# šŸ¤HIRE US FOR FULL INSTALLATIONšŸ¤ Contact Info: archan.fiem.it@gmail.com, hk.sainaga@gmail.com # Installation Guide(First Phase): We will install and configure all of the components First and will move to Integrating them one by one. ## Elasticsearch-Kibana: - SSH into your VM created for Elastic SIEM - Run below commands to spin up elasticseach and kibana using docker. (Note- If any of the below utilities doesn't exists, use "sudo apt install " ) ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install docker-compose sudo apt install docker.io cd / wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archanchoudhury/SOC-OpenSource/main/codes/elk/docker-compose.yml?token=AMFWN76WO6EJP3LVF5DVHNLBWN7KQ sudo docker-compose up -d ``` - Run below to check if the host is listening on 9200, 5601 to confirm the service ```bash netstat -ltpnd ``` - Now access the Kibana Console from your browser using this- http://Public_IP_ofEc2:5601 ## TheHive: - You can follow the detailed documentation **[HERE](https://docs.thehive-project.org/thehive/installation-and-configuration/installation/step-by-step-guide/)** ## Cortex - SSH into the EC2 VM created for Cortex - You can follow the detailed documentation **[HERE](https://github.com/TheHive-Project/CortexDocs/blob/master/installation/install-guide.md#elasticsearch-installation)** ## MISP - You can refer the clear installation Steps [HERE](https://misp.github.io/MISP/INSTALL.ubuntu2004/) - For setting up the MISP for first time, watch the tutorial [HERE](https://youtu.be/gSzop2pKM1I)