LiteVault - User/Password management in encrypted Vault
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2023-08-10 13:03:27 +02:00
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LiteVault - A lite vault for personal use

│ LiteVault - User/Password management in encrypted Vault - Ver.3.2  │
  SINTAX: ./ --ACTION parameter ...
    Show help
    List of all account names
    Create new vault file: /home/luisgulo/.LiteVault.gpg
    CAUTION: ¡The old one will be removed!
  --create --account <ACCOUNT> -mk <MasterKey> 
    CREATE new account in LiteVault
  --show [-t|--token] <TOKEN> -mk <MasterKey> 
    SHOW Login and assword of the account with that token
  --show -t <TOKEN> [-l|--login] [-p|--password] -mk <MasterKey>
    SHOW only Login or Password of the account with that token
  --update [-t|--token] <TOKEN> -mk <MasterKey> 
    UPDATE account (Login and Password) of the indicated token
  --delete --token <TOKEN> -mk <MasterKey> 
    DELETE account with the indicated token
  NOTE: Use -mk <MasterKey> to use the decryption key                 
        Otherwise it will be requested by console                     


  1. Clone this Repo

  2. Generate your personal CypherPassword (CyPass) with: gpg --gen-random --armor 1 50| tr -dc 'A-za-z0-9';echo'

    • Replace 'INTERNALCIPHERKEY' with the value obtained in CyPass
    • Store the CyPass value in a safe place (for emergencies only)
  3. Compile and obfuscate this script using the shc program (included): ./bin/shc -r -f -o LiteVault

  4. Use only the binary program created and delete the script


You can use the precompiled version of LiteVault, ready to use.
But you don't have the 'MasterKey' available.
It is recommended to shc generate your own version of LiteVault !