $raven_fg_color; + box-shadow: $shadow_4; + + button { + @extend %raven_button; + &.image-button { @extend %circular_button; } + } + + stackswitcher { padding: 0 8px 12px 8px; } + + stackswitcher.linked > button { @extend %raven_button; } + + .raven-header { + min-height: $medium_size; + padding: 2px; + + &:not(.top) { + button.image-button { + @extend %flat_button; + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + } + + &.top { + padding: 2px 12px $raven_padding; + // background-color: rgba($raven_bg_color, 0.95); + color: $raven_fg_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + + > stackswitcher.linked { + padding: 2px; + margin: $container_padding 0 0 0; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); + border-radius: $bt_radius + 2px; + + > button { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0; + padding: 2px $container_padding * 3; + min-height: $small_size; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($button_bg, 0.35); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $button_bg; + } + + &:checked { + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(black, 0.08), 0 2px 3px rgba(black, 0.05); + } + } + } + } + + &.bottom { border-top: 1px solid $raven_border_color; } + } + + scrolledwindow > .frame { // stacking raised-grid + padding: 0 $raven_padding; + transition-duration: 0s; + border: none; + + > box.vertical > box.vertical { + margin: $raven_padding 0; // do not set L/R margins + border-radius: $raven_radius; + background-color: $raven_header_bg_color; + transition-duration: 0s; + border: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + + .raven-header { + margin-top: -$raven_padding * 2; // unset parent margin + border-radius: $raven_radius $raven_radius 0 0; + } + + .raven-background { + margin-bottom: -$raven_padding * 2; // unset parent margin + border-radius: 0 0 $raven_radius $raven_radius; + background-color: $raven_base_color; + } + } + + > box.vertical > widget > box.vertical { // > = 10.7 + border-radius: $raven_radius; + background-color: $raven_header_bg_color; + border: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + + .raven-header { + border-radius: $raven_radius $raven_radius 0 0; + background-color: transparent; + } + + .raven-background { + border-radius: 0 0 $raven_radius $raven_radius; + background-color: $raven_base_color; + border-top: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + } + + image.raven-mpris { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.1); + border-radius: $raven_radius; + } + } + + .raven-mpris-controls { + margin-top: $container_padding; + + > button.image-button { + padding: $container_padding; + } + } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + > box.vertical > box.vertical .mpris-widget, + > box.vertical > widget > box.vertical > .mpris-widget { + border: none; + background-color: rgba(black, 0.85); + color: rgba(white, 0.65); + border-radius: $raven_radius - 1px; + + button { + border: none; + color: rgba(white, 0.65); + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + color: rgba(white, 0.85); + background-color: rgba(white, 0.15); + } + + &:active { + color: rgba(white, 0.85); + background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); + } + + &:disabled { + color: rgba(white, 0.3); + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + .raven-background { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.05); + margin-bottom: 0; // unset parent margin + border-top: none; + } + } + + // MPRIS Applet + > box.vertical > box.vertical:last-child .raven-mpris { + background-color: rgba(black, 0.35); + color: white; + + image { //reset image color + color: rgba(white, 0.85); + + &:disabled { color: rgba(white, 0.35); } + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > box.vertical:last-child .raven-mpris { + border-radius: 0 0 $raven_radius $raven_radius; + + label { min-height: 24px; } + } + + .audio-widget { + stackswitcher.linked { // audio app/device switcher + padding: 0; // limit child horizontal spacing + + > { + padding-top: $raven_padding; + padding-bottom: $raven_padding; + border-top: 1px solid $dark_borders_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + @extend %raven_middle_button; + + &:hover { + background-color: if($variant =='light', darken($menu_bg, 5%), lighten($menu_bg, 5%)); + } + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + + &:first-child { @extend %raven_first_button; } + &:last-child { @extend %raven_last_button; } + &:only-child { @extend %raven_single_button; } + } + } + } + + list.devices-list { + padding: $container_padding; + background-color: transparent; + + > row.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + label { padding: 0 $container_padding; } + + &:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding / 2; + } + } + } + } + + .expander-button { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + .raven-background { + &.middle { border-bottom-style: none; } // applet background between two headers + + checkbutton, radiobutton { // this is for a nice focus on check and radios text + &.text-button { + &:hover { color: darken($raven_fg_color, 15%); } + &:disabled { color: rgba($raven_fg_color, 0.45); } + } + } + + list { color: $raven_fg_color; background-color: $raven_base_color; } + } + + scrolledwindow.raven-background { border-bottom-style: none; } + + .powerstrip button.image-button { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + margin: 0 4px; + padding: 6px; + } + + .option-subtitle { font-size: smaller; } + + // notification list + .raven-notifications-view { + > .raven-header { + background-color: transparent; + border-bottom: 1px solid $raven_border_color; + } + + > .raven-background > viewport.frame { + padding: 0; // reset padding for full-width list node + + list { background-color: transparent; } + + > list > row.activatable { + margin-left: -6px; + margin-right: -6px; + background-color: transparent; + + > grid > *, // legacy + > box.vertical * { color: $raven_fg_color; } + + image { padding-left: 8px; } + + button.image-button { // 'dismiss' + @extend %circular_button; + margin: 8px; + padding: 2px; + image { padding: 0; } + &:active, &:checked { + image { color: white; } + } + } + + // sub-list rows grouping + list { + border-radius: 0; + // border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + // border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: $container_padding; + background: none; + + > row.activatable { + border: none; + margin: $container_padding / 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', lighten($raven_bg_color, 5%), darken($raven_bg_color, 5%)); + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(black, 0.08); + + &:hover, &:selected { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', $raven_bg_color, darken($raven_bg_color, 8%)); + box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(black, 0.15); + } + + &:active { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($raven_bg_color, 5%), darken($raven_bg_color, 10%)); + box-shadow: none; + } + + label { padding: 0 16px; } + + button.image-button { // 'close' + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + + image { padding: 0; } + + &:active { image { color: $fg_color; }} + } + } + } + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.75); + + > grid > *, + > box.vertical * { color: $selected_fg_color; } + + button.image-button { // 'dismiss' + border: none; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba(white, 0.25); } + &:active, &:checked { background-color: rgba(white, 0.35); } + } + + list { + border: 1px solid rgba(white, 0.12); + background: none; + + > row.activatable { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(white, 0.12); + &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.65); + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + + .raven-notifications-group { + .raven-notifications-group-header { + padding-left: $container_padding; + } + + list > row { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $container_padding; + + .notification-clone { + padding-left: $container_padding; + } + } + } +} + +// some specific scale styling, +window.sound-popover.background { + scale.horizontal.marks-after { // overdrive-mode scale + padding-top: 0; // unset default padding + padding-bottom: 0; + + trough { // overdrive-mode trough styling + background-color: transparent; // unset default trough color + @each $_dir, $_opp_end in (ltr, right), + (rtl, left) { + &:dir(#{$_dir}) { + background-image: + linear-gradient(to $_opp_end, + rgba($success_color, 0.25) calc(66% - 3px), + rgba($destructive_color, 0.25) calc(66% - 3px), + rgba($destructive_color, 0.25) 100%); + } + } + } + + mark { + // hide label for vertically centered troughs + label { font-size: 0; } + } + } +} + +// Calendar +calendar.raven-calendar { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: $raven_fg_color; + padding: $container_padding / 2; + + &:selected { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &.button { + @extend %undecorated_button; + color: transparentize($raven_fg_color, 0.55); + + &:hover { color: $raven_fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: transparentize($raven_fg_color, 0.75); } + } + + &:indeterminate { color: gtkalpha($raven_fg_color, 0.35); } + &.highlight { color: $raven_fg_color; } +} + +// Notifications +%budgie-notification-window { + background: none; + + > stack { + margin: 0; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), + 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.1, 0.75)), + inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + } +} + +.budgie-notification-window { + @extend %budgie-notification-window; + + button.image-button { // 'close' + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } +} + +.budgie-notification { + background: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + + .notification-title { font-size: 120%; } + .notification-body { @extend %dim-label; } +} + +// On Screen Display in Budgie +.budgie-osd-window { + @extend %budgie-notification-window; +} + +// Internal part of the OSD +.budgie-osd { + background: none; + + .budgie-osd-text { font-size: 120%; } +} + +// Alt+tab switcher in Budgie +.budgie-switcher-window { + @extend %budgie-notification-window; +} + +window.budgie-switcher-window { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + + flowboxchild { // icon-tiles + margin: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-image: none; + } +} + +// Internal part of the Switcher +.budgie-switcher { + @extend .budgie-notification; +} + +.drop-shadow { + margin: 6px 10px 16px; + padding: $container_padding; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow, + 0 3px 8px 0 $wm_shadow, + $wm_outline, inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-color: $menu_bg; + + .dim-label { opacity: 0.55; } + + // used to indicate unread notifications + .alert { color: $fg_color; } + + button { @extend %budgie_button; } + + .linked > button { border-radius: $bt_radius; } +} + +%budgie_dialog { + background-color: $bg_color; + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; } + + &.background.csd { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + > box > grid { + padding: $container_padding * 4; + } +} + +// Session Dialog +.budgie-session-dialog, +.budgie-polkit-dialog { + @extend %budgie_dialog; + + label:not(:last-child), + .dialog-title { font-size: 120%; } + + buttonbox.linked.horizontal > button { + padding: 8px 16px; + margin: 8px 3px; + border: none; + border-radius: $wm_radius - 8px; + + &:first-child { margin-left: 8px; } + &:last-child { margin-right: 8px; } + } + + buttonbox.linked.horizontal > button:not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action) { + @include button(flat-normal); + + &:hover { + @include button(flat-hover); + transition: $button_transition; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + @include button(flat-active); + } + } +} + +// Power Dialog +.budgie-power-dialog { + .titlebar { + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + } + } + + &.background.csd { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; + } +} + +// PolKit Dialog +.budgie-polkit-dialog { + .message { color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.6); } + .failure { color: $destructive_color; } + + > box > grid { + padding-bottom: 0; + } +} + +// Run Dialog +.budgie-run-dialog { + @extend %budgie_dialog; + background-color: $base_color; + + { + font-size: 120%; + padding: 6px 12px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + background-color: transparent; + } + + list .dim-label { opacity: 1; } + + scrolledwindow { border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; } +} + +// pixel-saver(?) applet +.budgie-panel box.titlebar { + min-width: 20px; + min-height: 20px; + border-radius: 0; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + + > widget > label { color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.75); } // titles + + > button.image-button.titlebutton { + padding: 0 3px; + + // Load png assets for each button, Fix the Chrome window restore button bug + @each $k in ('close', 'maximize', 'minimize') { + @each $l, $m in (':backdrop',''), (':backdrop:hover','-hover'), (':backdrop:active','-active') { + &.#{$k}#{$l} { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}.png'), + url('windows-assets/titlebutton-#{$k}#{$m}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png')); + } + } + } + } + + &.horizontal { // spacing + padding: 0 3px; + + > widget > label { + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: 3px; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: 3px; } + } + + > button.image-button.titlebutton { padding: 0 3px; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_elementary.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_elementary.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1735ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_elementary.scss @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ +// +// Elementary Apps +// + +// Wingpanel +.menubar.panel { + .panel { + &, &.color-light, &.color-dark { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: image(rgba($panel_bg, 0.1)); + border-bottom: none; + transition: all 100ms ease-in-out; + color: $panel_fg; + } + + &.maximized { + background-color: rgba($panel_bg, 0.2); + background-image: none; + border: none; + } + + &.translucent { + background-color: rgba($panel_bg, 0.1); + background-image: none; + border: none; + } + + menubar { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + } + } + + popover { + padding: 2px 4px; + margin: 0 6px 15px 6px; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.35), rgba(black, 0.45)); + box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(black, 0.12), 0 5px 8px rgba(black, 0.08); + + button { + @include button(undecorated); + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:active { @include button(flat-active); label { color: white; } } + &:checked { @include button(flat-checked); label { color: white; } } + &:disabled { @include button(flat-insensitive); } + &, &:hover, &:active, &:checked, &:disabled { border-color: transparent; } + } + + .linked > button { + @include button(normal); + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(active); } + &:disabled { @include button(insensitive); } + } + + list { + background-color: transparent; + + row.activatable { + margin: 0; + + &:not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + + > widget > revealer > deck > overlay > grid { + background-color: $menu_bg; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(black, 0.15), inset 0 1px $header_highlight, $wm_outline; + } + } + } + + separator.horizontal { + margin: 0 -4px; + } + + separator.vertical { + background: none; + } + + .sidebar { + border-style: none; + background: none; + + .view { + background: none; + + &:hover { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.1), rgba(white, 0.1)); + } + + &:selected { + &, &:focus, &:backdrop { + text-shadow: none; + transition: all 200ms $ease-out-quad; + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.65), rgba(white, 0.35)); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +.composited-indicator { + padding: 0 6px; + + > revealer label, + > revealer image, + > revealer spinner { + color: $panel_fg; + font-weight: normal; + transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + } + + > revealer image, + > revealer spinner { + padding: 3px 0; + } + + > revealer label { + padding: 3px 6px; + } + + .keyboard { + background-color: $panel_fg; + border-radius: 2px; + color: $panel_bg; + padding: 0 3px; + font-weight: normal; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + } +} + +// Popover switcher dots +button.flat.toggle.switcher { + &:hover, &:active, &:checked, &:selected { + image { + color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } +} + +// Calendar Popover +.circular { // Calendar popover date button + label:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + &.accent { // Today button + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } +} + +label.circular { border-radius: $circular_radius; } + +// Marlin / Pantheon Files +MarlinViewWindow { + *:selected, *:selected:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + outline-color: transparent; + } + + GtkIconView.view:selected { + &, &:focus, &:hover, &:focus:hover { background-color: transparent; } + } + + FMListView, FMColumnView { outline-color: transparent; } +} + +.marlin-pathbar.pathbar { + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; + + @include entry(header-normal); + &:focus { @include entry(header-focus) } + &:disabled { @include entry(header-insensitive) } +} + +// Checkbutton +checkbutton.color-button { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-clip: border-box; + padding: 0; + + > check { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + background: none; + margin-right: 0; + } + + &.none { + > check { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("close-symbolic"); + } + } + + &.blue { + background-color: blue; + } + + &.mint { + background-color: mix(blue, green, 35%); + } + + &.green { + background-color: green; + } + + &.yellow { + background-color: yellow; + } + + &.blue { + background-color: blue; + } + + &.orange { + background-color: orange; + } + + &.red { + background-color: red; + } + + &.pink { + background-color: pink; + } + + &.purple { + background-color: purple; + } + + &.brown { + background-color: brown; + } + + &.slate { + background-color: grey; + } +} + +radiobutton.color-button { + > radio { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + margin-right: 0; + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.15); + border-radius: $circular_radius; + background-clip: border-box; + } + + &:active > radio { + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.35); + } +} + +window.background.csd { + > paned.horizontal { + > separator { + &:dir(ltr) { margin-left: -1px; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-right: -1px; } + } + + > scrolledwindow { + > viewport.frame { + > box.vertical treeview.view { + border-right: 1px solid $header_border; + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-bottom: 3px; + border-right: 1px solid $header_border; + + &:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + background: none; + } + + &:not(:selected):hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); } + + &:selected, &:selected:hover, &:selected:focus { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $sidebar_theme_color; + &, label { color: $fg_color; } + } + + image { + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + &:selected { color: $selected_fg_color; } + &:disabled { color: rgba($dark_sidebar_fg, 0.45); } + } + + &.trough { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $button_border; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + + &:selected, &:selected:focus { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.8); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border-width: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + > stack > stack { + > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + list { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } + } + + &.unified > deck > grid > paned { + > separator { background-image: image($header_border); } + + > .sidebar { + button.expander { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + actionbar button { @extend %flat_button; } + + list { + padding: $container_padding; + + > row.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: ($container_padding - 2px) $container_padding * 1.5; + margin: 1px 0; + -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + + button { + @extend %sidebar_button; + } + + levelbar { + block { + border: none; + + &.low { + background-color: $warning_color; + } + + &.high { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &.full { + background-color: $error_color; + } + + &.empty { + background-color: if($variant=='light', transparentize($fg_color,0.8), $base_color); + } + } + + trough { + padding: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > stack > stack { + > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + list { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +// keycap on menuitem +label.keycap { + min-height: 16px; + padding: 0 $container_padding; + border-radius: $bt_radius - 2px; + color: $hint_fg_color; + font-size: small; +} + +// Dynamic-notebook +.dynamic-notebook { + > notebook { + > header { + border-color: $solid_borders_color; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + background-color: darken($header_bg, 10%); + } @else { + background-color: $header_bg; + } + + > tabs > tab { + padding: 0 10px; + min-height: 0; + + label, image { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin-bottom: -$container_padding / 2; + } @else { + margin-bottom: -$container_padding * 1.5; + } + } + + > widget > grid > revealer > button.image-button.flat { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin-top: $container_padding; + margin-right: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: 0; + margin-left: 0; + } @else { + margin-top: $container_padding * 1.5; + margin-right: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: 0; + margin-left: 0; + } + } + } + + > box > button.flat { + margin: 0 $container_padding; + } + } + + > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + + scrolledwindow.view.h2 { + background-color: transparent; + } + + treeview.view, + iconview.view { + &:not(:hover):not(:selected) { background: none; } + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.05)); } + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.1), rgba(white, 0.1)); + } + } + } + + treeview.view { + > frame.cell { + > entry { + border-image-width: 0; + background-color: $bg_color; + + &:focus { background-color: $base_color; } + } + + > border { border: none; } + } + } + } +} + +headerbar.titlebar { + > box.horizontal > entry.pathbar { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 2px 6px; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + > button.flat.image-button.toggle:dir(ltr) { + min-height: 0; + margin-top: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + + &:not(:checked):not(:active) { + background-clip: if($variant=='light', padding-box, padding-box); + } + + @if $variant == 'light' { + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + border-color: $borders_color; + } + + @include button(header-normal); + &:hover { @include button(header-hover); } + &:active { @include button(header-active); } + &:checked { @include button(header-checked); } + &:disabled { color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.4); } + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.7; background-image: none;} + + + button.flat.image-button.toggle { margin-right: if($variant=='light', -6px, -5px); } + } + + > .linked.raised > button.toggle { + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + } + + // Hide Code header format-bar + > grid.linked.horizontal.format-bar { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: 6px; + border: none; + + button.toggle { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + &:backdrop { + transition: $backdrop_transition; + background-image: none; + background-color: $header_bg_backdrop; + } + } + + &.windowhandle > button { + -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + } +} + +// Gala +.gala-notification, +window.notification .draw-area { + border: 1px solid rgba(black, 0.75); + border-radius: $wm_radius; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), + 0 3px 8px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), + 0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4), + 0 8px 5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), + inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); + background-image: _solid($osd_bg_color); + background-color: transparent; + + &, .title, .label, image { + color: $osd_fg_color; + } + + .urgent label.title { + color: $error_color; + } +} + +// Nightlight warmth trough +scale.warmth trough { + min-height: 4px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $suggested_color, $destructive_color); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(black, 0.25); +} + +// Terminal +.terminal-window { + headerbar.titlebar.default-decoration { + background-color: $header_bg; + border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + + &:backdrop { + transition: $backdrop_transition; + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.3); + background-image: none; + background-color: $header_bg_backdrop; + border-color: if($variant=='light', lighten($header_border, 15%), darken($header_border, 3%)); + } + } + + .search-bar { + background-color: $bg_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $solid_borders_color; + } +} + +// Popovers +popover.background { + menuitem.toggle { + margin: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + } +} + +// actionbar +actionbar.inline-toolbar { + border: none; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > revealer > box { + border-top: none; + } + + button { // Reset buttons + border-radius: $bt_radius; + // border: 1px solid $dark_borders_color; + + &, &:first-child { + border-right-style: solid; + } + + &:last-child { + border-left-style: solid; + } + } +} + +actionbar.bottom-toolbar { + button { -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; } +} + +.sidebar > treeview.view.source-list { + -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + color: $fg_color; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-3.22.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-3.22.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90793ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-3.22.scss @@ -0,0 +1,3234 @@ + +// +// Nautilus +// +$nautilus_radius: $wm_radius + 1px; +$nautilus_sidebar_size: $sidebar_size; +$nautilus_borders_color: if($variant=='light', darken(rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1), 12%), $header_border); + +$nautilus_header_image: image($header_bg); +$nautilus_header_borders_image: image($header_border); +$nautilus_actionbar_image: image($dark_header_bg); +$nautilus_actionbar_borders_image: image($header_border); +$dialog_header_image: image($dark_header_bg); +$dialog_header_borders_image: image($header_border); +$nautilus_bg_image: image($dark_sidebar_bg); +$nautilus_sidebar_image: image($dark_sidebar_bg); + + +@if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + $nautilus_sidebar_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dark_sidebar_bg 0%, + $dark_sidebar_bg $nautilus_sidebar_size, + rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 0) $nautilus_sidebar_size, + rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 0) 100%); + + $nautilus_bg_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dark_sidebar_bg 0%, + $dark_sidebar_bg $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px), + $base_color ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px), + $base_color 100%); +} + +@if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + $dialog_header_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dialog_bg_color 5%, + $dark_header_bg 40%); + + $dialog_header_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dialog_bg_color 0px, + $header_border 25%); + + $nautilus_actionbar_image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($dark_header_bg, 0) 5%, + transparentize($dark_header_bg, 0.2) 40%); + + $nautilus_actionbar_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($header_border, 0) 0px, + $header_border 25%); +} + +@if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + $nautilus_header_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($header_border, 0) $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $header_border $nautilus_sidebar_size); +} + +@if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + $nautilus_header_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dark_sidebar_bg $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px), + $dark_header_bg ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px)); +} @else if $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + $nautilus_header_image: linear-gradient(90deg, $dark_sidebar_bg ($nautilus_sidebar_size / 2), + $dark_header_bg 40%); + + $nautilus_header_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($header_border, 0) (($nautilus_sidebar_size / 2) - 40px), + $header_border 40%); +} + +// +// Nautilus +// +.nautilus-window { + &.background.csd { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $nautilus_bg_image; + border-radius: $background_radius_style; + + &.unified { // >= 40.0 + border-radius: $wm_radius; + + @if $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + background-image: image(rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 0)); + } + + > deck > box.vertical > headerbar.titlebar { + @if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($dark_header_bg, 0) $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color $nautilus_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px), + $dark_header_bg ($nautilus_sidebar_size + 1px)); + } + + > .linked > button.disclosure-button { margin-left: $container_padding / 2; } + + @if $placement == 'left' { + > box > stack > box { + margin-left: 18px; + } + + entry { + margin-left: 6px; + } + } + } + + @if $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + placessidebar.sidebar { + background-image: $nautilus_sidebar_image; + } + } + } + + > headerbar.titlebar, + > deck > box.vertical > headerbar.titlebar { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: $nautilus_header_image; + border: none; + background-clip: padding-box; + border-bottom-width: 0; + border-image: $nautilus_header_borders_image 0 0 1 / 0px 0px 1px stretch; + + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' and $trans == 'false' { + > box.left.horizontal { + background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, $dark_sidebar_bg 0%, $dark_sidebar_bg 95%, transparent 95%, transparent 100%); + } + } + + @if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + @if $placement == 'left' { + > .linked.raised > button:first-child { margin-left: $nautilus_sidebar_size - (48px + $container_padding * 6); } + } + } + } + + placessidebar.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + @if $nautilus_style == 'normal' or $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + min-width: $nautilus_sidebar_size; + } + + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + background-image: if($trans == 'true', none, $nautilus_sidebar_image); + } @else { + &.frame { border-right: 1px solid $header_border; } + } + + list { margin-bottom: 6px; } + + row.sidebar-row { + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + background-color: transparent; + outline: none; + transition: background-image 0; + + .sidebar-icon { color: if($variant == 'light', $selected_bg_color, lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%)); } + + &.has-open-popup, + &:disabled { + &, label, image { color: transparentize($dark_sidebar_fg, 0.6); } + } + + &:backdrop { opacity: 0.85; } + + // row style + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + margin: 0 0; + + &:hover { + transition: background-image 0; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-color: transparent; + background-position: left center; + background-size: $nautilus_sidebar_size 28px; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("assets/sidebar-view-hover-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}.png"), + url("assets/sidebar-view-hover-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png")); + } + + &:active, &:active:hover { + outline: none; + transition: background-image ease-out 200ms; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-color: transparent; + background-position: left center; + background-size: $nautilus_sidebar_size 28px; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("assets/sidebar-view-active-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}.png"), + url("assets/sidebar-view-active-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png")); + } + + &:selected.has-open-popup, + &:selected, &:selected:hover { + outline: none; + color: $fg_color; + transition: background-image ease-out 200ms; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + background-size: $nautilus_sidebar_size 28px; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("assets/sidebar-view-checked-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}.png"), + url("assets/sidebar-view-checked-#{$nautilus_sidebar_size}#{$asset_suffix}@2.png")); + + &, label { color: $fg_color; } + } + } + + @else { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0 6px; + padding: 2px 4px; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active, &:active:hover { + transition: background-color ease-out 200ms; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.2); + } + + &:selected.has-open-popup, + &:selected, &:selected:hover { + color: $fg_color; + transition: background-color ease-out 200ms; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + + &, label { color: $fg_color; } + } + } + + // other + &.sidebar-new-bookmark-row { + color: $selected_bg_color; + + &:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + &, label, .sidebar-icon { color: $selected_fg_color; } + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + .sidebar-icon { color: inherit; } + } + + &:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_fg, 0.15); + + &, label, .sidebar-icon { color: $dark_sidebar_fg; } + + &:selected.has-open-popup, + &:selected, &:selected:hover { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.15); + &, label, .sidebar-icon { color: $selected_bg_color; } + } + } + } + + separator { background-color: transparent; } + + scrollbar { + background: none; + border: none; + + trough { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + + placesview { + row.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin-right: 6px; + } + + actionbar.background { + background: none; + + > revealer > box { + background-color: transparent; + padding: $container_padding * 2; + // border: none; + } + } + } + } + + headerbar { + .path-bar-box { + color: transparent; + background: none; + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + border: none; + margin: 0; + + .linked.nautilus-path-bar { // for ≥ 3.31.90 + > button:not(:only-child):last-child { + @include button(header-checked); + } + } + + // workaround for 3.30.1 + &.background.frame { + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + // >= 42.0 + &.windowhandle .linked.nautilus-path-bar { + background-color: $fill_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: $container_padding 0 $container_padding $container_padding; + + .path-buttons-box > box > button { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + + &.current-dir { + color: $header_fg; + + &:hover, &:active { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + + > button.popup.toggle { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + } + + notebook { + &.background.csd { background-color: transparent; } + + > header { + // background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $header_border; + } + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin-left: -1px; + margin-right: -1px; + + tab { margin-left: -1px; } + } + + scrolledwindow { + .view:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:selected) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + &, > stack { + border-radius: $background_radius_style; + } + + > stack { + background-color: $base_color; + } + + > stack:not(:only-child) { + searchbar > revealer > box { background-color: transparent; } + } + } + + &.background infobar { + & > revealer > box, + &:hover > revealer > box, + &:backdrop > revealer > box { + background-color: transparent; + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + color: $selection_mode_bg; + + button { + color: $selection_mode_bg; + background-color: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.15); + border: none; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.25); } + &:active, &:checked { background-color: $selection_mode_bg; color: white; } + &:disabled { + background-color: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.05); + color: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.35); + + label { color: rgba($selection_mode_bg, 0.35); } + } + } + + *:link, link { color: $link_color; } + } + } + + // Floating Bar + .floating-bar { + padding: 2px; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius - $container_padding; + margin: $container_padding; + box-shadow: $shadow_5; + + button { + border: none; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; + padding: 0; + margin-right: $container_padding; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + @extend %selected-button; + } + } + + // Reset maximized nautilus-window border-radius + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + &.background.csd { + border-radius: $maximized_radius_style; + + notebook { &, > stack { border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; } } + + > headerbar.titlebar, + > deck > box.vertical > headerbar.titlebar { + &, &.windowhandle { + border-top-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + + placessidebar { border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; } + } + } + + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal > separator, + > deck > box.vertical > paned.horizontal > separator { // Use paned separator to hide stack border-bottom-left-radius + border: none; + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + background-color: $base_color; + background-image: image($base_color); + background-size: $wm_radius $wm_radius; + background-position: bottom left; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + + &:dir(ltr) { margin-left: -1px; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-right: -1px; } + + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + &:dir(ltr) { margin-left: 1px; } + &:dir(rtl) { margin-right: 1px; } + + &:hover { + background-image: image($solid_borders_color); + background-size: 2px 100px; + background-position: center center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + } + } + } +} + +preferencesgroup { // gnome 40.0 preferences window + list { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + + list { + margin: 0 0; + padding: 0 0; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + border: none; + } + } +} + +.nautilus-canvas-item { border-radius: 5px; } + +// .view.nautilus-desktop, +%nautilus-desktop-canvas-item, +.nautilus-desktop.nautilus-canvas-item { + color: white; + text-shadow: 1px 1px transparentize(black, 0.4); + + &:active { + color: white; + } + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + text-shadow: none; + } +} + +.nautilus-canvas-item.dim-label, +.nautilus-list-dim-label { + color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 50%); + + &:selected, + &:selected:focus { + color: mix($selected_fg_color, $selected_bg_color, 80%); + } +} + +.nautilus-list-view { + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:selected) { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0; + // @extend %view; + } +} + +button.nautilus-circular-button.image-button { + @extend %circular_button; +} + +$disk_space_unknown: transparentize($fg_color, 0.5); +$disk_space_used: transparentize($selected_bg_color, 0.2); +$disk_space_free: darken($bg_color, 3%); + +.disk-space-display { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 1px; + + &.unknown { + background-color: $disk_space_unknown; + border-color: darken($disk_space_unknown, 10%); + } + + &.used { + background-color: $disk_space_used; + border-color: darken($disk_space_used, 10%); + } + + &.free { + background-color: $disk_space_free; + border-color: darken($disk_space_free, 10%); + } +} + +@keyframes needs_attention_keyframes { + 0% { + @include button(header-hover); + } + + 100% { + @include button(header-active) + } +} + +.nautilus-operations-button-needs-attention { + animation: needs_attention_keyframes 2s ease-in-out; +} + +.nautilus-operations-button-needs-attention-multiple { + animation: needs_attention_keyframes 3s ease-in-out; + animation-iteration-count: 3; +} + +// Batch renaming dialog +.conflict-row.activatable { + &, &:active { + color: $light_fg_color; + background-color: $error_color; + } + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($error_color, 10%); + } + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } +} + + +// +// GNOME Terminal +// + +terminal-window { + &.background.csd { + border-radius: 0; + } + + decoration { + border-radius: $wm_radius $wm_radius 0 0; + } + + &.background.csd.maximized { border-radius: 0; } // Fixed gnome 3.32 issue: Unable to restore window size after maximization +} + +window.background.csd { // gnome-terminal 3.32 setting + > box.vertical > box.horizontal > frame { + > border { + border-width: 0 1px 0 0; + } + + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + list { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > box.horizontal > stack { + > widget > notebook.frame { + border-width: 0; + + > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Gedit +// + +paned.titlebar { + > headerbar { + button.flat.toggle.popup:not(.image-button) { // left-pane header button + box > .title { + padding: 0; // remove lateral padding + margin: -2px 0; + } + } + } + + > separator { @extend %side_separator; } +} + +paned.gedit-side-panel-paned { + > separator { @extend %side_separator; } + + // 'file-browser' pane + > box.vertical > stack > grid.horizontal { + > box.horizontal { // header-part + margin: 4px 0; + } + + > scrolledwindow { // raised widget + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + } + } + + // 'files' pane + stack { + scrolledwindow { + viewport.frame { + list.gedit-document-panel { + background: none; + } + } + } + } +} + +window.background.csd { + &.tiled, + &.maximized, + &.fullscreen { + > overlay > box.vertical { + > paned.gedit-side-panel-paned { + > box.vertical > stack > grid.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow { // raised widget + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } + + &.background.csd, + .gedit-side-panel-paned statusbar { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + { + padding: 3px 6px 3px 6px; + border-color: $base_color; // disable borders, making them transparent doesn't work for some reason + + &:hover { + background-color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 7%); + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } +} + { color: $fg_color; } + { + color: mix($fg_color, $base_color, 50%); + font-size: smaller; + + &:selected { + color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.1); + } +} + +.gedit-document-panel { // 'documents' pane + row.activatable { padding: 6px 0; } + + row button { // 'close' button + min-width: 22px; + min-height: 22px; + padding: 0; + margin: 0 6px; + border-radius: 100px; + // -gtk-outline-radius: 100px; + + image { + color: inherit; + } + } + + row:hover:not(:selected) button { + color: mix($bg_color, $fg_color, 35%); + + &:hover { + color: lighten(red, 15%); + } + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + } + } + + row:hover:selected button:hover { + color: lighten(red, 20%); + + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } +} + +.gedit-document-panel-dragged-row { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: darken($bg_color, 10%); + color: $fg_color; +} + +.gedit-side-panel-paned statusbar { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: $bg_color; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + frame > border { border: none; } +} + +.gedit-search-slider { + background-color: $header_bg; + color: $header_fg; + padding: $container_padding; + margin: 0 8px 13px; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + border: none; + } @else { + border: solid mix(white, $header_bg, 10%); + border-width: 0 1px 1px; + } + + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 rgba(black, 0.15), + 0 5px 8px 0 rgba(black, 0.05), + $wm_outline; +} + +.gedit-search-entry-occurrences-tag { + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.4); + border: none; + margin: 2px; + padding: 2px; +} + +.gedit-map-frame { + border { + border-width: 0; + + @if $variant=='light' { + border-color: transparentize(black, 0.7); + } + + &:dir(ltr) { + border-left-width: 1px; + } + + &:dir(rtl) { + border-right-width: 1px; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Builder +// { + background: none; +} + +editortweak .linked > + .gb-linked-scroller { + border-top-color: $selected_bg_color; +} + +layouttab { + background-color: $base_color; +} + +layout { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +eggsearchbar { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +pillbox { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 3px; + + &:disabled label { + color: transparentize($selected_fg_color, 0.5) + } +} + +docktabstrip { + padding: 0 6px; + + background-color: $bg_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + docktab { + min-height: 28px; + border: solid transparent; + border-width: 0 1px; + + label { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + &:checked, + &:hover { + label { + opacity: 1; + } + } + + &:checked { + border-color: $borders_color; + background-color: $base_color; + } + } +} + +dockbin { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +dockpaned { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +dockoverlayedge { + background-color: $bg_color; + + docktabstrip { + padding: 0; + border: none; + } + + &.left-edge tab:checked, + &.right-edge tab:checked { + border-width: 1px 0; + } +} + +popover.messagepopover { + &.background { + padding: 0; + } + + .popover-content-area { + margin: 16px; + } + .popover-action-area { + margin: 8px; + + button:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { + margin: 0 4px; + } + } +} + +popover.popover-selector { + padding: 0; + + list { + row { + padding: 5px 0; + } + + row image { + margin-left: 3px; + margin-right: 10px; + } + } +} + +preferences stacksidebar.sidebar { + list { + background-image: _solid($base_color); + } + + list separator { + background-color: transparent; + } +} + +devhelppanel entry:focus, +symboltreepanel entry:focus { + border-color: $borders_color +} + { + min-width: 12px; +} + +omnibar.linked > entry:not(:only-child) { + margin-left: 1px; + margin-right: 1px; + @include entry(header-normal); + border-left: none; + + &:backdrop { + @include entry(header-normal); + // background-image: none; + + opacity: 0.65; + } +} + { // preferences-search + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: 0; + + &:focus { + box-shadow: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $selected_bg_color; + } +} + +preferencesbin { + spinbutton { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: $bg_color; + + &:focus { border-color: $selected_bg_color; } + + entry, + entry:focus { border: none; box-shadow: none; } + + button { + border-width: 0 0 0 1px; + + // &:first-child { + // border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + // } + } + } + + { margin: 2px; } +} + +dzlpreferencesview stacksidebar.sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame > list { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } +} + +dzldockbin#buildui.buildui list.sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; +} + +dzldockbin#editor > ideeditorsidebar.left.pinned.dzldockbinedge { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + > dzldockpaned { + treeview.view.project-tree.i-wanna-be-list-box:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + } +} + +ideeditorutilities.bottom.pinned.dzldockbinedge { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; +} + +gstyleslidein { + #scale_box, + #strings_controls, + #palette_controls, + #components_controls { + button.toggle:checked { + color: $fg_color; + } + } +} + +configurationview { + entry.flat { + background: none; + } + + list { + border-width: 0; + } +} + +dzldockbin actionbar > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; +} + +workbench.csd > stack.titlebar:not(headerbar) { + padding: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + headerbar { + &, + &:first-child, + &:last-child { + border-radius: $wm_radius $wm_radius 0 0; + } + } +} + { + > stack#titlebar_container.titlebar { + > headerbar > omnibar { + > .linked > entry { + min-height: 0; + + > overlay > box.horizontal > box.vertical.pan { + > button { + min-height: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + + > popover.dzlmenubutton { + > box.vertical > dzlmenubuttonsection.vertical { + > box.vertical > button.dzlmenubuttonitem { + color: $alt_fg_color; + + &:active, &:checked { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); + } + + > box.horizontal > box.horizontal { + > label.title { + color: $fg_color; + } + } + } + } + } + + treeview.view.i-wanna-be-listbox:not(:hover):not(:selected), + dzlmultipaned > notebook > stack > scrolledwindow > treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } +} + + +// +// Gnome-Logs +// +window.background > box.vertical box.horizontal { + list.categories { border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; } // side-pane + > box.vertical > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame > list { + row.event.activatable { // > 3.25.90 + color: $fg_color; + transition-duration: 0.1s; + &:hover, &:active { color: $fg_color; } + + label.compressed-entries-label { + // hard-coded background-color? + background-image: image($suggested_color); + color: $selected_fg_color; + font-weight: 700; + } + + &.compressed-row { + background-image: image(darken($bg_color, 3%)); + color: darken($fg_color, 20%); + transition-property: opacity, // exclude background-color + border-image, + background-image, + box-shadow; + &:hover { + background-image: image(mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 5%)); + color: $fg_color; + } + &:active { + &, &:focus { + background-image: image(mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 10%)); + color: $fg_color; + animation: none; + } + } + + &.popover-activated-row { + background-image: image($selected_bg_color); + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + &-header { + background-image: image($base_color); // stop highlighting + color: $selected_bg_color; + &:hover { + background-image: image(mix($selected_bg_color, $base_color, 5%)); + } + &:active { + &, &:focus { + background-image: image(mix($selected_bg_color, $base_color, 10%)); + color: $selected_bg_color; + animation: none; + } + } + + label.compressed-entries-label { + background-image: image($selected_bg_color); + color: $selected_fg_color; + transition-duration: 0s; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Gnome-Usage +// +widget { + &#PROCESSOR, + &#MEMORY { + list { + row { + margin: -1px; // kill ugly parent borders + border: 1px solid $solid_borders_color; + + &.max { + color: $osd_bg_color; // enforce dark foreground + // FIXME: we can't override the salmon-pinky background + // background-image: image($destructive_color); + // border: 1px solid $destructive_color; + } + } + + // kill ugly separators + separator.list { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $solid_borders_color; + } + } + } + + &#STORAGE { + list { + margin: -1px; // kill ugly borders + + row.activatable { + color: rgba($fg_color, 0.75); + &:hover, + &:active { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.75); } + } + + // kill ugly separators + separator.list { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $solid_borders_color; + } + } + } + + &#PERFORMANCE { + searchbar { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px $borders_color, inset 0 -1px $bg_color; // Removed double borders under headerbar + entry, button { margin-bottom: 2px; } + } + + .sidebar { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } +} + +graph-switcher-button.toggle { + color: rgba($fg_color, 0.75); + font-weight: 500; + &:hover { // use opaque + color: $fg_color; + background-image: image(if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.05), rgba(white, 0.03))); + } +} + +rg-graph.big { + // FIXME: We need to re-define these properties to prevent weird + // 'non-repeated' imaging behind the main graph. + background-position: left top; + background-origin: border-box; + background-repeat: repeat; +} + +box.speedometer { + // FIXME: 'outter' meant 'outer'? + // circular progress should be drawn with our $accent_color though, + // damned adwaita.css picks @theme_selected_bg_color up. + &-outter { opacity: 0.8; } // reduce alpha for our troughs + + &-content-area { // cover up meter troughs with selection colour + box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px rgba($selected_bg_color, 0.2); + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Documents +// + +.documents-scrolledwin.frame { + border-width: 0; +} + +button.documents-load-more { + border-width: 1px 0 0; + border-radius: 0; +} + +.documents-icon-bg { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: 2px; +} + +%documents-collection-icon, +.documents-collection-icon { + background-color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.7); + border-radius: 2px; +} + +button.documents-favorite:active, +button.documents-favorite:active:hover { + color: lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%); +} + +%documents-entry-tag, +.documents-entry-tag { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 3px; + border-width: 0; + margin: 2px; + padding: 4px; + + &:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background: lighten($selected_bg_color, 4%); + } + &:active { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background: darken($selected_bg_color, 4%); + } + &.button { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + } +} + +.content-view.document-page { + border-style: solid; + border-width: 3px 3px 6px 4px; + border-image: url("assets/thumbnail-frame.png") 3 3 6 4; +} + + +// +// Gnome Photos +// { + @extend %documents-entry-tag; +} + { + @extend %documents-collection-icon; +} + { + opacity: 1.0; + transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; +} + { + opacity: 0.0; + transition: opacity 0.2s ease-out; +} + + +// +// Gnome Tweak Tool ( Gnome tweaks ) +// +window.background.csd { + > hdyleaflet, + > leaflet, + > box.horizontal > stack.background { + frame > border { border: none; } + + frame:not(.view) list:not(.contacts-contact-list) { // Don't set this to Gnome-Contacts + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { + @extend %circular_row; + + .row-header > button:not(.text-button) { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + padding: 0; + margin: 4px 0; + } + } + } + + frame.view { + @extend %circular_list; + + list { + background: none; + + > separator { + background: none; + min-height: 0; + } + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + } + + list.view, list.frame { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + + > box.vertical > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + &, + > stack, + > stack > box.vertical { + > list { + padding: 2px 0; + + > row.activatable { @extend %sidebar_row; } + } + } + } + } +} + +list { + &.tweak-group { + list { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + } +} + +.titlebar > headerbar.titlebar.tweak-titlebar-left, +.titlebar > headerbar.titlebar.tweak-titlebar-right { + border: none; +} + +// Themed side headerbar +.titlebar > headerbar.titlebar.tweak-titlebar-left { + @extend %side_headerbar_left; +} + +.titlebar > headerbar.titlebar.tweak-titlebar-right { + @extend %side_headerbar_right; +} + +row#AutostartTitle.tweak { + padding: 3px; + background-color: $base_color; +} + +.tweak-group-startup { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.tweak-startup:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } +} + +// separator of sidebar on Gnome control center and Gnome tweaks +window.background.csd { + > hdyleaflet, + > leaflet, + > box.horizontal { + > separator { + @extend %side_separator; + } + + > box.vertical { + > searchbar { + @extend %side_searchbar; + } + } + } + + > hdyleaflet > box.vertical > stack.main-container, + > leaflet > box.vertical > stack.main-container, + > leaflet > box.vertical:last-child > scrolledwindow { // Right side + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + // sidebar on gnome tweak + list.tweak-categories, + > leaflet > box > scrolledwindow > viewport > list.navigation-sidebar { + @extend %side_style_left; + border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; + + // Themed left sidebar + > row:not(:selected):not(:hover) { + background: none; + } + + > separator { + min-width: 0; + min-height: 0; + background: none; + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > hdyleaflet > box.vertical > stack.main-container, + > leaflet > box.vertical > stack.main-container, + > leaflet > box.vertical:last-child > scrolledwindow { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + + // sidebar on gnome tweak + list.tweak-categories, + leaflet > box > scrolledwindow > viewport > list.navigation-sidebar { + border-radius: 0 0 0 $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Control Center +// + +window.background.csd { + > box.titlebar.horizontal { + > headerbar:first-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_left; + } + + > headerbar:last-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_right; + } + } + + > headerbar.titlebar { // gnome 3.32 or later + > box.horizontal > headerbar:first-child, + > hdyleaflet > headerbar:first-child, + > leaflet > headerbar:first-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_left; + } + + > box.horizontal > headerbar:last-child, + > hdyleaflet > headerbar:last-child, + > leaflet > headerbar:last-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_right; + } + + > box.horizontal > separator.sidebar, + > hdyleaflet > separator.sidebar, + > leaflet > separator.sidebar { + @extend %side_separator; + } + } + + > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + > box:not(.titlebar).horizontal > separator.vertical { + @extend %side_separator; + } + + > leaflet > stack.background, // > 3.38.0 + > hdyleaflet > stack.background, // > 3.34.0 + > box.horizontal > stack.background { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + > widget { + > box.horizontal > box.horizontal > box.vertical { + > button { // wallpaper set button + &:active { + color: $fg_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: if($variant=='light', darken($button_bg, 15%), lighten($button_bg, 10%)); + border-color: $dark_borders_color; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > box.vertical { // Gnome 3.34 Wallpaper setting + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius + 1px; + + > box.vertical { + background: none; + } + } + } + + scrolledwindow.frame { + border: none; + + > viewport.frame { + > list { + @extend %circular_list; + + > row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + } + } + + > scrolledwindow > viewport > clamp.medium { + > box > box > box > frame > box > box.vertical { + > separator { + background: none; + min-height: 2px; + } + + > list { border-radius: 4px; } + + &:first-child:last-child > list { border-radius: $wm_radius; } + &:first-child > list { border-radius: $wm_radius $wm_radius 4px 4px; } + &:not(:first-child):last-child > list { border-radius: 4px 4px $wm_radius $wm_radius; } + } + } + } + } + + > leaflet > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view, // > 3.38.0 + > hdyleaflet > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view, // > 3.34.0 + > box.horizontal > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view { // > 3.25.90 + @extend %side_style_left; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius + 1px; + + > viewport.frame > stack { + background-color: transparent; + + list { // left-pane + background-color: transparent; + + separator { background: none; } + + row.activatable:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:selected) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + + > leaflet > stack.background, // > 3.38.0 + > hdyleaflet > stack.background, // > 3.34.0 + > box.horizontal > stack.background { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + + > widget { + > box.vertical > box.vertical { // Gnome 3.34 Wallpaper setting + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } + + > leaflet > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view, // > 3.38.0 + > hdyleaflet > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view, // > 3.34.0 + > box.horizontal > box.vertical > scrolledwindow.view { // > 3.25.90 + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +box.horizontal > separator.sidebar, +hdyleaflet > separator.sidebar, +leaflet > separator.sidebar, +leaflet > leaflet > separator.sidebar { // reset + @extend %side_separator; +} + + +// +// Gnome system monitor +// + +window#gnome-system-monitor.background.csd { + > box.vertical > stack { + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > box.vertical > scrolledwindow { + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected):not(.progressbar):not(.trough) { + background: none; + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > box.vertical > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome-sound-recorder +// + +window.background.csd > stack { + > grid.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + border: none; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > viewport.frame { + list { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + } + + scrolledwindow.frame.emptyGrid { border: none; } // Removed ugly borders + } +} + +window.background.csd { + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + stack { + > grid.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + + > viewport.frame { + list { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Contacts +// + +window.background.csd { + > deck > box > leaflet { // >= 40.0 + > headerbar:first-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_left; + + &.selection-mode { + color: $header_fg; + + > button:not(.flat):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action):not(.titlebutton):not(.combo) { @extend %headerbar_buttons; } + } + } + + > headerbar:last-child { + @extend %side_headerbar_right; + + &.selection-mode { + color: $header_fg; + border-color: $header_border; + + > button:not(.flat):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action):not(.titlebutton):not(.combo) { @extend %headerbar_buttons; } + } + } + } + + > deck > box > overlay > leaflet > overlay > widget > stack { + background-color: $base_color; + } + + > headerbar.titlebar.selection-mode { + > hdyleaflet > headerbar, + > leaflet > headerbar { + color: $header_fg; + border-color: $header_border; + + > button:not(.flat):not(.suggested-action):not(.destructive-action):not(.titlebutton) { @extend %headerbar_buttons; } + } + } + + > overlay > grid.horizontal { + > frame:dir(ltr) > border { // Removed ugly borders + border-top-width: 0; + border-left-width: 0; + border-bottom-width: 0; + } + + > overlay > stack > box.horizontal > grid.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow.contacts-contact-form { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius + 1px; + } + } + } + + > overlay > hdyleaflet, + > overlay > leaflet, + > deck > box > overlay > leaflet { // >= 40.0 + > stack { + @extend %side_style_left; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + > separator.sidebar { + @extend %side_separator; + } + + > overlay > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + background-color: rgba($base_color, 1); + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + > hdycolumn > stack > box.horizontal > box.vertical > box.horizontal { + > button.image-button { + @extend %circular_button; + padding: 2px; + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > overlay > hdyleaflet, + > overlay > leaflet { + > stack > frame > grid.vertical { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + + > overlay > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } +} + +entry.contacts-postal-entry { + // background-color: transparent; + @extend %Linked_entrys; + + &:focus { + @if $variant == 'dark' { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $entry_highlight; } + @if $variant == 'light' { box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 transparent, inset 0 0 0 1px $entry_highlight; } + } +} + +entry.contacts-postal-entry:focus + entry.contacts-postal-entry { border-top-color: $entry_highlight; } + + +// +// Epiphany (Gnome Web) +// + +$question_bg_color: #FFEA00; + +headerbar.titlebar.incognito-mode { + entry { + @include entry(header-normal); + + &:focus { @include entry(header-focus); } + &:disabled { @include entry(header-insensitive); } + } +} + +// reset inverted foreground colour +notebook > box > stack > box.vertical > paned.vertical > overlay { + > .floating-bar { color: rgba($fg_color, 0.75); } +} + +// overrides foregrounds for 3.24's ssd-mode +.background headerbar entry { + &.starred, + &.non-starred { + @include entry(header-normal); + + &:focus { @include entry(header-focus); } + &:disabled { @include entry(header-insensitive); } + } + + // render yellow 'star' icon if bookmarked + &.starred > image.right { + color: darken($question_bg_color, 10%); + &:hover, + &:active, + &:checked { color: $question_bg_color; } + } +} + +// popover for downloaded lists +popover.background:not(.emoji-picker) > box.vertical { + // For clean button + button:not(.destructive-action):not(.suggested-action):only-child { + &:active, &:checked { @include button(flat-active); } + } +} + +popover.background:not(.emoji-picker) > box.vertical > scrolledwindow { + // re-define background colours for GtkListBox + > viewport.frame > list.background { + background-color: transparent; + + > row.activatable { + background-color: if($variant=='light', $bg_color, lighten($bg_color, 10%)); + color: rgba($fg_color, 0.85); + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + margin: 2px; + @if $variant=='light' { box-shadow: $shadow_3, inset 0 0 0 1px rgba($borders_color, 0.01); } + + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(flat-active); } + } + } +} + +// popover for bookmarks +popover.background:not(.emoji-picker) > box.vertical > stack > box.vertical { + scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > list.background > row.activatable.bookmarks-row { + background-color: rgba($base_color, 0.35); + color: rgba($fg_color, 0.85); + border-bottom: 1px dashed rgba($borders_color, 0.05); + padding: 6px; + + &:hover, + &:active, + &:checked { color: $fg_color; background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); } + + button.flat { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + padding: 4px; // Same as of image.sidebar-icon + // margin: 0 4px; + border-radius: 100px; + // -gtk-outline-radius: 100px; + } + } + } +} + +// bookmark-tag flowbox-childs (almost hard-coded) +flowboxchild.bookmark-tag-widget { + color: $bg_color; // unchecked + font-weight: 500; + + label { margin-bottom: 2px; } + + &-selected { color: $selected_fg_color; } // checked +} + +stack#titlebar_container.titlebar { + > stack > headerbar, + > headerbar.titlebar > deck > headerbar { // Gnome 3.38 + border-color: $header_bg; + + // entry.suggestion.url_entry {} + } +} + +notebook.main-notebook { + > { + margin-top: 0; + + > tabs > tab { + &:checked { + border-top-color: $header_bg; + } + + &:first-child { //Not use + border-left-width: 0; + } + } + } + + webkitwebview { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } +} + +// Gnome version >= 40.0 +window.background.csd { + > deck > deck > fullscreenbox > flap > box > windowhandle { + > headerbar.titlebar { // Gnome 40.0 + border-color: $header_bg; + } + } +} + +.background tabbox { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + background-color: darken($header_bg, 10%); + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + margin-top: -1px; + } @else { + background-color: $header_bg; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2 $container_padding / 2; + } + + > tab { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + @extend %tabs_tab; + } @else { + @extend %monterey_tab; + + + tab { + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; + } + } + + button { + @extend %flat_button; + border-radius: 3px; + border: none; + padding: 0; + min-height: $small_size; + min-width: $small_size; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($borders_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active, &:active:hover { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + background-color: rgba($borders_color, 0.2); + } + + &.tab-close-button { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + min-height: $small_size; + min-width: $small_size; + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + } @else { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + margin-right: -$container_padding; + } + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Music +// + +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical > overlay > stack.background { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > box.vertical > overlay > stack.background { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Weather +// + +#weather-page, +#weekly-forecast-frame { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + .maximized &, .tiled &, .fullscreen & { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } +} + +#weather-page-content-view { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + .maximized &, .tiled &, .fullscreen & { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } +} + +// +// Gnome Clocks +// +window.background.csd.unified { + > deck > deck > deck { + > box.vertical > headerbar.titlebar.windowhandle { + > viewswitchertitle > squeezer { + > viewswitcher > box.horizontal { + > { + margin: 0; + border-radius: 0; + } + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > deck > box.vertical > headerbar.titlebar.windowhandle { + border-top-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + border-top-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Calendar +// + { + .week-view weekgrid { + event.color-light { + &, & > stack > grid > label { + color: rgba(black, 0.75); + } + } + + event.color-dark { + &, & > stack > grid > label { + color: rgba(white, 1); + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Polari +// + +.polari-room-list { + .sidebar { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + .sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +stack.view.polari-entry-area { + background-color: $bg_color; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + button.popup.flat.toggle.polari-nick-button { + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + } + } + + .maximized &, .tiled &, .fullscreen & { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } +} + +stack:disabled.view.polari-entry-area { background-image: image($bg_color); } + + +// +// Gnome Flashback +// + +#gf-bubble, +#gf-osd-window, +#gf-input-source-popup, +#gf-candidate-popup { + &, &.solid { + color: lighten($osd_fg_color, 7%); + background-color: $osd_bg_color; + border: 1px solid darken($osd_bg_color, 8%); + border-radius: 2px; + } + + levelbar { + block { + &.low, &.high, &.full { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + + &.empty { background-color: darken($osd_bg_color, 5%); } + } + + trough { background: none; } + } // FIXME still needs button styling +} + +#gf-input-source { + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 40px; + + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 2px; + } +} + +gf-candidate-box { + label { + padding: 3px; + } + + &:hover, + &:selected { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 2px; + } +} + + +// +// rhythmbox +// + +%toolbar_radio_button { + @if $variant == 'dark' { border: none; } + + &:active, &:checked { + background-image: none; + color: if($variant=='light', $selected_fg_color, $base_color); + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.5), darken(white, 25%)); + border-color: $borders_color; + } +} + +// add top-border to inline-toolbar +.sidebar-paned .inline-toolbar.horizontal.sidebar-toolbar { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color; + padding: 4px; + background-color: darken($bg_color, 3%); + + button.image-button { + @extend %toolbar_radio_button; + + > widget > box > image { padding: 0; } + } +} + +// tweak sidebar styling +.sidebar-paned { + scrolledwindow { border: none; } + + // treeview.view.sidebar { } +} + +// tweak border and frame in alt-toolbar +window.csd > box.vertical > box.vertical, +window.solid-csd > box.vertical > box.vertical { + > toolbar.horizontal { + margin: -1px 0; + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + + > toolitem > .linked > button, + > toolitem > box.horizontal > button { + min-height: 36px; + min-width: 36px; + padding: 0; + margin-top: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + + @extend %toolbar_radio_button; + } + } + + > frame { + margin: -1px 0; + padding: 0; + + > border { border: none; } + } +} + +// hard-coded spacing depends on non-scalable unit, +// seems cover-art widget is the most biggest thing? +window.background > box.vertical > toolbar.primary-toolbar { + > toolitem { + > .linked > button.image-button.raised { // 'shuffle/repeat' + min-height: 36px; + min-width: 36px; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + @extend %toolbar_radio_button; + + > widget > box > image { padding: 0; } + } + + button.flat.scale { // 'volume' + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 36px; + padding: 0; + margin-top: 8px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + + > box.horizontal:not(.linked) > button.toggle, + > .linked > button:not(.toggle):not(.raised):not(.flat) { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + @extend %toolbar_radio_button; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Calculator +// + +window.background { + > headerbar.titlebar { // mode-selector button + > button.flat.popup.toggle.text-button.title { + // .title class existed + margin: 6px 0; // set standard margins + + > grid > widget { // down arrow + padding-top: 3px; + // add spacing between arrow and label + &:dir(ltr) { padding-left: 4px; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-right: 4px; } + } + } + } + + > grid.vertical > box.vertical > widget, + > grid.vertical > box.vertical > box.vertical > widget, + > grid.vertical > box.vertical grid.math-buttons { + button { + font-weight: 700; + + &:not(.suggested-action) { + &:active { @include button(flat-active); border-color: $borders_color; } + &:checked { @include button(flat-checked); border-color: $borders_color; } + } + + // &.suggested-action { // '=' button + // } + } + } +} + +// +// Fractal +// +.background.csd.main-window { + .sidebar.rooms-sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + .sidebar.rooms-sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +// +// Seahorse +// + +window.background.csd { + > leaflet.unfolded { + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + > list { // left side + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + > row { + @extend %sidebar_row; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > stack { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + // > box.vertical > searchbar > revealer > box { background-color: $base_color; } + } +} + +// +// documents-scrolledwi (Totem, Documents, EvView) +// +.documents-scrolledwin { + background-color: transparent; + + .content-view:not(:selected):not(:hover) { + background-color: transparent; + // border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + .content-view:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.08); } + + viewport.frame { // Documents + background-color: transparent; + + widget > frame.content-view:not(:selected):not(:hover) { + border { border: none; } + + background-color: transparent; + // border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } +} + +// Documents + +window.background.csd { // Documents actionbar + > box.vertical > overlay > stack > box.vertical { + > actionbar > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > box.vertical > overlay > stack > box.vertical { + > actionbar > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Document Viewer +// +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + > iconview.view.content-view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + + > paned.horizontal > box.vertical > scrolledwindow { + > treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { background-color: transparent; } + } + } + + evview.view.content-view { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > box.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + > iconview.view.content-view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + border-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + + evview.view.content-view { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +// +// Archive Manager (File roller) +// +window.background.csd { + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + + > treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background-color: $base_color; + } + } + + > box.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; + background-color: $bg_color; + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; + } + + > box.vertical { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 0 $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Eye of GNOME Image Viewer +// +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical > box.vertical > box.vertical{ + > paned.horizontal { + > separator { + background-image: none; + background-color: $header_border; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Gnome-Disk +// +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow { + treeview.view { + min-width: 240px; + @extend %row_activatable; + + &:not(:selected):not(:hover) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + + > separator { + background-image: if($variant == 'light', image($solid_borders_color), image($header_border)); + } + } + + > paned.titlebar { + background-color: $header_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $highlight_color; + + > headerbar { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + > separator { + background: none; + } + } +} + +// +// Gnome Todo +// { + stack.background, scrolledwindow.background { + background: none; + } + + stack.background { + tasklistview { + .view { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + .new-task-row { + // border-radius: $bt_radius; // not use! + + button, entry { + border-radius: 3px; + border: none; + } + + .linked > button, + .linked > entry { + &:not(:only-child):first-child { border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } + &:not(:only-child):not(:first-child):last-child { border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; } + } + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Geary +// + +.geary-main-window.background.csd, // <= 3.38 +window#GearyMainWindow.background.csd { // <= 3.32 + > overlay > box.vertical { + > paned { + > separator { @extend %side_separator; } + + > .sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + > searchbar { + @extend %side_searchbar; + } + + treeview.view.sidebar { + padding: 3px 0; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + } + } + } + } + } + + paned.geary-sidebar-pane-separator { + > separator { + margin-left: -1px; + background: none; + } + + statusbar { + margin: -8px -12px; + border: none; + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + frame > border { border: none; } + } + + frame.geary-conversation-frame { + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + + > border { border: none; } + + scrolledwindow { + background-color: $base_color; + margin: 6px 6px 6px 0; + padding: 6px 0; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + treeview.view { + background-image: none; + + &:hover { background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); } + + &:selected { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + color: if($variant == 'light', $fg_color, $selected_fg_color); + } + + &:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + } + } + } + } + + stack#conversation_viewer { // 3.28 + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius + 1px; + + scrolledwindow.geary-conversation-scroller { + viewport.frame { + background-color: $base_color; + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + + list.conversation-listbox { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + + searchbar { + > revealer > box { + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > overlay > box.vertical { + > paned { + > .sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + + stack#conversation_viewer { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius + 1px; + + scrolledwindow.geary-conversation-scroller { + viewport.frame { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + + paned.geary-sidebar-pane-separator { + statusbar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } +} + +// >= 40.0 +.geary-main-window { + &.background.csd.unified { + background: none; + + .geary-main-layout { // >= 40.0 reset + > leaflet > leaflet > headerbar { // left and center headerbar + &:first-child { box-shadow: none; } + &:last-child { box-shadow: none; } + } + + > leaflet > headerbar { // right headerbar + box-shadow: none; + } + } + } + + .geary-main-layout { // >= 40.0 + @extend %side_style_left; + + > leaflet > leaflet > headerbar { // left and center headerbar + &:first-child { @extend %side_headerbar_left; background-color: transparent; } + &:last-child { @extend %side_headerbar_right; } + } + + > leaflet > leaflet > box { // >= 44.0 + > headerbar { @extend %side_headerbar_right; box-shadow: none; } + + &:first-child > headerbar { @extend %side_headerbar_left; box-shadow: none; } + + > scrolledwindow { + background-image: $side_style_shadow; + } + + treeview.view.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); + } + } + } + } + + > leaflet > headerbar, + > leaflet > box > widget > headerbar { // right headerbar + @extend %side_headerbar_right; + } + } + + frame.geary-folder-frame { // left side + background-color: transparent; + + > border { border: none; } + + scrolledwindow { + treeview.view.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.12); + } + } + } + } + } + + frame.geary-conversation-frame { // center part + background-color: $base_color; + + > border { border: none; } + + scrolledwindow { + // margin: -1px 0; + padding: 0 $container_padding / 2; + background-color: $base_color; + + treeview.view { + background-image: none; + border: 2px solid transparent; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + outline: none; + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 1.5; + margin: 0 $container_padding / 2; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + border-color: transparent; + } + + &:selected, &:active { + border-color: transparent; + border-radius: $mn_radius; + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + color: if($variant == 'light', $fg_color, $selected_fg_color); + } + + &:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background: none; + } + } + } + } + + leaflet > leaflet > box.vertical { + searchbar { // center part searchbar + > revealer > box { + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } + + > revealer > components-conversation-actions { // center part actionbar + margin-top: -1px; + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: transparent; // not use? + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $dark_sidebar_border; + + button { + @extend %flat_button; + } + + > .linked > button { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 0 1px; + } + } + } + + separator.geary-sidebar-pane-separator { background-color: $dark_sidebar_border; } + + conversation-list { // center part >= 44.0 + list#conversation-list { + padding: $container_padding; + + > row.activatable.conversation-list { + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: $container_padding; + + > widget > box > box { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + } + + button.flat { + padding: 4px 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + } + + > separator { + background-color: $menu_bd; + border: none; + margin: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding * 2; + } + } + } + + geary-conversation-viewer#conversation_viewer { // right side + background-color: $base_color; + + list.background.conversation-listbox.content { + background-color: $base_color; + + > row.activatable { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom-width: 0; + + &:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 8px; + border-top-right-radius: 8px; + } + } + + .geary-attachment-pane { + border-radius: 0 0 8px 8px; + + actionbar.background { + background-color: transparent; + + > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 7px 7px; + } + } + } + + geary-composer-editor { + > box.background { + background-color: transparent; + + > actionbar > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 7px 7px; + } + } + } + } + + searchbar { + > revealer > box { + background-color: $base_color; + border-color: $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } + } +} + +geary-composer-box.background.csd { + geary-composer-editor { + > box.background { + background-color: transparent; + + > actionbar > revealer > box { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + } +} + +// Accounts setting dialog +.geary-accounts-editor-pane-content { + frame:not(.geary-signature) { + > border { border: none; } + + > list { + @extend %circular_list; + + > row.activatable { + @extend %circular_row; + + > grid > entry { background-color: $divider_color; } + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome-Box +// + +window.background.csd { + > overlay > stack.content-bg { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > notebook.frame { + border: none; + + > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > box.transparent-bg > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame > grid > stack > box { + > frame { + > border { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius $bt_radius 0 0; + } + + > stack > list { + border-radius: $bt_radius $bt_radius 0 0; + } + } + + > toolbar.inline-toolbar { border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; } + } + } + } + } +} + { + > button.circular.flat { + padding: 2px; + } +} + +// +// Dialogs +// + +dialog.background.csd { + background-image: none; + background-color: $dialog_bg_color; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + &.maximized { border-radius: 0 0 $maximized_radius $maximized_radius; } + + > headerbar { + &.titlebar { + > label:not(.title):not(.subtitle) { // wallpaper set dialog + font-weight: 700; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical.dialog-vbox { + &.view { background: none; } + + > leaflet.unfolded > box.vertical.view { background: none; } // Formats setting dialog gnome >= 41.0 + + > grid.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow.frame { //removed ugly boders for nautilus batch renaming dialog + border: none; + + > viewport.frame { + border: none; + + list:first-child { border-radius: 0 0 0 $wm_radius; } + list:last-child { border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius 0; } + } + } + + > stack { + > scrolledwindow.frame { // reset border for totem setting dialog + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } + } + + > stack, + > stack > stack { + > scrolledwindow { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + background-color: $base_color; + + iconview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected):not(:active) { // Wallpaper setting window + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + + > stack { + > scrolledwindow > viewport.frame { + > list { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + row.activatable:not(:hover):not(:selected):not(:active) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + } + + > box.vertical > stack.view { + > scrolledwindow > treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected):not(:active) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + toolbar.toolbar { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + border-width: 1px 0 0 0; + } + + > notebook > stack { // Control center wifi setting 3.36 or later + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + + > notebook { + > stack { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > box.horizontal > notebook > stack { // Control center wifi setting + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + } + + separator.vertical { background-color: $borders_color; } + + // Outline for low res icons + .lowres-icon { // FIXME: not use + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + } + + // Dropshadow for large icons + .icon-dropshadow { // FIXME: not use + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + } + + > .dialog-action-box { + > .dialog-action-area { + padding: 3px 6px 6px; + } + } + } + + stack scrolledwindow { + &.frame { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + textview.view { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + > text { + background: none; + } + } + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { background: none; } + } + + viewport.frame { + &.view { border-radius: $bt_radius; } + } + } + + > .dialog-vbox > .dialog-action-box { + > .dialog-action-area { + margin: 0 6px 6px; + } + } +} + + +// +// Extensions +// +window.background.csd { + > stack, // GameMode setting + > stack > scrolledwindow > viewport > box, // User Themes (Workspace) setting + > box > stack > scrolledwindow > viewport > box { + > list { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + } + + stack stack stack frame, // ArcMenu setting + > stack > stack > box > frame, // Night Theme Switcher setting + > stack > stack > box > box > frame, // Night Theme Switcher setting bottom lists + > stack > box > stack > box > frame, // ArcMenu setting + > stack > box > stack > scrolledwindow > viewport frame, // ArcMenu setting + > stack > box > stack > box > scrolledwindow > viewport > frame, // ArcMenu setting + > stack > grid > scrolledwindow > viewport > box > frame { // GSConnect setting + > border { border: none; } + + > list { + @extend %circular_list; + + row.activatable { @extend %circular_row; } + } + } + + > stack > box > box > list, + > stack > box > stack > scrolledwindow > viewport > list { // ArcMenu setting sidebar + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > stack > box > box > list, + > stack > box > stack > scrolledwindow > viewport > list { // ArcMenu setting sidebar + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +// +// Unified window (> = Gnome 40) +// + +window.background.csd.unified { + headerbar { + &, &.selection-mode { + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + // ...and add it on the window itself + > decoration-overlay { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $highlight_color; + } + + &, + > decoration, + > decoration-overlay { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + &.tiled, + &.tiled-top, + &.tiled-right, + &.tiled-bottom, + &.tiled-left, + &.maximized, + &.fullscreen { + > decoration-overlay { + box-shadow: none; + } + + &, + > decoration, + > decoration-overlay { + border-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-40.0.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-40.0.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a3c2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_gnome-40.0.scss @@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@ + +// +// Nautilus +// + +$nautilus_header_image: image($header_bg); +$nautilus_header_borders_image: image($header_border); +$nautilus_borders_color: if($variant=='light', darken(rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1), 12%), $header_border); +$flap_sidebar_size: 240px; + +@if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + $nautilus_header_image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent $flap_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color $flap_sidebar_size, + $nautilus_borders_color ($flap_sidebar_size + 1px), + $base_color ($flap_sidebar_size + 1px)); + + $nautilus_header_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent $flap_sidebar_size, + $header_border $flap_sidebar_size); +} + +@if $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + $nautilus_header_image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent ($flap_sidebar_size / 2), + $dark_header_bg 40%); + + $nautilus_header_borders_image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($header_border, 0) (($flap_sidebar_size / 2) - 40px), + $header_border 40%); +} + +.nautilus-window { + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' or $nautilus_style == 'glassy' { + &.background.csd { + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + } + + &:not(.view) headerbar { + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + background-image: $nautilus_header_image; + border-image: $nautilus_header_borders_image 0 0 1 / 0px 0px 1px stretch; + } + } + } + } + + @if $nautilus_style == 'stable' { + &:not(.view) headerbar { + box.start > box { + margin-left: 144px; + } + + { + margin-left: $container_padding; + } + } + } + + headerbar > windowhandle > box { padding: 0 10px; } + + placessidebar { + .navigation-sidebar > row { + &:selected { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(white, 0.15)); + color: $fg_color; + } + + &.sidebar-row { + .sidebar-icon { color: if($variant == 'light', $selected_bg_color, lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%)); } + } + } + } + + flap.unfolded, + .sidebar-pane { + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + } + + placessidebar { + background: none; + } + + > separator.horizontal { + background-color: $header_border; + } + } + + flap.unfolded { + list.navigation-sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + flap.folded { + placessidebar { + border-right: 1px solid $header_border; + } + } + + tabbar:not(.inline) { + .box { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + background-color: mix(black, $base_color, 6%); + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } @else { + background-color: $base_color; + } + + tabbox { margin: 0 -3px; } + } + } + + .nautilus-grid-view { + background-color: $base_color; + + child.activatable { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @extend %row_activatable; + } + } + + .nautilus-list-view { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border-spacing: 0; + background-color: $base_color; + + listview.view { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border-spacing: 0; + + > row.activatable { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + @extend %row_activatable; + } + } + } + + // Floating Bar + .floating-bar { + padding: 2px; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: $wm_radius - $container_padding; + margin: $container_padding; + box-shadow: $shadow_5; + + > button.circular.flat { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 0; + @extend %selected-button; + } + } +} + +#NautilusViewCell { + clamp box { + margin: 0; + border-spacing: 0; + } +} + +#NautilusQueryEditor { // search entry + padding: 0 $container_padding; + border-spacing: 0; + margin: 9px 0 8px 0; + + > image, > box, > text { + margin: 0; + } + + #NautilusQueryEditorTag { + @extend .entry-tag; + + > button { + margin: 0; + } + } + + > menubutton > button { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + -gtk-icon-size: 12px; + padding: 0 4px; + } +} + +#NautilusPathBar { + background-color: $fill_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + margin: 8px 0 8px $container_padding; + + #NautilusPathButton { + margin: 0 $container_padding / 2; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &.current-dir { + color: $header_fg; + + &:hover, &:active { + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + &:first-child { margin-left: 0; } + } + + > menubutton { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } +} + +navigation-view-page > toolbarview > scrolledwindow > viewport > clamp { + > box > box > stack > button { + margin-top: $container_padding * 2; + } +} + +// Extensions +window.nightthemeswitcher headerbar { + background: $header_bg; + color: $header_fg; +} + +// +// Gnome Control Center +// + +window.background.csd { + > contents, + > widget { // 44.0 + > leaflet.unfolded > box { + > headerbar { + @extend %side_headerbar_left; + } + + > searchbar { + @extend %side_searchbar; + } + + > stack > widget > box > widget > headerbar, + > stack > widget > overlay > leaflet.folded > box > headerbar { + @extend %side_headerbar_right; + } + + > scrolledwindow > viewport > widget > stack { + > list.navigation-sidebar { + background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + + > separator { + background-color: transparent; + margin: 0; + min-height: 0; + } + } + + > box > list.navigation-sidebar { background-color: rgba($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); } + } + + > stack.background { background-color: $base_color; } + } + } +} + +preferencesgroup > box { + button.background-preview-button { + padding: $container_padding / 2; + outline: 2px solid transparent; + outline-offset: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius + $container_padding / 2; + + &, &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + + &:hover { + outline-color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + outline-color: $alt_fg_color; + } + + &:checked { + outline-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + flowbox.background-flowbox > flowboxchild { + outline: 2px solid transparent; + outline-offset: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius + 3px; + padding: 3px; + + &:hover { + outline-color: $alt_disabled_fg_color; + } + + &:active { + outline-color: $alt_fg_color; + } + + &:selected { + outline-color: $selected_bg_color; + background-color: transparent; + } + } +} + + +// +// Gnome Calendar / Gnome Contacts +// + +window.background { + > contents > toastoverlay > leaflet, + > widget > toastoverlay > leaflet { // 44.0 + > box { + background-color: $base_color; + + > headerbar { + &, &:backdrop { + background: none; + border: none; + } + } + + + separator { + @extend %side_separator; + + + box { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + } + } + + > .view, list:not(.boxed-list) { + background-color: transparent; + } + + list > row textview { + padding: $container_padding; + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + + &, & > text { + background: none; + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled { + > contents > toastoverlay > leaflet, + > widget > toastoverlay > leaflet { + > box { + > headerbar { + &, &:backdrop { + background: none; + border: none; + } + } + } + } + } +} + +datechooser { + .current-week { + background-color: $fill_color; + } + + { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + @extend %flat_button; + + &:selected { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + + navigator > button.flat { + padding: 0; + min-height: $menuitem_size; + min-width: $menuitem_size; + } +} + +agenda-view list.background { + background-color: transparent; +} + +menubutton.flat.popup.sources-button { + margin: 0; + + > button { + margin: 0; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + + .title { + font-size: small; + font-weight: normal; + } + + .title, .subtitle { + padding: 2px 0 2px $container_padding; + } + + image.calendar-color-image { + -gtk-icon-size: 8px; + } + } +} + +// Contacts +.contacts-editor-address { + > entry.flat { + &:not(:last-child) { + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + } + + &:first-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius $bt_radius 0 0; + } + + &:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius; + } + } +} + +// +// Calculator +// + +.history-view { background-color: $base_color; } + +.card { + &.display-container { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + .small & { + border-radius: 0; + + &.display-container { + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; + } + } + } + + #displayitem { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } +} + +// +// Gnome Weather +// + +@define-color weather_temp_chart_fill_color #{rgba($warning_color, 0.5)}; +@define-color weather_temp_chart_stroke_color #{darken($warning_color, 10%)}; +@define-color weather_thermometer_warm_color #{$theme_color_yellow}; +@define-color weather_thermometer_cold_color #{$theme_color_blue}; + +$weather_thermometer_high_color: $theme_color_yellow; +$weather_thermometer_low_color: $theme_color_blue; +$weather_forecast_color: #ae7b03; + +#places-label { + font-weight: bold; +} + +#temperature-label { + font-size: 32pt; + font-weight: 900; + margin-left: 9px; +} + +#conditions-grid *:backdrop { + color: $alt_fg_color; +} + +.content-view.cell { + font-weight: bold; +} + +#locationEntry { + margin: $container_padding; +} + { + margin-top: $container_padding; +} + +.forecast-card { + transition: border-radius 100ms ease-out; + border-radius: $bt_radius; +} + +.forecast-card separator { + background-color: $borders_color; +} + +#daily-forecast-box { + > separator:last-child { + background-color: transparent; + min-width: 0; + } +} + +#conditions-grid, +#attributionGrid { + margin-left: $container_padding * 3; + margin-right: $container_padding * 3; +} + +#weather-page .small .forecast-card { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 1px 0; +} + +.forecast-temperature-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: $weather_forecast_color; +} + +WeatherThermometer { + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; +} + +WeatherThermometer > label.high { + font-weight: bold; + color: $weather_thermometer_high_color; +} + +WeatherThermometer > label.low { + font-weight: bold; + color: $weather_thermometer_low_color; +} + +.forecast-button { + margin: 0 $container_padding * 2; + + > button.image-button { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } +} + +.forecast-graphic { + margin: $container_padding * 3; +} + +button.osd.circular > image { + padding: 0; +} + +scrolledwindow.inline list, +scrolledwindow.inline listview { + background: none; + color: inherit; +} + +scrolledwindow.inline { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px $borders_color; +} + { + background-color: $primary_color; + color: $light_fg_color; +} + menubutton button:focus:focus-visible { + outline-color: rgba(white, 0.3); +} + +image.circular { + min-width: $medium_size; + min-height: $medium_size; + padding: 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; +} + +// +// Gnome Software +// + +.details-page { + margin: $container_padding * 4 0px; +} + +.installed-overlay-box { + font-size: smaller; + background-color: $primary_color; + border-radius: 0; + color: $light_fg_color; + text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(black, 0.2); +} + +screenshot-carousel box.frame { + border-width: 1px 0; + border-radius: 0; +} + +screenshot-carousel button, +.featured-carousel button { + margin: $container_padding * 2; +} + +.screenshot-image-main .image1, +.screenshot-image-main .image2 { + margin-top: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; + margin-left: $container_padding; + margin-right: $container_padding; +} + { + font-size: 105%; +} + { + padding: $container_padding; +} + +.origin-rounded-box { + background-color: $divider_color; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + padding: $container_padding - 2px; +} + +.origin-beta { + color: $warning_color; +} + +.origin-button > button { + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding * 1.5; +} + +flowboxchild.card:not(.category-tile) { + padding: 0; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; +} + +.category-tile.card { + padding: $container_padding * 3.5; + border: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + min-width: 140px; + font-weight: 900; + font-size: larger; + + &.category-tile-iconless { + padding: $container_padding * 1.5 $container_padding * 2.5; + min-width: 130px; + font-size: 105%; + font-weight: normal; + box-shadow: none; + } + + // Styling for specific category buttons. + &.category-create { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, #ce8cd7 0%, #2861c6 100%); + color: white; + + &:hover { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, shade(#ce8cd7, 1.07) 0%, shade(#2861c6, 1.1) 100%); + color: white; + } + + &:active { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, shade(#ce8cd7, .95) 0%, shade(#2861c6, .95) 100%); + color: white; + } + } + + &.category-develop { + background: #5e5c64; + color: white; + + &:hover { + background: shade(#5e5c64, 1.2); + color: white; + } + + &:active { + background-color: shade(#5e5c64, .95); + color: white; + } + } + + &.category-learn { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, #2ec27e 30%, #27a66c 100%); + color: white; + + &:hover { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, shade(#2ec27e, 1.06) 30%, shade(#27a66c, 1.06) 100%); + color: white; + } + + &:active { + background: linear-gradient(180deg, shade(#2ec27e, .95) 30%, shade(#27a66c, .95) 100%); + color: white; + } + } + + &.category-play { + background: linear-gradient(75deg, #f9e2a7 0%, #eb5ec3 50%, #6d53e0 100%); + color: #393484; + + &:hover { + background: linear-gradient(75deg, shade(#f9e2a7, 1.07) 0%, shade(#eb5ec3, 1.07) 50%, shade(#6d53e0, 1.07) 100%); + color: #393484; + } + + &:active { + background: linear-gradient(75deg, shade(#f9e2a7, .97) 0%, shade(#eb5ec3, .95) 50%, shade(#6d53e0, 1.07) 100%); + color: #393484; + } + } + + &.category-socialize { + background: linear-gradient(90deg, #ef4e9b 0%, #f77466 100%); + color: #fac7d1; + + &:hover { + background: linear-gradient(90deg, shade(#ef4e9b, 1.08) 0%, shade(#f77466, 1.08) 100%); + color: #fac7d1; + } + + &:active { + background: linear-gradient(90deg, shade(#ef4e9b, .95) 0%, shade(#f77466, .95) 100%); + color: #fac7d1; + } + } + + &.category-work { + padding: 1px; /* FIXME: work around */ + color: #1c71d8; + background-color:#fdf8d7; + background-image: linear-gradient($borders_color 1px, transparent 1px), + linear-gradient(90deg, $borders_color 1px, transparent 1px); + background-size: 10px 10px, 10px 10px; + background-position: -1px -4px, center -1px; + + &:hover { + color: #1c71d8; + background-color: lighten(#fdf8d7, 5%); + background-image: linear-gradient($borders_color 1px, transparent 1px), + linear-gradient(90deg, $borders_color 1px, transparent 1px); + } + + &:active { + color: #1c71d8; + background-color: darken(#fdf8d7, 5%); + background-image: linear-gradient($borders_color 1px, transparent 1px), + linear-gradient(90deg, $borders_color 1px, transparent 1px); + } + } +} + +clamp.medium .category-tile:not(.category-tile-iconless), +clamp.large .category-tile:not(.category-tile-iconless) { + font-size: larger; +} + +// The rest of the featured-tile CSS is loaded at runtime in gs-feature-tile.c +.featured-tile { + padding: 0; + box-shadow: none; + + label.title-1 { + margin-top: $container_padding; + margin-bottom: $container_padding; + } + + &.narrow label.title-1 { + font-size: 16pt; + } +} + +.application-details-infobar { + &, &.info { + background-color: $fill_color; + color: $fg_color; + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + &.warning { + background-color: $warning_color; + color: $light_fg_color; + border: 1px solid $divider_color; + } +} + +@keyframes install-progress-unknown-move { + 0% { background-position: 0%; } + 50% { background-position: 100%; } + 100% { background-position: 0%; } +} + +.application-details-description .button { + padding-left: $container_padding * 4; + padding-right: $container_padding * 4; +} + +.install-progress { + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, $primary_color 2px, gtkalpha($primary_color, 0) 2px); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: 0 bottom; + background-size: 0; + transition: none; +} + +.install-progress:dir(rtl) { background-position: 100% bottom; } + > * { + margin: $container_padding * 2; +} + button { font-size: smaller; } + .vote-buttons button { + margin-right: -1px; +} + +// this is the separator between yes and no vote buttons, gtk+ 3.20 only .vote-buttons button:not(:first-child) { + border-image: linear-gradient(to top, $borders_color, $borders_color) 0 0 0 1 / 5px 0 5px 1px; +} + .vote-buttons button:hover, .vote-buttons button:active, .vote-buttons button:hover + button, .vote-buttons button:active + button { + border-image: none; +} + +review-bar { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + background-image: none; + background-color: $track_color; +} + star-image { + color: $disabled_fg_color; +} + +.version-arrow-label { + font-size: x-small; +} + +.overview-more-button { + font-size: smaller; + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2 + 4px; +} + { + font-size: smaller; +} + { + padding: $container_padding; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +.image-list { + background-color: transparent; +} + { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; +} + { + outline-offset: 0; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-image: none; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: none; + outline-offset: -1px; +} + +star-image { + color: $theme_color_yellow; +} + +.dimmer-label { + opacity: 0.25; +} + +.update-failed-details { + font-family: Monospace; + font-size: smaller; + padding: $container_padding * 2 + 4px; +} + +.upgrade-banner { + padding: 0px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; +} + +.upgrade-banner-background { + background: linear-gradient(to bottom, $success_color, $suggested_color); + color: white; +} + +.upgrade-buttons #button_upgrades_install { + padding-left: $container_padding * 2 + 4px; + padding-right: $container_padding * 2 + 4px; +} + +scrolledwindow.list-page > viewport > clamp > box { + margin: $container_padding * 4 $container_padding * 2; + border-spacing: $container_padding * 4; +} + +.update-preferences preferencesgroup > box > box { + margin-top: $container_padding * 3; +} + +.section > label:not(:first-child) { margin-top: $container_padding; } + +.section > box:not(:first-child) { margin-top: $container_padding * 2; } + +clamp.status-page { + margin: $container_padding * 6 $container_padding * 2; +} + +clamp.status-page .iconbox { + min-height: 128px; + min-width: 128px; +} + +clamp.status-page .icon { + color: $disabled_fg_color; + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; +} + +clamp.status-page .icon:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 6; +} + +clamp.status-page .title:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; +} + +app-context-bar { + .context-tile { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0; + padding: $container_padding * 4 $container_padding * 2 $container_padding * 3.5 $container_padding * 2; + outline-offset: 5px; + transition-property: outline, outline-offset, background-image; + border-bottom: none; + border-right: none; + + &:hover { + background-image: none; + background-color: $divider_color; + } + + &.keyboard-activating, + &:active { + background-color: $track_color; + } + + &:focus:focus-visible { + outline-offset: -1px; + } + } + + &.horizontal box:first-child .context-tile:first-child, + &.vertical .context-tile:first-child { + border-left: none; + } + + &.horizontal .context-tile, + &.vertical box:first-child .context-tile { + border-top: none; + } + + > box:not(:first-child) > button.flat { + border-radius: 0; + + &:last-child { + border-radius: 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius 0; + } + } + + > box:first-child > button.flat { + border-radius: 0; + + &:first-child { + border-radius: $bt_radius 0 0 $bt_radius; + } + } + + > box > button.flat { + border-left-color: $borders_color; + } +} + +carousel.card { + border: none; + background-color: $fill_color; +} + +.context-tile-lozenge { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + padding: $container_padding; + font-size: 18px; + font-weight: bold; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &.large { + font-size: 24px; + padding: 16px; + min-width: 24px; /* 60px minus the left and right padding */ + min-height: 24px; /* 60px minus the top and bottom padding */ + } + + &.wide-image image { + margin-top: -28px; + margin-bottom: -28px; + } + + image { -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; } + + &.grey { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $divider_color; + } + + &.green, &.details-rating-0 { + color: darken($theme_color_green, 15%); + background-color: rgba($theme_color_green, 0.15); + } + + &.blue, + &.details-rating-5 { + color: $theme_color_blue; + background-color: rgba($theme_color_blue, 0.15); + } + + &.yellow, &.details-rating-12 { + color: darken($theme_color_yellow, 15%); + background-color: rgba($theme_color_yellow, 0.15); + } + + &.details-rating-15 { + color: $theme_color_orange; + background-color: rgba($theme_color_orange, .15); + } + + &.red, &.details-rating-18 { + color: darken($theme_color_red, 15%); + background-color: rgba($theme_color_red, 0.15); + } +} + +.eol-red { + font-weight: bold; + color: $error_color; +} + +window.narrow .app-title { + font-size: 16pt; +} + +window.narrow .app-developer { + font-size: small; +} + +.install-progress-label { + font-size: smaller; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; +} + +scrolledwindow.fake-adw-status-page > viewport > box { margin: $container_padding * 6 $container_padding * 2; } +scrolledwindow.fake-adw-status-page > viewport > box > clamp:not(:last-child) > box { margin-bottom: $container_padding * 6; } +scrolledwindow.fake-adw-status-page > viewport > box > clamp > box > .icon:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: $container_padding * 6; } +scrolledwindow.fake-adw-status-page > viewport > box > clamp > box > .title:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; } + scrollbar.vertical { + margin-top: 48px; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; +} + scrollbar.vertical trough { + margin-top: 0; +} + +// GsAppRow > box.header { + margin-left: $container_padding * 2; + margin-right: $container_padding * 2; +} + > box.header { + border-spacing: $container_padding * 2; +} + > box.header > image { + margin-top: $container_padding * 2; + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; +} + label.warning { + color: $warning_color; +} + +// GtkSpinner + +// Ensure the spinner is hidden before the animation is triggered. +@keyframes pre-delay { + from { opacity: 0; } + to { opacity: 0; } +} + +@keyframes fade-in { + from { filter: opacity(0%); } +} + +/* Give a fade-in animation to spinners. */ +spinner.fade-in:checked { + animation: pre-delay 0.5s linear 1, fade-in 1s linear 1, spin 1s linear infinite; + animation-delay: 0s, 0.5s, 0.5s; +} + +// +// Misc (other) +// + +#desktopwindow.background { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_granite.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_granite.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a564d55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_granite.scss @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +// Granite Widgets + +// +// Overlay Bar +// +.overlay-bar { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-color: $selected_bg_color; + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 3px 6px; + margin: 3px; + + label { color: $selected_fg_color; } +} + +// +// Thin Pane Separator +// +GraniteWidgetsThinPaned { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + margin: 0; + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + +} + +// avoid borders when a viewport is +// packed into a Static Notebook, or Popover +GraniteWidgetsPopOver .frame, +GraniteWidgetsStaticNotebook .frame { + border: none; +} + +// +// Help Button +// +.help_button { + border-radius: 100px; + padding: 3px 9px; +} + +// +// Secondary Toolbars +// +toolbar.secondary-toolbar { + padding: 3px; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + button { padding: 0 3px 0 3px; } +} + +// +// Bottom Toolbars +// +toolbar.bottom-toolbar { + padding: 5px; + border-width: 1px 0 0 0; + border-style: solid; + border-color: $borders_color; + background-color: $bg_color; + + button { padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px; } +} + +// +// Sidebar & Source List +// +.source-list { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 1px; + -GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 6px; +} + +.source-list, +.source-list.view { + background-color: $bg_color; + color: $fg_color; + -gtk-icon-style: regular; +} + +.source-list.category-expander { + color: transparent; +} + +.source-list.view:hover { + background-color: lighten($bg_color, 5%); +} + +.source-list.view:selected, +.source-list.view:hover:selected, +.source-list.view:selected:focus, +.source-list.category-expander:hover { + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; +} + +.source-list scrollbar, +.source-list junction { + border-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + background-color: $bg_color; + background-image: none; +} + +.source-list.badge, +.source-list.badge:hover, +.source-list.badge:selected, +.source-list.badge:selected:focus, +.source-list.badge:hover:selected { + background-image: none; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: 10px; + padding: 0 6px; + margin: 0 3px; + border-width: 0; +} + +.source-list.badge:selected, +.source-list.badge:selected:focus, +.source-list.badge:hover:selected { + background-color: $selected_fg_color; + color: $selected_bg_color; +} + +// +// Expander +// +.source-list.category-expander { + color: $fg_color; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); + -GtkTreeView-expander-size: 16; +} + +.source-list.category-expander, +.source-list.category-expander:backdrop { + color: transparent; + border: none; +} + +.source-list.category-expander:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); +} + +// +// Welcome +// +GraniteWidgetsWelcome { + background-color: $base_color; +} + +GraniteWidgetsWelcome label { + color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 50%); + font-size: 11px; + text-shadow: none; +} + +GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h1, +GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h3 { + color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.2); +} + +// +// Help Button +// +.help_button { + border-radius: 0; +} + +// +// Popover +// +GraniteWidgetsPopOver { + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-width: 21; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-height: 10; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-radius: 2px; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-width: 1; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-shadow-size: 12; + + border: 1px solid transparentize(black, 0.7); + margin: 0; +} + +.popover_bg { + background-image: _solid($base_color); + border: 1px solid transparentize(black, 0.7); +} + +GraniteWidgetsPopOver .sidebar.view, +GraniteWidgetsPopOver * { + background-color: transparent; +} + +// +// Xs Entry +// +GraniteWidgetsXsEntry entry { padding: 4px; } + +// +// Text Styles +// +.h1 { font-size: 24px; } +.h2 { font-size: 18px; } +.h3 { font-size: 11px; } +.h4, +.category-label { + color: mix($bg_color, $text_color, 30%); + font-weight: 600; +} + +.h4 { + padding-bottom: 6px; + padding-top: 6px; +} + +GtkListBox .h4{ + padding-left: 6px; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_libadwaita.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_libadwaita.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d41fc0b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_libadwaita.scss @@ -0,0 +1,732 @@ + +// +// avatar +// + +avatar { + border-radius: $circular_radius; + font-weight: bold; + + // The list of colors to generate avatars. + // Each avatar color is represented by a font color, a gradient start color and a gradient stop color. + // There are 8 different colors for avtars in the list if you change the number of them you + // need to update the NUMBER_OF_COLORS in src/adw-avatar.c. + // The 2D list has this form: ((font-color, gradient-top-color, gradient-bottom-color)). + $avatarcolorlist: ( + (#cfe1f5, #83b6ec, #337fdc), // blue + (#caeaf2, #7ad9f1, #0f9ac8), // cyan + (#cef8d8, #8de6b1, #29ae74), // green + (#e6f9d7, #b5e98a, #6ab85b), // lime + (#f9f4e1, #f8e359, #d29d09), // yellow + (#ffead1, #ffcb62, #d68400), // gold + (#ffe5c5, #ffa95a, #ed5b00), // orange + (#f8d2ce, #f78773, #e62d42), // raspberry + (#fac7de, #e973ab, #e33b6a), // magenta + (#e7c2e8, #cb78d4, #9945b5), // purple + (#d5d2f5, #9e91e8, #7a59ca), // violet + (#f2eade, #e3cf9c, #b08952), // beige + (#e5d6ca, #be916d, #785336), // brown + (#d8d7d3, #c0bfbc, #6e6d71), // gray + ); + + @for $i from 1 through length($avatarcolorlist) { + &.color#{$i} { + $avatarcolor: nth($avatarcolorlist, $i); + background-image: linear-gradient(nth($avatarcolor, 2), nth($avatarcolor, 3)); + color: nth($avatarcolor, 1); + } + } + + &.contrasted { color: white; } + + &.image { background: none; } +} + +// +// preferencespage +// + +preferencespage > scrolledwindow > viewport > clamp > box { + margin: 24px 12px; + border-spacing: 24px; +} + +preferencesgroup > box { + &, .labels { + border-spacing: $container_padding; + } + + > box.header:not(.single-line) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding; + } + + > box.single-line { + min-height: 34px; + } +} + +// +// AdwStatusPage +// + +statuspage { + > scrolledwindow > viewport > box { + margin: 36px $container_padding * 2; + border-spacing: 36px; + + > clamp > box { + border-spacing: $container_padding * 2; + + > .icon { + -gtk-icon-size: 128px; + + color: gtkalpha(currentColor, 0.55); + + &:disabled { + opacity: $disabled_opacity; + } + + &:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: 24px; + } + } + } + } + + &.compact > scrolledwindow > viewport > box { + margin: 24px 12px; + border-spacing: 24px; + + > clamp > box { + > .icon { + -gtk-icon-size: 96px; + + &:not(:last-child) { + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 2; + } + } + + > .title { + font-size: 18pt; + } + } + } +} + + +// +// Cards +// + +.card { + @at-root %card, & { + @extend %circular_list; + + .osd &, &.osd { + background-color: gtkalpha(currentColor, .1); + color: inherit; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + .osd &, &.osd { + &:focus:focus-visible { + outline-color: $fill_color; + } + } + + &.activatable { + transition: $button_transition; + + &:hover { + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, .03)); + } + + &:active { + background-image: image(gtkalpha(currentColor, .08)); + } + } +} + +// +// Toasts +// + +toast { + @extend %osd; + margin: $container_padding * 2; + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 3; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + border-spacing: $container_padding; + padding: $container_padding; + box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(black, 0.35), $wm_outline; + outline: 1px solid $highlight_color; + outline-offset: -1px; + + &:dir(ltr) { padding-left: $container_padding * 2; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-right: $container_padding * 2; } + + button { @extend %osd_button; } + + > widget { + margin: 0 $container_padding; + } +} + +// +// viewswitcher +// + +viewswitcher { + margin: 0; + + &.wide { + border-spacing: 0; + + > button.toggle { + margin: 8px 0; + } + } + + &.narrow > button.toggle { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + } + + > button.toggle { + font-weight: normal; + padding: 0; + + > stack > box { + &.narrow { + font-size: 0.75rem; + padding-top: $container_padding; + padding-bottom: $container_padding; + border-spacing: 0; + + > stack > label { + padding-left: $container_padding + 2px; + padding-right: $container_padding + 2px; + } + } + + &.wide { + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + border-spacing: 0; + + > label, > indicatorbin > image { + padding-left: $container_padding / 2; + padding-right: $container_padding / 2; + } + } + } + } +} + +// AdwViewSwitcherBar + +viewswitcherbar actionbar > revealer > box { + padding: 0; +} + +// AdwViewSwitcherTitle +viewswitchertitle { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + + viewswitcher { + margin-left: $container_padding * 2; + margin-right: $container_padding * 2; + + &.narrow { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + + button.toggle { + > stack > box { + &.narrow { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + border-spacing: 0; + } + } + } + } + + &.wide { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + + windowtitle { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + } +} + +// AdwIndicatorBin +indicatorbin { + > indicator, > mask { + min-width: $container_padding * 2; + min-height: $container_padding * 2; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + } + + > indicator { + margin: 1px; + background: gtkalpha(currentColor, .4); + + > label { + font-size: 0.6rem; + font-weight: normal; + padding: 1px 4px; + color: white; + } + } + + > mask { + padding: 0; + background: black; + } + + &.needs-attention > indicator { + background: $selected_bg_color; + + > label { color: $selected_fg_color; } + } +} + +headerbar > windowhandle > box viewswitcher.wide { + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $light_borders_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + padding: 0; + margin: 8px 0; + + > button.toggle { + margin: 0; + font-weight: 500; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:not(:first-child) { + border-width: 0 0 0 1px; + border-style: none solid none none; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, + transparent 16%, + $light_borders_color 16%, + $light_borders_color 84%, + transparent 84%) 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1px stretch; + } + + &:hover, &:active, &:checked { + border-image: none; + + & + button { border-image: none; } + } + } +} + + +// +// Tab View +// + +tabbar { + .box { + min-height: $menuitem_size; + } + + .start-action, + .end-action { + padding: $container_padding; + } + + .start-action:dir(ltr), + .end-action:dir(rtl) { + padding-right: 0; + } + + .start-action:dir(rtl), + .end-action:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 0; + } + + &:not(.inline) { + .box { + color: $text_color; + margin: 0; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + padding: 0; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px if($variant == 'light', darken($header_bg, 15%), lighten($header_bg, 5%)); + border-bottom: none; + background-color: darken($header_bg, 10%); + } @else { + box-shadow: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + padding: $container_padding / 2 0; + background-color: $header_bg; + } + } + + &:backdrop .box { + > scrolledwindow, + > .start-action, + > .end-action { + filter: opacity(0.5); + } + } + } + + tabbox { + border: none; + padding: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + + > separator { + margin: 0; + background-color: $borders_color; + + &.hidden { + opacity: 0; + } + } + + > revealer > indicator { + min-width: 2px; + border-radius: 2px; + background: gtkalpha($selected_bg_color, 0.5); + } + + > tabboxchild { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + &:first-child > tab { + border-left: none; + } + + &:last-child > tab { + border-right: none; + } + } + } + + > tab, + > tabboxchild > tab { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + @extend %tabs_tab; + border-top: none; + } @else { + @extend %monterey_tab; + } + + { + border-radius: 3px; + border: none; + padding: 0; + margin-right: -$container_padding / 2; + @extend %flat_button; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + min-height: $small_size; + min-width: $small_size; + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + } @else { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + } + + &:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: rgba($borders_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active, &:active:hover { + color: if($variant == 'light', darken($fg_color, 10%), lighten($fg_color, 10%)); + background-color: rgba($borders_color, 0.2); + } + } + } + } + + scrolledwindow:not(.pinned) { + tabbox > tabboxchild { + @if $monterey == 'false' { + margin: 0 -3px; + } @else { + margin: 0; + } + } + } +} + +dnd tab { + background-color: $base_color; + color: $text_color; + box-shadow: none; + margin: $container_padding * 4; +} + +tabbar, +dnd { + tab { + margin: 0; + + @if $monterey == 'false' { + @extend %tabs_tab; + } @else { + @extend %monterey_tab; + } + + { + border-radius: 3px; + min-height: $small_size; + min-width: $small_size; + padding: 0; + } + + indicator { + min-height: 2px; + border-radius: 2px; + background: gtkalpha($selected_bg_color, 0.5); + } + } +} + +tabview:drop(active), +tabbox:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; +} + +// Transition shadows +flap, +leaflet, +navigation-view, +overlay-split-view { + @include transition-shadows($dark_borders_color); +} + +toolbarview.undershoot-top scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(top); +} + +toolbarview.undershoot-bottom scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(bottom); +} + +// Sidebar +.unfolded stacksidebar.sidebar { border: none; } + +.sidebar-pane { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + // transition: background-color $longer_duration $deceleration_curve; + } + + .sidebar, + .toolbar, + headerbar, + .navigation-sidebar, + searchbar > revealer > box { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + } + + .toolbar { + padding: $container_padding $container_padding * 2; + } + + list.navigation-sidebar:not(.view) { + padding: $container_padding * 2; + + > row { + &:selected { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + } + } + + toolbarview.undershoot-top scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(top, $style: 'compact'); + } + + toolbarview.undershoot-bottom scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(bottom, $style: 'compact'); + } + + scrolledwindow { + &.undershoot-top { + @include undershoot(top, $style: 'compact'); + } + + &.undershoot-bottom { + @include undershoot(bottom, $style: 'compact'); + } + + &.undershoot-start { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(left, $style: 'compact'); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(right, $style: 'compact'); } + } + + &.undershoot-end { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(right, $style: 'compact'); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(left, $style: 'compact'); } + } + } + + flap, + leaflet, + navigation-view, + overlay-split-view { + @include transition-shadows($dark_borders_color); + } + + banner > revealer > widget { + background-color: gtkmix($selected_bg_color, $dark_sidebar_bg, 30%); + color: $text_color; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: gtkmix($selected_bg_color, $dark_sidebar_bg, 30%); + } + } + + &:dir(ltr), &.end:dir(rtl) { + &, banner > revealer > widget { + box-shadow: inset -1px 0 6px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.04, 0.08)); + border-right: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } + + &:dir(rtl), &.end:dir(ltr) { + &, banner > revealer > widget { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 6px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.04, 0.08)); + border-left: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } +} + +/* Middle pane in three-pane setups */ +.content-pane .sidebar-pane, +.sidebar-pane .content-pane { + background-color: $base_color; + color: $text_color; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: $base_color; + // transition: background-color $longer_duration $deceleration_curve; + } + + toolbarview.undershoot-top scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(top, $style: 'compact'); + } + + toolbarview.undershoot-bottom scrolledwindow { + @include undershoot(bottom, $style: 'compact'); + } + + scrolledwindow { + &.undershoot-top { + @include undershoot(top, $style: 'compact'); + } + + &.undershoot-bottom { + @include undershoot(bottom, $style: 'compact'); + } + + &.undershoot-start { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(left, $style: 'compact'); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(right, $style: 'compact'); } + } + + &.undershoot-end { + &:dir(ltr) { @include undershoot(right, $style: 'compact'); } + &:dir(rtl) { @include undershoot(left, $style: 'compact'); } + } + } + + flap, + leaflet, + navigation-view, + overlay-split-view { + @include transition-shadows($dark_borders_color); + } + + banner > revealer > widget { + background-color: gtkmix($selected_bg_color, $base_color, 30%); + color: $text_color; + + &:backdrop { + background-color: gtkmix($selected_bg_color, $base_color, 30%); + } + } + + &:dir(ltr), &.end:dir(rtl) { + &, banner > revealer > widget { + box-shadow: inset -1px 0 6px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.04, 0.08)); + border-right: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } + + &:dir(rtl), &.end:dir(ltr) { + &, banner > revealer > widget { + box-shadow: inset 1px 0 6px rgba(black, if($variant == 'light', 0.04, 0.08)); + border-left: 1px solid $dark_sidebar_border; + } + } +} + +.sidebar-pane .sidebar-pane { + background-color: transparent; + color: inherit; +} + +.content-pane { + background-color: $base_color; + + toolbarview { + &, &.view { + background-color: transparent; + } + + > stack, > box > stack.view { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + notebook > stack box > switch { + margin: 14px 0; + } + + list.background { + background-color: transparent; + } +} + +// Gnome >= 45.0 +.sidebar-pane, +.content-pane { + headerbar { + &, &:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + } + } +} + { + .collapse-spacing { + padding: 0; + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_lightdm.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_lightdm.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9ab2fd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_lightdm.scss @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// the panel widget at the top +#panel_window { + background-color: $panel_bg; + color: $panel_fg; + font-weight: bold; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px darken($panel_bg, 7%); + + // the menubars/menus of the panel, i.e. indicators + menubar { + padding-left: 5px; + + &, > menuitem { + background-color: transparent; + color: $panel_fg; + font-weight: bold; + } + } + + menubar menuitem:disabled { + color: transparentize($panel_fg, 0.5); + + label { color: inherit; } + } + menubar menu > menuitem { font-weight: normal; } +} + +// the login window +#login_window, +#shutdown_dialog, +#restart_dialog { + font-weight: normal; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: $fg_color; +} + +// the top half of the login-window, in GtkDialog terms, the content +#content_frame { + padding-bottom: 14px; + background-color: $bg_color; + border-top-left-radius: 2px; + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + border: solid transparentize(black, 0.9); + border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; +} + +#content_frame button { + @include button(normal); + + &:hover { @include button(hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(active); } + &:disabled { @include button(insensitive); } +} + +// the lower half of the login-window, in GtkDialog terms the buttonbox or action area +#buttonbox_frame { + padding-top: 20px; + padding-bottom: 0px; + border-style: none; + background-color: if($variant=='light', $osd_bg_color, $header_bg); + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border: solid transparentize(black, 0.9); + border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px if($variant=="light", $dark_sidebar_border, $header_border); +} + +#buttonbox_frame button{ + @include button(osd); + + &:hover { @include button(osd-hover); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(osd-active); } + &:disabled { @include button(osd-insensitive); } +} + +#login_window #user_combobox { + color: $fg_color; + font-size: 13px; + + menu { font-weight: normal; } +} + +// the user's avatar box +#user_image { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 2px; +} + +// the shutdown button +#shutdown_button.button { + @include button(suggested_destructive, $destructive_color); + + &:hover { @include button(suggested_destructive, lighten($destructive_color, 10%)); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(suggested_destructive, darken($destructive_color, 10%)); } +} + +// the restart button +#restart_button.button { + @include button(suggested_destructive, $suggested_color); + + &:hover { @include button(suggested_destructive, lighten($suggested_color, 10%)); } + &:active, &:checked { @include button(suggested_destructive, darken($suggested_color, 10%)); } +} + +// the warning, in case a wrong password is entered or something else goes wrong according to PAM +#greeter_infobar { + border-bottom-width: 0; + font-weight: bold; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_mate.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_mate.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d0c39a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_mate.scss @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ + +// +// Mate/Gnome Flashback Panel +// +.mate-panel-menu-bar, +panel-toplevel.background { + &, menubar { + background-color: $panel_bg; + } + + menubar, + #PanelApplet label, + #PanelApplet image { + color: $panel_fg; + } + + button, + #PanelApplet > button.toggle, + #tasklist-button { + @extend %panel_button; + + label, image { + color: inherit; + } + } + + .wnck-pager { + color: mix($panel_fg, black, 50%); + background-color: darken($panel_bg, 10%); + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($panel_bg, 5%); + } + + &:selected { + color: lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%); + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + .brisk-menu { + entry, entry:focus { + border-radius: 0; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + .categories-list button.flat { border-radius: 3px; } + + scrolledwindow.frame { + border-width: 0 0 0 1px; + margin-top: -2px; + + .apps-list > row > button.flat { + &, &:hover, &:active, &:disabled { + background: none; + transition: none; + } + } + } + } +} + +// +// Mate OSD Window +// +MsdOsdWindow.background.osd { + border-radius: 2px; + border: 1px solid darken($osd_bg_color, 8%); + + .progressbar { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + border: none; + border-color: red; + border-radius: 5px; + } + .trough { + background-color: darken($osd_bg_color, 5%); + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; + } +} + +// +// Caja +// +.caja-desktop { + @extend %nautilus-desktop-canvas-item; +} + +.caja-notebook { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; +} + +.caja-side-pane { + &, text, treeview, + > notebook > stack > widget > box { + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + caret-color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + background-color: opacify($dark_sidebar_bg, 1); + } + + > box button { + &:not(:active):not(:checked) { color: $dark_sidebar_fg; } + // &:hover:not(:active) { @include button(hover); } + } + + .frame { border-color: $borders_color; } + + junction { background-color: darken($dark_sidebar_bg, 5%); } +} + +.caja-navigation-window { + .primary-toolbar { + background-color: $header_bg; + } + + .caja-side-pane { + background-color: transparent; + + .frame { + border-width: 1px 0 0; + } + } + + paned > separator { + background-image: image($solid_borders_color); + } +} + +.caja-side-pane { + treeview.view, .view { + background: none; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.1); + } + + &:active, &:selected { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + } + } + + textview.view text { background: none; } + + scrollbar { + background: none; + } + + // notebook .view > box.vertical { + // border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + // } +} + +.caja-notebook .frame { + border-width: 0 0 1px; +} + +.caja-search-bar { + entry { + // margin: 2px 0; + + &:focus { + box-shadow: none; + } + } +} + +// +// Pluma (Mate) +// +.pluma-window statusbar frame > border { + border: none; +} + +.pluma-window notebook > stack scrolledwindow { + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; +} + +#pluma-status-combo-button { + min-height: 0; + padding: 0; + + border-top: none; + border-bottom: none; + border-radius: 0; +} + +// +// MATE Terminal +// +.mate-terminal { + notebook { + > { + > tabs > tab { + border-top: 1px solid transparent; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Atril (MATE pdf viewer) +// +.atril-window .primary-toolbar toolbar { + background: none; +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_misc.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_misc.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a15618 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_misc.scss @@ -0,0 +1,715 @@ +// +// Transmission +// undershoot, overshoot { + border-color: transparent; // Remove black border on over- and undershoot +} + +// +// Firefox and Thunderbird +// + +window.background:not(.csd):not(.popup) { + > widget { + // for the bookmark toolbar's separators + > separator { + padding-top: 1px; + margin-top: 1px; + min-height: 2px; + background-color: $borders_color; + } + + // avoid black border + > scrollbar { + background: none; + border: none; + // background-clip: border-box; + } + + // emphasize borders color + // > scrollbar, + > frame > border { border-color: $borders_color; } + + > entry, + .entry { // Set for linked entrys + // min-height: 26px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background-image: image($base_color); + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + &:focus { border-color: $selection_mode_bg; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $entry_highlight; } + } + + > spinbutton { + background-image: image($button_bg); + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + &:active { + background-image: image($bg_color); + } + } + + // Fixed thunderbird linked entry spinbutton border-radius. + .entry { border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; } + } + + > button { + padding-top: 3px; + padding-bottom: 3px; + } + + > button > button { + outline-style: none; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + @if $variant == 'light' { + &:active { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + border: none; + background-image: image($bg_color); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $borders_color; + } + } + + label { padding: 4px 6px; } + } + } + + > menu, + > menu > menu { + // border-radius: 0; + background-color: $menu_bg; + } + + > menu > menuitem { + padding: 4px 6px; + border-radius: 0; + + > label:disabled { color: $disabled_fg_color; } + + > radio, + > check { + padding: 1px; + } + } + + > window > menu { + menuitem { + transition: none; // Fixed plank menu background issue + } + } +} + +// +// Firefox Quantum +// + +#MozillaGtkWidget { + // blend with weird toolbar backgrounds + background-color: $bg_color; + + // FIXME: resetting child elements background is not fully functional yet + // because WidgetStyleCache keeps holding initial background-color. + // the stem of this incorrect colouring seems to be caused by their + // gdk_rgba to ns_rgba conversion. I don't think theme's fault. + .background, + frame, + separator, + scrolledwindow { background-color: $base_color; } + + scrollbar { + background: none; + border: none; + + slider { + background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 45%); + &:hover { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 60%); } + &:hover:active { background-color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 75%); } + &:disabled { background-color: transparent; } + } + } + + > window.background > menu { // context-menus + border: none; // hide ugly double borders + background-color: $menu_bg; + border-radius: 2px; + + // revert to standard separators + > separator { + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + background-color: $borders_color; + } + } + + > widget { + // Emphasize toolbar's border-bottom + > frame > border { border-color: if($variant == 'light', darken($bg_color, 15%), lighten($bg_color, 20%)); } + + // For popover, entry in toolbar, etc. + text { background-color: $bg_color; } + + // For selection, active tab indicator, etc. + text:selected { + // Use traditional selection style as workaround + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + } + + separator { background-color: $borders_color; } + + // FIXME: this affected to popover widget as well, + // so we can not set $lighter_bg_color to search-bar... + > scrolledwindow > textview { + background-color: $menu_bg; + + text { + background-color: transparent; + color: if($variant =='light', $text_color, #aaaaaa); + + &:selected, + &:selected:focus, + selection { @extend %selected_items; } + } + } + } + + // remove ugly border around the menus + menu { border: none; } +} + +// +// Chrome(ium) +// + +$chrome_bg_color: $bg_color; +$chrome_fg_color: $text_color; +$chrome_menu_bg_color: $menu_bg; +$chrome_menu_fg_color: $fg_color; + +window.background.chromium { + // checked-tab & toolbar & button widgets + background-color: $bg_color; + color: $text_color; + + headerbar.titlebar { + padding: 0 $container_padding * 2; + + button.toggle { // account-button (> 64.0.3282?) + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + + &:hover { @include button(flat-hover); } + &:checked, &:active { @include button(flat-active); } + } + + // from (> 62.0.3202?) + button.titlebutton { // title-buttons + // define global titlebutton class sizing + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; // unset margins + padding: 0 0; + background-size: 16px 16px; + color: transparent; // hide stock icons + border: none; + } + } + + // FIXME: not for actual button widgets but for toolbar's separators + // crazy: src/+/master/chrome/browser/ui/libgtkui/ + button { // for active-tab borders + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + border-color: $solid_borders_color; + background-color: $chrome_bg_color; + color: $chrome_fg_color; + } + + entry.chromium { + &, &:focus { // overrides standard borders + border-image: none; + color: $chrome_fg_color; + } + + background-color: rgba($chrome_fg_color, 0.06); + } + + // internal region of toolbar's entry widget + > textview.view, textview { + background-color: rgba($chrome_fg_color, 0.06); + color: $chrome_fg_color; + } + + > menubar { background-color: $header_bg; } + + menu { + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: 0; + border: 1px solid if($variant == 'light', $solid_borders_color, $header_border); + + menuitem { + border-radius: 0; + } + } +} + +// +// Libre-Office +// +window.background:not(.solid-csd) { + // reserved area at the most-right side of GtkMenuBar + > grid.horizontal > grid.horizontal { + background-color: $header_bg; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + + > button.flat.small-button { + // 'close' button + color: $header_fg; + border: none; + border-radius: 50px; + background-image: none; + + &:hover { + background-color: lighten($header_bg, 15%); + color: lighten($header_fg, 5%); + } + + &:active, + &:checked { + background-color: rgba(red, 0.65); + color: white; + } + + &:disabled { + color: rgba($header_fg, 0.6); + } + } + } +} + +window.background:not(.solid-csd) { + // for 'Notebookbar' toolbar + > notebook { + border: none; // unset borders + background-color: $base_color; + box-shadow: none; + + > stack { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + } + } +} + +#combobox.linked { + > button.combo { + &, &:checked { + border-radius: 0 $bt_radius $bt_radius 0; + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + } +} + +// +// Tilix +// + +// in-line titlebars +widget > box.terminal-titlebar { + padding: 0 6px; + + > button.flat.popup.toggle { + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + + &:dir(ltr) { padding-right: 6px; } + &:dir(rtl) { padding-left: 6px; } + + &:hover, &:checked, &:active { + border-radius: 0; + } + + &:checked, &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.05); + color: $fg_color; + } + } + + > button.image-button { // 'plus' and 'close' + &, &.toggle { + margin: 2px 0; + padding: 0; + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + // -gtk-outline-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } +} + +list.tilix-session-sidebar { + // use -image property instead + background-image: image($dark_sidebar_bg); + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + + button.tilix-sidebar-close-button { + min-height: 28px; + min-width: 28px; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + border-radius: 100px; + // -gtk-outline-radius: 100px; + background-color: $destructive_color; + &, &:hover, &:active, &:checked { color: white; } + + &:hover { background-color: lighten($destructive_color, 10%); } + + &:active, + &:checked { background-image: image(darken($destructive_color, 10%)); } + } +} + +$tilix_bg: if($variant == 'light', #ffffff, #151515); + +window.background.csd { + > box.horizontal > stack { + > box.vertical > notebook > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + + > overlay > notebook > stack > .tilix-background { + background-color: $tilix_bg; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > .tilix-background { + background-color: $tilix_bg; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + .tilix-terminal-scrolledwindow { + padding-bottom: $wm_radius; + background-color: $tilix_bg; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + + > vte-terminal { + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > box.horizontal > stack { + > box.vertical > notebook > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } +} + +notebook.tilix-background { + > header { + > tabs > tab { + button.tilix-small-button { + padding: 0; // not use ? + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Lollypop +// +window.background.csd { + > grid.vertical > overlay > grid.vertical { + > grid.horizontal { + > .sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + } + + > paned.horizontal > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; + } + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > grid.vertical > overlay > grid.vertical { + > grid.horizontal { + > .sidebar { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + + > paned.horizontal > stack { + border-bottom-right-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } + } + } + + revealer.default-banner { + > overlay > box > { + background-color: rgba(white, 0.06); + &, image { color: rgba(white, 0.85); } + + &:focus { + &, image { color: white; } + background-color: rgba(white, 0.1); + } + } + } +} + +// +// Inkscape +// + +toolbar#SubToolBox { + min-height: 36px; + + entry, button { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: 6px; + } + + > toolbutton > button.flat { + margin-left: 2px; + margin-right: 2px; + } +} + +box#SubToolbox { + background-color: $base_color; +} + +widget#ToolboxCommon { + background-color: $base_color; + + button.flat { + &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); + } + + &:checked { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + } + } + + > #CommandsToolbox { + border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > toolbar { + background: none; + border: none; + } + } + + > toolbar#ToolToolbar { // Left side toolbar + background-color: $bg_color; + border-right: 1px solid $borders_color; + } + + // > toolbar > toolitem > button.flat, // Left side + > toolbar > toolbutton > button.flat { // Right side + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + } +} + +// Right side toolbar +box#SnapToolbox { + background-color: $bg_color; + border-left: 1px solid $borders_color; + + > toolbar { + background-color: transparent; + + > toolbutton > button.flat { // Right side + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + } + } +} + +box#DesktopStatusBar { + spinbutton, button.combo, button.flat { + margin-top: $container_padding * 1.5; + margin-bottom: $container_padding * 1.5; + } +} + +scrolledwindow#DialogNotebook { + > viewport.frame { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + + button.close-button { + margin: 4px 0; + border-radius: $circular_radius; + + &, &:hover, &:active { background-color: transparent; } + } + + notebook.frame { margin-top: -1px; } + } +} + +grid#CanvasGrid { + .background & > button:not(.flat) { + @extend %flat_button; + border-radius: 3px; + + &:active { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.25); + } + + &:checked { + background-color: rgba($fg_color, 0.15); + } + } +} + +dialog.background { + > box.dialog-vbox > filechooser { + > actionbar > revealer > box > box > box > combobox { + margin-top: 28px; + margin-bottom: 28px; + } + } +} + +// +// Synaptic +// +window > box.vertical > box.horizontal { + > toolbar { + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + + toolitem > box { + label, + entry { + min-height: 20px; + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; + font-size: 90%; + } + + > label { color: $fg_color; } + } + } + + > widget { background-color: transparent; } +} + +// +// Pamac +// +window.background > box.vertical > overlay > stack > scrolledwindow.frame { + border: none; + + > viewport.frame > box.vertical > stack > scrolledwindow { + border-top: 1px solid $borders_color; + } +} + +// +// vala-panel +// +window#ValaPanel.background { + widget.-vala-panel-background { + > separator { // separator applet + background: none; + } + } + + button.flat.-panel-button, + button#tasklist-button.toggle.flat, + button.flat.-panel-icon-button { + @extend %panel_button; + } +} + +// vala-panel-appmenu +menubar.-vala-panel-appmenu-private, // xfce4 appmenu plugin +menubar.-vala-panel-background { + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + + > menuitem { + color: $panel_fg; + font-weight: normal; + + &:hover { + color: $panel_fg; + background-color: rgba($panel_fg, 0.2); + } + + &:disabled { + color: transparentize($panel_fg, 0.6); + } + + // > window.background.popup > decoration, + // > window.background.popup > menu { border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; } + } +} + +// +// xapp stutas icon menu +// +.xapp-status-icon-menu-window { + > decoration { + box-shadow: 0 5px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 8px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), $wm_outline; + transition: none; + margin: 0; + } + + > menu { + padding: $container_padding; + + separator { + margin: 0; + border-bottom: none; + } + + > menuitem { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + > window > decoration { + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; + margin: 0; + } + } + } +} + +// +// Drawing +// + +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical > box.horizontal > notebook.frame { + border: none; + } +} + +// +// Cinnamon setting +// + +frame.view list > row { + button.gtkstyle-fallback { + padding: $container_padding; + + > image { border-radius: 3px; } + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_nemo.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_nemo.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bed8e56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_nemo.scss @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +// +// Nemo +// +.nemo-desktop.nemo-canvas-item { + @extend %nautilus-desktop-canvas-item; +} + +.nemo-window.background { + .nemo-places-sidebar { + &.frame { border-width: 0; } + + .places-treeview { + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bg-color: $dark_solid_borders_color; + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-fg-color: lighten($progress_color, 5%); + } + } + + .sidebar { + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + + scrolledwindow.frame { border: none; } // Removed treeview double borders + + .view, row { + background-color: transparent; + color: $dark_sidebar_fg; + @extend %row_activatable; + + &.cell:selected { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $sidebar_theme_color; + } + + &.expander { + color: mix($dark_sidebar_fg, $dark_sidebar_bg, 50%); + + &:hover { color: $dark_sidebar_fg; } + } + } + } + + paned > separator { background-image: image($solid_borders_color); } + + .nemo-window-pane { + widget.entry { // Rename entry + border: 2px solid if($variant =='light', $entry_highlight, $selected_bg_color); + background-color: $entry_bg; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + box-shadow: none; + + &:selected { + @extend %selected_items; + + &:focus { @extend %selected_items; } + } + } + + treeview.view { // Treeview rename entry + &, &:selected { + entry { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + > notebook { + background-color: $base_color; + + infobar > revealer > box { border-bottom: 1px solid $borders_color; } + + box.vertical > separator { background: none; } + } + } + + .toolbar { + > button { + margin-top: 2px; + margin-bottom: 2px; + @extend %flat_button; + } + } + + .primary-toolbar { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + border: none; + color: $header_fg; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px $borders_color; + background-color: $header_bg; + + button { + @extend %headerbar_buttons; + padding: 0 $container_padding + 2px; + margin: 6px 1px; + } + + entry { + @extend %headerbar_entrys; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + padding: 2px 10px; + } + + .linked.raised > button { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + // Pathbar + .linked.path-bar { + > button, > button.image-button { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } + } + + // Floating Bar + .floating-bar { + padding: 2px; + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + + &.bottom.left { + border-top-right-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + &.bottom.right { + border-top-left-radius: $bt_radius; + } + + button { + border: none; + border-radius: 3px; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + @extend %undecorated_button; + @extend %selected-button; + } + } +} + +menu#background, +menu#selection, +.nemo-window menu { + padding: 6px; + + menuitem { + margin: 0; + } +} + +// Cinnamon setting +.view.cs-category-view { border-bottom-right-radius: $wm_radius; } diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_unity.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_unity.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d65eb1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_unity.scss @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +// Decorations +UnityDecoration { + -UnityDecoration-extents: 28px 1px 1px 1px; + -UnityDecoration-input-extents: 10px; + + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-x: 0px; + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-y: 6px; + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-radius: 12px; + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-radius: 7px; + + -UnityDecoration-glow-size: 10px; + -UnityDecoration-glow-color: $selected_bg_color; + + -UnityDecoration-title-indent: 10px; + -UnityDecoration-title-fade: 35px; + -UnityDecoration-title-alignment: 0.0; + + &.background { border-radius: $wm_radius; background-color: transparent; } + + .top { + border: 1px solid $borders_color; + border-bottom-width: 0; + border-radius: $wm_radius $wm_radius 0 0; + padding: 1px 6px 0 6px; + + background-color: $header_bg; + color: $header_fg; // The foreground color will be used to paint the text + + box-shadow: inset 0 1px lighten($header_bg, 3%); + + &:backdrop { + border-bottom-width: 0; + //background-image: _solid(opacify($header_bg_backdrop, 1)); + color: transparentize($header_fg, 0.3); + } + } + .left, .right, .bottom, + .left:backdrop, .right:backdrop, .bottom:backdrop { + background-color: $borders_color; + } +} + +// Panel Style +UnityPanelWidget, +.unity-panel { + background-color: rgba($panel_bg, 0.95); + color: lighten($panel_fg, 20%); + box-shadow: none; + + &:backdrop { color: lighten($panel_fg, 1%); } +} + +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem:hover, +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem *:hover { + border-radius: 0; + color: $selected_fg_color; + background-image: _solid($selected_bg_color); + border-bottom: none; +} + +// Unity Greeter { + background-image: none; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.6); + border-color: transparentize(white, 0.2); + border-radius: 4px; + padding: 1px; + color: white; +} + +.lightdm-combo .menu { + background-color: lighten($header_bg, 8); + border-radius: 0px; + padding: 0px; + color: $header_fg; +} + .menuitem *, .menuitem.check:active, { + color: white; +} + +.lightdm.menubar { + color: transparentize(white, 0.2); + background-image: none; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.5); + + & > .menuitem { + padding: 2px 6px; + } +} + +.lightdm-combo.combobox-entry .button, +.lightdm-combo .cell, +.lightdm-combo .button, +.lightdm-combo .entry, +.lightdm.button, +.lightdm.entry { + background-image: none; + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.7); + border-color: transparentize(white, 0.6); + border-radius: 10px; + padding: 7px; + color: white; + text-shadow: none; +} + +.lightdm.button, +.lightdm.button:hover, +.lightdm.button:active, +.lightdm.button:active:focus, +.lightdm.entry, +.lightdm.entry:hover, +.lightdm.entry:active, +.lightdm.entry:active:focus { + background-image: none; + border-image: none; +} + +.lightdm.button:focus, +.lightdm.entry:focus { + border-color: transparentize(white, 0.9); + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + color: white; +} + +.lightdm.entry:selected { + background-color: transparentize(white, 0.2); +} + +.lightdm.entry:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("process-working-symbolic"); + animation: dashentry_spinner 1s infinite linear; +} + +.lightdm.option-button { + padding: 2px; + background: none; + border: 0; +} + +.lightdm.toggle-button { + background: none; + border-width: 0; + + &.selected { + background-color: transparentize(black, 0.3); + border-width: 1px; + } +} + +@keyframes dashentry_spinner { + to { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); + } +} diff --git a/src/sass/gtk/apps/_xfce.scss b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_xfce.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d3a488 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sass/gtk/apps/_xfce.scss @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +// +// Xfce4 +// +$text_shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26), + 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32), + 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); + +.XfceHeading { + border: 0 none transparent; + background-color: $bg_color; + color: $fg_color; +} + +.xfce4-panel.background { + background-color: $panel_bg; + color: $panel_fg; + font-weight: 700; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + + &, // unset borders + frame > border { border-width: 0; } + + ࿎PanelWindow { // main panel container >= 4.13.3? + // FIXME: unneeded 1px borders are reserved by its code itself + border: none; + + &, &.marching-ants { transition: none; } // unset transitions + } + + button, button.flat { + font-weight: 700; + @extend %panel_button; + // -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + + &#launcher-arrow { // launcher applet + // FIXME: quite weird pseudo-classe transitions, especially :hover + // state can't be cleared properly ( -> an upstream issue) + &, + button.toggle { + &:hover { box-shadow: none; } // hide indicators + } + + + button.toggle:checked { // 'arrow' toggle button + color: $selected_bg_color; + box-shadow: none; + } + } + + ﳤ-notification-plugin { + padding: 0 1px; // for 4.12.2 + } + + // &#whiskermenu-button { + // &:active, &:checked { + // } + // } + } + + menu { + font-weight: 400; // for enforcing regular weight + text-shadow: none; + } + + menubar.-vala-panel-appmenu-private { // xfce4 appmenu plugin + > menuitem { + font-weight: normal; + } + } + + widget.tasklist { + > button.toggle { + font-weight: 400; + @extend %panel_button; + // -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + } + } +} + +XfdesktopIconView.view { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + background: transparent; + color: $selected_fg_color; + text-shadow: $text_shadow; + + &:active, &:checked { + background-color: $selected_bg_color; + color: $selected_fg_color; + text-shadow: none; + } + + .rubberband { + @extend %rubberband; + border-radius: 0; + } +} + +window#whiskermenu-window { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + + { background-color: $base_color; } + + // Need to set Whisker menu background opacity less than 100 + > frame > border { + border-radius: $wm_radius; + padding: 6px; + margin: 6px; + border: none; + background-color: if($trans == 'false', $bg_color, rgba($bg_color, 0.95)); + box-shadow: 0 3px 3px 0 $wm_shadow, + inset 0 0 0 1px $header_highlight, + $wm_outline; + } + + box.categories > { // sidebar categories button + padding: $container_padding / 2 $container_padding; + margin: 1px 0; + + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.12), rgba(white, 0.12)); } + + &:checked, &:active { + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.2), rgba(white, 0.2)); + color: $fg_color; + + &:hover { background-image: none; } + } + } + + scrolledwindow.frame { // App list (tree) + padding: $container_padding / 2; + background-color: $base_color; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + treeview.view { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + + &:not(:hover):not(:selected) { background: none; } + + &:selected:hover { + background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.1), rgba(white, 0.1)); + color: $fg_color; + } + } + + // iconview.view { border-radius: 0; } + } + + .title-area > .commands-area > button.flat.command-button { // Bottom command buttons + &:checked, &:active { + background-color: if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.25), rgba(white, 0.25)); + color: $fg_color; + } + } +} + +// Thunar +window.background.csd.thunar { + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal > scrolledwindow.frame.sidebar.shortcuts-pane { + border-bottom-left-radius: $wm_radius; + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + + treeview.view:not(:hover):not(:selected) { + background-color: transparent; + } + } + + &.maximized, &.tiled, &.fullscreen { + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal > scrolledwindow.frame.sidebar.shortcuts-pane { + border-bottom-left-radius: $maximized_radius; + } + } +} + +window.thunar { + > grid.horizontal > paned.horizontal { + > scrolledwindow.frame.sidebar.shortcuts-pane { + border-top: none; + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + + treeview.view { + background-color: $dark_sidebar_bg; + + &:hover { background-color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(black, 0.08), rgba(white, 0.08)); } + + &:selected, &:selected:hover, &:active:hover { + color: $fg_color; + background-color: $sidebar_theme_color; + } + } + } + + > separator { + background-image: image($solid_borders_color); + } + } + + toolbar#location-toolbar { + border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border; + + button.path-bar-button, + button.flat { + @include button(header-normal); + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + border-radius: $bt_radius; + min-height: 28px; + + &:hover { @include button(header-hover); } + + &:checked { @include button(header-checked); } + + &:active { @include button(header-active); } + + &:disabled { @include button(header-insensitive); } + + &:disabled:active, &:disabled:checked { @include button(header-insensitive-active); } + } + + > toolbutton#open-parent > button.image-button.flat:not(.toggle) { + margin-left: 10px; + } + + > toolbutton#open-home > button.image-button.flat:not(.toggle) { + margin-right: 10px; + } + + // FIXME: need to unset for weird allocation height + entry { + min-height: if($variant == 'light', 22px, 24px); + } + } + + > grid > toolbar > toolitem > widget > box > entry { + min-height: if($variant == 'light', 22px, 24px); + margin-left: $container_padding / 2; // Not use! + -gtk-icon-style: symbolic; + } + + notebook { + // hide unneeded border + stack > scrolledwindow.frame.standard-view { + border-top-width: 0; + border-right-width: 0; + } + + // an allocation height of label node affects to close button's + // image height (it's quite weird). + tab.reorderable-page > box > label { min-height: 0; } + } + + > grid > paned > grid > notebook > .standard-view { + > .view { + border-radius: $bt_radius; + } + } +} + + +// +// Xfsm dialog +// +dialog.xfsm-logout-dialog { + border: 1px solid if($variant=='light', rgba(black, 0.15), rgba(black, 0.75)); + box-shadow: none; +} + + +// +// mousepad +// + +window.background.csd { + > box.vertical > notebook > stack > scrolledwindow.frame { + border: none; + + > textview { + background-color: $base_color; + + > text { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0 0 $wm_radius $wm_radius; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3a09d5d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env bash + +# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example +# instead of using 'ls blabla', use 'ls "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"' +# +# WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead, +# for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla ) +# +# SUGGESTION: Please don't put any dependency installation here + +############################################################################### +# VARIABLES & HELP # +############################################################################### + +readonly REPO_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -m "${0}")")" +source "${REPO_DIR}/shell/" + +# Customization, default values +colors=("${COLOR_VARIANTS[@]}") +opacities=("${OPACITY_VARIANTS[@]}") + +usage() { + # Please specify their default value manually, some of them are come from _variables.scss + # You also have to check and update them regurally + helpify_title + helpify "[GDM theme]" "options" ".................." "" + helpify "-g, --gdm" "[default|x2]" "Install '${THEME_NAME}' theme for GDM (scaling: 100%/200%, default is 100%)" "Requires to run this shell as root" + helpify "-o, --opacity" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM theme opacity variants" "Default is 'normal'" + helpify "-c, --color" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${COLOR_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM and Dash to Dock theme color variants" "Default is 'light'" + helpify "-t, --theme" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${THEME_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM theme accent color" "Default is BigSur-like theme" + helpify "-N, --no-darken" "" "Don't darken '${THEME_NAME}' GDM theme background image" "" + helpify "-n, --no-blur" "" "Don't blur '${THEME_NAME}' GDM theme background image" "" + helpify "-b, --background" "[default|blank|IMAGE_PATH]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM theme background image" "Default is BigSur-like wallpaper" + helpify "-p, --panel-opacity" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM (GNOME Shell) theme panel transparency" "Default is 15%" + helpify "-P, --panel-size" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${PANEL_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' Gnome shell panel height size" "Default is 32px" + helpify "-i, --icon" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${ICON_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set '${THEME_NAME}' GDM (GNOME Shell) 'Activities' icon" "Default is 'standard'" + helpify "--nord, --nordcolor" "" "Install '${THEME_NAME}' Nord ColorScheme themes" "" + + helpify "[Others]" "options" ".................." "" + helpify "-f, --firefox" "[default|monterey|alt]" "Install '${THEME_NAME}|Monterey|Alt' theme for Firefox and connect it to the current Firefox profiles" "Default is ${THEME_NAME}" + helpify "-e, --edit-firefox" "" "Edit '${THEME_NAME}' theme for Firefox settings and also connect the theme to the current Firefox profiles" "" + + helpify "-F, --flatpak" "" "Connect '${THEME_NAME}' theme to Flatpak" "" + #helpify "-s, --snap" "" "Connect '${THEME_NAME}' theme the currently installed snap apps" "" + helpify "-d, --dash-to-dock" "" "Fixed Dash to Dock theme issue" "" + + helpify "-r, --remove, --revert" "" "Revert to the original themes, do the opposite things of install and connect" "" + helpify "--silent-mode" "" "Meant for developers: ignore any confirm prompt and params become more strict" "" + helpify "-h, --help" "" "Show this help" "" +} + +############################################################################### +# MAIN # +############################################################################### + +#-----------------------------PARSE ARGUMENTS---------------------------------# + +echo + +while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + # Don't show any dialog here. Let this loop checks for errors or shows help + # We can only show dialogs when there's no error and no -r parameter + # + # * shift for parameters that have no value + # * shift 2 for parameter that have a value + # + # Please don't exit any error here if possible. Let it show all error warnings + # at once + + case "${1}" in + # Parameters that don't require value + -r|--remove|--revert) + uninstall='true'; shift ;; + --silent-mode) + full_sudo "${1}"; silent_mode='true'; shift ;; + -h|--help) + need_help="true"; shift ;; + -f|--firefox|-e|--edit-firefox) + case "${1}" in + -f|--firefox) + firefox="true" ;; + -e|--edit-firefox) + edit_firefox="true" ;; + esac + + for variant in "${@}"; do + case "${variant}" in + default) + shift 1 + ;; + monterey) + monterey="true" + name="Monterey" + shift 1 + ;; + alt) + monterey="true" + alttheme="true" + name="Monterey" + shift 1 + ;; + esac + done + + if ! has_command firefox && ! has_command firefox-bin && ! has_flatpak_app org.mozilla.firefox && ! has_snap_app firefox && ! has_command firefox-developer-edition; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: There's no Firefox installed in your system" + has_any_error="true" + elif [[ ! -d "${FIREFOX_DIR_HOME}" && ! -d "${FIREFOX_FLATPAK_DIR_HOME}" && ! -d "${FIREFOX_SNAP_DIR_HOME}" ]]; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: Firefox is installed but not yet initialized." + prompt -w "'${1}': Don't forget to close it after you run/initialize it" + has_any_error="true" + elif pidof "firefox" &> /dev/null || pidof "firefox-bin" &> /dev/null; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: Firefox is running, please close it" + has_any_error="true" + fi; shift ;; + -F|--flatpak) + flatpak="true"; signal_exit + + if ! has_command flatpak; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: There's no Flatpak installed in your system" + has_any_error="true" + fi; shift ;; +# -s|--snap) +# snap="true"; + +# if ! has_command snap; then +# prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: There's no Snap installed in your system" +# has_any_error="true" +# fi; shift ;; + -g|--gdm) + gdm="true"; full_sudo "${1}" + showapps_normal="true" # use normal showapps icon + background="default" + + for variant in "${@}"; do + case "${variant}" in + default) + shift 1 + ;; + x2) + scale="x2" + shift 1 + ;; + esac + done + + if ! has_command gdm && ! has_command gdm3 && [[ ! -e /usr/sbin/gdm3 ]]; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: There's no GDM installed in your system" + has_any_error="true" + fi; shift ;; + -d|--dash-to-dock) + if [[ ! -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_HOME}" && ! -d "${DASH_TO_DOCK_DIR_ROOT}" ]]; then + prompt -e "'${1}' ERROR: There's no Dash to Dock installed in your system" + has_any_error="true" + else + dash_to_dock="true" + fi; shift ;; + -N|--no-darken) + no_darken="true"; shift ;; + -n|--no-blur) + no_blur="true"; shift ;; + -l|--libadwaita) + libadwaita="true"; shift ;; + --nord|--nordcolor) + colorscheme="-nord"; shift ;; + # Parameters that require value, single use + -b|--background) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -i|--icon) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -p|--panel-opacity) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -P|--panel-size) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -o|--opacity) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -c|--color) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + -t|--theme) + check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;; + *) + prompt -e "ERROR: Unrecognized tweak option '${1}'." + has_any_error="true"; shift ;; + esac +done + +finalize_argument_parsing + +#---------------------------START INSTALL THEMES-------------------------------# + +if [[ "${uninstall}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -w "REMOVAL: Non file-related parameters will be ignored. \n" + + if [[ "${gdm}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "${firefox}" == 'true' || "${edit_firefox}" == 'true' || "${flatpak}" == 'true' || "${snap}" == 'true' || "${dash_to_dock}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -e "Do not run this option with '--gdm' \n" + else + prompt -i "Removing '${name}' GDM theme... \n" + revert_gdm_theme + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' GDM theme has been removed. \n" + fi + fi + +# if [[ "${snap}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then +# prompt -i "Disconnecting '${name}' theme from your installed snap apps... \n" +# disconnect_snap +# prompt -s "Done! '${name}' theme has been disconnected from your snap apps.\n" +# fi + + if [[ "${flatpak}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Disconnecting '${name}' theme from your Flatpak... \n" + disconnect_flatpak + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' theme has been disconnected from your Flatpak. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${dash_to_dock}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Revert Dash to Dock theme... \n" + revert_dash_to_dock_theme + prompt -s "Done! Dash to Dock theme has reverted to default. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${firefox}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Removing '${name}' Firefox theme... \n" + remove_firefox_theme + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' Firefox theme has been removed. \n" + fi +else + show_needed_dialogs; customize_theme + + if [[ "${gdm}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "${firefox}" == 'true' || "${edit_firefox}" == 'true' || "${flatpak}" == 'true' || "${snap}" == 'true' || "${dash_to_dock}" == 'true' ]]; then + prompt -e "Do not run this option with '--gdm' \n" + else + prompt -i "Installing '${name}' GDM theme... \n" + install_gdm_theme + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' GDM theme has been installed. \n" + fi + fi + +# if [[ "${snap}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then +# prompt -i "Connecting '${name}' theme to your installed snap apps... \n" +# connect_snap +# prompt -s "Done! '${name}' theme has been connected to your snap apps. \n" +# fi + + if [[ "${flatpak}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Connecting '${name}' themes to your Flatpak... \n" + connect_flatpak + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' theme has been connected to your Flatpak. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${dash_to_dock}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Fix Dash to Dock theme issue... \n" + fix_dash_to_dock + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' Dash to Dock theme has been fixed. \n" + prompt -w "DASH TO DOCK: You may need to logout to take effect. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${firefox}" == 'true' || "${edit_firefox}" == 'true' ]]; then + if [[ "${firefox}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Installing '${name}' Firefox theme... \n" + install_firefox_theme + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' Firefox theme has been installed. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${edit_firefox}" == 'true' && "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -i "Editing '${name}' Firefox theme preferences... \n" + edit_firefox_theme_prefs + prompt -s "Done! '${name}' Firefox theme preferences has been edited. \n" + fi + + if [[ "${gdm}" != 'true' ]]; then + prompt -w "FIREFOX: Please go to [Firefox menu] > [Customize...], and customize your Firefox to make it work. Move your 'new tab' button to the titlebar instead of tab-switcher." + prompt -i "FIREFOX: Anyway, you can also edit 'userChrome.css' and 'customChrome.css' later in your Firefox profile directory. \n" + fi + fi +fi + +if [[ "${firefox}" == "false" && "${edit_firefox}" == "false" && "${flatpak}" == "false" && "${gdm}" == "false" && "${dash_to_dock}" == "false" && "${libadwaita}" == "false" ]]; then + prompt -e "Oops... there's nothing to tweak..." + prompt -i "HINT: Don't forget to define which component to tweak, e.g. '--gdm'" + prompt -i "HINT: Run ./ -h for help!... \n" +fi