- Run below to check if the host is listening on 9200, 5601 to confirm the service
netstat -ltpnd
- Now access the Kibana Console from your browser using this- http://Public_IP_ofEc2:5601
## TheHive:
- You can follow the detailed documentation **[HERE](https://docs.thehive-project.org/thehive/installation-and-configuration/installation/step-by-step-guide/)**
## Cortex
- SSH into the EC2 VM created for Cortex
- You can follow the detailed documentation **[HERE](https://github.com/TheHive-Project/CortexDocs/blob/master/installation/install-guide.md#elasticsearch-installation)**
- You can refer the clear installation Steps [HERE](https://misp.github.io/MISP/INSTALL.ubuntu2004/)
- For setting up the MISP for first time, watch the tutorial [HERE](https://youtu.be/gSzop2pKM1I)