Cleanup and changed current branch priority if there are uncommited changes

This commit is contained in:
Abdelilah El Aissaoui 2024-02-01 10:03:21 +01:00
parent 1476295415
commit a7d40638ab
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 7587FC860F594869
12 changed files with 96 additions and 835 deletions

View file

@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.extensions.isTag
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter
import javax.inject.Inject
@ -19,9 +14,12 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
firstCommit: RevCommit,
allRefs: List<Ref>,
stashes: List<RevCommit>,
hasUncommittedChanges: Boolean,
commitsLimit: Int?,
): GraphCommitList2 = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val reservedLanes = mutableMapOf<Int, String>()
val graphNodes = mutableListOf<GraphNode2>()
var maxLane = 0
val availableCommitsToAdd = mutableMapOf<String, RevCommit>()
@ -42,21 +40,21 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
var currentCommit = getNextCommit(availableCommitsToAdd.values.toList())
if (hasUncommittedChanges) {
reservedLanes[0] =
while (currentCommit != null) {
while (currentCommit != null && (commitsLimit == null || graphNodes.count() <= commitsLimit)) {
val lanes = getReservedLanes(reservedLanes,
val lane = lanes.first()
val forkingLanes = lanes - lane
val isStash = stashes.any { it == currentCommit }
val parents = sortParentsByPriority(git, currentCommit).run {
if(isStash) {
filterNot { it.shortMessage.startsWith("index on") }
} else {
val parents = sortParentsByPriority(git, currentCommit)
val parentsCount = parents.count()
val mergingLanes = mutableListOf<Int>()
@ -72,24 +70,22 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
val currentCommitName =
val refs = refsByCommit(refsWithCommits, currentCommit)
val graphNode = GraphNode2(
val graphNode = createGraphNode(
currentCommit = currentCommit,
isStash = isStash,
lane = lane,
forkingLanes = forkingLanes,
passingLanes = reservedLanes.keys.toList() - mergingLanes.toSet() - forkingLanes.toSet(),
reservedLanes = reservedLanes,
mergingLanes = mergingLanes,
refs = refs,
refs = refs
if (lane > maxLane) {
maxLane = lane
@ -99,9 +95,32 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
GraphCommitList2(graphNodes, maxLane)
private fun createGraphNode(
currentCommit: RevCommit,
isStash: Boolean,
lane: Int,
forkingLanes: List<Int>,
reservedLanes: MutableMap<Int, String>,
mergingLanes: MutableList<Int>,
refs: List<Ref>
) = GraphNode2(,
isStash = isStash,
lane = lane,
forkingLanes = forkingLanes,
passingLanes = reservedLanes.keys.toList() - mergingLanes.toSet() - forkingLanes.toSet(),
mergingLanes = mergingLanes,
refs = refs,
private fun refsByCommit(
refsWithCommits: List<Pair<RevCommit, Ref>>,
commit: RevCommit
@ -128,47 +147,18 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
} else {
parents.sortedBy { it.committerIdent.`when` }
// parents.sortedWith { o1, o2 ->
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
// }
// val parentsWithPriority = mapOf<RevCommit, Int>()
// if ("Merge")) {
// val originMergeParent = parents.firstOrNull {
// currentCommit.fullMessage.contains(it.shortMessage)
// }
// if (originMergeParent != null) {
// (parents - currentCommit) + currentCommit // this will remove the currentItem and re-add it to the end
// } else
// }
fun t(commit1: RevCommit, commit2: RevCommit, repository: Repository): RevCommit? {
return RevWalk(repository).use { walk ->
fun List<RevCommit>.filterStashParentsIfRequired(isStash: Boolean): List<RevCommit> {
return if (isStash) {
filterNot {
it.shortMessage.startsWith("index on") ||
it.shortMessage.startsWith("untracked files on")
} else {
// fun getShortestParent(parent1: RevCommit, parent2: RevCommit) {
// val logParent1 = mutableListOf<String>(
// val logParent2 = mutableListOf<String>(
// var newParent1: RevCommit? = parent1
// var newParent2: RevCommit? = parent2
// while (newParent1 != null && newParent2 != null) {
// }
// }
fun getNextCommit(availableCommits: List<RevCommit>): RevCommit? {
return availableCommits.sortedByDescending { it.committerIdent.`when` }.firstOrNull()
@ -223,3 +213,10 @@ class GenerateLogWalkUseCase @Inject constructor() {
sealed interface ReservationType {
val hash: String
class ParentInSameLane(override val hash: String): ReservationType
class ParentInVariableLane(override val hash: String): ReservationType

View file

@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommitList
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk
import java.text.MessageFormat
import java.util.*
* An ordered list of [GraphNode] subclasses.
* Commits are allocated into lanes as they enter the list, based upon their
* connections between descendant (child) commits and ancestor (parent) commits.
* The source of the list must be a [GraphWalk]
* and [.fillTo] must be used to populate the list.
* type of lane used by the application.
</L> */
class GraphCommitList : RevCommitList<GraphNode>() {
private var positionsAllocated = 0
private val freePositions = TreeSet<Int>()
private val activeLanes = HashSet<GraphLane>(32)
var maxLine = 0
private set
/** number of (child) commits on a lane */
private val laneLength = HashMap<GraphLane, Int?>(
override fun clear() {
positionsAllocated = 0
override fun source(revWalk: RevWalk) {
if (revWalk !is GraphWalk) throw ClassCastException(
private var parentId: AnyObjectId? = null
private val graphCommit = UncommittedChangesGraphNode()
fun addUncommittedChangesGraphCommit(parent: RevCommit) {
parentId =
graphCommit.lane = nextFreeLane()
override fun enter(index: Int, currCommit: GraphNode) {
var isUncommittedChangesNodeParent = false
if ( == parentId) {
graphCommit.graphParent = currCommit
currCommit.addChild(graphCommit, addFirst = true)
isUncommittedChangesNodeParent = true
val nChildren = currCommit.childCount
if (nChildren == 0) {
currCommit.lane = nextFreeLane()
} else if (nChildren == 1
&& currCommit.children[0].graphParentCount < 2
) {
// Only one child, child has only us as their parent.
// Stay in the same lane as the child.
val graphNode: GraphNode = currCommit.children[0]
currCommit.lane = graphNode.lane
var len = laneLength[currCommit.lane]
len = if (len != null) Integer.valueOf(len.toInt() + 1) else Integer.valueOf(0)
if (currCommit.lane.position != INVALID_LANE_POSITION)
laneLength[currCommit.lane] = len
} else {
// We look for the child lane the current commit should continue.
// Candidate lanes for this are those with children, that have the
// current commit as their first parent.
// There can be multiple candidate lanes. In that case the longest
// lane is chosen, as this is usually the lane representing the
// branch the commit actually was made on.
// When there are no candidate lanes (i.e. the current commit has
// only children whose non-first parent it is) we place the current
// commit on a new lane.
// The lane the current commit will be placed on:
var reservedLane: GraphLane? = null
var childOnReservedLane: GraphNode? = null
var lengthOfReservedLane = -1
if (isUncommittedChangesNodeParent) {
val length = laneLength[graphCommit.lane]
if (length != null) {
reservedLane = graphCommit.lane
childOnReservedLane = graphCommit
lengthOfReservedLane = length
} else {
val children = currCommit.children.sortedBy { it.lane.position }
for (i in 0 until nChildren) {
val c: GraphNode = children[i]
if (c.getGraphParent(0) === currCommit) {
if (c.lane.position < 0)
println("c.lane.position is invalid (${c.lane.position})")
val length = laneLength[c.lane]
// we may be the first parent for multiple lines of
// development, try to continue the longest one
if (length != null && length > lengthOfReservedLane) {
reservedLane = c.lane
childOnReservedLane = c
lengthOfReservedLane = length
if (reservedLane != null) {
currCommit.lane = reservedLane
laneLength[reservedLane] = Integer.valueOf(lengthOfReservedLane + 1)
handleBlockedLanes(index, currCommit, childOnReservedLane)
} else {
currCommit.lane = nextFreeLane()
handleBlockedLanes(index, currCommit, null)
// close lanes of children, if there are no first parents that might
// want to continue the child lanes
for (i in 0 until nChildren) {
val graphNode = currCommit.children[i]
val firstParent = graphNode.getGraphParent(0)
if (firstParent.lane.position != INVALID_LANE_POSITION && firstParent.lane !== graphNode.lane)
if (currCommit.parentCount == 0 && currCommit.lane.position == INVALID_LANE_POSITION)
private fun continueActiveLanes(currCommit: GraphNode) {
for (lane in activeLanes) {
if (lane !== currCommit.lane) {
* Sets up fork and merge information in the involved PlotCommits.
* Recognizes and handles blockades that involve forking or merging arcs.
* @param index
* the index of `currCommit` in the list
* @param currentNode
* @param childOnLane
* the direct child on the same lane as `currCommit`,
* may be null if `currCommit` is the first commit on
* the lane
private fun handleBlockedLanes(
index: Int, currentNode: GraphNode,
childOnLane: GraphNode?
) {
for (child in currentNode.children) {
if (child === childOnLane) continue // simple continuations of lanes are handled by
// continueActiveLanes() calls in enter()
// Is the child a merge or is it forking off?
val childIsMerge = child.getGraphParent(0) !== currentNode
if (childIsMerge) {
var laneToUse = currentNode.lane
laneToUse = handleMerge(
index, currentNode, childOnLane, child,
} else {
// We want to draw a forking arc in the child's lane.
// As an active lane, the child lane already continues
// (unblocked) up to this commit, we only need to mark it as
// forking off from the current commit.
val laneToUse = child.lane
// Handles the case where currCommit is a non-first parent of the child
private fun handleMerge(
index: Int, currCommit: GraphNode,
childOnLane: GraphNode?, child: GraphNode, laneToUse: GraphLane
): GraphLane {
// find all blocked positions between currCommit and this child
var newLaneToUse = laneToUse
var childIndex = index // useless initialization, should
// always be set in the loop below
val blockedPositions = BitSet()
for (r in index - 1 downTo 0) {
val graphNode: GraphNode? = get(r)
if (graphNode === child) {
childIndex = r
addBlockedPosition(blockedPositions, graphNode)
// handle blockades
if (blockedPositions[newLaneToUse.position]) {
// We want to draw a merging arc in our lane to the child,
// which is on another lane, but our lane is blocked.
// Check if childOnLane is beetween commit and the child we
// are currently processing
var needDetour = false
if (childOnLane != null) {
for (r in index - 1 downTo childIndex + 1) {
val graphNode: GraphNode? = get(r)
if (graphNode === childOnLane) {
needDetour = true
if (needDetour) {
// It is childOnLane which is blocking us. Repositioning
// our lane would not help, because this repositions the
// child too, keeping the blockade.
// Instead, we create a "detour lane" which gets us
// around the blockade. That lane has no commits on it.
newLaneToUse = nextFreeLane(blockedPositions)
} else {
// The blockade is (only) due to other (already closed)
// lanes at the current lane's position. In this case we
// reposition the current lane.
// We are the first commit on this lane, because
// otherwise the child commit on this lane would have
// kept other lanes from blocking us. Since we are the
// first commit, we can freely reposition.
val newPos = getFreePosition(blockedPositions)
newLaneToUse.position = newPos
// Actually connect currCommit to the merge child
drawLaneToChild(index, child, newLaneToUse)
return newLaneToUse
* Connects the commit at commitIndex to the child, using the given lane.
* All blockades on the lane must be resolved before calling this method.
* @param commitIndex
* @param child
* @param laneToContinue
private fun drawLaneToChild(
commitIndex: Int, child: GraphNode,
laneToContinue: GraphLane
) {
for (index in commitIndex - 1 downTo 0) {
val graphNode: GraphNode? = get(index)
if (graphNode === child) break
private fun closeLane(lane: GraphLane) {
if (activeLanes.remove(lane)) {
private fun setupChildren(currCommit: GraphNode) {
val nParents = currCommit.parentCount
for (i in 0 until nParents) (currCommit.getParent(i) as GraphNode).addChild(currCommit)
private fun nextFreeLane(blockedPositions: BitSet? = null): GraphLane {
val newPlotLane = GraphLane(position = getFreePosition(blockedPositions))
laneLength[newPlotLane] = Integer.valueOf(1)
return newPlotLane
* @param blockedPositions
* may be null
* @return a free lane position
private fun getFreePosition(blockedPositions: BitSet?): Int {
if (freePositions.isEmpty()) return positionsAllocated++
if (blockedPositions != null) {
for (pos in freePositions) if (!blockedPositions[pos]) {
return pos
return positionsAllocated++
val min = freePositions.first()
return min.toInt()
private fun addBlockedPosition(
blockedPositions: BitSet,
graphNode: GraphNode?
) {
if (graphNode != null) {
val lane = graphNode.lane
// Positions may be blocked by a commit on a lane.
if (lane.position != INVALID_LANE_POSITION) {
// Positions may also be blocked by forking off and merging lanes.
// We don't consider passing lanes, because every passing lane forks
// off and merges at it ends.
for (graphLane in graphNode.forkingOffLanes) {
for (graphLane in graphNode.mergingLanes) {
fun calcMaxLine() {
if (this.isNotEmpty()) {
maxLine = this.maxOf { it.lane.position }

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
class GraphCommitList2(val nodes: List<GraphNode2>) : List<GraphNode2> by nodes {
var maxLine = 0
private set
data class GraphCommitList2(
val nodes: List<GraphNode2>,
val maxLane: Int
) : List<GraphNode2> by nodes

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
class GraphLane(var position: Int = 0)

View file

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
private val NO_CHILDREN = arrayOf<GraphNode>()
private val NO_LANES = arrayOf<GraphLane>()
private val NO_LANE = GraphLane(INVALID_LANE_POSITION)
val NO_REFS = listOf<Ref>()
open class GraphNode(id: AnyObjectId?) : RevCommit(id), IGraphNode {
var forkingOffLanes: Array<GraphLane> = NO_LANES
var passingLanes: Array<GraphLane> = NO_LANES
var mergingLanes: Array<GraphLane> = NO_LANES
var lane: GraphLane = NO_LANE
var children: Array<GraphNode> = NO_CHILDREN
var refs: List<Ref> = NO_REFS
var isStash: Boolean = false
fun addForkingOffLane(graphLane: GraphLane) {
forkingOffLanes = addLane(graphLane, forkingOffLanes)
fun addPassingLane(graphLane: GraphLane) {
passingLanes = addLane(graphLane, passingLanes)
fun addMergingLane(graphLane: GraphLane) {
mergingLanes = addLane(graphLane, mergingLanes)
fun addChild(c: GraphNode, addFirst: Boolean = false) {
when (val childrenCount = children.count()) {
0 -> children = arrayOf(c)
1 -> {
if (![0].id)) {
children = if (addFirst) {
arrayOf(c, children[0])
} else
arrayOf(children[0], c)
else -> {
for (pc in children)
if (
val resultArray = if (addFirst) {
val childList = mutableListOf(c)
} else {
children.copyOf(childrenCount + 1).run {
this[childrenCount] = c
children = resultArray
val childCount: Int
get() {
return children.size
override fun reset() {
forkingOffLanes = NO_LANES
passingLanes = NO_LANES
mergingLanes = NO_LANES
children = NO_CHILDREN
lane = NO_LANE
private fun addLane(graphLane: GraphLane, lanes: Array<GraphLane>): Array<GraphLane> {
var newLines = lanes
when (val linesCount = newLines.count()) {
0 -> newLines = arrayOf(graphLane)
1 -> newLines = arrayOf(newLines[0], graphLane)
else -> {
val n = newLines.copyOf(linesCount + 1).run {
this[linesCount] = graphLane
newLines = n
return newLines
override val graphParentCount: Int
get() = parentCount
override fun getGraphParent(nth: Int): GraphNode {
return getParent(nth) as GraphNode

View file

@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.*
* Specialized RevWalk to be used for load data in a structured way to be displayed in a graph of commits.
class GraphWalk(private var repository: Repository?) : RevWalk(repository) {
private var additionalRefMap: MutableMap<AnyObjectId, Set<Ref>>? = HashMap()
private var reverseRefMap: MutableMap<AnyObjectId, Set<Ref>>? = null
init {
super.sort(RevSort.TOPO, true)
override fun dispose() {
if (reverseRefMap != null) {
reverseRefMap = null
if (additionalRefMap != null) {
additionalRefMap = null
repository = null
override fun sort(revSort: RevSort, use: Boolean) {
require(!(revSort == RevSort.TOPO && !use)) {
super.sort(revSort, use)
override fun createCommit(id: AnyObjectId): RevCommit {
return GraphNode(id)
fun createCommitFromStash(id: AnyObjectId): RevCommit {
return GraphNode(id).apply {
isStash = true
override fun next(): RevCommit? {
val c =
val graphNode = c as GraphNode?
if (graphNode != null) {
val refs = getRefs(graphNode)
graphNode.refs = refs
return graphNode
private fun getRefs(commitId: AnyObjectId): List<Ref> {
val repository = this.repository
var reverseRefMap = this.reverseRefMap
var additionalRefMap = this.additionalRefMap
if (reverseRefMap == null && repository != null && additionalRefMap != null) {
reverseRefMap = repository.allRefsByPeeledObjectId
this.reverseRefMap = reverseRefMap
for (entry in additionalRefMap.entries) {
val refsSet = reverseRefMap[entry.key]
var additional = entry.value.toMutableSet()
if (refsSet != null) {
if (additional.size == 1) {
// It's an unmodifiable singleton set...
additional = HashSet(additional)
reverseRefMap[entry.key] = additional
additionalRefMap = null
this.additionalRefMap = additionalRefMap
requireNotNull(reverseRefMap) // This should never be null
val refsSet = reverseRefMap[commitId]
?: return NO_REFS
val tags = refsSet.toList()
return tags
fun markStartAllRefs(prefix: String) {
repository?.let { repo ->
for (ref in repo.refDatabase.getRefsByPrefix(prefix)) {
if (ref.isSymbolic) continue
fun markStartFromStashes(stashes: List<RevObject>) {
for (stash in stashes) {
private fun markStartRef(ref: Ref) {
try {
val refTarget = parseAny(ref.leaf.objectId)
} catch (e: MissingObjectException) {
// Ignore missing Refs
private fun markStartRevObject(refTarget: RevObject) {
try {
when (refTarget) {
is RevCommit -> markStart(refTarget)
// RevTag case handles commits without branches but only tags.
is RevTag -> {
if (refTarget.`object` is RevCommit) {
val commit = lookupCommit(refTarget.`object`)
} else {
println("Tag ${refTarget.tagName} is pointing to ${refTarget.`object`::class.simpleName}")
} catch (e: MissingObjectException) {
// Ignore missing Refs
internal inner class GraphRefComparator : Comparator<Ref> {
override fun compare(o1: Ref, o2: Ref): Int {
try {
val obj1 = parseAny(o1.objectId)
val obj2 = parseAny(o2.objectId)
val t1 = timeOf(obj1)
val t2 = timeOf(obj2)
if (t1 > t2) return -1
if (t1 < t2) return 1
} catch (e: IOException) {
// ignore
var cmp = kind(o1) - kind(o2)
if (cmp == 0)
cmp =
return cmp
private fun timeOf(revObject: RevObject): Long {
if (revObject is RevCommit) return revObject.commitTime.toLong()
if (revObject is RevTag) {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
return 0
val who = revObject.taggerIdent
return who?.getWhen()?.time ?: 0
return 0
private fun kind(r: Ref): Int {
if ( return 0
if ( return 1
return if ( 2 else 3

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
interface IGraphNode {
val graphParentCount: Int
fun getGraphParent(nth: Int): GraphNode

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
class UncommittedChangesGraphNode : GraphNode(ObjectId(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
var graphParent: GraphNode? = null
override val graphParentCount: Int
get() = 1 // Uncommitted changes can have a max of 1 parent commit
override fun getGraphParent(nth: Int): GraphNode {
return requireNotNull(graphParent)

View file

@ -2,77 +2,37 @@ package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.log
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GenerateLogWalkUseCase
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphWalk
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList2
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.stash.GetStashListUseCase
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.ensureActive
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlin.math.log
class GetLogUseCase @Inject constructor(
private val getStashListUseCase: GetStashListUseCase,
private val generateLogWalkUseCase: GenerateLogWalkUseCase,
) {
private var graphWalkCached: GraphWalk? = null
suspend operator fun invoke(git: Git, currentBranch: Ref?, hasUncommittedChanges: Boolean, commitsLimit: Int) =
suspend operator fun invoke(git: Git, hasUncommittedChanges: Boolean, commitsLimit: Int?) =
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val logList = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().toList()
val allRefs = git.repository.refDatabase.refs.filterNot { } // remove stash as it only returns the latest, we get all afterward
val firstCommit = logList.firstOrNull()
val allRefs =
git.repository.refDatabase.refs.filterNot { } // remove stash as it only returns the latest, we get all afterward
val stashes = getStashListUseCase(git)
return@withContext generateLogWalkUseCase(git, logList.first(), allRefs, stashes)
// val commitList = GraphCommitList()
// val repositoryState = git.repository.repositoryState
// if (currentBranch != null || repositoryState.isRebasing) { // Current branch is null when there is no log (new repo) or rebasing
// val logList = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().toList()
// val walk = GraphWalk(git.repository)
// walk.use {
// // Without this, during rebase conflicts the graph won't show the HEAD commits (new commits created
// // by the rebase)
// walk.markStart(walk.lookupCommit(logList.first()))
// walk.markStartAllRefs(Constants.R_HEADS)
// walk.markStartAllRefs(Constants.R_REMOTES)
// walk.markStartAllRefs(Constants.R_TAGS)
//// walk.markStartAllRefs(Constants.R_STASH)
// if (hasUncommittedChanges)
// commitList.addUncommittedChangesGraphCommit(logList.first())
// commitList.source(walk)
// commitList.fillTo(commitsLimit)
// }
// ensureActive()
// }
// commitList.calcMaxLine()
// return@withContext commitList
return@withContext if (firstCommit == null) {
GraphCommitList2(emptyList(), 0)
} else {
private fun cachedGraphWalk(repository: Repository): GraphWalk {
val graphWalkCached = this.graphWalkCached
return if (graphWalkCached != null) {
} else {
val newGraphWalk = GraphWalk(repository)
this.graphWalkCached = newGraphWalk

View file

@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.AppIcons
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.extensions.*
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList2
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode2
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.workspace.StatusSummary
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.keybindings.KeybindingOption
@ -147,18 +145,18 @@ private fun LogLoaded(
// LaunchedEffect(verticalScrollState, commitList) {
// launch {
// logViewModel.focusCommit.collect { commit ->
// scrollToCommit(verticalScrollState, commitList, commit)
// }
// }
// launch {
// logViewModel.scrollToUncommittedChanges.collect {
// scrollToUncommittedChanges(verticalScrollState, commitList)
// }
// }
// }
LaunchedEffect(verticalScrollState, commitList) {
launch {
logViewModel.focusCommit.collect { commit ->
scrollToCommit(verticalScrollState, commitList, commit)
launch {
logViewModel.scrollToUncommittedChanges.collect {
scrollToUncommittedChanges(verticalScrollState, commitList)
@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ private fun LogLoaded(
if (graphWidth.value < CANVAS_MIN_WIDTH) graphWidth = CANVAS_MIN_WIDTH.dp
val maxLinePosition = if (commitList.isNotEmpty())
@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ private fun LogLoaded(
suspend fun scrollToCommit(
verticalScrollState: LazyListState,
commitList: GraphCommitList,
commitList: GraphCommitList2,
commit: RevCommit?,
) {
val index = commitList.indexOfFirst { == commit?.name }
@ -321,7 +319,7 @@ suspend fun scrollToCommit(
suspend fun scrollToUncommittedChanges(
verticalScrollState: LazyListState,
commitList: GraphCommitList,
commitList: GraphCommitList2,
) {
if (commitList.isNotEmpty())

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.ui.log
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode2
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref

View file

@ -3,15 +3,12 @@ package com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.viewmodels
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.extensions.delayedStateChange
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.extensions.shortName
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.extensions.simpleName
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.RefreshType
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.TabState
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.TaskEvent
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.branches.*
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphCommitList2
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.graph.GraphNode2
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.log.*
import com.jetpackduba.gitnuro.git.rebase.RebaseBranchUseCase
@ -150,14 +147,14 @@ class LogViewModel @Inject constructor(
val commitsLimit = if (appSettings.commitsLimitEnabled) {
} else
val commitsLimitDisplayed = if (appSettings.commitsLimitEnabled) {
} else
val log = getLogUseCase(git, currentBranch, hasUncommittedChanges, commitsLimit)
val log = getLogUseCase(git, hasUncommittedChanges, commitsLimit)
_logStatus.value =
LogStatus.Loaded(hasUncommittedChanges, log, currentBranch, statusSummary, commitsLimitDisplayed)