* New translations activities.php (French) * New translations entities.php (Turkish) * New translations entities.php (Swedish) * New translations errors.php (Swedish) * New translations pagination.php (Swedish) * New translations passwords.php (Swedish) * New translations settings.php (Swedish) * New translations validation.php (Swedish) * New translations auth.php (Turkish) * New translations common.php (Turkish) * New translations errors.php (Turkish) * New translations common.php (Swedish) * New translations settings.php (Turkish) * New translations validation.php (Turkish) * New translations activities.php (Ukrainian) * New translations auth.php (Ukrainian) * New translations common.php (Ukrainian) * New translations components.php (Ukrainian) * New translations entities.php (Ukrainian) * New translations errors.php (Ukrainian) * New translations components.php (Swedish) * New translations auth.php (Swedish) * New translations passwords.php (Ukrainian) * New translations settings.php (Russian) * New translations settings.php (Polish) * New translations validation.php (Polish) * New translations activities.php (Russian) * New translations auth.php (Russian) * New translations common.php (Russian) * New translations components.php (Russian) * New translations entities.php (Russian) * New translations errors.php (Russian) * New translations passwords.php (Russian) * New translations validation.php (Russian) * New translations activities.php (Swedish) * New translations activities.php (Slovak) * New translations auth.php (Slovak) * New translations common.php (Slovak) * New translations components.php (Slovak) * New translations entities.php (Slovak) * New translations errors.php (Slovak) * New translations pagination.php (Slovak) * New translations passwords.php (Slovak) * New translations settings.php (Slovak) * New translations validation.php (Slovak) * New translations pagination.php (Ukrainian) * New translations settings.php (Ukrainian) * New translations pagination.php (Polish) * New translations passwords.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations settings.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations validation.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations activities.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations auth.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations common.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations components.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations entities.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations errors.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations pagination.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations settings.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations errors.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations validation.php (Spanish, Argentina) * New translations activities.php (German Informal) * New translations auth.php (German Informal) * New translations common.php (German Informal) * New translations components.php (German Informal) * New translations entities.php (German Informal) * New translations errors.php (German Informal) * New translations pagination.php (German Informal) * New translations passwords.php (German Informal) * New translations settings.php (German Informal) * New translations entities.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations validation.php (Ukrainian) * New translations activities.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations activities.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations auth.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations common.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations components.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations entities.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations errors.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations pagination.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations passwords.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations settings.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations validation.php (Chinese Simplified) * New translations auth.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations components.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations common.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations components.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations entities.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations errors.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations pagination.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations passwords.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations settings.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations validation.php (Chinese Traditional) * New translations activities.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations auth.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations common.php (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations passwords.php (Polish) * New translations errors.php (Polish) * New translations auth.php (French) * New translations validation.php (Czech) * New translations validation.php (Arabic) * New translations auth.php (Czech) * New translations common.php (Czech) * New translations entities.php (Czech) * New translations errors.php (Czech) * New translations pagination.php (Czech) * New translations settings.php (Czech) * New translations activities.php (German) * New translations passwords.php (Arabic) * New translations auth.php (German) * New translations common.php (German) * New translations components.php (German) * New translations entities.php (German) * New translations errors.php (German) * New translations pagination.php (German) * New translations passwords.php (German) * New translations settings.php (German) * New translations validation.php (German) * New translations settings.php (Arabic) * New translations pagination.php (Arabic) * New translations common.php (Hungarian) * New translations common.php (Spanish) * New translations common.php (French) * New translations components.php (French) * New translations entities.php (French) * New translations errors.php (French) * New translations pagination.php (French) * New translations passwords.php (French) * New translations settings.php (French) * New translations validation.php (French) * New translations errors.php (Arabic) * New translations settings.php (Spanish) * New translations validation.php (Spanish) * New translations activities.php (Arabic) * New translations auth.php (Arabic) * New translations common.php (Arabic) * New translations components.php (Arabic) * New translations entities.php (Arabic) * New translations auth.php (Hungarian) * New translations entities.php (Polish) * New translations common.php (Dutch) * New translations common.php (Korean) * New translations components.php (Korean) * New translations entities.php (Korean) * New translations errors.php (Korean) * New translations pagination.php (Korean) * New translations passwords.php (Korean) * New translations settings.php (Korean) * New translations validation.php (Korean) * New translations activities.php (Dutch) * New translations auth.php (Dutch) * New translations components.php (Dutch) * New translations activities.php (Korean) * New translations entities.php (Dutch) * New translations errors.php (Dutch) * New translations pagination.php (Dutch) * New translations passwords.php (Dutch) * New translations settings.php (Dutch) * New translations validation.php (Dutch) * New translations activities.php (Polish) * New translations auth.php (Polish) * New translations common.php (Polish) * New translations components.php (Polish) * New translations auth.php (Korean) * New translations validation.php (Japanese) * New translations entities.php (Hungarian) * New translations errors.php (Italian) * New translations errors.php (Hungarian) * New translations settings.php (Hungarian) * New translations validation.php (Hungarian) * New translations activities.php (Italian) * New translations auth.php (Italian) * New translations common.php (Italian) * New translations components.php (Italian) * New translations entities.php (Italian) * New translations pagination.php (Italian) * New translations settings.php (Japanese) * New translations passwords.php (Italian) * New translations settings.php (Italian) * New translations validation.php (Italian) * New translations activities.php (Japanese) * New translations auth.php (Japanese) * New translations common.php (Japanese) * New translations components.php (Japanese) * New translations entities.php (Japanese) * New translations errors.php (Japanese) * New translations pagination.php (Japanese) * New translations passwords.php (Japanese) * New translations validation.php (German Informal)
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* Validation Lines
* The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
* the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
* as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages here.
return [
// Standard laravel validation lines
'accepted' => 'El :attribute debe ser aceptado.',
'active_url' => 'El :attribute no es una URl válida.',
'after' => 'El :attribute debe ser una fecha posterior :date.',
'alpha' => 'El :attribute solo puede contener letras.',
'alpha_dash' => 'El :attribute solo puede contener letras, números y guiones.',
'alpha_num' => 'El :attribute solo puede contener letras y número.',
'array' => 'El :attribute debe de ser un array.',
'before' => 'El :attribute debe ser una fecha anterior a :date.',
'between' => [
'numeric' => 'El :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max.',
'file' => 'El :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max kilobytes.',
'string' => 'El :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max carácteres.',
'array' => 'El :attribute debe estar entre :min y :max items.',
'boolean' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser true o false.',
'confirmed' => 'La confirmación de :attribute no concuerda.',
'date' => 'El :attribute no es una fecha válida.',
'date_format' => 'El :attribute no coincide con el formato :format.',
'different' => ':attribute y :other deben ser diferentes.',
'digits' => ':attribute debe ser de :digits dígitos.',
'digits_between' => ':attribute debe ser un valor entre :min y :max dígios.',
'email' => ':attribute debe ser una dirección álida.',
'ends_with' => 'El :attribute debe terminar con uno de los siguientes: :values',
'filled' => 'El campo :attribute es requerido.',
'gt' => [
'numeric' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor que :value.',
'file' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor que :value kilobytes.',
'string' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor que :value caracteres.',
'array' => 'El :attribute debe tener más de :value objetos.',
'gte' => [
'numeric' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor o igual a :value.',
'file' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor o igual a :value kilobytes.',
'string' => 'El :attribute debe ser mayor o igual a :value caracteres.',
'array' => 'El :attribute debe tener :value objetos o más.',
'exists' => 'El :attribute seleccionado es inválido.',
'image' => 'El :attribute debe ser una imagen.',
'image_extension' => 'El :attribute debe tener una extensión de imagen válida y soportada.',
'in' => 'El selected :attribute es inválio.',
'integer' => 'El :attribute debe ser un entero.',
'ip' => 'El :attribute debe ser una dirección IP álida.',
'ipv4' => 'El :attribute debe ser una dirección IPv4 válida.',
'ipv6' => 'El :attribute debe ser una dirección IPv6 válida.',
'json' => 'El :attribute debe ser una cadena JSON válida.',
'lt' => [
'numeric' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor que :value.',
'file' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor que :value kilobytes.',
'string' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor que :value caracteres.',
'array' => 'El :attribute debe tener menos de :value objetos.',
'lte' => [
'numeric' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor o igual a :value.',
'file' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor o igual a :value kilobytes.',
'string' => 'El :attribute debe ser menor o igual a :value caracteres.',
'array' => 'El :attribute no debe tener más de :value objetos.',
'max' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute no puede ser mayor que :max.',
'file' => ':attribute no puede ser mayor que :max kilobytes.',
'string' => ':attribute no puede ser mayor que :max carácteres.',
'array' => ':attribute no puede contener más de :max items.',
'mimes' => ':attribute debe ser un fichero de tipo: :values.',
'min' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute debe ser al menos de :min.',
'file' => ':attribute debe ser al menos :min kilobytes.',
'string' => ':attribute debe ser al menos :min caracteres.',
'array' => ':attribute debe tener como mínimo :min items.',
'no_double_extension' => 'El :attribute debe tener una única extensión de archivo.',
'not_in' => ':attribute seleccionado es inválido.',
'not_regex' => 'El formato de :attribute es inválido.',
'numeric' => ':attribute debe ser numérico.',
'regex' => ':attribute con formato inválido',
'required' => ':attribute es requerido.',
'required_if' => ':attribute es requerido cuando :other vale :value.',
'required_with' => 'El campo :attribute es requerido cuando se encuentre entre los valores :values.',
'required_with_all' => 'El campo :attribute es requerido cuando los valores sean :values.',
'required_without' => ':attribute es requerido cuando no se encuentre entre los valores :values.',
'required_without_all' => ':attribute es requerido cuando ninguno de los valores :values están presentes.',
'same' => ':attribute y :other deben coincidir.',
'size' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute debe ser :size.',
'file' => ':attribute debe ser :size kilobytes.',
'string' => ':attribute debe ser :size caracteres.',
'array' => ':attribute debe contener :size items.',
'string' => 'El atributo :attribute debe ser una cadena.',
'timezone' => 'El atributo :attribute debe ser una zona válida.',
'unique' => 'El atributo :attribute ya ha sido tomado.',
'url' => 'El atributo :attribute tiene un formato inválido.',
'uploaded' => 'El archivo no se pudo subir. Puede ser que el servidor no acepte archivos de este tamaño.',
// Custom validation lines
'custom' => [
'password-confirm' => [
'required_with' => 'Confirmación de Password requerida',
// Custom validation attributes
'attributes' => [],